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  1. For Charity! Fix the Loc, Fix the World! [!] A sketch of what is left of Du Loc, the old city crumbling away with fungal growths and decay plaguing it. (Screenshots taken by PufferfishTrash!) The once great city known as Du Loc, as you all know, has fallen. Still, it’s citizens cling onto the past, weaving through the horrid circumstances loyally in search of what little good is left of the town- despite waiting, searching, and surviving within the walls. Some keep their grip firm on the ruins out of loyalty. Others, simply because they have no choice. And how horrible the conditions have become! Ever since the town’s leadership has collapsed, the walls crumbled and continue to crumble to this day, beasts long banished and forgotten to the Du Locians have made their horrid returns, terrorizing and preying on those unfortunate enough to be sighted by them. The majority of ourselves are quite well off. We can help them. We can make a difference. All it takes is a small spark to start the flame. ._________________. We can fix this. We can have an impact on this world. Together, we can help it. We just need you to light that spark. ._________________. All forms of charity, whether it be helping us clear the Loc of villains (Cough, glory hunters & loot gremlins, cough), volunteering to help us rebuild or just simply donating materials and food will all be deeply appreciated! Let us give these people the home they once had and rightfully deserve! For Charity! And what’s better is that if we are to exceed the required supplies needed to bring back Du Loc to it’s former glory, we shall move outwards to help those who need it most outside the city’s great walls! First the Loc, then the realm! So whether you are here for adventure, putting some baddies to the ground, Helping us in rebuilding the city and those to come, or just donating to help our movement, The Loc welcomes you all! ._________________. Directions to Du Loc can be found at the Eastern Fleet. Specifically found along the road between Lucsiensberg and Yong Ping. A donation bin, if you are simply stashing supplies will be present at both entrances into Du Loc! See you there! And if you do not like the idea of running over to a new, unfamiliar realm, us members of Charity's Hand will come visit you in your own local town, city or village in due time. Thank you for reading! ._________________. - Slith ‘Azh Arm’, Representative of Charity’s Hand
  2. ゴジラ! GOJIRAAAAAA! The Retaking of Yong Ping Kaiju Battle of the South Eastfleet! Death of The Bold Blue! Upon the dilapidated jade tiles of the bygone state, a group of ronin and heroes discovered an incredible bipedal lizard of gargantuan size had made itself a kingdom out of the rubble of their former home. Fearing no one but the Creator LORD GOD Himself, these men made a pact to slay the beast and restore the defunct Li-ren state as Oyashiman clay. On the eve of battle after months of preparation, the band of ronin and heroes amassed a number of brave souls, with Ser Uther Pendraic’s Harrenite Band and Theodoric’s Warband lead by Chieftain Siegfried Barclay and the Lord Vandalore Prince Ottomar Alstreim answering the call to honor the half-millenia old blood alliance of the Waldenians, Adunians and Oyashimans. Accompanying them in honoring their friendship with the ronin were the angel Janus’ Wyrmstalkers of the Order of the Lion and Pamphilos Callidora’s Blessed Band of Sulianpoli. And lastly, with mutual interest in slaying the tyrant lizard, the Fourth Fleet of the Hunter’s Guild supplemented the gathered cohort with auxiliaries, raptor mounts just shy in size of their enemy and a variety of weapons. The ronin did not come empty handed however for on their way to the rendezvous point the cohort rode upon a gigantic, smog spewing mechanical boar that was adorned with the Icon of EXALTED FARFOLK OWYN and made the earth tremble beneath it with each clunky step. A young Harrenite knight took hold of and raised it into the air upon the cohort’s arrival to the entrance of Yong Ping and a prayer was said aloud to ward them from the beast they were to face off with; “May the Creator protect us and in turn we protect others. Let Him be our shield, So that we may be His hammer, ridding this world of darkness. He who stands with me shall be my brother, …Amen.” A large roar echoed over the crumbling walls of the Jade State and with anxiety finally tipping over into the volatile cauldron of battle, those mounted upon the reptile mounts scaled those walls while the mechanical boar, Seidaina Inoshihi 盛大な猪, stayed put awaiting for the other teams to lure the kaiju. Looking over the walls from atop the mechanical boar’s head, a spotter heard cracking thunder in the distance as a bolt of light streaked out from the ballista of the paladin mounted reptile “Shredder” and striked the lizard king directly causing the beast to hit the ground hard from the unexpected first wallop. The spotter turned their head and saw there was no pause in the pace of the combat as another reptile named “Biter” rode up upon the opposing end of the downed kaiju bearing the gleam of the polished bronze of the Band of Sulianpoli who launched ballista bolts blessed by their ancestors to hex and curse the tyrant lizard causing a thick ichor to leak from the orifices of the beast. Streaks of flame clashed with the horizon as the smaller, mounted reptiles fought with the larger raptor. While the sounds of battle roared within the ruins of the fallen Jade State, the enraged tyrant lizard launched a volley of adamantine projectiles out wildly causing the order for the reptile squads to begin their retreat outside of the ruins. The spotter looked upwards towards the sky before leaping down as a prismarine colored projectile nearly careened them, but the head of the mechanical boar was less fortunate and shrapnel, torn metal and the flamespitter cannon flying in different directions. Miraculously, the Waldenian cannoneers in the hull of the boar were disoriented but mostly unscathed with their two bow cannons remaining intact. A lesson learned from the kaiju, the two cannons were angled high before the order to fire was given, and two cannonballs were shot in retaliation right as the beast had charged out attempting to eat one of the reptile mounted crews and misdirecting it over the ruined walls and outside where the cohort had been baiting the beast out to. One of the reptiles named ‘Eater’ boarded by the Band of Harrenites charged out recklessly towards the tyrant lizard to bite at it and keep up in pace with their enemy. The mechanical boar turned then, exposing the cut open hull’s passengers face first with the beast but the cannoneers were diligent in their labors, reloading the cannons for a third volley at the beast. The cannon balls striked true and downed the lizard tyrant, misdirecting it as it came towards them. The mechanical boar attempted to turn away but slow as it was, its back legs were ripped off by the kaiju causing red oil to spew out and the machine tilting downwards before hitting the ground with a loud crash. While Theodoric’s Warband and the other occupants of the mechanical boar abandoned ship with some jumping onto nearby reptile squads and others abandoning through the ruptures in the hull, the band of Harrenites lead by Ser Uther leaped off from their raptor and mounted upon the Bold Blue itself, stabbing at any of its exposed flesh and bracing themselves as the beast attempted to regain its bearings. In a last ditch attempt to relieve itself from its assaulters, the beast let loose one last round of projectiles at those around it causing bodily harm to many with one projectile smashing into and piercing the head of the paladin mounted reptile ‘Shredder’ putting the paladins on foot like their Waldenian comrades. From the rear of the kaiju, the reptile mount Biter charged and bit down on the kaiju’s tail but was swatted off by the bigger lizard. Running low on ammunition, the Band of Sulianpoli that rode Biter loaded their ballista with a boomsteel lance and fired it into the head of the kaiju, ripping through its natural armor and flesh and toppling it over with the Band of Harrenites bracing themselves on its back barely managing to survive the impact. An unlikely hero, one of Theodoric’s Warband cannoneers named Slith that was thrown off the falling mechanical boar by his battle buddy Krieger and onto a reptile mount found himself face to face staring into the eye of the fallen kaiju. With destiny in his hands manifested as the blighted-steel spear he raised, Slith charged bravely at the beast alongside the on-foot ronin, wyrmstalkers and Theodoric’s Warband and pierced the brain of the tyrant lizard and brought conclusion to their successful hunt. Tales and Legends would be told of Theodoric’s Warband, The Pendraic Band of Harrenites, the Blessed Band of Sulianpoli, the Wyrmstalkers of the Order of the Lion and the Band of Ronin and Heroes who rode great raptors and a large metal boar into battle to defeat the kaiju Gojira, The Bold Blue Tyrant Lizard of Yong Ping. And Owyn’s descendants looked to the sun and rejoiced! Their pact fulfilled, they were home again at last!
  3. THE FESTIVAL OF ST. TOBIAS TO LEAL CITIZENS OF AAUN & FRIENDS INTERNATIONAL, This Saint’s Week marks the turn of the Century. Our generation has been unfortunate to see bloodshed between the realms of men. No realm has lost more than we in the Heartlands. To begin anew, to wash away the sins of the past, We proclaim to all interested parties the FESTIVAL OF ST. TOBIAS of Sarkoz to take place in the first year of the 20th century. On the 1st of Godfrey’s Triumph; in dedication to St Tobias Sarkoz we recognise the wealth and richness of our realm. Vienne will welcome a market for vassals and peerages of Aaun to represent their House wares. Browse beautiful hides, cutting-edge weaponry, strong armour for you and your loved ones all whilst indulging in wine from the Arentanian hills or strong beers from the fields of Minitz - or both. On the 1st of Tobias’ Bounty; the second day, a fight against Aaun’s war-hardened footmen, officers, and Nauzican alike. Fight in this tourney to win. Place bets, drink with your friends, and place bets again. We invite you to watch and partake in this spectacle. If that doesn’t suit, try your hand at archery and prove your accuracy. Win and perhaps the maiden across the field WILL consider your suit after all! Come first or second and win prizes for your victory. And more beer! On the 1st of Sun’s Smile; a joust will conclude the festival on its first month, in a clash that will go down in history as one of the many fighting displays of this year! Stir your horse into a gallop, run your lance into a noble! There is no limit to the fun when you’re staring at a large wooden pole racing towards you. If you win, sit at the table of our Prince and shake hands with the Duchess. It is all to play for. If you do meet your unfortunate end, it will be in battle showcasing the very best of the Heartland’s knightley traditions. Catch the joust, it's all here! Win the fight and get a prize. It's all to play for, and forever to play it! Signed, HER HIGHNESS Sophia Adeline Alstion, Duchess of Leone, Master Almanac. ((OOC Notes: The 3-day-event will take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday all at 5pm EST in Vienne. To set up a market stall is 50 Mina (per stall) and PM on discord- Fredja#7417 to book in your stall for Friday!))
  4. The Union of Cassius von Draco & Sophia Adeline Alstion To The Peerages And Friends Of The Houses Alstion And Draco On the 1st of Godfrey's Triumph, 1900; invitations are hereby extended to the peerages and friends of Princess Sophia Alstion and the Lord Cassius von Draco to witness their matrimony under His eye within the Holy walls of the Mardale Cathedral. Once the ceremony is concluded and all vows have been exchanged, guests will be guided to the Draco Keep- Eichenwald to further the celebrations. At arrival, guests will receive an arrangement of beverages and canapés alongside music and an open dance floor. Special invitations would be sent out to: His Highness Loran von Draco & his kin, Sovereign of Aaun Charles Alstion & his kin, King Karl III of Haense & his kin. Signed, HER HIGHNESS Princess Sophia Adeline Alstion, Duchess of Leone, Master Almanac. HIS LORDSHIP Cassius von Draco. ((OOC Notes: Wedding will take place in Mardale on Friday 25th November at 3pm EST))
  5. Hyspia Camping Trip [!] A beautiful campsite next to a river. [Thursday November 24th at 5pm EST] In 4 Saints Days the children of the Social Circle have been invited by Lady Amity and Crown Prince Francisco to a camping trip within Hyspia. Francisco will take the group hunting followed by gathering around a fire for a meal of whatever the group had caught. The group will engage in campfire stories, roasting marshmallows, games, and general chatter long into the night. A wonderful way to get away and not worry about the weight of our responsibilities. Signed, Lady Amity Ionna, Ward of Hyspia His Highness, Francisco de Pelear, Crown Prince of Hyspia
  6. Amity Ionna’s Quinceañera [!] A Man and Woman sharing the first dance. As the date grows near with every passing second Lady Amity becomes more and more accustomed with Hyspian culture. Now that she is permanently living in Hyspia as a ward under Vicereine Laurelie I, she has decided to take on its culture. Saturday, November 26th at 5pm EST The night will begin with a ball as the attendees fill the ballroom. Lady Amity will have her dance with a male family member or father figure and whoever she deems fit will follow up the dance. Following the ball will be cake and presents. Each of the attendees will be able to go up and give the Lady a gift of their choice. When Lady Amity is done thanking everyone for the gifts the other children of The Social Circle will join in a few party games of their choice with a sleepover following. The attendees may not wear the color blue [!] The painting featured the Social Circle girls getting ready for their Quinceañeras. Signed, Lady Amity Ionna, Ward of Hyspia Her Royal Highness, Vicereine Laurelie I of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Niseep, Lord of Niseep and Gereon's Hold
  7. REINMAREN ANGELTURNIER Reinmaren Fishing Tournament 12th of Tov and Yermey, E.S 451 Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, With the beginning of a glorious new generation within the Dual Kongzem, House Barclay sees it fit to celebrate the approaching future in a way that is both productive and enjoyable. A fishing tournament shall be held on the docks of Reinmar, fishing implements provided, from which all edible catches will be provided to the Basilica of Saint Heinrik to be distributed to those in need. A prize pool of 300 mina shall go to first, second and third place in order of most fish caught, with first place receiving 150 mina, second place receiving 100 mina and third place receiving 50 mina. For the purposes of the tournament, only fish shall be eligible for counting. SIGNED, Her Princely Grace, Josefina Theodosya Renée Barclay, Princess-Consort of Sutica, Duchess-Consort of Reinmar, Countess-Consort of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness-Consort of Madvon and Freising,, Lady of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg and Rozenfeld Her Ladyship, Edith Klaire Barclay
  8. THE ALMARIS OLYMPICS Consisting of the entirety of Almaris, the Almaris Olympics brings together the descendants to feast and compete for great titles, wealth and recognition. While many similar gatherings have been held in the distant past, the Almaris Olympics will mark its name in history as one of the largest competitions known to date. JUDGES A vital part of the games, judges not only assist in organizing the events, but also choose the fate for the competitors for each competition. MERCHANTS AND CULTURE The Games are a major attraction for all races and provide a great avenue to find exotic items only available from certain parts of the world. Merchants and Kingdoms alike are encouraged to set up tents and stalls, selling their goods and showing off their culture and way of life. GAMES Every decade, the Almaris Olympics presents new competitions and games for competitors to compete. The Following games are for the first iteration of the Almaris Olympics. JOUSTING TOURNAMENT Drawn from the most ancient art of horseplay, the jousting event is the first competition for the Almaris Olympics. Competitors are expected to bring their finest bred horse to the tournament as well as pay a small fee for entering. Upon entering the competition, the finest horse riders of the realm have assembled, and will compete for a great sum prize, alongside recognition from each Kingdom of Almaris. PRIZE 2k Mina DRINKING CONTEST While most may not consider drinking a sport, the art of downing the strongest drinks known to man is certainly a sight to behold. Commissioned by the Kings and Queens of Almaris, the strongest brew will be made for such an occasion, and will challenge even the most skilled alcoholics of the realm. PRIZE 2k Mina THE GRAND TOURNAMENT The crown jewel of the Almaris Olympics, the greatest champions from around the world compete in the largest competition known in history for the title of Champion of Almaris. Fighting for fame, riches and glory, The Grand Tournament requires a small entry fee to enter to compete for a prize large enough to fill a great lake. PRIZE 7k Mina Champion of Almaris NATIONS Nations participating in the games is the most important aspect. Several Kingdoms, and peoples alike join to put forth their best champions and competitors in hopes of bringing fame and glory to themselves and their respective nation. The following list are the main signatory nations competing in the Olympics. Signatory Nations: Grand Kingdom of Urguan The Kingdom of Haense The Kingdom of Balian The Principality of Celia'nor The Vale of Nevaehlen The Kingdom of Aaun The Kingdom of Norland
  9. A New Era of Aaun [!] This missive would be accessible to all loyalties of Aaun, pinned in tavern notice boards and posted through letter boxes of Aaunic houses. “Citizens of Aaun, God has willed a new era of peace upon our mortal realm to which we rejoice. Thus we take this opportunity to formally invite whomever might be reading this to enjoy festivities in honour of this blessed time within the reformed walls of Vienne. A Festival dedicated to Owyn shall be henceforth organised within Vienne, consisting of events such as various market stalls, a dunk tank for willing volunteers, pin the tail on the mule, vast assortments of beverages and music. Followed by a State of the Kingdom Address by HRH Charles and concluded in a Royal Ceremony of Honours. Specific invitations are extended to friends and peerages of Minitz. Invitations are further extended to the peerages of Hanseti-Ruska, Petra and Sedan. The eve’s events shall take place on the 1st of Tobias’ Bounty, in the year of our Lord 1898.” Signed HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, The Princess Sophia, Duchess of Leone HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Charles I Alstion, Prince of Alstion, Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Aaun, Duke of Corazon, Protector of the Realm ((OOC notes: This event will take place on Saturday 12th November, 4pm EST. Festival minigames will be roll led 1-10. To those who would like a stall at the market, please respond to this post with: IGN: Character Name: Family Name/House (If applicable): What you are selling: We hope to see you there!))
  10. Minitz Drinking Competition [!] A town crier in Minitz clanged a bell to capture passerby attention: “Hear ye, hear ye! Gather, gather! Think you can outdrink your peers? Well now is your chance to prove it! Join us, ladies and gentlemen, on the 7th of Owyn’s Flame in the year of our Lord 1898 for a drinking competition of Minitz! All are welcome, winner gets 200 minae!” ((OOC Notes: This is a lighthearted event where you can just turn up and join in, the drinking competition will be done via a /roll 20 system however a +1 point will be added in circumstances of significant differences (such as being 6’7”+ or a Dwarf that constantly drinks, for instance). The event will take place on Thursday 10th November at 5pm EST in the Minitz Tavern.))
  11. A Feast of Haute-Épine [!] A letter would be delivered to the family and peers of House de Rosius in a formal invitation: “To whom it may concern, we invite you as our family or peerage to join us for an eve of fine dining and pleasant conversation at Château-de-Valent on the 3rd of Horen’s Calling in the year of our Lord 1898 to celebrate our keep’s completion and the newborn de Rosius. Accommodation will be available to those who require it for the eve. Furthermore, specific invitations are extended to the following Houses: House Alstion, House d'Abbassia House Rhodon House Barclay House von Wexler House von Reuss House Alstreim House Sarkozic var Aaun House Sarkozic var Balian House d'Azor We await your presence eagerly. Signed, Le Très Honourable, Louis Joseph de Rosius, Margrave de Haute-Epine, Baron de Rosius, Seigneur de Château de Valent, Seigneur de Mont Louis, Seigneur-Commandant de la Garde de la Rose, Monseigneur de l'Eglise Patriarche de Rosius Lucrèce Ysabeau de Rosius, Margravine de Haute-Epine, Baronne de Rosius, Madame de Château de Valent, Madame de Mont Louis, Matriarche de Rosius ((OOC Notes: The dinner will take place at the de Rosius Keep, Château de Valent, on Wednesday the 9th November at 5pm EST))
  12. As Almaris enters the middle of the fall season, The sea creatures are now beginning to migrate from the north to the south, searching for a much warmer home and thus the Atoll Grove bustles with activity and preparations for a fishing contest and cookout before the final celebration of the Pumpkin Moon. Among the Bustling Activity at the Atoll Grove, many of the prepared fliers and missives are carried away by the gentle fall breeze, making their way to homes, towns, forests and other areas throughout Almaris. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fliers seem to be written in terrible handwriting…but at least they were legible! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COME ONE COME ALL! TO THE ATOLL GROVE FALL FISHING EVENT! The Atoll Grove formally invites all the People of Almaris equally to come and enjoy a day of relaxation and celebration by the waters of the beach! There shall be a fishing contest and cookout hosted by the Fishermen of Almaris and yours truly, The Atoll Grove! As the fish migrate south during this fall season be on the lookout for big catches! You never know what you just might catch! Boat rides, canoe races and many more activities shall be held! Please come and relax with the southern druids and their fishermen fisherwoman, and fisherpeople friends! This is a great time for networking! Fresh food and drinks from the Bayou Beer Garden shall be served to all guests! TIME OF EVENT: The event will begin at midday and last until the dawn of night! (4 PM EST - 6 PM EST) Please bring your fishing equipment! If you do not have any, no worries! We will also provide them for you! Directions to the Atoll Grove: Please take the cart in Cloud Temple to South Hub. Find the path and you shall see signs with arrows leading to the Atoll grove! Make sure to cross the lily pad bridge when you come across it and continue following the path and you shall be there in no time!
  13. ANNOUNCEMENT of the HOUSE DARKWOOD The Darkwood Drink Festival In the year of our Lord, 13th of Peter's Glory 23 B.A To those of Almaris: House Darkwood has shown itself to be a house newly dedicated in its curation and creation of drinks of all kinds, having opened a business in the Brown Bear’s Rest Tavern in Balian. Having held such a passion for all his life Viscount Drako Darkwood would like to announce his intent to host a festival in celebration of what he loves in Balian. Starting in the Square of Balian with a small amount of stalls and space within Balian, those who make drinks are encouraged to sell or offer tasters of their drinks for the denizens of Almaris to taste and enjoy. Being that this is a drink festival, there will be a competition held in the tavern with a grand prize of 50 mina. Finally it will be ended with a drunken brawl in the arena, where anyone who wants to take part will drink and then fist fight those in the pit. As declared by, His Excellency, the Patriarch of House Darkwood, Lord Drako Darkwood, Viscount of Renduzzo. Her Excellency, Viscount-Consort Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller of Renduzzo
  14. A NIGHT TO REMEMBER ISSUED BY SEBASTEIN OLIVIER ASHFORD DE SAVOIE Upon the 6th of Joma ag Umund, 442 E.S. Friends, the Lifstala season is soon upon us! The time for each one of us to find a counterpart draws near. How quickly the days have come and gone, flying past as we blink our eyes. Soon, most of us shall enter a new stage in our lives. With this season comes the joy, the pain, the happiness, the anger, and all the other emotions that follow love and passion. But those days have not yet come! So let us enjoy ourselves before we begin to worry! I invite all participating in Lifstala to join me for a party within the forgotten rooms of the palace! Revel in fun without worrying about the future. Lose yourself within the laughter and comradery. Drinks will be provided. Party games shall be played. Make this a night to remember or a night to forget the next day. O N T H E 12 T H O F W Z U V A R A G B Y V C A 4 4 4 E X A L T E D S I G I S M U N D SIGNED, HIS LORDSHIP, Sebastien Ashford de Savoie FIRRESS, Viorica Barrow [OOC]
  15. Beauty of Bethlenen [!] A painting of a man and woman sharing a dance while a crowd watches. Event Information Upon the eve in question, the denizens of Haense shall gather at Bethlenen [September 15th, 5pm EST] for a contest of beauty of all kinds, emotional, intellectual and physical. A variety of yet unknown tests to attain the various participant’s attributes will take place as the Lady Catalina and His Serene Highness will judge and discuss their opinions on each participant. Once the scores for the various aspects are tallied, there will be an announcement by the Grand Prince and Lady on who the victor is. The victor will be crowned ‘The Beauty of Bethlenen’ and then a ball will ensue in the halls Bethlenen. The victor of the competition is also offered the chance for the first dance with His Serene Highness, an offer that any suitor of The Koengzem would seldom refuse. For those not dancing, drinks and food will be handed out by servants. Invites are extended to: Her Princely Grace, Johanne of House Barclay, Duchess of Reinmar and her esteemed pedigree Her Grace, Isabel of House Baruch, Duchess of Valwyck and her esteemed pedigree Their Graces Mikhail and Margrait of House Ruthern, Duke and Duchess of Vidaus and their esteemed pedigree The Right Honourable, Adele of House Ludovar, Count of Otistadt, and her esteemed pedigree The Honourable, Nikolai of House Kortrevich, Viscount of Krusev and his esteemed pedigree His Lordship, Leopold of House Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his esteemed pedigree His Lordship, Maric of House Colborn, Baron of Bethlenen and his esteemed pedigree And all of the Noble girls attending the upcoming Lifstala of The Koengzem Commoners are allowed to attend but they may not compete. Signed, Lady Catalina Rosalyn Colborn ☆ His Serene Highness, Georg Sigismund, Grand Prince of Kusoraev
  16. ISSUED ON THE 11TH OF THE FIRST SEED, 1889 Upon the recent move to the Principality of Sedan, the women of House Jazloviecki find themselves seeking companions to socialise and confide in within their new homelands. Therefore, the Margravine-consort of Grodno and her eldest daughter Walentyna Stasia invite all women, both of noble and common blood in Sedan, to attend an afternoon tea party to enjoy some light beverages and the accompanying chatter that follows such events - whether it be idle conversation or gossip. Not only will this occasion introduce the new citizens of Johannesport amongst those in attendance, but hopefully shall establish further connections for a possible lady's society in the near future. SIGNED, The Most Honournable, Lady Ottilie Franziska Jazloviecki, Margravine-consort of Grodno, Baroness of Castile The Honourable, Lady Walentyna Stasia of Grodno
  17. ‹ ›‹ ›‹ › As of late, some suspicious, horrid sounds have been coming from The Kingdom of Balian's mines, sounds that have never been heard before. Miners who wandered down there to collect minerals could hear screams of some sort coming from the mines before they even entered, most fled in fear. Others who had decided to be more curious paid the consequences for their curiosity. Bodies began piling up in the mines, some sort of monster or monsters had been lurking there for some time now, and it’s been feasting off of the citizens who had dared to travel below. Many others have attempted to force the monster out of the Mines, failing miserably, as none of their plans had worked. This monster cannot be fought alone, NO ONE SHALL ENTER THESE MINES ALONE. If you wish you go fend off this monster we suggest you travel in a group of 5-6. We cannot risk anymore lives of our citizens, it is far too risky. This monster is something many Balianites have never encountered before. It’s to the point that there's no other choice left other than to go down, and fend off this beast.
  18. A Goats Jubilee A depiction of the Sedan citizenry frolicking amongst one another, c. 1887 To the loyal subjects of the Principality of Sedan, aforementioned, it has been announced that the Crown Prince and Her Imperial Highness have welcomed a pair of two, healthy goat Princess’- Princess Marcella, and Princess Matilda. As a result of their births, the Royal Courts of Sedan have deemed it befitting to jubilantly invite its citizenry to engage in a royal jubilee in celebration of the twin’s livelihood. TIMETABLE: A Ram’s Ball Attendees will be welcomed into the keep’s ballroom to dance, sip and feast on the finest of delicacies and converse amongst one another. Present Bestowing To celebrate and mark the memorable births of the pair, guests will have the opportunity to present the little princess’ with gifts of all sorts. Special Invitations are extended to the following below: The King of Haense and his royal pedigree. @gmro The Countess of Otistadt and her noble pedigree. @copowl The Grand Duke of Balian and his imperial pedigree. @ave The Count of Tesmech and his noble pedigree. @bickando The Count of Minitz and his noble pedigree. @goodguymatt The Margrave of Grodno and noble pedigree. @olox Signed, His Highness, Prince Joseph Alexander de Joannes, Crown Prince of Sedan and Baron of Ponce Her Imperial Highness, Augustina Theorosia de Joannes, Princess of Balian and Sedan, Baroness of Ponce
  19. [!] Elegantly scribed rice paper flyers are hung around Norland! Come one, come all! To the… Tianrui Teahouse Karaoke Night [!] A Li-Ren painting of a teahouse goat enthusiastically joins in on the night’s festivities! Join us friends, for the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse karaoke night! With a comprehensive list of hit Li-Ren, Oyashiman, and Hyeol-Yeon party tracks complete with an on-stage lyric book, experience a slice of Ai-Zho right in the heart of Norland! If you don’t know any Li-Wen, Oyashiman, or Hyeol-Yeon, fret not! Each song comes complete with Common translation, courtesy of the Tianrui Trading Co. translation and localization team. The first of our recurring karaoke nights shall take place this First Seed, SA 88! Event Planning, Tianrui Ren Eiji Takai Event Hosting, Tianrui Ren OOC: 4pm EST, Friday August 12th in the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse
  20. [!] Elegantly scribed rice paper flyers are hung around Norland! Tianrui Teahouse: Alisgrad Grand Opening After much work by the hands of the Tianrui family, we are happy to announce the grand opening of the Tianrui Teahouse on Frey Street! Come enjoy your favorite Li-Ren and Oyashiman cuisine once more, paired with the finest teas grown and imported from Almaris and beyond! Accompanying our signature refreshments will be the elegant sword dances of Chen Yunya, and beautiful zither music played by renowned bard Wu Meixing. When you have finished sampling refreshments come visit the relaxing baths, curated from years of traditional Li-Ren herbal remedies. Above the baths sits the Tianrui bookstore, housing a cultural museum of the Li-Ren and Oyashiman peoples! The festivities shall take place on The Sun’s Smile, Year 89 of the Second Age from opening until closing. Be sure to not miss such an auspicious event! Event Planning, Tianrui Ren Event Hosting, Tianrui Ren OOC: 4PM EST, Sunday August 7th in the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse We will be watching “Spirited Away” in the Norland VC in tandem with the event!
  21. COWARDLY FLAMES 12th of The First Seed, in the year 88 of our lord 12th Of The First Seed, in the year Within our own Court, a Assassin had slipped through with ill intentions of harming Balians Princess Augustina. We were hosting a ball within our Court room, everything was fine people were dancing and enjoying themselves. As the room emptied, more and more and the princess was more visible since there were no longer crowds of people blocking her. The Assassin had took their chance getting on a balcony that had looked over the court room. Yelling out absurd things, "AVE ORENIA, ALL HAIL KING FREDRICK". They then proceeded to load A arrow into the crossbow, shooting our princess before she had the opportunity to get down and duck the arrow. The mystery Person in question then decided to light themself ablaze and jump from the balcony onto the court rooms floor. Splattering their blood across he floors. Who would've thought the Assassin had been this cowardly that only shooting one person, and then ending their life before anyone else could was their last solution. We have no clue as to who had the person been, their body is charred and we cannot figure out whom it is. This event was obviously planned for some time we'd assume. We shall be more weary of our Guests within Balian after this dreadful event.. Signed, The Rose of Darkwood, Lady Seraphina Katiana Darkwood
  22. Echos of the ancients festival Many Ker are made to wander and many more are left oblivious to their ancient histories as the holders of said histories linger among the poets and warriors of Nor’asath. A time for the young to hear of our ancestors, the light, the mother, and the wolf. Echos of the past and offerings will be held within the town square. Tales of sport, ancient war and techniques, items to display reverence, and traditional food by the illustrious Chefzerker Thullon will also be available alongside musical performances. All are welcome to join us in the festivities and those privy to the history are welcome to bring trinkets and charms or tell tales of one's clan within three Elven Days. Education of ones people will be available to upon the day. Feast and party for the eve as the city shall come to life as our ancestors feast at our side. (( Festival will be on Friday at 6pm est in Nor’asath.)) Should anyone want a stall or aid in the event of Nor'asath or not send me a dm ColonelKuehl#6302 cya there.
  23. Felyx F. Colborn, a Voice for Reform! Simple contemporary oil painting of Felyx F Colborn Introduction Felyx, born in the Second age 64, did not come into the world in a noble household. He worked for everything he has gotten so far, and will continue to serve his Kongzem to the best of his ability. The combined efforts of House Colborn now mean that Felyx is granted a unique position to let his voice be heard. As a child, he worked to start the St. Carolus University which still exists today, has participated in medic lectures, climbed to the rank of Armsman and Officer Cadet by now in the BSK Haeseni Army, and is an avid Adventurer and Poet to the Royal Family. Felyx made many friends during his time, be it commonfolk and nobility alike, and has expanded his horizons by carefully listening to minorities such as Orcs and Elves in Hanseti-Ruska. This has given Felyx the confidence he needs to run for Alderman on this day. Aspirations and Pledges I, Felyx Francys Colborn, do so pledge to honour our community of evolving peoples in-tune with their conservative roots by working with the Duma to issue reforms that benefit the Kongzem in the long-term. I will be your elected dreamer of a brighter future for Haense and, with the know-how and tools I have amassed so far, vow to work hard to listen carefully to anyone who would give me feedback or advice, and implement reforms that I deem necessary for the prosperity of Haense to Krusae Zwy Kongzem! More specifically, I, Felyx will pledge to work on Seven primary points: Promote Crown-endorsed reforms to stimulate political interest of the People of Hanseti-Ruska. Introduce non-politically aligned Commonfolk Societies for greater multi-social representation in our Motherland. Stand for greater Diplomatic cooperation, including a Worker’s Exchange Programme between allied nations to foster more open-minded generations who are willing to accept the diversity of Hanseti-Ruska and Almaris as a whole. Promote theological debates led by the Church across various beliefs, using a novel, proposed technique, coined: “Deep Listening”. Work to integrate the aforementioned “Deep Listening” into the Duma, which will hopefully bridge divides between opposite opinions to reach compromises. Introduce a Koeng or Koenas Royal Jubilee, in coordination with the BSK, every 5 years to celebrate the efforts of the Crown. Introduce a “World Pilgrimage” with the consent of the Church, in order to become aware of different and opposing cultures and beliefs, to reinforce Godan’s virtues and learn to live harmoniously with others despite opposing views. These are just a chunk of ideas I have deemed worthy to put to paper. Being a soldier of the BSK, I find it important that we can avoid War as much as possible. However, peacetime is never a reason to stop training and drilling diligently. I will take my discipline and dedication from the Army when pursuing my goals within the Duma. With great Passion Felyx Francys Colborn stands by his values, and hopes to work alongside Duma members with his Aspirations, by the pleasure of the Electorates of Hanseti-Ruska!
  24. [!] With joy, copies of this missive were not only scattered across Karosgrad, but placed neatly at the doors of the manors and keeps of all the Kingdom’s peers, and each house. To those outside of the city, special invitations were sent by an Aviary. [A drawing from a different artist, depicting Elizaveta in deep conversation and planning with the patron spirit of the event – the dear Raven.] THE FANTASTICAL WEDDINGPALOOZA THE UNION OF ELIZAVETA ALBAN & BARLEY WICK An invitation TO THE MERRY AND UNORDINARY For the 6th, in the month of Joma & Umund, 429 E.S VA BIRODEO HERZENAV, EDLERVIK AG KOMYNZ, Following two long decades of being raised side by side as lifelong, childhood friends, naturally – and for everyone to see – a passionate love has blossomed. And through many years of hurdling the restrictions of status and rank, this joyous pair has finally set the time that their souls should be mended together as one in holy matrimony. In line with the complex mind of Lady Alban, this event seeks to forgo the usual bore that comes with the dull feasts and waltzes that follow the wedding ceremony. Thus, the concept of a WEDDINGPALOOZA was born. Though all are invited, should the sight of the unordinary and uncanny of creatures frighten or anger you, consider skipping this event and staying home – for not only is this Weddingpalooza for the people, it is for the creatures who have accompanied the couple their whole life. Even before the wedding takes place, preparations will begin mere days before, based on the many tales and stories the pair has read. The groom is set to depart on a hunt with his dear friends, where they hunt down THREE RAVENS precisely, all while gathering the bones of various animals along the way. These spoils are then given to the bride, as she prepares them for use during the ceremony. The ceremony and events in question will take place in Jerovitz – for there could be no other place than the lands where the couple grew up side by side. Under the watchful eye of GOD, they will be wed in the Chapel of the Venerable Primrose Kortrevich, to be immediately followed by constant merriment and celebration in the form of THREE grand activities: THE DANCE OF TRANSCENDENCE With the month of the matrimony being the harshest in winter, just outside the keep, a grand bonfire will be lit – fueled by the remains of the spoils of the hunt. All invitees are encouraged to join the newlyweds as they dance around its flames, warming themselves – accompanied by song and music. Vials of ‘Transcendence’ and cups of Carrion Black will be provided to promote a more exciting experience. In line with the ongoing theme, three songs will be sung – and nearing the very last one, should the couple be spotted slipping away, guests will dash forth with a dubious prank! During this, the rats – the chosen animal of House Wick – will be given their very own dug-out hole, and attendees will gain the chance to see their own spectacular dance. THE RAT CHASE The spawn of Sergi-boy, first of his name, have been bred with speeds of great renown. The largest rat of his house, Sergi-boy VIII, is a rat of legend – a rat no man has been able to catch. Guests who dare to take on the myth will be led on a chase around Jerovitz, trying to pin a tail on his behind. The very first to do this will be, with the permission of Sir Candle Wick, crowned CHAMPION OF THE WICKWALD. THE WHEAT BOWL For the manliest of men and artists of the blade, a tournament will be held in the newlyweds’ honor. Before dueling, fighters must lather themselves in the very dirt they seek to battle on, sticking onto their armor the feathers of a bird of their choice. The last standing will be named champion, the GRAND RAVEN PRINCE (regardless of gender), and given the almighty BLACK HELM. During all the festivities, food will be provided for all – including special sustenance for creatures, fae, and deities. SPECIAL INVITATIONS FROM THE BRIDE & GROOM: Dearest Mother and Father, Her Royal Highness, Henrietta Barbanov-Bihar, & His Royal Highness, Marus Barbanov-Bihar. ( @PerfectlyPeachy, @mkLouis) Cherished Brother, Matyas Ludovar, Count-Consort of Otistadt, Lord of Alban.( @gusanoarentonio) His Royal Highness, Franz Leopold, Prinzen Oracle of Manvestiyaeo. ( also @gusanoarentonio) His Excellency, Matyas ‘Matty Bee’ Baruch, Best Man of the Groom. ( @Chris (Acaele)) Dearest Friend, Catalina ‘Magda’ Nadia Carrion, Best Lady to the Bride. ( @Melpomenne) Sir Candle Wick, Uncle to the Groom, and all true Wick descendants. ( @HurferDurfer1) Calanthe Wick, Sister to the Groom, and her merry company. ( @doreebear) Illian and Cas, shopkeepers of the bride’s favorite stall, and their merry company. ( @BobBox, @un-w) Miss Margo, the wondrous Oracle woman. ( @Kujo) Elizabeth Brae-Wittenbach, Vice-President of the NGS, and all its members. ( @AndrewTech) His Geniusness, Cosimo Falcone, and his merry company. ( @Goon ) His Funnyness, Shrout Booker Card, Great Sage, Equal to Mani. ( @Xx_BloodStalk_xX ) His Gracefulness, Riurn’parir, the Swamp Spirit of Attenlund. ( @RaiderBlue) His Ribbitness, Mudzskips, the Merciful, and all his remaining Wonk race. ( @Benjiota) His Rhinocity, Rhinonathan, and the citizens of Rhino Rhingdom. ( @PXY) FORMAL INVITATIONS TO THE KING OF HAENSE AND THE PEERAGE: His Royal Majesty, Karl III, the King, and his Royal Pedigree. ( @GMRO) Her Grace, Isabel Baruch, the Duchess of Valwyck, and her Ducal Pedigree. ( @sarahbarah ) Her Grace, Johanna Barclay, the Duchess of Reinmar, and her Ducal Pedigree. ( @Zaerie) His Grace, Mikhail Ruthern, the Duke of Vidaus, and his Ducal Pedigree. ( @indiana105) The Right Honourable, Adele Ludovar, Countess of Otistadt, and her Comital Pedigree. ( @CopOwl) His Lordship, Leopold Morovar, the Baron of Ghaestenwald, and his Baronial Pedigree. ( @HogoBojo) His Lordship, Filip Amador, the Baron of Mondstadt, and his Baronial Pedigree. ( @Lomiei)
  25. FIFTH BIRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANZA A painting of a past garden party. Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, Her Royal Highness, Klara Elizaveta, Duchess of Baranya, on behalf of her son, His Lordship, Andrei Sigismund Morovar, is pleased to invite the denizens of Hanseti-Ruska and beyond to a garden party featuring a scavenger hunt within the gardens of Karosgrad celebrating his birth. In addition to a scavenger hunt, guests will be able to enjoy various games, including pin the tail on the crow. Formal Invitations Her Grace, Johanna Barclay, Duchess of Reinmar and her noble pedigree @Zaerie His Grace, Mikhail var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree @indiana105 His Lordship, Filip Amador, Baron of Mondstadtand his noble pedigree @Lomiei Personal Invitations His Majesty, Karl III, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his royal pedigree @GMRO Her Grace, Isabel Baruch, Duchess of Valwyck and her noble pedigree @sarahbarah The Right Honorable, Adele Ludovar, Countess of Otistadt and her noble pedigree @CopOwl The Honorable, Nikolai Kortrevich, Viscount of Krusev and his noble pedigree @Phersades His Lordship, Leopold Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree @HogoBojo Her Ladyship, Sibylla Ludovar and her family @CupOTea__ His Lordship, Sir Borris Kortrevich and his family @tcs_tonsils_ His Lordship, Eirik Baruch @gusanoarentonio Erika Vatornik and her family @MissToni SIGNED, Her Royal Highness, Klara Elizaveta, Duchess of Baranya His Lordship, Andrei Sigismund Morovar [OOC: To be held on Thursday, the 16th of June, at 5:00 EST.]
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