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  1. {Winter Caravan by Aleksandra Medvedenko} On domestic and international trade An announcement from elOkarn akaln’leh As issued by Okarir’akaln Usamea An’asul 21st of Malin’s Welcome, Year 66 of the Second Age “Our Bastion’s wealth and security depend upon our ability to control and regulate trade, even if that means at the expense of our lesser associates.” - Silir Uradir Haelun’or has been known throughout Her history as the isolated state - from the time of the creation to present day - among the continents we have resided in. Such has been an asset for Haelun’or as we remain self-sufficient, we are not dependent on any foreign nation when it comes to exports and imports. Haelun’or has bloomed from the era of Malaurir Dio Astore to the era of Malaurir Elesia Elervathar. To remain progressive it is important to understand the value of external trading, the value of good diplomatic relations between Haelun’or and foreign nations, however not with the expense of ourselves. We must remain vigilant, yet open. I am thus bringing back something created by a former Okarir’san Silir Uradir - the seal of Elemyumiran. This seal will be granted on application basis to merchants that function within the Silver State. We will uphold and protect the rights of our government-approved merchants, who’s caravans will be sealed with the official mark of our Republic in order to ensure safe passage through the borders of the Most Favored allies. We require all trades associated with our nation to be conducted via these marked and traveling repositories. It is by this method that I ask the citizenry to consider supporting the introduction of enumerated goods. When a mali’thill merchant purchases goods to redistribute with a raised price (as is wise and just), or creates goods to sell, they will be required to filter certain textiles and items of interest back through the Motherland to receive the necessary tariffs. Any Silver Merchant would understand that it is their blessed duty to first provide for our Society, not just themselves. Any profit they make, some will go to our capital city (which, due to its elegance and continuation of our kind, is always in need of funds). During times of conflict it is important we remain open to dialogue and diplomacy, the usage of swords and spilling of blood is but actions of the uncivilized. One must always seek diplomatic resolution to conflicts, even when the swords have already been raised. On this note, I am letting the representatives of the Dual Principalities of Fenn and Nor’asath, the Crown of Elvenesse and the Ebonwood Principatus know that Haelun’or still remains open to dialogue and diplomacy– violence should never be the answer. However for now, all trade between Haelun’or and the aforementioned settlements shall be ceased until further notice. We implore the nations to reach a diplomatic resolution. Signed, Okarir'akaln Usamea An’asul AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  2. A leather-bound tome lies unattended. The pages are stark and clean, suggesting a recent publishing, or attempts at preservation. You pick it up, curious at the title- what are Long Pigs? The answer is likely not what you hoped. To Cook a Longpig Authored by Barbog, Grubgoth of the Iron’Uzg Translated by the Orcish Cultural Revival And Purity project (OCRAP) For too long, brothers and sisters of the Uruk-hai have been left in the dark by the master butchers and Grubgoths of Uruk society. Perhaps these were never meant to be left secret, or forgotten by the masses, but as times and traditions change, so too has our knowledge of the past. Whilst many brothers may still seek out and butcher the longpig like in days past, there is a distinct lack of etiquette about it, and the dishes prepared (if they can even be called such) featuring longpig are woefully inadequate at best, and a slap in the face of Glutros at worst. I shall do my part in redeeming my misguided brothers, sisters, and any who fancy a decent meal of the most coveted meat. TO BUTCHER A LONGPIG As we all know, there are many types of longpig in the world. From the gamey, lean cutlets of the Mali, to the chewy gristle notable in Dweddish meat. Each variety of longpig brings unique textures and exotic tastes to any dish, but all maintain similar anatomy- and thus, similar cuts. Below is a detailed sketch, drafted by a close friend and confidant- whom I paid in meals, of course! The following parts have been carefully labelled and separated on the drawing; Head, ears, jowl, snout, neck, blades, shoulders, hock, back-fat, arms, hands, ribs, flank, belly, loin, rump, lower hock, leg, shank, and feet. Please take careful note of abnormal, non-descendent races. As one might expect, the belching Wonk or the limber Hou-Zi will undoubtedly be cut differently, as their anatomy grows further from traditional longpig cuts. The Musin shan’t be more than a snack. TO MAKE A MEAL OF LONGPIG Whilst cooking the meat itself is none too dissimilar from a hock of lamb or pig belly, one must be careful when selecting your sides! Longpig has a very distinct tone, and, due to its exotic nature, should not be wasted on unfitting dishes. My personal recommendations are as follows: HUMAN - As time-tested-and-true as beef or pig itself. While certainly a cut above livestock, if not just for the hunt involved in procuring this meat, I personally feel that you have better options. Truly, Longpig is meant to be a rare delicacy, and the abundance of humans leave this rather paradoxical- and the tastes and textures themselves are certainly nothing to write home about. If you were to create a barbaric or uncultured dish, then human meat suits perfectly. Burgers and bacon, perhaps, but leave serving longpig before a king to the Mali or Kha. ELF - As much as they may protest when alive, when you get down to the fundamentals- the flesh itself- they’re really all quite similar. Indeed, the tender, gamey, supple meat of the Mali are among my favorite dishes. I cannot speak highly enough of the feasts I have turned the odd botanist or researcher into. Perhaps it is their natural femininity, or their inclination to bookish things, but elves have an unrivaled, juicy tenderness. The finest of red wines, and the most expensive, outlandish sides could never be enough to compete with the meat itself- but perhaps they may make it better by comparison. DWARF - As the stout, tough race toils hard in their mines and are born with muscles taut as stone, so too is this reflected in their meat. If you wish to cook evenly and deeply with this longpig (or shall we call them shortpig?) , then a good tenderizer and elbow grease is required. I can assure you, though, that they make a most excellent brisket if you do, and there is no better iteration of pulled longpig meat, than that painstakingly torn from the Dwed. HALFLING - While it wounds me as a friend of the Weefolk to have to record an entry that may be mistaken as encouraging their slaughter, I only do so in the highest regard as an objective chef. They are, as one may expect, quite similar to the flesh of the human that some allege they originate from. They have more ‘earthy’ notes to them, which some have suggested come from the divergence of ancestry. This pairs well with heady beers and hard liquors. Should you come across the meat of the half-men, I can only suggest one thing; avoid the feet. They are tough, covered in calluses many, many layers deep, and unlike shucking a clam, does not reward you with good grub. WONK - Their anatomy is, quite simply, repulsive to most casual consumers. Even the meat itself is slick and slimy, and the only cure is to char it into a brick- a cardinal sin that no true cook should ever commit. You have two options when it comes to the Wonk as longpig. You may either attempt to recreate certain seafood dishes with Wonk meat, leveraging that sliminess as one might the slippery raw squid, or slick watery vegetables. This, in my opinion, is the best choice for most of the Wonk’s body… except for their hock, leg, and shank. These are fatty and have a texture somewhere between soft fish and poultry. Best when sauteed and stewed! Fun fact: Wonk legs do not stiffen up as fast as most animals upon their demise, and may even twitch when heated up in cooking! HOU-ZI - An odd choice- and I say that proceeding the Wonk! Whilst there are similarities between the Hou-Zi, and races such as halflings and humans, they are an entirely different beast- No offense to Hou-Zi intended! Truly, they ought not be hunted for their meat, as it is rather bland and chewy in the most unpalatable way. Instead, the true delicacy of the Hou-Zi is in the mind… And I say that in the most physical sense. Chilled Hou-Zi brains. Do not question it, merely enjoy it. KHA - Whilst Kha are very few and far between these days, I would argue that only makes the already-exotic taste of the meat feel only that much more so! Truly, in days where Kha would roam our borders in droves, were days where the Ilzgûl blessed our civilizations. There is something so… utterly indescribably, in the juices of Kha meat. I cannot stress this enough- this meat NEEDS to be served rare, if not raw. Any dangers of undercooked meat are well worth the suffering when beer-basted Kha precedes it. MUSIN - Musin themselves have little meat, and are best served as a side of their own. However, should you find yourself with many little mouse-meals, you may find that they are best incorporated as half-dish. Meals such as a mushroom-and-musin kebab, or a chunky stew, would be a wonderful use for these little snacks. SEZZIKBEKK - While their bodies are quite unappealing at first glance, they hold much meat in their more ‘avian’ parts- the thighs, breast, and (on some specimens with less-twisted appendages), wing-meat. Whilst these may be used as a replacement for more common fowl, such as chicken or partridge, they truly shine when deep-fried. Indeed, while I find few things more delicious in this world than Krugtucky Fried Chicken, I have found their equal in Fried Sezzikbekk. TO PLATE A LONGPIG This will, of course, vary by the meat itself, and how you cook it. Humans, halflings, dwarves, and the like will be suitable as plain affairs- one would not be remiss to see human sliders on a plain ceramic tray, and for good reason. For more ‘exotic’ meats, then rest assured, I recommend firmly to play this up in their presentation. Sauteed wonk with a smooth Teriyaki sauce, Musin kebabs wrapped in palm leaves with carefully-threaded skewers connecting the cutlets, and Deep-Fried Sezzibekk stacked like a tower, with garlic powder and shredded kaktuz sprinkled from high above. All of these are presentations I have seen with my own eyes, and they never cease to entertain and enthrall even the most well-fed of critics. Go with your intuition here, but I must repeat from earlier; do not waste your longpig. The taking of a life is much more special here- a cow or chicken are penned and dumb, and the act of bringing one to your table is of absolutely no note. The battle that wins you a prime dish-to-be of longpig, however, means that the meat itself deserves a higher level of respect. Perhaps you may attempt to recreate aspects of that very battle in your plating, but at the very least it makes an entertaining story to share. AFTERWORD Whilst my advocacy for the consumption and proper preparation of longpig cannot be understated, I do not intend for this book to inspire my brothers and sisters to become butchers for the sake of sport. It is the very act of a well-fought battle that makes the meat taste that much more succulent, the comedy of serving a belly cut deep by your friend’s arrow, that is to truly ‘make the meal’. To turn them into common chattel is right-out. Livestock has grown complacent, boring, and dare I say, a turn-off to many chefs. Respect the intent behind serving longpig, by not abusing the source the Ilzgûl have so generously provided. They are the sustenance after a battle, not some simpering beast to be penned and bred for grub alone. But, above all else; Cook well, my friends. -Barbog
  3. [!] A beautifully decorated missive inked upon silver parchment was delivered to elSillumiran ito Haelun'or. The missive would also be pinned upon the notice board of Haelun'or. {War by Svadren} For the Motherland, for the bravest of 'thill An announcement to the Silver State of Haelun'or As enacted by Okarir'akaln Usamea An'asul, endorsed by elOkarir'tir 10th of Malin's Welcome, Year 61 of the Second Age The Weeping Blades, elSillumiran ito Heaelun'or, the mighty protectors of the Motherland hold a duty many of us would never dare. They sacrifice themselves for the Motherland and Her citizens. They ensure that our bastion remains secure, they fight in the front lines so us civilians may enjoy our peace time leisure - well, in peace. If it was not for these mighty soldiers, we would be nothing but ash on the ground our mighty walls stand upon. In the light of this, after much deliberation and consideration it is within my pleasure to announce the following: All members of elSillumiran shall enjoy a lower tax of a set price of oem (1) Ibar for their accommodation. The Sillumiran may choose to live in a house within the price range of 2-4 Ibar and pay only 1 Ibar each year. These prices however require full-time participating in all Sillumiran related. The tax reduction will only be applicable to Sillumiran living on their own or within shared lodging consisting only of Sillumiran. The citizenship census must be filled by all Sillumiran who wish to have their taxes decreased. The Okarir'akaln within their discretion may amend this decision. This change will come in effect on the 1st of the Amber Cold, Year 62 of The Second age. Signed, Okarir’akaln Usamea An’asul Okarir'tir Sillumir Sixty-One "We rise and fall as one mali... ...one nation" AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  4. POSTERS HANG AROUND THE WORLD OF ALMARIS The papers would read; JOIN TODAY! The Gold Bulls (Golden Bulls of Mortemgarde) Follow the teachings of Yemekar, and Aelif. The true high gods of Almaris! Fight like a true warrior and make your way into the eyes of the gods. Reject Modernity and make the North, great once again. Follow Hyperborea and Ancient Northmen ways! Help us spread the word through sacrifice, change and adventure. 555 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------============================---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik also known as, Erik Wit'an'axe The Future king of the great North Applications: Discord: ING (In-game name):
  5. The Artisan Society Written by tilruir’Valmir Irelia Ni’leya 13th of The Deep Cold, Year 58 of the Second Age “Never underestimate the power of passion” Blessid citizens of Haelun’or, it is with great joy that I, Irelia Ni’leya, your newly appointed tilruir’Valmir; Chief Artisan present our newest addition to our nation’s economic reform; The Artisan Society. With such society, comes new employment opportunities for a collection of craftspeople and self-employed artists ranging in different specializations. Each employment within this society holds one’s unique value and purpose; Allowing skillful artists find their passion within our nation. Vacant employment positions: Tailors Papermakers Painters Brewers Florists Bakers Leatherworkers Alas, A new and revised building awaits those who wish to further themselves with the state; Look besides the Mage-light Tavern and you shall see our doors wide open, awaiting you! “We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity of our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspiration and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” Signed, tilruir’valmir Irelia Ni'leya AY’LARIHEI MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  6. An open letter to Princess Ivarielle the First from the common folk of Haelun'or To Princess Ivarielle I, You were invited to Haelun’or to debate for the position of Sohaer, to debate as is tradition in our culture. The Government heard your call and offered you the chance to win over the council of Malauriran. While I understand you were not eager to debate in a position where your chances were slim, you still stood before the very citizens that you wish to rule. Thousands of Mali’aheral had gathered within the Silver Citadel, happy to hear you debate and to finally have an idea of what you wish to do with Haelun’or. We patiently awaited you, excited to see whether you indeed would be what Haelun’or is in a dire need of. However, it seems to us, the common folk, that we waited for nothing. You did not greet us, even look at us for that matter. You showed how little you truly care for us, the very Mali you claim to be the leader of. You had the chance to finally show the Haelunorians what you truly are, to make us decide on our own whether to support you or not. The government is small, we citizens are large in quantity. What you needed was our support, not the government’s— and you failed. You showed the common folk of Haelun’or that you only wish to conquer. You showed us that we have no room under your care if you were to take over, you showed us that you do not care for our lives. You showed us that you only care for power and that you are willing to spill our blood for it. If you have even the slightest of care for us, leave us alone. We do not support you, we do not want to live under your rule. Take your people, settle elsewhere and leave us be. You lost Haelun’or the moment you fled, after asking the Sohaer whether he will surrender or not. We are not cattle, we are Mali. To the foreign nations, I hope you hear our call, Haelun’or will never fall and we shall not bend the knee to a pretender that cares for us not. We are proud to be Haelunorian, living peaceful lives, dedicating our lives to progress and health. I urge the foreign nations to pull their support for the false princess that is a threat to our lives. I urge you to listen to the very people of Haelun’or, she is not our ruler. She does not wish to see the Mali united but her walls painted with the blood of Larihei’s flock. Ivarielle, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and I hope one day you’d see through all that lust for blood— however, the Haelunorian Mali wants nothing to do with you now or ever. Leave us alone to live another day, to carry children, and lead the people that follow you or die trying to take over Haelun’or. I assure you, we will not lose. Signed, The Common folk of Haelun'or
  7. [!] A beautifully decorated missive inked upon silver parchement had been pinned to the Haelun’or notice board. Written by Okarir’akaln Usamea An’asul 7th of The Grand Harvest, Year 58 of the Second Age When you become stagnant and aren’t improving by the day, you are only moving towards your failure. Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or, on this jovial day shall we take our first step towards freedom from the festering greed of our enemies. For Mali'thill do not need their fruit, their produce, their coin to survive, for we are more than capable of thriving with no more than the efforts of the purest of elves. Okarir'akaln Usamea An’asul shall thus announce the foundation of the Economic Reform Committee. This committee consists of three organs which each hold their own, unique purpose. To each organ a leader shall be nominated from citizens who dare to step forward and announce their candidacy. This leader shall oversee the recruitment and employment of workers and will log the efforts of each worker to ensure fair compensation is received from the Okarir'akaln. Missives shall follow containing additional information about each unit's functions and obligations. Vacant positions - In addition, to commemorate the teachings and great service of Dio Astòre, founder of Haelun'or, the Silver State shall detach itself from the crumbling economy of Almaris. The Haelunorian currency Ibar shall be taken in full use. The only accepted currency will be the Ibar’thilln - sovereign currency without ties to the rotten minaan, but symbolism for wisdom and wealth. We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity of our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspiration and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own. Signed, Okarir’akaln Usamea An’asul AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  8. [!] A beautifully decorated missive inked upon silver parchement had been pinned to the Haelun’or notice board. A letter of resignation Written by Okarir’san Usamea An’asul 11th of The Amber Cold, Year 57 of the Second Age There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth… not going all the way, and not starting. Dear mali’thill, residents of Haelun’or and favored allies of the Silver State, Years ago, around the arrival of myself and my family the state was stagnant. mali’thill disperesed around the continent of Almaris. Under Sohaer Ni’leya we have worked tirelessly to ensure the never ending progress of our Motherland and we have served Maheral Elervathar vigorously to maintain Larihei’s legacy. Now Haelun'or is blooming with life, the state as powerful as ever. However, all things are bound to end, sooner or later. While I write this with a heavy hear, leaving the position of Okarir’san allows me to dedicate my time to different things, different fields and to different ways of progressing the silver bastion and her people. We live in hard times, but never has that stopped us. The Motherland thrives under the rule of Sohaer Ni’leya and the guidance of Maheral Elervathar. Hereby, I, Usamea An'asul resign from the position of Okarir'san, leaving the seat vacant. Along my resignation my current tilruir Leithedir An'asul shall vacate elokarn san'leh and leave the position of tilruir'san. Other than that, the office and its executive decisions shall remain unless nullified by Sohaer or elheial'thilln. ahern ito nae’leh Mali’thill What we call the beginning is often the end, and to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. Signed, Usamea An’asul AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  9. Signed on the 5th of Malin's welcome, Year 56 of the Second Age Article I: Sovereignty The Silver State of Haelun’or and the Jade State of Yong Ping, hereafter “the signatories”, do pledge mutual recognition of sovereignty and agree: THAT the power of the rule of each signatory in their respective territories shall be fully respected by the other; THAT the signatories accept the authority of the Zhu of the Jade State of Yong Ping and the and Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun’or as representatives of the will of their peoples and thus the signatories shall recognize no other position claiming such. THAT signatories enumerated do mutually agree to refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Aheralic Principality and reject their claims of dominion over the Mali'aheral. Article II - Non-aggression The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that any forces affiliated with their banner, nation, reigning bloodline, etc., shall not engage in military or hostile action against the other signatory or their residents. If such were to occur, the signatories shall endeavor to resolve the issue diplomatically. Signing parties formally enter a pact of non-aggression. The pact will last for the duration of this treaty. After the expiration of this pact, a renewal may be negotiated. Signing parties refrain from participating in any conflicts that put them at odds with one another. Residents of the Silver State of Haelun’or are protected while in Yong Ping territories, and residents of the Jade State of Yong Ping are protected while in Haelunorian territories so long as they act within the laws of the respective realms. Guilds or mercenary contracts stationed within the Silver State of Haelun’or or the Jade State of Yong Ping will be subject to legal prosecution if they violate the pact in city limits or on citizens of either city. Signatories enumerated do mutually agree that the philosophy of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya shall not consider the citizens of the Jade State of Yong Ping, unless individuals would wish to follow such out of their free will. Article III: Trade The Signatories shall enter into an agreement of Free Trade. Both nations shall be allowed a tax-exempt stall that will be allowed for any legal trade purpose. Goods that are sold within these stalls shall not hold any tariff or duty between each respective nation. The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that large scale trading agreements between each party can be of either the purchasing kind (meaning that wares are purchased for minae) or of the bartering kind (meaning that different wares are traded on rates mutually agreed upon or previously set by precedent) Further business transactions or dealings between the signatories shall be entered into further agreements. Article IV: Diplomatic correspondence The signatories enumerated do mutually agree to convene once every four years to promote closer diplomatic relations and cooperation with one another. Were any of the terms of this treaty violated by either signatory, such a violation must be attempted to resolve through diplomacy before the usage of hostilities. Article V: Anti-Azdrazi Provision The Signatories shall cooperate and assist one another in the eradication of the vile race of heretics and Iblees spawn known as Azdrazi. This provision will compel them to share intelligence and assist each other in operations pertaining to the destruction of the Azdrazi, where those actions are not against the Sovereign interests of their respective Signatory. In the case of signatories getting attacked by Azdrazi, both are required to send military assistance to each other. Article VI: Duration The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that this Pact shall last a period of eight years, with the option to renew or abrogate upon the expiration of that period. Signed, Braxus Ni’leya, Sohaer ito’Haelun’or Signed, Usamea An’asul Okarir'san ito’Haelun’or Signed, Tianrui Ren, first Patriarch and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yong Ping Signed, Chen Wenping, the Illustrious Chancellor of the Jade State of Yong Ping, former Honorable Minister of Justice of the Jade State of Yong Ping. 陈 文平
  10. [!] A beautifully decorated missive inked upon silver parchement had been pinned to the Haelun’or notice board. ((Using this information will be considered metagaming if not seen in Haelun’or)) It is the workings of the most wicked to steal from ‘thill Written by Usamea An’asul 20th of The Deep Cold, Year 55 of the Second Age Laws are absolute, laws are there to maintain order within chaos, none of us above them. Dear Mali’thill and other residents of the Blessed Bastion, While we are beings uncomprehendable to many others, only the Most Pure is perfect. We are beings not controlled by emotion however sometimes we make mistakes. This karim a Mali’thill will be brought before pariran’tir, to be judged for their crimes. Sillumir #61 has been accused by the competent Mr Seth Calith of stealing a statue of olden times, an artifact very dear to this older mali. Sillumir #61 will be brought before the pariran’tir for a trial, a chance to defend themselves. Other witnesses will also be heard during this blessed tribunal. The accused is also accused of the following crimes: [REDACTED] Elpariran’tir will be chosen amongst the citizenry (depending on attendance) in the following order: Maheral Sohaer Okariran Citizens Let it be reminded, the accused remains innocent until proven guilty. May the wisdom of Larihei guide us and Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya ensure justice. Signed on behalf of Elheial’thilln, Okarir’san Usamea An’asul AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA [!] A little note at the end of the missive would state the following: the contents of this missive are subject to change The trial will take place today 22th of December, 20:30 GMT, 3:30pm EST, 12:30pm PST
  11. [!] A beautifully decorated missive inked upon silver parchement had been pinned to the Haelun’or notice board. To follow Larihei, to progress and learn Written by Usamea An’asul 5th of The Deep Cold, Year 55 of the Second Age The most blessed of Mali shall never cease progress, scholarly work must continue Dear teachers, masters of the arcane, I am writing this missive with a genuine heard and a wish to progress myself in the field of the arcane. I have read more books than I am able to count, while I believe theory to as important as action itself, one may not learn without a teacher to guide them. The artisans of the arcane rarely, but sometimes take upon them to continue their legacy, to sheir their sacred knowledge with an apprentice; so that knowledge may be passed on. I am looking for a teacher, someone to take it upon themselves to ensure that these sacred arts are not lost in time. I am hoping to become an apprentince, to finally begin my jorney as a progressive sorceress. Hard it will be, full of many ups and down however I am prepared. Years of consideration and after hundreds of interviews I have decided that this is the path I wish to take. To whomever this may be of concern, As it was with Larihei, us Mali’thill are perhaps the most fluent wielders of the voidal arts. Thus I am seeking to progress myself especially in the voidal field. I am seeking masters in the following voidal arts: Fire evocation Sensory illusion Voidal translocation Were my search proven unfruitful, a search shall never cease. A Mali’thill shan’t ever stop seeking knowledge. Signed, Usamea An’asul AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  12. Genocide of Mali’thill Written by Okarir’san, Usamea An’asul 22nd of The Sun’s Smile, Year 55 of the Second Age Hunted, hated, murdered. Monsters are spilling our blood. Dear Mali’thill, other residents of the most blessed Silver State and whomever this may be of concern, During my tenure as Okarir’san ito’Haelun’or I have seen missives, heard lies and witnessed lessers and Mali’ata sharing misinformation about our blessed bastion. I have come across enemies that wish to slaughter us and to decorate their necks with our ears. Brutal monsters spilling our blood around on whatever ground we walk on. We are hunted, persecuted for just existing. These vicious behemoths claim the realms would be better off without us, they claim we pour acid on everything we do not like. They claim us to be violent beings while having little to no idea what Maehr’sae Hiyulun’ehya truly means. We are not violent, we are not Mali that condone harming others. We are all but humble servants of the State, scholars dedicating their lives to studying and progressing oneself and the Motherland. It is impure to harm another sentient being out of hedonistic glee, one should always aim to resolve conflict with the use of one’s mind and verbal skills. One should rely on a sword only when one’s life is in danger or if someone is a threat to the well-being of one’s blessed body. It is true we are well known for our acid pits, however those are reserved purely to the most abhorrent such as murderers, beings siphoning the power of Iblees and those having non-consensual relations. We do not kill anyone for being impure, we just detest their presence and thus they are banished from our sovereign lands unless they are deemed salvageable; they are offered the chance to regain their purity, to be ‘thill once more. If one is beyond salvation, they may go seek life outside our lands, free from our laws. No one has been killed by a Mali’thill in over a century, however Mali’thill have been killed by lesser beings simply for breathing. Yet you dare to call us violent? Thus I implore beings of the realm to choose peace over violence, no more blood should be spilled over nonsense, over bickering that could be resolved over a healthy debate, a dialogue. If our enemies keep spilling our blood, let me ensure that shall be the last thing you will ever do. While we detest violence, we will always protect ourselves even with force if necessary. I implore all other Mali states to protect one another, while we are different, we are all Mali, children of Malin. The Silver State of Haelun’or shall always offer refuge to Mali who are persecuted by other races. The Silver State is open to those who wish to learn, who will respect our laws and culture. We should stand together against common enemies instead of remaining to ourselves. No more blood should be spilled, the world is but crimson coloured from all these wars. AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA Signed, Okarir’san Usamea An’asul
  13. So the Maheral Returns Written by Okarir’san, Usamea An’asul 22nd of The First Seed, Year 55 of the Second Age For She was the first Maheral, now represented by a direct descendant; the epitome of purity. Dear Mali’thill, The Malauriran have convened, deliberated and chosen after a long while — and their wisdom is beyond questioning — the leaders of the past, after much consideration have anointed the Maheral, the epitome of purity. The Blessed Child, heir to Haelun’or and the daughter of Malauriran Dimaethor and Iaria Elervathar, the grandchild of Iatrilemar Elervathar. She was forced to escape the Motherland ruled under tyranny, she was forced to abandon her kin to protect what was given to her by our Haelun. However, she remained vehement, now returning to the Motherland to ensure progress and health, to lead our kin. Thus we, Usamea An’asul and the signatories, pledge our perennial allegiance to the most blessed, Maheral Elesia Elervathar. May her reign be eternal and may she lead our people into everlasting progress and health. She is eternal, she is the epitome of purity, she is the representative of Larihei. AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA Signed, Okarir’san, Usamea An’asul Okarir’mali, Idendril Elassidil
  14. The Thillaric Confutation Issued from the Citadel The 11th of Amber Cold, Year 54, S.A MALI'AHERAL, Recently, a missive has usurped my interest. The caustic nature of said missive requires a response from Haelun’or - the legitimate and only successor State to Ancient Haelun’or - as led by the Silver Maiden herself - Larihei Lomahnih. It is from her Ancient College, that we derive our principles of Governance and our guiding Philosophy - elMaehr'sae Hiylun'ehya, which the author of this missive, the self-proclaimed Princess - Ivarielle, blatantly and intentionally disregards, for her own political, baseless agenda. Laid out in this missive, are the most egregious proposals and errors. Erroneous in nature, and abhorrent upon contemplation. I shall, as is my duty as Sohaer of Haelun’or, unveil, and bring to light, these vile notions. Haelun'or, shall endure, as she always has, against those who impose Schism. As elVuln and many others contended with Schism, so too shall elMarullral'ito'tennallar. I. “I write to you as one who of those who had so left the state to avoid the failings and lethargic dealings of Kolvar and his failed twin of Diarchism,..”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Kolvar Uradir is no longer Sohaer. During his tenure, there was no Maheral - which means that Haelun’or could not have been a Diarchy while he was in power. Given that Diarchy is ‘Rule of Two’, your claim here is beyond false - but a clear and blatant lie. Furthermore, I am a Traditionalist - that thing you despise most, for it is the purest form of Haelun’or and subsequently, the most apt political persuasion for elMali’aheral to follow - your attempts to deceive el'Mali'aheral shall be in vain - they shall see through your false rhetoric. II. “A Princedom - something that has yet to have dawned in the Silver State; for those there know that placing the silver state under a leadership akin to our distant Lari’onnan and Mal’onnan as Princedoms would eradicate their dying clutches on it.”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Haelun’or does not cast down tradition for a Crown because we fear that we shall lose her, rather, we maintain our traditional form of Government because it is how it ought to be. Haelun’or and her fundamentals are unchanging. Of course, there is room for expansion upon these ideals - for that is the essence of progress. However, they wish not to further Haelun'or, but to destroy it - yet they are so cowardly that they hide beneath the guise of wanting to 'save' her. They wish to trick you. III. “Those who hold displeasure in the state for their practices and ideals of purity in which they dictate how one should look, allow us to come to the middle ground for the first time and hopefully indefinitely.”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - for they have admitted that they wish to compromise on Larihei's ideals and philosophy. A building which at its foundations allows for corrosion, shall soon crumble - such is the nature of those buildings who have at their base - quicksand. The Aheralic wish to dilute Haelun'orian culture to such a degree, that it is beyond recognition - simply yet another Elven Princedom - a direct rival and threat to both Fenn and Elvenesse. IV. “For those of you who join, and are of a notable Talonii I so express my desire to reform the ideals of purity to your respective bloodlines..”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya - the Philosophy of Larihei and Haelun’or, is unchanging in kind. It does not fall to the whims of leaders, Sohaer or Princess for it is fundamentally unchanging in essence. Their wish to anathematize Larihei’s blessed teachings further shows their foul intentions. They have more in common with elFenn than they do with elThill. They propose a Principality with certain ruling Dynasties - this is Fenn. They secretly propose the worship of Azdromoth - Fenn worships Wyvrun. They propose the tolerance of bodily mutilations and tattoos - As does Fenn. V. “Willing modifications of one’s form is now also permitted in the form of hidden tattoos | such must always be done in moderation as to not conceal the full natural glory of those born from the Golden Pools.”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Haelun’or and her denizens understand the importance of the gift of the Golden Pools and the consequent effects on their bodies. They understand the painstaking efforts by their ancestors to defend and protect their bloodlines and physical appearances - which set them apart from the world. As such, we strive for physical perfect - the intentional scarring of the body, the intentional mutilation of the body is, has and will always be, a mark of the ‘ata. Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya Signed, Braxus Ni'leya, Sohaer ito'Haelun'or
  15. Join us by replying to this post with "I love you Steven."
  16. [!] Before you is a beautifully written missive, graced with simple yet hauntingly delicate drawings of flowers that look real but also have a surreal feel to them, giving the reader a sense of magic in the simple art of drawing plants. (ooc: Image from the Voynich manuscript) Greetings, my Mali brothers and sisters around Almaris! I want to remind you all of a very special phrase to me, one that I believe ought to serve to unite us all rather than divide us. Health and Progress. Under the guise of following this phrase, many individuals have been unjustly killed, but the ideas of health and progress are not responsible for this. In fact, when one meditates on the meaning of the words health and progress, one finds that they condemn the actions of racial purists just as much as they condemn the actions of religious zealots and anyone who prefers feeling over logic, opinions over fact. These words serve as a rallying cry for all beings to push for progress: To progress the world to the point of minimal suffering as quickly as possible. I know not any reason why one should reject this call. The thing that can unite the vast majority of peoples, cultures, and religions across the world is that we all want a word where people are healthier and happier. And thus, I want to invite you all to discover just one of the many ways we can bring about this progress! Many people look at mages and wonder, "What would it be like to be able to do such magical things?!" but they are discouraged from becoming mages themselves. For me, it was the characteristic loss of strength that goes with learning voidal magic that drove me away from the arcane arts. Yet even the simplest looking of plants can posses the most magical powers! Some plants help to muffle, or lower body heat to the point of hypothermia. Other plants help wounds to heal quickly or decades old scars to heal. These simple plants deserve our attention and respect, as they can do things that even our strongest warriors cannot. I believe botany is the key towards progressing our world towards health and happiness! And so, I would like to invite all my Mali brothers and sisters to study botany with me this Mali Saturday, or Saint's Saturday as they might say in a Cannonist area (ooc: ok idk how else to tell u when its gonna be. Don't judge!). I am not a professional botanist by any means, only an individual who has newly discovered the beauty of plants! Hopefully we can inspire some people to study weeds! Signed, Luthriel Paleth -let out of prison with out trial due to government corruption, don't mind me snooping around Haelunor instead of rotting away in a cell while i wait for my purity trial-
  17. [!] Published as of 21st of the Snow's Maiden, 50 SA The Bastion is ever so stagnant, impurity halting the process of purity. The leaders of the past graced us with their presence to anoint a new Maheral, however, their progress was halted due to impures, such as Mali’ata Orinmon Viradiraar. But fear not Children of Silver, hope is on its way. While our blessed bastion has stopped progressing, the Mali’thill shall never cease living up to the standards of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. It is within my pleasure to announce the names of the most competent Mali’thill that have seen the state of our nation and decided to rise up and to nominate themselves for the position of Maheral. Laurir Alfér Elibar’acal Braxus Ni’leya, tilruir’san Miss Laerdya These ever-so-progressing Mali’thill saw our nation’s cry for help and decided, it was one of them who shall get the ball rolling. I am touched by these servants of the state who will not wait a single moment when the public is calling. May Larihei guide the blessed heial’malauriran in their sacred mission. Regarding elheial'thilln, Sohaer Kolvar Uradir, our state as of now is devoid of Okariran, none but you running the nation. Stagnancy is staining our blessed bastion of Progress and Health. While I ne wish to ignore the work you have done to the Motherland, you simply can not do it alone. On behalf of the Mali’thill and other residents of Haelun’or, I urge you either appoint Okariran as soon as possible or declare the seats to be filled by a fair election. I trust you, Uradir. Aim towards progress instead of stagnancy. Signed, Usamea An'asul Ay’Larihei Ay’Maheral
  18. Villager Task Board [!] Pinned to the Village Board the villagers of Nevaehlen would find different tasks & chores. A small message would be etched on the board by Thordir. “Villagers of Nevaehlen, every member of our community has a role to play in making sure our village remains strong and ready for anything. The tasks bellow will allow you to contribute to our cause. - Thordir” First Task: “A singular of wild boars has settled to the west of the Vale, having no natural predators they’ve began breaking the balance in nature around us. Hunt a couple of them, enough to bring back balance. Make sure nothing goes to waste, WE ARE NOT VALAH! - Yae’vel ” Craft five (5) Boar Tusk Spears and deliver them to the forge in the father circle. The task is due in 18 elven days. ((20th of October)) Second Task: “Our leather supplies are running low, it seems like this stupid sky water has made it so we waste more than expected. Go out there and hunt responsibly. Bring back the leather, AND DON’T GET KILLED! - Nenar ” Hunt and skin different animals around the Vale, bring back their pelts to the forge in the father circle grove. ((Bring as much leather as you can!)) The task is due in 18 elven days. ((20th of October)) Third Task: "sEvErAL E Ll VEN MONTHs aGo i taUg HT a FErwe O F YOu HOW to woR k ILkUR'AmOLnn, tHE SAcred WOD USed BY Our acaNeSTnors” [!] The former would be crossed out. A similar, though more coherent message below. “Several elven months ago I taught a few of you how to work Ikurn’Amonn, the sacred wood used by our Ancestors to defend themselves and settle down. The Vale is in need of quality weapons for its Rangers, prove you can work the wood. REMEMBER YOU NEED TO SING TO IT! - written by Medli, spoken by Miven” Craft five (5) Ironwood spears worthy of a Ranger of the Vale. Bring back the spears to the forge in the father circle grove. The task is due in 18 elven days. ((20th of October)) Fourth Task: “The Vale is growing, and with that so is the need for new journals so newcomers can do their trials. I trust there are capable people among you able to procure said journals for me. - Laedrad ” Procure 7 research Journals and bring them to the library. The task is due in 18 elven days. ((20th of October))
  19. Our message is to those who turn hate toward free people, the ones who beat innocent children, men, women and more in the name of a higher power. This is the official document, stating the creation of the Pride Rights Activist Group. This group is inclusive, of all races, genders and sexual orientation for everyone across Almaris. We welcome you to join us in this group, and in the fight for our lives against the ones who take our lovers, our sisters, and our brothers from us. They demand we conform, that we hide in the shadows of who we are, but I say we fight back, we show them who we are in a protest that will take back our freedom. Join us to fight, or join us to support. We are family, and we matter. Signed, Doc, Leader of the Pride Revolution
  20. [!] Passed about and pinned around would be a rather appealing letter! Little smudges from ink could be seen, giving it a cute messy look! At the top is a messily drawn picture of a hand [!] ------ -♡ A Demand For Compassion ♡- Ve time has come for hatred and cruelty to begone! Nie more will it be okay for strangers to pass around papers declaring they plan to hunt down those who am ve friends of humans! Haense am our home, this world am our home and Godan created it for us all to love and care for each other! People come saying that ve world needs to be pure and cleaned, saying that we am niet allowed to learn ve ways of our kind Mali friends! Ve real truth am that friendship with all races will lead to prosperity! So join us! Join ve kind hearted youth of Haense - take our hands and help lead everyone into a safe future. Befriend all, friendship am ve key to help Haense and ve world flourish. This am a demand, if we keep up this cruelty Haense will be in danger! Ve world will be in danger! We need to rejoice in ve love and life that Godan has given us! Nie matter where vy are, spread kindess! Protecting vy always - Ve Daughters of Haense [!] At the bottom of the page just above the signature is two fingerprints shaped to form a heart. [!]
  21. A willowy figure sat in the warm and cozied writing nook of her family Mannor, naught but the scratching of her quill and the absent words of song filling the lonesome space around her, a flickering candle illuminating the dark oak and warm reds of the room. A letter, carried by birds and horse, perhaps even bottle, would be soon be spread over the continent to any who cared to fall upon it. A thick parchment, scented of lavender, carried the following words in an elegant sprawl. "It is with a heavy heart I speak, and an even heavier hand I write, to announce that the funeral for the honorable Thalion Drakon is to be held this elven day. In the crypts of our city, before Wyvrun’s witness, I call on any and all who may wish to come and say their regards for the fallen soldier, father, husband, and once leader of the mighty Drakon bloodline. As he comes to grace the lands of fen’ciwn, Wyvrun’s domain, with his soul to be cradled in his safe embrace, still we grieve for the man lost of this realm. Most sincerly- Morael, standing Archon of house Drakon and Priestess of Wyvrun" ((ooc)) Funeral in Fenn, Today 7pm est in the square and then crypts!
  22. MISSING PERSON Darina Sarosa Last seen in Elysium. If found, please take her back SAFELY to the rangers of Elysium 150+ MINA BOUNTY TO BRING HER BACK ALIVE! Description: 4'11", wood elf, dark skin, green eyes, light brown hair in braids usually, sometimes dirty PORTRAIT:
  23. Simply how to be happy: Step 1: stop playing LOTC Step 2: do anything else, take a bike ride somewhere or boot up that old videogame you haven't touched in a while Hope this helps :D
  24. RESPONSES AND ANSWERS 32 S.A. - [!] April reading over her cousin’s writings [!] This missive would be sent out directly to the Motherland of Haelun’or - Karinah’siol. This piece would be formulated in two very distinct writing styles that infers the obvious. To Lliende Tillun’sae - aka Pueurir’arche , Dear Infrequent writer (translated to the common tongue) , Although I have no personal quarrels with you, and I have too seen your own work and even worked under you for some time as a Tilruir, I still see fit to acknowledge your own response, as is only polite. Debate is in our blood, anywho. And I, April Viradiraar, am definitely not afraid of debate. Do you care to truly debate? Or just talk around in circles, as you have with your response. You accuse us of having a disregard for the public. Yet, it is your direct words that you abandoned elcihi when it died down. When it got too boring for you. As if you only return when asked, when warranted. Like a sheep. To address the following claims, Have we not learnt what is lost when our Maheral is lost, lliran? Did we not mourn the death of Malaurir Azorella Elibar’acal, this striking blow to our tradition, our leadership, our wellbeing? Yet still, we are complacent to hold a state without Maheral, without Guidance. Azorella was a known impure. Everyone who is everyone knows that. Apologies for striking the little bubble you live in, llir. As for the Mahaeral, we are all guided by our wits, by Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. If anything, Mahaeral is a useless position. Mali’thill , should they stray, should find purity within themselves instead of going to a cheap version of a Cannonist priest. Rather than putting out the fire, bringing forth their own visions for the Silver City, one would prefer to abandon ship, to leave their lliran to burn within. To put out a fire, all one simply needs is the wit of themselves, and that’s it. A case easily closed by tossing water or sand, maybe a rag over the flame. To abandon ship means for one to leave whilst it is sinking; before it has sunk, so I presume you have come to the realization that Haelun’or is a sinking ship without a savior. As we left the city you claimed sinks, you were the one controlling its reins, and you were the one to let it burn. Our lliran, the ones who are truly there for us, are completely content with our actions, and have kept in contact with us since. What is it about Haelun’orian Labs that you despise, llir? It’s so very inhumane. Do you not realize the lives, despite them not being silver, you are hurting for your pursuit or progress? There are other ways of creating progress than a government torture chamber that is better crafted for insanes than mali’thill. In this respect, this is anything but progress. The regressing of. Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite hating Progresss? What is it about the elimination of Mali’ata that you despise, llir? Purity is indeed something we must uphold and hold dear to our hearts. You and I can agree on that, llir. But, wasting your energy killing those who do not agree with our standards? Do you have standards? If one is deemed impure, they should be stricken and banned from Elcihi, but not death. Death is warranted for murderers. Now, that is progress. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya infers that the health of the high elven race should be protected, yet, you blatantly disregard this fact. Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite hating Progresss? What is it about even the Acid Pits that one despises, llir? “Would one not consider it the most kind method of execution for those few who cannot be redeemed” If one cannot find the fault within this , then I suppose you are truly lost. You call it a painless death. This is so very laughable. Too laughable, infact. It makes me wonder if you have ever touched the liquid that reigns the pools. Ask any elf poor enough to touch them, and one could realize this is an extremely painful way to die. “ What method of removal is more appropriate than Acid Pits for those ‘ata who truly are disgraceful, for the Izalith of the world?” Death by noose, clear and simple. Let me get this through your thick skull: Noose, good, Acid, bad. Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite hating Progresss? It is said time and time again, we are often doomed to repeat the past if we do not acknowledge the faults with it. You , llir, clearly cannot as you wish to go back. So, Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite you so evidently clearly hating Progresss? The cousins on the Haelun’or Coast 32 S.A. - To the government of Haelun’or, It’s an interesting thing, the fact you haven’t reached out to us. Now, don’t mark us as offended, but simply surprised. You pushed so hard to be heard and yet didn’t try at all with us….. What a life I lived, while within the silver walls. What a life we lived. While it was lovely at first, it soon became careless and filled with sorrow. Hesitance to enter the gates we once felt protected by plagued us, the thought of returning making us sick to our stomachs. Our pyromantic act against the petitions was nothing against one Lleinde Tillun’sae, it was simply a statement. One that would actually be seen, one that would be heard, as our words were not good enough. We attempted to bring light to the dire situation and return to our times of happiness- times we could gather together and share moments. Times we will no longer have. You fall back on the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, yet you seem to have forgotten its true roots. A phrase you use to cover yourself, to mask your incompetence. You claim that you’re good for wanting new things, yet keep them to yourself- choosing only those you wish to have access to. Thus always to those who presume themselves better than all, I lament. For one day, you will find the karma you so well deserve will greet you at your doorstep. For one day, what you deserve will befall you, and coil itself tightly around your neck to show you all the wreckage you caused. For one day, the bad outcomes that should be dealt to those with such thoughts, will be the hand you’re dealt, and that you’ll find your last card will be one you’ve caused many times before. This is the last letter from us on the topic, as you're either too idiotic and numb-minded, or simply too ignorant to fully consume our words and come forth with an accurate response. You've seen us, you've heard us, but you'll never truly do anything about it, as you feel you are too high above the rest to do such. Call us impure, call us 'ata- call us whatever you'd like. But don't ever forget that we were the ones who took the step. We were the ones that took that chance to open everyone's eyes- to show all what is hidden under silver. We leave the Silver State, a feeling of accomplishment washing over us. With the closing of the letter, we leave you this; Is it truly the way of ‘thill to blindly follow their leaders, and those they consider such, without question- or is that simply the way of sheep? And as always, our mailboxes are open for more debate. -=- Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Signed, Seraphite Viradiraar April Viradiraar
  25. THILLN’S LAMENT - - The Viradiraar cousins under a tree in an Undisclosed forest, 32 S.A. [Spreading Tree by Sir George Clausen] [!] The following missive would be sent to various locations around Almaris, namley Haelun’or and its surrounding territories. Larihei’s image is what we all strive to be as ‘thill. Prosperous and Progressful . We are all blessed with the abilities to fulfill the grounds of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Yet, it is Stagnancy , you accuse. This is completely false, as when the Republic collapsed it brought on true stagnancy, and the near death of our people in the midst of a long aggravation with the ‘name of the forest. The last regime sought , and actively brought back the progress of the state as well as replenished the citizenry, Seraphite as an important Okarir’mali and I, April as her Tilruir and Head Physician. The city was brought back into existence, from the brink of extinction. - Karinah’siol - But now, we are headed back in time, to a time of disgrace - to a plague of a regime that had collapsed all by itself in past time, more commonly known as the blessed Diarchy. Your ideals of purity are forced and tyrannical, who denounces and pits any poor ‘thill caring enough to speak up on the dreaded ways. It’s reckless and foolish, not only to bring the horrible ideals of the past (such as the return of the labs, acid pits , elimination of ‘ata) as well as public signing. It has no structure or order. You’ve fallen once, and will fall again, in due time. We burnt the propaganda of a tyrant to see it fall to ashes. We destroyed what it was, so you wouldn’t get ahead of yourselves, because a spark will always turn into a flame, and the sparks in your eyes were enough to put out. The ashes we made are a visual of what Haelun’or is to become with the way it’s headed. A way that will not let any see the good. And so, Larihei weeps. Not for the stagnation of the people she had worked so hard to bring together, but for the overall regression - for your failure. You are regressing, but we refuse to follow. For what is purity without truth, what is power without a true leader. This is not our Haelun’or. And so, we will not be returning to your dreaded Diarchist city for your trial. -=- Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Signed, April Viradiraar Seraphite Viradiraar
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