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Status Updates posted by CombatRolePlay

  1. parent_daughter_bonding_time_by_trlstan-
    Daily edge

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ducklingator


      I'm boutta get that damn fur coat



      (Also, what would one do to get some art?)

    3. CombatRolePlay


      because thats exactly what he did

      @SuperDuckyGamer His is a different fur coat but roughly the same effect. just a different color lol

    4. Ducklingator


      I'm boutta get that damn fur coat but a different color

  2. Hey LT, I asked about this last map but never got an answer. Is it possible to get my RP items remade and re-accepted since i technically never lost then IRP, its just that i left for a long time and they were lost in map transfers around 2 maps ago (and yes i still have screenshots of their item descriptions) . ty ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CombatRolePlay


      >getting useless randoms reply and not actual LT


    3. Bluee


      there is no LT, only ST

    4. lemonke
  3. wanna make free to use assets for like lore posts. Suggestions on what ppl need the most?

  4. Any FMs on? .Can I get my Thread moved to Art Section please?

  5. A police officer went up to me and tried to make me go to the police station for intake of drugs. I was just eatting nerds behind a 7-11 :L

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Parading


      Maybe he was behind on his arrest quota.

    3. CombatRolePlay


      @parading They have those?

    4. Heff


      "I didn't choose the nerd life. The nerd life chose me."

      I've always hated that candy....

  6. probably the last weapons i'll make till new map


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CombatRolePlay


      you never gave me material to work with, i cant make it out of normal iron lol

    3. Taketheshot


      I got you the sword you were gonna speak to some magic man. Either way it doesnt matter now XD

    4. FreeHongKong


      Mi peepz, Mi peepz. Gibe art for sward pls.

  7. R.I.P

    Two scaddernak exo-skeletons

    One meteorite ore.

    Death by suspicion of Duping.

  8. why are forum pics smaller :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CombatRolePlay


      Mine is a GIF. it used to be bigger in size but it suddenly became small again today

    3. Vaynth


      Yeah, even my normal gif shrunk on the forums.

    4. Gone


      Probably some dev messed up then cause no one wants smaller photos.

  9. >Login
    >Find someone has griefed my home by doing /break on around 51 glass blocks 
    >Make a modreq
    >Mod says breaking 51 glass blocks is NOT excessive griefing.
    >Logs out

    1. _Sheylo_
    2. Morigung-oog


      /break needs to be revoked people are doing it too often just for the sake of doing it.

    3. TeawithFrisket


      truly its the dark ages

  10. Noticed that many dont accept Orcs for art commissions so..

    Looking to do commissions of Orcs or maybe even some monkey people. I need an orc as an example to put up on the thread. First one to comment a link to their MC skin and a description of their orc will get some free artwork.

    Preferably an orc/monkey man with distinct features like Tatoos / piercings / scars

    1. Quirkyls



      Gorgalak'Lak. He's big, blue and muscular and has an alligator hide and a lizard mask. And purple eyes. :-) also slouches

      Edited by Quirkyls
    2. CombatRolePlay


      @Quirkyls Always loved me some blue skins


    3. CombatRolePlay




      Will use it in my thread later

  11. The new warzone is fun

    1. Drelik


      come back lets have some fun

    2. CombatRolePlay


      Had my fun, i'm good thanks

    3. LPT


      It is a lot of fun, I get rekt by salz every time, but I love it : ' )

  12. trying to finish all christmas comissions b4 christmas

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      Just did a bit of snooping after reading this status. Your art is real cool! I wish you the best of luck. Keep fighting the good fight!

    2. Kim


      same.. i had like this entire week to do christmas gifts and i got sick. this entire week.

    3. CombatRolePlay


      rip us both kim


  13. These hunts that give you items is pretty cool, but i wouldnt mind some RP though

    1. _NotChris
    2. CombatRolePlay



      If i could find it that is. I have the IQ of a chair

    3. _NotChris


      My discord is Chris_#5840, it would be easier to explain how to get there 

  14. Dont accept paypal payments from this man 

  15. Honestly, trying to find Consistent RP in my **** timezone is hard

    1. Wulfery


      What time zone?

    2. CombatRolePlay
    3. Wulfery


      That’s a common issue then for anyone from this region. You either have to wake up very early, or stay up stupidly late. Myself being from Europe, I struggle quite a lot, but it’s managable.

  16. Need suggestions on what themes I should do for the dividers I plan on making for the next free to use assets 

    1. Mannamannaa


      Something other than fancy elven or human victorian swirls? I feel like a lot of the other cultures and aesthetics on the server get ignored in terms of forum posting. Could be more nordic, beastial, even orcish!

    2. CombatRolePlay
    3. Mannamannaa
  17. image.png

    I've started to learn how to skin last week. Here are the ones that I like so far (img attached)

    1. Eryane


      this is a really really good start! 

    2. tadabug2000


      Looking great, dude!

    3. Acostrob


      ur doing very well

  18. Send help, im stuck in the lobby with the /auth prompt aAaaAAA

    1. Rusty Derringer

      Rusty Derringer

      I get that too. Lucky I still have the auth on my phone 

    2. CombatRolePlay


      I need an admin to wipe mine tbh

  19. Me Vs Creative Wizard tag

    1. Starfelt


      You deserve one! #CreativeWizardBeast

    2. Nekkore



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