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Posts posted by firespirit44

  1. The Seeker's Last Breath


    The old Seeker did not remember much, as he boarded the Queen's Dawn Revenge with his sworn allies, remembering the horrors of giant bone spikes impaling the ship that has lasted since generations ago; fending of hordes of Undead upon their failed beach landing to save Vanessa Silverhand; to the heroic sacrifice of Majoram in the jaws of Elden; all just to witness the death of the Sunlit Lord Xan in the distant portal. 




    As the final hours of Apotheosis drew close, the searing darkness scarring the veteran's seeker's old soul, his lifeline stripped away as Xan was devoured by Azdromoth. They had won. It was a lifetime of a fight, and it was over. The old human body was held together with rage and guilt, the loss of his patron quickly dissipating his power. He had begged to die and bring some bastard demons with him like the famed Hochmeister Mirtok, only to find himself flung back to the accursed Sunbreak keep once more. A home he did not choose, and hasn't for over 300 years. All for nothing. 

    He asked for Tilruir'tir and Gael to help his failing body to a nearby hill, where he may watch the setting sun. He looked upon those gathered; a mixture of old and new comrades, laying in Tilruir'tir @Bhasedarms as they settled amongst the grass. He choked out his last words to those present, as the azure light faded from the Seeker's eyes.  

    "I'm sorry, Til. I wish I was a better teacher for you, laying out a better journeyman-ship for your Holy Quest, but I know that you embody the spirit of the Sunlit Path well. Thank you for your valiant efforts in getting us out of the Last Light beaches, and your support in disconnecting the dragon-fucker. Tell Brother Stag that I am sorry, that I am honoured to have you as one of my students."


    Some regretful platitudes were exchanged, but Jack could barely make out the words, he just knew they were full of forgiveness. Tilruir'tir always was kind to Jack, despite his sharp elven tongue. He swore to make sure Brother Stag would receive news of this. 

    He then called Hillith Athna @DahStalker over. A children of his Asulon compatriot, Herun Athna. He promised he would watch over her, guide her, and teach her the Athna lineage. It was centuries ago at this point, he hadn't seen here in forever, apart from gifting her his old staff he used, the power from another era. He professed his familial love for her as his adopted grandchild, entrusting her to pass on his relic to someone worthy, and to pick a new fate for the Athna's, no longer Xan's choosen. 


    Richard Othaman @SacredSourceand Gael @Johannwere next, as the two most trusted in this world. He gazed at them with a mixture of bitterness and pain, lashing out at them somewhat cruelly while wheezing and spitting blood. 

    "We lost sons. We ******* lost. Where did we all go wrong, lads? Our plans and preparation were tight. Could we have changed this fate? Had we convinced Sol Invicta, would she have helped stave off this tragedy? Or was it because of our insistence and not uniting with the others? Did our independence curse us to this fate? I know not the answers, and I'm so tired." 


    He was enraged that it had come to this. It should have never come to this, had he been more assertive and able bodied, could he have helped navigated this situation better with them? More allies, more arms, more coordination? He felt the tremendous weight of failure, having lost the war, forcing his trusted hands to shoulder the burden and scarring for their shared failure. He was going to die, but he could not help worry about their futures, to be hunted by the Azdrazi, or worst. Gael and Richard were remorseful, but what's done is done. His only wish for them was to continue living, and that all his meager possessions were theirs to use. 


    This was all for naught, he thought, his rage subsiding as more energy left his body. His eyes could no longer see, glazing white entirely. He thanked Serena @Trinnfor her potions and boomsteel, regretful that it couldn't have been better used. He passed her the last relic he would ever make, unknown if the power would still work without Xan's will in the world. And then there was all but one left, his prodigal student; Crumena  @Heero, or the Prophet and Sage of Kamees as known by some. 


    "Crumena, my prodigal student, the scheming sage, founder of the Luxem Chapter. We did not see eye-to-eye on many things, but you should really be ditching this whole Prophet nonsense. You haven't seen shit in 400 years." He relented for a moment, regret filling him once more as he knows he will be berating his student for the last time. "I didn't expect to go before you. I'm sorry." Excuses from Crumena again, but it was alright. That's just how he was. "You may very well be the last Aegisian left, Crumena Ilwindor. Maybe you can go back to the Mages Guild." More choking, more blood. Time was running out. "If you still hold the ideals of the Sunlit Path in your heart, take the only thing I have left. Take my title of Seeker. And no more Izalith bullshit, you hear me? **** that house."

    A dramatic and loquacious high elf to the end, he compared the dying human to a former highly regarded Ascended named Shoi, but he wasn't really interested in listening. He just hoped that Crumena would keep himself out of trouble, and maybe he would go back to being a mage. At least mages were expected to create trouble, a troublemaking paladin was always a sore point that he had with his first student. 


    As the sun set and the cool winds of night blew across the hilltop, Jack started babbling about himself incoherently. Starting as a namless fisher's son, leading the Oren Rangers, becoming the Grosstrebler of the Teutonic Order, taking the surname Vivaeyn, betraying his Hochmeister Samuel Bealcrest, before finally being branded traitor by Xan. Runic tattoos carved into his face, warning all who approach him that he is never to be trusted, cursing Jack with power and duty to the realm.  How much he hated being a pawn for a God, but knowing that he is duty bound to atone for his sins until his dying breath. He just didn't expect his jailer to die before him, but he would be following soon after. 





    He let out one last heavy sigh, turning his head skywards, seeing absolutely nothing at all. "I did not wish to die so shamefully, but I am going to go on first." 


    He had much more to say, if given enough time, he would have fret over all his students like Anduin, Lucian, Velenius; and /their/ students. He wanted to say goodbye to his non-paladin comrades. He would want the next generation of Not-Paladins to know the challenges that await them, to be prepared to go into hiding, to prepare for the next strike. But he no longer had a duty to anyone or anything. His only duty now, was to rest for eternity. 




    Fun ride, sad I didn't get to blow myself up. Had lots of fun, wish I was in American timezone haha. My first and last character on LOTC, probably. Jack was always meant to be a bit of a Gandalf figure, but I think I was just simply terrible at being mystical, so he ended up being the only old person in a group meant for young hot blooded Paladins. Elves dont count since they can be whatever age they want to be. 


    Jack has OOCLY provided the MA to the following students: 


    1. Crumena Ilwindor
    2. Velenius
    3. Tilruir'tir
    4. Lucian Horen
    5. Icroth Vursur
    6. Diomedes Terin
    7. Anduin Rhys Dering
    8. Eugeo De Astrea

    But many have claimed lessons from him, you know who you are! To those of you who still might have my relics, not sure what the future holds, but hope it served you well. 

  2. 1 hour ago, ScreamingDingo said:

    shut up tabby you stupid banana i eat you i am gru




    eggs benedict for savoury brunch and big stack of panackes for sweet brunch.



    that eggs that we had was overpriced bullshit.

    thoughts on what an ideal ET/ST would look like? 

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Jack Vivyaen


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Dresden De Weiss


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  4. The Post Inferi Feedback Explained


    Average experience level: 7.3/10

    Hey hey all, firespirit44 here. This is the result of the Inferi Feedback form we had people fill out some time ago in 2020 December, after the Inferi eventline concluded. Spanning almost 5 months, it was the most ambitious project the ST had conducted after its newly formed merger.

    We asked the community on what your thoughts on the event was, and here is a summary of insights, compiled by our lovely secretary @Disheartened. For privacy reasons, we will not be naming any names listed in the feedback.



    Good Feedback

    -Allowed the opportunity for character development and killing demons and Gods which made them feel good (11 responses)

    -Large scale CRP was handled very well and the scale of the event in general. (11 responses)

    -Amazing builds (6 responses)

    -The unity that it provided among all players was very immersive and helpful. (4 responses)

    -Systems such as scouting, sabotage, and other missions (3 responses)

    -Appreciate the time and energy put into this (3 responses)

    -Interaction with generals in Korvassa where they could negotiate, go on scouting missions, sabotage stations, create warcamps, etc were very well done (2 responses)

    -The tie-ins with already existing lore such as Urguan’s Hammer. (2 responses)

    -It was very impactful and had everyone talking about it in RP. The world was genuinely affected by it. (2 responses)

    -Someone enjoyed the collaborative RP that was offered in groups like firewatch and also specifically Mordu, Kai, and Heero’s events.(1 response)

    -The opportunity to betray and help the inferi was unique (1 response)

    -Someone mentioned enjoying being offered special ST items to help fight the enemies. (1 response)

    Neutral Feedback / Suggestions

    -More focus on passive events that didn’t progress the main storyline hugely but allow players to get a feel of the actions and maybe feed more info in that way (8 responses)

    -Limit cap sizes on these events. Some players felt that they couldn’t get much character development because of mass emotes and the number of players present (7 responses).

    -Suggestion to have events earlier on in respect for EU players (4 responses)

    -Making events shorter somehow. Events were too long. (3 responses)

    -A refined camping mechanism. Player wishes they’d gotten to experiment with some of the camp operations more and had a bit more hand holding for what their options are. (2 responses)

    -Accurate start times. People couldn’t stay because the event started late and it was drawn out for a long time (1 response).

    -Suggestion to stream the event live somewhere for people to watch if they can’t participate (1 response)

    -Suggestion to add more loot for players to keep as remembrance. (1 response)

    -Suggestion to change the action system because someone didn’t like it. (1 response)

    -Suggestion to listen to the community feedback WHILE the event is taking place rather than after. (1 response)

    -Suggestion for bonuses to magic users in roll based crp. (1 response)

    -Incorporate more scouting and preparation missions. (1 response)

    -Make it so players can acquire weapons to kill inferi or at least make them have obvious weaknesses so players can actually do something against them. (1 response)

    Bad Feedback

    -Better Communication to players and nations (16 responses)

    -Some people felt that some of the ST actors would push their frustrations onto the players and deliberately powergame to get the event over with. (4 responses)

    -Sometimes the event felt like the odds were so stacked against them that it would just be a party-wipe if they tried anything. Other times it felt like they were meant to do nothing and everything would be given to them. They want a middle ground. (4 responses)

    -Better organization by ET (3 responses)

    -The event felt unoriginal and pressured as a means to end the map. (3 responses)

    -Poor pacing where there was not a lot of build up and it was far too drawn out. (3 responses)

    -A lot of events seemed one sided to the empire and no other groups. Haense, Norland, and Urguan got left out. (2 responses)

    -More attention paid to mages. Supposedly the roll system made it difficult for them to get anything done. (2 responses)

    -Someone noticed powergaming by players being allowed by ETs running inferi and they feel that we could have nipped that behaviour and solved it better. (1 response)

    -(Player specific issue) - A soul bound item was taken away from someone, also concerning antagonists growing from 9 to 30 feet, also an entire fleet passing by them overnight where they avoided all blockades and scouts.

    -PvE could have been done better (1 response)




    Good Feedback, explained

    Let me first explore the [Good] Feedback first, the players who rated us very highly. Thank you! We poured a ton of effort into it, I’m glad you all enjoyed and made the most out of developing your characters.

    As seen in so many screenshots, the WT and ST Builders worked tirelessly to prepare the sets we needed in advance and sometimes literally the night before. The macro systems we came up after much feedback and interaction with the Nation leaders, and ultimately we just wanted everyone to be able to participate, be you a guard, random mage, or the King of a Nation. 


    We’re also glad the players banded together, and there was a sense of camaraderie for a bit, until the Firewatch sort of fell apart from its own politicking. But to the players who tried to make it work, hats off to you! Just to clarify, almost every faction got some ‘special lore event/clue/item’ to deal with the Inferi in various formats, but whether the recipients of those events ever communicated that back to their playerbase is another matter entirely. We at the time were only a team of 12 Event STs, there was no way we could reach that wide of a playerbase. 

    Neutral Feedback, explored


    Now the part where things were somewhat iffy. Some I will directly address, some I will simply group as logistical issues.   



    -More focus on passive events that didn’t progress the main storyline hugely but allow players to get a feel of the actions and maybe feed more info in that way (8 responses)


    Now there were actually in total 17 events that were designed to inform players of the Inferi, where they come from, why they are here, what’s this about some crazy God-killing-scheme. It was a creative decision by the team to not release info over the forums to keep players in the loop, but rather placed the responsibility of finding out more to the players. Over the course of 5 months, many serious mentions of the Knights of Malchediel were dropped and hinted at, and many key players were in fact given visions of expositions. The choice for those players to hoard that info and not share it was unfortunately their choice as dynamic roleplay, but we had ‘info stations’ that players could talk to and find out more. Not many people ever asked, even when Knight of Malchediel characters were literally walking the streets.



    -Limit cap sizes on these events. Some players felt that they couldn’t get much character development because of mass emotes and the number of players present (7 responses).


    In 2 different event discords (Firewatch + Last Light), we had devised lots of ‘smaller’ events that were supposed to cater towards these sort of character development events. To those that participated in them, they had kidnappings, daring rescues, sabotages, and a whole host of activities. When it comes to the major CRP events, there’s nothing we can do as a team of 12-15 (Events only, had to even pull in volunteers from Lore). Each ST at one point was handling on average 17 player emotes, and for things like the defence of Aegrothond, I’m sure every single player showed up for that. 


    -Suggestion to have events earlier on in respect for EU players (4 responses)

    I tried, believe me. I only have 2 GMT eventers, and one went on hiatus. Shoutout to @Spoons to being our only GMT eventer at that point. It cant be helped that our pool of ST Events had IRL responsibilities in the day. 


    -A refined camping mechanism. Player wishes they’d gotten to experiment with some of the camp operations more and had a bit more hand holding for what their options are. (2 responses)

    I think this was simply overconfidence on our part that the players would instinctively ‘know’ what to do. Our system sort of placed the burden of an ‘action’ on the Nation leaders, but if the NL had no desire to do anything, players who were interested would be stuck. Its why 2 weeks into the camping system, a neutral ST faction called the Last Light emerged, to encourage players to take actions on their own, and have a predetermined set of adventures ready to go.

    For the record, the ST had been in very close contact with a lot of NLs/Leaderships, who had various reasons for delays and not committing to joining events. We should have definitely simplified the process much more.



    -Make it so players can acquire weapons to kill inferi or at least make them have obvious weaknesses so players can actually do something against them. (1 response)

    We actually wanted players to experiment on them. There were actually almost a dozen instances of ‘researchers’ taking the corpses or blood/soil samples of the battles, and we were going to entertain those players who tried experimenting. Nobody really got back to us. Should we have told the players outright what the weaknesses were, when there was no effort to try and learn about them?

    Any of the other responses I did not talk about had logistical issues that I could not resolve, or were things that already had happened. I was in fact contacted immediately after the Finale of the Inferi event, to complain at why his emotes weren’t being read. Understand that I only had at that point, 9 ST Event staff trying to shepherd some 220 players. And we were already pouring on average 55 hours worth of events a week into the Inferi events, totalling almost 1000 man hours. My staff were all on the verge of a serious burnout. We were running a legitimate events production company with timesheets, rosters, and availability. 



    Bad feedback, acknowledged 

    Now, we explore what made people so upset at the Inferi events. I’ll be addressing these as best as I can, of course.


    Better Communication to players and nations (16 responses)

    Yes, I 100% agree. The ST themselves did not have a structure on how this should have proceeded, and we did several PR blunders of our own. In the end a rocky structure of ‘just message ScreamingDingo’ worked out, but it could definitely have been better with more channels and avenues, perhaps a designated Event Account Manager for each faction.


    -Some people felt that some of the ST actors would push their frustrations onto the players and deliberately powergame to get the event over with. (4 responses)

    This was actually an internal issue. I won't give the full details, but a fair number of ST staff have actually been reprimanded over these instances. We’re all human, and we make mistakes sometimes. We have addressed the issue, and we hope that you can just consider the matter resolved.


    -Sometimes the event felt like the odds were so stacked against them that it would just be a party-wipe if they tried anything. Other times it felt like they were meant to do nothing and everything would be given to them. They want a middle ground. (4 responses)

    A very tricky compromise, I understand. But the players have to understand 1 thing, that I feel that a lot of them dont get when participating in any event. The outcome of an event is almost 50% in the preparation for the event. The tools, the items, and the party composition influence HEAVILY on what you are able to do in the heat of fighting/of an event. A party of knights without any resistance to poison would 100% fail at the acid spitting giant bugs.

    If the ‘do-nothing’ was in reference to the retake of Al’Faiz, there was actually a mission that involved arming the slaves to rebel against the Inferi and open the gates. So this was in the case of an event influencing the outcome of a major battle beforehand. If it was for the Finale, well it was a bloody uphill battle anyways. I personally wanted something much fiercer, but we had a 3 hour deadline to meet.

    A middle ground would require a lot more involvement of the players, to reach out to us and plan with us. We were stretched to the very edges already, we could not have done any more events to create that middle ground feeling.



    -The event felt unoriginal and pressured as a means to end the map. (3 responses)

    Apparently we have had claims that the Inferi were a direct copy of Warhammer 40k (Something everyone from management has never played before). The main architect behind the theme was from Rift, and it was using available LOTC lore after studying the forums. It was hilariously never meant to be the map end event, but as a local antagonist. But the swarm of players dying made it ramped up. We were at a cross road of should we or should we not use it as a map end. In the end we rolled with using it as map end.

    I think this feedback is unfair in the sense you can always point things as being unoriginal, but elves aren't original. The Naztherak lore was made in 2016 by the players, and we are using what they have written as a form of homage to them. 



    -Poor pacing where there was not a lot of build up and it was far too drawn out. (3 responses)

    If I had perhaps gotten maybe 20 more ST Events, I could have done something. I was almost accepting anyone with a pulse at one point. By the time applicants were coming in, the Inferi event was winding down, so there was no need for that many this late into the event.

    Think about it. For an event to be immersive and felt, we follow the rule of advertising. You need to have heard of something 3 times; with your eyes, with your ears, and with your touch/nose/taste (We’ll go with ‘touch/interaction’ in this case). And imagine we had one for every single mini event. And so towards the middle of the Inferi campaign, we devised a system of ‘pre-event’, ‘event’, ‘post-event’. The events felt much more natural after that.



    -A lot of events seemed one sided to the empire and no other groups. Haense, Norland, and Urguan got left out. (2 responses)

    Norland actually had a fair amount of events. They did a good job on organizing with us. But guys, where are your camps? Camping in a ‘safe spot’ will also mean that nothing ever happened to those camps. You guys should have gone full starship trooper and did a front line sorta thing, and just endure the fun balance of almost losing the camp and defending it. It’s only a camp after all. Empire coordinated more with us, that was the simple reality of the situation.


    -More attention paid to mages. Supposedly the roll system made it difficult for them to get anything done. (2 responses)

    We treated the mages just like you would any sword swing and in line with regular combat rolls as mentioned in Techlock.


    -Someone noticed powergaming by players being allowed by ETs running inferi and they feel that we could have nipped that behaviour and solved it better. (1 response)

    The Inferi could not ‘corrupt’ players to boost their powers or anything of the sort. There was also no weapon that dropped that could give them that power. I need a bit more detail on that context.


    -PvE could have been done better (1 response)

    What PVE? We had no PVE. Mob AI turns off on high server loads.

    • -(Player specific issue) - A soul bound item was taken away from someone, also concerning antagonists growing from 9 to 30 feet, also an entire fleet passing by them overnight where they avoided all blockades and scouts.

    I was expecting this of course. Keep in mind that soulbinding is an ooc mechanic, that serves to block player vs player conflict and in a small way pay-2-win. We would have done the same if a Shade strolled up with their shadehearts, and say ‘You cant damage it, its soulbinded to my inventory slot’. What was the RP reasoning behind knowing that the item was impossible to be taken away? That was literally a suicide mission.

    Bathrugman got very antsy and misread the script. We yelled at him afterwards for that stunt. He apologizes for stomping away.

    Entire fleet passing was a miscommunication that we resolved weeks ago by ScreamingDingo.


    Final thoughts

    Overall, the community gave us a final score of 7.3/10. It’s not too bad, a B- in my eyes. Were there things we could have done better? 100%. Did we try our very hardest to achieve something from concept to execution and closure? 100%. Did we get blindsided by unforeseen circumstances that left the campaign in shambles? Amazingly, this had to be the first time ever, but 0%.

    This was a 100%, a pure ST production, from start to finish, with the blessings of all the admins involved. They were given a script to look over and ask questions, and we got it approved around July. That’s when the meteors fell, after all.

    I will also reveal there were at time intense disagreements even in the ST on how the event was being run. We all had our own visions of what made a good event, what made a good campaign, and we honestly disagreed a lot privately in our chats. But this difference in creative opinion is part of any team, especially something as large as a server wide event. And it helps showcase different styles of narration. I honestly think this was the most ambitious event the ST has ever done since its inception on the server, and getting a B- for your first time is good enough for me.

    I hope that future STs will be able to learn from this, and understand how to scale events, and to avoid the same pitfalls that we faced. But in the end, we created the Inferi concept as a giant testing ground for future events, and proving concepts. So from the bottom of my heart, I thank the players and the STs for their contribution to making the Inferi as enjoyable as it was.




    Credits to the following people who were integral to the event




    Story Team Events and Lore:







    STs who are no longer with us


    Special thanks to other teams




  5. On 1/4/2021 at 9:14 PM, Hephaestus said:

    I hope you're good and well, and wish you all the best for the future. It was good working with you whilst I was on the ST/ET, however unfortunately short my tenure was. Take it easy.


    21 hours ago, Shmeepicus said:

    Never really got to speak with you personally but only ever heard good things from others. Good luck in the future and god speed. Thanks for the time you've committed over the last year. 

    Many thanks for the wishes you two. 



    18 hours ago, BathRugMan said:

    AhHhhHhhHhh I love u please don’t leave I swear I’ll work on ur cathedral ;( Even if u leave I hope we keep in touch


    anyways about ama, proudest accomplishments, biggest regrets?


    is your sister single?


    favourite st memory?

    Please for the love of god bath I just want your sunken cathedral with its sundial and I want to do the event I've been waiting for 6 years holy ****


    Proudest accomplishment was definitely the legacy of the ET I left behind. Inferi second, Setherien 3rd. Biggest regret was being too trusting to merrymoogle for sure. I trusted him, and he ratted me out haha. It was a shame. 

    She's got a nice bf, soz son

    My fav ST moments are actually non ST work related at all. Whether it be playing jackbox, or some weird late night talks, or even the auction house, the times when we were just joking are my favourites. I love the craziness that the ST brings, its very familiar and friendly. The ST on its own is really a community, bounded in other ways than work. 

  6. 3 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:

    This is a post I knew that was coming and really didn't want to acknowledge it. Talking between each other and screaming how we'd both quit was really just a veiled attempt to keep contact with you. I appreciate you as being essentially one of my first 'RP' mentors in the White Rose and LotC as a whole. You and Paul essentially created my enjoyment of roleplay and crafted me into the roleplayer and writer that I am today. I still remember that 15 year old me was annoying the **** out of you to try and learn how to blacksmith under Arkus before I got gacked and team-killed over some drama. (Was when I first learned to PK too lol)

    Working with you has been a great experience for me and the team as a whole. You bring the fun in documentation and the ability to let people flourish on their own creative pursuits no matter what. We have very stark differences when it comes to a majority of things but we overall agree with the same goal for this server, its just a shame that we never both got to step up and really drive that goal home together before everything blew over.

    You owe me a nice dinner and I owe you a good night out when you come back down to Melbourne, the hilarity of knowing that you could've potentially served me food once makes me laugh and reminisce on a variety of things. Mainly my hatred for Heero and what I believed he did to corrupt my poor rolemodel back in the day. Overall I really hope we stay in touch no matter what, even without this server I hope to play games occasionally and keep you updated with everything.

    Okay, now I need to actually answer this thread with some questions.

    1. If you could change the thematic direction of Paladins, what would your 'perfect' version look like?

    2. What do you regret about the Setherien Eventline?

    3. Your favourite cut of meat and why? (To cook AND to eat)

    4. If you could alter one 'event' or big moment in LotC's history (RP wise), what would you change?

    I do remember Arkus trying to teach now, it was a small memory so I didn't pay too much attention to it, haha. And yeah you getting team killed was kinda hilarious back then, think you disobeyed one too many orders or something, memories are fuzzy. Glad to see you have grown up now and taking charge of such quality events and being a real pillar in the community. 

    I dont find documentation fun. Documentation is actually a way of investing in the present for less work in the future. Imagine if you had to read 5 different briefs with each a different format, it would be so annoying having to clarify back and forth what's missing. It's like giving homework without rules. And can you imagine if we ever tried to do some continuity for an event whom's ET had already left the server? Trying to trace it would be a nightmare. Trying to interloop events is the hardest part for the ET because there isn't any documentation, and the Inferi only worked because you and I were constantly on top of everything. Now imagine being in charge of the world, where you are aware of every single event produced. If you can do it without documentation, hats off to your mega brain. Besides, starting things with templates cuts down production time by soooo much. 

    As for the stepping up part, I'm honestly glad with the outcome of the Inferi. I think the production was good, it really utilized a lot of lore pieces. I wish there was more exposition of course, but overall I think that was a good mass production event. Had we scaled it to 20-30 people instead, I'm sure the stories would have been incredibly rich, with more tools and points at our disposal, but that's just how it is when it comes to a literal server wide event. I hope to participate in Zarsies stuff in the future (probably what, 6 months down the line? I dont mind waiting), so maybe I can see for once what the height of events looks like from a player POV haha. 

    1. I wanted the Paladins to more closely relate to the intricate mysteries of the Crusaders and Asian mystics. I wanted their spells to be more ritual based, rather than combat type spells. I wanted things to focus on exorcism, sealing, prayer, and have it steeped in tradition and lore instead of blindly praising Xan each time, kind of like the occult with symbols as well. I wanted to reference more holy things, things that were canonized to be holy, and really draw from the players who were impactful in their roles. I did want to release more additional spells, so maybe that'll shift the meter a bit. Just been lazy and out of it tbh. 

    2. That I wasn't around to actually see it! I had work the next day in the hotel, so I instructed Swgrclan, Ouity, Tsuyose as the main emoters, set out what would happen, and what should be taken into consideration if the players do x y z. They told me it went well, but I would never know how it was like. I also wanted much more buildup, there was a lot of traction in the red realm, but otherwise I had to brute force the Golden Lance as a concept, and I dont really enjoy protags. I wanted them to act more like guides for the players, but there was no time to build the rapport, we had 3 months after all. Also there were so many assets unused. Jeez. The ingredients were there, but trying to pump out a quality production was hard. 

    3. Honestly? Brisket. Brisket tastes incredible, as the fat and collagen renders out and makes it incredibly  tender, be it for smoking or braising. But rib meat would be my close second, either grilled or roasted. 

    4. The aegis end event was dogshit, but then again it was the first time ever doing map end events for the server so I sorta get it. But my god letting 12 players do parkour to grab some weapons to kill Iblees while the undead spammed mobs on players was pretty dog. I think the Asulon end was also pretty crap, so much so I dont remember it. 

    RP wise, I really wished the exodus didn't happen. I lost my WR playerbase, and I knew I would 100% not survive a smaller server with almost no Australians in it. Had the exodus not happened, I'm sure I would have never applied for staff because I wasn't lonely. To this date I still have not found a playerbase that I can consistently find rp in. 

  7. 9 hours ago, Spoons said:

    I never did think that I earned my spot on the ST, even less the event sector of it - I felt like I was lacking, bearing little-to-no achievements or experience. Even so, you put faith in me despite such. Even if I couldn't find anything to be proud of, you did so for me which meant a lot. Thank you for that, for giving me a chance when I - or others - didn't believe that I deserved one. I'll continue to take your lessons to heart, and hopefully it'll go well for me.


    If you want to hang out, or play games, then you'll know my discord. I'll see you next time, Kai.


    For some questions, however - I've a few:

    1. What got you into story-writing in the first place? I'm rather curious - and what were your inspirations for how you conduct your events, and whatnot

    2. What was the moment where it all clicked, that you started enjoying LoTC moreso than other servers?

    3. What, for you, are the 'Golden Years' in your time on this server?

    4. Any hobbies that I - and others - should partake in?

    5. Heero sometimes theorizes that the reason why he adores women of the ethic origin so much, is because he took cues from you when he was younger. Is this true?  

    Spoons, I think thats just because you haven't truly created anything with your own two hands yet. So far you've done really well for the Inferi stuff, but I know how that can feel as 'not being yours'. I can see it from the way you talk and the way you view things, you know what to do, but how do you implement it is another thing. Use anything at your disposal first, before asking for help. You'll create something amazing that will leave a stamp on LOTC I'm sure, something to the scale of the nether event. 

    1. I was part of a player group called the White Rose, and I played a simple blacksmith called Arkus Farrier. Me and crazyguy1916 was memeing that the reason why we have our base in the foot of a mountain was to guard some ancient evil (no lore), and there was a underground complex with ancient thrones and such. When the White Rose players left, I made a event with some of the remaining White Rose players, where we had to 'reseal' the ancient evil, and Arkus was the willing blood sacrifice for it. That was my first event ever, and I've been hooked on the concept since. To drive the narrative and provide opportunities to the characters to impact the world in a meaningful way. 

    2. I have only joined LOTC and never any other RP servers. Bigger the better, because I live in Australian timezones.

    3. 2011, when Aegis was started You could get rp in 5 minutes of walking down a path called the King's Road. 

    4. Try to learn to love financial independence, learn to love growing money. It's not easy, but if you can really learn it it will bring you far in life. Financial independence is something most people dont really understand and grasp as a concept, but the difference is you're rewarding yourself in the future, to go on a better holiday, to buy better things, rather than to just keep saving for the sake of saving. Being a penny pincher ultimately will not bring you anywhere in life. Its about knowing how to grow the dollars you save, not the cents. 

    5. I figured he would be more attracted to traps honestly. I never once discussed the virtues of yellow women with him when he was younger. But I think thats why he wants his partners to be the responsible one and dominate him, since I was always hounding him like a school teacher who never got their student's homework back in a timely manner. 



    8 hours ago, BrandNewKitten said:

    @firespirit44 one of my favorite people on here. Sorry that we have spent so little time RPing & catching up over the years. Go get that bread.

    BNK, I'm really happy that you've found jobs in your career. You'll always be my favourite ET that uses WE in their events. Hope your living situation is better and you've got a permanent computer haha. You're always welcome back.



    8 hours ago, Lojo613 said:

    What changes do you think need to be made in the server to create a more dynamic roleplay environment?

    Which ye olde map was best, including things like Fringe and Thales?

    Wow you remember the Fringe, that's some ancient history stuff man. 

    I think Aegis was the best but for me. In a time where there wasn't 20 Creature Applicants, 20 different sub magic groups. When you walked into a city, it felt alive but that was also because nobody was really making towns. You needed to pay 100USD for a region after all. It was the best of times, and the worst of times. Map wise Anthos had a good balance for distance I would say. 

    We always harp on about dynamic roleplay, but you have to understand that means very different things to a lot of people. Dynamic roleplay is collaborative storytelling, and not everything will always go your way. People who have poured their hearts out for settlements are most against this for obvious reasons. People ultimately dont like to lose, but if you never lose you'll never know the impact of sweet victory. The Inferi event brought out many kinds of people who refused the dynamic roleplay. You cant really say "I refuse to have a natural calamity happen on my house", but we respected it. Its weird, because the map was changing anyways, so your settlement wouldnt have mattered, but the sheer fuss some people kicked up really astonished me. Al'Faiz will forever go down in memory as the city that fell to demons, but the other settlements will just be lost forever in player memories. I just want players to try rolling with the punches more. 


    8 hours ago, Covey said:

    Thanks for all the good events and last-minute roleplay invitations. It's a shame we didn't rp too often, but when we found the time for it, it was always memorable. 

    Hope life treats you right, man. You deserve it.




      Reveal hidden contents




    It was fun rping with you. I hope you'll do some cool stuff with your own pally chapter. The missions we did were fun, like that failed initial raid. Hope your job and education goes smoothly for you.



    6 hours ago, Zarsies said:

    You've been instrumental in my development and I genuinely love you (much less begrudgingly than Heero to be fair). 2013 was an especially turbulent year and Viper and his ET were my people. It was hard to see him go, as a kid I didn't properly grasp how LotC may have meant different things to other people compared to what it meant to me so I was sorry to lose him. When you stepped in what worries I had were quickly soothed, you've always been attentive, compassionate, present, insightful, and gentle, and strong and it was immediately apparent; those qualities are still with you given when I've seen during your return and just privately between us. You led by example and in a wordless, nuanced way taught me have those qualities too. YOU reaching out to ME was not what I expected but that support was crucial in the moment and I cannot thank you enough for your concern and time. Even the most recent moments we've had were constructive and I dearly appreciate every moment we have, even if it's just fuckery and banter. I respect and admire you more now than I did all those years ago because I better understand the depth of your humanity and can follow your train of thought. So, ultimately, thank you. I anticipate good times when we all hang out in the retirement home.


    For the AMA...


    1. Cal and Spoon are in a cage match. Who wins?


    2. If/when I come to town can you hook me up with some goods 👉👈 I'll bring Heero at the very least


    3. What essential ingredient have you seen aspiring event actors lack the most?


    4. To what extent will you remain to roleplay? I'll always make time for you...

    Haha. Its weird how we're all the same playerbase from Aegis, but we have almost never rped until joining the staff team. But that's just how it is, and I still think you're one of the best storytellers on this server. I dont think there is anyone else that can hold a candle for the thought and effort you put into crafting these experiences. I hope that you will be less harsh on yourself and not put yourself out to be a martyr for LOTC.

    Write what you want to write, dont write because its your duty to write. We're all here to have fun even for volunteering for the ST. Baby steps to chase after the things you want in life Zarsies. And I will 100% help fund that trip of yours so you can meet your bae. 

    1) Spoons, hands down. Spoons has a viciousness in him, dont **** with the pinoys

    2) If you come to Malaysia I'll bring you anywhere and everywhere. I want to go to the states one day and crash on Heero's or your couch though haha. 
    3) Continuity. An event is not just a blip of distraction, but something that affects and continues to reverberate to all aspects of a character and their future actions. Lots of events are ultimately not memorable and not referenced again, which is a shame. If possible I would want each event to be good enough for a forum post. 
    4) I heard from Heero that with the Qi Arc will have some cool enemies, I would stick around for that. But I would need to ask for a timing in advanced haha. I cant really just login and rp until it comes to me, gotta study and work and all.


    5 hours ago, ImCookiie said:

    You radiate positive vibes and have an incredible work-ethic that pushes others to better themselves and those around them. I'm regretful that we didn't get to know each-other more, over the last few years but I'm REALLY proud of you for choosing what is best for you, in this moment. Best of luck for the future.


    As for my question, what is the meaning of life?

     Hope you get along well with the other ST members ImCookie. It's alright, I didn't really rp with the high elves so there was little chance of our paths crossing anyways haha. 

    The meaning of life is to make money and knowing how to use it to fund your pursuits and goals outside of it. 



    4 hours ago, AlphaMoist said:

    I remember forever ago when you first came back, we rp'd for like five minutes. When we were done, something made me bring it up in LT chat and everyone started hyping you up big time. Definitely regret not furthering the rp more when I still played, you seemed like a really cool guy.

    Its okay, you're not missing anything haha. My rp isnt great. Hope you continue to have fun on the server Alphamoist.



    3 hours ago, peachcool said:

    When I first joined the staff vc you and @Heero were the first people I spoke to in another team u guys were great and u were really nice thank u 😄 

    Remember peach, !_! if you're ever in any trouble. The boys will look after you. 


    11 hours ago, Urara said:

    Respect and farewell to a fellow LOTC boomer. Thanks for guiding my husband on his paladin journey and I hope the RP was fun while it lasted. ❤️

     My pleasure Hads. Was fun reminiscing about the WR, even if it occurred almost a lifetime ago. 


    8 hours ago, Archipelego said:

    seeya king




    3 hours ago, Worldeater said:

    Will miss Jack.


    But you and I won't be strangers - far from it. 

    You have taught me much and I consider you a trusted, valued friend.


    And I know you're gonna carry that weight. 



    Look up man. You got this. You'll be able to support yourself and stand on your own 2 feet. Meme with you soon buddy.


    3 hours ago, Strife said:

    Too soon. 😞


    Have a good one, Firespirit, heard nothing but good about you! Best of luck in your real life endeavors, and be safe.

    Many thanks for the wishes strife, same to you.


    2 hours ago, Motherchild said:

    Kai, bro..
    Bittersweet moment, for you too I'm sure.
    Part of me wants to say, "noooo don't go bro!" and the sane piece says, "not soon enough."

    I just want the best for you and all the homies, if the best for you is 'not on LOTC' (and that is best for all of us, yes) then please.


    Can't say I won't miss you but I'll find reasons to hit you up

    and thank you for the stream of RP opportunities you gave me 

    I'll always remember where I came from

    Hope you enjoy bro, all the STs really liked Alicjo, you inspired us to balance the Inferi events to ensure they would be 100% beatable by characters like yours if possible. Maybe I'll come back and finish Jack off in a few months, gotta wait for vaults first -_-. I hope you'll be around when I get to finally hang up my coat for reals in RP. 

  8. 9 hours ago, Wizry said:

    Only knew you for a good part of a month - Accidentally started it off the wrong way.

    Unfortunate you're leaving and I will say that I'll miss seeing you around actively.

    Wish you were around for Inferi, I'm sure you would have done well. Hope you enjoy your stay on the ST my #2 fav paki. 



    9 hours ago, Ludulo said:

    I know we've only just met since summer of this year but it has been a real joy getting to roleplay with you and have my character study under Jack's legendary tutelage. Thank you so much for that. It's been a lot of fun.


    I really appreciate you logging in on my behalf for these lessons too. I'd be really stuck without you, and I appreciate the hard work you put into this.


    Alright for the AMA,

    Other than RP, what other sorts of stuff do you really enjoy doing for fun? Any interesting hobbies or talents?

    And it's been a lot of fun going on adventures with Icroth. Wish we could have done more, but alas, life and work. And that's the least I could do, what kind of teacher would just take a student and not teach them lul. 

    I used to do like 3 course dinner parties for friends as a tasting menu. People would give me like $30/40 each, and I would take all that money to try and make something I wanted. Like a mystery tasting experience, since I usually didnt reveal the menu before hand. Apart from that, I really like making dioramas, the kind you see in the windowsill of a fancy department store in Christmas. Hope to get into that with clay figures when things are more settled down. 


    8 hours ago, The Fact Core said:

    Does that make me your second favorite builder? I know I didn't build anything for years since I left the ET. I stalk you on discord.

    And you are my second favourite builder! I talk to people about how you, BNK, and Bathrug were the holy trinity of builders back in my days. I'm glad you are starting to find some enjoyment out of building once more Factcore. But your Setherien mural was my favourite build ever. It just had so much character! Its a shame we've lost it, I really wanted another one of your murals. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, CalZium said:

    With that being said, I hope you'll keep in touch with all of us so that we can hang out.

    1) What was, in your opinion, the most fun that you've had on the server in both OOC and IRP situations? 
    2) If I go to your restaurant, will a drink be on the house?
    3) What was your favorite playerbase on the server that you were a part of and why?
    4) Have you had any regrets about anything?

    I'll enjoy all the Cal's 14 jokes in my daydreams for sure. I still wanna play Among Us and Jackbox for anything. 

    1) Anytime that I was doing big activities/going on adventures with people. I enjoy experiencing events more than planning them (its like saying you prefer eating over cooking). For this time when I came back, I would say the paladin meeting where I condemned Lefkos and forced him to be disconnected. A very bonding moment for all of us. 

    2) I would serve you a 5 course free of charge mate. Get your own plane ticket down here. Coupon code '!_!'

    3) I preferred the playerbase that welcomed me without expectations, and that was the White Rose in 2012. It was a military order that went on patrols and fucked around the castle. Otherwise I very rarely switched playerbases, since I only play 1 character at any time. 

    4) I wish things were more organized, I wish I hadnt got shot from admin in 2013, I wish I had confessed to that girl in high school. Growing up is about learning that there's not much you can do about it, and just hope you dont make the same mistakes again. 

    18 minutes ago, iMattyz said:

    I hope you'll remember the Setherien days fondly, sir, however vague those memories becomes


    Honestly iMattyz, the days of Setherien really were blending together. I cant remember what I've asked people to do, I can only remember the people that were apart of it. As for you, I'm glad you got to be admin, and I hope that you are at peace with what you managed to achieve. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, SquakHawk said:

    I'll miss you man. Hope you aren't (still) being worked to the bone. I heard you vaguely mention you might come back in eight months when things free up again.. at least give a call? Stay in touch. You aren't free of me yet bro.

    Anyway enough with sappy wah-wah crybaby ****. 
    Here's some AMA.
    1) What motivated you to come back? N don't say "corona", I want to know why - When corona came, why did LOTC come to mind?
    2) What do you think are things LOTC could learn to do, or be from? Staff? Any specific people you could give ancient-wisdom of yours?
    3) What do you envision for the future of LOTC? Of story? What about yourself?
    4) What motivated you to join LOTC to begin?
    5) What motivated you to become administrator and "work around the clock" (😏)  to keep things up? What did you get from it? 
    6) Any simple phrase or words you'd leave to part with? "Always be yourself" or some nonsense. 
    7) when r we letting rift out of the dungeon lol

    I'll hop in VC from time to time and bully Calzium and Spoons, happy-go-lucky knowing that I never have to look at another brief again haha. It comes with age, I'm sure many LT see you as without the doubt the person to get everything done. People crave guidance and support, and when we dont work in a physical space/different timezones, it can get quite disheartening. People need that confidence before they can do bigger things, and having them succeed in a planned project gives them that. Thats how most of the newer gen of ET got their chops, coaxing them to do events with a theme already setup, so they know what to expect. 

    Why do you think I like templates so much? It takes all the minor thinking out of the detail. And yes I actually prefer forum posting than Discord. That presence is irreplaceable as a record. 

    You'll survive fine without me king. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for. Learn to delegate and trust, and expect people to fail because if they never fail, they have never tried. Let them fail safely. And this applies for things IRL as well. 

    1) I was in communications with Heero and knew of Rift as far back in 2019. Mind you, we've never ever rped with each other yet. Heero tapped me and said there was going to be big changes to the ET / LT with Flam being shot, and said there might be something interesting to be done. I accepted, came back, milled around for a bit, before I agreed to join management after potent_rage left the team.  

    2)  Document everything to be used as templates. Templates serve as fantastic guidelines for making sure things are in place, and aren't a hard rule. Make sure your efforts are noticed, and thats why we have Newsletters. Make sure there are priorities in place and deadlines to meet. Dont ever do everything by yourself, that's denying a learning and development opportunity from others. 

    3) I think that LOTC is seriously stuck without having a clear plan for growth. The ST is an internal looking team, but its actually the CT and WT that will ultimately decide the fate of the server. Without a solid plan for the CT, how can we attract new players? There's even less players from when I was around.  For myself, I'm going to open a restaurant, bet on it. 

    4) I didn't know what roleplay was. I came from MC factions. So being able to play minecraft as an RPG with story/narrative elements was so much fun. It gave PVE/PVP a purpose, I wasn't just mindlessly trying to click something to death. I was clicking for justice. That was what I thought anyways, it was good fun. My houses could be shared, I could talk stories in a tavern. MC wasn't about building blocks anymore, but building stories. Cant go back to vanilla. 

    5) Believe it or not after I achieved my role as Event Team Admin, I swapped over to become Moderator Lead to try and clean up, document, and template behaviours and codify rules. I wanted teams to run efficiently, but it turns out I just didn't care enough. I did not love the mods. I also wanted a strong media team, but I did not care enough. The ET drew me in like nothing else could on this server. 

    6) If I could say something, it would be 'Please learn to actually stick to deadlines and respect that other people depend on you to achieve this work'. Managers should not need to baby staff to turn in their work. For the rest of LOTC, I would say turn off Discord and just roleplay, try not to be so argumentative haha. 

    7) Idk what we're waiting for tbh, he should have been out before me. Maybe he wants to do something? 

    Also hi Crevel. 

  11. 8udcjZB1LsKv92iHcvh-zq_5gBEChDxgTNL0fxXpjVENZ7H7QWRxssKanB8E7W5EwuMSeKdbI9PwrWYOwGvaa2RqiKAwr3hpAXzKxVDQ3M9ekKc2ZDWZI1Yiy1mMnu46dYZwcajp


    Hey hey people, firespirit44 here. Side note this guide was written with @SquakHawk Lore Manager in mind. I'm just the General Manager of both sects. 

    Welcome to the ST’s guide for applying to be on the ST Lore Sect. The ST Lore Sect is actually an incredibly difficult position to be in, where you act as moderator; lore expert; and writer. I would not recommend this position to people who feel that they want to apply because they are a teacher in one magic and is called a good rper. Let me walk you through the duties of a Lore sect member, and maybe this will serve as a better understanding for how the ST Lore sect works.




    The ST Lore sect is a place for those with discipline and persistence. It's one thing to talk about writing something, and its another to actually sit down, plan it out, and put fingers to keyboard.

    A prolific writer is not the only defining feature of the Lore sect of course, but we expect applicants to have at least tried submitting lore in the past, to understand the process and what 'balance' means.

    As a lore sect member you'll need to know a good amount of LOTC lore (History and culture knowledge is fine but for day to day you'll need to know about Techlock, CAs, Magics, Alchemy) and how that interplays with the LOTC universe.

    Imagine a player coming up to you with an idea for a 10 flying daggers that can stab anyone from a radius of 3 feet and has a sentient mind of its own. How can you tell him that this isn't possible within the confines of the lore and the server (because that's powergamey as hell)?  



    Story Team Lore Projects


    Unlike the ST Events where we have proper briefs, a lore writing project usually serves as a charter for rewrites. It doesn't explicitly have a format, but follows these rules:


    To ensure the rewrite/lore in question has the consultation of player representative/player community of said magic 

    That the lore writer in question has pitched the idea and gotten approval from a lore manager (Squakhawk in this case)

    A discord group is created with all the relevant participants involved to show that due diligence and due process of feedback and consultation has been reasonably achieved

    That the project has a deadline and that the ST Lore member will be held accountable for not being able to meet their own set timeline. Continuous delays and excuses can lead to removal off the team due to inability to commit. You need to finish what you start, or why bother starting anything at all?




    Guidelines to pitching a project


    • Why does this project matter?
    • Who will this project impact?
    • Who will be involved in this project?
    • When will this project finish?
    • Who will write the forum posts required? (If its a magic, it needs a lore post and a guide)




    The questions asked in the interview


    The lore sect will always follow a base set of questions, and ask the participants to expand further if they are interested in the applicant. Generally we start recruiting a lot when there are upcoming projects that we need to execute. Otherwise we will generally let apps wait out for a month. We do take into consideration on references and people who leave constructive comments on their apps, but a ‘great rper +1’ does literally nothing for us. It might as well have been a 5 star without comment review.

    All ST Lore’s are initially brought on as Temp STs. Their trial period will generally last for the duration of the project, or whatever that is agreed upon between management and the Temp in question. If the Temp ST has performed well in the project assigned, we would extend the contract to being a permanent staff. However there have been qualified ST’s who have turned down the position due to lack of time (When they found out the dealing with people part of the job usually). A Temp ST still has access to the full base pex of an ST Lore, and are expected to follow staff protocol.

    So if the applicant is selected for an interview process, here are the questions below: 


    1) What drove you to apply for lore team?

    2) What do you want to do? What is your goal? Your endgame? What is an interesting project to you?

    3) What do you think is the purpose of lore? What is your outlook?

    4) Where do you think lore is best applied?

    5) Is there anything you would want to change in existing policy or direction? Do you have any qualms or merely agree with it?

    6) Are you willing to put in casually-consistent work of apps, reqs, and aide in projects, player outreach? We're not going to lie, this is a volunteer job.

    7) Do you have any concerns of the server ST has yet to address?

    8 ) What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses? And dont give me 'I have no weaknesses' or a 'I have a weakness but I'm looking to improve upon it'. I'm flakey sometimes and people call me out on it, its okay but we as a team work around covering for each other. I need to know what to expect

    9) How confident are you in integrating lore pieces together? (IE How does a frost potion (alchemy) react with this acidic animal you've just submitted)

    10) What lore are you most familiar with?

    11) How many hours would you likely put into the Lore Team if you were accepted? This is a part time job and does come with a lot responsibility.


    Management thoughts on applicants


     A word from Lore Manager Squakhawk about his preferred attributes for a lore applicant: 

    • Open mindedness, to a degree
    • Willingness to work alone unsupervised
    • Willingness to cooperate and be open to comments from others
    • Communicative (Even if its things about letting managers know that you'll be away for x days)
    • Experience in lore, but not stubborn to hold onto wrong or perceived knowledge
    • Someone willing to learn and improve
    • Someone passionate and interested in lore


    As for myself (because I run all interviews), I always look for those who are disciplined. Just because you were on the LT previously does show a level of competency, but times are changing. We cant keep having one-trick-lore-specialists anymore. I’m always looking for people who can push their boundaries, rise to the challenge, and have a fantastic story to write for LOTC. Lore is not just a 'write-and-forget-about' piece. It needs to be interact able in some form or another. Whats the point in writing lore about creation beyond time when no one can acquire that knowledge and use it meaningfully? Lore is important as a backdrop, theme, narrative tool but also needs to be interact with the wider LOTC world. 

    We're constantly weaving stories into the rich tapestry of LOTC. And we're always looking for a skilled weaver that can bind all the threads together and make their own mark upon LOTC. 

    If you’ve made it this far, I give my hats off to you. If you are selected in your interview process and do a cheeky
    📗 emoji at me, I will have known that you have read through all of this. And we can cut to the chase and talk about how you plan on bringing something to the ST Lore.

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