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  1. Wherever the wind went, Sleeping Hawk followed; such was the way of life he’d grown accustomed to, a way of life which hadn’t done him wrong. Not now, nor ever. If the wind trailed along a shallow creek, the Hawk followed; if it guided him to a desolate mountain, he followed. And yet, now, it seemed, the wind had taken him beyond the fields of Athera, and perhaps many frontiers following it. The last he could remember was waking from his slumber, of which he’d been trapped in for years, or centuries, as far as he was concerned. It wasn’t long before darkness came, once more, in the form of slumber: inescapable sleep that he’d been doomed to withstand. But by Igne’Acaela, Sleeping Hawk refused to allow this to hinder his wanderlust for, wherever the water flowed freely, he followed. Sandy, the shores of this ’New Malinor’ were. Was it called Siramenor? Only Lyes could tell, for these large trees were not similar to the ones he’d grown close to; those of the bayou. No, these were larger, and mightier, and alien to Sleeping Hawk’s naïvete. Had it been one year, or one aeon? And yet, only word of Arcas was muttered. Arcas? Sleeping Hawk thought to himself, scratching upon his hair without an inkling of an idea as to what had occurred prior to his awakening. He could not remember, nor identify any of what was around him. His own tribe; his family, the only thing he’d ever known, out of sight. But where there was darkness, there was light, in the form of fire, an element so holy to his people it protected their own realm. Igne’Acaela, a prophetic fire, similar to the divine water the Owynists would sip from, and bathe their cubs in. And for nights where he fasted from sleep, he took to staring at the fry, in pure admiration, with hopes that it may satisfy his wanderlust. But even three hundred years into the future was not enough to satisfy his primeval instinct to travel, and roam the wild frontier, It was high time the Hawk took his flight.
  2. Chapter 1 - The Dread War. The history of the Mali’ker, like all elves, begins in a fiery war that consumed the known world. In ancient times, while the four brothers were young, the archdemon Iblees rose to power and sought to bend the mortal realm to his desire. The elves were a distinct race at this time, lithe and pointy-eared, but it would be a long time before they had split. During the great war, the elves were merely the sons and daughters of Malin and had nothing else to their name. As the war progressed, Iblees attacked all fronts, isolating the four brothers. Malin and his children were pushed back to a few strongholds on what would become the isles of Axios. Slowly the war turned back into the favor of the elves. Taynei’Hiylu, the green dragon and ward of Malin pushed away much of the archdemons’ blighted undead army. Taynei was soon sealed away to prevent any risk of the dragaar being corrupted and turned against the forces of the living. The great war had begun for an isolated elven kingdom. Besieged by the forces of the archdemon, a daughter of Malin found herself upon the front-lines of armageddon. Given the name Velulaei, this elf issued commands to an elven legion known as the Maehr. There was no official record of how many dead litter the ancient battlements of Malins’ fallen kingdom. During the days of the great war, thousands lost their lives to drive against the demonic hordes of the archdemon. In a campaign that lasted years, the elven forces pushed forward to drive back the archdemon for another age. Though the great demon left none of the four un-touched. Cursing them each. To Malin, he spoke this. “Malin, I curse you with sterility, you and your kin shall forever lack the children they need. May your forest halls forever be silent, and your hearts heavy with sadness.” The elves had not undergone drastic physical change like the dwarves or the orcs had, but Iblees’ final curse had hit them hard. In the years after the war, many a mother lamented, even took their own life due to having to look into the eyes of their stillborn child. Sorrow ran rampant among the newly long-lived, but infertile elves. However, Malin, the forefather of the elves, pushed on. The war had cost him an extraordinary pupil, a dragaar he had considered his daughter. It had cost him the lives of many of his people. But he would bring his kin into a golden age. The elves- now a long-lived yet infertile people, were his to lead. In this newfound era of peace, on the lands which would become Axios, he would build his kingdom. Chapter 2 - The Maehrs’ plight The isles of Axios, the lands which had once been a fierce battleground against iblees, became Malin’s kingdom. Malin set to building his kingdom. Marvelous cities which would have been alien to the eyes of men and dwarves, great halls hidden deep in the thickest forests, homes which weaved their ways seamlessly into the trees, built perfectly to co-exist with the wild, not replacing it but becoming a part of it. The greatest settlement of Malinor was on the isle of Malin itself, an island named by the forefathers’ children as well. The city built upon this center isle of Axios was more magnificent than any other, though its name has been lost to time. It was there Malin’s throne lay, in the trunk of the eldest elder tree. It was there he ruled his people from. As Malin’s kingdom grew, he became very aware of the fact that he had to take steps to prevent another great war. Already his kingdom had become stale. Joyless. Most of his people died. Larihei had left with her followers shortly after the war’s end. Velulaei spoke to those that remained of the Maehr. Their brothers and sisters died long ago or were gathering their own things. Velulaei offered guidance, away from the lands of Malin. There was nothing left in fields grown with the blood of friends. Veluluai and the Maehr traveled far and wide, finding refuge with the other races were they could upon their long caravans of wagons. With few, remaining where they were. The Maehr drove on, to Arcas a spell. Living among the sons of Krug. Until the interest of Azul, drove the Maehr on boat. To a lone isle beyond the edges of Axios, he heard whispers of something older. Nameless, ancient deities never worshipped or spoken of. Azul followed the whispers. In many ways, it was a wild goose chase. The Maehr sailed down the coast of the ancient isle of Asul until they found what he was looking for. A dense jungle. While it was within the edges of Malin’s domain, the harsh nature of this jungle made it so no elf wished to colonize it, and so it remained primal and wild. The Maehr ventured inside with her guild in tow, hoping to find evidence of this ancient, unspoken of god. Chapter 3 - Curse and Exile "We had heard crashing against the rocks the night before, during the storm. So once the weather calmed, we ventured out to investigate. We found them there, their ship a mess of flotsam, themselves ragged and strewn across the rocky beach. We approached to help them, but then they rose... there was something in their eyes.. something I cannot describe. It gave me the chills. They drew what weapons they had and attacked us. Eleyas and Maia w-were...were cut down. We ran. They chased after us, stormed into our defenseless city where we'd lived for centuries, killed everyone they saw. Some of them didn't have weapons... they just picked up sharp rocks and...and bashed at our skulls." ~A survivor’s account of Veluluai’s insanity driven attack on Vallei’onn Ruins, the massive, rotting carcass of a once-great empire. The Maehr pushed into the heart of the Asul jungle to find the husk of an ancient city. It appeared once to have been made of gold but was now rusted and rotten. Its’ once gleaming, twisting spires and statues now crumbled and fallen. Azul was amazed, as the architecture was certainly not elven, yet also afraid, as he could sense disease and decay in the air. Nevertheless, he pushed on with his mothers followers behind her, into the heart of what had once been a grand palace. Standing in the decay of the great hall, something incredible happened. A great demonic figure stood raised over the ancient throne hall. There was naught but few words exchanged. The demon declared, for their aid in driving the archdemon away, The Maehr would forever be cursed. Red mist engulfed the Maehr, they collapsed to the ground, screaming in pain and clutching their heads as if their souls were being torn from their bodies. When the mist faded away, all of them ran like startled cats. They would run not out of free will, but as if an ancient, deific presence was compelling them to. Their hues had turn ash grays and darker hues. Hair turned bright ivory, their eyes reflecting the gems beneath the earth. Veluluai and her people were shaken beyond belief and quickly boarded their ships to sail back to Tahn. Returning to Malin, gradually the true nature of what had happened to them began to set in. Their minds were no longer their own, they had gone insane. It came in lapses, but the oarsman of Maehr ship lost control of his head, steering into shoals and running the vessel aground. They survived and found they had crashed nearby a coastal town within Malinor. The nature of Veluluai and her followers had changed, the very core of their inhibitions. No longer were they creatures driven by reason and logic, but now by emotion and anger. The Maehr raided and pillaged the coastal town, killing many innocents. They did this not for any logical reason, or any material gain, purely out of the anger and confusion which had been cursed into their hearts. Of course, word reached Malin of what the time was an unheard-of amount of violence between elves. He was devastated, first at the needless loss of life, and second at the fact it had been Veluluai who had done it. Malin took swift action, yet he could not bring himself to execute one of his original daughters, even if it would be the safest option. Malin exiled Veluluai and the Maehr to roam the icy isle of Ceru, never to return to the mainland or dwell among the rest of elf-kind again. Chapter 4 - Birth of Magara’lin The Maehr landed upon the isle of Ceru. Not acclimatized to the icy peaks and rigid pines of the isle, they quickly began to starve and freeze. They formed rudimentary camps and did what they could to survive, eating pinecones and twigs. Veluluai grew desperate. It was already hard for her to control her mind, the curse of the unnamed god she had encountered deep in the Asul jungle had halted her inhibitions. Sometimes she saw some of her people freezing by a campfire, and simply felt the desire to kill them, and she couldn’t think of any reason why that would be wrong. Her mind would reel after when her morals returned to her. The insanity faded with time, leaving a wounded people to re-cooperate from devastation. With their wits finally their own. What remained of the Maehr followed Velulaei into the caverns. To start life on the frozen wastes in a place that could support them. Magara’lin was born. The Mali’ker was truly alive for the first time. Chapter 5 - Era of the Magara’lin Veluluai named her new budding underground kingdom Magaralin. Land of Caverns. Several clans formed during this time. Prominent families who would find themselves in roles of government and leadership in Veluluai’s new kingdom. Among these were Oussana, Des’nox, Ravexi, Klaren, Zanexes, Taloha, Shadeleaf, Nightheart, Ipos, Uuthilini, though all current Mali’ker clans come from the great city. The dark elven population grew over time. Veluluai leads the new Dark Elven nation. Her title was High Primarch and she had a council of three lower Primarchs beneath her to give her counsel. Among them was her lover Uradras, who was the strong arm of Magara'lin, forming the masked Vindicators to keep peace in the cavern streets, and Azul, the gentle bookish son who imparted his knowledge to his mother, just like Veluluai had done for Malin. Culture in Magaralin revolved around worship and academic research. with the Warhawkes finding their ways upon the star observatories that rose from Magara’lin. Beneath and across Ceru shrines to the spirits grew. When the clouds were ever clear, would many early Mali’ker stare out to the night sky above. Another form of faith that had developed- Ancestral veneration. The practice was born from various family clans and spread to the rest of the dark elves. After all, who better to guide your actions than your own family? Your own family from a time before they were cursed. With the guidance of their ancestors the spirits, and celestial bodies above, the Mali’ker knew a bountiful existence. This was not to last. Chapter 6 - Azul’s Ambition “Who are you to claim what is best for us? You, whose actions have brought us nothing but misery. You are why we were forsaken by Malin. You are why we must spend our lives appeasing lessers. YOU, mother, are why we must hide in caves while our cousins forge their own destiny.” “My son, you speak as if I willingly sought out our curse. As if I had any other option than to seek the blessing of the moon mother. I beg you to see sense, our temporal urges are not our nature. They are a burden laid upon us by a malicious god. I implore you, child, do not pursue this dark path. Come back to us.” ~Exchange between Veluluai and Azul As the culture of the dark elves, Veluluai and Magara’lin slowly set into a comfortable rhythm, one mali’ker slowly became more jaded and bitter over time. Azul, the firstborn son of Veluluai and one who sat on the council of Patriarchs, ruled by his mother. Azul was a studious man, he, unlike many dark elves at the time, had been present when the demonic curse had inflicted the curse of insanity. He had watched his own skin turn dark, and his mind turns to rage. Azul had been on diplomatic missions to the various cities of the Mali’thilln high elves, and the deep forest tribal Seeds of the wood elves. Neither of the other two subraces was the old original children of Malin he remembered. He began to see things differently. Why were the dark elves the pariah folk? The exiles? Where the rest of elf-kind not as mutated as they? Were their mindsets no less changed? Punished for a curse he leads them into. The wood elves enjoyed their forests and the high elves their silver spires. If the other descendants of Malin could embrace their true nature, why must the dark elves abstain? Why must the mali’ker hide? spirit to keep their most basic inhibitions at bay when they should be embraced? Azul knew that to publicly swear off on the ways that brought peace, so he was cautious. He created a conclave, a small group of likeminded mali’ker, and slowly this group grew, right under the nose of Veluluai. Perhaps out of vanity, he named this secret faction the Azulites. He prepared to strike, but tactfully, for he loved his mother and wished no harm upon her. The two met on the peak of the highest mountain in Ceru, on the night of a full moon, under the shelter of a temple to Luara. They met not as political opponents, but as mother and son. They spoke of small things, of Azul's childhood, of their lives before the curse. They teased Uradras, their father and husband respectively, for how buffoonish he was. Then, the conversation turned to ideology. Veluluai was no fool and knew what had been brewing in her son's mind. The debate began gently, then escalated, emotions flared, not even the calming light of the moon could dampen the passions of the two mali'ker. Towards the end, Veluluai's anger bled away, and instead, she simply began pleading. Pleading for her son to forget all this, to see how foolish it would be to embrace insanity, embrace the curse. Azul, looking into his mother’s eyes and seeing her sorrow, seemed to agree. The pair calmed down. Azul poured them both a glass of vine and proposed a toast to their family. They drank, Veluluai choked, and fell to the floor, unmoving. Azul had tried to maintain a composed, stoic gaze, to no avail. He fell to his knees and wept before the body of her mother, wept until the moon was nearly gone, and the sun had almost risen. He had not wanted this, but he saw no other way. He loved his mother, more than anything else, but duty came before love, and it was his duty to free his people. The violence began shortly afterward. The Azulites saw their chance and would make guerilla attacks on populated areas and cities in Magara’lin. They would burn down taverns, farms, and kill civilians. The Azulites fought with savage insanity, as they lived deep underground. Above all targets, the Azulites would storm and burn down as many structures and homes, Mali’ker horribly mutilated then killed. Uradras was crushed by the death of the love of his life and was distraught at the actions of his own son, he had no choice but to fight back. He drove his Vindicators and willing citizens forth. Whose job was to root out Azulites and sympathizers. They did their job brutally, capturing and burning anyone they suspected to be an Azulite cultist, in the name of the fallen Maehr. The war had truly become a contest of wills between two factions. The Maehr and Azulites. Azul had once been his pride and joy, but Azul had taken his lover, he was guilty of matricide. He was no less corrupt than a ghoul or a lich. As far as Uradras was concerned, he had no son. So the schism war continued. During this time, the culture and traditions of Magara'lin came to a standstill. Veluluai had very much been the cultural mother of the ker, and everyone was simply too busy either fighting or surviving to live a normal life Slowly, the fighting turned in the favor of Uradras and the Mali'ker who believed in order, sanity. The Vindicators were simply better armed than their Azulite counterparts. The Azulites were burdened with the growing curse of insanity which came from their voluntary isolation from moonlight, this made them more disorganized, savage. It was Azul himself who managed to maintain any semblance of order in his cult. Yet, in the last year of the war, Azul was captured, a covert operation finally managed to pin down his location and take him alive. He has draped his chains and taken to the Magara'lin throne room, presented to his father. Uradras, who had always been a stone-hearted warrior since the days of Malin, looked upon his son. He saw savage, wild eyes staring back at him. Yet, in that moment, he felt something he rarely had in the past, sympathy. Yet, Azul had torn apart the Mali'ker at their foundations. Punishment was necessary, but it was not in his hands. Uradras took his son onto the same mountain top where Veluluai had been killed. Before the Maehr that remained. His followers fleeing him on boats away from the frozen hell. Azul met his end upon the mountain, Uradras unable to stop the Maehr from casting Azul from the peak of the mountain. Killing a blight that had too long burden them. Uradras' heart was shattered, his family gone. Uradras would take his sons body, forsaking the Maehr now in a depression. Hiding away within a crypt to mourn his wife and son. The rest of the cultists had fled. After all, they operated on embracing their curse of insanity, and without Azul to guide them, order broke down. It became easier for the Vindicators, guided by a Ravexi to track down and burn the remains of the Azulite army. Chapter 7 - The Final Schism and beyond The war came to no true end, but instead a slow, painful decline. Being unable to hide and having lost most of their organization, the Azulites fled from the caves and back out onto the surface, where no Mali’ker had lived in centuries. The Azulites scattered across the four corners of the world, creating a large diaspora. The result was many dark elves in many different nations, often self-assured, cocky, and to varying degrees, insane. Even to this day, the descendants of Azulite dark elves remain across many settlements across the various continents the main races have settled in. Meanwhile, many dark elves remained in Magara’lin. They held true. Uradras called upon a conclave. The clans of the mali’ker and the remaining Primarchs met in a council. There, the Des’nox, Oussana, Ravexi, and Zanexes among other families and dignitaries came to a decision: Without Veluluai to guide them, Magara’lin was no longer sustainable. After sending out envoys, the dark elves got the word out that the mali’ame of the deep Seeds had recently migrated and formed a new city on the island Malin himself had been born on- Aegis. They decided that it was time to finally make the great exodus out of the cavern expanses under the isle of Ceru. It was time to rejoin the rest of their kin. The Mali’ker was a stable, sane people now, their internal troubles were behind them. Azul had been right about one thing, all the elves were equally mutated now. No longer should the dark elves be the pariah folk. It was a harsh journey, and the great fleet the Mali’ker built was hit with rough waves, but they made it onto the shores of Aegis and found the fledgling city of Ker’Velu. The mali’ame, weary of their own recent civil war, welcome the dark elves with open arms. That was the end of it. The Maehr pushed on, in time the two cultures of the Mali’ker grew to blossom. The path of the Maehr open, a nomadic people call strange plains home. Credit This is simply a clarification on dark elven origin lore, which can be found here. This work is not my own, simply edited to read as above instead of as seen below.
  3. Hangman’s promise “Big Tony, Big Money.” - Big Tony My figureheads have grown quite the liking of the people of Haense, I even allowed them to teach the HRA a couple of things on the fields of war. I’ve been sending my prayers to up above ever since I got word about the war, blessing the blades of the Haensemen and cursing the arrows of the Suticans, hoping their projectiles would miss the throats of my comrades. Sadly enough, the leadership of the Orenian Empire did not have the sufficient funds to buy us out of the Sutican war. May my brothers coated in green watch my back as I take up the mantle of a leader in this war, may my friends from Haense toss their weapons to the side when I face them on the battlefield, for then they will be spared. Gold and glory, my comrades… gold and glory Once this contract is signed, my men will raise their blades alongside the poor folk of Sutica, who just want to protect their land. It saddens me, the biggest fish going after one of the weakest fish. The Agreement The Suticans: -The Sutican leadership will hand 70 000 minas to The Hangmen. (50% up front) -The Sutican leadership will hand The Hangmen a simple plot of land for when they are forced to move out of this realm. -If there is any way to spare The King of Haense and his people, an effort must be made to make sure that there will always be an option for the Haensemen to get out of the war, safely. The Hangmen: -The Hangmen will aid Sutica and their allies in any militairy exercises against the Holy Orenian Empire. -The Hangmen Keep will serve as an outpost for the forces of Sutica and their allies. -The Overseers of The Hangmen will lend Sutica all of their knowledge regarding waging war, becoming a part of the core of the leadership of the conflict. “I’m sorry, comrades of my people. coin comes first. May our paths never cross during these troubling times.” Signed,
  4. A Pact of Silver Lining » La Musica « Signed the 7th of Malin’s Welcome, 1768 [!] Brawn, robust, and solidity are but a few synonyms that denote the heeding intellect of two knowledge conjoining entities. ElSohaer of the precious, sanctified Silver State of Haelun’or and his council meet with a youthful member who once embellished their society to discuss a missive that conveys tranquility through legitimate law and order. In the decade past, Elcihi’thilln has made known the intent of working together to promote knowledge above all. As it appears, amongst the smaller institutions and settlements in Arcas is the prime source of enthusiasm for such endeavors in the pursuit of knowledge. The Haelun of Vaelya takes a seat at a awe-imposing table inhabited inside of Haelun’or. She scribes diligently to report what had been discussed with the Vaelian council. All but three days it took to document their formalities of the concurrence and set such into an honorable pact. Thereby, in light of our newfound allies, we have convened on the following terms: The Silver State of Haelun’or and The Union of Vaelya shall agree to adhere to a strict non-aggression pact, under all circumstances. This treaty will stay in effect for a duration of 10 years. Both parties are in accordance to respect each other's territories. The Union of Vaelya with its respective University of Vael that extends the bountiful land of their vineyard Vina del Mar, and The Silver State of Haelun’or stretching from the Sohaer’s Glade to the Northern Mountains, encompassing the entirety of the Silver Forests. The parties commit to a mutual agreement of extradition for any individuals from their respective territories deemed to have commited a legal transgression in the other signatory state. Signed, Sulraell Visaj, ElSohaer of Haelun’or Ka’lani Elibar’acal Valarieth, Haelun of Vaelya, Headmistress of the University of Vael Aerendyl Lor’demar Okarir’san
  5. el’Sirame - Seed of the Forestborn The Forest Shepherds, Priests, and Green Dragons of Siramenor The Lore of the Forestborn Haelun Mali’ame. The mother of Wood Elves and Seeds as we know them today. Long ago, when Malin first ruled the Elves under one united Kingdom, Irrin Sirame was born. She bore no noble blood, and lived amongst the common folk. In her earlier days, she served the Kingdom as a sentinel, quickly rising through the ranks as she defeated foe after foe, and claimed victory after victory for the Elven people. Seeing her prowess, the Elvenking himself granted her a place upon the High Council of Malinor, the first of common-blood to ascend to such an honored place at Malin’s table. When the days of the great Elven schism bore down upon Malin’s Kingdom, Irrin Sirame led her followers into the wildlands, deep into the woodlands of the world. These folk would soon be known as the Mali’ame. Under her guidance, they spread over the wildlands, claiming their homes among the forests, the plains, the coasts. The mother of Mali’ame spent many years traveling between these places, appointing chieftains of the tribes that settled throughout the land, creating the first Seed of the Mali’ame. To these Seeds, she passed on her devotion to the Aspect, and ensured that the memory of Malin’s teachings would endure for centuries to come. Despite bringing the Seeds of the Mali’ame into existence, she had no tribe of her own, none to carry on her ideals beyond the Seeds she helped make. Irrin vowed to take no husband, to mother no children. No tribe can claim her bloodline, for there are none in all the land that carry it. But now, centuries later, a simple ‘ame and her family seek to continue her legacy. The Sirame were founded in the year 1760, as a tribe of ‘ame who seek to emulate the mission of Irrin Sirame- to preserve the sacred worship of the Aspects, and to carry on the ways of the Mali’ame through times of peace and war alike, through the prosperous, or grave. Many are priests, or devout- studying the ways of the Mali’ame culture, teaching them to all who may seek to know the ancient ways. Wherever the forest folk roam, they seek to nurture and guide the future generations. Beliefs and Traditions Religion “May the mother give me the grace to spread life and light through this land, and may the father grant me the strength of spirit to protect it...” - An excerpt from the prayers of the mali’ame Following in Irrin Sirame’s footsteps, the Sirame hold a steadfast belief in the Aspects, as was the faith of the elvenking himself, and of the mother of Mali’ame herself. To them, the Mali’ame are inseparable from the ways of the wild faith- their way of life is entirely dependent on the wilds, as it should remain. While the Seed primarily worships the Aspects, their attention is not solely focused upon them. The Seed knows that the Mani, the animal spirits of the wild, hold an important place in the natural world, and will sometimes lend their prayers and offerings to them and respect those that follow them. The Seed holds no patron Mani themselves, as many Seeds do. While traditionally, ‘ame have sought to bring others into the fold through sermon and teaching, the Sirame are the sort to lead through their own example. They believe that only action will truly bring faith to the other Mali’ame, and remain fiercely devout through all, showing the power of faith in this world. Values Tradition sits at the heart of the Sirame, as their purpose is to continue the life’s work of Irrin Sirame. Their values and beliefs line with the old ways of the Mali’ame, and of the forestborn herself. Faith One of Irrin’s most steadfast pursuits in her lifetime was the spreading of the worship of the aspects. The Elvenking himself was devout in their worship, although he was no Druid. As one of his faithful lieutenants, Irrin followed in his steps. When the others turned their back on the worship of the huntsman and the mother, none were more furious than she. She dedicated her life to keeping the faith of her people alive, and so the Sirame adopted this hallowed belief. Unity The most prosperous days of the Elven people have been in the ages of unity, when ‘ker and ‘ame and ‘aheral stood side by side, marching forwards into the coming dawn. Malin knew this, and thus his people knew peace and prosperity like no other. Irrin Sirame believed in this too- in the memory of the united Kingdom. While no King can lead again, the seed of Sirame believes in a united Elven people all the same. Stewardship To always ensure that there is a safe home for the Mali’ame, no matter how the world may look. There must always be a place where the culture of the forestborn may endure, free from the shackles of others. Safe. Free. and Balanced. The Sirame must lead others to this home, if necessary. Fortitude We are long lived. Our eyes take in centuries of life, and with it, centuries of hardship, and loss. As Mali, we must have the resilience to endure all that the arduous road of life has to offer in our long lived days. This does not mean to remain untouched, or unbothered, but to bounce back- to tackle life with renewed vigor once you fall. Connection to the Wild Above all else, the Sirame believe in a deep, spiritual connection to the wilds around them. The forests are a sacred land, and all the life in them as well. They hunt, as their ancestors did, and pay homage to their fallen spirits. To fell a tree is to kill a piece of the forest, and so they live in burrows, intertwined within their roots, surrounded and protected by them. A Canonist prays in a temple, and a member of the Sirame prays deep within the woods, far from the sight of civilization, shaded by the branches of the trees that they so deeply revere. Appearance and Ilmyumier Dressings, Clothes Members of the Seed can come from many various walks of life, though they typically dress in traditional Mali’ame attire, seeking to be role models to other ‘ame. Robes, tunics, and other dressings of greens, reds, and even yellows. They wear no shoes, seeking to be connected to the earth and the world around them. Oftentimes, they will incorporate pieces of nature into their attire as well- flowers, leaves, and others. Ilmyumier The Sirame takes the mark of Taynei’hiylu, the green dragon spirit, using it as their symbol and ilmyumier. The depiction of the green dragon wraps up and down one arm entirely, snaking over the flesh in flight. The ‘ame may adorn themselves over the rest of their body in viridian flame, should they wish to, but it is not required. The mark of Taynei’hiylu mark is meant to represent wisdom and strength, and their connection to the forest. Another mark members may receive however, is the spring mother's wreath, a mark placed upon the palm of an ‘ame, meant to represent the peaceful ways of the tribe, and the harmony that they seek. However, this mark is not exclusive to members of the clan, and may be offered by the clan as a status tattoo to a peacekeeper.
  6. Ren Watanabe Name: Rennas Tianrui Watanabe Full Titles: Patriarch of House Watanabe, Captain of the Rosiere Regiment Guard Nickname/Alias: Ren KEY INFORMATION Age: Somewhere in his mid-70s Gender: Male Race: Elven mix of Distorian descent Social Status: Nobility Relationship Status: Married Sexuality: Delphina Height: ~6’2” Weight: ~80kg Homeland: Digou Current Home: Rosenyr, Talon’s Grotto PHYSIOLOGY Build: Both tall and broad, the man somehow maintains a relatively slim build despite being well-muscled. Hair: Thick, wavy black locks worn long and tied back in a red ribbon into a bun. Two longer locks of stray hair occasionally frame either side of his face. Eyes: Amethyst in tone, almond-shaped eyes with longer lashes. Skin: Sallow tone skin, relatively tanned in his time outdoors. Appearance: While passively almost looking perpetually angry, he is most often seen smiling to varying degrees among family and friends. Even upon speaking, most usually his demeanor greatly brightens. There is also a patch of beard he wears well-trimmed on his chin. It is best to keep in mind he is descended from Distorian (Han Chinese) and islander (Filipino) heritage. Clothing: Almost always clad in House colors, his wardrobe is a myriad of reds and golds. Most usually seen casually in a set of robes and sandals. Weaponry: While a decently sized and well-kept arsenal is at his disposal, he prefers to carry two blades. One a katana with a hilt and length enough to be wielded in two hands. The other a basket-hilted broadsword forged by Jorvin Starbreaker. Prized Possessions: His wedding band. Hygiene: Taking good care of himself in all regards, Ren washes on returning home and spends leisure time in the baths talking and spending time with his wife. Voice: Moderate in tone, warm and smooth when generally speaking. QUALITIES AND FLAWS Strengths: Charismatic and generally level-headed, Ren is an apt leader and willing to accept his shortcomings to make the most of any situation where necessary. His willingness not only to accept his shortcomings but to learn to overcome them combined with sheer tenacity have served him well. Weaknesses: Where his tenacity can sometimes be his saving grace, it also translates to stubbornness at times. Particularly when it comes to helping others even at the detriment of himself. Fears: Ren has faced many terrors in his time and triumphed and done his best to let go of fear- however there is still the constant creeping doubt that his next failure may cost him dearly. Intelligence: Both through first hand experience and books found in his travels, Ren is a considerably intelligent man. He is both literate and able to speak multiple languages, experienced in foreign cultures, knowledgeable in battle tactics, and generally well-read. His primary drawback is his struggle with numbers at times, generally able to perform most basic functions but experiencing difficulties at times. Languages: -Common- (LOTC English - Advanced) -Elven- (Intermediate) -Li hua- (LOTC Mandarin - Advanced) -Rosnian- (LOTC French - Intermediate) -Akritian- (LOTC Greek- Beginner) -Savinian- (LOTC Catalan - Beginner) Profession: Much of Ren’s time is spent taking care of and spending time with his family, with his guard duties thankfully being quiet most of the time. His life also brings him to write at times, and teach others the way of Shidoism is they so wish. Other Traits: When standing or sitting still for a while, his leg will sometimes begin to bounce lightly. HEALTH Illnesses: PTSD, anxiety, high-functioning depression Allergies: Not an allergy as such, Ren suffers from a minor sensitivity to crap cooking. Injuries: Many scars lance over Ren’s skin where the weak points in armor were cut through, or the armor itself bit into his skin. Sleeping Habits: Regular, but able to wake and sleep easily to take care of his kids in the night. Energy Levels: Generally high, he takes good care of himself to accomplish what he needs in the day and is quite young by Elven standards. Eating Habits: 3 meals a day, with intermittent snacking as he needs. He eats when he’s hungry. Exercise Habits: Rigorous. His regular training routine actively spans the entire week, cycling focus between different areas. Memory: Generally quite good, though some concussions and traumatic events have blurred his memories of some events. Unhealthy Habits: Regularly in good personal practice with his habits, at times melancholy can drive him to lose his appetite. Drinking Habits: Only really drinking with food these days, Ren mostly enjoys a light pleasant buzz if anything when drinking. ETHICS AND MOTIVATIONS Personality: ENFP- the campaigner Religion or Cults: Shidoism Alignment: Chaotic good POSSESSIONS Wardrobe: [Casual Wear] A red robe with gold trim and orange embroidered flowers over a black tunic and pants along with wood sandals. The symbol of the rising sun stitched delicately in gold thread on the back of the robe. [House Wear] Sleeveless white tunic and pants with a loose black robe. [Semi Formal Wear] Officer-style House uniform of leather gambeson with red and gold tabard and drape. The shining symbol of the rising sun is embroidered proudly on the chest, gold wings extending over the back. [Armor] Dark red bands of bent steel plates over treated leather embellished in gold in Eastern forging fashion are matched by a masked helmet of a demon crying gold streams. The symbol of the rising sun is painted in gold on the chest, gold wings emblazoning the back. Jewelry: Ren wears a simple silver wedding band on his left hand. Pets/Animals: [Atlas] A large hunting dog appearing to be some mix of wolf and husky that rises to about 3’-4’ at his head when standing. He is generally calm in temperament, just following Ren or other household members when not napping by a door or under a chair. [Tubbers] A large and surprisingly plump messenger pigeon that while incredibly clumsy at times exhibits a grace not expected of such a rotund creature. Despite her squishy condition, she seems to be happy and in good health. Owned Homes: -Rosenyr Watanabe House- -Talon’s Grotto Watanabe House- Carried Inventory: -D’haran standard issue adventuring backpack- -Combat medic kit- -Carrington katana- -Basket-hilted broadsword- -Snack items and a canteen of tea- COMBAT Peaceful or violent: Only fighting where necessary, he uses violence as a last resort whenever possible. Weaponry: -Carrington katana gifted to him by his wife -Basket-hilted broadsword forged by Jorvin Starbreaker Combat Training: -Swordplay and dagger training from Cenric Balder -Polearm training from Cenric Balder -Hand-to-hand training from his father -Crossbow and archery training from Legion drills -Siege weapon training from Legion drills TRAINING & SKILLS Languages -Common: Adept from practice, one would not be able to tell it is his second language. -Elven: While knowledgeable enough at conversation level, some more archaic parts of the language do escape him. -Li hua: As his first language, he is completely fluent in the primary native dialect of Digou. -Rosnian: Having picked up a decent bit from exposure, he has basic conversational skills in it. -Akritian: Only knowing a few words and phrases, he can really only understand based on context clues. -Savinian: Having picked up a decent bit from exposure, he has basic conversational skills in it. Combat skills -Hand-to-hand: Quite adept at melee combat in this form, Ren tends to adopt a more defensive stance. Though through keeping a tight guarded profile, his strikes come forward hard and fast- often quickly deciding the outcome of a fight. -Shortswords: While favored with shields, Ren has had plenty of practice with single-handed blades from a variety of regions. -Longswords: Mostly favoring longswords for their reach and capability to not only counter polearms but also cavalry, Ren is adept at making every inch of the blade work for him. -Polearms: Mostly used to using polearms in shield walls or other formation fighting, he tends to favor non-bladed weapons of this type as an “off-duty weapon” of sorts to carry casually. -Ranged: An able shot with a crossbow, Ren does prefer close ranged combat for the control it allows him. -Formations: With a wide variety of formations at his disposal for any size fighting group, his tactics have thus far ensured low mission casualty rate among his numbers. Cooking -General: An adept chef in his own right, Ren has quite the repertoire of recipes at his disposal- both having been raised helping in the kitchen at home as well as taking an interest in foreign cuisine in his travels. -Baking: A staple of his day-to-day life, Ren can easily tackle most baked goods. While flake pastry and souffles may still elude his skills- he is still more than capable of baking a multitude of cookies, cakes, and other goods. -Butchering: While an able butcher, efficient in making the most of an animal- he prefers most of the process be done in advance for him when possible. General -Origami: As a childhood pastime, there are many simple folds which he idly practices. Some more complicated he will dedicate a quiet moment alone to, often leaving them somewhere in the house where his wife might find them. -Calligraphy: Taking pride in carefully placed brush and pen strokes, Ren’s handwriting is an art in itself. Capable of New shiwen calligraphy and Common script, he takes the opportunity to practice both in his signature. -Art/sketching: While able to express scenes or studies in black ink brush, he takes a similar pride in his linework with a pen as he does with his script. -Meditation: Having heavily practiced since his youth, Ren finds meditation in many parts of his day. Even if not in what one may think of as the traditional sense- he finds his ways to practice mindfulness. Minecraft IGN: Moo_bot
  7. Origin Since time immemorial the children of Malin have enjoyed longevity and wisdom in their lives. Many scholars have concluded that the blessing of long life spans is just that, a blessing which simply is a powerful and incredible version of the arcane that is yet to be understandable to the common magi. But little did all know that the blessing was much more mundane than first realized. In functionality Elf’s were not blessed with magic... but in fact it was simply a product of evolution albeit, evolution aided by the arcane creating an arcane Gizzard. Explanation A Gizzard as it is coined is in practice one of the most well rounded and useful organs ever to be produced by the chaotic nature of natural or should we say unnatural selection [Arcanely manipulated by the Aengul]. An Arcane Gizzard or Elven Gizzard is practically an organ that not only allows its user to have extremely long lives due to its properties but also allows due to its arcane nature a closer connection to the void and the nature of the world. An example of a Gizzard in practice is Elf’s molding to there homes. For example the dark elves quickly evolving for there dark homes. Red-lines An individual with an Arcane Gizzard does not naturally age, nor can they die of natural causes All Elves are naturally born with a Gizzard If a non-elf eats a Gizzard they are gifted with an extra 10 years of fresh healthy life (Gizzards have a nice pasta like taste). A gizzard is found right next to the heart (It would look like a small soft tissue like a collection of black vein covered purple beads). And if remove successfully without damaging of the heart would revert and elf back to there normal state pre-blessing (they would have the same life span roughly of a dwarf at 300 to 400 years) Recipe Boil a small pot of water over the fire place until bubbling. Add roughly a third of a bottle of wonk blood, along with onion. Add Elven Gizzard (Optional) Add Elven Ears. Wait until the water boils again than than poor the liquid into a strainer. Ounce this is done read the Elven Gizzard back into the pot, waiting until they begin to sizzle turn them over than take them out. Ounce taken out you have finished your delicious Elven Gizzard Meal! Purpose The Gizzard gives the children of Mali not only a consistent atheistic reason for there powers but also allows for them to have a real tangible reason for there long lives. Just like how the Orcs have a Spiritual Gynecomastia which gives them honor. while the dwarfs have their mighty beards.
  8. “The Elves are the longest lived of all races, some living well over a thousand years.” -Lord of the Craft Wiki: Elves The Elves of the world within Lord of the Craft are distinct and different to the other races, possesing near immortal life. Due to this extensive life they possess, they are able to learn a great deal more than the other races. Currently, the lore describes that the ”Elves mature more quickly than the shorter lived races, reaching the fullness of puperty in about two decades.” However, this does not make since. How can a race have a much longer lifespan, but mature/age quicker than the other races? Though some players enjoy the simpleness to this system of aging for the Elves, it may be more immersive for the players if the elves aged differently compaired to the other races. The proposed system is quite simple and involves the smallest amount of math. Here’s how one determines the age of an elf in human years Each elven year is equivlent to 3 human years. Sweet and simple as stated. So, while a human child is now 9, your elf is only as mature, physically and mentally as a 3 year old. To visualize this concept, I have made a column chart. As shown by the graph, at 15 in human years, they are as mature as a 5 year old child, while at 30 human years, they are only equivlent in maturity as a 10 year old. Numbers are infinite, meaning it is impossible for every unit of age to be placed onto this graph. However, that is quickly remedied with the skill of math. Say your elf is 150....all one must do is divide by 3. 150/3=50 So your elf is 50 in elven years. The formula to find your Elves age and maturity in human years is as follows. Elf Age / 3 = True Elf Age This system truely only matters up until 100 human years, as humans cannot mature mentally past their death. Elves would be fully mature, both mentally and physically, at the age of 75 in human years and would not need any further development. However, elves are immortal, meaning their bodies are not able to be corrupted by normal age, though they may mature, they cannot grow old. Some might argue that this system is much to complicated for the game and would be better to be simple, however, this gives some color to lore. Due to the slower aging of elves, it could cause friction between elves and men, explaining the scarcity of cities with both Men and Elves. A human has a very difficult time to befriend an elf due to the different speed of aging. And when there are no friends, enemies begin to form. So, due to this, playing an elf child would be extremly long. Just as rules prevent human children to be played until 5 years old, rules could be sent for elves. For example, players could not play elves until they are 15 in human years (5 in elf years) or possibly even 30 in human years (10 in elf years). As stated, this is but a suggestion. Leave your own suggestions in the comments, as I do believe that there should be a different aging system for the elves.
  9. Hello! As the Watanabe bloodline grows we are looking to invite new players into our community to join the unique roleplay experience we offer. As it stands, there are currently 3 child slot characters available; the 12 year old twins Paraskevi and Leo, and 7 year old Ryuji. We will also soon be looking for players for triplets- one girl (Mei) and two boys (Kai and Rei). Our community is largely based on Distorian culture as it is there that the main bloodline of the House comes from- however we have come to include a number of other cultural demographics in our time. The majority of the family practices Shidoism, taking care of themselves and each other the best they can. For trait lists and applications, click here (for Paraskevi, Leo, and Ryu only). For further questions and information, contact me via the forums or on Discord Coffee.exe [BOT]#5456. To apply in the replies, please fill out the following form in the comments and we’ll contact you via discord. Child you wish to apply for: Minecraft IGN: Your Discord: Why you’re interested in joining the family:
  10. THORODHUIN LAICA -= [Theme] [Theme] [Theme] =- Name: Thorodhuin Laica Meaning: Turbulent river / Verdant Nicknames: Thorì Thorwen Traveller Race: Wood Elf Apparent Age: 30~ ish Age: 240 Years Old Occupation: Trapper / Vagabond / Tor Elder’s blacksmith Appearance / Mindset: Hardy shoes make for a happy traveller, Thorì is no different. He cherished simpler, more convenient and comfortable clothes rather than lavish garments full of gold and glitter. A warm fire, a good cloak against the rain, and a sturdy quarterstaff was all he needed to wander the wilds. Travel-wise, Thorì wore thick and supple layers of padded garments, that had proved their worth time and time again. A rain cloak, that also doubled as a coat, was wrapped around his shoulders. A hood shields his face from bad weather and accusatory glances alike. Beneath the hood laid a distinctive visage, with roughly kept bark brown hair and tanned olive skin adapted to the outer regions of the world. More importantly, a gruesome scar marred the elf’s left cheek, distorted his left eye, and forced his lips into a perpetual snarl. Finally, druidic tattoos mark his body. Inscriptions run down his spine, on his arms, chest and legs. Meant to be symbols for protection, they hold little value other than superstition. A wolf brooch on his chest, he kept as the sole artifact of metalwork in truly cherished. Physical Attributes: Height: 5’7”ft. Weight: 188 lbs. Body Type: Mesomorph. EDC / Inventory: Thick rain cloak, efficient traveller’s clothes, a waterskin (1 weeks travel), rations (1 weeks travel), a game bag (3 hares), a trapper’s backpack (rope, bait, etc) a woodsman’s axe, a hunting knife, a 7ft walking staff (doubles as quarterstaff), and an old map. Faith: The Father (Cernunnos), The Mother (Ceridwen) & the Moon (Nemiisae). Mani: Thunderbird, Wildcat & Wolf.
  11. There had been many a month since the Terror Beast has dissipated from the land. It seemed the caves had been livelier then usual during this time of rest for the adventuring 'Ker. In time they came to befriend the great bats of Fiandria of which their ancestors had once hunted. At the flank of the Matriarch's wings sat a small fist sized bats clinging to her fur. While they were small and recently born they seemed strong and relatively weened. She eyed Delphi and Twilight with equal interest. Delphi eye's flicks over the small ones, smiling softly. "I've not ever met your young lings, Miss..." (Miss the name she has given the Matriarch during the years they had grown close) she'd reach out hesitant for a moment to pet the 10ft tall bat. The Matriarch's ears flickered with a seldom seen fondness at the touch. After some time her gaze wandered to Twilight where she seemed almost to ask her to come forward with a fan of her wing Twilight waved at them with a small smile "Hello little ones" she then looked to the Matriarch "They're beautiful" the 'Ker said stepping forward "My, seems the matriarch had become a well mother in this time" Gusiam said as he looked back to the grave of Chocolate, one of the two bats that has died during the fight As all things end so do new things begin. With a push of her wing a young female bat was offered to Delphi and a male to Twilight. The rest of the bats clung ever yet to their mother and it was clear her intentions. Delphi took this young bat into her arms, holding her gently in her arms "You're sending them away with us, Miss...?" The bats all seemed to give out hyena like laughter at her words as though it was the most obvious of things. In rest, only one other alike clung to the matriarch. It was clear indication of their genders there needs only be one leader in a group of bats. As such these two groups would have meant to go make their own homes elsewhere. Twilight takes the baby bat with a soft smile holding it in her arms like the baby it was "Thank you.” Delphi bowed her head light, shifting the weight of the young matriarch in her arms "Estelle- Do you like that, Miss? An old word in our eleven tongue for to trust...We'll see to it that all will be well" Both of the young bats clung onto there respective 'Ker as though they were their new mothers. The Matriarch seemed accepting and all was well. It was only time that would tell what would become of these new bats and their new home. Delphi reached out with her other hand, gently rubbing her head "We'll miss you all... not going to forget how you helped us, how you saved us" she'd smile Twilight nods to Delphi "Thank you for everything, I'll never forget this as long as I live" she'd then look over to Sneeze, the bat she had grown the fondest of "I'll miss you the most my boy" Sneeze let out a comedic sneeze as a last good bye. Delphi cradled her bat gently, humming softly "Estelle,Estelle..." she'd sing Twilight looked down to her 'new son' "I'm going to name him Silverling..." https://imgur.com/a/lkWaZ12 (bat boi pic) (This is my first form post, which as just me copy the emotes that were said. I’m trying to work on a other posts as well. I didn’t take the rp date so for oc context it was 3/17/2020 around 6-7 pm i think. thank you so much to Julius for the events he gave us, this was the most fun I had on Lotc in a while and I’m so happy I came back for this)
  12. Howdy good people. So recently I made two skins some time ago (the first ones I've made from scratch) and I thought I'd share to see how people liked it. As the title suggests I took inspiration from the Witcher games, the 3rd one specifically. So any fellow fan should appriciate it. If anyone anyone needs the second skin I’d possibly be willing to sell it. For that just contact me. Other than that: enjoy ? P.S: The heads don't perfectly fit the original images, that’s cause I’m using them for my personas. 1. The Scoia'tael elf - The Original Image: - The Skin: 2. Damien de la Tour - The Original Image: - The Skin:
  13. ((Basically just an LOTC version and give me your rep please and thank you ?)) A snow elf wipes his brow of sweat with the back of his hand as his hand moves the quill across the paper one last time. He holds the paper up by the hearth’s roaring fire and nods. Wise Malin was the Elven-king. Of him the chorus gladly sing; The first whose realm was wild and free Between the Forests and the Sea. His ears were sharp, his hair would sheen. The love for nature always seen; the countless strikes of Malin's sword was the Fallen's just reward. But long ago he fade away, and where he dwelleth none can say; for into legend fell his star in Aegis a land dead and far.
  14. Siol’Avern (The Character Sheet) *THIS CHARACTER SHEET IS STILL WORK IN PROGRESS* ANY FEEDBACK IS HIGHLY APPRICIATED Description: The lean and elegant figure, also known as Siol’Avern, stands at roughly 1.75cm (5’9”). The figure, which appears to be a young and sympathetic wood elf, has seen 30 years of life; though as it stands with most elves, it is hard to guess that. Siol’s skin reflects the color of wood brown, quite fitting to him. His body isn’t quite muscular, but neither is it exceptionally slim and slender. The shape and forms of his upper body suggest he could be able to support his weight with his hands, and even lift it without much trouble, while still having an adequate level of agility. If observed closely, his hands show a level of stiffness, as different minor scratches, either healed or not, could be observed all around his palm and fingers. These markings suggest the man’s familiar with an instrument, most likely a lute, since one tends to rest behind his back. The face and head of the figure is overall edged; his nose is relatively pointy, though not too extended from his head, the same applies for his elven ears. His dark green eyes, which represent the leaves of pine trees are slightly mixed in with a hint of blue, while being slightly tilted inwards. Avern’s hair is not too long, and doesn’t normally go below his neck. The hair is of a less saturated and darker brown than his face, though not much contrast can be seen between them, as his hair is pushed backwards and slightly to the sides, with a few dreads seen here and there, not to mention the ones that hand on the side of his face. Backstory:
  15. how come when a new person joins no onw cares to help maybe there character is shy and needs friends no I not joined
  16. “The Tower is commonly interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation. It is associated with sudden unforeseen change.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agz8AQhfHZI The night was perfect; the rain had gone away and there was not a cloud in sight. A mali’fenn with pure white hair and violet eyes sat in the window of her room within her family’s manor, stroking the head of her tan owl. Her daughter, the tanned skin half-’ame girl of only seven, was curled up on her mother’s bed sleeping soundly. Katia watched her daughter with eyes filled with pride as she sealed her letter and sent it out. She was requesting her lari’onn’s presence in the Fennic tavern later that evening to witness the private union between herself and her fiancé, an ‘ame named Theris. She moved over to the bed and tucked her daughter in for the last time, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. The girl stirred but did not wake. Katia turned to Theris, who had been standing near the door of their room, with a large smile. The thing they had postponed so many times, waited years for, was finally happening. She slipped her hand into his and they slowly moved out of the room. The two of them stood in the tavern an hour later. They were still waiting on Erin to arrive and had become impatient. Eventually, Katia suggested they start without her. They exchanged vows, but as Theris pulled his beloved’s ring from his pocket a mali with a bandana pulled up to cover the bottom half of his face stepped out from behind a pillar within the tavern. He had his bow drawn back and released an arrow. It lodged into Katia’s neck with ease and the woman slowly began to sink to the ground. The man began to speak of purity as he slowly made his way towards the young couple. He discarded his bow in favor of drawing his longsword, stopping in front of Theris. Erin, the woman who shared Katia’s blood and had been her closest friend since they were born, arrived at this moment to see her twin with an arrow in her neck and lying on the ground. Theris clutched Katia’s hand as he sobbed over her body. His ears were ringing and he couldn’t make out what the mali’thill was saying to him. His wife was dead. The mother of his daughter was dead. In her dying moments, Katia was able to mouth two things to her new husband: I love you. Protect Briala. Erin grasped her Fennic spear with determination. Before she could make her way to the group, Theris was struck by the pommel of the mali’thill’s sword, causing him to be flung into the back of the couch. He clutched Katia’s hand as the ‘thill plunged his sword into her skull. Once, twice, three times. He mangled the once beautiful ‘fenn beyond recognition before turning his attention to the late woman’s stomach. “Family,” The ‘thill’s voice resonated throughout the tavern. “Family is a lie. Watch as your precious love leaves you.” And watch he did. He watched as the ‘thill brought his blade down into Katia’s stomach. He watched as the man practically gutted the woman he had fallen in love with. He watched as the man finally took a step back to admire his work- The ‘thill’s moment of glory was cut short by Erin Atmorice’s spear plunging deep into his throat. She dropped the spear the moment she stabbed him, her eyes going wide. She stared at him as he fell to the floor, the blood of the ‘thill mixing with the blood of her sister. She forced her eyes onto the body of her twin with utter horror. She couldn’t take her eyes off of the gruesome sight. In a moment of desperation to just get away from the scene, she tugged her dagger from it’s sheath. Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks as she dragged the blade across her throat. Theris watched as his sister-in-law dropped to the floor. He watched as blood seeped from her, Katia, and the ‘thill. He looked down at his wife, now beyond recognition, and began to sob once more. He remembered his daughter in their manor, sound asleep with no idea as to what had just happened. Many hours later, the mali’ame pushed himself up and dragged himself out of the tavern. He began to wander the barren city, hoping to find someone. [[I have had a wonderful time playing Katia, but it is time to turn over a new leaf. Lots of love to all of the wonderful people I have met in Fenn. This also serves as the pk post for Commander_Jester’s character, Erin Atmorice.]]
  17. Falhen was a elf Who valued his alone time and did not think highly of others until he arrived to Courland where he only saw friendly faces and people who where more than willing to help him so after a month of living in courland he was happy and was a little more sociable he felt like he was on top of the world until the news of the death of his mentor his only true parental figure reached him and he was overcome with sorrow his mentor taught him everything he knew about this world and he did not cope well he started drinking mead heavily and sitting in his own self pity and sorrow then one day he ran out of mina so his only way of coping was out of the picture so he had no choice but to try and get better but he was to far gone so he decided one day to take his life bye jumping off the roof of his house when he hit the ground he lived painless and paralyzed but he lived but was dying but slow enough for him to think how horrible he felt and how he was scared of how his friends might react to his death so he lied there for 30 minutes thinking of his mistakes before he finally died alone and regretful
  18. The Seaglass Marvels of Aegrothond Greater and Lesser Renarias Many distinct cultures upon the Continent maintain traditions of craft which exist solely for the purposes of aesthetic beauty, and the realms of Aegrothond are no exception. While the crafty among the Houses of the Elder Blood may be known primarily for their skill with the smith’s hammer, and in the realms of metallurgy and gemcraft, the greater collective has developed an art which is far less utilitarian in nature, and pleases the eye with its colourful fashions. This art is known as the Mode of Renarion, or renarias in common parlance, after the elf who first promoted its use and caused it to become a mainstay in the cultural fabric of the Elves who dwelt in Aegrothond. In those early days, the seafaring Houses came into common contact with the vibrant stones made smooth by the rolling of the interminable Sea- and it was not long before the aforementioned master of stonecraft began to fit them into various craftworks of his own hand. The decoration of weaponry and other personal effects came first- but ere long it became common for the Households of Aegrothond to inlay their door-frames with intricate designs of seastone and shells which told tales of the Great Sea and the deeds of their forebears. It would be many years before these miniature artworks began to spread into the realm of what a modern observer would consider a “true” mosaic, and due to the difficulty of transportation very few have survived from those elder days. The first among them were placed around oblique menhir, standing-stones which lend themselves poorly to ship travel. In more modern days, the larger mosaics are generally placed upon a flat surface and framed with traditional stonework and carving. Lesser Renarias- The Art of a Seaward People Despite their somewhat diminishing name, “Lesser Renarias” are far more diverse than their “Greater” cousin, and a far larger body of the former exist in the modern time due to their smaller size. In most simple terms, the phrase refers to the practice of fitting small seastones into designs upon weapons, jewelry, furniture, door-frames, and standing structures of importance. Sometimes, these designs are as simple as three stones in a line- but the more extensive among them tend to depict stories and moral fables derived from history. The practice of door-frame renarias are particularly common, with most family homes possessing these stony artworks across and around their central portals- it is believed that such a practice was originally intended to ward off evil sea-borne spirits, but in modern days it is more directly a representation of familial pride. Though the process of creating such designs is varied, the basic methods centrally involve an adhesive agent derived from beeswax. This agent is applied to the carved sockets of the stones, alongside a powder of seashells- together, these components ensure that the stones will not come loose in time. Of course, inlays which need to withstand greater torsion forces and wear will commonly instead be applied with smithing techniques- a fine example of this is the sword-hilts crafted in the Forges of Aegrothond, which are usually inlaid with crimson and golden stones. A common decoration employing renarias in modern days is the depiction of spirits of the ocean, who are myriad and go by many names. These minor deities, and others of a similar nature, are atimes conflated into the realm of the Sea Goddess, who is a religious staple of the Almenodrim. An eldritch figure, she wields a mighty trident capable of calling down thunder and a driftwood crown which allows her to control the Sea itself. While her religion has been lost to time in large part, his influence remains. Greater Renarias- The Mosaics of Aegrothond By far the most famous and acclaimed version of the renarias tradition are the vast mosaics compiled by the citizens of Aegrothond in order to depict the great events and historical deeds accomplished by those that dwell within the bounds of the realm of the Free Elves. Without exception these marvels take several months to complete, and as a result they hold a very special place in the society of the free Principality- and most Elves of Aegrothond who have any skill with craftwork tend to attempt at least one in their lifetime. Some grand examples at the current capital, Caras Sylvadrim, are as follows: Edrahil and the Dragon Depicting the epic combat of Edrahil against the Dragon Ankar, who preyed on the Folk of the Mountains and the Wood in Aegnor’s day. This mosaic was created by Lord Cullas Sylvaeri, inspired by the then-recently discovered third part of the Lay of Aegrothond. It employs red granite stones along with some sandstone and silica fragments, which create the illusion of flame from the dragon’s maw. It is located in the library of Maehr’evar. Illynora Sylvaeri Depicting the legendary healing abilities of the first Princess of Aegrothond in the modern day, Lady Illynora Sylvaeri. The mosaic was also created by Lord Cullas Sylvaeri, to honour the passing of the great healer and to ensure her likeness would inspire others to continue along her path. It is crafted from petty-jade stones and malachite, as well as shale. It is located in the Houses of Healing, in Aegrothond. Sylvaen the Everflame Depicting the forefather of the House Sylvaeri and the first leader of the Almenodrim, who is featured prominently in the beginning chapters of the Lay of Aegrothond. This mosaic was created by Prince Belestram Sylvaeri in the early days of Arcas, but lost until Cullas performed a curation of all of the mosaics and restored it. It is crafted of granite, sandstone, obsidian, gold and red silica, and is located in the upper portions of Aegrothond which are often shut to travelers. A Mural of Kaer’s Fleet Depicting the seafaring ships of Kaer, forefather of the Kaeronin House and descendant of Aearon who was a son of Malin. The mosaic was created by Feanor Kaeronin to honour the ancestor and to try his hand at the creation of one of these marvels, at which he of course succeeded. It is made of various stones, primarily chert and shale, and is located near the upper portions of Aegrothond. Hamatsa, Spirit of Mercy Depicting the mani-god Hamatsa, which is highly regarded among the Almenodrim and considered a guardian of sailors and shipwrights. The mosaic was created by Illynora Sylvaeri, when Aegrothond was first settled, and was wrought of blue seaglass and basalt fragments. It is located outside the citadel, in a small eastward-facing crevasse. The Battle of the Gorge Depicting three comrades in defense of Aegrothond- Cullas, Azdal, and Jorvin- in their fight against a demonic tiger. This mosaic depicts a rather recent event, which occurred in Arcas during the early reign of Feanor I Flameborne. Crafted by Cullas Sylvaeri, it is located near the storehouses, behind the Inn. [To Be Added To]
  19. HOUSE KAERONIN Basic History Kaer was born a long time ago to two elves who followed the prophet Larihei to the golden pools of yore. His Grandfather was a son of Malin by the name of Aearon, a brother of Sylvaen, he was a Mali loyal to the King of elves with an adventurous streak. Kaer and his Grandfather got along well despite the disapproval of his parents. The Young elf learned his respect for the ways of old from his fatherly Grandfather and admired him deeply for it. The day the news of Aearon’s passing reached the rash Kaer, it lead him down a path filled with distraught and the questioning of the meaning of what life could be or offer. He did what he saw was best to stay close to his beloved Grandfather. He privateered a ship and set sail over the waters his Aearon had loved so dearly. Over the years Kaer acquired a crew of elves alike to his ways, including a certain Elfess stunning in looks and cunning. He married an elven lady by the name of Onin, he loved her, and she loved him. There was no one more caring than her. With her they gave life to two sons and Kaer got swept up in his new life, continuing to explore the seas with his new family and kin. Decades had passed before eventually, Onin died. Pushed off the ship by the wind of storm in attempts to usher a crew-member inside for safety. Kaer was broken and for many a year hardly himself. Even when he remarried and had more children, he was never the same man as Onin once knew. Colder and without much joy in his passion. Kaer and all of his crew died. Atleast, that is what is assumed due to their sudden disappearance. His family had long since split, the younger Generation had built a ship of their own and set out to follow their own course. His bloodline remained strong and alive, setting sail to Atlas. Where their voyage ported, but never finished as the lines of Kaer exist to this very day. Residing within the halls of Aegrothond along the Almenodrim, follow Mali of the Sea. they are currently lead by Kailu Kaeroinin The Kaeronin and the Almenodrim The history of interaction between the Kaeronin and the Almenodrim is a long one with various encounters occurring. Once a large battle was fought between the two! The Kaeronin and Almenodrim did some cultural exchange over the many years between then and now but mostly they stayed clear of one another to avoid more bloodshed. That is until the Kaeronin’s arrived in the Dominion of Malin on Atlas, ready to instate there place. The Kaeronin then moved to old Aegrothond in Atlas for a safer home base. The Kaeronin in Arcas wandered for a small bit even creating their own charter by the name of Attica but they eventually found themselves in Aegrothond once again. RELIGION The Kaeran praise their ancestors and a handful of minor entities for their prior ways and deeds. They aim to roam free and follow their hearts to distant shores yet unknown. The Edge, the home of afterlife, where the souls of all Kaeran go and their voyages come to an end to live with those who had previously been brought there. There they live together as they wait for the Ferryman to bring more kin or sail them back to roam the world once more. The most important and influential ancestors are Kaer, Onin and Malin as well as Aearon. Some Kaeronin will follow other religions alongside this belief in their fore-fathers. Followers of the way of the Kaeronin named themselves ‘Kaeran’. Weaponry The Kaeronin do not have a common set of weapons, each Mali preferring their own. Though, reoccurring preferences tend to fall upon nimble blades such as Cutlasses or Sabres. Traditions/Customs 1.) Kaeronin are from day 1 thought to always follow their own path and live with the wind in their backs. If this path guides them to different shores compared to that of their direct family, so be it. It is expected all Kaeronin will support their kin in their voyage to their own life. 2.) The Kaeronin are a caring bunch. Prioritising family and close friends over the masses in any situation and often seek for ways to show their unity. (Such as common colours) 3.) One of the visual traditions of the Kaeronin is the red-beads they proudly wear within their hair. It serves to remind them of who they are, what they follow and what is important to them. 4.) Kaeronin more often than not seek to drown themselves in both physical and magical crafts and arts. From Sailing, Shipbuilding and Weapon Crafting to the Arts of Weapon-Wielding and Magic. 5.) Not as much a tradition as a cultural pass-over; Kaeronin often posses superiority complexes passed down from their founder, Kaer HOUSE RELICS Kaeronin Relics are far and few between. Plenty of tales run within the house, telling of these mythical objects, though none have yet been found. 1.) The Cutlass of Kaer and Aearon. A cutlass of fine elven make, forged by Aearon very long ago and passed down to Kaer to aid him on his journey. The supposed unending sharpness and controllability of this weapon would surpass the common blade by thousands. 2.) Onin’s Cloak. Though Onin was not of any traceable decent. Her love for her family solidified her importance to the Kaeronin only second to Kaer himself within Kaeronin history. Legend has it her cloak, soaked in blood from her death is still floating in the sea, not rotting and free of decay from so long in the salty brine. Special thanks to our lore writers Titanium430 0MN15514H _Fid_ Thank You ❤️ OOC Note
  20. A book sits on a pedestal in the library of Aegrothond, the home of the Lorekeeper Maehr’evar. It is emblazoned with the devices of Almenor, the seven stars of the Mariner and the Crown of Malin in silver inlay. One would note upon opening the tome that most of the pages remain blank, save for the very first few- evidently this is to be a work in progress, so that one might read the entire history of Aegrothond at some far date in the future. The pages read as follows: A Chronicle of Almenor, 1753 As Recorded by Belestram Sylvaeri, Prince Emeritus A Breath of Life, and Fair Skies upon the Horizon For many years the Crown and its representatives have remained silent in our isolated citadel of Almenor, for we are not a people easily inspired to advertise our presence, nor to seek glory in word rather than deed. Amid a tumultuous world prone to bouts of ceaseless conflict, it is often preferable to recede to quietude- especially for a dwelling-place which concerns itself primarily with the preservation of the history and moral integrity of Elvenesse. But it is a foolish thing, to look behind and not ahead- for the future grows closer with each passing sunset, and the forges and shipyards of the Almenodrim are never truly quiet. They labour, the smiths and Oathblades, sailors and shipwrights, so that Aegrothond is not consigned to the ignominious pages of perished history as many, even today, believe it has been. Our future is as bright as the crimson sunrise, and the secret fire which burns at the heart of our city is not so easily extinguished. It is therefore the desire of the House of Sylvaen to initiate a chronicle of history for the Isles, so that posterity may read them and know that the hands of the Almenodrim were not idle, but rather toiled and built a greater land for their heirs. It shall honour the labourers, the knights, and the Lords who make this citadel our home, and work every day to make it a better place. Those who have kept faith with the Sea Prince and the House of Sylvaen will be honoured greatly by future generations, for they have stood beside the Realm in a dark and unsteady time. From the ember you have held close to your heart, a great inferno shall be ignited- from the sacrifices you have made, of blood and sweat, you shall reap a thousand times the reward. The forges are lit. The fires are burning. Thusly speaks the Crown. Aegrothond Prevails. The Flame of Silma is Lit The Keeper of House Silma, which stems from the great Elvish hero Siol, has taken up his duties again in full- he has caused the beacon of Silma to be lit in Aegrothond once more. The Flame of Malin, as the House terms it, is a symbolic representation of their devotion to the King of All Elvenesse; a mark that the home in which it burns is a harbour for all Elves who wish to warm themselves by its light. They have taken residence near the Oathblade barracks, and intend to transform the old building into a Hearth and home for all Silma and wandering Elves. The Elder House, which was the second such House to join the great citadel of Aegrothond, is highly regarded among the citizens of the Isles of Almenor. Despite great odds and no small amount of danger to their own wellbeing, the family and its leadership joined the fight against the Usurper King from the Atlasian island. For this reason, they are given the rank of Great House in perpetuity and honoured with the title of Lord Keeper. Citizens of Aegrothond (and indeed all Elves of any nation) are encouraged to seek out the young Haust Silma, or the elder Elros Silma, for more information about the venerable and legendary House. It is understood that this is to be the beginning of a new era in the history of their family, one which has lain dormant for some years. Old Roots Give Rise to a New Vintage A new vineyard has been established upon the western horn of the bay, behind the great statue of Eleron Stormheart, and planted with a special batch of seeds from the forests of Old Malinor. Carried and preserved through the lands by members of the House Sylvaeri, they are believed to have been acquired from the vineyards of the Telrunya Family- a famous wine indeed. The Crown and its representatives now seek a capable and practiced winemaker to take up the formidable task of growing these vines to harvest and fermenting its fruit. The seeds were planted by Feanor Kaeronin, and the ground was blessed by the famous Druid Gi’garun, otherwise known as Brother Pine. The Druid was heard to say that he looked forward to tasting even a small part of home, and the sentiment is shared even by many Elves who never saw the trees of Malinor. An Order of Elves Among Men Reports have reached Aegrothond of a group of exiles and city-elves dwelling in the Orenian Capital of Helena. While information is fairly scarce, it is understood that the group claims to have a Malinic creed which does not conflict with the Tenets of Aegrothond, but the truth of this matter remains to be seen as only two Elves of this organization have found their way to our shores. The Seed Elverhilin is known to play a part in the leadership of the Order.
  21. i personally want 1.13 and for the devs to focus enhancing 1.13 rather than update to 1.14 with a bad chunkloading, the new blocks are cool but it doesnt replace the chunk loading, we cant move from point a to point b it takes literally too much time for travelling, maybe we can go back to 1.13 with an older save if world corruption is a concern but we cant stay in 1.14 its ruining the traveling of the map
  22. Yo yo, looking for a skinner willing to create a scholar uniform(s) for Fenn. Mina only, however, I can pay up to 1800 mina. Here is my own attempt with 3oyal: Looking for something better than this ?. Discord is TDubs#6260.
  23. Welcome to the ~~~FUNKY~~~ lil skin shop Costs: A head skin is 300 minas An overlay is 100 minas A body is 700 minas A full body (including overlay) is 1000 minas If you are applying for a skin, please fill out the below: Username: Discord: Skin Type (Head/Body/Full Body): Steve or Alex Model: Gender and Race: Image(s) for reference: How is your character quirky?: Type of Payment: Proof of Payment: (You can either reach out to me below or on my discord) Past work:
  24. Hunters of Blood and Flame Followers of the Sanguine Fire Since the birth of the Creed, it has remained an unknown and quiet addition to the culture of Mali’ame and Druids alike. Its teachings reserved only for those who were thought to be wild in their heart and strong of body. That changes now with the creation of this group, our ways becoming open to any who seek to learn the ways of the Sanguine Fire. As the ways of the Creed say, those who follow it are the apex predators and guardians in the Wild. They hunt the corrupt and tainted of the natural world and cut them out, they purify the debris left behind through blood and fire, and they do it all with the very spirit of a Mani in their souls. The Hunters and Warriors Devout Followers of the creed who show their devotion to the Wild Gods through hunts and battle alike. Typically found in the professions of bounty hunting and tests of battle prowess in the ongoing effort of collecting trophies and adding onto their lists of grand testaments. They are not hard to pick out in a crowd due to the common theme surrounding Sanguine dress and armor. Usually found in padded and studded leather or half-plate, covered in trophies and adornments. Another giveaway is the crimson daubs of paint (or perhaps blood) marked upon their varied armor pieces. Heralds of Blood-Fire The Heralds are the attuned druii of the Creed, wielders of kuila-infused black ferrum weaponry and natural communion with the most wild places in the world. Their duties are mostly the same as the Devoted, spending much of their time as hunters and warriors, only with a more spiritual connotation added to their work along with the added duties of watching the Balance constantly before leading the Devoted to purge any taint threatening its sanctity. The Heralds also act as guides for the rest of the devoted Sanguine. There are only ever allowed seven Heralds within the Creed, for too many may cause an imbalance in the strength of the Sanguine just as too many predators tilt the natural life in the wild. When a place opens up in the Heralds, a current Herald takes on a student from the devoted Sanguine to be taught. Current Heralds The Leopard The Raven The Fledglings The uninitiated of the Creed are those not yet tested by the Wild Gods, and thus have yet earned the right to their Sanguine armor and weaponry. They are encouraged to accompany the initiated and the Heralds on their hunts in hopes of being tested. Once tested, the Heralds will decide whether or not the Fledgling has earned their place among the rest of the Sanguine. OOC This group is essentially mandalorian druids. Bounty Hunting, Taint purging, a lot of event seeking and RP! If you want to join the Creed of the Sanguine Fire, come to Irrinor and seek out Miklaeil or Layla Arvellon IRP! IGNs are ThumperJack_ and Numirya!
  25. The Arcas Cosmology Guild Purpose There is never a short supply for knowledge and always a yearning from every new generation to gain something more than the last. The proposition of this guild is to gain and spread awareness of why the sky looks the way it does, the placement of the stars, the composition of stars, celestial bodies and what lays in the Great Beyond. Roles President: The President or Spokesperson for our guild will be managing communications with all branches and groups. They will be in charge of approving documents, agreements, projects, and general discourse of the guild. This role cannot be applied for, rather you will need to send bird to the Chairman and request an interview, and will be chosen carefully by the Council and Chairman. Council: Council members will oversee the advancements and production of the research division in addition to just discussing how things are overall going. Council members can vote for or against things the Chairman and President set in motion. These members will be personally picked by the Chairman and cannot be applied for. You must first apply for a different role and participate in the Guild to be considered for the Council. Branch Leader: Leaders or representatives of each nation, settlement, duchy and or wherever are invited to submit applications to the guild and if accepted, after interview, will be in charge of commanding the branch of their race, nation, or specific settlement. This includes sending important scientific data to the research division, President and overseeing smaller projects involved within their branch. Head of Research: The Head of Research will be regarded as the guild’s most knowledgeable scientist and will run multiple divisions of the guild including: Cosmology, Chemistry, Mechanical, and Geography. This role must be applied for, interviewed, and provide evidence of their ability to lead, guide, teach, and conduct scientific studies. Head Tinkerer: This role, which must be applied and interviewed for, will help develop equipment for both the scientific divisions and to be sold to the people of Arcas. Researcher: The researchers will serve directly under the Head of Research and Branch Leaders. You will be out in the field observing and collecting data or working whatever projects are being carried out. Beneficiary: If you are interested in the publishments of our guild and would like to donate mina, labor, or access to private land please send bird to me and you will be given the honorary Beneficiary role. In addition, you will also be gifted a unique telescope and monthly updates on our projects and discoveries. Member: Want to scout locations, send data, or provide help to our guild? Ask to become a member and you will be given tasks by researchers or branch leaders to fulfill. In addition you will be provided a copy of the monthly journal sent out. Star-Gazer: Are you interested in the stargazing events that will be held? Please ask for the Star-Gazer role and you will be updated on when and where they take place. Events On top of having weekly to bi-weekly meetings this guild will host numerous scientific lectures, debates, tours of the Astronomy tower, and stargazing trips to various locations. All are welcome to join in whether for fun, a learning experience, or to contribute. Meeting Locations Currently, a tower where the epicenter of our guilds activity will be is being finalized and constructed. While we will meet there, specific locations will be disclosed to members of every branch and division on where to meet in the meantime. These locations will be decided by branch leaders and or beneficiaries who wish to host the guild. In addition, said locations will be used alongside the Astronomy tower. Application OOC Information MC IGN: Discord: Timezone: RP Information Persona Name: Race: Gender: Age: Desired Role: [Optional] Specification: (If you are applying for the researcher role please specify which division you’d like to enter [cosmology, chemistry, mechanical, or geography.])
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