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Status Updates posted by _pr0fit

  1. Be aware of the new rule change that running in a locked door turns off pvp

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LatzMomo


      I guess. . .

    3. Aengoth


      where does it say that

    4. _pr0fit


      arielkebab punished lapinn for trying to continue pvp when someone ran into a locked room, and said that it was a rule


  2. How to stop auto-fishers, A famers guide

    Step 1: Gather an inventory full of an irrelevant and plentiful crop (Like sugar cane or carrots)

    Step 2: Dump all of the crop on an auto-fisher

    Step 3: Collect the caskets and other goodies that fly past him cause his inventory is full.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Narthok
    3. H


      fishers do that to themselves anyway since fish don't automatically stack

    4. _pr0fit


      shh... you're ruining it


  3. When you make a comment at 3am and the whole crew gotta jump outta bed to refute you

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valannor


      Sir, this is a hwendys

    3. _pr0fit


      Grr, hiss, its midnight

    4. rukio


      it really do be

  4. when banned players come back to **** on your nation, that’s when you know you’re truly in trouble


    1. SaltAlt


      When something you build is taken over by people who then warp it into something that goes against the ideals it was based upon I think it's reasonable for the creators to be annoyed. Funny you and others call it yours though dispite only coming back once all who made it have left though.

    2. _pr0fit


      hit me up in discord, I’m more than happy with where norland is right now and I think its moving in a better direction than it has ever been in before Law Gnome#8558

    3. SaltAlt


      My previous message was a bit angry, sorry for that. But I'm not happy where MORSGRAD is. I recognize I have no say, and I intend to remain self banned from lotc as the server depresses me. This will be my last message on the topic, I just wish you'd all made a seperate city if you wanted to bring Norland back.

  5. Good fight, almost had me DPM!

    1. rukio


      No need for salt


    2. Nathan_Barnett36


      don't claim my kill!

    3. Guest



  6. Hey @El Ricktador are you down to make a treaty with norland to fight against the rebellious haensemen in our basement? We got the documents ready!

    1. Kanadensare


      You’re the ones who ran to the aid of the rebellious people of Arberrang?



    2. _pr0fit


      I made this status 13 hours ago my friend... where were you then?

    3. Kanadensare


      Sleeping! Clearly the chad Norlanders don’t need that, though.

  7. help me and parteh are being ddos'ed

    1. LatzMomo



    2. Lubbie


      Me too ;-;

    3. oblivionsbane


      Wonder how they got your IP.

  8. how would one get rid of warning points? hypothetically, I am just holding them for a friend... they aren't even mine... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. Space


      wait a few months since your last one and appeal them

    2. _pr0fit


      how do i appeal them?


    3. Narthok


      message the relevant FM who assigned them or appeal to the GM lead of the FM team

  9. Is there a way to request events, or does ET not allow requests anymore. If they do take requests, who can I contact to do events?
    I would like to do many different types of events, for example, pvp type events (Like fighting giant slimes), rp hunting events (Hunting a boar,deer,bear,whatever), and mini event lines (an event that expands over multiple days)

    1. Sythan


      Most ET's I've attempted to contact either just don't respond or are currently busy. I suppose there is this forum.





    2. ScreamingDingo


      I'll give you an insight into the mind of a previous ET. Back when I was a young ET holy **** you get really annoyed at the bullshit people try to force you to do. I remember quite a few of my early events were rushed out /request/ events which were basically personalised and complete **** because of the lack of prep. If its common knowledge you can request events, every do hick and harry will ******* bombard you with pm's each and every minute of you being online with. "Can you do an event?" "come on my friends wanna have some fun xD!"

      When you're either busy rp'ing, doing another event or just semi-afk on the server.

      If you really want something to happen, contact them via skype, preferably managers to give them a rundown on something and suggest it to them. Do not ever think your event will definitely get through, it used to be very rare that personalised, ****-house events were allowed w/ full advisory by the ET heads.

      If you want mini-event lines, contact managers. Hunts, pvp events and stuff like that should not be requested unless you have a sizable group, don't waste an ET's time by wanting a one man deer hunt.

    3. excited


      What Grim said, essentially.

  10. lmao they removed it

    1. HedgeHug


      lel I reported it trollingly because of my vid wahahahha but they took it serious xD ******* FM`s..... just repost it again, let em be salty of memes!

    2. TankM1A2
    3. chaotikal


      get chinesed

  11. How do I get grass and ferns and such? I've tried using shears and silk touch items but everything just destroys the grass and ferns and stuff.

    1. _pr0fit


      update: I've found that I can use shears to break tall grass, but how do i get ferns?

    2. Jakraes


      probably tall ferns?


    3. _pr0fit


      what the hell is a tall fern?


  12. I'm really glad the staff are open and transparent about the recent incredibly controversial ban. The clear lines of communication and very concise and comforting thread that they made either justifying their decision somehow or apologizing for their hasty and unwarranted actions was just what this community needs to begin healing. So I would like to take this moment to whole heartedly thank the staff on behalf of the playerbase for their excellent communication and not stonewalling the community! <3

    1. Narthok



      **** off shill

    2. LatzMomo
    3. SaltAlt


      I had thought that there had been too much RP in Norland recently, the constant group outings and daily events was really getting to me. But now that's gone so I can finally return to my grinding! <3

  13. The walking dead season 1 for free



    You can also visit the humble bundle website, there is a banner right on their homepage advertising it.

    1. MikhaiI


      thx but i'm waiting for season 8 currently

    2. _pr0fit


      its not the movie, its the videogame

    3. MikhaiI


      thx but i'm waiting for season 4 currently

  14. Cakefools house and all his belongings were destroyed by hurricane harvey in texas, he is moving to iceland with his family to start his life over, send your love and support via pm or on this status update. :(

  15. All these people in here like "Oh, uncapped raids, think of all the 50-100 man raids that will happen!" First of all, the entire active population of the server isn't coming to raid you kid. I don't know how people can so overreact to this so stupidly. the largest raid I see actually happening to your tiny freebuild cottages is like 4 people, and even major settlements will only get around 20 if they aren't pvp focused players. pvp'ers want to fight pvp'ers, not people who can't figure out how status's work.

    1. Narthok


      raids are or were going to be capped at 30 :feels: ruleset that was posted was terribly outdated

    2. SaltAlt


      Exactly. Really not that fun to just slap a group of people who cant click for ****, its funny to watch them flail about for a bit but there's really no feeling of "accomplishment" or "challenge". 

    3. Thornz


      Orrr just convert the current 20man raids into uncapped raids with an hour notice while simultaneously maintaining normal 10 man raids?..

  16. 11 ST's online, need 1 ST for a 1 emote event, been waiting nearly 5 hours...

    1. _pr0fit
    2. ScreamingDingo


      That'd break the economy, sorry

    3. ImCookiie


      I'm just a poor builder sir

  17. I like to rp the mina I get from voting as some SIMP sending me money, but is too shy to talk to me.

  18. is there a post that says what level you have to be to mine each ore?

    1. ShameJax


      Should be on the wiki I believe.

    2. _pr0fit


      I looked but didn't see one.

  19. Miky991 is 12 irl

    1. Kaiser


      but this is a pg13 server

    2. _pr0fit


      YOU ARE 12 IRL!!!11ONEONE

  20. that was sad...

    1. LatzMomo


      Yes, Yes it was

    2. Lubbie


      Dwarven tactics best tactics, am I right guys?

  21. how do you get alchemy regents?

    1. Lubbie


      You buy them, or find them somewhere

    2. _pr0fit


      find them where?

  22. did they change the enchanting glyphs? cause if so, does that mean all enchanters forgot how to enchant?

    1. ski_king3
    2. Space


      They changed the glyphs.

  23. who can add me to perms in the wood elf city>

  24. "hi, my names Professorus..." "hi, Professorus," the crowd drones, I look at the ground... "M...m.." I stutter, "MEMES ARE DESTROYING MY LIFE!" I shout, the crowd claps and praises me. another successful day in memes anonymous. much admit! so recovery!

    1. LatzMomo
    2. _pr0fit




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