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Everything posted by SimplySeo

  1. Anxiety is a *****


    How are y'all

  2. IGN: DixieDemolisher RP NAME: Jorvin Kazrinsson of Clan Starbreaker AGE: 200ish ACTIVITY REQUIREMENT: Grand King, Godslayer, Savior of the World CANDIDATE: Ulfric Frostbeard
  3. Can we fish again yet. I want to make fermented fish.

  4. Every time there's an election in Urguan it turns into a skit from the Death of Stalin.

  5. From his retirement home in the far north, Jorvin Starbreaker begins penning a letter.
  6. Please for the love of god just give us resource pits back

  7. In a faraway village, a dwarf rocks in his chair by the fire, reading the news a week later brought by merchants from the mainland. As he reads Jorvin Starbreaker gives a slight smile, before looking to his aged longsword above the fire. "Another wrong righted, They make our ancestors proud." he remarked proudly, sipping from his flask of ale.
  8. Trying to come up with Norse-sounding surnames is hard when you take into account they didn't use surnames.


    Writing is hard.

    1. Sham404


      Put -dottir or -sson on the end of a normal name or give them a name based on a nickname such aa Lothbrok meaning hairy britches



  9. I'm gonna be real with you I dunno about this one homeboy.
  10. A lot of people use LOTC and collaborative fiction writing in general as a form of escapism. I dunno who needs to hear this, but there's nothing wrong or cringy about using roleplay as a way of de-stressing, even if it is on minecraft.


    Take care of yourselves, and be kind to one another. I spent an unhealthy amount of time on this server feuding with people, and being absorbed by mineman drama. Don't let those things get in the way of the reason why you came here, to have a good time, and to have fun writing with people.

    1. Shorsand


      having fun is pure enlightenment

    2. Laeonathan


      so much truth

  11. I just wanna mine.

  12. Only four more dentist appointments for fillings. Not the end of all the work, but its a start.

    1. herculean_wud


      i hope everything goes well bro 

      Edited by grubgoth_wud
    2. SimplySeo


      Thanks. Been a year from hell, but I'm working through it.

  13. Far to the north, a storm gathers, a blizzard the likes of which strikes one in a generation. The likes of which poses a foul omen to the faithful of the Allfather. It's origin is natural, but what it heralds is of no natural design. Upon the icy gray seas of Almaris's northern coast, a fleet of longships gathers. A dozen are smashed against glacier and rock alike, or blown hundreds of miles off course... But three reached their destination ahead of their comrades, and it was enough. Two bore the scouting parties, horned warriors whose eyes have lurked on the homes of the Nords for several months. And one ship, of ashen-gray hull and leathery sails carried an individual with designs far more malevolent in nature than mere conquest. His Huskarls too were borne upon this vessel, singing the profane sagas of their blood-soaked Lord. Let Fnod's Folk and the tribe of Ruric dull their blades against each other, their dawdling will only ensure a quick victory for his marauders once they arrive in earnest. [!] ♪♪♪ Over the following months, those intrepid few who venture north enough will find that, upon the shores of the ice-wastes to their north, longships of foreign make rest, their crews gone. And to an even rarer few still, a panicked soul might tell of a pack of horned warriors, steadily but surely marching south under the cover of a winter storm And at their vanguard, a crimson-plated warlord plots his intervention.
  14. Jorvin Starbreaker smiles proudly as the new generation of Dwarves slaughters the Urk menace, as generations of their kin had done before them.
  15. Amidst yawning bellows, scorching flames, and lumbering stone giants, the former Grand King, and former Clan Father of the Starbreakers stirs, hammering an axe to shape upon his anvil. He works silently, expression grim and hardened. Pity Utak was not here, he thought, for no doubt Urk blood would be shed in vengeance soon enough.
  16. Jorvin Starbreaker pulls himself out of bed with a grunt, adjusting his bandages for a moment before eyeing over the letter. The Longbeard scoffs. "Gailukuroz tagumar kryumgeron korthon va'waerodmar. Yir cast?" (******* madmen running their mouths, what is new?) he muttered to himself, before tucking his scabbard into his belt, and rising to start his day.
  17. "An' so passes another legend of yore, and another ancestor feasts with tha' Gods in Khaz'A'Dentrumm." Jorvin Starbreaker says mournfully. "So few remain of that great generation, ah'n e'aer fewer with the passage of time, and the time is coming soon where we must take up their mantle, let us hope we prove half as worthy in the eyes of the Gods! Narvak oz Urguan, Narvak oz Rhewen!"
  18. Jorvin Starbreaker ponders in silence for a time. He thinks back to his first encounters with Levian, before reminding himself just how far in the past it was. 'The boy is grown', he thinks, before reaching for his pen and paper... To Levian'tol of Clan Grandaxe I congratulate you on your victory in the election, and wish you well in the reign to come. I advise you enjoy the celebrations to come, the honors bestowed upon you. The joy will wear off soon enough, and it will be then your job truly begins. There is no greater honor than to be Grand King, and there is no heavier burden, I have seen it grind men into dust, as it did so to me. In the years to come, you must be Urguan's greatest servant, and recognize that your duty as king comes before all else. The Book of Grudges remains ever full, the Clans bicker and squabble like children, and Urguan's rivals circle her at every turn like sharks, but no ye this. There is no greater threat than the Neverborn, the Kharvulthrein, the Demonic, the Undead, and the servants of every dark power that seeks to unmake what we have built. Do not forget this. They will come, offering you money and power, or perhaps simply convince you that they are a greater foe to your enemies than you. These are falsehoods. My greatest regret in my time as king is that I did not act sooner against the Infernal host, perhaps had I done so, Korvassa would have been saved, and tens of thousands of lives would be spared. The foe moves against us, even now, you must be vigilant, as the signs of their activity are often shrouded in uncertainty and conjecture. But they are there, and no matter whatever names they go by, Necromancer, Warlock, Azdrazi, etc. Knowingly or not, they serve the ends of Khorvad, the Archenemy, so treat them all as if they are one and the same. Secondly, I warn you of threats from within. The bickering of clans all too easily slips from grumbling, to talks of rebellion. They will grow jealous of you Levian, and they will seek to undo what progress you make, even if it is to their own detriment. Ultimately, many who claim to serve Urguan are, at their core, self-serving, as such comes naturally to Dwarves, and few who speak of honor practice it. What will be difficult is that despite it all, you must be willing to break bread, and compromise with them. Under no uncertain terms can Urguan survive a civil war, should the worst occur, our race will remain ever broken and scattered. Do not let the downfall of Old Urguan be the downfall of our own, and while you must keep the peace between the clans, never trust them. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Should you ever find yourself at a loss, turn to the Paragons. Throughout my reign and even before it, the inspiration of the Paragons guided my most successful actions. Think to yourself what they would do in your situation, and you will often find yourself an answer. Should you ever wish for my advice, in war or peace, consider me at yours and Urguan's disposal. I have served Urguan my entire life, and will continue to do so to the best of my ability. I know your opinion of me is not the highest, and of that I cannot blame you. But I will always be there should you wish to consult. Every king has looked to those before them for advice, I often confided in Utak, despite how little we got along during his reign. Take now shame in speaking with your elders, simply remember that your word has ultimate sway. You are now Yemekar's hammer against the foes of Urguan, and a shepherd to its people. Lead them well. Signed Jorvin Kazrinsson of Clan Starbreaker NARVAK OZ URGUAN NARVAK OZ LEVIAN'TOL
  19. Is that a request cause like I can but that's gonna take a lot of energy and I'm kinda tired right now.
  20. Happy Pride, folks!


    @Mickaelhz made me think of u

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