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  1. -=- Dryads -=- Lore Revision Written by ExoticRoleplay -=- Origins -=- Dryads are an ancient species of arboreal creatures who have resided within nature for as long as time has been recorded. Once upon a time, they were considered to be entities of legend, capable of great magical power. Though as their population waxes and wanes in sync with some unknown cycle of the natural world, more and more have come to emerge from the wilds, allowing themselves to be known to those who they deem worthy. Others may choose to permanently reside within their forested homes, far away from the watchful eye of the Descendents. They are aloof, and detached from modern society, acting as watchful guardians over the places they consider to be a piece of their natural domain. -=- The Blossoming -=- No true consensus has ever been reached about how Dryads have been made in present day, or even thousands of years ago. Many believe it is a process that comes naturally embedded within the minds of female Wood Elves, and others of more religious belief may interpret it as a blessing granted by the Earth-Mother Cerridwen. The prior is more commonly believed, but both concepts revolve around an innate connection to nature. The process of becoming a Dryad may begin at the age of five, or eight-hundred. Some women may never feel it at all. To some it can be interpreted as a faint desire to abandon the life they have, to live among the trees as was intended for their people- Away from the strife of war and oppressive governments. For an unfortunate few others, it can be a sort of dream-like geas, where they are mindlessly driven from their homes and into the wilderness, functioning upon their instinct alone to guide them to freedom. It is because of this that young children, or even mothers may one day disappear, never to be seen from again by their family. After leaving home, the prospective Dryad will travel far into the wilds, going beyond the sight of any man-made construction and immersing herself completely within the canopies of the surrounding forests, or rolling hills and mesas. During this process it is very common for the woman to abandon her clothing and personal effects, donning herself in paints, ichors, and plants derived from the soils and plants of her surroundings- After which, she will fall into a comatose state, in which they will wander… Before laying down among the roots of a tree or bush which they are compatible with. There they will remain, their bodies soon overtaken and disappearing beneath the twisted roots, as if being embraced by the earth itself. After being absorbed within the roots of the tree, a thick, magically-infused sap will leech outward and layer over their body, solidifying near instantaneously into a ‘pod’ of solid amber. Here they will be sustained, requiring no form of food or water as they are essentially placed into stasis. This is the first step of a transformation, one which may take anywhere from a week, to a year to complete. The tree during this process will be indiscernible from any other, aside from a difference in vibrancy. Additionally, once this happens, the branches and roots of the tree will refuse to do so much as budge by the hand of a Druid, as the natural bond between them forfeits instead to the Dryad. -=- Dryad Physiology -=- Once emerging from their ‘stasis’, the Dryad may not even appear to be the same person that they once were in the form of their Descendent selves. Their body and soul will have now become one with nature, leading them to develop (ironically) unnatural traits that are similar to those of the plant they bound themselves with, adhering even to the seasons. These changes may be subtle, or they may be defining of the Dryad as a whole. Their skin may become textured or colored similarly to the bark of their tree, with rough patches along the spine and the outsides of their limbs. Or, skin that is fibrous and green. Many Dryads will choose to remain wearing clothing- Though there are some ‘purists’ who will choose to make clothing out of sections of their plant that they manage to harvest- Or those that choose not to wear clothing at all, if their natural biology conceals enough to make them appear modest. For example, a Dryad which binds themselves to a sapling, unless they are a child, may become three to four feet tall. If one binds themselves to a berry or fruit tree, they may sprout flowers that become those respective fruits. Their spit may become sap, and they may cry nectar- And they may even be host to the same insects as their tree, like butterflies. On another hand, they can always embody other natural aspects, such as sprouting antlers or horns of wood, and deer-like legs comprised of flexible wood and bark. Dryads truly are a versatile race of people, though it all depends on the nature of what plants they bind themselves to. In addition to the physical alterations that they receive from their transformation, Dryads will also change mentally. In doing so, they may become more aloof and carefree. In fact, almost every Dryad is impartial and pacifistic- Unless it comes to protecting their lands, of course. There are some Dryads who will be entirely untrusting of any person other than members of their own race, and will hide their distaste for the other races behind a facade of airheadedness, to make themselves seem less of a threat… Then again, there are some Dryads who are just as dimwitted as any normal person. So they do truly vary. A Dryad will instinctively know how to return to her tree, as her soul is tethered to it. She feels as it feels- The changes in the soil, such as drought. When the tree is struck by an axe, it will feel similarly to being stabbed to the Dryad, regardless of how far she may be from it. If the plant is destroyed, then it shall wither away rapidly- Leaving the seed permanently buried beneath the earth until the Dryad is able to retrieve it once again. Additionally, fellow Dryads will consider one another as blood-siblings, more so than their real siblings. -0- Bonsai Dryads -o- There are only three known circumstances in which a Dryad will be reborn as what has been affectionately referred two as a ‘bonsai’. Named after the Farlander tradition of pruning a plant’s roots and branches to prevent growth, these Dryads tend most often to be connected to host plants which they purposely stunt the growth of. Pruning one’s plant is considered to be a horrifically painful process, as the Dryad feels all of what their plant feels- So it would essentially equate to feeling as if one’s own fingers were being severed with each clip of their roots. The only way to go through this process purposely without inflicting pain is for one to either reshape the roots using their own control over the plant, or to explicitly ask it not to take in nutrients- Thus, causing it to remain in a smaller state. This is most often considered a selfish process, as it does not allow the plant to truly grow. The only exception to this, is if one was a child prior to transformation, or a fully-grown Dryad binds themselves to an immature plant- Causing them to revert into a smaller form of about 3’-4’. Bonsai Dryads are viewed by other Dryads as the sort of ‘beloved little sisters’, but to others they can be seen as a nuisance, due to their immaturity and rambunctious nature. As the plant ages, so will the Dryad, going through the natural cycle of their life before coming fully grown. This can only be reverted if they reattune to a smaller plant. -=- Connection to Nature -=- There is a countless number of plants that Dryads can originate from, though typically it is limited to those which can be classified as trees or bushes. Sometimes they may be as mundane as a juniper bush, or as massive as a redwood tree. Though it is usually always something that grows at least to the height of over three feet, not length (like vines). There may be circumstances in which a Dryad may link to a tree of magical nature, which creates a breed all of its own. This is typically not the case however, as the bond is only compatible with natural plants, unless they are formed with some sort of Druidic magic. The abilities of a Dryad are similar to those of a Druid, however they are focused with the intent of communicating and coexisting within nature, rather than restoring it. When in range of their tree or plant, they are able to commune with it- And control it, in a way similar to the Druids, gaining the ability to bend its branches and roots as if they were extensions of themselves. In this regard, it is better to think of their bonded plant as another, sentient person. As anything that it is ‘made’ to do, by proxy, will be through asking permission to do so- Like how some Dryads may request their trees to dig out a section beneath their roots for living space. They can not do anything that is physically unreasonable though, such as turning massive branches ninety degrees- As this will obviously harm almost any tree. However, they can increase the rate in which the blooming of fruits and flowers on their plant happens, though it requires an almost meditative focus. In fact, this is how many Dryads tend to sustain their diet- Though, they still do retain normal dietary preferences aside from this. When a Dryad is killed, they may be subject to simply ‘regrowing’ at the base of their plant, with a lack of memory of what occurred leading up to their death, as one expects. They may also do such a thing known as ‘Melding’, in which they sink through the surface of their tree where allowed, and remain hidden away. -=- The Amber Seed -=- After completing their transformation, the amber which surrounded the Dryad during the process of their change soaks back into the surrounding soil, save for a singular piece which can only be seen from beneath the roots of the tree- Embedded in the underside of the trunk similarly to the mouth of an octopus, amid the tendril-like roots. This ovular piece of amber is typically the size of a large apple- And incredibly dense. It is lost upon anybody what its true intention is- As they are coveted by the Dryads. Not even the close relatives of the former Elf would be allowed near it, without facing some sort of forcible removal from the area. It isn’t even entirely certain what the object is to the Dryad themselves. Referred to as an Amber Seed by those who are unassociated to the Dryads, this hefty, glowing gem is usually centered with decorative markings, or filled with mixtures of sprigs, seeds, or fruits. It will refuse to leave where it lies by the hand of anybody other than the Dryad which owns it- And is indestructible by any normal means. There is only two circumstances in which the Seed will require moving, and those are when a Dryad unattunes themselves from nature, or when the Dryad much relocate to a safer region, in the case of natural disaster or any form of colonization of the region, if she can not fight it off herself. When a Dryad removes the Seed from her tree, it will begin to wither and die. Though in the case of relocation, this is more-so a momentary goodbye, as within her hands she holds the only thing that can restore her bond to nature. A Dryad may travel several days or weeks before settling on a perfect location- During which she will be inseparable from her Seed, literally and metaphorically. It will remain embedded into the center of their breast, unable to be removed unless one were to kill them. At which point, it would simply crumble into a mundane, glass-like dust along with the rest of her body- Causing her to awaken among the wilds once again, with no memory of what had occurred. At the end of her travels, the Dryad may find a place to plant her Seed once more, at which point her beloved plant will begin to sprout once again. Unlike the countless years beforehand which it took to grow, a tree or bush may regrow to its original size in a matter of a month- Much to the shock of the surrounding wildlife. There does however exist an exception to this. In the circumstance that a Dryad is unable to find a suitable placement for her Seed, she may embed it among the roots of another plant along with herself, going through another cycle of rebirth in which she adopts the features of her new host. At some point, the Dryad’s original plant may grow too old, at which point it will begin to die- Regardless of the intervention of magic or healing. At which point the Dryad will have to find another plant. -=- Reversion to Elfism -=- There may be a point in which the Dryad can no longer maintain their connection to their tree- by their own choice or otherwise. When this occurs, the Dryad can retrieve their Amber Seed. After a couple of weeks of not having replanted their seed, the Dryad’s features will begin to be stripped from them. Each morning they wake up, they will find more sections of their bark-like skin having been replaced with flesh. Leaves may become hair once again, and after a certain point- Their Seed will finally release itself from the chest of the Dryad, glowing dim. By now, the plant they had been bound previously will have disintegrated to nothingness. Each day that passes however, they will grow fonder of their tree, and desire be around it- An instinct that would require being ignored if one were to truly wish to release themselves from the responsibilities of being a Dryad- Which isn’t common, but may happen if one truly desires to return to their former lives- Which they typically hold no obligation to do. The Amber Seed at this point will have been considered to be inactive. Many former Dryads choose to wear it as an adornment, or hide it away in a chest- As they feel an undying fondness to have it around them or in their hands, as one would treat a child. After a certain point the Seed will reawaken, glowing as brightly as it once did. Only then can it be replanted for the Dryad to resume their bond, unless they genuinely repent to the Aspects beforehand. The realm is a place of strife however. And surprisingly, an inability to replant is actually the least likely reason that many Dryads are disconnected from nature. Just like any other mortal race, Dryads are capable of contracting curses and parasites- Though they can not become undead. If a Dryad happens to be touched by a Fjarriauga Mother, or a Shade Father, the respective curses will root themselves in the body and soul of the Dryad just as any other person. Their bodies will react much more violently to the corruption however, and they may become physically ill, more than what is predicted for the process of transformation. If one were to become a Shade, their tree will begin to rot and turn black- Similarly to the parts of their body which once embodied their tree. If one becomes a Frost Witch, their tree will begin to freeze over, as if going through a black winter. The leaves gracing their tree will fall, and their skin will become brittle. If the normal processes for curing are not sought out, they will eventually succumb and become these cursed entities. They will lose their attunement to nature- And in doing so, their soul will feel shattered, as if a piece of them had been irrevocably torn away, their Amber Seed will simply dissolve into ash. -=- Redlines -=- -0- The Transformation Process -o- -0- Dryad Appearance and Physiology -o- -0- Dryad Mentality -o-
  2. The Soulbound Servants: Didacts of the Forest Holy Ghosts of Druids An elven druid returns as a Soulbound Servant, watching over the forest with a careful eye. It is a well known truth among druii and those that study the aspects or their faith, that devout druids who die ascend to the realm of the fae, to serve out their days as Soulbound Servants. In the realm of fae, these spirits of passed druids are revered by all as wise men and oracles. Creatures of the fae flock from every corner of the realm to hear their words of wisdom. In the realm of fae, they are considered demigods, chosen of the aspects themselves. (The Fae Realm). In death, these sages reflect the souls of what they were in life. For those that sought the taste of battle in defense of the balance, they may find themselves as a spirit of fury, blessing those of the Twilight Bound. A gentler druid, a healer perhaps, may find themselves as a mending spirit of the Dayward Way. All these such spirits are revered amongst the fae creatures of the world. The servants can take the form of an incorporeal spirit, the physical body they had in life, or even as a reflection of their own spirit animal. Respected and revered by all races of the fae as the chosen vessels of the Aspects themselves, the Soulbound enjoy their afterlife by serving as wise men and priests. The most dimwitted of rock-creatures to the most cunning of Imps will travel across the entire Fae for the chance to meet one of the Soulbound and receive words of wisdom. Like all fae creatures, they possess the ability to traverse over one of the many thin threads that hold our realms together, through a fae ring. For one that may find themselves facing one of these spirits, they can expect only unbridled wisdom, for they gaze upon a fragment of the fae realm itself. However, while they were able to become corporeal in the Eternal Forest, their journey to the mortal realm has diminished their strength, and they hold but a fraction of the power they hold in the Fae Realm. A soulbound servant, in the mortal realm, is little more than a spirit of the fae. They cannot touch or interact with the world. They will never again feel the embrace of a loved one, nor the wind on their cheek. They are dead, lost to the world. Incorporeal beings that merely exist as a passer of knowledge, a wielder of the torch of druidic power. Even when their connection to the Eternal Forest is strongest, standing within the fae ring, they are unable to lay a finger on the world of the living. One may ask, why would a soulbound servant return to the mortal fold? What other reason than the one they hold in the realm of the fae. They serve as ancient teachers, passing on the wisdom of their many years. It is the primary mission of all Soulbound Servants to pass down their own knowledge of the balance, and to guide the druids of the world towards a heightened understanding of what their duty is, and how they might attain it. They serve as powerful guides to all that follow the path of the aspects. To dedicants, they serve to inform and teach. To Druii, they seek to offer their different perspective on the world and how it may function. And above all, to Archdruii, they serve as powerful advisers in the face of great adversity. But they are just that. Guides, advisers, wise-men. Vessels of knowledge. Due to the distance from the realm of the fae, and their diminished power, they are unable to use the gifts that they had throughout their lives as druii, but they still retain their ancient knowledge of the arts. To fulfill their mission, these spirits are able to pass on their understanding of the gifts into the druii of the world in several ways, detailed a bit later. In addition to this, the servants have access to a few smaller tricks from their time in the fae realm that they would use in pursuit of guiding dedicants, druids, and archdruii alike, without impacting the world on a physical level. Blessings of the Aspects Gifts From the Eternal Forest A druid completes a task with the oversight of the Soulbound Servant Soulbound Servants tend not to intervene in worldly affairs, beyond their task of guiding others, and serving the balance. Without the ability to hold a sword, or travel far beyond their fae rings, they take up a more guiding role, using their abilities to teach, rather than lead. Their time spent in the realm of the fae shows now though, and Soulbound Servants find that they have a few lesser abilities that they didn’t have before. These can be very straining for the spirit to perform, and only one may be used per day, that they might serve the spirit in guiding others. Greensight Soulbound Servants mimic many of the abilities of regular ghosts, being able to use their own version of Horrorchill called Greensight. With this ability, Soulbound Servants have the ability to reach out to attuned minds, and are able to incur visions of the past, things that the servant themselves have seen, or even things that the subject has seen. Through this, they can evoke calming memories, or through their own memories, lessons of the past. These visions can be as vivid or as vague as the spirit wills it. This ability, unlike horrorchill, only works on a willing subject who knows they are being affected. This only affects attuned druids, and those affected by fae rings. Oversight Similar to the talking host ability that usual ghosts have, soulbound servants are able to bind themselves to a druid for as long as they wish, seeing what they see, hearing what they hear, allowing them into their thoughts. However, this must be entirely willed on the part of the druid and the servant. During this time, the druid is marked with a fae rune upon their forehead, showing that they are a vessel of the spirit. This lasts until the subject no longer wills it, or the spirit decides to leave the body. If the host is killed while the servant is inside of the body, that spirit demanifests as they gather themselves again. In addition to these two abilities, Soulbound Servants can do several abilities like their ghostly cousins. Soulbound Servants may shift between visibility and invisibility at will, disappearing or appearing in a flash of their fae energy. Soulbound Servants can interact with the environment in limited ways, such as opening doors, or nudging objects. (In the same way that ghosts do.) Soulbound Servants may float (In the same way that ghosts do) Soulbound Servants give off a glow that reflects their fae energy. Soulbound Servants can change their appearance in a limited way, such as gaining fae attributes, or taking on the form of their spirit animal Due to their distance from the realm of the Fae, they cannot fully return to their physical form. However, when in the Eternal Forest, they can regain such a form. Instead of decaying life around them, and feeding on it, Soulbound Servants serve as a conduit of fae energy, and many may find the world around them blooming to life as the world is touched by the mystical energies of the Eternal Forest. Soulbound Servants do NOT have telekinesis, unlike their ghostly cousins. Guides and Redlines Soulbound Servants must have been at least a T5 in Control and Communion before their death to be brought back. Soulbound Servants require a CA to be played. Soulbound servants are the spirits of druids that return to the mortal realm to continue their duties as druids. In order to be brought back from the realm of the fae at first, the spirit must be guided back by a druid using transcendence. They cannot be forced back if they do not want to come back. If a druid already knows the Transcendence feat, they can bring themselves back. Soulbound Servants can appear as a manifestation of their former selves, or as a reflection of their spirit animal Soulbound Servants can interact with the environment in limited ways, such as opening doors, or nudging objects. (In the same way that ghosts do.) Soulbound Servants can no longer perform control, blight healing, or herblore, shapeshifting, unattunement, attunement, or powersharing. Soulbound Servants can no longer teach unattunement, attunement, or shapeshifting. Soulbound Servants can still teach druidism, including control, communion, blight healing, and herblore if they have a TA A servant doesn’t need to eat, sleep, or breathe; they may survive indefinitely without damage Golden Weaponry affects the spirits as a normal weapon would to a person, and cannot use any of their abilities on gold. To banish a servant to the Eternal Forest, one can summon a cleric, shaman, Fi’ user, or alterationist to perform an exorcism. This demanifests the ghost, but is not a Perma-kill on the Soulbound Servant. It is not necessarily possible to "kill" a Soulbound Servant, but they can be forced them into the Eternal Forest. This causes the Ghost to demanifest for 30 minutes, akin to death for other Descendants, and leave the area to go to the Eternal Forest for a prolonged amount of time. OOC Note: What I really tried to change with this rendition of the lore was the “how” one becomes such a thing, and the abilities. I really tried to trim down the lore piece from Shade lore levels of length to a nice, easily read piece. Short, sweet, simple. I’ve turned it into a lore addition, as a way to extend the ghost lore into other aspects of the server. I’ve translated a lot of the “horror” of the abilities into more Fae abilities. I wanted to create a way for druids to return as ghosts without relinquishing their connection to the Emerald Forest. So, druidic ghosts!
  3. Zarelek... Time to wake up... Zarelek had been scrying for hours on the boy with his Ethyrian Star, watching over him from his throne room in his ever-decaying castle within the Realm of Oblivion, a vast realm of nothingness and structures built of the Oblivion Energy that is constantly generated. He had no idea of how long time had passed since time meant very little in the Realm of Oblivion. To the many, it was a hellish plane of existence, meant for those who were too powerful for their own magic and consumed by their own feelings of guilt and bound by shackles forged from their dying ethereal light. Zarelek ruled over this Realm as a god, but he craved something infinitely more precious than this realm of his own. He craved the presence of others. He wished to teach others of his knowledge than rather have people wage war on each other. He was one of the only gods of Dark Magic that did not crave absolute power or the attention of rituals done in his name, but rather to crave the attention of others and teach them of magic that would benefit themselves as well as others. Sadly, he did not believe that his powers of Oblivion or Shadow could be used by those who had the mindset of balance. Calm before the storm. Darkness before light and light before darkness. After a thousand years of being bound to the Realm of Oblivion and feeling the power of Oblivion Magic course through his veins, he felt like his unending stasis of decay had not let up since he left the mortal world when the denizens of Atlas had left the continent to all of the other continents. This did not mean he didn't keep a close eye on the people he sought to teach his powerful yet ferocious magic to. Using his knowledge of Shadow Magic, he created the first Shadows which were his eyes in the mortal realm. Unseen and virtually undetected, these Shadows were able to take root everywhere, even in places that Descendants would consider too dangerous to sustain life. They were not creatures of undead origins, but only Zarelek understood what the Shadows were made of. The Shadows were also immortal or gave the semblance of immortality as they could not be seen by mortal eyes. He was, in the literal sense, old and decrepit with nothing to live for. He did not have any children of his own before or after his confinement, yet he also wished to give his power meaning. Zarelek observed the many people of Atlas, searching for those he considered worthy of his knowledge of the Dark Arts. These people, he believed, possessed an aura unlike any other. Prismatic color with near-infinite potential for any magic and when he found one, he kept an eye on that person to see how they use their potential. However, this aura was exceedingly rare to find in all of Atlas. Zarelek spent countless years searching for someone with the perfect aura to teach his magic to, utilizing his network of Shadows to spy on the many people as they went about their daily lives. This changed when he observed a high elven man doing some kind of calcuations, seeking knowledge to crack the calculations and access power beyond the Voidal, Deity, and Dark magics. Zarelek noticed his aura shining with a prismatic aura and he had a charming nature to him, which made Zarelek think that he could divert the high elf's calcuations to his own benefit. It took many years in the mortal realm for Zarelek to make up his mind and decide he would offer up the man a deal to which he would benefit greatly while also giving the man what he wished. More or less. Upon his final decision, Zarelek sent a Shadow to suppress the high elf's magical potential and granting the boy irrevocable denial to nearly all magic, save for those that Zarelek would teach him. He found himself a student, but the man would not know it until his calcuations were complete that he had been noticed by a dark deity of magic unseen in millennia... ~(+)==(+)~ Deity Information Name: Zarelek, the Empty Lord Age: Unknown Race: Divine Entity Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (1000 years ago; Artwork not by me) (Present time; Artwork not by me) ~(+)==(+)~ Abilities Zarelek has many abilities due to his masterful skills in Oblivion and Shadow Magics including changing one's identity, hiding in plain sight, and enhancing one's own spellwork. He teaches such knowledge to the most elite of his students or disciples and even teaches his most powerful students to become creatures that constantly draw upon the powers of Oblivion itself to fuel their magic and their very existence. Such creatures are not Shadows, but they represent the caster in the most darkest of lights and can even hear Zarelek speaking to them directly as if he was right next to them. He has the power to possess one of his disciples at a time to help augment their magic in their time of greatest need, which is helpful against foes that are too powerful for the caster alone to handle. However, he does not possess the power to possess those attuned to other magics other than the magics he himself possesses. Zarelek has deep respect for those who practice magic of nature itself and does not interfere with matters of the druidic or shamanistic type, though he allows all races and all genders to be taught his magic, but however he possesses the ability to corrupt soul trees with his powers of Oblivion Magic and even destroy them if he so wished. Not all of his abilities are known to all people, even those he teaches his magic to. [EDIT: In the Extended Lore, the redlines for the deity abilities are listed.] ~(+)==(+)~ The Laws of Oblivion Completely aware of the advantages that his magic would produce for those who learn his magic, Zarelek wrote down an Edict of Oblivion that all those who learn or wish to learn Oblivion Magic will adhere to lest they risk to lose Zarelek's favor and risk losing their connection to him and succumb to the wild power of Oblivion Magic, dying from the damage it would cause. (OOC: These laws apply to the Oblivion Magic submission that I will write if this deity is accepted. These laws will be enforced by the Magic Lore team or the Lore Team in general and anyone caught breaking these rules can lose their magic after 1 OOC week. They can avoid this by adhering to the rules for 1 OOC week and they may regain their power.) Thou shall not kill innocents with the use of Oblivion Magic. Keep thy word of honor. Do not perform rituals in Zarelek's name. Do not reveal your brethren to those of authorative power. Thou shall keep eternal silence of the Shadow Network save to share information with Shadow Mages or fellow Oblivion Mages. Do not reveal thyself to those who are not worthy. Thou shall not practice other Dark Magic while wielding the powers of Oblivion, save for Shadow Magic. Thy shall not adhere to the usage of Deity Magic of the holy kind, save for Druidism or Shamanism. Oblivion Magic shall not be abused to grant one true immortality from death. Thou shall be able to learn Voidal Magics, but thou are not allowed to use Oblivion Magic to enhance thy spellwork. ~(+)==(+)~ The Laws of Shadow Aware of how dangerous and intoxicating Shadow Magic is to those not used to such power, Zarelek wrote up another Edict, one of Shadow, so that those who wish to learn Shadow Magic or learn Shadow Magic must adhere to lest they wish to lose their ability to deceive and conceal. Being incredibly wise, Zarelek hates those who abuse such power and if they broke his rules, they would lose his favor and risk losing their powers forever and letting themselves succumb to their own deceits which would become known to all who were influenced by the mage. (OOC: These laws apply to the Shadow Magic submission that Melkor will submit if this deity is accepted. These laws will also be enforced by the Lore Team and anyone caught breaking these rules can lose their magic by the end of 1 OOC week. They can avoid this punishment if they adhere to the rules of this deity for 1 OOC week and they may regain their power. However, all deceits or acts of betrayal that the mage created in roleplay will degrade over time and all those who felt the mage's power will start to see the trickery that the mage in question had done if they lose their power completely. This can be avoided if the mage has regained their power by adhering to the rules.) [EDIT: These rules are null and void due to the first amendment within the Extended Lore. This was done as a request from Melkor.] Thou shall not kill Oblivion Mages. Do not betray your fellow Shadow Mages or Oblivion Mages. Thou may perform rituals in Zarelek's name. Do not break thy word of honor to those who wield Oblivion Magic or Shadow Magic. Thou shall keep eternal silence of the Shadow Network save to share information with Oblivion Mages or Shadow Mages. Thou shall not reveal their magic to those unworthy. Thy cannot practice other Dark Magics save for Oblivion Magic. Thou shall adhere to not using Deity Magic of the holy kind save for Druidism or Shamanism. Shadow Magic cannot grant thyself true immortality from death. Thyself shall be able to learn Voidal Magics, but thou is not allowed to use Shadow Magic to enhance thy spellwork. ~(+)==(+)~ Extended Lore Below ~(+)==(+)~ Zarelek sighed within his Realm of Oblivion, wondering on how everything turned out this way. Being bound to this unyielding, ever-decaying, black nothingness that Zarelek had the unfortunate luck of being bound to. Over a thousand years ago, he had been able to interact with the mortal races freely and without consequence, allowing him the chance to meet and possibly even be friends with the mortals who lived out their lives daily. He had been able to sate his craving for attention that long ago, but then something happened that forced him into exile into this realm that was created to specifically bind all who abused their power due to their overwhelming feelings of guilt and sorrow. Zarelek did not know who or what created this Realm as they remained hidden from his Ethyrian Star when he last tried it. He believed that this was his punishment for what happened a long time ago. During the War of Gods. ~(+)==(+)~ The war lasted eons. Between the forces of the Daemons that Iblees led against the Aenguls that the Creator had lead into battle, Zarelek was not on either side, choosing to remain neutral. Before he had begun his penace within the Realm of Oblivion, he lived in peace within the town of Dunshire. He loved being around the little halflings who enjoyed their relative peace from the War of Gods that raged on outside of the city’s gates and even enjoyed being in their festivals and silly games. Being a god himself, he did not have the ability to truly be a part of the mortal realm and had even considered giving up his godhood to enjoy a mortal life with the halflings he enjoyed being with so much. Though this was not to be towards the end of the War of Gods. Zarelek had been found by the Daemonic forces of Iblees. They desperately wanted his help in defeating the Aengulic forces of the Creator as they heard of his power over the forces of Oblivion, his natural magic. Shades, necromancers, wraiths, and all manner of dark creature came into the city in waves, killing all who stood in their way of Zarelek. Naturally, the halflings banded together in an attempt to hold back the forces of Iblees and giving Zarelek time to flee, but their attempt was short lived. The halflings screamed out in pain as women, men and children were slaughtered by the forces of Iblees and their desperate need for Zarelek’s help in the war effort. However, a select group of halflings survived. The surviving halflings did not know how or why that they had survived, but Zarelek did know. He saved them from the massacre of the daemon forces who were after him and his powers of Oblivion Magic and this infuriated Zarelek to the point where he broke his promise of neutrality in the war and sided only with himself, using his powers of Oblivion to drive back the daemons from Dunshire and even corrupt their souls to the point where Iblees could not even revive them from the blackened pit of Hell. “You wanted me and you got me. You got me pissed!” Zarelek screamed out as he pulled out his wand made of elderwood with a core of a stem of an unknown plant. He ignited his wand, which glew a dark purple as his eyes glew purple as well, signaling that he was channeling his powers in spellwork that the daemon forces were not at all prepared to fight against. He began to speak in a deep guttural tone of authority as if he was embodying the power of Oblivion itself within him. “You wanted my help and you slaughtered innocents this day! I’ll never join Iblees or the Creator’s forces in this war! Die, you pieces of Dark filth!” Within the town of Dunshire, Zarelek had begun to use his powers in the most deadly way possible against the forces of Iblees. He was going to make sure that they never existed from that point onward, even if it meant he’d pay for it later on. He began to cast spell after spell towards the forces of Iblees to the extent that he would run out of magical energy at times and wait some time to regain his power. During these instances of low power, the forces of Iblees would come back and tear apart Dunshire in the feeble attempt to collect Zarelek for Iblees. This happened for a few years until they forced his hand and captured a halfling, one of the very distant ancestors of the Applefoot clan whose name was lost to Time and who was vital for their formation. Zarelek heard of this and went to rescue the halfling, leaving the town defenseless against any other attack. This would prove to be the nail in the coffin for Zarelek because once he arrived at Iblees’ camp, he was tricked. There was no halfling to rescue, but a mere illusion by one of Iblees’ own in a gamble to see if Zarelek would come running to them. The gamble worked in their favor and Zarelek came running to a trap that Iblees himself organized. Before anything else happened, Zarelek felt himself become energized with Oblivion Energy. Even for a god, he felt someone watching his every move and before too long, he knew what he had to do. Zarelek was bound by one of Iblees’ generals and forced to his feet to face judgement by Iblees himself. Apparently, Zarelek had killed one of Iblees’ favorite generals and one that was vital to Iblees’ campaign against the Aenguls of the Creator, which meant that the War was soon to end. Zarelek smiled once he knew what he did against Iblees to force him to resort to mere trickery. “Master Iblees, we have the Oblivion Mage.” one of Iblees’ commanders said as they entered into the room where Iblees was standing in. To Zarelek, he’d suspect the fallen Aengul to be grossly daemonic, but for Zarelek, he was impressed slightly with the sight of the Aengul in front of him. He didn’t look heavenly like the Creator’s own Aenguls, but he did know of Iblees’ heavenly origin before his fall from grace. In fact, all the lesser known deities knew of the Fall, but Zarelek was there to witness it. Another story for another time. “Bring him in,” Zarelek heard Iblees say to his commander, who then had him thrown into the room. Zarelek was attuned to the forces of Oblivion, but he could tell the murderous psychopathic aengul he now faced. The Father of all Shades, Iblees himself, was close to Zarelek himself and if Zarelek could forcibly regenerate himself, the blast of Oblivion Magic would be enough to brutally injure the fallen Aengul and his forces so that he can make his escape. However, Iblees seemed to have other plans for Zarelek. “You killed my general, Zarelek the Wise,” Iblees said to Zarelek, sounding utterly pissed. Zarelek smiled even if he was not injured himself. “Your people killed innocents. Seemed only fair that I slay your generals as well as demolish your forces as retribution.” Zarelek replied, seemingly happy that he caused Iblees pain. “What’s stopping me from taking out the big bad Iblees himself for the Creator? I could easily use my magic to tear your camp apart, leaving you all dead.” “You cannot kill me, mage. You bluff on how powerful your magic truly is when all it is good for is what Voidal powers can do. Stale and unoriginal.” Iblees said, grabbing Zarelek’s throat and choking him out. “You aren’t a god but a mere toy of Fate. Of your own power.” This forced Zarelek to play his hand too early. Zarelek, though bound, made the rope that bound him decay at over a thousand years a second and forced himself to regenerate by Oblivion Magic. Now, Zarelek knew the consequences of regenerating forcefully as it could make his state of decay worsen over time as well as not be as effective as it would be if Zarelek was dying himself, but he had no choice. He began to glow a violent purple with the various enchantments to protect himself from the Reaper and before Iblees could stop him, he exploded like a supernova, emitting purple light that seemed to attract the attention of the wizard and the Aengul forces. Zarelek screamed out in pure agony as he regenerated and forcing a lot of brutal injuries onto Iblees and his nearby squadrons, thereby weakening them a bit to give the Aenguls a true fighting chance. Iblees, however, knew only one spell that could save his army from the magic that Zarelek had power over. The banishing spell. Iblees, in the middle of Zarelek’s regeneration, casted the banishing curse upon Zarelek to happen within the year of Iblees’ defeat by the hands of the wizard and the aengul forces. When the spell was casted, Zarelek’s regeneration was finished and Zarelek laid unconscious, having to wait for the day he’d awaken... ~(+)==(+)~ Zarelek woke up a few days later, back in the town of Dunshire. He had a splitting headache and felt like he was extremely woozy after the forceful regeneration he had suffered. He began to get up when the wizard came in with two archaenguls behind him. “Seems like I have the pleasure of meeting Zarelek himself,” the wizard said as he noticed Zarelek sitting up in what appeared to be a Dunshire medical room. “Regeneration by Oblivion Magic. Nasty form of resurrection.” “Yeah, it is. Dangerous if you’re not already dying.” Zarelek replied to the wizard. The wizard smiled a little before he spoke up, sounding sad. “Well, it seems that Iblees has cursed you, Zarelek. He put a banishing curse upon you, but I have enough power to shorten it to at least a few millennia if you want.” Zarelek thought about it for a moment and he nodded to the wizard, who worked his magic to shorten the banishing curse by a few millennia. After a few moments, Zarelek felt at ease with the wizard and said simply “Thank you.” After that, Zarelek faded away from the mortal realm, his banishing curse taking hold. A few millennia later, he worked out a way to give himself some time in the mortal realm before the curse took hold once more, the chains of Oblivion dragging him back into the desolate wasteland of nothingness where all Oblivion Energy is generated. Well, you know the rest... ~(+)==(+)~ Redlines Zarelek may have powerful magic at his disposal, but even he is not all-powerful. This deity has weaknesses as well that any Holy Mage can do as well as a Voidal Mage of a high enough caliber. These same weaknesses translate to his followers of Shadow and Oblivion, which makes them susceptible to these kinds of magical power. However, Oblivion Mages do not have the same curse that Zarelek himself has, being dragged into Oblivion itself. (OOC: I will provide the redlines for this deity and Oblivion Magic whereas Melkor will provide the redlines for Shadow Magic) ~(+)==(+)~ Amendments Now, the original lore of Zarelek was left with some holes in it, which was made to allow for adaptability. In this part of the extended lore, I will write some amendments to the deity Zarelek that were left unanswered or need to be fixed. Zarelek’s Laws of Shadow are null and void. These tenets were made in place ahead of the full written Shadow Magic lore that Melkor has yet to write and has requested me to remove these tenets so that he can work with the freedom it provides. I will, however, write up another set of tenets with Melkor’s input for this deity. Shadows (Zarelek’s feeble attempt at creating life) are Oblivion-enhanced creatures that feed off the infinite Oblivion Energy that his Realm provides. These creatures are animals that have been heavily affected by the presence of the Rifts and have grown to obey Zarelek and any of those who are bound to his power. In the extended lore, I have made mention of Rifts. Rifts are small tears in the mortal realm that delve into the inhospitable Realm of Oblivion and only allow objects, Shadows, or those imbued with Oblivion Magic to enter. All other people are excluded. They also affect the environment and offer new herbs and plants that can either kill or heal people. Oblivion Magic is both a Creative and Destructive magic. I was talking to Quavinir in voice chat when he asked me about Oblivion Magic and what it is, which made me a little annoyed. However, the criticism was received and I’ll point out what it can do. Oblivion Magic can be used to heal those inflicted with soul damage, physical injury, and mental injury while it can also be used to take away someone’s life completely or even give them a true death. However, this only applies to kinetic Oblivion Energy. Raw, untapped, potential Oblivion Energy can outright kill anyone that is not protected from the magic, making the Realm of Oblivion an instant death (PK kind). The Realm of Oblivion is desolate with very little true life to exist. The energy that the Realm provides can make any Oblivion Mage truly godlike, but the only true god is Zarelek the Empty Lord within the Realm of Oblivion. Of course, it can be a place to visit if you have the powerful Oblivion enchantments and a Rift to access it. If you do not have protection, you will have to PK your character upon entering. These enchantments last indefinitely while within the Realm of Oblivion and starvation is not possible or thirst. This does not protect you against any injury you may sustain. While within the Realm of Oblivion, there are some kind of herb that is exceedingly rare to find. This herb has magical properties of healing (crushed) or killing (not crushed) the person who takes it in. This herb can only be applied into drinks and represent the alchemical symbol for Earth. It is called the Herb of Oblivion. -Redline: This herb can only be found in the Realm of Oblivion and is a lore item. Can only be acquired with a trowel and cleansed by water blessed with holy magic or druidism. Telepathic communication between Shadows and Zarelek exist as a unique form of Possession where the Shadows are an external form of Zarelek, allowing for Zarelek to receive near-instant communication from his Shadow network, even across the dimensions. This connection cannot be severed, even with his “death.” Regeneration for an Oblivion Mage is exceedingly difficult to perform, even if they are near-death. It can be forced by the caster themselves to regenerate themselves, but no one can force a regeneration to occur onto another Oblivion Mage save for Zarelek himself. It allows for a loophole in the death rules as they can regenerate on the spot of their deaths before going to the nearest Horcrux without losing thirty minutes of their memory. Redline: Regeneration is a Tier 5 ability due to how it loops around the death rules. It also takes one Horcrux per Regeneration and cannot refund that Horcrux. Maximum of Regenerations is ten. Horcruxes (yes like from Harry Potter) are inanimate or animate objects that have a piece of the Mage’s soul within them. These objects can be anything, save for Oblivion-enhanced or Oblivion-enchanted items. However, these items are exceedingly dangerous and nearly indestructible. Redline: Only ten horcruxes can be made at a time. If a Horcrux is destroyed by magical means (Voidal Fire, etc.), that piece is refunded to the caster to make another Horcrux. However, if the user attempts to Regenerate, the nearest Horcrux is used up and cannot refund the soul piece. Any magic user of this deity is prone to sickness by digesting Gold or being burned by Tier five voidal fire. No Holy Magic can cleanse the user of the magic of Oblivion or any magic that this deity is tied to. This includes Ascended and other such Holy Magics. Monk Magic has no effect on those who are tied to this deity. Zarelek has a deep affinity to teaching those he considers worthy of being taught Oblivion Magic. This excludes Shades, Necromancers, Frost Witches, and Mystics. He allows some Holy Magic users like Clerics and Paladins to be taught, but it would take longer for them to learn the magic. Voidal Magic users are also allowed to be taught magic tied to this deity. No one knows why he has such an affinity. ~(+)==(+)~ Rifts Rifts are cracks in the fabric of Reality where magic from the Realm of Oblivion seeps through and infects the area around it with Oblivion Energy. These Rifts affect the area surrounding it by killing off the natural flora around it and infect the animals around it with Oblivion Poisoning, a gruesome plague that can only be cured with Oblivion Magic (Tier 3) or with a cleansing ritual by a Holy Mage (Tier 5). These Rifts cannot be closed by any magic other than Oblivion Magic (Tier 4) and they allow travel between the Mortal Realms to the Realm of Oblivion and back again. ~(+)==(+)~ Credits Original Author: TheDragonsRoost Contributors: Melkor__, Farryn, Quavinir, FlamboyantRage (Clarification on Scrying tools), Fitermon (Ethyrian Star), Farryn
  4. The Academy of Khronheim ~Founded in 1648~ The Academy of Khronheim has been founded in order to grow the knowledge of the people of Atlas. While the academy will mainly focus on the arcane of the world, among other magics, we will also focus on other matters of knowledge, such as architecture, religion, and history. For the first time as well, the academy will be headed by the Ironguts, who will bring with them all the knowledge the clan has gathered of the arcane in their expansive history with it. The academy can be found in the city of Khronheim. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CURRENT List of Subjects Taught at the Academy Fire Evocation Water Evocation Conjuration Illusion Defense Against the Dark Arts Alchemy War Tatics The Ranks of the Academy Grand Master The Grand Master is the highest rank one can achieve, being voted in by the consul of Masters. Leading the academy in all respects, the grand master is considered to have the final world on all matters. Also, while holding the rank of Grand Master, this scholar is also one of the several Masters. Master The Master is the second highest rank one can achieve. To gain this rank, a scholar must be committed fully to learning, and be considered the academy’s highest authority on one the taught subjects. Because of this, there are several Masters at any time; The Masters of each respective subject. Each of these scholars are granted a position on the consul of the academy. Adept The third highest rank one can achieve, the adept is one of the many at the academy who have finished their apprenticeship, and can now pursue the study of a subject on their own. This is also the rank in which a scholar can begin to teach their talents here at the academy. Apprentice The first official rank of the academy, this is where a scholar has been accepted by an Adept and has officially began their journey into the world of knowledge. They will prove themselves through a couple of stone months before they move onto the title of Adept. Initiate The Initiate has been granted access to the academy, however, they have not been accepted by an Adept yet. The Initiate will wait until they have been assigned someone to teach them. Current Members Grand Master (Vacant) Master's Dorin Iorngut Kardel Irongut Adept's Dimlin Irongut Carsandra Ivydale Garoll Earl Dael'ran Bael Tunnelsmasher Dwalin Irongut Apprenice's Initiate's Hogarth Irongut Arak Robyn Vulnear Mercai Hollowbound Marradak Weatherby Lionheart Gunther Tiberius Iron Enzo Bianchi The Rules of the Academy As far as rules go for the Academy, they are pretty loose. However, that does not mean there aren’t any. #1: Follow your higher ups orders. This rule is pretty simple. Your higher ups are your higher ups for a reason, they more than likely know what they’re talking about! If they tell you to do something, and you do not listen, then you may be suspended for insubordination. #2: No harming others at the academy unless specifically given permission to do so otherwise by a Master or the Grand Master, any use of physical or magical violence towards another will result in suspension or expulsion. #3: No use of the dark arts while the study of the dark arts is highly encouraged, they are NEVER to be used. To do so will result in immediate expulsion, and all ties with the practitioner will be cut. Applications Initiate Application MC name: Character Name: Discord (Optional): Race: Age: Do you know any magic currently?: Which subject do you plan to learn?: Do you swear to abide by the rules of the academy?: Adept Application MC name: Character Name: Discord (Optional): Race: Age: What subjects do you know?: Are you able to teach?: Do you swear to abide by the rules of the academy?: We are currently accepting only those who are able to teach their subjects. This includes ALL forms of arcane magic, as well as any forms of scholarly study. If a subject that is not ordinarily taught is offered, we will contact you immediately to discuss the details.
  5. The Faoladh ~History~ After the war of Elcihi'thilln, the leader of the Silver City turned to a researcher named Aelthos, who changed Lomal (the leader) into a snow elf. What the young Aelthos did not know was that one of those people that volunteered to be turned had a young wife who was left in the cold to wait for her beloved who had left for war. After a time of him not coming back, she packed her things and took to the snowy woods, forgetting her cloak behind her. And just like that, a snow storm wiped her farther and farther away from any civilization, while her and her undiscovered child tracked through the wind. She had not know of the child resting within her, but and only though it stress, and so, when she found a cave underneath a fallen tree, the elf women soon died. Not much time later, a Fjarrugiauga found her amongst the snarled roots, her final breath long gone, but even still, the Frost Mother cried out to the God of Winter, Wyvrun, and somehow, the message got through. Wyvrun, also known as Old Father Winter, had a soft spot for females and abandonment, and so, he told the Frost Mother to go out and find the nearest dead animal. An so, as she was told, the Frost Mother went. The Frost Mother came back with the carcass of a newly felled female Ker Wolf who had died of old age not to far from the Elf, and dropped it near the body, the two laying side by side, wolf and elf. Old Father Winter then looked inside the Young Wife, and found the babe, who was dining slowly, but not yet dead, and so He took the child from the womb and placed it's spirit into the wolf. The legends are not all completely sure of what exactly happened to make the next day possible, but they say that the next evening, a white and red pup stepped out of the cave, completely healthy and already 1 month old, and another female Ker wolf came to the pup and cried it off. And so, the first Faoladh was made. . The Faoladh race are considered a gift from the God Wyvrun, but many consider it a curse because from the point you are turned and from then on you are bound to your pack, and there is no way to reverse the transformation, unless through death. The Faoladhs have a bad side as well, they are known for their combat skills and ruthless mentality, but it get worse. On Eclipse Moon nights a Faoladhs Packs will be forced to go out on The Hunt, where their bodies become more of a werewolf shape, more humanoid, and they are forced to go to their nearest town and kill as many people as possible. This form is known as Bazerk. This is why most people hate the Faoladh Packs, although many fear them so much they offer them gift as way to ward them off, although it doesn’t help at all and most of the time gets them killed. The Clipse Moon Night is not the only time that a Faoladh become more of a werewolf form, i happens when they are overly angry or iritated. A Faoladh in human or other form is not a terrible sight, but it is not beautiful either. A Faoladh in human or elf form has a dull around it, any beauty it once had or happiness does not show in the persons "aura", and therefor they are a rather normal sight, although one can I identify them by their inability to speak. In wolf form, a Foaladh gains all of the things it lost in human form back. It is graceful and strong, beautiful and hard to resist. There are some legends that a young Faoladh female enticed a young man to come to her without anything but her looks, she then killed him and brought the hart back to her Alpha as a gift. But do do not be fooled, and human or elf that steps into a Faoladhs Pack/Den site will find their end quickly, no matter the person or time. Faoladhs go Bazerk more often than not given that they get irritated quickly and are ruthless. Many a men have tried and failed to hunt these creatures down, the hunting parties growing thinner and thinner. The Faoladh have had a long lasting hatred for the Fjarriauga, or Frost Witches, given that they are rivals in territory in the North. Although the Frost Mother from the first Faoladh did help her, the dependents soon forgot this when a young Frost Witch killed a litter of puppies. A litter of pups is a sacred blessing to the Faoladh, considering the infertility of the Faoladh is much like the elf's curse. For a human turned Faoladh a litter is celebrated but not as much as a litter from an elf turned would be. The rules for the Faoladh's are simple, although they are different for each Pack, the unanimous one are listed bellow: -No hurting or treasonous acts against the Alpha -If the Alpha has pups, they are to be protected above all else -When hunting, consider your Pack mates and remember your station -Never try to mate with an already mated male or female The territories of the Packs are operated by the climate and geography, and much of the time, they do not feel they need to expand, but as with the Leathnu Te, it has been known to occur before.There are many small packs scattered across the land, the Faoladh having split from any larger pack to form their own, although many do not make it. The other small territories have the same hierarchy system but the only exception is if there is a bigger problem going on in a Pack, one of the Season Leaders will come down to the part of their territory they are letting them have and solve the issue. Although you follow one of the Seasonal packs, your loyalty is to your own Pack. But if in any case it comes down to the life of one of the Seasonal Packs or your own Pack, you are expected to choose the Seasonal. If otherwise, your are named a traitor. Anything between the two Seasonal territories is the Nomadic Lands, this is where if a young Faoladh chooses to go off on its own, this is where you head. No one owns his territory. There should always be a sliver of Nomadic Land. The hierarchy of the Pack has one leader for each of them, and two Betas to protect and serve the Alpha. The Tiers of the system are listed bellow: Highest ranking: Alpha- runs Pack and makes sure all other Pack mates are in line. Do not challenge. Second Highest: Betas- there are two Betas, usually both women, they protect the Alpha from any attack that she does not see. They also are the go between the rest of the Pack and the Alpha Alpha Apprentice: Dara- the Dara is a young female Faoladh Trodai who will one day become Alpha, unless a challenge occurs. Middle: Trodai- the warriors of the Pack, they make up the rest of the Pack. Middle low: Baegnach- the warriors in training. Low: Pups- self explanatory. Protect at all costs Pups are the joy bringers of any Pack and if you are born a Faoladh, you are considered "High Born" and even higher born are the elf pure bloods. There is no difference between Faoladhs turned by death or born, although the pain process is different. Pack Mothers are the Women Faoladh's that have recently given birth to a litter of pups or are nursing in the den. The mating system for the Faoladhs is no different then the Ker Wolves. Once mated, you are mated for life, unless your mate dies or given that Faoladhs are also Humaoid, if your partner cheats, so pick well. Alphas of the Faoladh are known to be ruthless and kind, it depends on the leader, but all Alphas need to keep the peace and justice of the Pack, making them the executors of traitors or Leaders of Rituals. Leaders are chosen either by another Pack Mate challenging them to a fight to the death, a Dara being assigned the position when the Alpha deems them ready or by old age, in which one of the Beta's are chosen (this is rare given that Faoladhs have a very long lifespan, humans extending to 300, elves even longer then their previous enlargements). The changing of a human or other race to a Faoladh is a painful process consisting of a month of migrants and bones breaking and realigning. The stages of the process are listed bellow: The first three days) headaches begin to occur, causing hallucinations and screaming. The next five days) bones begin to crack, your spinal cord shifting to become more lenient. The next 7 days) fur begins to slowly sprout from the skin, fingernails lengthening and the skin on your body becoming paper thin. The next 12 days) The bones that had been broken begin to realign, causing another bout of excruciating pain while long canines grown in the mouth. The last 4 days) the final piece is the actual transformation into the wolf form, which is known to be the worst part, as it all happens at once. The following transformations are easier, but still painful, which is why some people prefer to stay in one form. The main drawback of being a Faoladh is that if you get any sickness, you are susceptible to becoming a wolf forever, any therefor never change back again. It is taken as a serious problem and the Pack take as much care as they can. The Packs have a system for traitors which is followed out at all costs: -If a Faoladh gives away their pack or Alpha, they will meet out rightful justice - If a Faoladh kills or harms any pack mate, they will meet out rightful justice - (The sentence they are given will be carried out by the Alpha, and so the things they do are not all considered death worthy.) Many Faoladhs go Bazerk, which is when a Faoladh decides to remain in wolf form but has such a hate for humans that they go into the Bazerk Wild form, which looks like a werewolf from American ledgers. Bazerks roam the countyside and kill off animals and any humans they can get their claws on. They sometimes join forces and wipe out towns, but it is rare given that they are so driven to kill that they often kill their own kind. It is incredibly easy to become Bazerk, and once fully Bazerk, you are forced to leave the Pack for the greater good, which causes problems with the human life around the territory. The only way to become a Faoladh is to either die, and to have a Faoladh find you within an hour of death, as to not let the decomposition process go too far, or to have the Alpha or Beta of a Pack mark you. There are four Alpha's, one for each pack: The Summer Pack Habitat: lives between Warhawkes-Krugmar Diet: Carnivore and/or Man eater Size: Ranging anywhere from 4-7 ft tall. Color Varieties: Ranging between a brown-to a golden white. Skill set: -The Summer Pack is known for it's potions and it's magic, they are rarely fighting with another clan as they are the peace makers and have given up much of their land to other small packs because of this. It is still to be seen if they will ever help in battle. -The most laid-back of the Four Packs -Avoids conflict with humans/other races at all costs The First Leader of the Summer Packs: The First Leader of the Summer Pack was known as Aofie. Aofie was a young Druid girl when she was turned by the Founding Faoladh. Having lived in the heat her whole life, Aofie left the Winter Pack to journey out, seeking a warmer pack.At this time there were another three packs that no long are here. Spring, Winter and Fall, and so her first bet was to get to the Spring Pack, but she did not make it before she fell in love in the Nomad Territory, which was not claimed by any pack yet. She stay their with her beloved until he died of old age, being a human. She was left with a litter of pups witch she delivered the next Summer, and was forced to settle down. Soon, more and more Faoladh's started flocking to the Nomad territory and she had to take control of the Faoladhs, and so she made the Summer Pack. The Winter Pack Habitat: Form the edges of the Pack to the Northern Coast (Haense-Rivia) Diet: Carnivore and/or Man eater Size: Ranging from 4-7 ft tall. Color Varieties: The Winter Pack has wolves that range from white to black, with any tint to their fur. Skill set: The Winter Pack has very little known about them, being the most secretive. The only skill set we do know of is that they are amazing in battle, but also the most brutal Pack. -Vicious to outsiders -Hate humans -Spend much of their time in Wolf form -Most difficult to conceive given the cold climate The First Leader of the Winter Pack: The founding Faoladh was the leader of the Winter Pack, en which you can read above ↑ -------------Red Lines----------- -You cannot play as a Faoladh unless turned by an Alpha or died with a Faoladh in your company or finding you. -You can only use your Packs specific magic (if it has one) if you are taught by one of the people first -If caught turning you must give the person whatever they want, unless they ask for your life or something to do with your Pack -You cannot assume you were just born into a Pack, you can either be born and your parent died a Nomad or find a Pack Mother and be born from her. -There are no rules restraining the Bazerk side, although it would be helpful if you didn’t go around killing everyone -this magical creature is open to any previous race, although if you were a frost witch turned Faoladh that’s no a thing.
  6. -Established 1577- The Enchantry, a guild of scholarly individuals highly advanced in the arts of the arcane brought together with the single purpose to unify for advancement and betterment of voidal magic and its exploits privately. Let it be from its general use and applications to bettering the public view on magic the Enchantry will always be sure to keep magic used and appreciated. First Established in 1577 in Axios, a group of mages joined together to form a small covenant which slowly grew to a greater size and soon greater purpose. The guild now branches outwards to the world opening its arms for public services. Enchantments for coin or to help rid of problematic issues revolving around magic. Having a personal court mage in place to help advise one's nation of magical issues or to help teach potential new mages with very limited class space reserved for those who are personally invited. Guild Traditions The Enchantry Pendant Your fingerprint in the Enchantry - A mage's personal key and identifier in the vast world symbolizing their affiliation with the Enchantry. Commonly seen as a green gemstone with silver around it. These necklaces are bound to the user and acts as their key - if ever taken off a members person it will no longer work. Different colors symbolize different ranks. Black Stone - Associate Dull Green Stone - Acolyte Bright Green Stone - Magus Purple Stone - Keeper of Books Gold Stone - Keeper of Ways Red Stone - Seeker of Knowledge Blue Stone - The Enchanter and his Council The Enchanters Grimoire: Every member of the Enchantry upon joining is issued a personal Grimoire. These Grimoires are entirely for personal use and logging through the entire back section of the Grimoires have been enchanted. Anything written in these portions will transfer after a day to a master copy Grimoire - Allowing for the collection of knowledge (Follows the death rule - if killed the knowledge is stripped from your grimoire up to the point you would remember before death.) Each Grimoire is bound to the member with intricate magics meaning if they were ever stolen or misplaced they no longer function and appear to be blank - a new copy can be forged by its owner retaining the previous knowledge. The Enchanters Implement: Every member of the Enchantry upon joining is issued a personal implement for casting and are advised to use them as much as possible. These can come in the form of many objects ranging from wands and staves, orbs or even their own grimoire. Implements are meant to be entirely personalized and may be enchanted to further enhance capabilities. One mage may not have the same looking implement in the guild - each implement being logged with a name. Specialization Classification: Every member of the Enchantry upon Joining is issued a personal classification on the type of mage they are depending on what arcane magics they currently possess and which one they declare is a main focus of study. If they do not currently possess magic or lack said magic its based on their declaration of study. The Alterationist - One who mainly uses utility based alteration magic to change the world around them. The Battlemage - One who traditionally focuses on destruction based magic such as elemental and forceful arcane. The Conjurationist - One who focuses on Conjuration, learning how life around them works and how to conjure such especially as elementals. The Illusionist - One who focuses on Mainly illusive type magics such as Mental Magic or Sensory Illusion, Deceiving the world around them. Evarir'yallrn's Class: The Enchantry holds a tradition to help the world better current mages and create more traditionally helpful mages as opposed to selfishness and independency that magic has grown to have. To help press a better formality of magic the roll of Evarir'yallrn was created - and thus - Classes. Each class is up to three individuals to 6 max and are titled independently from each other - belonging to the Evarir'yallrn who hosts such. Classes can last between one single class to multiple depending on the planner of the Evarir'yallrn hosting such. Attendees of these classes must be personally invited by the Evarir'yallrn or assigned by The Enchanter himself.  Internal Ranking Hierarchy The guild structure is an important aspect, dictating those with weight and authority. The Enchanter - The Ailer'evarir Leader of the Enchantry Circle of the Enchanter - The Heial'ailer Selected Leaders of the Guild to council the First Enchanter Title Ranks: Seeker of Knowledge - The Uhierir'maehr Dedicated defender of the guild and the world around them. Often sent out into the world to serve as court magi or to learn for the guild. Keeper of Ways - The Evarir'yallrn Dedicated Teacher of the Enchantry to help guide new mages. Keys to the ways of teaching those how to control and respect magic. Keeper of Books - The Evarir'indor Assistant of the the Enchanter to help with Administrative purposes and help serve the guild and the Circle of the Enchanter. Main Ranks: Magus - The Talaileran Established Member of the Guild Trial Magus - The Enaer'saneyral New Member of the Guild - Two year trial period. Inductees must be at least a Journeyman on the Magus Scale. Acolyte - The Taeluir A Student or Assistant with-in the Guild Magus Scale The Enchantry recognizes all mages, in which they will be given a title for their mastery of the arcane. These are Enchantry standard scale and may be used where ever, on any mage to describe their ability. Your position on this scale will not give any weigh to the Enchantry internal Hierarchy. This scale only measures arts, not feats. Apprentice: 1 or more Arcane art, not mastered. (No T5 magics) Journeyman: 1 Arcane arts mastered. (1 T5 Magic) Evoker: 2 Arcane arts mastered. (2 T5 Magics) Sorcerer/Wizard: 3 Arcane arts mastered. (3 T5 Magics) Master Mage: 4 Arcane arts mastered. (4 T5 Magics) Arch-Mage: 5 Arcane arts mastered. (5 T5 magics) OOC Note: Anything posted on this subforum will act as mail to the Enchantry through Forum RP, please be sure to @Tox. With that said please do not comment on this subforum unless sending any official lettering (Requests to join / Inquiries). Thanks.
  7. Thallassos Or Ketomancy The Songs of Sea Beasts “Come, ye wild things and the waves that come with ye-- Come, sea and swell, salt and brine, o tumultuous storm-- Come crash upon shores and let your children crawl forth-- The tide is high and the voice of Nerea calls to you!” -The Hymn of Okanus, translated from Ancient Crataein In an age long past and a land long forgotten by time, the vastness of the primordial world was ruled by the King of the Oceans and his people. They came to conquer the sea by the will of the depthless Fathoms themselves, for the sea is deep and dark and strange things dwell within. Before the great kingdoms of Man, the stalwart groves of the Elves, the bottomless riches of the Dwarves and the mighty reign of the Orcs, the Mother of the Sea and her children ruled. Her name was Dresdrasil: she was an Old One, an elder Goddess of yore. It is said that Dresdrasil first came from the sky. Her children and worshippers murmur that she once sat among the thrones that the Lords of Ruin, Knowledge, Companionship, and other burning mortal desires reign the world from but grew dissatisfied with simply looking down on the earth. Life was her charge, and the sea her cradle, but to be so far from one’s heart is a draining thing, Goddess or mortal alike, so the Mother of the Sea let herself fall from the skies and plunge into its waters. It was there that she settled herself at the very bottom of the Depths, making the unfathomable blackness of the deep her home and the birthplace of her children: Cephos, the King of the Ocean and a mighty many-limbed conqueror: Kavous, the Warlord of the Ocean’s armies and a hard-shelled warrior himself: Thetis, the Siren Princess, a beautiful yet deceitful creature: and the youngest, Nerea, the Sea Witch whom this story is about. Nerea was born under different circumstances than the rest. Her mother took a mortal form and wandered the shores for some time until she grew enamored with one of Malin’s very first folk. From their brief but impassioned love was born Nerea, a physical union of the land and the sea-- bearing the grace and form of a land-treader from the waist-upward but her family’s affinity for the ocean’s depths beneath that. Nerea’s demigodhood granted her a natural inclination towards magickal arts her mother was capable of, but without the boundless power. Scorned by her siblings for her dirtied heritage and abnormal appearance, she took to her studies and practiced the sorceries of the sea in isolation, only occasionally surfacing to gather audiences of mortal seafarers for her eldritch experimentation. Through years of careful research and practice she learned of the nature of flesh and the powers it bears: lifeforce, the brick and mortar of organic life. The Sea was brimming with its own life. Nerea’s mother had populated it with innumerable schools of fish and aquatic creatures, and they dwelled within a perpetual and natural cycle just as the hairy beasts upon the shore did. She came to realize the two were not so different, and saw this in the next fishing boat she dragged to her trench. Flesh could be shaped, and while she may not have her mother’s gift for making it anew, she could certainly change it. So her brood grew: twisted unisons of the earth and the sea, just as she was. All were welcome within her family, though not many were given a choice. She cared for each and every one as if they were her own children, however, and with enough time spent with her in the darkness of her watery abyss they came to love her in turn. Eventually their numbers grew large enough for Nerea to turn her sights to the coasts, and they marched until they came ashore at what is the present-day Blackwald. An army, amassed of a tangle of tentacles, claws, and gnashing jaws came crashing into a small fishing village built upon the base of the morass there, and the swamp was soaked with blood in a matter of hours. The few survivors were taken captive and brought to Nerea herself, who subjected them to her brightest innovation yet: from the lifeforce latent in her own flesh and blood, and a piece of coral from the reef that sheltered her home, she fashioned the very first Pelagia, a membraneous, pulsating organism vaguely resembling a bestial heart adorned with wriggling cilia and protruding coral. The village’s last surviving warrior had his beating heart wrenched from his chest and the cavity filled, flesh sutured shut by Nerea’s seawater. Within hours the parasite had bonded with his body and he was breathing once more, albeit an entirely changed person. The first being a glowing success, Nerea then had the rest of the survivors brought under her sway, one by one, until the first generation of the Thallassians were born, ready to sing their mother’s songs. “Splish splash, the great waves crash They grab you tight and pull you down Splish splash, the deep teeth nash A lord fit for the ocean’s crown” -Old Crataein children’s rhyme Thallassos-- the Art of Ketomancy Nerea’s school of magick is known to her and its practicers as Thallassos, and considered a sacred gift among them and the Ancient Crataeins whose history is chronicled elsewhere. To the common scholar of things magickal and eldritch, Thallassos might be more simply called Ketomancy, or the magick of sea beasts: deriving from the Crataein prefix Keto-. Brine The fundamental capabilities of Thallassos are all accomplished through the use of an ichorous seawater-like substance known as Brine. Brine is produced by the Pelagia within the caster, which feeds off of the lifeforce found within flesh of all kinds though much prefers the lifeforce flowing within the mage’s blood because for ease of access and its abundance. Brine is similar to warm seawater aside from a somewhat palpable density akin to lukewarm, loose gelatin and a vibrant glow running through it whose color can range from teal to shades of blue and blue-green. It is released from the host’s body through through holes and wounds in the flesh that give access to their veins, or orally-- though vomiting the substance is a weary and uncomfortable thing. The first bit of Brine must be produced from the body, though it is capable of reproducing and creating more of itself by feeding upon fresh flesh and blood outside of the body and growing. Naturally, the more lifeforce within a body is devoured, the larger the mass of Brine is allowed to grow. The Pelagia is capable of producing 5 gallons of Brine from the blood’s lifeforce before the fatigue becomes debilitating. This is enough to use for most rituals, curses, and basic combat skills; the lifeforce of an animal’s (or a mortal’s) corpse is recommended for maximum combative effectiveness, however. Brine is manipulated and maneuvered through a variety of songs called Hymns that are given power by the Pelagia within them, sung in a long-dead language called Crataein. The Thallassian’s vocal chords are transformed by it, allowing the caster to expend mana in order to weave eldritch song. This being said, Brine is at its most powerful when allowed into a body of water: it is capable of acclimating the water temporarily and turning it into a massive font from which to draw forth more Brine. Of course, the larger the body of water, the more can be pulled from it, and the longer it takes to be acclimated. Small sources (ponds, small sections of rivers) are affected in about a minute, medium sources (smaller lakes and larger sections of rivers) take about 5 minutes, and the largest sources (big lakes) take about ten minutes. Patches of oceans and seas, however, are almost immediately acclimated because they are ancient things: Dresdrasil’s descendants have lived and died for millenia within them and they are the place a Thallassian feels most at home. Thallassians, their Brine, and the accompanying Hymns are capable of a broad variety of abilities, most easily reduced to: - Manifestation. The Brine still truly originates from the sea, and can emulate phantasmal limbs and body parts of sea creatures. Acclimated water is a useful source for this. - Sea-calling. Aquatic animals and even the darker beasts of the ocean can be communed with and controlled quite like a Druid does with most plants and animals. The Thallassian’s Philios is found and bound to them with this. - Cursing. Brine can be forcefully ingested into beings of flesh in order to afflict them with a variety of ailments, like constant choking upon seawater. - Mending. Flesh can be sutured shut with Brine. - Anagennos. Commonly seen as ‘flesh-smithing’, Anagennos is capable of temporarily (and sometimes permanently) twisting limbs and body parts into marine shapes. As applies with Manifestation, the limits are only the caster’s creativity and how accurate to aquatic life the mutation is. The most experienced are able to shape and create sea-horrors called Ektromas. Brine Red Lines -Brine must emerge from a wound in the caster’s body first, no matter how little of it is created. You cannot use blood, a corpse, or acclimated water as a starting source. -Physical damage does not interrupt casting and manipulation of Brine. The Pelagia must be damaged. -Brine must remain within a proximity of 20 feet of the caster before it turns back into seawater. Thusly it can be contained and carried, but must be held nearby. -The amount of additional Brine created when it devours flesh is directly proportional to the flesh devoured. A small animal = 3 gallons. A medium animal = 5 gallons. A mortal corpse = 10 gallons. A large mortal corpse = 13 gallons. A large animal = 15 gallons. Manifestation “The sea is ripe for battle.” Hymn: Polemus, a rough, tumultuous melody. The caster’s Brine can be shaped into a variety of forums by this hymn, all in tune with the spirit of the ocean. Most common and utilitarian are the kraken’s limbs: long, prehensile tentacles which are effective at a variety of sizes and skill levels, and alone or in numbers. The most inexperienced of Thallassians are only capable of creating a tendril a meter in height and a tree branch in width, while the most practiced can shape tentacles the size of large trees-- provided they have the necessary Brine to do so. The amount of tentacles or other moving limbs and shapes they can concentrate on manipulating directly correlates to their tier. One, two, three, and so on. The shapes also must be made in emulation of a sea creature-- if it dwells in the ocean, then the Thallassian can imitate it with a manifestation. While the shapes created can never be entirely solid, a density similar to living flesh can be accomplished for brief periods of time to maximize the blunt force impact of the caster’s manifested limbs. -There isn’t much of a limit upon the size of a manifestation, aside from the necessity for more Brine to make it. The strict limits are their number. One for Tier 1 casters, two for Tier 2 casters, and so on. -A limb cannot be made solid enough to grapple a person for longer than thirty seconds. Anything beyond that will become rapidly depleting upon the caster’s stamina and their ability to sustain the manifestation. -If it’s a sea creature and your character is likely to have encountered it, your manifestation can mimic it. Entire animals cannot be created and controlled, only limbs/parts. Sea-Calling “Sing so loudly that even the deepest of things hear your song.” Hymn: Kano, an alluring and inviting melody. In line with their affinity for the sea and the things that dwell within it, a Thallassian is capable of a feat known as Sea-calling. It is mostly used to commune with and direct fish and other aquatic life, though it is capable of speaking to much greater things and is a key ritual in a Thallassian’s learning. Kano is a hymn that when sung draws the attention of nearby marine animals and brings them close to the source. Once brought, they can be questioned and spoken with. ((To be roleplayed by LT/Knowledgeable ET.)) Beyond simple communion with fish, however, is the bond a Thallassian makes with their Philios. The Philios is a large, unique sea beast directly tied to the Thallassian, for it is born of the heart that Nerea takes from them when their Pelagia is planted within their body which she sings apocrypha to before casting it to the waves. At the first tier, the creature is small, and as the Thallassian’s powers grow so does their Philios. Each is entirely different from the other and their shape and the sea creature they resemble is somewhat affected by the Thallassian themselves. A warrior may have a crab-like Philios, or one more inclined towards destruction may have something resembling a great kraken. The Philios is summonable at any coastal area so long as there is seawater, as it follows the intrinsic bond it has with its owner and stays as close as it can-- so long as it is still within the ocean. The Philios is able to be communed with like any other fish, though it is much more intelligent-- nearing a Descendant, even if it is naive like a child is at first. They are also capable of aiding the Thallassian in combat, which regular fish and creatures are not. -Sea-calling cannot be used to metagame information, so you cannot roleplay the creature you are speaking to. You must contact a member of the LT or an ET who knows the lore to roleplay as it. -Even if one is speaking to something like a shark, it cannot be directed into combat- only the Philios can. -The Philios gets no larger than a large minibus, size varying with form (within reason). Cursing “Drown, wretch.” Hymn: Katra, a haunting and frightening melody. A Thallassian is able to place a debilitating curse (these type of songs are known specifically as Katra) upon any who ingest their Brine-- voluntarily, accidentally, or even forcefully. The more Brine swallowed, the more severe the curse’s effects are upon the afflicted individual. There are three possible Katras, each one learned at tiers 1, 3, and 5, and each the same melody-- though with different words. Myxa- A person cursed with Myxa will find their body producing an irregular and discomforting amount of mucus from the skin’s pores with the telltale reek of low tide. Severity doesn’t vary much, aside from the amount of slime produced by the curse. Pnigomai- One afflicted with this Katra will find themselves periodically choking on an overwhelming amount of seawater to the point where drowning is a hazard if not attended to properly. Severity ranges from hourly bouts of suffocation to seawater flooding the lungs nonstop. Physoma- The final Katra learned by a Thallassian, and the most devastating upon another. Once Physoma is induced upon the body, it begins a gradual degeneration into rotting seaweed. It begins with the extremities and consumes the heart and brain last. The afflicted doesn’t feel much pain, the nerves being numbed and vanishing as they are transformed. The curse’s speed is increased by the amount of Brine swallowed before the Thallassian curses them. All Katras fade after either killing the afflicted or enough time passes. The Thallassian is able to prematurely withdraw the curse from the afflicted, resulting in a possible tool for interrogation, blackmail, or other reasons for torture. The magic of Tahariae’s clerics is capable of expunging them from a body, and Aeriel’s Ascended are able to take the curse upon themselves for the remainder of its duration. -A curse expires after the character it inhabits dies, the caster or its Pelagia dies, the caster withdraws it, it is healed away, or 2 OOC days pass. -The severity of a curse that can be applied reaches its maximum after 3 gallons of brine or the rough equivalency has been swallowed. Mending “The ocean is brimming with resplendent life, old and new.” Hymn: Epoulos, a soothing and gentle melody. Brine does have minor healing capabilities when applied to wounds in the flesh. With concentration and intent of the caster, and the right song, both flesh and muscle can be sutured shut gradually. While it is incapable of replacing material like bone and organs, gashes, rending, and rips in the body are easily sewn and restored by expending the lifeforce within the Brine used to heal the wound. The healing isn’t a terribly long process, and can be accomplished in a matter of half a minute, give or take more depending on the severity of the wound. -Limbs cannot be sewn back on. -Broken bones cannot be mended. -Missing body parts cannot be replaced. Anagennos “The Drowned Lady welcomes all to her family.” Hymn: Poiesis, a complex and tonally varying melody. The last hymn and the most difficult to execute of all a Thallassian’s repertoire, the ritual of Anagennos involves the shifting and creation of new flesh with Brine and a song to direct it. It is a closely-guarded secret taught only to the most trusted and experienced of Thallassians by Nerea, and reserved usually for executing her will. It makes the caster capable of inserting their Brine into a concentrated portion of a body, theirs or another’s, and then shaping it in a similar manner as their Manifestations and the hymn of Polemus. Similarly, they can only transform flesh in mimicry of aquatic life: cephalopod tentacles, crustacean claws, fins, teeth, and anything else imaginable. Gills can even be given to breathe underwater. These mutations are agonizing and permanently scarring if not executed properly, often resulting in flesh sloughing away and the need for amputation. They are also temporary and the affected body parts return to normal in about an Elven Day’s time through another bout of painful twisting. The initial warping occurs over a several-minute hymn from the caster. Despite the above, there is a single method of making Anagennos permanent in a body, and that is the creation of an Ektroma. They are akin to Nerea’s first children, the unfortunate sailors she dragged into the ocean and shaped at her will: an eldritch union of land and sea, mortal and monster, and a part of the Drowned Lady’s ‘family’. The ritual requires two Thallassians with knowledge of Anagennos, the presence of Nerea herself, and the unfortunate (or fortunate, if one accepts such a grisly fate) mortal who will be brought into the ocean’s fold. The mortal is bathed in the united Brine of both Thallassians while they sing the hymn until they drown within it and their body is consumed entirely, the Brine becoming saturated with their lifeforce. Nerea then draws their malleable soul from the pool and warps it to a new form of her choosing. The shapes she chooses for her new children are stitchings of aquatic creatures and Descendants: an elf with the legs of a squid and the spines of a venomous fish, or perhaps a human with the claws and shell of a crab and the jaws of a shark. Her dark mind and the imagination within it is the only boundary, and she often chooses mixtures she will see as assets. Once she has made her choice, she plants the soul within a heart of coral and submerges it in the pool of Brine where the Thallassians shape it into flesh to match the newly-fastened soul. The creature emerges with hazy memory of its past life and a new affinity for the ocean and its ‘mother’, ready to be sent into the world. However, Nerea and her followers are capable of using a body and soul ‘mulched’ this way to summon an Ektroma Colossa, a towering beast of the sea and one of Nerea’s oldest children. This requires the aid of an additional Thallassian present to break down the body, and then all three must partake with Nerea in a sea-calling to beckon forth the leviathan from the ancient depths of the world. -Anagennos mutations last only for 1 day OOC, or until the character is killed. -Mutated mortals and Ektroma are weak to both Ascended and Cleric magic. -A player’s OOC consent is required to make them into an Ektroma, whether they are willing or unwilling ICly. They must also create a creature app-- the underlying race for an Ektroma is ‘Necrolyte’. -An Ektroma Colossa can only be played by an ET/LT and its actions must be approved by whoever is in present control of Nerea. Amendment (As approved by the LT): Being and Roleplaying a Thallassian This section is mostly OOC information relating to proper emoting and roleplay. -All Hymns necessitate one emote’s time before their effects start to take hold. The wound can be opened in the caster’s body and the Hymn started in the same emote, but a Manifestation/Calling/Curse/Mending cannot begin in that emote. -Specify the name of the Hymn you are channeling in your emote. While this shouldn’t be IC information to anyone who hasn’t learned Thallassos, it is still necessary for legitimizing your roleplay and making sure you aren’t powergaming or metagaming by making it clear what spell you are preparing. -Manifestations require two full emotes to form themselves, regardless of their size or shape-- this is to reflect the corresponding and growing prowess of the Thallassian making them. -The density of a manifestation must be specified when it is created or when it changes. -While it is unreasonable to stay entirely mathematically accurate when it comes to the gallon sizes of Brine specified in the redlines, they must be adhered to within reasons, and are moreso ‘guidelines’. You can’t create a massive manifestation without the aid of a large amount of flesh and blood or a large body of water, etc. -Brine takes one emote to consume a small animal whole, two to consume a medium animal or a person’s corpse, and three to consume a large animal or a large corpse. The flesh and blood is dissolved and devoured quite like acid does to organic matter. -The Pelagia protrudes slightly as a bump in the flesh where the heart normally is, and does emit light in heartbeat-like pulsations. The color of the light matches the caster’s chosen Brine color. -The Pelagia and the vocal cords are the sources of the Thallassian’s power-- if either are damaged beyond use their magic no longer has a source. Their magic will not continue posthumously, for as soon as the caster dies or the Pelagia is destroyed the Brine loses all magical capability and becomes simple seawater upon the spot. -Thallassians are weak to Clerical magic, seeing as the organic intrusion of the Pelagia in their body makes them an impurity. -Being a Thallassian does not weaken your body, aside from the staminal drain of expending your mana for the hymns. One can wear armor and wield weaponry normally. -Your Philios’ shape is mostly up to you and your teacher: get creative with it as it grows and takes shape. When summoning it to a coast, after the Hymn emote, a Philios takes 3 emotes to arrive. -If things get confusing when combat roleplaying as your Philios, kindly request an ET/LT roleplay it for you if you’d like, and direct them to your MA if necessary for proof. -Don’t use your sea-calling to metagame information from fish and water creatures. The ET/LT playing them should do their best to avoid this, but don’t take advantage of them. -Don’t powergame your experience and capabilities beyond your tier. If you ever need to check in on what tier you should be at, speak with your teacher. -Don’t hinge your manifestations and mutations upon bizarre loopholes within animalia. The general rule to abide by is ‘if it lives in a sea or the ocean and people are able to encounter it, you can mimic it’. If you’re ever unsure about the legitimacy of your manifestation, ask your teacher. -Don’t roleplay an Ektroma without a CA. -There is no going back from becoming an Ektroma.
  8. There is the Void, an endless and boundless pit of nothingness that takes as much as it gives. This is the origin place of all voidal magic on Atlas. However, there may be something far more darker and more dangerous than the Void. It is called Oblivion and it affects the body and the mind in far more deadlier ways than voidal magic. Casters of the oblivion school are able to counter the effects of the voidal magics by taking the effects of the voidal magics and putting it on themselves, granting the voidal magic user more strength, however once the oblivion mage dies (even once), that strength instantly disappears and cannot ever be recovered, leaving both the oblivion mage and the voidal mage without strength. This leaves the oblivion mage with very little time before the forces of nature begin to recoil onto the mage, creating Oblivion Recoil. There is no way to counter the effects of Oblivion Recoil at all, no matter how advanced you are in the school. These same casters can mess with the natural world, spreading plagues and fracturing a small area around them. The way that fracturing works is that the caster has to spend some of their own mana to create cracks all around them in a small area and sustain at the same time as an opposite effect happens called Counter-fracture where the natural world is fighting back with a lot of forceful tension to correct the fracture that the mage generates. Fracturing is meant to act as a barrier around the mage, shielding the user from magical attacks alone for a short duration of time or after some damage has been sustained, whichever comes first. Regardless of whichever happens, the Recoil effect is given to the oblivion mage. However, there are very great dangers to the oblivion mage alone as it means the person is no longer affected mentally by the void, but by the soul-destroying forces within Oblivion itself. By taking the energy from Oblivion to cast the spell that the mage casts, they are slowly affected over time by the energy of Oblivion itself. The energy (or mana) of Oblivion means that it siphons all types of strength that the user has, no matter how powerful or strong-willed they are. It varies from caster to caster on the effects on mental instability due to the Oblivion energy, but it ends the same way with an irreversible death. Many masters of Oblivion sought out a way to counter all the negative effects of the corrosive energy within them, but as Oblivion is a near-omnipotent unnatural force, it cannot be countered. Many have also sought to gain true immortality from this unnatural force, but no one has found a way to do so before they succumbed to the mental breakdown and full-body disruption of Oblivion magic. Perhaps with the study and practice of the art, one may gain a resistance or even a tolerance to the power?
  9. Thaumaturgic Amplificare The Thaumaturgic Amplificare also shortened to “Arcane Amp” or “Magic Engine” is a piece of Arcane Technology designed to amplify a Mage's abilities to a large degree, enabling them to perform feats that are beyond the capabilities of regular Mages. How the device works: Functioning almost like a giant stave that Mages usually use, the Thaumaturgic Aplificare differs in that it casts an amplified version of the spell through its many rings. It does this through having several focused rings that differ in size as they reach along. The device has two focus crystals in the middle of two of the rings. One of these crystals is in the middle of the first ring which the spell will pass through and thus become more focused, it would then pass through the other rings to the last crystal allowing the device to fire off an accurate shot. Instead the rings are lined with a Ruibrium paste, finely painted on the inside of each of the rings that are designed to empower the spell and focus it at the same time as it passes through amplifying the power of the spell casted making the end result akin to the power of a traditional siege weapon. The difference being the device allows its user to fire a more focused and accurate shot than a siege weapon, but one of the drawbacks is that it does require a mage to operate. The device itself is mainly designed for evocationists to use of almost all varieties, though Air and Earth Evocation may break the device outright in using it. When a mage uses this device, they must be sure not to funnel overly powerful spells into it. If such an act is done, the amplified spell would utterly destroy the device, harming those around it as well. How the device is made: One of these devices must be constructed carefully, the materials involved are fragile enough that it could break if not made properly causing the engineer building the device to start over. The device itself can be constructed either on a structure that has enough space for it, or it can be constructed on top a sturdy wagon (Note it would add significant weight to it) for a more mobile version to be transported to Sieges. Note it is hand crafted and put together in a properly equipped workshop, although repairs to damages can be made on the field or outside of a workshop the actual device requires to be assembled in one. The device is large no matter what, there is no real way of making it smaller to get the same power or amplification of power. The specifics include making round rings and attaching it to a system where the size of each ring goes from largest to smallest. Once all the parts are fitted together it must either be fitted to a stationary platform or on top of a cart. Once fitted to a stationary platform it cannot be moved off and will have a limited field of view, while on the cart it offers limited mobility at the sacrifice of lacking significant protection and being more vulnerable to damage. Lastly there are two focus crystals on the device, one which is situated in the first ring and one that is situated in the last ring to allow a focused and accurate amplified spell to be fired off at the target the device is aimed at. Uses of the device: The primary use of the device is for purposes of war (namely, to be used in siege warfare, where it can be very useful in supporting either a defensive or offensive party with its artillery fire powered by magic). Having Arcane Evocation cast through the device it could send a spell strong enough to dislodge stone in even the strongest structures, much like an accurate trebuchet. Via the use of Fire Evocation, the operator of this device would find it incredibly effective against infantry. A wide spout of fire could be made to roast the enemy, or a focused beam could be directed towards castle-bound assailants, to soften them up. As with normal fire evocation, the magical flame dissipates after the spell is stopped.There is, however, a risk that comes with using Fire Evocation, as high demanding spells will cause the Ruibrium paste to diminish more quickly. Of course, uncontrolled spells also hold the potential to damage or destroy the device. Lastly, it could be used with Water and Earth Evocation, with the former having the possibility to be used as a high pressured hose of sorts or launching large blocks of ice at enemies from a besieged or siege standpoint. With Earth Evocation, a large and solid piece of Earth could be thrown at the enemy much like with traditional siege weaponry, although if misfired it could lead to damaging or destroying the device in the process if not handled correctly. Drawbacks and Flaws: One of the main drawbacks in the design is that it requires Ruibrium Pasting around each of the rings to empower the spells, the Ruibrium in question would have to be processed as unprocessed Ruibrium would likely cause the device to combust as soon as a spell passed through just one of the rings. Another is that the Siege tool isn’t very portable, for single-handed-combat applications, it wouldn’t fair too well, considering it’s a large siege tool. The engine requires a lot of time to use, meaning you’ll have to make multiple emotes to focus, then send the spell into the engine, have the spell pass through the lenses, and then fire onto the target. (Five to six emotes) This is by no means a one shot kill siege weapon. It will take multiple shots to fully decimate a castle wall. But if focused on a person/group of people, It’s probably going to down them. The engine itself is a fragile device, it could easily be damaged beyond the point of usage for the duration of a battle if hit by a hostile siege weapon. It could also be damaged by misfired spells or overcharged spells that have passed through the crystal. ( Rolls for firing, 10 or above for a perfect strike, 9 to 6 for a miss-aimed strike, 5 or below for misfire and damage to the engine.) Fire, water, electrical,and arcane evo work best with the engine. Using earth or air have chances of damaging the Amplificare. Air would fling the device backward, and earth can possibly crush the device. However, if both evocations were successfully used (You’d need a 15 or above) Air would act as super-powered pressurized cannon, and earth would let loose a massive stone evocated object that could inflict a lot of damage. When the Amplificare fails/gets destroyed: If the device gets damaged beyond repair, it can produce a small explosion, damaging anything around it. Putting its crew out of action through death or severe injury. (Note added the Crew out of action in late, I always meant for this to be in, seems I forgot to put it in) (( OOC Note: I thought I'd try my hand at Arcane Engineering, I thought this would be a pretty nice idea to make a device for Mages to use in Siege Warfare without having something that isn't too overpowered or that would provide a ridiculous advantage. I don't intend for this device to just appear should this lore be accepted and fully plan to develop the device in roleplay with the help of several characters. )) Authors: TauFirewarrior: Concept, main body of writing HugoTheChamp/Mephistophelian: Proof reading and edits Bokratz: Various additions and edits
  10. Maidens of the Oak... History ~ - Over the years, there have been stories of beautiful, maidens- lovely with shining violet eyes... Their gaze capable of leading a man to their death. It all came from the discovery of the bodies of men, laying in circles in the forest. These people's lives were taken from them, their souls literally breathed out of them... and the very eyes that they used to gaze at the ladies, were gone. The stories originated from summers past, a girl who ran from her home, a broken one. She was in despair.. It is remembered that the girl was blessed with her child, but her father saw it as something disgraceful. The Baby has been conceived out of wedlock, and he wouldn't have it. The girl, whose name was known as Farrenla, ran deep into the dark forest where she became filled with sadness. She had lost her mother,years before- who was cursed with the gift of the frost- and had never seen her again. Her sadness was heard by Aeriel, and the Archaengul took pity on the poor soul. Aeriel appeared to Farrenla, and took her hand. Aeriel gave her a gift... an enchanted oak dagger. This dagger would hold the power of the souls who have died. It would give the wielder immortality... but everything comes at a price. To gain the power of the oak, Farrenla would need to take her life. She would be reborn as a servant to Aerial, to take the souls of Lost Mortals and kill them- and pass them to the Archaengul. Farrenla would stay in this endless cycle for years, taking the souls of the lost- entering villages and kingdoms- She left a trail of bodies; This was all out of sadness. she was alone.. so she would use the blessed dagger Aeriel gave her and she would bestow the gift upon other maidens. When Aeriel heard news of this, she became furious and appeared to the maidens. She cursed them to a life alone, bound by the forest, unable to leave it or the world would see their true souls, corrupted by their malicious deeds. The dagger was destroyed, and the curse of the maidens would stop. The Archengul did leave them one gift, for she was a benevolent being. They would be able to transfer the curse singing the Oak Lullaby... Over the ages, their stories were forgotten... but yet, if you wonder far enough into the forest.. you can still hear the Maidens' songs.. * Note : the sung is used to lure people to their deaths, but the song can be used to transfer the curse to women if the Maidens of the Oak desire so. Thy lost soul comes to us, o' soul.. We shall wait, across the pond Until we meet again.. O' young soul, comes to us- Thy can be free again.. Biology ~ - The Maidens of the Oak are known to be beautiful, seductive, and cunning. They lure people with their lovely voice to gain their souls, and their lifespan. They normally look like maidens of all races, and all complexions- Their eyes are always a striking, mystical violet. Under the shade of the trees, they appear this way- Beautiful and intriguing -, but because of the Oaken curse... if they dare leave their wooden threshold, they would appear as dark, vile beings.. Their violet eyes now glowing.. and their teeth would appear to be sharpened.. Their bones would be pushed up, looking very lanky and bony. They would take the appearance of their vile past... murderers and hags. The skin of the Maidens of the Oak is always cold, like their hearts. Because of the Oaken curse, any male child that a Maiden would conceive, would be deformed and stillborn. Any female child would be taken by Aeriel, never to be seen by their mother. All maidens have the power of the oak- If they cast a spell together, as a Clan.. they can save the female child, and she can grow into a maiden like them. They can also take away power from a maiden as a punishment, or even kill them. Life ~ - They live in settlements in dense forests, ruled by the maiden who has taken the most souls from the people around them. She is known as the Oak Maiden. She would be in power until a maiden more powerful came and took power; But this wasn't a peaceful transition.. The former leader would be killed. If any maiden defies Aeriel's room, the clan as a whole would have to take her power, of maybe even kill her (depending on the severity of the act).
  11. I- Blessing When a Druid is attuned, he is partially made new. Just as the blade of the scythe is made sharp, or the grime is wiped from the head of a spade, so too are the aberrations of civilization wiped from the soul of the Druid. However, rust still adorns these newly furbished tools. When the Druid steps from the attunement pool, his mind still festers with the refuse of civilization. For a Druid to truly flourish, he must take it upon himself to wipe away all that civilization has left him with, to scour the rust from his own steel and to make himself truly new. In his dedicancy, he is taught the methods by which this might be done, but only through his own action can he truly be a servant of the Aspects. A Druid might “serve” for decades, even centuries without realizing their corruption. It is these that deserve our pity, for they do not understand their sins against the Aspects. II- Piety A Druid’s first and only duty is to the Aspects, for the Aspects are the impetus by which we receive our blessings. It is vital that every Druid understands the relationship between Nature and the Aspects -- important that he understands that there is none, for to speak of one is to speak of the other. The Aspects are the only deities whose existence stems from the mortal realm; for where in the Nether or the Seven Skies does a tree grow, or a bird fly? Here in our realm do the Aspects originate, as herds of deer, packs of wolves, and every blade of grass beneath their feet. Theirs is a greatness beyond the scope of even other divinities, for the vast presence of the Aspects blankets the entire realm of man, beast, and their own great plane of the Eternal Forest. III- Service A true and righteous Druid is measured by his service to nature, for nature is the true identity of the Aspects. To serve nature is to serve the Aspects. To go against one is to go against the other. When a Druid fulfills his obligation to both, he upholds the balance. Meditation, prayer, and academic study of Nature all have their place in a Druid’s life. Indeed, a Druid must understand that which he serves or he will be lead asunder by his own mortal impulses. A Druid must not, however, allow his meditations to detract from his duties to the realm. It is these duties-- maintaining balance and serving the Aspects-- to which every Druid must be put to task. Some generations before have scorned their duties, choosing the safety of tame groves over the wild beyond our gates. It is these Druids who have come closer than any others to reaping the destruction of the Order, these peaceful few who have lead us closer to our end than even the most bloodthirsty of our kind. IV- Intent A Druid is tested in two parts- by his intentions and by his actions. A poor Druid might intend to serve the Aspects or the balance of nature itself, but in his actions compromise one, the other, or both. In contrast, a Druid might attempt the inverse, and where they may intend to cause harm, they instead bring balance. While we often speak of nature and balance interchangeably, here it must be noted that one can be affected negatively by the other. For example, a wild and unwise Druid might think to use his gifts constantly to build up a brave and untamable wild. While this indisputably “helps” nature, it disrupts the balance, for a rampant nature is just as bad as a repressed nature. A garden choked with weeds will not bear good fruit, and it must be remembered that great feats of Druidism bear their own “unnatural” connotations. A Druid must exercise a steady hand in his use of his gifts, and never use them outside a situation in which the Aspects’ will is being done. It is in this way, with careful measure and a clear focus on the Aspects' will that all Druids must exercise the might of Nature. V- Justice Society instills in its young a desire to do good and to battle its inverse, evil. This is the foundation upon which civilization was built millennia ago, and which continues to support every Descendant empire. From the Elves in their tranquil forests, to the Dwarves in their harsh mountains, the battle of good and evil dominates the hearts of man. Even the Aenguls and Daemons on high have followed this tarnished philosophy, to the end of great destruction in our own realm. This, Brothers and Sisters, is the true nature of our struggle as Druids. This foundation is a rotten one -- one where balance cannot truly be achieved. Always, great swings will occur. Evil will rise, wreaking havoc on the world, only to be trumped by good. Populations rise, cities grow, and the festering sprawl of brick and mortar spreads across the land. Good, evil, these are poisonous seeds that the Descendants reap to their destruction. It is this struggle of good and evil, not magic, that lead to the Great War, and thus, to the first Druid. The true Druid, the one who rises above even his own brothers, is the one who discards utterly all Descendant constructs that weigh down his shoulders leaving only, truly, himself. Wolf Druid Ouity Deathsbane Heirophant The Atlas Grove 9th of the First Seed, 1650
  12. Hello! I really want to learn cleric healing but I can never find a cleric to teach me, is there anyway to self teach/where would I find one/ if you are one contact me please!
  13. A Red Priest invokes the All Father’s purifying flame to oust the abomination The Father’s Gift Preamble Lore OOC / Not Known Rply RP Lore Mechanics of the Father’s Gift PRAYERS AND PRAYER EFFECTS Guidelines and Redlines A Message to the Lore Team (LT)
  14. “Artist Depiction of the Daemon of War” Art Credit: Paizo Publishing Argos, The Iron-Clad Daemon of War, Wrath and Conquest Titles: The Iron-Clad, Avatar of Conflict, Father of Battle, The Forgotten General Alignment: Lawful Evil Sigil: Flaming Sword Sacred Animal: The Ram The Sword of the Divine Before there was Argos, there was Azazel; The Daemon of Glory, a proud yet honorable warrior. His first mentions were during the Wars of Creation against the Void, slaying horror after horror with the zeal and dedication that few could match. Always wanting to earn the respect of his divine peers and best his rivals, he was mostly disliked by his peers. Some due to his arrogance and self-centered nature, and others due to his war-loving tenancies. Azazel was ignorant of their criticisms, surrounding himself with his servants and followers who only shout praises to his name. During his many battles with the Voidal abominations, that was when he was most well-received, where even the Aenguls would speak well of his fighting skills. The praise of his peers continued to please the Warrior Daemon genuinely. His confidence seemingly unending and ever growing, his vibrant speeches to his flashy fighting moves to the splendor that was his decorated armor. However, as other war heroes rose from the war against the void, leading to him desperately trying to upstage any would be rivals. More and more did this campaigns would cost him soldiers and almost his plane of existence. Eventually, on one faithful battle, he was outmaneuvered and overwhelmed. Having to call upon the other Aenguldaemons who were fighting against the void for help, this deeply hurt his pride as the others came and took the glory of this great battle. Slowly returning to his realm; The Bastion Realm of Argus. The Warrior Daemon focused on rebuilding his host and keeping in contact with his cults. Asking of them for praise and battles dedicated to his name, finding the Descendants to be amusing but in the end, nothing but insects to the Daemon. When he first heard of the Arch-aengul’s project of the Soulstream, he decided to help by sending some of his servants to reclaim the souls of honorable warriors. However, in truth, he used it to recruit those willing, and those who worshipped him into his legions. Over the years, he would regain his confidence, yet a growing doubt would haunt him. When the wars became few, and his involvement in the politics of the divine began to fade, slowly The Warrior Daemon became bitter. Where once he dedicated himself entirely to the honorable cause of the defense of Creation, he would sell his blade to the Aenguldaemons that needed seasoned warriors. The only cost would be their acknowledgment and chances of glory. Finding work in slaying the occasional threat, and working through his agents on the mortal plane to earn the love and adoration of the descendants. Doing this for countless years until he received a summons from an unlikely patron, from the returned Arch-daemon; Iblees. The Hubris of Glory Their meeting was brief, the distraught Warrior Daemon filled with doubt was quick to be persuaded to join in the wars to come. Iblees using his pride and desire to become relevant once more against him. Although The Warrior Daemon held no ill-will towards the mortals, Azazel was promised glory and fame eternal, no longer forgotten. When the war between Iblees and creation had begun, Azazel arrived at the first war council, meeting with the other of his kin who joined on Iblees’ side. Roles were given out; The Warrior Daemon wanted to be on the frontlines, fighting in the vanguard where Azazel could find the glory he sought. However, to his dismay, he was ordered to provide Auxiliary. Despite his many attempts to refute, Iblees dismissed him, telling him that he was not truly loyal to the cause and that he should have been thankful to be even allowed to be on the winning side of history. The Arch-Daemon’s words stabbed at Azazel’s pride like a dagger. He complied and agreed, but would not be pleased with his new role. Armed with his mighty greatsword; Vanquisher, Azazel slew through ranks of Descendants with ease. The Host under his command would fill the gaps in the lines, moving quickly to provide support. Many a time did The Warrior Daemon attempted to prove his worth, to earn his place on the Vanguard, and every attempt left with hollow answers. Despite the treatment, he served as loyally as possible, for despite the growing ill-repute of Iblees. Azazel holds his honor in high regard, refusing to go against the contract that was signed. However, the final straw would be broken, for during the arrival of the Aenguldaemon host to defeat Iblees. The front-lines demolished, and aid was needed, Azazel and his mighty host would arrive quickly, to fill the lines and try to relieve the battered undead legions. Despite his valiant efforts, slowly and gradually his forces were pushed back. Until he was on the defensive, in a final plea to Iblees, he requested aid. Otherwise, he would be outnumbered and overwhelmed. Iblees had given nothing but silence, leaving Azazel to die. This betrayal, shattered the spirit of Azazel, for the first time, he staged a retreat. Survival and spite were driving him to break the contract. During this, a few of his former rivals would surround his battered host and attempt to ambush him. With strikes fueled by rage and the experience of a thousand battles, Azazel barely managed to slay his attackers. Mortally wounded from the action, his forces were scattered, and he returned to Argus. Reborn from Iron Upon his return to his prized realm, he discovered that the wounds inflicted upon him were inflicted upon his realm as well. Slowly regrouping with the remains of his Cult and his Daemonic Host, when he left his physical form. The essence of Azazel was wounded and left weakened, his realm stabilizing him and keeping him from death. For the years following the end of the war, Azazel muted himself from his former brethren. With every next year, his essence was worsening, and his mood grew dark. His desperation grew as he tried to find a way to reverse his condition. Finding no answers in the voidal arts, he would begin to delve into some of the darker magics for the answer. The Warrior Daemon was bent on one purpose; Vengeance. His grim situation drove him to a fit of depravity as he slowly sent out his cults to kidnap practitioners of the Dark Arts, before interrogating them on the knowledge of Necromancy and Blood Magic. After many long attempts, a ritual was devised, calling upon his Daemons and cultists to draw blood in their deity’s name. Carving runes into a set of Daemonic Steel armor, runes of power decorated the intimidating set of plate mail. Once the ritual was complete, The Immortal essence of Azazel infused inside the prison of metal. From the dark powers mixed with his divine nature, he was reborn into the Daemon of War; Argos The Iron-Clad. Current Day Although much of his Cult remain in secret, the only unifying features; being the adherence to Argos’ warrior code and them being warriors of prominence. Due to his steady growth, he had begun to gain the notice of other Aenguldaemons, while many would remain neutral or find distaste in his actions, Argos would remain ever distant, preferring to focus on the growth of his influence and power. It is not certain if the other Aenguldaemons remember any knowledge of his former name and crimes, all that is certain is that in any major war or conflict, the servants of Argos will be there. The Codes of the Iron-Clad Over the years of foundation since the revival of the cult of Azazel, The Cult of Argos maintains a strict adherence to a set of moral codes. Even amongst the highest of his holy mages dare not break the law, for upon doing so. Marked them for death within the order, to be quickly hunted down and taught the lesson of betraying the Daemon of War. The Sword is the Answer to any Injustice Poison is for the weak. Ambush is for the Cowardly. Our foes only deserve the Slaughter. Harm not the Child, for they could become strong. Do not fight the defenseless, for there is no glory. Conquer Yourself, Conquer Weakness. Surrender is Defeat, and Defeat is death. Goal Argos once devoted his existence to becoming the greatest warrior in all of the Creator’s creation. Wanting to have his tales of glory and battle to ring forever and be sung in halls both divine and mortal. However, with his return, his pride had been shattered and his driven nature put to his new goal. Argos wants to slowly rid the physical world of the weak and the cowardly, to replace it with battle-hardened soldiers sworn to his cause. Should he succeed, he shall take his new army, and right all wrongs with force, no more treachery, no abominations of the void, Argos will never be forgotten again. Realm: The Bastion Realm of Argus Formally the creation of Azazel, a sea of Fortresses and mountains. However after his fateful return, the sky was filled with ash, the tall and proud bastions were reduced to ruin, and the landscape destroyed. Yet under Argos, many of the rubble has been rebuilt, and from the central Citadel, a massive forge built. Rivers of Lava fill the shattered chasms of Argus, now used to fuel the endless War machine that the Iron-Clad is preparing. The fallen faithful of Argos find themselves brought to the war-torn realm, the vigors of youth returned to them, and slowly find themselves involved in one of the many roving warbands made of their fellow worshippers. Few cities exist in Argus, with the most prominent one being the City of Bellator. Built around Argos’ citadel and often the first to be provided with the new weapons made by the Daemonic Smiths. Bellator and the other Fortress Cities are under the iron-fisted rule of Self-made Warlords, former Champions of his cause which brought Martial law to the areas under their sway. To prevent any of them from stagnation, by the demands of their Daemonic master, the Fortress Cities host a series of Realm-wide War Games. Striking each other down, causing the losing Warlords to fall for stronger ones to rise again. Shortly after they succumb to their wounds, they would be restored to ‘life’ to fight once more in the following years. Great fighting pits are commonplace in these Fortress cities, used as entertainment and to train for the battles to come. The strongest of the Warlords are invited to join Argos and his Daemonic war council, as they prepare and plot for their grand crusade. “One of the many War-torn Ruins in Argus.” Art Credit: Matchack Manifestations Likely many Aenguldaemons, Argos rarely ever truly manifests upon the mortal plane, ever since the mortal wounds he suffered during the Great War with Iblees, he had been wary to ever return fully to the mortal plane. Instead, he shows a glimpse of his form through visions and illusions. He universally appears as a giant of a humanoid figure clad in darkened plate-mail. The only opening in his battle-scarred armor, being the visor, revealing only a burning pyre. His voice a metallic roar, speaking harshly and straight to the point, whenever his presence is nearby, all weapons and armor begin to stir and shake as if seeking to strike out against a hidden foe. (Modified skin) Original Skin Credit: Gleeshers Following “A devoted Cultist of Argos, coming down upon his foe with a frenzy.” (Ignore the gun) Art Credit: mynameisbryon Adjective: Argosi Warriors, Mercenaries, Barbarians, Those consumed by Violence, these are the men and women who are called to worship Argos. The Iron-Clad had slowly built from the ashes of Azazel’s cult, a growing legion of various warbands and followers. These factions are organized in such a way, that they are almost entirely indistinguishable to Mercenary Companies. The leaders of these Warbands are often Holy Mages of the Daemon, who use their soldiers and self as instruments of the Iron-Clad’s Will. Despite the seemingly organized nature of his worship, conflict and infighting are rampant, as multiple different cults would often challenge each other, to test their strength and to purge the undesirable weakness that could exist in their ranks. There is no prayer or official holy text. They venerate Argos through dedicating their battles in his name. Every wrong made right grants The Iron-Clad power, every fight a sermon in his name. While complete worship is not required to join these cults, their loyalty to the Codes of Argos and desire to further his goals is the only requirement. Within the numbers of Argosi Warbands, each of them slowly develop their own cultures. From minor changes to the usual religious uniform to extreme cases of cannibalistic rituals, believing that it would grant them the victim's strength. It is not uncommon for Dark Mages to find themselves serving such Warbands due to The Iron-Clad's neutrality of Dark Arts. This behavior causes some Cults to reinforce their mortal warriors with the undead. In the old days of Azazel, his faithful would garb themselves in bronze armor, decorated with feathers and trophies of the glories of past victories. However, in the current day, they clad themselves head to toe in darkened plate, taking the appearance of Argos himself. Those gifted with magic, take it a step further and create enchanted helms that produce an illusionary fiery visor and metallic voice so they can fully emulate their Master. Patrons Vindicta The Avenger; Patron of Ironic Justice “There is no shadow too dark. Her haze will find thee. Her justice will not be restrained, The Fires of justice will never be quenched." Art Credit: Aerenwyn The Patron of Ironic Justice arrives when a sincerely horrible injustice kills a descendant. She can see such hatred fills their heart in their last moments. They find in the darkness by an armored woman, her cold eyes filled with a calculating rage. She comes with an offer, to become an instrument of their justice, to the right the wrongs brought to them. The only price, being their eternal soul joining the cause of Argos. Should they accept the bargain, The Avenger restores them to life. However, the form they take is a monstrous being. Some believe that the Avenger was initially been a young and loving mother who had their lives destroyed before their eyes. After the death of her husband and child, her grief and hatred earned her the attention of Argos. Taking his offer for justice, she was given magical boons to turn her into a force of nature. Once she finished the deed, Argos came back to complete the transaction. He wanted a tool, a servant to spread his influence. Teaching her how to bestow the same ‘gifts’ to others, she roams near the edge of the Soulstream, looking upon the fresh deceased to grant her Master’s Justice, drawn to vengeful souls like a moth to light. Manifestations: The Eternal Legion The Legionnaires of Argos are a rare group of mortals granted boons by the Iron-Clad, often making up the elite or leading cults of Argos themselves. Acting as the closest thing resembling Holy Mages to Argos, they are combatants who draw upon their divine connection to empower their weapons and wreak vengeance upon the many foes to Argos. The magic they wield only used to improve their physical prowess as warriors and the connection, slowly destroying their bodies from the violent energies. (This will be greatly expanded upon in a separate lore post, however, should it be denied, the Argos lore will remain.) OOC Notes: Influenced by: -Ares from Greek Mythology -Gorum from Pathfinder’s Golorion Campaign Setting -Tempus from D&D’s Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting -Khorne from Warhammer Fantasy/40,000 I wrote this lore because I felt there was no Aenguldaemon dedicated to War, although there are multiple Aenguldaemons that are waging war and have war-like qualities. I wanted to write an Aenguldaemon for straight up war, for groups of warriors and mercenaries to worship. However, after taking advice from Aelesh, I expanded on the concept and added in Vengeance. Allowing a more concrete and ambitious goal for Argos to have. Also, I wanted to write an Aenguldaemon that creates ideas for events, such as groups of mercenary companies dedicated to him being hired to attack a settlement, an individual or group of people seeking protection and refuge from a vengeful being created by his Patron; Vindicta. Should an ET or other staff member have questions about how they would react in certain situations, or need help in developing an event line, I do not bite and would love to help anyone incorporate this Aenguldaemon in their events. As for players wanting to create cults of him, I plan on already doing that, and if you wish for any information or want to join, I’m always open to talking. Lore References: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/97770-the-aengudaemon-lore/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/121438-iblees-daemon/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/139713-the-planes-of-existence-world-lore/ Written by JordanXlord/LordCommander Lore Advice and Help from: @Master Sage Delaselva @The Fire Mind @Order's Disciple
  15. “ Ever blessed shall those be that follow the light. Join me, those Arcanists born from my blessing, to guide others down the path and to rebirth our world in light. “ The Celestial Order seeks to bathe the realm in the blessed light of the Arcane Mage’s gift and act as patrons of magic to the realm. The Order seeks prosperity for all regardless of their national affiliation, their mundane worth or their godly practices. There is no monarch within the void but rather a collective seeking its infinite potential for the betterment of all instead of a few. The Order maintains the stance that this potential must be used to support the light rather than allow its abyssal darkness to leak corruption upon the realm. The majority of time spent by those in the Order will be dedicated to identifying key locations of interest before conducting delves or assisting other factions in their own process should they be called upon. ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ “ Like the cosmos above, each of us exists as a singularity of light in the expanse of the abyss. " Those dedicated Arcanists who heed my call may find Their way to the Celestial Hall to join with their fellow Magi in the quest for Celestial Light. - Arcane Mage I.E. The Arcane Mage The leader of the Celestial Order, the creator of Arcanism and the Shepherd of the Celestial Light. The Arcane Mage dictates the pursuit of the guild as well as the development of campaigns involving the Order. Also referred to as the Caretaker of the Celestials. The Aeons The Aeons represent those Celestials of extremely high caliber and are held in the highest regard for their devotion to the Celestial Light. The Grand Magus & The Oracle The Grand Magus, whether plural or singular, are tasked with assigning projects within the Order and thus operate closely with the Arcane Mage to ensure the Order retains relevance throughout the realm. The Oracle leads the Grand Magus acting as a liaison between the Arcane Mage and the rest of the Order in his absence. The Magus The general assembly of Arcanists within the Order who are tasked with the discovery of anomalies within the realm as well as acting patrons to the various settlements the descendents have chosen to inhabit. The Acolytes Those newly accepted into the Order. Until they are proven to be of worth to the guild they are tasked with the duty of spreading the Order’s name as well as seeking out prospective members among other various tasks assigned to each individual. The Erudites Those still unlearned. Until they have become proficient those few selected to be trained by a teacher within the Order are done so before they may become Acolytes. They hold no duties within the Order nor are permitted free entrance. The Associates Those allies to the Order that are either non-magi, are not Arcanists or operate outside the context of the Order. “ We are beacons in the abyssal dark. " The Celestial Edict serves as the pillars of a Arcanist’s life. Honor, militance, scholarship, loyalty, balance, the void and the light, seven principles which define the path that each Arcanist follows. Through these, each Arcanist stands apart from other mages, more righteous and devoted to the void and its proper usage. The Edict of Honor The Arcanist wields the arcane with honor and righteousness. To repudiate the amorality of the void and its boons. They shall protect the innocent and aid the needy. Holding true to all their oaths and vows. To uphold their morality in service of creating a better world. To display a high level of respect to both allies and fellow magi. The Edict of Militance The Arcanist must begrudge the use of voidal violence. Yet wield it confidently when their ferocity is just. To deny the powermonger and the upstart. Risking their lives in devotion to their honored arcane probity. To lend aid to our allies in there time of need against unholy corruption. The Edict of Scholarship The Arcanist will go beyond militance and devote themselves to scholarship. Expanding knowledge upon the void and other pursuits. To serve as learned authorities upon various expertise. The Edict of Loyalty The Arcanist gives their life to their Order and its cause. Serving the Arcane Mage dutifully and rightfully. Never shall they harm their brothers and sisters of the Celestial Order. To safeguard the knowledge held within the Order against the greedy. To avoid associations that seek to harm the Order, And to protect its name against those who do it injustice. The Edict of Balance The Arcanist is bestowed with a noble duty. For the noble understand the plague of the tipping scale. That the pendulum swings in either direction, And what is dark may be illuminated For the order preserves this balance. The Edict of the Void The Arcanist shall become a master of voidal practice. To preach its every value and encourage its use within the Order. Indoctrinate others into the path of connection with the arcane. And decry the use of darker arts and their repugnant power. For we are of the void, enlightened by its endless offerings. The Edict of Celestial Light The Arcanist shall hold the light of the void in the highest regard. Those Celestials born from this blessed light as sacred, And seek to be a beacon of light in the Arcane Mage’s image. To be a bastion for the realm and assist in illuminating the dark. OOC: Some important threads: The magic itself: Celestialism Celestialism Addition Opening statement for the Order Current Celestials Guide on how to RP your own Celestial Canon Guide to Arcanism & Celestialism
  16. Arithmancy The Poetry of Number Lore by Sagwort Credit to Toxzero & Phil for commentary “Mathematics are most necessary in magic, for everything which is done through natural virtue is governed by number, weight, and measure. By mathematics one can produce without any natural virtue, operations which seem natural, statues and figures which move and speak. Pythagoras said that numbers have more reality than natural things, hence the superiority of mathematical magic to natural magic.” -Cornelius Agrippa STOP, READ THIS Forward Arithmancy, the distilled beauty of man’s knowledge of reality. Like the poet composes inspiring verses and prose within the age old rules of rhythm and linguistics, so too does the arithmancer bend the will of nature utilizing the very fabric of its being, that is, the wonders of ratios, numbers, and their relation. While the voidal magi might spend their days observing and recording natural phenomenon in hopes of reproducing it through their nixian magic, the arithmancers busy themselves within some fetid study pouring over charts and equations, distilling the abstract essence of these same natural phenomenon through language and number. In this way, arithmancy is inherently “rational” in its execution while normal voidal magics are empirical. While arithmancy is not technically a distinct magical discipline within its own right, it is a form of magical study, a curiosity for magi and scholars alike. However, arithmancy’s focus on mathematics, pattern identification and symbology links it more closely to alchemy and glyph enchanting than the traditional voidal magic. Concept art from FFXIV arcanist class, which is where this magic was inspired Arithmancy, as a field of study, is a composition of three distinct skill sets which are: gematria, metrica, and formulae writing. Together, these makes up the breadth of arithmancy, all of them required to effectively practice this abstruse magic. The Governing Laws The entirety of arithmancy is built upon two laws: the law of names, and the law of abstract reality. They are described herein. Law of Names The law of names suggests that since all magi have a connection to the void through thought, so too does language, as language is but a translation of thought. Just as the magi might use their own mind to weave spells of the void, language may be utilized by arithmancers in a similar fashion. Of course, being a translation, much of the original thought loses its potency upon utterance so the magi must use arithmancy to strengthen this power of language. Law of Abstract Reality The law of abstract reality states that reality, finding origin in the void, is nothing more than organized and materialized chaos that is the void. This is, to mortal minds, represented through relation, number, measure, space, etc… Giving order to discord. These two laws are used in tandem by the arithmancers. Words have power, and mathematics is the ordering of voidal chaos, thus, by ascribing mathematics to language one is able to bolster these inherent laws of reality and manipulate it to some degree. This is the discipline of arithmancy, manipulating language and mathematics to alter and reorder. These methods are described through Gematria, the assigning of value to words and Metrica, the study of ratio and numerical relations and their meaning to language. Gematria While more commonly known as numerology, Gematria is one of the three primary disciplines of arithmancy and is the study of assigning linguistic meaning and symbolism to numbers. Study of gematria provides arithmancers with foundational knowledge in performing their magic. The Mather’s Table Perhaps the most widely utilized tool of the artihmancer is the Mather’s Table which is is the table of single digit numbers and the letters which they represent. Using this table words or entire phrases may be assigned numeric value. For instance, the letters used in the word fire are 6, 9, 9, and 5. These values can be added together to produce 29. 2 and 9 can then be added together to produce 11. 1 and 1 can be added together to produce 2. This single digit value is the vibrational value of the word fire. This value reveals a certain hidden nature of the word which is what defines the practice of numerology or gematria. There is a more “disputed” practice among arithmancers to attempt to predict future events utilizing this technique and the names of people or certain dates. For instance, the name Billy Bob has the values 2 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 34. 3 + 4 = 7. Thus, the vibrational value of Billy Bob is 7. Or, the date 2/13/1619 is added to produce 2 + 1 + 3 +1 + 6 + 1 + 9 = 23, 2 + 3 = 5. The vibrational value of the 13th of the Amber Cold, 1619 is 5. These vibrational values can, theoretically, be used to provide insight into a particular person, family, or date. Granted, whether or not vibrational values can be used in divination is up for debate. Metrica Metrica, or arcane geometry, is the fine science of ratios and proportions. While a great deal of useful magic can be produced using basic gematria, by applying metrica more complex and specific magic formulae can be produced, which will be elaborated on later. One of the most integral concepts in metrica is the prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, etc... A visualization of prime numbers While any word can be summed to produce any number, in order to have any amount of significant power the word must initially sum to produce a prime number. For instance, fire is 6 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 29. This is a prime number and, thus, the word fire has strong voidal ties. We shall call these prime number words, words of power, in that, prime numbers are only divisible by themselves and the number one which makes them the “fundamental values” of arithmancy. Notice that when summing words, only use vibrational values, that is, never sum values with more than one digit. When producing magical formulae only words of power may be used. This makes producing magical formulae exceedingly tedious and the need to construct lexicons of words of power to easily be pulled from is useful. In this way, spells are not created but discovered. Another fundamental property in metrica is the vibrational sequences or a sequence of numbers which all sum to the same vibrational value. Any number within a vibrational sequence can also represent its vibrational value in a magic square. This allows arithmancer to utilize larger and larger squares for more powerful formulae. This will be explained next. A Brief Lexicon of Words of Power Activating Words These words of power are used in formulae to determine “how” the magic takes place. Summon - 23 Induce - 29 Disperse - 41 Hurl - 23 Ward - 29 Ignite - 37 Energy Descriptor Words These words of power are used in formulae to determine “what” magic takes place. Fire - 29 Aqua - 13 Ice - 17 Wind - 23 Stone - 19 Sand - 11 Burn - 19 Light - 29 Bugs - 13 Avoirdupois - 59 Addle - 17 Weariness - 41 Force - 29 Aegis - 23 Modifier Words These words are used to modify descriptor words. Evocation - 41 Illusory - 41 Orb - 17 Aegis - 23 Shard - 23 Magic Squares The magic square is founded on basic arithmetic concepts where the numbers in any direction on the square add up to the same number. More complex square are considered to produce more powerful formulae. There exists five practiced magical squares, though there is theoretically infinite. The value each row adds up to is known as the magic constant. Generally speaking, the larger the square the more powerful the spell. For this reason, arithmancers use vibrational sequences so they can represent vibrational values as larger numbers and, thus, use larger squares. Essentially each square is a “tier” in magic totalling in five, the progression of use of quite similar to normal magic tier progression, except less subjective. Tier 1 Magic Square All numbers add up to 45, each row adds up to 15 Tier 2 Magic Square All numbers add up to 136, each row adds up to 34 Tier 3 Magic Square All numbers add up to 325, each row adds up to 65 Tier 4 Magic Square All numbers add up to 666, each row adds up to 111 Tier 5 Magic Square All numbers add up to 1225, each row adds up to 175 Magical Formulae Creating magical formulae is the cornerstone technique in practical arithmancy which utilizes all the above techniques. The process can be broken into 4 steps: An arithmancer produces a magical formulae 1. Describing intent At this point, the arithmancer must decide what they want their formulae to depict and produce. For example, we wish to produce a magic formula that will protect against fire evocation. Thus, the arithmancer must determine the most efficient way to produce such instruction clearly and without any potential misinterpretation, exact language is crucial. Remember, only words of power can be used when describing intent. For instance, to produce a magical formula to ward against fire evocations one would use the words of power ward fire evocation. 2. Reducing intent to numeric cipher Once the intent has been clearly described it must then be reduced into its numeric cipher. Note that one should refer to individual letters and their respective vibrational values when reducing. If one were to use the vibrational values or one of the sums of a word in the phrase and then drew the formula, it would be impossible to interpret. First, all vowels are removed from the intent: WRD FR VCTN This becomes the numerical cipher 5-9-4 6-9 4-3-2-5 Stumped by a particularly difficult formula 3. Select magic square Now, the arithmancer must select a magic square to produce the formula upon. The larger the numbers used in the formula the more powerful the formula. Thus, advanced arithmancers use vibrational sequences to increase the values in their formula which then requires the use of larger squares. Notice that words cannot start and/or end on a number which is repeated anywhere else in the cipher. Assuming our arithmancer has full knowledge of all magical squares, he will maximise their spell power by first changing all numbers to their largest possible form. 41-45-49 42-45 49-48-47-41 Then, he will change any repeated numbers at the start or end of words to a lower value within its respective vibrational sequence. 41-45-49 42-36 40-48-47-32 This is the most powerful form of the given magic cipher. 4. Drawing the formula The most intriguing part of magical formulae is the actual drawing of them upon the magic square. Each word is drawn individually, each number connected by a straight line. Each word starts with an open circle (o) and ends with a short perpendicular line (⟂) or arrow. Note that in order for a number to be considered part of the word it must have a point, circle, or sharp curve. A straight line passing through a number does not include the number it passes through. If the line does happen to move straight through a number but that number should be included in the word, it is marked with a bump in the line over the appropriate number. To indicate two of the same number in a row the line is made with with two bumps in it. All good arithmancers carry a compass to measure angles for their formulae If the end of a line and the start of another line are on the same number, a triangle is placed there. Thus, the words ward, fire and evocation respectively using the above cipher is: When layered atop each other they produce the full formula. Example Formulae Induce Weariness | NDC WRNSS | 5-4-3 5-9-5-1-1 | 41-49-48 32-45-23-46-37 Would produce an illusory fatigue to the wearer Ward Fire Evocation | WRD FR VCTN | 5-9-4 6-9 4-3-2-5 Protects wearer/object against fire evocation Ward Aqua/Ice Evocation | WRD Q/C VCTN | 5-9-4 8/3 4-3-2-5 Protects wearer/object against water/ice evocation Ward Stone Evocation | WRD STN VCTN | 5-9-4 1-2-5 4-3-2-5 Protects wearer/object against earth evocation Ward Wind Evocation | WRD WND VCTN | 5-9-4 5-5-4 4-3-2-5 Protects wearer/object against air evocation Induce Burn | NDC BURN | 5-4-3 2-3-9-5 Causes wearer to feel burning sensation, or any who touch object feel burning sensation Ignite | GNT | 7-5-2 Formulae ignites spontaneously Induce Avoirdupois | NDC VRDPS | 5-4-3 4-9-4-7-1 Causes object to feel heavier Summon Light | SMMN LGHT | 1-4-4-5 3-8-7-2 | 46-49-49-41 48-44-43-47 Causes object to glow Summon Aegis Orb | SMMN GS RB | 1-4-4-5 7-1 9-2 Summons a spherical arcanic shield around wearer Summon Aegis Barricade | SMMN GS BRRCD | 1-4-4-5 7-1 2-9-9-3-4 Summons an arcanic shield wall before the wearer On Roleplaying an Arithmancer Arithmancy is, of course, not for everyone and, I believe, would require a very distinct sort of playstyle that goes beyond spell slinging. One might be turned off by the amount of independent work required to perform arithmancy. In fact, the very act of being an arithmancer forces the player to produce a character willing to live a quiet scholarly life pouring of charts, formulas, magic squares, tables, etc… Women can be arithmancers too! One visual goal of the arithmancer image was to produce a magi that, may not, be entirely grounded in reality or even practicality even though an arithmancer might consider themselves above a far more practical and… even “powerful” voidal magi due to arithmancy’s “logical purity”. It is a magic for high society scholars, professors, and academics. Imagine walking around, always with a hefty tome at your character’s side containing all myriad of charts, graphs, formulae, drawings, and, of course, a lexicon of words of power. IDK, maybe he just activated one of his formulae and is now using it
  17. Casting Implements Mana, it is useful energy - able to grant magi of all kinds their powers. To some, the energy might be difficult to control, causing it to fizzle out or become incredibly inaccurate. To remedy this, there will always be something that can aid the magi in casting and channeling their energies to forge a spell or coax beings. Enter the implement, an item imbued by the magi to act as a receiver for their archaic power. Attuned Items Examples: Staff (Quarterstaff, Stick, Scepter) Book (Grimoire, Tome, Volume) Scrolls (Texts, Pages, Papyrus) Crystal ball (Gems, Crystals, Stones, Jewelry) Wand (Rod, Sprig, Twig) Idol (Fetish, Statue, Carvings) Gloves (Gauntlets, Mitts) Tools (Hammers, Spades, Shears) Weapons (Swords, axes, mace, so on) Body augmentations (Redstone tattoos, tattoos, piercings, carvings, scars) Miscellaneous Items (musical instruments, so on) This instrument acts as a focal point for the magic users, channeling the chaos of the void, orderly deific power, or dark and primal energy, similar to the focus crystals one might find on a mage's wand or staff. It would not be uncommon for apprentices of each wake to use their attuning power as a means to aid their casting, making sense of the archaic power, if they themselves are unable to. For those who can make sense of their power, and wish to use their implement, will find that their focus point allows them a slightly easier time casting, akin to a fellow that is calm and collected. Truly, those who master and understand the manipulation of magical energies gain very little benefit, only really gaining some if they have an unsound and troubled mind. To make these implements, one must take an item and perform a ritual to imbue the item with its receiving power. This process is fairly open-ended, revolving around the mage for how the item is imbued -- it is their own personal instrument after all; once the instrument is done, the maker will fin themselves physically strained and groggy for a short duration -- but they would find themselves unable to make another implement for the next three IRL days. Along with this, the item will take on an aesthetic change, occurring due to the magical energies influencing the item; this change will always be present, be it subtle or obviously apparent -- should the item not be obscured by some magical means, and due to the magical power within, the mage can only hold two of their own make on them, lest they wish for the others to overlap and shut one another off. Should one be devious enough, they will find that warding, abjuration, and even other magic disabling practices will turn off the item's receiving ability, even removing the aesthetic changes. While some magic users can benefit from this, others are unaffected, as they do not require a focus like the others; an implement for them would simply be there for aesthetic purposes. These practices are: List of Outliers (more to be added): Cognatism Frost Witch Golemancy Atronach Forging Shade Thallassos Pros and Cons: A new way for mages to cast. Creativity in the implements they use. A minor focus, allowing a mage a slightly easier time in casting. Using a focus, a skilled mage would have the focus of someone in a calm and collected state; however, should anything occur to them that can break such a connection (a migraine, harsh physical damage), their casting will cease. Every mage has the ability to make these. The Implements need only be destroyed or removed from the mage to thwart any boons. These items can be warded or disrupted. Looking at an instrument, should it not be obscured in some mannerism, will show some magical change on it, be it something subtle like occasional gleaming, to something huge like giving of a faint aura and change in being. A mage using implements can only have so many of their own make, as the receiving signals, should there be too many, will confuse one another and render them inert. A mage can only make one instrument every three OOC days. More than likely unable to be made in combat, unless a lot of time is given. Redlines: The focal boon is unable to keep a magi focused, should they gain harsh physical and mental harm, meaning that while a slap to the cheek, or a groggy feeling might not influence their cast - a hard punch to the stomach, migraines, or a stab will remove their spell. All instruments, untampered, must show some visual magical influence. You can only make one implement per 3 OOC days. Outliers gain no advantages, besides having aesthetic. Credits: KnghtArtorias Zarsies - advice, helper, and assisted with writing the item list! Changelog: - Removed Strength Boons. + Added focus
  18. Disclaimer: I am still sorry for the amount of text and pictures but I hope you enjoy! ~* Celestialism Clarifications: Part Two *~ Accepted Lore Addition: Part One “The Shepherd is servant to all that heed the call .” An Overview Greater Melding Addition: Aura Mimicking Celestial Rite: Purification & Corruption Clarification Teaching: Aura Metamorphosis Clarification Event Creature: Celestial Gods TLDR Closing Statement Greater Melding addition: Aura mimicking As the Celestial Arcanist binds familiars with other mages they are also undergoing the process of greater melding. This bond exists between the grouping that bound the Celestial along with the familiar but it resonates on a completley seperate level for the Celestial Arcanist. The Celestial Arcanist will find that Familiars bound through other magi take on traits from both parties. About half of the traits of a Celestial are influenced by the Arcanist and the other half by those involved. The effect this has for the Celestial Arcanist can be seen when casting spells through their familiar. If the Celestial was bound solely by them their spells would appear normally. However should the Celestial have another bond to it the spells casted can take on the characteristics of that caster. This effect is only applicable to the usage of familiars by Celestial Arcanists. Another trait that becomes apparent is the abilities a Celestial manifests after binding. Celestials have inherent voidal abilities much like any other type of voidal horror and these abilities are directly affected by the casters participating in the binding. A Celestial Arcanist with no other magic will find that their Celestials tend to only possess abilities relating to Arcanism while a person without magic may find that their familiar has a lack of abilities. Curiously even non-voidal users find their magics mimicked in some form albeit these abilities will always remain voidal. A cleric might find that their familiar has the ability to cast bright flaming lights or have the ability to mend other Celestials much like a Celestialist might mend a stone, a parallel to clerical healing that only works on voidal beings. All abilities are catalouged upon discovery and for the most part will tend towards the mundane and non-combat oriented spells. It is through these unqiue voidal feats that the summoned creature mimicks their caster. While the abilities may not match up perfectly they sre usually within the theme of the individual or demonstate a part of their personality. Red LInes: Aura is mimicked only through the Celestial. If one is not directly melded they cannot otherwise take and use anothers aura through this method. Celestial abilties are simplier spells & must be recorded before use. Celestial abilities are only voidal based. Celestial Rite: Purification & Corruption Clarification Celestials are fragile beings even before they are birthed into our realm and thus many will seek to take advantage of them, driving them into mania and slaving them to the darkness. While there is no turning back once a Celestial has become a Voidal Horror they may find salvation through the help of a Celestial Arcanist for a brief window prior to this happening. With the stone in hand the Celestial Arcanist can begin the rite of purification by instilling their greater aura into the stone, gradually renewing the life of the Celestial. This act of benevolence does not come without complication and often poses a higher risk than simply slaying the horror. The Celestialist must be within the vicinity of the corrupted horror and once the rite has begun cannot be stopped. This is due to the trance-like state the Celestial Arcanist must undergo in order to achieve this feat. When the rite begins the horror will frenzy, exerting the full spectrum of its power, as it targets the person (or persons) performing the rite and because the Celestial Arcanist is subdued in the process they are likely to be injured or killed without proper protection. The reward for the completion of the rite is saving the Celestial and purging the heart of horror. If one were to kill a corrupted Celestial turned Voidal Horror that being would never again exist as it once was. If by chance it managed to exist within the void after its coiled death its heart of horror would remain whereas a purified horror will have its Celestial heart restored. The Arcanist Stone bound to the corrupted Celestial will grow blackened as time passes and eventually begin to crumble away allowing the newly corrupted horror to break free. If this occurs the rite of purification cannot happen and the Celestial is lost to its blighted form. This process will occur in no more than one elven month. This same effect and rite will occur for a shade summoned Celestial Familiar as well. Once a Celestial has broken free of its stone it also gains much of the power previously absent setting them back on par with voidal horrors. Red Lines: 1 month to undo corruption and revert a Celestial. The Arcanist Stone must be present and in the hands of the Celestial Arcanist. Celestial Arcanists become stationary and enter a trance. This rite can be interrupted by a variety of things including but not limited to; Mental Magic, physical pain, removal of the stone, etc… In which case the Rite of Purification will slowly degrade rather than completely fail. Rite of Purification does not do anything to actual voidal horrors. There isn’t even a way to attempt it. Teaching: Aura Metamorphosis Clarification One must be a prolific user of Arcanism in order to access the usage of Celestialism. So much so that it is likely only achieved many decades after they have fully mastered the art or by some similar magical ability. In order to begin learning from a teacher the student must endure the metamorphoses of their aura into that of a greater aura. This is down similar to how a Celestial Arcanist imbues an Arcanist Stone in which their energy is encased within the student, allowing their own magic to alter and come to match the state of the Celestial Arcanist. As the process ends the student will be utterly drained and likely lose consciousness finding that when they wake their magics are unavailable to them and will continue to be absent for the next elven week as their body conditions itself to the greater aura. As the days go one more and more sensations will begin to plague the caster. Audible humming, chirps and disembodied noises surround them. Faint traces of aura flutter into view around anything magical, often appearing as a soft haze especially if one finds themselves in a particularly potent environment. As they become more and more accustomed to their new found gift these sensations become dulled and sometimes absent if one abstains from the usage of magic for a time. However they now will hear the calling of beings beyond the veil in the form of worried cries, feelings of immeasurable sadness and brief spurts of fearful wailing followed by expanses of utter silence. This is the process of the calling in which Celestials are drawn out of the abyss in mass hoping for salvation only to be annihilated by predatory horrors. These inescapable events are apart of a cycle and are heightened by excessively large usage of magic by the caster. When the callings begin the student is ready to learn other feats of Celestialism. Red lines: Cannot learn each feat until taught. Cannot use any form of magic for one week after imbuement. Event Creature: Celestial Gods While only Gods in definition these creatures exist not in service to a Celestial Arcanist but as the greatest magical beasts one will come to find in the realm. Each individual Celestial God is so unique they are often mistaken as other beings entirely some of which are capable of speech and binding their own Celestials. Due to their nature these benevolent creatures are revered by Celestials who will disobey their casters if commanded to attack or involve themselves in negative actions against them. The likelihood that even a circle of Celestial Arcanists can gather the resources to summon one of these creatures is slim though not impossible. A vast sum of wealth and collective power would mark the achievement otherwise Celestial Gods are usually found to be spawned via other means. Not to be mistaken for aengudaemons, though many may come to worship them, Celestial Gods are born from extreme conditions and act as the highest beings in the Celestial hierarchy which parallels the Voidal Horror hierarchy within the void.. Requiring unnatural amounts of mana to take form it is likely to see entire biomes of crystal gardens surrounding their domain. Whether or not they stay within their domain or how they act towards intruders varies from creature to creature. Like all Celestials these creatures can be corrupted whether it be from shades, necromantic blight or being sacrificed by a large circle of blood mages. Red Lines: Each Celestial God requires a lore post or lore approval and are reserved purely for event purposes. Celestial Arcanists cannot command a Celestial God but can assist in the creation of one. Likewise it is the LT who will delegate the person playing said God and the feats they might have. Likewise x2 Celestial Gods hold no obligation towards their creators, if they have any, and thus are prone to creating their own agendas. TLDR; Celestial Arcanists can take on another's aura color when casting through a celestial also bound to that person. Rite of Purification allows corrupted Celestials to be reverted if done within an elven month Celestial Gods are event creatures that require individual writeups but are on a separate level of power from other Celestials. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Part Two is a brief recap of how Celestial Arcanists can play around with and "wear" the aura of another when using celestial familiars bound to multiple people. I also clarified that celestial abilities mimick their caster even if they have non-voidal magics. They will find a way to simulate those spells via badic voidal feats. Teaching this magic needed a bit of clarification as I get ready to accept students and thus I thought it was important to illustrate the daunting task of learning. Rite of Purification allows some give and take with the antagonist and hopefully gives the victim more incentive to actively participate in the villainy RP provided to them. Celestial Gods are a discussion of their own. I went into absolutely no detail concerning anything other than the fact that they exist because each will require their own write-up and are solely event based. In fact I don’t even have to be the one to write these bad boys up and if accepted can be used to justify key lore events in the future without the consequence of adding more aengudaemons to the pantheon. That being said these creatures are no replacement for Aenguls or Daemons and are being introduced to exist on a more tangible scale, perhaps as forms of protagonist or antagonist groups. Who knows! I do know that I would like the opportunity to implement a few in the form of Eastern Dragons. Something we aren’t likely to see on the server otherwise. As always please feel free to discuss and if your feedback is warranted changes may be made. If you see something that you feel could be clarified or you have an additional justification to help my cause I lend you my ears. Likewise I am currently searching for topics for the next addition (always in search, gotta keep it fresh) so if you have a topic you want me to bring up next time in regards to Celestialism either send me a message or post below. Thanks for the support, everyone! BONUS ALBUM
  19. (Due to my previous lore submission being denied because of certain spells being "overpowered", I have decided to make very minor alterations to the spell list in order to see to it that this somewhat new lore submission is acceptable. PLEASE NOTE: This is literally First Generation Necromancy, but just under a different name. I had to name it 'Vocomancy' in order to prevent the confusion regarding Second Generation Necromancy and First Generation Necromancy. Hopefully, this will shed more understanding to the 'but it's like Necromancy' replies.) The Nether's Boon It is known that the Dark Arts are seen as repulsive in the eyes of many. It causes some to writhe with hatred or spit at the surface by simply having a name of a grotesque magic be uttered into their ears. It breeds conflict if one were to publicly mention their support of it, a man who was once tranquil may even lose their sincere state of mind if they were to stand before a proponent of the Dark Arts. Even the most content among men will find their lust tempting them to tap into such prohibited practices. Shades, necromancers and those alike have all been tempted through either weak minded thoughts, pursuits of power, or reasons that they themselves don’t know. The Dark Arts were passed down from the loathed Iblees to mortal men, spreading from troubled minds to pure souls, evolving and advancing one step further when one generates an interdicted spell. With each passing year, magic from the minds of the ill grow stronger and newfangled arts sprawl from the minds of the great and the unhealthily curious. Yet, as the more fiendish side of the Descendant races continue to expand their wicked arts, some older arts tend to die. These old arts were buried among other arts void of practitioners. Even the eldest Art that had greatly influenced other taboo practices was a victim of this cycle. However, there do exist minds so curious, that they seek to traverse back to the source that sparked this domino effect, for reasons that may grant them fine power, additional wisdom, and prime knowledge. ------------------ The Undead were a malignant group. They had utilised the great and substantial powers of their figurative father, Iblees. They brought twisted horrors into the mortal realm with little consideration of the consequences. Repercussions were null to them as long as they pleased the entity of the hand that fed them. Each Undead carried out individual tasks in an endeavour to please the Defiler. None, bar a certain few, had disappointed their leader. The Undead shared havoc with the Descendants when they were nearing the end of their reign, this led to the amounted peak of their conclusion. In a march towards the Druid’s Grove, the remaining Undead and The Deific Shadow tossed aside the druids that made themselves present in an attempt to defend their once pure terrain. With struggle and livid determination, the Undead managed to infiltrate the Father Tree. Within the grand organism, a manifested Iblees conjured the Axe of Krug into his midst and had it meet the body of Lillith Winterleaf. This divine instrument which met sinful hands, soon came into contact with the Aspect Stone. Once the distinctive weapon having connected with the special stone, the object promptly crumbled before the might of Iblees. Though the Undead did leave their mark of grotesque taint upon the Druid’s Grove, it came with the cost of their once admirable power. Fortunately for the descendants, what they knew as baleful agents of Iblees, all eroded back to their petty mortal forms. The loyal servants of the Betrayer had lost all memory of their ignoble drudgery. Though, two individuals were free from this downside -- two of Iblees’ highest soldiers. Joseph and the ***** Sprat had been gifted the boon of recalling vague occurrences during their unlife. Within the foundations of the soul of the accursed ex-Prophet, lay a very delicate correspondence to him and the infernal underworld known as the “Nether”. The frail Elf was quite oblivious to his relationship with the hellish plane, an indirect link to the infernal regions lurked in cryptic regions of Joseph’s knowledge. For weeks, Joseph had been riddled with despondency thanks to his peer’s death. In his state of dejection, he went to hiding in a location that was not known much to the public. In the noiseless vicinity, Joseph scratched at the walls of mystery for weeks in attempt to fathom what ghastly soot-stained his soul. Incoherent exasperation filled his mind. However, he eventually came to the realisation that such emotions were developing fissures in the highway that led him to his objective. He concluded that he must commit himself to days free of distraction emotions in order to dissect what clutched at the core of his being. Meditating, pondering and theorizing consumed most of his days -- Fortunately, his efforts bred results. This watery relationship he had with the Nether soon evolved into something viscous, something that held density but did not easily remain in Joseph’s grasp. Akin to an unannounced bolt of lightning, during his meditation, Joseph had witnessed a virtually indescribable region of the Nether. The murky, twisted environs that filled his eyesight were essentially unidentifiable. The diabolical and distorted landscape broadened Joseph’s cognitive horizons. The visions brought nostalgia to him, both longing and joy befell him. However, before he could completely relish in what his patience delivered, a boundless amount of memories flooded the entrance to his mind. The mass experiences that all occurred in a rapid succession within his mind was far too overwhelming for him to handle. Similar to a household being loaded with copious amounts water, some portions of those memories remained (despite being unwelcomed), while other portions were forced to exit the construction that was Joseph’s psyche. With this bizarre happening, he was quickly broken down into a comatose state. Unexpectedly, after regaining his sense of self, he had garnered the ability to fully recall his nefarious doings from his time as an Undead grunt, to a Zealot and finally to a short lived Prophet of Iblees. The isolated Elf was practically reborn in mind and soul, an ever-burning and eccentric sensation flickered in many areas of his form. Fiendish knowledge which was lost to him, found its way back to the ex-Undead. Despite his efforts, he still wasn’t satisfied due to the fact there existed no confirmation of the deity he still remained devout to being present. Regardless of discovering his newfound prowess, he was still concerned for the confirmation of Iblees being existent. He had wasted time wondering whether if his deity had been deceased or vanquished from his own realm; for he could comprehend a connection to the Nether, but not Iblees himself. Joseph was brought to a perplexed state, he wanted to serve what provided him a purpose. Yet, the alienated Elf was not sure if the Defiler would even approve of his actions of tampering with the Nether. With his concrete link to the hellish underworld, he tried to delve further into the ominous realm. His mind was beating about in its place as he continued to expand his eccentric endeavour. He desired to locate the whereabouts of his praised and fallen Daemon. But, with his limited connection, he was only able to pick on Iblees’ existence on a metaphysical level. Though, that was he assumed to be Iblees due to the immense and overwhelming clutch that held a vague yet wicked grip Joseph’s limited mind. Visibly, he couldn’t notice him. But on a level of abstract comprehension, he was capable of pinpointing his existence. And beyond the Defiler’s existence, Joseph gathered information of other entities that were inhabiting the Nether -- weaker, yet still sturdy beings. The grim vibe these underlings of the Nether set a familiar taste to Joseph’s buds of thought, their souls were stagnant in the the unholy grounds of the Nether, the nigh-spectral lifeforms were seemingly untampered with. After being worn and well aware of multiple existences in the Nether, he grew satisfied with this experience to take note of and promptly he cut his tether to the underworld. It was until the next day, the Elf was approached by another entity that was ethereal, it was far too familiar. No mistake was open to be made. There was something he had felt before, which had clutched at his mind, it bore the power to pluck away at the strings that held his mind together. However, this recognisable, antagonistic force did not do such things. Instead, it spoke. A misanthropic weight clung to these words which fell upon the Elf’s befuddled mind. The voice that resonated in his head was none other than the being which Joseph had proudly served. The voice, that resounded throughout Joseph’s mind held such an iron hand that it pinned down the bewildered Elf in place. No external forces prevented Joseph from trying to move, it was merely the voice of malignant influence that weighed him down. The words that were spoken left acidic spittle of turpitude that seeped through the confines of Joseph’s mind, it instructed him to submit to this force. Be one with it. Accept it. Understand it. Any form of resistance Joseph tried to put up was crushed by the words that carried such an unchallenged strength to them. Not only the words of great influence affect his mind, but it chipped away at the foundations of his soul. The soul of the man, who drowned in the abysmal waters of consternation, was being dislodged. Joseph no longer owned what made him ‘pure’, such an invaluable possession now belonged to The Defiler. The renewal of a forgotten art. This reformation of first generation necromancy has finally stepped foot into land for a second time. The unholy practices under the name of The Betrayer has spawned to offer wicked events in the mortal realm. The art, while considered an ungodly force from such a great being, does not leave its user without any harrowing consequences. While bearing the name “first generation necromancy”, one would expect it to carry a propensity for having more power than Second Generation Necromancy. However, that is not truly the case. Second Generation Necromancy and First Generation Necromancy may seem similar in some aspects, but the pair do share very different ways of functioning. The Summoning/Connection process. 1. The Vocomancer summons taint from the Nether (through the proper channels) to open the Nexus. 2. The Vocomancer then enters the domain of Iblees, utilising their link to Iblees as aid to garner their required tools from the Nether (essentially taint). 3. After mustering enough taint required from The Betrayer, the Vocomancer then makes use of the The Betrayer’s boon in order to bring forth something of their desire within their own power. 4. The Vocomancer will then release whatever power they have manifested into the mortal realm, as a product of Iblees. 5. Once the product of taint is released, the Vocomancer is free to do as they please with their spawn or creation. However, the user must bear in mind they do not have complete, direct control over their ethereal entities; for unlike SGN, the minions of Vocomancy are not a product of life force which is from the user’s self, but a product of the Nether -- a realm which is constructed by Iblees. Mechanics: The magic’s ability is to summon most products of taint from the underworld. Imagine the performance of Vocomancy as a blind person painting. The FG Necromancer doesn’t understand what exactly they are doing or how, just as a blind person cannot see what they are painting and are unaware of what they are producing, however they know they are doing it and are given instructions on what to do. These instructions come from Iblees himself, functioning as a pseudo-canvas and Taint functions as the ‘paint’. When the user is done with their ‘painting’, they can finally bring it into their for all to see Additionally, a Vocomancer can prepare rituals for Iblees’ gain. The source of the hand that feeds them cannot go unrewarded for what marvelous strength it provides. By arranging a ritual, an unfortunate soul can be sacrificed for Iblees’ benefit. A ritual can be prepped in any desired location of a Vocomancer. If an individual is slain as a result of the ritual process, then it is up to the player of the victim to decide whether their death is to be a PK or not. If a perma-kill occurs, then their soul is to successfully be set in the hands of Iblees. This magic consists of a blend of spells from the three branches of the Undead, the Devourer branch, the Obliterator branch and the Blighter branch. The user will be capable of spawning beings from the Underworld, make use of Iblees’ wrath in the form of bolts being hailed from the sky, manipulate deathly miasma and flames from the Nether and soothe the wounds of others. Unlike before, this style of Vocomancy does not entirely focus on the utter, senseless destruction of the Descendants. Because of this, there now exists only two branches: The Priests of Iblees and The Soldiers of Iblees. The Priests of Iblees are the ones that bear the potential to alter the opinions of those who originally loathed the Daemon thanks to their given prowess. They are mostly provided with the spells from the Undead’s Blighter branch. They are gifted with mending the wounds of those who are tainted, or fall under the definition of ‘tainted’. They are capable of manifesting miasma and summoning only a fair amount of entities from the Nether. They are not fighters. Akin to the Blighter Branch, they only exist to wile others into finding trust and keeping trust in Iblees. The Soldiers of Iblees are those who possess formidable strength, they are examples of Iblees’ prowess. They may not be capable of swaying others into following Iblees so easily, unlike the Priests of Iblees, but with their strength alone they are able to give others a taste of what happens if one were to oppose Iblees. They are capable of summoning a fearful number of beings or a fearful being from the Nether. They are gifted with casting dreadful lightning from the sky and are able to produce vehement flames from the Nether which consume the life of opposers. Similar to the Obliterator branch and Devourer branch, they only exist to display Iblees’ power, fending off any who are seen as adversaries and protecting those who are seen as allies. ‘Taint’ Mending (Exclusive to the Priests of Iblees): The Priests of Iblees are granted this altered and watered-down Blighter branch spell, which was originally used in order to keep the forces of Iblees alive. Now, such a spell exists to not only benefit Iblees' wounded acolytes, those who are 'tainted' as well can fall under the effects of this modified Blighter branch spell. Additionally, no agent of Iblees would be able to effectively convince others to follow the will of their overseer, without being able to display that their deity now has but a tinge of being capable of lending aid in the most efficient form. Individuals who are ‘tainted’ are the only ones who can mended by this spell. In order for a Priest to execute this spell, they must make contact or be extremely close to making contact with the being of ‘taint’ they wish to aid. A viscous liquid that resembles the ichor of Iblees will be formulated from a Priest’s hand, if the ichor meets the desired target of the Priest, then the rich ‘blood’ of Iblees will alter its form to match the original lost body parts of the victim that bears 'taint'. If a hand of a tainted being were to be lost, then the ichor of Iblees will function in a sentient manner once it comes into contact with the severed hand. The liquid will try to imitate what the lost limb once was, it will firstly assume the shape of the lost portions of the hand in its liquid form, then it will begin to alter its substance to resemble that of flesh. This will require the priest to continue producing more of Iblees' ichor until the hand has fully recovered. If a tainted individual were to be harmed by Holy Fire, then consuming the ichor will be most suited, as it is taint given form. The victim of lost taint will not be promptly rejuvenated, but the speed at which they recover their taint will be heightened. Additionally, ruptured interal organs cannot be mended by this spell, poison and other deadly toxins cannot be removed the system of a tainted being and mental impairments cannot be repaired. Those healed will be left with slightly grotesque welts and minor bruises that will recover over time, this indicates that Iblees is not the one to be especially relied on for aiding those incompetent enough to end up hurt and all those that are lent his aid will also experience his affliction. However, much like oil meeting water, the ichor will simply run off the body of an injured victim who is free of 'taint', refusing to blend with the pure being. An example of those who fit the definition of ‘taint’ goes as follows: Wraiths Dread Knights Wights Those who have certain noteworthy intent that may appease The Betrayer Necromancers Ghouls (Please note, this is merely an example of what kinds of individuals can be mended. Those who actually bear any form of actual taint, can fall under the effect of this spell.) At tier 1, a Priest of Iblees will only be capable of healing extremely minor cuts. Up to tier 5, a Priest will be capable of recovering a lost hand. Nether Spawns (Usable by both sects): Nether spawns are beastly fiends which reside within the Nether. They are very frequently abnormal or misshapen creatures, never the same as the last and, unlike any other summoning magic, cannot be controlled. Nether spawns are quite literally Taint given form. They are ravenous, unruly, and mad monstrosities that raze and ravage. But just as the other effects of Vocomancy, they do not harm those which are tainted or that which is comprised of Taint just as it does not harm them. They are blind to their summoner and spawned brethren, only seeing them as other products of the Nether. They do not outright harm their ‘allies’ but are definitely not ones to be careful either. Their eldritch bodies are their weapons and what which isn’t corrupted by Taint is their target. Novices who decide to spawn horrific entities from the Nether will only be able to bring forth something as insignificant as an inchworm or insect, unlike a novice Second Generation Necromancer, who can raise something larger such as a dead rat. (A 'tier 5' Vocomancer user can summon a maximum of 4-6 humanoid beings or one large abomination of flesh from the Nether, whereas a 'tier 5' SGN user can raise 12 humanoid beings. A Vocomancer user can summon beings on a whim, whereas a SGN user will have to kill the living to actually garner 12 corpses. This is why a Vocomancer can summon less than a SGN user, for the sake of fairness.) Additionally, much like a Conjuration user summoning a Primordial, both Priests and Soldiers of Iblees can bring forth creatures that bear properties of the Nether. A standard summon of a creature from the Nether might be maintaining decayed flesh and nothing more. However, advanced acolytes of Iblees can go further than just mere flesh sustaining their creatures. They can be capable of having their summons bear 'flesh' of any compatible material from the Nether (this excludes lava though, for it is far too powerful for a summoner to bring forth into the mortal plane). This will of course, be more of a demanding spell for Iblees' acolytes. For example, beings of netherrack can be set ablaze by any fire present that makes contact with their skin, though due to the properties of netherrack, the creatures made of this hellish material are bound to be more fragile than their flesh ridden counterparts. Beings that bear the properties of soulsand become harder to slay, yet their destructive prowess is not as intimidating as beings of netherrack or actual creatures of flesh. It is worth noting that Priests of Iblees can only summon a maximum of 4 humanoid entities from the Nether, while Soldiers of Iblees can summon a maximum of 6 (The larger the body, the smaller the number. The smaller the body, the higher the number). The numbers become lessened if they were to produce organisms that hold properties of the Nether's materials. The cast time of this spell is akin to the time it takes for a conjuration user to summon an entity from the Void, roughly 3-6 emotes will be required for a satisfactory spell attempt. Nether’s Flame (Exclusive to the Soldiers of Iblees) Similar to that of a pyromancer, the flames created from the sheer hatred of Iblees alone are channelled towards the user. It is up to the user to decide where they redirect this embodiment of The Defiler’s loathing towards. The flames that are spawned from Iblees act in a way which can be considered Holy Fire’s polar opposite. Instead of seeking to eviscerate taint like its counterpart, the flames from the Nether ignore such things and instead aim to use its own tainted properties in order to devour the lifeforce of a victim’s body. The flames will persist until its target is utterly void of lifeforce. It can only ‘burn’ organic matter, which causes decay and emits a substance akin to smoke due to the evisceration of lifeforce. Once it comes into contact with nonorganic material, nothing occurs. The 'oxygen' of Iblees' hellfire is life, nonorganic material does not provide that, therefore the flames are most likely bound to ignore inanimate objects and/or vanish if it does not meet its 'oxygen'. Depending on the limb the flames have taken a liking to consuming the life force from, the skin is likely to blacken to the point where it resembles an ebony black pigment. The afflicted limb may be rendered briefly disabled if the victim were to survive a continued assault of the hellfire, for the life force from the victim has been forcibly eviscerated. However, due to Iblees being weakened, the flames function differently from how they once they did. The flames from the underworld are no longer vehement as they once were, now they burn away the life force of entities with a weaker force and no longer spread like wildfire, they cannot challenge the likes of Holy fire, and it is far easier for an individual affected by the flames to pass the ebony fire to another entity (be it fauna or flora), in order to avoid further damage. Additionally, Healing from Clerics/Paladins/Ascended etc... can undo the damage. The cast time for this spell is similar to that of a Fire Evocation spell. Roughly 3-5 emotes are needed for a satisfactory spell execution. Iblees’ Lightning (Exclusive to the Soldiers of Iblees) Bolts come down from a baleful sky once an agent of Iblees makes use of this spell. When a Soldier of Iblees calls forth for the clouds to gather, the once uncontaminated sky becomes populated with a mass of opaque, ebony clouds. Compared to the rest of the tools at a Necromancer’s disposal, this spell is fairly simple. If successful, a small array of bolts will descend towards the surface they are directed to, leaving behind a mark that indicates the ire of The Betrayer. Due to the Defiler himself having lost a portion of his destructive potential, he is no longer able to direct his grim lightning towards the flesh of Descendants exclusively. They are now naturally attracted to the likes other fauna, much like how natural lightning is attracted to the likes of metal. For example, casting this spell while in the centre of a forest will make it difficult to actually strike a single, desired target, especially if one's target is a Descendant who happens to be within said forest. 3-5 emotes will be required to execute a satisfactory spell. Miasma (Exclusive to the Priests of Iblees): Miasma is a thick, cloudy haze of lime green and black mists. Its foggy consistency makes it nearly opaque, the miasma acts like a harming smokescreen and therefore cannot be controlled, only directed. It is mostly fatal when inhaled, but can also be damaging if it makes contact with skin. It of course, saps life force, the rate at which it consumes life force is determined by how much miasma is coating the victim. It varies from being nearly useless to causing its victim to simply be uncomfortable at ‘tier 1’. Though, with more practice over time, the cloud of miasma will be capable of causing immense pain, minor paralysis, and bleaches the skin and scars with causing ulcers and blisters. (This will not be as powerful as Undead Miasma, it will be akin to a necromancer’s drain, without any benefit to user. It travels at a steady, moderate speed; it can be considered somewhat sluggish. It is not fast nor too slow. It can only reach a maximum of roughly 3-3.5 metres) This spell should be treated much like a Necromancer's drain. 3-5 emotes will be required to execute a miasma spell properly. Soul displacement (Usable by both sects): Through aptly manipulating taint and the link to the nether, a user becomes capable of generating a ritual to further Iblees’ goal and his prowess. This will require the aid of other Vocomancers that are also adequate in performing this spell. If enough space is present, the user will be formulating a crooked shape of abnormal proportions with an outline bearing a lime-green pigment tainted with hues of ebony black. The area surrounded by the peculiar shape will, over time, have its appearance be distorted to represent the likes of the Nether. Sand and its delicate texture will turn to malformed soul sand, wood will have its appearance altered to look much like obsidian, dirt and grass will have its aspects degraded to netherrack and so forth. It is much like tearing a vicinity of the Nether itself into the mortal realm, the specific vicinity is a place where only Iblees can act. If someone, a sacrifice, were placed within this corrupting shape, their souls will be ripped from their being by The Defiler himself, soon relocating itself in the hands of Iblees. If Iblees does not obtain a sacrifice within a certain period of time, the Vocomancer is at risk of having their connection with Iblees severed. OOC consent is required before such acts are carried out. The victim must be comatose/immobile. Approximately 7-12 emotes will be required to make a satisfactory execution of this spell. Sever (Usable by both sects): Severing is the act of a master Vocomancer severing the connection of a Vocomancer to the The Betrayer. In a similar act of Shade magic, only a skilled tutor may disconnect ineffective soldiers of Iblees. Through the approval of The Betrayer himself, the experienced Vocomancer is capable of disconnecting those who prove to not aid anyone. Roughly 4-7 emotes will be required in order to execute this spell. A Vocomancer's (expected) endgame: A Vocomancer must adhere to Iblees’ code of conduct. He is the one supplying them with his power in the end and therefore as a cult to an aengudaemon they must serve their master with the intent to achieve his goal for him. Ater Caelum is Iblees’ end goal, meaning Vocomancers are merely pawns for Iblees to fulfill his goals. One who betrays the efforts of Iblees will be an marked an enemy, be it a Vocomancer user, a cleric, or an everyday commoner, they will perish under the name of Iblees. In addition, a Vocomancer must seek to provide Iblees with another power so that they can achieve their forms they once had when the Defiler was truly formidabble (this does not mean that Iblees is required to reach antag-power levels again) Note: This is a deity magic, of Iblees, properties of Undead magic (first generation necromancy) exist within proper reason. Drawbacks - Vocomancers will lose their previously acquired magics after progressing two tiers into their magic. - Much like other dark arts, Vocomancers are prone to being eviscerated by the likes of Holy magic. However, due to Vocomancy being powered by Iblees himself - the personification of taint - they will suffer and experience much greater pain, especially more than a Shade normally would, when coming into contact with Holy magic. Vocomancers may even become paralyzed after a few seconds of exposure to Holy fire. - Vocomancy is bound to render the user more fragile than most magics that currently exist, since they are sustaining power given to them by a dreadful deity whose magic is nothing but taint. This may fuel the lusts for Vocomancers wanting to obtain their (previous) skeletal form, in order to no longer bear with the issues of maintaining their weakly mortal flesh. Red Lines - As it is known, taint does not affect tainted beings. This means that Nether spawns and spells alike will not harm tainted entities such as Wraiths, Dread Knights, Shades, etc... However, Nether spawns can be commanded directly by their summoners to harm specific individuals. - Exceeding the limit and/or size of nether spawns is powergaming, even if it were to occur in-character, the user will most likely be under a mass of stress. - Vocomancers are tainted (extremely tained, even), they must react properly when coming into contact with holy magic. The player of a Vocomancer mustn't treat Holy Fire lightly, since it will eat away at their tainted being as if it were nothing. - The one rule that applies to all magic also applies to this magic, if someone were to significantly interrupt a Vocomancer during the preparation of their spell, then the manifestation of their spell will come to an abrupt end. Ater Caelum - Iblees’ Endgoal "This is the name for Iblees’ end game goal. “Ultimate Goal: Iblees wants to overthrow the Aenguls and Daemons. He wants to corrupt, rule over, and bend them to his will. The mortals are just in the way. Iblees wants to become the Arch-Soul, the Prime God over the Archdaemons and Archaenguls. Essentially he wants to become the Creator and all powerful by making all the Archaenguls and Archdaemons underneath him. Iblees believes it's what the gods do; they want to be stronger than the rest around them so they can be safe above others. Divine survivability. And as Archdaemon of Ruin, this appeals to his desire for ruination. To dissolve the established order (or lack therein) of aengudaemons with their own will and their own purpose. Iblees would degrade this and bring them all under himself. But, note, Iblees is the ‘villain’ of our tale and is likely to never succeed in this goal, albeit it is possible should we wish for some form of lore-wipe where numerous things disappear or change. This being his take on the truth, Iblees wants to become the Creator / Arch-Soul / Prime God to ensure his own success but the implications of that are far from what most other aengudaemons believe, thus their frequent opposing standing. Should this come to be and all the Aenguls and Daemons are under Iblees, there would be no cataclysm or apocalypse for all existence. He doesn’t want the death of everyone and thing, he wants power to have his way, and his way once in that position would be rather peaceful. There’d be no inter-deity squabbles, no fighting divine factions. He’d probably leave the mortal beings alone entirely, likely moving away to make his own mortals with his own interpretation. Iblees intends on achieving the throne by persuading fellow deities, beginning with relatively smaller ones he can manage to turn alone, via corruption." Iblees would sit down with them one-on-one and have a lengthy discussion. "This discussion would be over the matters of how their kind always have a struggle amongst one another that leads to chaos and damage; Iblees means to make one final fight to end them all to instill everlasting order (truly primal chaos, Iblees would just be a bullying superpower) among the gods (if he is to keep them to begin with. Iblees may want to wipe the slate clean than have to deal with those who once opposed him) by any means necessary..." "Corruption is used in the sense that they are turning to Iblees’ side and we are the ones (mortals too) who paint Iblees as evil and vile. As for those who utterly oppose Iblees and say that they will never join his cause, they will meet enslavement or eternal banishment.” (Source: Old Vocomancy lore)
  20. *This thread is over 6k words. For easy of reading, mind the spoilers.* *For anybody wishing to comment "But Fi-magic is the anti-magic, this is unneeded!", abjuration is already present as a spell to negate magic, under transfiguration. Furthermore, counterspell is one ability of the five active ones in the magic submission. As per the submission, it couldn't be even used completely on its own.* Support abjuration! Here's the official banner. Also, first lore submission a magic submission. Big thanks to Lhindir, EdgyMagey for their critique and ideas for the lore, as well as to Fury_Fire for the harsh critique on the first, 1.0 version that shall never be released from shame. Overview: This suggestion is about moving abjuration (but not warding and enchanted wards) from transfiguration into an own school of magic centered around the manipulation of mana in the surroundings, with a spellcasting / usage system different to most other magics, based on available lore and the core principles of voidal magic. This includes current available lore on abjuration as well. The school would retain the original idea of abjuration in the form of one of its spells, with the change that the new counterspell would not simply negate a spell but absorb it for use against its caster. The base idea is a dual system, where the abjurer keeps hopping between two sets of spells, between an attempt to focus on support and endurance or offense and burst. At the same time, it should provide a means of anti-magic other than wards and fi-magic, which is pro-active and weaker than the mentioned two. That's the original principle behind abjuration anyways. The magic would be classified under alteration, arcane magics. But ... why? What's this? The OOC part and summary: Answers to complaints, suggestions and critique: Introduction / History: Definitions: Temporary mana pool: Overcharge: Self-burst: Implosion: Conservation law applied to abjuration: Half-charge: Interruption: Spell specifics: Generating an overcharge Counterspell: Mana Absorption: Mana Draining: Using an overcharge Implosion: Empowerment: Expulsion: Distortion field: Roleplay guidelines: Technicalities: Counterspell: Mana-drain: Empowerment: Distortion field UNLEASH THE HATRED
  21. Celestialism - The Masters of Arcanism Arcanism, the beginning of it all. A magic largely undefined by the natural elements and left to the mystery of the void. Through the ages more and more control has been gained with the magic through the efforts of two mages. The first being the original Arcane Mage who gave the descendants the ability to cast the first mundane spells. The second, an elf who would claim the title of Arcane Mage and usher in the age of the Arcanist. Unlike other evocations Arcanism is not bound to the order of the natural world and thus possesses no true structure but rather a constantly evolving whimsy directly correlating to the research and willpower of its casters. Arcanists through the ages have prided themselves on their versatility and diversity, no two Arcanists really ever enabling the magic in the same way. With proficiency came new ideas, new techniques and new specializations within the craft. Sooner or later one was bound to unlock the true potential of the raw magical energy that makes up the magic. However such abilities are rare and only the true Masters of Arcanism may perform them. AN OVERVIEW What is Celestialism? Celestial Aura Greater Melding Celestial Familiars Arcanist Stones Crystal Growing The death of a Celestial Additions and Revisions What is Celestialism? Celestialism largely defines the difference between Master and Adept regarding Arcanism. Though its additions to Arcanism deal with raw magical energy the abilities it provides allows a Master Arcanist to demonstrate their individualized personalities out of battle and tactical skill in battle. It changes how the Arcanist will interact with fellow Arcanists and allows them to contribute an assembly of magical feats in a cultural or societal setting. The goal of Celestialism is to give more depth to the art while rewarding those who take on Arcanism as their mastery. Celestialism itself is the idea that a Master Arcanist may cross the threshold of arcane, their aura metamorphosing into a greater aura that draws in Celestials like moths to a light allowing the Master Arcanist to catalyze rare minerals into Arcanist stones which will house docile familiar beasts. Celestial Aura These Arcanists have broken through the threshold of arcana and thus have become beacons of voidal light amongst the dark emptiness. Regardless of their nature or alignment the Celestial Arcanist now seems to draw magical properties and mysteries to them, having truly mastered their art. Their aura seems more vibrant, more saturated with mana and color and will even manifest easier at certain times or after casting a spell. They seem to constantly resonate the raw magical energy and their aura color may shift towards a whiter, glossier appearance in their spells. Besides aesthetics there are a few practical uses of the mastered aura. The first being the ability to fully take on another being’s aura color when melding with them allowing the Arcanist to explore and understand others without the bias of their own aura. The Celestial Aura of an Arcanist is also more receptive in terms of sensitivity to the void. Disturbances are more likely to be noticed as well as anomalies and even the detection of other magical beings. The final use is in the crafting of Arcanist Stones & binding of Celestial Familiars (see below) RED LINES: You cannot sense what magics a being has. Instead you have a better understanding of what is and what is not magical along with how powerful something might be. (Voidal Only). Aura is not physical but rather ethereal. Manifestations of aura have no effect on the world but are instead purely aesthetic. Greater Melding (see lore on coupling or circles) Melding already exists in several forms and is now more commonly seen throughout the arcane, namely in the use of coupling or circles (see lore thread posted above) and in the use of arcane shielding where multiple Arcanists may fuse together their shields to create a stronger, more united bastion. Greater Melding follows the lines of coupling in this regard and can be seen as a clarification and expansion to that lore sect as well. At its core melding via the use of Arcanism is the act of mingling auras and if one were to participate in a melding via circling it may be assumed that the bounds of what is achievable are clearly outlined in that lore thread. Where Greater Melding differs though is through the use of one’s Celestial Aura. One who has achieved Celestial Aura may now lead Arcanists more fluidly through circling and circling, or coupling, may be achieved with non-mages. Due to the fact that mana drained is proportional to a person’s mana pool a Master is able to meld with anyone’s aura, regardless if they are a mage or not, and take on their aura color. The effect of this on a non-mage would be slightly draining still but so long as the Master Arcanist is not casting large spells in this mutual connection the non-mage is at no risk. Where Greater Melding comes into full effect is between Master Arcanist and a pupil or peer since they may now enact a coupling much easier and during combat or training sessions. This allows for the mana of a single spell to be proportionally divided among the coupling, allowing for greater feats with a bit less drainage, though exhaustion is still evident. Likewise the Master Arcanist may also pass the role of Leader, or rather the one directing the casting of spell, to another person. The effect Greater Melding will have on Arcanists is mainly to benefit multiple Arcanists working together. The spells will take on the aura colors of those involved, demonstrating the unity amongst them. The one drawback to this smaller scale coupling is that physical contact is required or at the very least a shared medium. RED LINES: Follows the lore of coupling/circling (see lore thread above) Mages must RP exhaustion since mana is still drained Telepathy is not formed through this. Only one with a Celestial Aura can begin an Arcanism coupling of this nature i.e. coupling that will involve movement & combat instead of stationary circling. Arcanist Stones (See lore on Obelisks. Requires the use of Celestial Arcanism and Enchanting) Once one’s Celestial Aura is unlocked it becomes possible through the use of combined use of enchanting and Arcanism that an Arcanist Stone may be created. Mundane materials of varied values can be used to create Crude Arcanist Stones, which is the object used to bind a Celestial as a familiar. Stones may vary in size as well, larger stone requiring more attention and mana but housing largely Celestials. The imbuement process requires the Celestial Arcanist and Enchanter to fill the stone with the overly potent magical energy now possessed by the Celestial Arcanist. This causes the stone to glow and crystallize or in case of failure, crack and disintegrate. It is thought that while Crude Arcanist Stones are imperfect vessels for Celestials the rarity of resource used has an effect on the outcome. So greater gems are usually a requirement for any decent stone to be crafted and Greater Arcanist Stones require a different method altogether (see crystal growing), Arcanist Stones are also categorized as a variant of mana obelisk, or rather function in a similar way despite their heavily varied sizes (some being very small) and once bound to a familiar will require the attention of a mage to refuel it with mana however the Celestials held inside tend to be picky or rather incompatible with all forms of mana and require mana from the original binders, be it one person or multiple, in order to remain charged. Due to the requirement of mana if a bound stone is left unattended for too long the Celestial may lose their ability to manifest and if left for longer the obelisk itself will degrade until it crumbles, releasing the Celestial. Stones of higher or lower quality and durability have an affect on how long a stone may go without being recharged. It should also be noted that many minerals can be transmuted together (via the use of Transfiguration) prior to the imbuing process. Stones may also be customized to the caster and either be stationary, held in a bracelet or locket, in a staff or in a piece of armor, etc… Crude Arcanist Stones are imperfect vessels as stated above, but it is possible to create a more suitable obelisk in which to hold a Celestial. (see below) RED LINES: In order to craft a Crude Arcanist Stone you catalogue what you used to create it. Precious resources must be consumed/combined in order to create the best stones. Example Materials: Iron, Lapis, Gold, Emerald, Diamond, etc… The familiar must stay within a 50 block radius of their stone. Stones require maintenance and will eventually crumble if not maintained. Anti-magical feats can drain the stones until they crumble. Celestial Familiars & Binding (See lore on Voidal Horrors) What are Celestials? Celestials are the name given to a unique type of voidal horror. Though they share most of the traits expressed by voidal horrors, Celestials are docile and without assistance take no form other than small lights inside the darkest parts of the void where they fall to predation from greater horrors and voidal anomalies. Like horrors these beings belong to a hierarchy of which they rest at the very bottom. They display basic sentience but tend to have minor to no ability, physical or magical, to defend themselves other than the basic want and need to survive. It is because of this that Celestials are thought to be a rarity within the hierarchy and thus, if given the chance, seek to escape their transcendence into a coiled form. Those that have obtained their Celestial Aura come to realize that they are called Celestial Arcanists not only because they have obtained a certain level of proficiency but are now seen as shepherds for the Celestials. Like moths to a light Celestials are drawn to Master Arcanist and when a binding occurs many will flock towards the stone if given the chance. Through the use of an Arcanist Stone a Celestial Arcanist can draw out a Celestial and bind them to the stone, granting them life in the mortal realm. When this occurs the Celestial clings to the mundane world and because of the casters connection to the binding the form of the Celestial will be directly influenced by them. However though they possess a physical form they are still what they always were and will not directly attack a target but rather assist their Arcanist by allowing certain feats to occur. Celestial Familiars Celestial Familiars are thought to be the manifestations of the heart and soul of a Master Arcanist. They take on a physical form and serve the Arcanist as companions. There are three things to note with Celestial Familiars. Their appearance, their function and binding. The appearance of Celestials on a larger scale is impossible to describe due to their increasingly varied nature though there are common tropes that they abide by. Celestial Familiars are relative to the size of the Arcanist Stone they are bound to (See above). A Celestial Familiar will also take on the color of their casters aura but are not always completely one color. Perhaps the tail, ears, legs or eyes take on the color while the remainder of their form may differ. Celestial Familiars also tend to resemble living creatures that have added magical properties such as an extra tail, or wings or an excess of limbs or lack thereof. It is important to note that familiars are not conjurations and thus cannot be directly manipulated or controlled but rather take on key personality traits from their caster and act on their own accord. The function of the Celestials are relatively simple. Other than being a companion creature to the Arcanist the familiar may act as a focal point for the Arcanist to cast spells from so long as they are within sight-lines. Besides this feat the familiar tends to lack durability and can be dispelled easily through physical or magical means. Due to their ethereal nature Celestials do not attack, but can and will defend themselves if possible. However they largely rely on their caster to defend them. Communication between caster and familiar is essential as the familiar will work on its own in order to help its caster however due to being created in the image of its caster the two tend will familiar will tend to form patterns and behaviors based on its caster. Due to the level of sentience a Celestial has the caster and Celestial may gradually come to understand each other better in order to raise their collective efficiency. Binding The act of gaining a familiar requires an immense amount of meditation from a Master Arcanist as they are beings of whimsy brought to life through the caster's willpower. In order to summon a Celestial to the mortal plane the Arcanist imbues a part of themselves into the process, allowing the Celestial to latch onto ideas, thoughts and characteristics of its caster. Likewise Celestials are given names when brought to this world. Once summoned the Arcanist must bind the Celestial to an Arcanist Stone (see above) in order to allow them to remain in their physical form. It is noted that through Greater Melding an Arcanist may assist another in summoning their familiar. Once bound to an Arcanist Stone a familiar may accompany the individual or individuals who participated in the summoning. Familiars tend to be idle within their bound Arcanist Stone unless their caster draws them out in order to conserve their supply of mana. While active in physical form the Celestial Familiar will constantly draw mana from their stone. This amount is relative to their size but most familiars have the ability to remain in physical form for extended periods of time before requiring recharging. This can be anywhere from a couple days to weeks to months depending on the quality of the bound stone. It should be noted that it does not require mana to summon them their stones but rather simply having the will to summon them and the usage of their given name is sufficient. (This process usually takes 1-2 emotes. Same for withdrawing the Celestial.) RED LINES: Celestial Familiars are magical companions mostly just for aesthetic purposes. They do not attack or cause physical damage in combat. Their function in combat is as personalized focal points for a caster. Familiars must be in line of sight in order to be used in combat. Familiars do not physically attack. They can defend themselves and depending on what the familiar is this may cause different results and effects. Familiars are bound to an Arcanist Stone and cannot be moved away from the stone. Too far away and the familiar will disperse back to the stone. Celestials are types of Voidal Horrors. This mainly pertains to the physiology of that magical creature with the exceptions of not always having rough or dry skin and the inability to manifest their own magical power. Crystal Growing Celestials come to welcome their new homes, and go further by beginning to nest. Due to their relative luxury of no longer being preyed upon they begin to draw upon the same magical energy that led them to their bound stones. Life a seed in fertile ground an Arcanist Stone begins to collect crystalline constructs around them made of what seems to be the raw energy that that makes up the more durable spells of Arcanism, albeit in a more wild, untempered manner. If left unattended these crystals, which will take on the aura color of those involved in the initial binding, encase the Arcanist Stone and surrounding area, aesthetically altering the environment into a warped habitat for the Celestial. Arcanists may either mitigate or enhance the spreading of a crystal garden. When given an abundance of mana or even linked to a steady supply of mana from a greater mana obelisk or an equivalent the Arcanist Stone roots into its surrounding environment like the mother tree. The scale of this can be from very small crystal formations on a necklace that contains an Arcanist Stone to entire Forests that have become overgrown with crystal due to an overabundance of mana. At a certain point these crystals become large enough to begin cultivating. For the most part this type of crystal is extremely fragile and volatile in the use of spell crafting or enchanting however due to its attunement to the Celestials it proves of to be of use in the making of what are called Greater Arcanist Stones which in comparison to Crude Arcanist Stones are more durable and efficient in how they bind a Celestial, often lasting longer without recharge and less likely to crumble if left unattended. It should be noted that a bound stone does not seek out and consume mana on its own but rather requires nurturing and attention in order to grow. These crystal gardens would soon crumble if left uncared for by a mage. The benefit of crystal growing is the production of higher quality Arcanist stones but also bound stones attached to the garden may essentially feed and recharge off the crystal, should there be enough of it in the area. Large amounts of crystals grown from this imbuement process will begin to alter the surrounding environment. The air will grow thick with residual mana, the ground pulsing with energy. Crystal Gardens are depicted as sleepy environments that possess a gloom or rather shroud of magic, giving them an ethereal appearance. Darker hearts The danger of creating a crystal garden is evident though due to the relative worth of crystals in general. Likewise should darker hearts take control of a garden the bound familiar might be overtaken by blight and morphed into some feral abomination from the void (see event clause). It is because of this these gardens are to be kept secret or guarded. Despite their ethereal presence they seem to have no truly negative effect on their environment. Plants and animals may still inhabit the gardens, though whether or not they begin to take on properties of the gardens is yet unknown. Event Clause - Due to the nature of Crystal Gardens it is assumed that the owner of the garden or region in which the garden presides will be contacted for event use. This is mainly to allow the owner to help the event process and describe the nature of whatever familiar is bound to the garden should it become corrupted. This can be the birth of a lesser, greater or arch-horror depending on the situation. RED LINES: Despite allowing the ability to grow crystals you must still mechanically represent them and their products. Corrupted Familiars are event creatures only for use of the ET. They have no specific traits and are instead left up to the jurisdiction of the ET and LT involved. The Death/Dispellment of a Celestial There may come a point where these fragile voidal beasts die or rather are dispelled. In the event that a Celestial is slain in battle their body is dispersed back the Arcanist Stone they are bound to. However if the stone does not have the mana required to keep the Celestial bound it will begin to rapidly crumble and if allowed break, releases the Celestial back to the void. Because Celestials take on physical forms they still possess weaknesses such as having what all voidal horrors have, a “heart of horror.” Though due to their nature are usually referred to as celestial hearts instead. If pierced or destroyed they will instantly die and disperse back to the stone in an attempt to stay within the mortal realm. It should be noted that due to predators, and the level of sentience that Celestials have, dying and being dispelled back to the void is perhaps their greatest fear. Depending on the size of the Celestial and the bound stone they may be completely dispelled after receiving mortal wounds (wounds that cause them to demanifest) anywhere from 1-5 times). Arcanist Stones may be repaired and Celestials may be transferred to new stones to avoid the eventual declination of their present bound stone. If their vessel manages to survive a death the Celestial will become unable to physically manifest for 2 hours (IRL). If dispelled back to the void it may be possible to bind the same Celestial again if drawn out by their name and by someone who they have a strong connection with but the chances are slim and it's more than likely that a different Celestial will take their place or if they do manage to be bound again they may appear changed or morphed in some way. Celestials that have become blighted and turned into other voidal abominations may never again become Celestials, having lost their docile and innocent nature to darker hearts. Instead of depending on their caster for protection and nurturing they will become the abominations they once were hunted by. This is what separates a Celestial heart from a true heart of horrors. RED LINES: Deaths of your Celestial Familiar should be recorded and dealt with accordingly. Not doing so breaks lore and is considered PGing. Additions & Alterations to existing Arcanism All of the above are spells and abilities that are considered “end game” for a Tier 5 Arcanist. The main idea is give Arcanism more connection to how a character behaves and interacts with the story, characters and world around them. Through Celestialism it is hoped that Arcanists will now have a product to use during interactions similar to how enchanting gives a product as well as allowing for better communication between Arcanists and the ability to work together. This major addition is help enhance a shared experience many will get through Arcanism and help players express their characters personalities and the personalities of other players. In addition to this lore I am bringing up two (really it's one) amendment to the original lore that is completely separate from this piece of lore. Trap Shield: A bubble barrier is placed over a target.The Arcanist becomes stationary but can now hold and trap anything within so long as direct line of sight and unbreaking concentration is held. This is effectively a tier 4-5 spell. Chaining: Chains of arcane are cast upon a target, binding a body part or parts so long as direct line of sight and unbreaking concentration is held. This is effectively a tier 4-5 spell. RED LINES: While these spells are cast the Arcanist is immobilized. Meaning they may not move or participate in the casting of additional spells. Basically just a small support buff. Arcanists can create hard shields and objects so there isn’t much reason to bar the ability to better trap or impede movement so long as the drawbacks are upheld. The implementation process will go something like this: - I will likely demonstrate this in-game first as I have always self-taught new Arcanism feats as a way of adding them into the world. - Tier 5 Arcanists who come across this knowledge IG may then make a new MA for Celestial Arcanism if you have tier 5 Arcanism. - Celestial Arcanism does not take up a magic slot but rather fills in your other mastery. So instead of having two tier 5 magics, Celestial Arcanism becomes your only tier 5 magic. Due to this instead of having two tier 4 magics you will now have three tier 4 magics, and the final magic remains at novice. - You may then begin self-teaching each addition. I.E. you don't automatically learn these additions if you are Tier 5. TLDR; I know I know. Super long. Here you go: At Tier 5 Celestialism can be learned. Melding allows shared spells between Tier 5 to lower tier Arcanists. A type of coupling/circling (see lore) Celestial Aura is the mastered Aura and allows the imbuement of Arcanist Stones (w/ the use of enchanting as well) and crystal gardens. Celestial Familiars are a docile type of voidal horror (see lore) that can be bound and given a physical form. Mostly just aesthetics to allow greater customization & interaction via the use of Arcanism. Credits to: BrandNewKitten, because I wrote this lore like 5 times. Charcoal for story-boarding with me through the renditions and being on my two person dream team. Mephistophelian for his assistance on all things arcane.
  22. Prayer Magic Prayer magic is one of the rarer forms of magic on Axios, for it’s difficult to handle and learn. It is a combination of prayers and the offering of blood and mana towards the gods with the goal to boost either strength, speed or the reflexes of the caster’s own body. With extended learning,the caster can activate two or three of these enhanced abilities at a time. Some people are even mistaking it for Blood Magic, which requires blood to create greater mana pools; however, Prayer Magic requires the user to offer their own blood to the gods and get physically enhanced for a short amount of time instead of creating mana pools for stronger spells. Due to Prayer’s magic connection to the Gods and to ancient rituals, it was deemed a deity magic instead of dark magic. History The origin of the Prayer magic can be traced back to the slums of Salvus. Soon after its initial appearance in Salvus, the magic sprung up in Felsen. It was originally used by a group of Mercenaries and assassins, which prayed to their gods before they engaged combat. Casters offered their own blood to the gods and displayed respect to the gods with the lives taken as result which supposedly proved the existence of their gods. It’s said that the real origin of prayer magic lays in the blood magic, but not enough evidences can be found for this beside from the usage of the own blood to cast and the possible problems occurring with the usage of the magic. This discovery of this form of Magic lead to a raising of Warriors, those which would like to use the magic to be on equal footing with the stronger forces they faced. However, they barely thought about the curse on this form of magic, which often caused the warriors to die after their battles. Many Warriors’ lost their lives and fear spread throughout the warriors as they noticed what the magic would do to them if they weren’t careful or used it without thought and recklessly. In time, fear caused the warriors to forget all about the form of magic, calling it deadly and even too dangerous for even the strongest of warriors. The fear spread throughout the warriors, refusing to use such a deadly power. This fear was a reason to forget and ignore this magic, considering that overuse was deadly and the battles were long. It wasn’t a wise move to use such a power. The magic was banned and nearly vanished completely from most documents as result, pulled from plans, but some people are still studying the magic. These people are mostly mercenaries or Farfolks, which wanted to learn a new way to fight and to combine it with their own fighting styles. Etymology Although the form has roots within the reign of the Farfolk, no record of what they may have referred to it as has been discovered throughout the years. The term, ‘Prayer Magic’, is a Heartlander simplification of the Farfolk term, “Kam Ira”, a goddess of Blood and of Wars. It was later used to describe the God of the Heartlanders and as such the church of Oren by the Farfolks. Some mages are even describing it as Blood Magic, which is basically wrong, since the magic isn’t exactly using the blood itself, but the power granted by the deities after an offering. Blood magic would normally use the blood itself to create mana pools, holding the blood intact the whole time, but the blood offered for Prayer Magic vanishes and the deities are granting the user's new might and strength. Usage of the Magic Prayer Magic is often described as a combination of prayers and the offering of blood and mana towards the gods with the goal to boost either strength, speed or the reflexes of the caster’s own body. Each aspect can be strengthened by the magic to a certain level without getting hurt by the magic itself. The activation and usage of Prayer Magic can be seen as something unnatural, since the usage of this magic requires the user to offer their own blood for the spell to work. The normal amount to activate one of the aspects is at 100 Millilitres of Blood, but the spell can always be re-activated for the same amount of blood. Many users are using this system for their fights, since they can deal more damage depending on how long they can cast and hold one of the chantings up. To actually activate the spell each user needs to have a tattoo or tribal on his arms, legs or head and needs to make a personal prayer towards the gods. This will cause the chanting to start and the tattoos or tribals will start to emit an aura with the same color as the tattoos or tribals are having. This aura, which is similar to the Mana Mist created by Blood Magic, stays around the boosted body part and will remain there until the spell runs out. As soon as the aura vanishes the blood will leave the body, often through the mouth, nose and eyes, and turn into fog. This fog vanishes after a few seconds and doesn’t has any particular effect on it’s own. People are claiming that this fog will travel to the gods and that it will be given to these in need of new life or blood. Ranks and Tiers Like other forms of Magic, Prayer Magic is divided into different ranks and tiers, each of them representing a new amount of power used by the magic. The most common rank found under the users of this magic form is the rank of the “Spark”, often referring to the beginning of something new. These users are able to cast T1 and T2 spells, however only of one aspect at the same time for around 5 minutes. Another common rank is the rank known as “Rising”, often associated with the rising of the sun each day until it reaches the highest point of the horizon. This rank is also describing the ability of casting T3 magic and two Aspects of rank T2 at the same time, however mages of this rank are often able to maintain a spell for over 10 minutes. The last and most uncommon rank is the rank known as “Enlightened Soul”. Users of this rank are often teachers towards the younger ones and are known for their ability to use all three aspects without getting any real problems but excessive use, however, may result in death. Users of this rank are able to cast the strongest spell, the Blood Waltz, or two T3 aspects at the same time. They are also able to maintain all three aspects at T2-Level for some time and are able to maintain their spells for around 15 minutes without having bigger problems. This form of magic can be learned through one of the really rare, old tomes and hard training, however most users were taught by a teacher to increase the chance of success and to minimize the dangers of the magic. Sadly-wise not many tomes were left, since most of them were burned after the first people died from the magic and as such the remaining ones are really expensive or sealed away in churches and libraries. Also reaching the rank of an “Enlightened Soul” takes up to 15 years. This means that every user is normally learning the magic for 5 years until reaching the higher tier and to cast both more and effective spells. Aspect -> Tier I V Aspect of the Mind Aspect of Strength Aspect of Speed T1 - A single sense will get sharper - Most common are eye sight and hearing - Strength will grow in the arms - Able to shatter a bone on direct impact - Movement speed increased - Essentially doubles running speed T2 - Up to three senses at the same time, are sharper - Increased speed of bodily reflexes - Strength and toughness of the skin increased - Able to shatter thinner plates of metal - Increased jumping height - Able to reach a height of 5 Meters T3 - All senses increased at the same time - Musculature is able to withstand Arrows and slight cuts - Strength increased and can shatter swords on direct impact - Musculature is able to withstand falls from around 15 Meters - Tripling the running speed and increased jumping abilities to a height of 7.5m Blood Waltz The Tier 1 till Tier 3 spells aren’t really dangerous for a person as long as they aren’t getting refreshed the whole time, unlike the Blood Waltz. The Blood Waltz is the only spell of the Prayer Magic which would fall under the Tier 4- or Tier 5- Category, since it’s the most powerful and at the same time most dangerous possible spell. The Blood Waltz was given it’s name, because the movements of the users are often looking like if they would dance through the battlefield instead of a normal fight. The name is also an association towards the amount of blood which needs to be used to cast this spell and the bloodbath created by it. To activate the spell users are required to offer 1 Litre of their blood, often causing their death after the spell runs out since the blood loss would be too much to maintain the body's vitality. As soon as the spell gets activated the senses, reflexes and muscles are getting flooded by holy energy, which is causing the user to see the world move a lot slower, nearly as if time would have just slowed down for them. At the same time their aura gets emitted from all of their tattoos or tribals at the same time, covering the whole body at once. As soon as the user is completely covered in the aura the speed and strength of the whole body is getting boosted. Users are able to run at the same speed as horses would do, jump 15 Meters up in the air and are able to shatter thinner stone walls with a good placed punch. This amount of strength and speed created some legends all over the empire that experts of this magic could erase whole armies if they would give away her life and use the Blood Waltz to fight. However the Blood Waltz isn’t turning a person invincible and the user can still get hurt if not watched out by all weapons, causing it to be only used if the user is fairly good in combat and has trained enough years to avoid getting wounded. Curse & Restrictions The curse of the prayer magic isn’t like the usual curse of magic users, which would weaken them on a physical level, instead strengthen them for an even bigger and way more dangerous price. Each user needs to use the own blood to cast one of the spells, which is limited on the amount of spells at the same time and if they are getting renewed over and over again. The loss of blood will cause the user to have nausea, dry skin, insomnia and a lot more of physical and mental problems if it’s overused. However these effects are only starting to take action as soon as the spell runs out after a few minutes, causing the user to be a lot weaker after the usage of this magic until their blood amount has reached the normal level again. The overuse of this magic isn’t always ending deadly, as long as T1-T3 spells are used, since the body will react on the blood lose by falling into unconsciousness until the blood loss was recovered. Sadly-wise the usage of the Blood Waltz is often ending deadly if any spells were used before and if the blood amount is already lower than normally. This makes the blood waltz one of the most feared spells which can be used by the mages of this form and this caused the spell to be defined as a last prayer towards the gods by the church. Mechanics Strengths Weaknesses -Boosting of the user's own Strength -Sacrificing vitality for power -Boosting of the user's own Speed -Only usable with the own blood -Boosting of the user's own Senses and reflexes -Creates nausea, dry skin, insomnia and a lot more of physical and mental problems -Ability to fight with Hand-To-Hand Combat -Can end deadly if overused by the mage -High possibility of death if the Blood Waltz is used -Requires a Teacher or one of the rare and expensive tomes to study this form of magic Trivia Some users are starting to sing while they use this magic, however it is unknown why that reactions happens. Some people assume that the singing is used to transfer the blood easier from the throat and inner organs to the mouth. It is known that some members of the church are using this magic to fight against Liches and other undeads. Most users of this magic form are using medicine and plants to restore their amount of blood in a short amount of time. Written by Ragnio Checked by Vellisar 
  23. INTERCESSION MAGIC By Viros Intro In the upper reaches of the Seven Skies, a nameless Aengul fulfills an ancient task. He, like all his brothers, was born in an instant: a spirit called forth during the dawn of all things. Unlike them, however, this spirit did not arrogantly burden the perfection of his birth with a name. Nor has he sought mortal worship--and who among all the other Aenguls and Daemons has never manifested, never once spoken? Faithfully, and for untold centuries, this silent servant has intervened in the deaths of the virtuous, calling their souls to his side to live on in glory and power, unified with him in worship of something greater. First was Horen, and all his disciples. More followed; Joren, Owyn, Clement, Godfrey, Adrian, Siegmund, Thomas, Jude, all these and innumerably more entered the Skies under his protection. Together they form the Congregation of Saints, granting the petitions of devoted mortals in the form of miraculous intervention. Intercession Magic is a new Deity magic archetype, specifically designed for members of the Canonist faith. Instead of connecting to a single “deity”, practitioners of Intercession Magic connect to the congregation of exalted, saints, and beatified in the Seven Skies. By supplicating the assistance of these saints, and by remaining virtuous and in good standing with the Church, the practitioner (called an “invoker”) may pray to saints for miracles. These miracles are unique because their outcomes are not under the control of the invoker (although they are under the control of the player); rather, the saint acts and determines all effects directly. Likewise, instead of a broad range of powers relating to a certain motif--such as Illusions, Water, or Healing--each saint grants only a specific set of miracles, relating to their portfolio. This is to allow invokers to access a range of minor abilities reflecting the diversity of the saints, without trespassing on other archetypes. Intercession Magic is divided into three subtypes, each with a rough theme. Ars Notoria are Miracles of Transcendence, which focus on insight, wisdom, and passive resistance. Ars Gloriosa are Miracles of Strength, which focus on displays of pious zeal, unity, and purity. Ars Magna are Miracles of Grace, which focus on healing, protection, and community. Each is associated with one of three Exalted; Ars Notoria with Siegmund, Ars Gloriosa with Owyn, and Ars Magna with Godfrey. The powers associated with the three subtypes are intended to communicate the ethos of their respective Exalted, and inspire players to engage others in Canonist roleplay. Initiation into a subtype is obtained by connection to the Congregation of Saints by the High Pontiff or a member of the Holy Synod (aka the Connector and the Teachers), who may also break a connection. The Congregation of Saints refuses connection to any person already connected to another Deity, and will not brook spiritual contact with anyone outside of the four descendant races. Additionally, undead characters or characters with knowledge of a Dark Arts subtype cannot use or obtain Intercession Magic. Obtaining a Dark Arts subtype or connecting to another Deity instantly breaks an invoker's connection with the Congregation of Saints. Ranks and Rituals Like other archetypes, Intercession Magic is divided into five tiers. Each tier represents increased veneration of the Congregation of Saints, and can only be accessed by dedicated emulation of the virtues of the Exalted, the Saints, and the Beatified. Generally, Ars Gloriosa emphasizes justice and strength, Ars Notoria emphasize wisdom and introspection, and Ars Magna emphasizes mercy and sovereignty. The archetype recognizes three ranks, Connector, Teacher, and Invoker. New Invokers can only be connected to or disconnected from the Congregation of Saints by a Teacher or the Connector. Likewise, new Teachers can only be raised to (or brought down from) that rank by the Connector. At any given time, there exists only one Connector--the High Pontiff. He may, through a sacrament, promote Invokers to Teachers, demote Teachers to Invokers, or sever an Invoker’s connection wholesale. When the Connector’s position is vacant, the living Teachers may assemble and conduct a holy ritual to select a new Connector from among their membership. In order for this ritual to be successful it must constitute the majority of all living Teachers participating willingly. It is important to remember that no Teacher, even when acting with others, can raise or lower someone to the rank of Teacher. Only a Connector may promote or demote a Teacher. When the Connector’s position is filled, the living Teachers may likewise assemble and conduct a different holy ritual which vacates the position of Connector, demoting the current holder to Teacher. It similarly requires a majority of all living Teachers participating willingly. Limitations Intercession Magic cannot communicate the infallible, ineffable will of the Creator, who acts of His own accord without consulting spiritual intermediaries. Neither can it confirm His existence, though the saints believe most fervently. Intercession Magic can communicate the sensible and goodly will of the Exalted, Saints, and Beatified, who will always advise mercy, righteousness, and the strict avoidance of sin. Intercession Magic cannot guarantee the outcome of future events. Although the saints and prophets know much, and can make good guesses, they are far from omniscient. Intercession Magic can make supernaturally accurate predictions and grant knowledge lost to the ages. The Congregation, and the nameless Aengul which lifts them into the Seven Skies, have seen much in their centuries watching over the world. Intercession Magic cannot grant innate power. A practitioner of this archetype humbly requests the aid of the Congregation of Saints, who dispense assistance as they see fit, and do not take presumption lightly. Intercession Magic can allow invokers to make use of incredible abilities that empower them to spread the good word of virtue. An arrogant user, who claims these abilities spring from his own heart rather than the charity of the Skies, may find himself disconnected or worse. A confused user, who worships the Congregation rather than merely asking their help, will only receive a saintly scolding. Intercession Magic cannot perform acts outside of those defined by the tier chart. While all saints and beatified look happily on veneration, they cannot grant new miracles without a subtype revision adding them. Invokers do not ever request a specific act; they simply petition the saint for "zeal", "succor", "protection", or so forth, and the miracle manifests as defined on the tier chart. Intercession Magic can be used in a variety of ways that encourages the user to be creative with the gifts of heaven, rather than make tailor-made miracles for his own purposes. Like all Deity magic, Intercession Magic places a toll upon the body and mind of the user. Constant contact with the Congregation of Saints distracts the mind, turning the invoker’s eye ever towards their realm; they may become preoccupied with particular verses of the Holy Scrolls, or trifling theological details. Likewise, the body becomes physically unimposing, even in practitioners of Ars Gloriosa, who may come to rely on miracles over force of arms. Invokers notice these changes, but generally consider them a sign of favor to be sought out. After all, the temporal world is the abode of sin. Users of Intercession Magic may only request a limited number of miracles. No invoker can petition for more than one miracle of T1 or T2 strength per IG month (RL day). Additionally, no invoker can use more than one miracle of T3, T4, or T5, strength per two RL weeks. While the saints are merciful and generous, they emphasize that miracles alone cannot bring souls to the Seven Skies. Saints and Sinners All members of the Congregation of Saints advise their petitioners to act mercifully and avoid sin. Since all saints are Canonists, they agree on what comprises sin, and--perhaps mistakenly--believe themselves to be correct on the nature of good and evil. To Canonist saints, the most grievous sins are the acts of murder, thievery, sexual immorality (which includes all carnal knowledge outside of marriage), lying, betrayal, apostasy, and idolatry, and the passions of covetousness, wrath, ambition, pride, and indulgence. They advise that while non-humans are permitted to worship foreign gods or no god at all, it is most praiseworthy to worship the Creator. If pressed, they will offer no proof for His existence, though they believe wholeheartedly and will happily profess it; rather, they emphasize faith and prayer. Likewise, while they are aware of the existence of their fellow saints and the Aenguls and Daemons of the Planes, they do not know what force brought them there, or why they were chosen above others. Though they may relate personal experiences, they decline to share any information which may be mistaken for new moral law or history; saints refuse to trespass into the realm of doctrine and dogma. Overall, saints tend to be brief in their interactions with mortals, and do not share anything except mundane (but possibly useful) knowledge, predictions of the future, and frequent reminders to act virtuously. Roleplaying Saintly Intercession Users of Intercession Magic are cautioned to remember that the powers it grants do not arise from the invokers themselves. An increase in tier does not indicate that the invoker is more personally powerful, virtuous, or wise, but rather that they have spent sufficient time contemplating the mysteries of the Seven Skies. As a user’s devotion grows, they become more attuned to the Congregation of Saints and may request more ostentatious interventions; however, no tier grants any inherent power to the invoker. Accordingly, all emotes should indicate that the user first requests a miracle, and second is granted it. No emote should imply that the miracle arose from the invoker’s own will; particularly, invokers should avoid announcing what they want specifically or what the saint should do. Instead, they make a general request, such as for purity, righteousness, guidance, or protection, and the saint responds as defined in the tier chart. This always requires at least three emotes: one where the invoker initiates the prayer or action, one where he or she requests assistance, and one where it is granted. For example: *Father Kristoff kneels in prayer, a copy of the liturgy written in Elvish before him. He prays to Blessed Daniel the Reader for sagacity in language. “Blessed Daniel, I beg your wisdom in sharing these holy words with my flock.” *Father Kristoff opens the book, and miraculously comprehends the foreign language. He reads the Hymn to Exalted Horen in Elvish to his parish. *Holy Ser Arthur leads the gathered levies in a song to St. Emma of Woldzimir, praising her mercy. He looks to the heavens and asks her assistance. “Patroness of battle, we beseech your mercy and counsel. Aid us in this conflict, that we might share the Virtue’s truth.” [!] St. Emma’s benevolent presence can be felt by those participating in the song. She will surely guide their hand in battle. *Sister Lydia begins to consecrate the newly-built home, sprinkling holy water at its threshhold. “Oh merciful Lord, we ask that your servant Blessed Thomas Denims protect this household and shield its inhabitants from evil.” [!] An aura of serene devotion descends upon the home. It will stand against strong winds and evil spirits. *Inquisitor Roland circles the room, muttering a prayer to exorcise it of wicked influences and fallen Daemons. Hearing a fell voice, he calls on Exalted Owyn’s purity. “Exalted Owyn, second prophet and nephew of Horen, I call on thee to cast out these enemies of Our Father.” *Inquisitor Roland draws his sword, which now glows with white light. It will certainly wound the supernatural interlopers. “Begone, demons!” *Brother Karl blesses the cauldron of stew meant for the poor, begging St. Tobias for mercy and generosity. “In St. Tobias’ time, friends, it is said that an empty stomach in Kralta was rarer than a chaste elf.” “And may that patron of charity see to our bellies as he has to so many others, in the Lord’s name.” *Brother Karl begins to ladle out stew, finding that the pot does not empty until every bowl is full. Disclaimer Please note that this is a significant departure from normal human religious lore, which focuses on the Creator almost to the exclusion of all else. We realize that is at odds with other server lore, and have accordingly made compromises with the archetype, adding significant ambiguity to the truth of his existence and turning the focus of our religion to the Exalted, Saints, and Beatified. This is not a vehicle for cementing human religious lore in server core lore. The only addition to server lore presented in this archetype is a new Aengul who intercepts particular souls before they enter the soul stream, pulling them to his side in the Aengudaemonic Planes.
  24. Muun’Trivazja Addition - Patrons, Magic, and Disconnection LM Note: This lore has been made to address a few issues. Firstly, to fix the lack of a disconnection ritual in Muun'. Secondly, to add in a compromise made to help non-Kha learn Muun', while also ensuring that they don't learn purely for the magic. Thirdly, it clarifies on outside magic usage, which was also missing from the Muun' lore piece, but is already an accepted thing. This has been looked over by the original lore re-worker (ForeverGinger) and one of the more prominent users of Muun' (Adam_barnett). With this addition, it should help spread the Metztli culture and will hopefully start putting a more positive light on Kha instead of the hate they currently receive, so please take all this into consideration when voting. Background Metztli, having left the Mortal Realm to their own devices, returned upon learning of the move to Axios. This return was brief, as Metztli only wanted to see if her children were safe and sound. Upon seeing this, Metztli was relieved. This relief was short lived as she saw their connection to her withering, with less and less Kha taking up the role of priest. Deciding that her name should be something known across the realm, something to be said with pride and followed by the masses, Metztli reached out to other descendants. Upon finding a few that fit her purpose, she sent them visions of her history and culture, ranging from sacrifices made in her name to the power she was able to bestow upon those with a connection to her. She made the few descendants an offer, eternal life in exchange for eternal servitude. As the Daemon of Time, this was not a difficult task for her. Upon accepting her offer, Metztli reached out and warped their soul, making it so the body of those the soul inhabited would be stuck at a certain point in time. However, Metztli recognized that if she disappeared again, the descendants could be liable to slacking off. To counter this, a clause was put on their immortality, ensuring that the changed descendants would forever serve her will. In addition to this, Metztli reached out to a few of the last loyal priests, offering them the same deal. Together, a total of four beings were created, being dubbed as Guardians of Metztli. tl;dr Metztli came back and created Guardians to keep an eye on things while she was away. Metztli ordered the Guardians to spread her name and teachings across the realm. Guardians The Guardians exist to carry out Metztli’s will. In this case, Metztli wants her name to be taught to the realm, her culture spread towards those outside of just her children to make up for the withering population and loyalty. Creation: Should a Guardian position open up (if someone pk’s or something), then 2 Guardians can commence a ritual where they channel their power into someone else to turn them into a Guardian. Should a Guardian no longer be around to serve the will of Metztli, they shall be returned to their mortal self, soul intact and still connected with the Daemon, just not on the same level as a Guardian was. PK Clause: Should a Guardian betray the will of Metztli, they will find their souls torn asunder and perish. This includes attacking a child of Metztli (Kha) for an unjustifiable reason, disconnecting a worshipper of Metztli for an unjustifiable reason, and not spreading the teachings of Metztli. Physical Changes Guardians are inherently spectral beings, weak to both fire and gold. They take on the appearance of faceless humanoids, gently emanating Metztli’s energy. Due to this spectral form, they are only able to weakly interact with the world around them, so they wouldn't be able to pick a sword up to fight, but could weakly push a door open so they can slip past. They are only capable of using Muun' magic while in their spectral form. Knowing that a Guardian would be in danger outside of the community that he Kha had carved out for themselves due to the amount of violence directed at her children in the past, Metztli devised a new way for the Guardians to go about. When a Guardian goes into their spectral form, their physical body gives way to the amount of energy they are channeling. Akin to how a Transcendent's body is warped to a different plane, the Guardian's broken down body is warped to Metztli's realm. Upon returning to their physical form, their body is brought back to the mortal plane. During this process, with the help of Metztli's control over time, the Guardian is capable of disguising him/herself. Reaching out to different timelines that could have been, the Guardian is capable of imitating a form of him/herself from any given timeline they are apart of for a limited amount of time (e.g. the Guardian may have been a High Elf in a different timeline, which the Guardian then imitates in this one). A noticeable flaw in this is that the physical form degrades over time, turning back into spectral/"Original" form. This doesn't occur at first, but becomes more noticeable over time and appears as though the Guardian's form flickers between their disguised form and their spectral form before stabilizing, along with cracks of glowing energy forming along their body towards the end before they eventually give way to their spectral form. This disguise lasts four days(Hours) and requires a 1 1/2 hour cooldown before the Guardian can take on a physical form again. Please note, the ability to change their form takes five emotes to accomplish. Using this to harass a city by creating multiple disguises to cause trouble is bad villain RP and theirfor against server rules. Due to not being a true body and only a physical manifestation, the Guardians are not required to eat/drink/sleep/do normal people things, but can if they choose to. Their physical body is not disturbed by cold or heat, but will take damage like any other person. If the person dies while in their physical or spectral form, it will be considered as a normal death and all the standard death rules will apply(e.g. no remembering what occurred during your death). Examples! Abilities A Guardian has the innate knowledge of how to summon and dismiss the Stone of Metztli, create Moonpools/bless water, along with how to attune. They also know the ritual for disconnecting a rogue priest (more on that later). Their powers are not greater than a normal priest’s, but their body is capable of channeling Metztli’s power longer. At the beginning, the Guardians who did not previously know Muun’ will be inherently at T1 in all three subtypes. However, Guardians are capable of quickly learning Muun' and can progress much faster than a normal Priest. The Guardians are given an innate knowledge in Muun', over time being able to progress themselves (LM/MAT supervision) should there be no teacher around, ensuring that they are capable of progressing in the magic. Due to the Guardians no longer aging, they aren’t affected by heavy uses of chronoshaping as a normal Priest would. However, instead of rapidly aging, the Guardian suffers from a drastic drain of energy. After chronoshaping a large area, the Guardian will have to retreat to a moonpool to recover. tl;dr Guardians have contractual immortality along with a PK clause as they serve Metztli. If a Guardian goes inactive due to IRL issues, their character will just turn back into a non-Guardian. Limit to this is being offline for over a month. Guardians are spectral entities, weak to gold and fire. Can’t use other magic in this form, only Muun’. Guardians can take on a physical form of a descendant/Kha, but can’t use Muun’ in that form. 5 emotes are needed to change. They are not required to eat/drink/sleep, but can do so without repercussion. They are required to go out and spread the word of Metztli, along with manage the current Priest community and ensure that anyone willing to learn can. They are NOT stronger than master priests. A cap of 4 Guardians is in place. 2 non-Kha and 2 Kha. 2 Guardians are required to make another. Disconnection By summoning the Stone of Metztli, a Priest who has mastered the art of Muun’ and has been taught how, can remove a connection to Metztli from a rogue priest. This process involves the Priest channeling his/her energy through the Stone and into the rogue priest. Then, with great strain, the Priest is able to use their power to take hold of the connection within the rogue before severing it. This can only be done by a Priest who has mastered the art of Muun’, and if an inexperienced Priest were to try, they would find themselves unable to fully sever the rogue’s connection to Metztli. Example! Reasons for Disconnection In order for a disconnection to function, the rogue priest must have broken the will of Metztli. This would entail the wrongful attacking of a child of Metztli (self-defense is an exception) or a fellow Priest or the desecration of Metztli’s name or culture. By no means can a Priest be disconnected simply because he is unpopular amongst his peers or because he has angered someone by one of his actions that had nothing to do with Metztli. tl;dr Disconnection is now a thing. You can only be disconnected if the person has gone against Metztli’s will. Attacking Kha and fellow priests outside of self-defense, ignoring the duty to spread Metztli’s name, and slandering/working against Metztli by following another Aengudaemon/Spirit is ground for disconnection. Disconnection is a ritual that must be taught and can only be used by master Priests. Outside Magic LM Note: This is already accepted according to Benbo, but it would be good to have it included in a lore piece to make it clear to anyone such as the MAT when they look into the matter. Metztli is a rather lenient Daemon and so long as a Priest is not going against her, she is fine with them learning whatever magic they want. Voidal, dark (aside from Fja’, Fi’, Shade, and Dark Shamanism due to conflictions within the soul), and “other” (e.g. golemancy) are all acceptable to learn. However, one must remember that a Priest will become fully blind upon mastering Moongazing. Should this occur, it will conflict with the rest of their outside magics and cause them to be unable to practice it. Deific magic is not allowed to be learned as Metztli sees it as a betrayal to rely on foreign deities. tl;dr Muun’ can be learned alongside voidal, dark (not fja’, fi’, shade, dark shamanism), and “other”. Deific is not allowed. Red Lines/Restrictions Guardians-Normal race buff, unless decided otherwise by LT. Showrace change to Guardian. The Guardians must actively go out and spread Metztli’s teachings to the realm, ignoring this results in PK’ing. Guardians can only use Muun’ in their spectral form. Guardians are weak to gold and fire in their spectral form. Guardians can’t imitate the form of an existing descendant. Guardians can only use outside magic in their physical form. Disconnection You can only be disconnected if the person has gone against Metztli’s will. Disconnection is a ritual that must be taught and can only be used by master Priests. Outside Magic Muun’ can be learned alongside voidal, dark (not fja’, fi’, shade, dark shamanism), and “other”. Deific can’t be learned Blindness can not be ignored when learning moongazing and it will affect all outside magics accordingly. If fully blind, the Muun’ priest won’t be able to use voidal or other magics that require sight. Purpose Simply to spread Muun' to all races, and make it not a 'Kha magic' anymore. Muun' is a cool magic too! Credits Flamboyantmingo (writer) Fury_Fire (Contributor/editor) Mephistophilian (Contributor/Guy who chewed us out for lore) Questions? Ask us here!
  25. “Unperceived force is the bane of retaliation.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All sentients are reliant upon the delicate existence of 'Air'. And, without it. All who need it haven't the chance of even a meagre position within the physical plane, in turn. It was only natural mortals would seek to harness its latent prowess, to reign dominate over what is thought to govern them. Although Air is what birthed most life-forms; its presence must not be neglected as one of its potential hazards and/or driving forces of nature. And thus, in accordance to history's usual re-tellings, the Descendants took it upon themselves to harness its power, as they do with all other possibilities of interactions with the world. And, like all other possible means of garnering control of an entity, one must come to at least partially understand the concepts that said entity brings; most commonly through careful study of every identifiable aspect that it holds. The wind that brushes against our skins holds no exception to the ruling notion, though not blatantly visible to the naked eye, its very existence and various functions can still be observed via other means; whether it be from the remaining senses of touch, smell, hearing or taste. Or in other, more convenient instances, gathering already recorded observations. Nevertheless, before its effects can be replicated via the magic, and typically before the mage even begins to study the respective element of their choice. The individual must first “attune” or, rather accustom themselves to the voidal plane. In brief and short summation, the void is all and nothing simultaneously, being only as vast as the mind’s state enables one to grasp it. The most notable, and most commonly adhered to analogy practitioners use; for ease in their description of the void, is that the very abstraction is akin to that of a blank canvas. Those who do, and don't reside within its realm, most beings categorised as regular Descendants: have the capacity to apply its uses through their own supply of mana, used in conjunction with the soul as its main channel from where it can be siphoned from. When said practitioner melds all learned concepts together, they may finally begin placing his knowledge into practice, though in the case of a fledgling Evocationist, not into necessarily "practical' use. The process would all begin to stem from the very core of all arcane arts as previously stated, the void. Once the mage has established a connection, he may begin to drive the magical action in which he wills; starting from a simple mental image in what the mage is trying to accomplish, in this case. Being the simple formation of air, taken from any bits of knowledge he understands it to be. From that. They may begin in the usual procedure of pulling the element from the void, moving its temporally short state of being into the physical plane, steering whichever properties he desires into the newly formed evocation; gradually shifting its current function into what the Evocationist wishes. As the mage becomes more adept and acquainted with the general procedure, he would grow in ability to tinker with the various variables that the magic is composed of, ideally in rapid succession, peaking at a point in which it becomes second-nature. Air that is summoned from the void is subject to the mage's own understanding of said Air, and is therefore not affected by the surrounding environmental air pressure, temperature and/or wind direction. While an evoked wind may be contrary to the environment's weather systems, it has no influence beyond the moment the element returns to the void. A storm cannot be calmed, a northern wind cannot be shifted, and so on and so forth. With the exception of the brief moment that the mage is in control of their evoked air.However, air in which a Mage is accustomed into be associated with is not exactly wind, and the difference is clearly underlined. As Air is the mixture of gases that forms the atmosphere, which we have all around us. When this Air begins to move fast enough to matter, we call it wind. Wind is the horizontal motion of air, due to the pressure difference between two places. Wind is the perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction. Similarly to that of diffusion on a much larger scale, Air under high pressure carries over toward areas of lower pressure. The greater the difference in pressure, the faster the air flows. Air has more force to it the more compressed it is, for example, if it is compressed from point A, which pushes itself towards a less compressed area; point B. If it was more compressed, taking much more time and energy, it would mean that it would travel from point A to B with a stronger force. In an environmental implementation, the movement of wind within a coastal setting will be appropriate to explain how heat will come into effect and also drive the natural movement of wind. (http://www.technologystudent.com/images5/wdpow3.gif . Credit to TechnoStudent of showing a gif for the application of this on the natural environment) As the sun heats the land, the air above also warms and rises. Cold air then replaces the rising air. This creates the winds that we feel most days of the year. The diagram above shows how this ‘system’ work in a natural setting. Air tends to warm at a faster rate over land because the land retains its heat. Over the sea the air warms more slowly as heat by the sun is slowly cooled by the cold water. If you visit the seaside or coastal area you will probably find that the weather is more breezy or windy than inland. This is because the warm air rises over the land and cold air over the sea replaces it. Craftier mages that have immersed themselves to the study will be able to manipulate their evocated air to abuse this natural physical property and enhance their abilities to have an edge over fellow mages of matching skill. Air Evocation can only take on one form, which is air. Anything and everything that is evocated will be made up of air that consisted of a neutral composition and is able to mix with other evocation . Moreover when it comes to dual casting it is harder, needs much more concentration and uses much more mana for instance, with fire evocation, to create bigger flames. The wind’s very primal purpose; is not to be used in lethal ways, which is why non-combative use of the magic often can be more expansive in relation to its harm-dealing capabilities. That isn't to say you cannot use it in combat because at it's heart, it is a combat magic. So when you are evocating the magic into whatever it may be, keep in mind the pressure of the air you are forming. Is the air pressurized far too much? It is more exhausting for a mage to hold and direct as it might just backfire if they lose control. Aesthetically, air is invisible and in turn a rather unpredictable element on all accounts, which makes exceptional control rather impossible. The most used approach to this evocation; is to knock over foes. While more adept mages with greater control and practice will be capable of pressurizing and condensing air into spheres, which can then be hurled at a foe, its force of impact much like a thrown rock of considerable size. However, due to its unpredictable nature and difficulty of control, it is not unheard of to hear of air evolutionists backfiring in their art and causing themselves to be hurt . Though this occurrence is less frequent in comparison to meddling with other, much more dangerous elements such as fire, or electricity. (Plus RP examples.) ( Adapted from the latest Air Evocation Guides) Stage/Tier 1 - This tier is mainly for beginners to the arcane and specifically, on connecting to the void. As this stage, one’s character should be extremely fatigued at almost every attempt to connect to the void and requires studying of the element to understand and be exposed to the element. (Example): The newly initiated apprentice would set himself down upon the wooden floor. His form would gradually arc back in relaxation, his eyelids clamping shut in mild concentration, a single malformed bead of sweat slowly oozing away from the side of his head, his mind now entering a trance of complete concentration. His nose scrunching up from the extended effort. Soon, his eyes would drearily open, his face now doused with sweat as his aura’s color would begin to seep through his original iris’s color, his connection to the void stringed together flimsily. After a few seconds’ passing, his breathing would abruptly break out in ragged wheezes, the connection being severed away from its allotted time. Stage/Tier 2 - A more advanced stage that consists of learning how air and wind currents work and allows for minor experimentations of creating various currents of winds and sustaining it, however to their inexperience to the element, they will be fatigued after merely summoning their element (Example): The apprentice would lean back against the wall’s support, his eyes dropping close in somewhat practiced concentration. His chest would begin to heave up and down in rhythm, his conscious mind regulating his breathing. In a moment’s notice, his eyes would pry open again. His Irises’ color now emitting unnatural coloration from its original appearance, his aura’s reflected color seeming to be more piercing and vivid than before. [!] The wind would be barely felt by those around, its velocity hopping just a bit before coming to a sudden stop. With just that, the Apprentice’s knees would buckle. His breathing turned ragged and sparse, the connection cut away by his fatigue undoing his focus. Stage/Tier 3 - It is the pivotal phase of the evocation study that allows its users to perform to a significant degree, allowing steady currents to be manifested through the user’s own control and allow for the manipulation of winds. (Example): The Mage would stay static in his motion, his eyes closed in practiced concentration. A single digit dangling from his right hand began to twitch lightly during this time frame. His mouth would part away with a single, pre-mediated exhale, his eyes now fluttering open. His irises would deal out a distinct glow; a clear sign of his steady connection. [!] Promptly after this, the wind orbiting the mage would be felt lightly dabbing against the skins of all around, including himself. His chest would rise and drop in steady tempo, just as the wind about would begin to gain speed; a steady current of wind, staying at no higher than a few miles per hour circled his front. After a few minutes, the mage would stop. His expression un-curtaining his fatigue as he’d break the connection. Stage/Tier 4+ - Reaching a phase in which the user has became quite skilled and confident in performing their art and may now manipulate their Air with high success rates and proficiency/speed. (Example): The adept mage would make his way back to the training grounds, a single finger hoisted up to adjust his glasses; his mind absent from his destination in deep thought. As he’d arrive, his mind would tear away from the day-dream, his eyes now gaining focus, pointed towards the few stacked pieces of wood just a few meters across his own location. With that, his eyes would shut, his mind cycling out any unnecessities as it would burrow deeply into a state of concentration. [!] His irises would give off the same glow as before, being that of a pure (insert aura color here) hue. The wind’s velocity would once more scale up in magnitude, the area of rally crossing over towards the stack of wood. Their forms rattling at the intruding force. Without further ado, the wind’s speed would soar high, the stack of wood soon scattering from the gale’s sudden impact. With that, another sole finger would raise to re-adjust his glasses. A single bead of sweat dribbled away from his face’s center. The pair of eyes just above painted back to normalcy. (These examples are no more than very basic outlines of how you should RP the magic, and should not be thoroughly mimicked under any circumstance; nor do they have to be as long/detailed) -Unable to alter/use pre-existing elements in the world. -Disruption, or loss of focus will immediately diminish the evoked element; in this instance, any summoned wind/gusts will disperse as soon as the connection is severed. -You cannot manipulate the evoked air into radically fine points of interest, this means no ‘piercing winds’ that would act much like a material weapon. Why was this made? It was recognised that Air evocation lacked a concrete base lore in which players could derive from and use to venture forth with their art. Credits: To the various MAT members which chipped in their opinion and to the makers of the air evocation guides and the lore for other magic( Like BrandNewKitten's) which was useful to derive structure and sensible and fair lore ideas from, and Mathue for practically whipping me to finish this. I will not do a TLDR, and I will like to thank everyone for reading! Edit 24 August 2016: Minor adjustments to paragraphing and fixed a spelling mistake
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