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Status Updates posted by Wretched

  1. Stahp askin' meh why Knox is alive! I like to let people kill him -.- Usually more enjoyable. But I don't plan on permakilling him anytime soon :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wretched


      That's not my fault :P That's what happens when people name dead bodies.

    3. Austin
    4. Cracker


      Letting people kill you makes every death less and less awesome :P

  2. I'm off to Paris in the morning. I'll be back in (roughly) 4 days! Your organs are safe... For now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Hope you smooch lots of sezzy french girls!

    3. rukio


      Get back here, you never said bye. :<

    4. rukio


      Get back here, you never said bye. :<

  3. "He sees you when you're sleeping... He knows when you're awake..." http://i.imgur.com/Tcylm.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      He brings gifts to all the Kharajyr and kills all the other things!

    3. maxkenny23


      Aw come on. ;~;

    4. ΚΨΙΞ


      CREEPY PICTURE OF JYNX? Oh no.. im disappointed.

  4. Dat halfling RP x3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aedan The Bard
    3. Merkaken


      Yay Halfling RP :3 Now it'd be nice if you spent time with the FREAKING KHA!!! (<3)

    4. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Soresan... Ain't nobody got time for dat.

  5. If you really want to attack me, get a VA for it >:I Too many no-VA attacks in one day for my liking.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Praetor


      Mini VA's don't give you the right to attack/kill

    3. Jexdane


      Solution: Chill with me.

    4. Stephensj


      Chill wit da whitewash urrukz

  6. And that's what happens when you build your home next to an active volcano - silly dwarves.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xmrsmoothx


      Realistically, the entire island would be cloaked in ash and every plant would die out - and animals soon after

    3. Wretched
    4. Zarsies
  7. I dropped a glass of pepsi on my Jaffa Cakes... Yet the taste is surprisingly... satisfying...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      That's racist, Emerald. -Insert "That's Racist!" kid here.-

    3. CTap


      The hell is a jaffa cake?

    4. JtPv


      Simon considers this a miracle.

  8. So... Heard 'bout dat Anthos?

  9. Lym has fanboys? I want fanboys :[

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      You are one of the few people with lots of fans Benbo

    3. Kaiser


      you have the entire Halfling race, dude....

    4. JtPv
  10. Make lore not fun.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Demotheus


      Pork. Make pork. Have a wonderful dinner.

    3. Devin~


      You can't make pork you genius.

    4. Demotheus


      I can. I'm a farmer. :3

  11. Time to adapt Knox slightly... He'll be the same psycho at heart, but now with x3 the danger.

  12. Lots of new and old faces joining the Kha'. If you were thinking of joining, now's a good time. Our inactivity has died!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      benbo speaks wise words

    3. Tsuyose
    4. Galendar


      *heeds hte words of Tsuyose too late, his X-Wing spiraling out of control, the only thing being heard over the fuzz of the radio is as following...* "POOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"

  13. Krugmas event over; hope you had fun! Come back tomorrow for there's more to be done!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Malocchio


      Stop broadcasting all of your emotes in broadcast. It's extremely difficult to RP when bold text is showing up on your screen in a fluent fashion. Put it in local or lessen your emotes and speech. Words cannot stress how frustrating it is when broadcast is spammed four lines at a time.

    3. Wretched


      bah humbug to you too!

    4. ShameJax


      Fix the holes in candy land please :(

  14. Hmm... The ads are telling me I have won an awful lot recently. But who am I to question the mighty internet. *clicks on the link* Woot! Cant wait to get my free aircraft!

  15. Got a big list of unread PMs to get through about da race. Finish them all. Refresh the page.... 4 new messages... Joy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wretched


      Haha, alright. Do tell.

    3. Xerdun


      Being Tlatlanni is fun

    4. Lefty


      ^who keeps letting this guy in?!??! :( ^^^

  16. Dat feel when your cat pukes up a lego keyring onto your floor.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      I can honestly say I have never, and doubt I will ever experiance this feeling. But I can still lol over reading this, ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! ^.^

    3. 154684321654951


      Dat feel when your cat pukes up parts of a shrew on your floor.

    4. ΚΨΙΞ


      Dat part when Tiazar's RP Character does not puke up a lego ring, and your shouting at him for being a bad kitteh :3

  17. Dat choice.... Diablo 3 or Tera....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aryon


      Pokemon Emerald.

    3. EmeraldStag


      Did somebody say, Emerald :D>

    4. Cappy


      I would say Tera, except it has subscription fees. So settle for a nice medium: donating another $50 to the server.

  18. There, finally killed house Flay more times than they've killed me. Sowie Zezimus

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. legoman144
    3. Zezimus


      Shot in the head as I slowly sank to the bottom of the ocean :C

    4. Wretched


      Dat heavy armour.

  19. RPing with Roze and Liri. OOCly scared of them both, ICly scary to them.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 154684321654951


      Are you both playing your kharacters for a little while?

    3. Lirinya
    4. Wretched


      Good! Great to see some staff on our lil' island! :D

  20. Knox's VA hasn't even been accepted yet but people still scream and run away from him anyway. But when Knox does have his VA... That's when the fun begins...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wretched


      Both of you are incorrect :3 Knox is actually a high elf with a severe mental condition, the pumpkin is there to hide his mangled, skar covered, lumpy and deformed face.

    3. yekim8


      Your face is a pumpkin.

    4. Geo


      Welcome to the world of Psychopathy friend. You have much to learn dear boy.

  21. Newsflash: I am now the king of all pigmen. Meguzara and dsdevil can confirm this. Thank you and goodnight.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThanksChris


      *Waits for Porkour to comment (not that I've seen him in six months.)

    3. Salamandra


      Noob, I'm the king of goblins.

    4. Guest


      He cheated.

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