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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. this is the kind of stuff that makes people wanna play snelves
  2. dw we’ll make the cursus honorum become omething big in your memory, maybe we can make pvp and raids fun again ? cya tho o/
  3. A torrent of cold rain falls down onto the veteran as she trudges through the snow in the dead of night— A rain that caused even some of the hardiest animals to take shelter from such conditions. She didn't know why she went in the direction she did, what on Atlas urged her to head there, not even what she should do upon arrival. Yet, there’s some gut feeling calling her there. Leading her, like a desire that has clawed away at her person with nothing but regret. Word had quickly spread of her disappearance. Have you heard? The princess went missing… They whisper. Some say she stepped down... Others say she was overthrown by her own council. Whenever she visits common towns or cities, she’d usually be met with glares or scowls of those she didn’t even recognize. It hurt more when it was from those who she once called a citizen. Once she had been a proud and straight-spined leader. Now, however, she’d be recognized as nothing more than a pathetic wanderer. She approaches the hulking walls of the Federation. Vines and moss had grown on it over years, though they're now frozen over and lifeless. Her gaze moves up before she continues, each step only adding a sense of abandonment and a depressing feeling of nostalgia. The gates are left open and the square is empty at this time of night, which seemed to give the city an eerie atmosphere, contrasting with what she remembered it as. Stopping, she looks around. Usually, the square is filled with drunken laughs from the tavern or random chatter from the Sutican denizens, but there isn’t now. Silence replaces laughter and talking. Luckily, she wouldn’t need to worry about needing to hide or go unseen— The only chance of her being seen is through the window of a home. After all, there’s nothing suspicious about a hooded figure roaming the streets in the middle of the night, is there? She walks the streets, where tiny snowflakes collect on her clothes. Her mind wanders as her gaze remains low. History repeats itself, she thinks. She likes to believe that leading the federation simply comes with misfortune, but another part of her is saying that what happened to her was more than just a coincidence— that it was more than just an accident. Perhaps it was a chance. A chance to start anew. She has started anew, but she's yet to convince herself she's taken the lighter path. She stops as ice cracks under her boots, looking at the home which she once lived so happily in. She stands face to face with the frozen door as if expecting a familiar face to step out and greet her, but he doesn’t. Instead, the door stares back at her just as she stares at it, completely static. Soon, she lifts a hand and grips the frozen handle of the door, turning it. Ice cracks off and falls as the door lets out a squeak something akin to a screaming piglet. She steps in slowly, leading a small trail of snow in after herself. The room is dank and dusty. It’s clear that the furniture within had not been moved or even touched in a very, very long time. The mere smell of the room nearly made her recoil, but she moves deeper into the room regardless. She heads upstairs, quite reluctant to lift her eyes and look around in fear of memories she'd recall in this very room. She focuses on the patterns of the stone floor briefly before lifting her head, observing the room. It was just as expected, yet completely untouched. The first thing she noticed was the bed. Even the covers and blankets remained in the same spot they had been in since she had last slept there— Alone, that is. The windows are cracked and scratched but are otherwise unbroken while the nearby furniture and tables collect dust and dead insects. After a moment of inspecting the area, she looks to the nearby bed. “Atlas…” she mumbles to herself, stepping forth as she looks down to the bed. Something crawls beneath the dusty blankets, so she slowly reaches down and yanks them up. Two field mice stare up at her momentarily before skittering away, leaving her alone once more. She kicks off her boots and removes the heavy coat she wore, dropping it on the floor carelessly. She goes to hesitantly lay down in the bed, moving to her side on the left near the wall. The bed creaks harshly as she does such. She sneezed almost every minute or two as her nose became increasingly itchy due to the amount of dust in the room, but her eyes soon grew heavy enough to shut. Despite this, she remained awake for quite some time, listening to the chill of the wind and skittering of mice. She stares at the empty spot beside herself, trying to remember the face that once stared back at her, but can hardly move her thoughts away from who used to occupy the space. She pretends that he stares back at her, but he doesn’t. The mice will have to accompany her tonight.
  4. sry but share some of ur talent with me plz this is amazing
  5. whats a game moderator


    1. Fireheart


      A game moderator doesn’t exist.

    2. Jondead


      A game Moderator is a Moderator that moderates a game duh

  6. im starting to get involved in highschool drama and im trying to stay out of it and  like “plz just leave me alone,  ,,,,,”


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lirro
    3. Abyssus


      your pretty cute

    4. Zacho


      bro drama is fun af to hear about idk what u on, specially when its highschool drama

  7. is it a sunnyside up egg or a fried egg please this is very important 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. drfate786


      You mean with the egg yolk leaking all over the sandwich and making it soggy? The mess on your hands and mouth as you desperately try to eat it properly? >:)

    3. monkeypoacher


      idk man that’s the way I’ve been doing it 

  8. Restart scheduled in 9 years 182 days.

    1. TheDragonsRoost
    2. drfate786


      That’s 7.0’s release date.

  9. How do you feel the community itself has changed over the years? How do you feel the quality or type of RP has changed over the years? Who is it you look up to the most, when it comes to RP and OOC?

    1. Enlightenment


      To those whom it may concern – Gisep head southwards. Send food.

  11. you’d really think that the staff would be more careful in their steps especially considering with all of these rival servers coming out 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GhazRIALOfGhazralia


      @arockstar28 Server failed that quickly? 



    3. itdontmatta


      @GhazRIALOfGhazralia No mate, I just let someone else take it over! Wanted to pursue other interests. 

    4. lemontide331


      @NotEvilAtAll his server died 1hour after launch 

      it was expected though, guys a clown! protocol btw

  12. because I personally have no sympathy for him getting banned or quitting neither do 10 other people it just seems like he’s another one of those people who gets banned for being blatantly toxic, then go on the forums talking about how he was banned for something “minuscule” and that LOTC is gonna die soon and end up quitting if he was a player who I actually respected, then yeah I’d say bye that’s just how it b
  13. Thanks for proving my point But regardless, I honestly don’t care whether or not they’re an ET playable creature or not, going back to my first point:
  14. edit: misread what you said, it literally says that they’re an ET playable creature in the redlines
  15. … I know? I never said they were. It doesn’t change my opinion about them.
  16. dude you’ve been banned like 20 times LOTC is still doing well, clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about when you say LOTC won’t be active in 9 months
  17. I’m pretty sure there was something very very similar to this that was denied a long time ago. The Xoatol, I think they were called... However they were a CA race and not just an ET playable creature, as I assume this is. Imo this doesn’t really feel like it would add much to the server. It seems really bland.
  18. i stayed up until 2am talking about old barbie movies with someone and now im super tired

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      The winter one was the best

    2. Nectorist


      written in your heart was an absolute banger

  19. why did you apply to be a gm ahem, “moderator” as the cool kids call it now
  20. yall its supposed to be like, -35 to -65 on tuesday and wednesday im gonna ******* die, the ice age is here 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bhased


      I live in canada and we're getting hit hard which is big yikes cause I have an exam tomorrow 

    3. Bluee


      b-but it says -1 on tuesday and -11 on wednesday

    4. Unwillingly
  21. yeah sorry lets not forget how much worse the orcs got it than african americans in the 50s ur right my bad
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