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Status Updates posted by MunaZaldrizoti

  1. *peeks in head*

    Hi....I'm sorta back. I think I've missed alot of stuff.



    1. Goblinmancer


      welcome back gamer


  2. Just a quick update, I'm sorry for not being around much since I got back from my trip. Alot of real life stuff has been happening all at once and I've been left forgetting any of my commitments on the server. If you needed something from me, please just keep poking me about in Discord and I'll get to it. Just trying to reorganize myself after being away for so long! <3



  3. 🌴 I'm back from vacation, BEWARE!

    1. Goblinmancer


      welcome back gamer! <3


  4. Extending my little break till Monday! If you need me for events or planning, I'm still open to work on that through Discord. Just trying to play some other games and relax.

    1. ImCookiie


      Enjoy your time off! 

  5. Taking another day off from LOTC. Message me on Discord if you need me for anything!

    1. Maur


      Don't have too much fun without us!!!! 

  6. Just to follow up, what actually is wrong with those of you who would support something like this? Would you also stand up for people like HipsterAtheist or RideTheSky? Like, I just really can't wrap my head around your actual justified reason besides...a meme? To cause ooc chaos? I think it says a lot about who you are and what you stand for or condone, if you're one of the people trying to make something so disgusting happen.

    1. monkeypoacher


      what is "this" 

      Edited by monkeypoacher
      nvm I'm illiterate
  7. Not me hearing about people trying to get Icarnus unbanned for being a literal predator...not that

    1. libertyybelle


      People really be wilding.

  8. General Question to those interested on LOTC: If we could have a mermaid/siren CA race on LOTC, what would you guys like to see from it? Would you want it to be more light-hearted (more magic based, pods of mermaids, animal-friendly, pastel colors) or a darker concept (luring sailors to their deaths at sea, curses via songs or situals, making deals with mortals, etc.)?


    Please let me know!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Kholibrii


      Sirens already exist as Event Creatures so I feel you'd really need to make it different from them for it to be good.

      I think it would be much cooler to instead make it almost like a curse, like people with the CA could live outside of water, but would have to be in water every X days and when not in water their skin is dry and they have a drive to find water, Possibly have them have permanent gills and a "fish-like face" to avoid them form being "beautiful creatures" because honestly having a weird CA that is beautiful will lead to some RP that does not need to be on the server. I can't think of any positive things that could be done for them that aren't already done though. 

      You also have the possibility of doing a Murloc-like CA which could also be really interesting due to the lack of intelligence. 

    3. ronin_champloo


      mermaid/siren CAs will never work in lotc bc no one likes rping underwater

    4. Carson


      There should be options for both more lighthearted concepts in addition to darker ones

  9. Anybody still around who remembers the Axios-era Principality of Veris? I'm curious to hear about people's memories of it, if there are any.

  10. Between making backdoor dealings with some players in order to manipulate roleplay to silencing victims of literal homophobia, I am genuinely concerned about what is going on with LOTC staff right now. Two years ago, I was able to remove TWO pedophiles who targeted me because I felt that the staff had my back and the evidence against them was substantial. What is going on now, in 2021? 


    Are things like racism, homophobia, and blatant abuse not enough to warrant a perma-ban? This is a community made up of MANY different kinds of players, not just the ones you deem to be worthy of your intervention. Please don't treat one terrible act differently from another. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT.


    (Additional Note: This is not the first time in the last year that players who have abused others or been overtly cruel have been allowed back on the server. Stop it. And no, this isn't me just making a status to seem like I'm some hero. Anyone who knows me, like me or dislike me, knows I've been outspoken about this stuff for a long, long time.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dasdi


      I won't be surprised if this status is deleted either. LOTC Administration has a LONG history of silencing **** like this. I'm not surprised by our numbers anymore. The staff team can put out as many feedback threads and player retention reports as they want, that won't stop the amount of people leaving, due the miscarriage of justice on staff's behalf.

    3. MissToni


      They keep repeating the same mistakes.

    4. manicfairy


      It’s called lotc not really knowing how to not be toxic 

  11. stream man's world by MARINA for clear skin


    that's all.

    1. Zacho


      my gf adores this song !!

  12. welcome to lotc, where racism is only met with a few months worth of ban and then ignored entirely 🙃

  13. When is the CA-Mermaid expansion pack coming to LOTC?? 🧜‍♀️

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MunaZaldrizoti


      @SquakHawk cold frozen mermaids? Is this some lore I've never heard of?

    3. squakhawk


      4 hours ago, MunaZaldrizoti said:

      @SquakHawk cold frozen mermaids? Is this some lore I've never heard of?

      the frosty wimches..

    4. Valannor


      Silly Muna. 

  14. If anyone has any idea, are there any  public player-communities that revolve around Voidal Magic, or smaller communities of that kind that might be lookng for new players? I have a persona for it, but I have no idea where to go to find that kind of rp. My discord is MunaZaldrizoti#6175, or you can reply to this status. Thank you!!


    (Not looking for magic btw, just a community that has voidal mages in it.)

    1. Valannor


      Sutica has plenty of voidal mages, and like 3-5 teachers for stuff. They even used to have a magic college.

    2. Jentos


      Are you only looking for void magic, or are you more interested in the more archaic elements of "magic" we see in ancient and early modern history? Are you more interested in the casting of let's say fireballs, or more complex systems that might deal with theology, scripture and philosophies? 

    3. Gustando


      am interested in ur mom lol ! @Jentos

  15. To any players who have seen me literally go through 3 different-looking personas in the last 48 hours, having a open third persona slot and deciding what to do with it is difficult, I apologize. 😅 

    1. rukio


      This is the strangest lotc related issue I have seen at 5 am in a while but I am glad to know this information. May you find a solution to your third slot emptiness soon! 🙂

      Edited by rukio
    2. Urahra


      I've played like... 15 total characters on LOTC and most of them were for less than a month. Probably some less than a week lmao. Thank god for temp chars.

    3. Tigergiri


      Me last year:cycling between 15 charactets

  16. Finally finished my full dedicant trial in search of my Kuila Crystal! If you've got freetime for a read, check out the 7-days of writing:

  17. If Aeriel is taken from us tonight, just know I will always love my ethereal Soulstream queen! 😢🌙

    1. Urahra


      they can’t kill off aeriel


      she’s the only aengul I know!!

    2. MunaZaldrizoti




    MunaZaldrizoti#6175 – Dm Me If YoU gOt BeEf, ShItPoStInG iS pEtTy Af. 🥵



    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      whats your major malfunction

  19. w2teK9L.jpg


    Miss you... 😢💔

    1. TankM1A2


      Miss you too, lol. Good times.


      I’m still hanging around these forums, though, so feel free to hit me up on Discord should anything come up.



    2. LithiumSedai
  20. Does anyone have a download of the Vailor map? The LOTC Map site has been down for a while now.

  21. high elf targaryens when? 🙃🐲

    1. Andustar


      Please no...

    2. Johann
    3. Heero


      You missed that boat once Aldemar was pulled off life support

  22. Rest in Power, Naya... 💔😢


  23. This seems like an odd request for the World Team, but after thinking about it for a while, I’d REALLY love to see a more dynamic and unique desert biome for our eventual next map. Some ruins thrown here and there, small oasis areas, and just something fleshed out. I’ve always felt like that area has always been lacking initially, until players come and populate it. Thanks for coming to my brief Ted-Talk.

    1. frill


      next map is in good hands (junars)

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      I no longer trust the staff to build good biome variation in maps. Just look at Arcas.

    3. Anore


      *Excited anticipation*

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