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Status Updates posted by Kilig

  1. Are there any Human kids? Wanna RP? Charlotte needs friends. kthnx.



    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Kilig


      Good idea, Nolan. Maybe put an npc in pmont so I can roleplay my crippling depression to someone? 

      Kthnx c:


    3. Kiiwi


      I play a 16 year old ^-^ That close enough? XD

    4. Kilig


      Most def c:

  2. Someone is impersonating Brennyn and even went as far as to create an IGN similar to mine. lol


    loser lol


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      ha, just report them and get them banned. Glad I was about to  aware you before you can get framed/ :)

    3. Onslaughted


      It was all me, you caught me.

    4. Kilig


      Lol. I knew it was you @Onslaughted

  3. I am so bored and I have to spend another day in this hospital.



    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AGiantPie


      Praying 4 u fam.

    3. idiot


      Get well soon~ <3

    4. GgDionne


      Dont eat too many hospital cookies!

  4. I miss human roleplay . . 


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      The only humans who rp are the ones who are druids

    3. Ducklingator


      Which is why I made my human a druid


    4. HurferDurfer1


      grab a sword and join the humans in that premium pvp roleplay 

  5. Not having any luck finding friends for my Amber character. Is every child in Oren a noble lol 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kilig


      @The Great Uniter (Sythan) Yes. I have played both noble and plebs. I enjoy both types of rp. I was just hoping this lil lady would have a bestie or two to grow up with. 


    3. Kilig


      I like how it's either noble children or orphan shits (sarcasm.) Amber is neither but not above friending an orphan ****.. I guess... shits isn't censored? interesting. 

    4. Squire Red

      Squire Red

      I'm neither noble nor an orphan ****... I am adopted and very shy, definitely not an asshat of a child.

  6. When I redeem the keys I've been saving and get all items.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KentuckyFriedCreeper
    3. H


      I heard 2 at a time is best if you don't care about items but want the most minas for your keys.

    4. Malaise


      20 at most is the biggest amount you may redeem. It yields the most valuable rewards.

  7. Just keepin' it honest.

    You wouldn't want a young ***** if I wasn't whippin' this foreign. 

  8. I'm home... finally! Thanks to everyone that kept me company while I was stuck in those freezing four walls and dying of boredom. <3



  9. You and I were meant for something better. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Angmarzku
    3. Kilig


      You caught me. there isn't an answer ;-; lol

    4. Angmarzku


      I knew it! I know you Lis :)

  10. about to watch zootopia! Don't judge me. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kilig


      OMG that movie was so cute I could cry!

    3. ShameJax


      you're amish 

    4. Kilig




  11. tfw you're playing truth or dare and someone is dared to push a fat welf in a wheelchair down the stairs.



  12. Can't seem to let you go. Can't seem to hold you close.

  13. Skin for character art? (; hmu

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kim



      finals ends on the 10th!! IM SO CLOSE

    3. Kim


      i will shower u with motherly love once im back

    4. Kilig


      then you're MEIN.


  14. it's a little funny how shocked some people can be when they find out that you're still playing your characters even after they lose their nobility and become a pleb lol I'm guessing people usually pk?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amethain


      I'm only surprised when I meet a Human from Aegis or Asulon lol

    3. Guest


      do you mean vuples roke? ^

    4. Stump


      There were a few times I've come really close to losing my nobility entirely, and I've already gone through losing my royal status.
      Still going strong, dying is for neeeeeeerds.
      But seriously the character development is so juicy, I love it. I suppose Ceriwyn could've died a few times in the past and ended there, but I'm glad she's gone on to do the stuff she's doing now. c'=
      She'll be a whole (IRL) year old on the 21st.

  15. We only said goodbye with words

    1. Show previous comments  3 more


      i said it in ooc. please leave.

    3. Angmarzku


      You could say goodbye with a gift or a kiss! Or a hug!

    4. _pr0fit


      Who let jaden smith on lotc!

  16. Sort of want to get into maid/servant RP with one of my existing characters. She is soon to be 13, very proper little lady and has amnesia due to being attacked and nearly killed by an Orc. Send me a msg if this interests you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kilig


      actually imma just do a forum post. 

    3. wolfdwg


      What skills do you have atm?

    4. Kilig


      @WolfThePict she is a miner and lumberjack. 

  17. who wants rep?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LatzMomo


      I could use some rep in these dark, dark times

    3. Kilig


      Repped! <3

    4. Moochael


      I think we all deserve rep once in a while 

  18. unhiding signatures was a mistake lol

  19. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  20. Excuse me if I seem a little unimpressed with this.

    An antisocial pessimist-

    but usually I don't mess with this. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kilig


      Context is intentionally lacking. Just how I feelz at the moment about some situations.

    3. ℤ∃ʁ∅
    4. MetaSolaray


      You see, Cordial
      Meta is musically retarded
      And will always be, 
      Because ducks go quack, the end.

  21. Being half sioux and half german always complicates things on days like these.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moochael


      I'm spent the Fourth of July in England and I'm 1/2 American so it's more awkward for that

    3. Shalashask


      Ethnically or Nationally? 

    4. Kilig


      Sioux exist. They reside in the Dakotas in reservations where they live in like below poverty level conditions.

  22. Ayy in the hospital bored af. And hungry. Please bring pizza and flowers kthnx.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kilig


      nuuuu i need pizza ;-; and lol burk you mad.

    3. Burkester


      I'm jesting 

    4. Angmarzku


      Brings pizza and hamburger to Lissy, and sprite! And chocolate!

  23. it's our paradise and it's our war zone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moochael


      What's up with all these poetic status updates, kilig?

    3. Kilig


      @Moochael I was raised in the same town as edgar allan poe. 

    4. JVQ


      dnt compare edgar alan poe to some reject pagan skengman muggle from 1d

  24. LissassiLL is not me. I don't know who it is or why they are impersonating my chars and such. Just ignore them and sorry to people that have been talking to them thinking its me. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Overland


      Report it to a GM, it's against the rules to impersonate someone.

    3. Kilig


      I did a modreq and told them but the person is still signing on so I guess they did nothing.


    4. Overland


      Might be best to PM one either on the forum or on Skype then.

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