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Speakers of Haense

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((Credit to @yopplwasupxxx for the format))
“Va Yprezide Awvr ve Ylegizlatyre”
Motto of the Office of the Lord Speaker
‘To Preside over the Legislature’





Est. 234 E.S. | 1681 A.H.




Baruch & Kortrevich Publishing




                The LORD SPEAKER (New Marian: HERZEN), or officially known as the LORD SPEAKER AND CHIEF OFFICERS OF THE CROWN, is the ranking member who holds the authority overseeing the Kingdom’s legislature; The Royal Duma, second only to the Sovereign of Haense, and leads the realm as one of the Heads of Legislation and first aide to the Crown in all legislative manners. Historically, the Lord Speaker is entrusted in the management of the Kingdom’s Royal Duma, facilitated in the deliberation of the Duma, and for delivering legislation to the Crown of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska to receive royal assent. The most likely candidate for designation has typically been among the lords of Haense or a sitting member of the Duma and confirmed by the Crown.. In most cases, those born of nobility have held the seat although there have been cases where members of the gentry have also held the seat.


                Historically, since the establishment of the position, most speakers are attributed with extensive legislative backgrounds prior to their ascension to Speakership. The reconstruction and growth of the Kingdom’s legislative branch took place extensively from 286 E.S. to 306 E.S. under Sigmar Baruch’s tenure. There has been a trend since the second Lord Speaker where the vast majority of Lord Speakers have belonged to certain nobilital families, from Alimar, Vyronov, Stafyr to Baruch. As of 377 E.S., two office holders have died in office (VI and XI) and eight under political obligations to the Crown (I, II, III, IV, V, VII, IX and X) and one after being removed by the Crown (VIII).


                The office holder is distinguished by the gavel of Speaker Edward Morris, carried only by the Lord Speaker, and traditionally holds symbolic command during the annual duma meetings. The reign of King Marius II saw the creation of the office of the Lord Speaker which has since been occupied by ten different officeholders stretching across the reigns of six Haeseni monarchs. Prior to such creation, the Palatine of Haense upheld the Kingdom’s ‘advisory’ duma; although at times such command was entrusted to a trusted Haeseni legislature. Notable office holders include Edward Morris (I), Georg Alimar (II), Sigmar Baruch (V) and Henrik Vanir (VI).


Seal of the Lord Speaker




Structure of the Royal Duma
                The HERZEN OF THE ROYAL DUMA, or colloquially known as the SPEAKER OF THE DUMA, is the presiding officer of the Duma. The Herzen is typically chosen from among the lords of Haense or a sitting member of the Duma and confirmed by the Crown. They are responsible for calling forth sessions during each term and facilitate the deliberation of the Duma, and for delivering legislation to the Crown of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska to receive royal assent. Unlike the rest of their peers in the assembly, the Herzen is forbidden to adopt any formal political stance and must be ideologically neutral during their tenure in office (though exceptions have existed). As of 397, all Herzens have come from nobility, gentry or noble bastardy and three officeholders have ascended to the Palatinate or held the title in conjunction with being Lord Palatine (II, II, and IV). There have been both men and women Herzens, with nine being male (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, X and XI) and two being female (VII and IX).


  • The HERZENAV, or Lord Peers, are members who sit in the Royal Duma by right of their birth as vassals under the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. The patriarch of each noble family is afforded a seat on the Royal Duma, and in addition may appoint a designated representative of their fiefdom (as well as being a Haeseni citizen) to sit in their stead.


  • The ALDERMEN, or Elected Peers, are members of the Duma, who by virtue of election, sit to represent the electorate. Alderman are afforded four year terms, and an Alderman can be either that of royal, noble, or common birth. Previously, the office of Tribune existed solely for those of common birth. However, this position was removed under Igor Kort (X).

          The following officials of the Royal Administration are ex officio, members of the Royal Duma:

                I - The Lord Palatine
                II - The Grand Maer


The 285 ES COMMITTEE is the primary rules committee that governs the processes and structures of the Royal Duma. It is chaired by the Herzen and composed of appointed members of the Herzen to govern the legislative procedures (or standing rules) of the chambers.


  • The BLACK BULAVA is the ceremonial mace of the Royal Duma, which is required to be present in all sittings of the Duma. The bulava represents the Duma as a constituent branch under the legitimacy of the Crown and is carried by the Lord Handler of the Bulava during the opening sessions of the Duma term. Sittings of the Duma in the absence of the bulava are considered legally unconstitutional. As stated in THE WINTER EDICT of 373 E.S the ceremony of the Bulava shall be held at every start and every end of each electoral term. Each representative is also required to wear their respective ceremonial garbs.


Pursuant to the THE OSVALDIAN REFORMS of 335 E.S. the following is instituted:


  • The LORD HANDLER serves as de-facto pro-tempore Speaker in the absence of the Lord Herzen. The Lord Handler is the only other office within the chambers that may wield the Black Bulava legally. The Lord Handler shall be elected from among the representatives of the Royal Duma by the representatives and confirmed by the Crown and the beginning of each term.


  • The DUMA CLERKS shall be ministers who conduct assisting administrative tasks within the Royal Duma, such as record-keeping. The Duma Clerks shall be exclusively selected at the discretion of the Lord Speaker to serve the Royal Duma. The Lord Speaker shall be responsible for delegating their duties within the Duma efficiently.


          In pursuit of adequate protection of the representatives and observers, The ROYAL DUMA GUARD (Naumarian: Ve Duma Kursain) shall be forthwith established, the ranks of which shall be filled by soldiers of the Haense Royal Army. Ve Duma Kursain shall serve a semi-ceremonial role, tasked with guarding the chambers at all times from violent incursions and behavior. Ve Duma Kursain shall be composed of at least two veterans of the Haeseni Royal Army for the duration of a sitting of the Royal Duma and solely within the chambers of the Royal Duma.


Pursuant to THE SUMMER EDICT of 365 E.S. the following is instituted:


  • The ROYAL INQUISITOR shall be tasked with the right to summon any Aulic Councillor at his own discretion and afforded four opening questions to these at the beginning of any Duma session. The Royal Inquisitor shall be elected from among the representatives of the Royal Duma by the other representatives, and shall be confirmed by the Herzen by the beginning of each term.



History of the Royal Duma
                The Royal Duma traces its origins to the traditional dumas of the Raevir and Raev-influenced cultures, carried over by the nascent Barbanov dynasty as a heritage of their Carrion roots. Historically, a duma was an assembly of citizens, or more specifically, the ancient Raev peasantry known as streltzy, who would congregate in order to pass common law, pass judgement on peers in cases of trial, and represent their family’s interests to the village. Over time, this evolved alongside the Raevir’s growing nobility, soon to be dominated by aristocratic landowners and powerful gentry.


                By the time of Karl Barbanov’s ascent as the first ‘Duke of Haense’, the duma had already taken a modern approach of an assembly of knights, and in the early history of Haense it came to be considered a body of knights and veteran soldiery, or in some cases, a war council. Come the coronation of Petyr I in Ottostadt, this body of commanders would have amassed mass lands, becoming powerful landowners in their own rights, and with their military commands they would establish themselves as Haense’s first elder nobility (this would include families such as the Kovachevs, Vanirs, and Rutherns), represented to the crown through the duma.


                However, until 260, the duma would lack any permanent legal body, and instead be an informal calling of the nobility and important peers when the state required it. The Royal Commission on Oversight and Reform, called by King Sigmar I in 234 (1680) set out the inquiry on establishing a branch of government to formalize the assembly of the lord peers. The commission was co-chaired by Auditor Otto Ludovar and Lord Palatine Robert Bihar. Drawing from the precedent of the kings to summon the lords for audience and oaths of fealty, the commission established a formalized body that derived legitimacy from the Crown to carry out the legislative duties of the realm as a collective institution with the vassals. The Royal Duma Charter was published and given royal assent by the following year.


                By 260 ES, King Marius II codified the institution of the Royal Duma with the re-promulgation of the Royal Duma Charters and the subsequent appointment of Lord Edward Morris to chair the first session as Herzen. Notable dumas held before the official adoption of the Bihar-Ludovar Articles include:


  • The Winter Duma, or the Duma of 139 (1586) - Held by the Lords of Haense (led by Sergey I Kovachev, Duke of Carnatia); deposed King Andrik II following the Deep Cold Uprising against the Holy Orenian Empire.
  • Duma of 145 (1592) - Held by Palatine Charles-Siguine, Count of Bihar; proclaimed crown-enforced peace in the estates of the Kovachev and Brawm families.
  • Duma of 154 (1601) - Held by King Marus I; formally declared war on the coalition forces of Tobias Staunton and the Kingdom of Courland, beginning the First Northern War.
  • Duma of 163 (1610) - Held by the Lords of Haense; election for the monarchy of Haense following the Greyspine Rebellion, with Stephen Barbanov winning in a landslide vote.
  • Duma of 219 (1666) - Held by then Palatine Franz Bihar; election for the monarchy of Haense following the Greyspine Rebellion following the death of King Karl II, with Franz Bihar winning following no-contest.
  • The Peasant’s Duma (1666) - Held by Palatine Karolus van Rothswald; formally declared Karolus as Palatine and state under the rule of mixed commoner-gentry council, also denied entry of King Sigmar I into Markev though confirmed his election as king.
  • Duma of 223 (1670) - Held by King Sigmar I; formally stripped the office of palatine from Karolus van Rothswald and had him beheaded, giving confirmation to the rule of King Sigmar after his march into Markev; signified Barbanov-Bihar as new royal line.





Sir Edvard Morisz
Edward Morris
260 E.S. - 263 E.S. | 1707 A.H. -1710 A.H.
@Old Man Boiendl
Monarch(s): Marus II
Palatine(s): Konstantin Ruthern, 3rd Herzen van Vidaus (XVII Palatin; 260 ES - 262 ES), Leopold Stafyr, 1st Komit van Nenzing (XVIII Palatin; 262 ES - 271 ES)
Memoir(s): None


    Sir Edvard Morisz (Common: Edward Morris) was an Adrian statesman who was appointed as Herzen of the Duma. His speakership was dominated by the tensions that rose between the Golden City of Ves and the Imperial estates. He saw the passage of the Royal Scholarship Act of 1710 that promoted the arts and education for Haeseni commoners. He resigned in protest after the Sacking of Ves was condoned by King Marus II.



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Prinzen Georg Alimar (the Elder)

Prince George Alimar
263 E.S. - 271 E.S. | 1710 A.H. -1718 A.H.
Monarch(s): Marus II, Andrik III
Palatine(s):  Leopold Stafyr, 1st Komit van Nenzing (XVIII Palatin; 262 ES - 271 ES)
Memoir(s): None


    Prinzen Georg Alimar (Common: Prince George Alimar) was a Haeseni statesman who rose to become Herzen upon the resignation of Lord Edward Morris. Under his speakership, the constitutional power of the Royal Duma was solidified as a central institution in the royal government. Prince Georg promulgated the Standing Rules of the Royal Duma which served as the standard procedure of the Duma that led to the creation of the 285 Committee. He saw the passage of the Rural Development and Fair Market Act, the Hallucinogens Ban, and the resolution to support the Nenzing Proclamation that sparked the War of Two Emperors. Upon the death of Lord Leopold Stafyr, Prince Georg was appointed Lord Palatine and resigned as Herzen.



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Lerald Vyronov, 15th Herzen van Karnatiya

Lerald Vyronov, Duke of Carnatia
271 E.S. - 276 E.S. | 1718 A.H. -1723 A.H.
Monarch(s): Andrik III
Palatine(s): Prinzen Georg Alimar the Elder (XIX Palatin; 271 ES - 273 ES), Himself (XX Palatin; 273 ES - 285 ES)
Memoir(s): None


    Lord Lerald Vyronov (Common: Lerald Vyronov) was a Haeseni nobleman and the Duke of Carnatia. He served as deputy to Palatine Leopold Stafyr in the waning years of Marus II. Lord Vyronov succeeded Prince Georg Alimar as Herzen when the former was appointed Lord Palatine. Under Lord Vyronov, the power of the Herzen was enhanced. He saw the passage of the Mayoral Term Limits Act, the Medicinal Services Resolution, the Dissolution of the Office of Lord Bursar, and the Georg Stanimar Commemoration Act. Lord Lerald Vyronov is the only Herzen to have served concurrently as Lord Palatine.



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Sir Konrad Stafyr HKML

Sir Conrad Stafyr HKML
276 E.S. - 286 E.S. | 1723 A.H. - 1733 A.H.
Monarch(s): Andrik III
Palatine(s): Lerald Vyronov, 15th Herzen van Karnatiya (XX Palatin; 273 ES - 285 ES), Sir Terensz Mau (XXI Palatin; 285 ES - 286 ES)
Memoir(s): None


    Sir Konrad Stafyr (Common: Conrad Stafyr) is a Haeseni knight and statesman who served as Herzen of the Duma upon the resignation of Lord Lerald Vyronov. His speakership saw the further institutionalization of the Royal Duma within the government by sponsoring the creation of the 285 Committee. He oversaw the passage of the Grand Medical Reform Act, the Northeastern Infrastructure Act, the Medical Expansion Act, and the Mask Ban and actively used the power of the office to maintain impartiality. Ser Konrad maintained the institutional integrity of the Duma until his controversial decision to change the quorum rules without the consent of the 285 Committee. He stepped down as Herzen upon his appointment as Lord Palatine upon the resignation of his predecessor, Terrence May.



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Sir Sigmar Baruch, 1st Herzen van Valwyk HKML

Sir Siguine Baruch, 1st Duke of Valwyk HKML
286 E.S. - 306 E.S. | 1733 A.H. - 1753 A.H.
Monarch(s): Andrik III, Andrik IV
Palatine(s): Sir Konrad Stafyr (XXII Palatin; 286 ES - 293 ES), Markus Kortrevich, 1st Margravir van Korstadt (XXIII Palatin; 293 ES - 305 ES), Prinzen Georg Alimar the Younger (XXIV Palatin; 305 ES - 307 ES)
Memoir(s): “The Royal Duma and the Common Man” (298 E.S.)


    Lord Sigmar Baruch (Common: Siguine Baruch) is a Haeseni statesman and noble who served as Herzen of the Duma after the elevation of his predecessor Konrad Stafyr to the palatinate in 285 until his resignation in 305. The longest serving Herzen to date, Sigmar’s tenure coincided with an expansion of the Duma’s power, spearheaded by a network of partisan lords and representatives. Unlike previous office-holders, who typically were avid supporters of the Palatinate Centralist governments, Sigmar butted heads on numerous occasions with his peers Markus Kortrevich, 1st Margrave of Korstadt (XXIV Palatin) and Otto Alimar, 4th Prince of Muldav (XXVI Palatin). Tensions with the former reached a head during the middling years of Sigmar’s tenure, going so far as to the serving representative Sigmar Ruthern (Common: Siguine) to controversially hold a vote of no confidence upon the Margrave of Korstadt (though this was later vetoed by the Crown) after verbal threats were made in furloughing the Duma. Sigmar did not advocate for the Palatine removal, but allowed for the vote of no confidence to happen as a symbolic statement to the government’s threats against the Duma and nobility.


    Sigmar’s achievements include the formal establishment of a central, federalized education system under the Educational Reform Act, the reformation of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl under the Brotherhood Reformation Act of 1744, the formation of the State owned Royal Fur Trading Co. as well as the fluctuant expansion of membership within the Duma, however much of the latter would be removed by the work of his successor the Margrave of Vasiland. The only position which stayed course from his tenure was the removal of the High Steward. After twenty years of service, Sigmar retired from the Duma in order to pursue affairs of his private estates and businesses.



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Henrik Vanir, 1st Margravir van Vaziland

Henry Vanir, 1st Margrave of Vasiland
306 E.S. - 319 E.S. | 1753 A.H. - 1766 A.H.
Monarch(s): Andrik IV, Sigmund II
Palatine(s): Prinzen Georg Alimar the Younger (XXIV Palatin, 305 ES - 307 ES), Prinzen Otto Alimar, 4th Prinz van Muldav (XXV Palatin, 307 ES - 317 ES), Petyr Baruch, 2nd Herzen van Valwyk (XXVI Palatin, 317 ES - 329 ES)
Memoir(s): “The Desideratum of the Royal Duma” (318 E.S.)


    Lord Henrik Vanir (Common: Henry Vanir) was a Haeseni statesman and noble who served as Herzen of the Duma from 305 at the retirement of the Duke of Valwyk till Henrik’s death in 320. A former member of the ‘Valwyk Pact’, Henrik rose to prominence after he was appointed to Leader of the Opposition by Lord Herzen Sigmar Baruch in the Duma. Henrik was a mentee of Sigmar, hence his appointment as the successor to the position. His time as Herzen marked numerous reforms of the royal legislature, namely the removal of numerous seats within the Duma in order to consolidate its proceedings. These included seats of noble cadets, which had begun to overfill the body with minor members, and the seats of many appointed offices of the Crown. The benches of the Duma, divided originally among the Feudalist and Centralist parties, were also disbanded. 


    A patron of burgher democracy with his legislative allies, he sponsored an effort under the direction of representative Osvald Barclay to establish the first solely commoner seats within the Duma, barring noble- and gentry-blooded individuals from occupying said positions. Henrik also oversaw the passing and founding of the state-run Golden Crow Chronicles newspaper and the passing of the National Language Act which states the national language of Haense is New Marian. After a bout of illness, Henrik passed in 320, given full honors and a state funeral after his death. He was succeeded by the daughter of his predecessor, Lady Marya Kortrevich (vas Baruch).



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Mariya Kortrevich (vas Baruch), Margraviras-Zweimdr van Korstadt

Marya Kortrevic (née Baruch), Marchioness-Consort of Korstadt
320 E.S. - 327 E.S. | 1766 A.H. - 1774 A.H.
Monarch(s): Sigmund II
Palatine(s): Petyr Baruch, 2nd Herzen van Valwyk (XXVI Palatin, 317 ES - 329 ES)
Memoir(s): None


    Lady Mariya Kortrevich (vas Baruch) (Common: Marya Kortrevic) was a Haeseni stateswoman and noble who served as Herzen of the Duma from 320 at the death of the Margrave of Vasiland until her retirement in 327. Being one of the most notable women in the Royal Duma, Mariya was the first female Lord Herzen to date, showing cultural shift and the increasing involvement of women in governance. Her tenure was defined by the immediate suspension of the Royal Duma following the beginning of the Scyfling Invasion. Nothing of serious note was passed during her tenure, eventually she would retire in 327 to pursue a quieter life, focusing on her family and her estate in Korstadt.



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Sir Osvald Barclay KML

  Sir Osvaldus Barclaius KML
327 E.S. - 346 E.S. | 1774 A.H. - 1793 A.H.
Monarch(s): Sigmund II, Josef I
Palatine(s): Petyr Baruch, 2nd Herzen van Valwyk (XXVI Palatin, 317 ES- 329 ES); Konstantin Wick (XXVII Palatin, 329 ES - 361 ES)
Memoir(s): None


    Sir Osvald Barclay (Common: Oswald Barclay) was a Haeseni statesman and noble who served as Herzen of the Duma from 327 at the retirement of Herzen Mariya Kortrevich  until his removal in 346. Sir Osvald Barclay was an active member of the Duma before his Speakership, advocating for progressive reforms, he took this attitude with him as Herzen and conducted many changes during his tenure. First, he sponsored the creation of the advisory bill in an attempt to return to a Duma as envisioned by its founders while promoting structural reforms such as the ability for gentry to gain a seat in Duma and enumeration of the Duma's power. The most overarching reform Osvald made was the Osvaldian Reforms. This reform, which was written with Herzen Sigmar Baruch, fundamentally altered the Royal Duma by adding more democratic elements to the Duma than ever before.


    Herzen Osvald’s main achievement was overseeing the vast Osvaldian Reform which reshaped the Royal Duma. He also oversaw multiple legal reforms through the Royal Duma after the formation of the new Haeseni Legal Codex. His term was defined by the increasing role of the Royal Duma in the internal affairs of governance. Over his career, his assertive approach to the Royal Duma had been praised for the revitalizing deliberative politics and has equally garnered suspicion by critics of his inability to remain impartial. After a controversial incident concerning the conviction and sentencing of a known bandit named Michael van Gelderhode, Sir Osvald Barclay was relieved of his position as Lord Herzen and Deputy Palatine by Koeng Josef I.




POSITION VACANT, 346 - 350 E.S. | 1793 - 1797 A.H.



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Irene Sarkozy (vas Ruthern)

Irene Sarkozic (née Ruthern)
350 E.S. - 362 E.S. | 1797 A.H. - 1809 A.H.
Monarch(s): Josef I, Heinrik II
Palatine(s): Konstantin Wick (XXVII Palatin, 329 ES - 361 ES), Marcella Barclay (XXVIII Palatin, 361 ES - 363 ES)
Memoir(s): “The Vitality of the Royal Duma” (356 E.S.), “The New Haense” (362 E.S.)


    Lady Irena Ceciliya Sarkozic vas Ruthovic (Common: Irene Cecilia Sarkozy neé Ruthern) was the ninth Lord Speaker and the second woman to ascend to the position under the Aulic Council of Hanseti-Ruska. With her prior renowned betrothal, marriage while in office, and her subsequent death, Lady Irene is notoriously known for her controversy amongst the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska as a stateswoman, scholar, and noblewoman. She became the Lady Speaker in 350 ES by declaration of her nephew, Koeng Josef I, after the office had been unoccupied for a numerity of years following the firing of Sir Osvald Barclay.


    Prior to her ascension, Lady Irene served as a Duma Clerk and the unofficial pro tempore (c. Lord Handler) under Sir Osvald Barclay. Throughout her tenure as Speaker, Lady Irene would get rid of the previously instated cohort system that restricted the voice of the nobility within the Royal Duma. After the reforms under Koeng Josef I, the Duma now held a total of eight elected seats, including four Tribunes, three Royal Alderman, and the Grand Maer. A record number of fifty-five bills have been drafted during her twelve year tenure as Speaker, with a majority of them seeing Royal Assent. After much controversy with her marriage to the Orenian Archchancellor, Irene retired after twelve years of service for her successor, then Tribune Igor Kort. However, she disgraced her legacy when she failed to assassinate her great-nephew, Koeng Heinrik II. After the failed Wives Plot of 367 E.S, she was hung, drawn, and quartered on the charges of high treason.



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Iygor Kort (var Kortrevich)

Igor Kort (née Kortrevic)
362 E.S. - 381 E.S. | 1809 A.H. - 1828 A.H.
Monarch(s): Heinrik II
Palatine(s): Marcella Barclay (XXVIII Palatin, 361 ES - 363 ES), Maric Ruthern, 6th Herz van Vidaus (XXIX Palatin, 363 ES - 379 ES), Aydrian Colborn (XXX Palatin, 379 ES - 393 ES)
Memoir(s): “Inception and Development of the Royal Duma” (381 E.S.)


    Sir Iygor Kort (Common: Sir Igor Kort) was the tenth Lord Speaker of Haense. Prior to his ascension to the Aulic position, Iygor was an active member in Duma as he was elected as Tribune which he was an advocate for progressive reforms, he took this attitude with him as Herzen and conducted many changes during his nineteen-year tenure. His time as Herzen marked numerous reforms of the cultural setting of the Royal Duma; including the reintroduction of the Speaker’s gavel, Black Bulava and the ceremony of the Black Bulava. Among the reintroductions, the Holy Scrolls alongwith an official Oath of Office was introduced in concert with the fashionable duma uniforms (which were; loved by few, hated by many).


    Iygors’s achievements include the expansion of the Office of the Speaker through the ever so controversial Winter Edict. Despite the good the Winter Edict brought, it also brought two impeachments against Igyor, one of which was successful. It is to be noted though, King Heinrik II ignored the wishes of the Duma and sustained Iygor’s position.


    Despite his many faults, Igyor is owed many thanks to the dissolution of the Tribune position and the establishment of the Royal Inquisitor position (formerly; Leader of the Opposition). While Iygor is often criticized as a controversial political figure of this time, it is believed he was good-hearted as it is rumored he donated the majority of his fortunes to charity alongwith devoting a considerable amount of time tutoring poverty-stricken children to obtain a proper education. After nineteen years of service, Iygor retired leaving his successor Lord Handler, Duke Ruslan Baruch to succeed him.




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Ruslan Baruch, 5th Herzen van Valwyck

Rusland Baruch, 5th Duke of Valwyck
381 E.S. - 397 E.S. | 1828 A.H. - 1844 A.H.
Monarch(s): Heinrik II, Sigmund III
Palatine(s): Aydrian Colborn (XXX Palatin, 379 ES - 393 ES), Kaustantin Baruch (XXXI Palatin, 393 - Present)
Memoir(s): None


Biography in Progress.




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Rhys Ruthern, 8th Herzen van Vidaus

Reece Ruthern, 8th Duke of Vidaus
397 E.S. - Present | 1844 A.H. - Present
Monarch(s): Sigmund III
Palatine(s): Kaustantin Baruch (XXXI Palatin, 393 - 402), Eirik Baruch, 6th Herzen van Valwyck (XXXII Palatin, 402 - Present)
Memoir(s): None


Current Incumbent.



Edited by Kingdom of Haense
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