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Status Updates posted by Wrynn

  1. Hope you’re all having a good day ?, and hopefully you all have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Evonpire


      You abandoned our kids Wrynn.

    2. _Jandy_


      you also, gamer

    3. _Sug


      ❤️ u Wrynny

  2. Will the museum server be fixed? Kinda want to see it

    1. Polysemic


      Dunno when it's gonna be back but these should still work. If they don't, hmu on discord and I can give you my local copies of everything from Athera-Atlas 


    2. saint swag
    3. Wrynn


      hello c: ty for the help


  3. Remember to check out the modreq guide!:

    1. Wrynn
    2. Bvie


      I've found just screaming for you in TS to be much more efficient, yet strenuous on my vocal chords. The price I pay, I suppose.

  4. Well whilst the community is on melt down over our new chat plugin, take a look at the botany plugin you’ll be getting soon! ?


    ree it’s broken

    1. Doom321


      thanks wrynn, very cool! really enjoy the botany collecting.

    2. E__V__O
  5. Just found some character art of one of my very first characters! ?


    1. ronin_champloo


      god i miss u, you wholesome bastard

    2. _Jandy_


      looks like a building slave to me

  6. what happened?

    1. Wrynn


      big as kaboom?

    2. Wrynn


      oh not too bad then, good luck with it

  7. Are they getting out of hand yet...?


    1. Aengoth


      i think its fine, tickles my funny bone

    2. Chaw


      it triggered my epilepsy!! br 

  8. Sorry for the downtime, we'll try get everything working again as soon as possible!

    1. Bvie


      You mean we cant made diamond weapons and armor in crafting tables anymore?!

    2. Man of Respect
  9. Well that was fun.

    1. Shalashask


      Nice false flag. Blade is onto you.

    2. idiot
  10. Is there anyway to make the name of an item bold?

  11. What does it mean by 'Days Won' https://gyazo.com/5844ce557c09775d109ce0bbd510636d ?

    1. Space


      days where your posts got the most rep out of anyone

    2. Mj.


      It actually means how many days you have won the meme war 

  12. Farms/Fields building guide is up - any suggestions for the next one?

    1. Mj.


      Rivers and riverbeds

      Aka the water and like cliffs and hills around it 

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Gardens or vineyards

  13. Where are the magic guilds?!

  14. I retract my opinion about wanting to keep city gates open. If raids can have upto 20 people in them, it creates literally no rp.

    1. dogbew
    2. Vaynth


      Raids on nations can't surpass 10 attackers without a 24 hour notice to the defending party. So really if they wanted, their gates could just be closed during that time frame.

  15. I missed my 3 year anniversary of being on the server!

    1. Telanir


      it's ok, i missed my 6 yr anniversary

    2. Fireheart
  16. This is utter nightmare fuel.


    1. MyNameIsMason
    2. D4NNA


      End boss of the secret floor in Dragur.

  17. Anyone doing character art? I have like 2.5k minas I can spend on some art!

    1. z3m0s


      I know right. . . All I want is more art :C

    2. drfate786


      I can do it, though it'd take a very long time and I'd only take real money. 

  18. I am back from my holiday! I bet you didn’t even realise I was gone! ?

    1. Statherian


      Didn’t realize you were gone but still missed you.

    2. FlemishSupremacy


      I realized, cus i missed u bursting into ooc channel.
      Welcome back!

  19. 4  years (and a few days) now since I joined the server!

    1. nanoninja23


      Ooo, so what’s ya greatest moment so far in the four years?

    2. TheDragonsRoost
  20. I’ve been working on this for quite some time now, bringing to you Nexus 2.0!

    1. Thornz


      ? i miss axios 

    2. Doom321


      this is not a funny post this is actually sad and I hate you for tempting the lotc community for this

  21. Happy Birthday ? if it’s your birthday

  22. Oh wow! Look, a guide on how to modreq! Check it out.

  23. Remember to give me your opinion on lockpicking. I

    1. Wrynn


      I want to hear the direction you wish the server to go!


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