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Common Sense Act, 1655

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Name of the Treaty: Common Sense Act, 5th of Sun's Smile 1665
Type of Treaty: Alliance (Closest out of those listed. As subjects, their land is Renatian territory, and they are lawfully sworn to the King, and are part of one nation.)
[Nation] Kingdom of Renatus
[Vassal] The Renatian Church
[Vassal] Principality of Hanseti
[Vassal] Duchy of Adria
[Vassal] Margraviate of Ostmark
[Vassal] Margraviate of Styria
[Vassal] County of Kastrovy
[Vassal] Barony of Arbor
[Vassal] Barony of Radom
[Vassal] Barony of Stettin
[Vassal] Barony of Nevaria
[Vassal] Barony of Leeuwenhof
[Vassal] Barony of Goza
[Vassal] Barony of Vrakai
[Vassal] Barony of Pembroke
[Vassal] Barony of Vilacz
Date of Signing: 1655

The Kingdom of Renatus holds vast territory, with many diverse peoples owing fealty to His Royal Majesty the King, Aurelius Horen. Throughout the years, many lords and ladies have sworn to the Horen scion, adding their armies to the Renatian horde, and finding peace through service. These various folks together comprise the Renatian nation – from Adria to Ostmark, they collectively form the heartland of humanity.


Law and logic assert these men and women as subjects of the Renatian crown. They therefore, quite naturally, assist one another. The Renatian armies defend her people; her people, in turn, offer tax and levy to the crown. It is a trade off – a feudal hierarchy. Some of the Renatian vassals themselves have vassals. Just as the leaders of the more powerful fiefdoms were awarded land and office by the King, so to do they offer land and office to subservient lords and ladies. The feudal hierarchy is as follows.


King of Renatus | @Sultan


Various documents exist which notate and reinforce this subject status. Usually these exist as letters patent, royal letters, or other letters from the King or his Council which notate the privileges and expectations offered to individuals and in future their progeny. Copies of these exist in various legal libraries in the capital, and naturally each person awarded such a letter would maintain copies, so as to secure their rights were it to be taken to court, or challenged in any other way. These letters would serve as documentation of the feudal hierarchy. [Copies of any are linked above; click the name of a vassal.] 


However, at times there would be land awards without such letters or documentation, or other documents would exist, such as the Adrian Proclamation. These vassals would merely swear a verbal oath to their liege lord, and begin their service without such regalia. Whether or not such a documented award was given, it is clear that those enfeoffed with land and titulage owed service to the crown, and would be expected to maintain justice, law, and order in their lands. In exchange for privilege and esteem, they are required to rally a levy, pay taxes, et cetera. Renatian vassals are expected to do as follows.


  • Rally as a singular entity, calling forth all their levy and banners.
  • Allow the crown to negotiate foreign policy.
  • Maintain law and order in their subject territories.
  • Negotiate and pay taxes to the King.
  • Uphold the lawful orders of the crown always.


[All tagged parties, please reply with a signature containing some roleplay, your character's name, titles, and such, notating the terms as per alliance rules.]


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Regent Aldyth var Burgundar of Ostmark 


Aldyth would sign this with a heavy heart still grieving over her husband awaiting her sons return.

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"Witness whereof I set my hand and affix the seal of Suffolk" Lord Edward Suffolk, Baron of Pembroke, would write down, before executing the Act and pressing his seal on red wax.

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Ryszard Dunin, Baron of Radom

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Taking a raven feathered quill and a pot of ink, Edgar Sarkozic, Chancellor of Adria, signs his brother's name at the bottom of the scroll on the Duke's behalf.


"His Lordship, John of House Sarkozic, Duke of Adria, Baron of Dormont, Protector of the Midlands."


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I, Lord Aragon Silversteed, Baron of Arbor, Lord Paramount of House Silversteed, Lord of Pinefall, Lord of Azeron, Warden of the South and Knight of the Realm, do sign this treaty, and swear that Arbor shall uphold it until such time it falters~

Glory to Arbor, Glory to Renatus, Glory to his Majesty Aurelius, and my God be with us~



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Laszlo Ivanovich

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The King affixes his seal of approval to the Common Sense Act, and signs it posthaste. IN NOMINE DEI, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Aurelius I of the House of Horen, King of Renatus, Marna, Mardon, Salvus, Seventis, Savoy, and Norland, Duke of the Crownlands, Cascadia, Avar, and Frederica, Count of Sennisten, Alamar, Frederica, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Gravelhold, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Heartlanders, etcetera.

Edited by Sultan
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Signs the document,


Ser Marek Kastrovat, Count of Kastrovy

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Leila Rubens scribbles down her name quickly, before turning on her heel and leaving with her guards.

Leila Rubens, Baroness of Leeuwenhof

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Signs the document then proceeds to slide it towards the lord seated next to him.


Alston Caunter, Baron of Nevaria

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Adette Schulze, Countess of Aldenburg. 

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*Sigmar signs, King of Hanseti Ruska

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