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Tell me about your Characters


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A lot of us probably have some really interesting or intriguing characters, but probably never had a place to talk about it nor insert it into a conversation. This is the thread to do that! Tell me about your characters, whether they're PKd, shelved, or currently played. Here are some prompts for you if you want:


1. How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 


2. What are some small nuances or details in your character that might not be so obvious to other players upon interaction? For example, I often use the hand movements of my snow elf to express certain metaphors or his state of mind.


3. Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.)


4. What's the most badass thing your character has ever done?


5. Character Art?


6. Anything else you'd like to talk about regarding your character? 

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i played a character named fent biceps for months and somehow didnt get banned ama

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1. been playing dark dael for a little over a year iirc from the small age of five years old and now he's grown into the dark lord
2. one of the things i did while playing dael was focusing on the fact that he is a character that is only good because he changes so much, he's a character based on progression, so i make him go through 'arcs' to mirror his mental state or having it display some pretentious metaphor
3. i'd say the character that dael has had the most kinship with was probably either snow's character jeffery or spoons' character ehmet due to the fact that he's just known jeff for about the longest, while ehmet's interactions with dael albeit short paved a way into how i play dael now - with a bit more courage
4. i leave that up to people to perceive since i dont like ranking my own actions 
5. this art piece i got from bobateaa - it's my favorite one that i have of dael atm 


6. a lot of people i feel thought or still think that i play dael as a meme character especially with how i played him early on when he was a adolescent but it was all for a purpose. through character interaction and experiences he developed into person he is today

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i used to beat children



now i take care of them



prime character development

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1. How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 

Today, i'm going to talk a little about my current elfess, April Viradiraar. I've been playing her since maybe mid January, so roughly 6 months or so if i can recall correctly. I think it's easy to say that April has changed alot, despite my image for her not breaking too much, which was a sailing Astronomer elfess. From landing on the shores of Amaethea with her auntie [ @oliviaaaahr], and her talking about stars NON stop with giant paragraph emotes, to her taking off to Haelun'or where she learned basic social skills, as well as made friends and became a doctor, then head doctor somehow, met the rest of her family, the Viradiraars and now as of late is a criminal arsonist, with basic social skills. It's all in good fun, really.  She's changed so much, wiser and stronger. 


2. What are some small nuances or details in your character that might not be so obvious to other players upon interaction? For example, I often use the hand movements of my snow elf to express certain metaphors or his state of mind.

It's blatantly evident, if you rp with her enough that she has a small range of social skills, despite trying. sometimes. 


3. Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.)

I do hold April's relationship with her Auntie / Psuedo mother Lavinia. In background, she was, as the name suggests, basically her mother. Someone she can rely on, despite numerous fights on their disagreeing lifestyles and personalities. 


4. What's the most badass thing your character has ever done?

she killed one of those large st played spiders by herself, and keeps the head as a trophy. 


5. Character Art?

Bio and art below

6. Anything else you'd like to talk about regarding your character? 

lovable dummy 

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Once played a tiki halfling that spoke broken english and prayed to rocks. Dude ended up becoming a prolific dark magic user, a schizophrenic cult leader, and a renowned monster hunter all at the same time.


The first time he ever died, he died riding a flaming pterodactyl straight into the ground from 60 feet up after murdering a giant with a javelin. I pked him on the spot and he was given a whole ass shrine by the Huntsmen post-mortem. God I miss that character.

Edited by Vilebranch
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1. How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 

I've had my Volaren, Albatross, for years at this point. The guy is a few centuries old. Has seen everything I've seen on the server. He started off as a character for me to do bandit goonery, but I decided it'd be cool to flesh him out, show him how his bandit ways affected him as a person, how living among bandits affects his worldview and psyche. He's never a character that I'm able to settle down for a long time, unfortunately, but he is cool to pull out and RP in a pinch. He's gone from a young and violent brainwashed brigand to a man who left that sort of life for faith and family to an old cowboy who's lost all of that and is looking for a purpose. Fun stuff and it's been cool to see the many different people he's interacted with over time.


2. What are some small nuances or details in your character that might not be so obvious to other players upon interaction? For example, I often use the hand movements of my snow elf to express certain metaphors or his state of mind.

People tend to take characters at face value a lot of the time. I toy around with this by having a lot of what he says, does, professes, etc, be some sort of lie, fabrication, or compensation for a weakness. For a period of time he'd go around fighting in a destructive, terrible manner, talking about the "honor" and "skill" that it required, when the truth was that he couldn't come to terms with his aging body and his lessening strength and reflexes. For another point of time, he told people that he was wandering the world to look for his lost brother, when in reality he just wanted to excuse himself for having abandoned his family. I usually try to show the truth behind his actions at various points, whether it's him contradicting himself, lying poorly, or accidentally revealing too much, which is always fun to do.


3. Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.)

I don't think I've played him consistently enough to really have had a strong relationship with individuals, as his character is more about how he interacts with the changing world around him. The one character he has a semi-consistent relationship with is Benelux's dark elf. There's a funny dynamic where he keeps promising to marry her before finding an excuse to run off because he's scared of commitment. 


4. What's the most badass thing your character has ever done?

He once helped kill a wyvern by stabbing through its jaw or something. Also led a few skirmishes during the War of the Two Emperors and was a solid commander there.


5. Character Art?

You'd kill me if I showed it.


6. Anything else you'd like to talk about regarding your character? 

Bird boy

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haskitty. enough said

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1. How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 

About coming onto 1 year playing Alistair/Aeonn now.


2. What are some small nuances or details in your character that might not be so obvious to other players upon interaction? For example, I often use the hand movements of my snow elf to express certain metaphors or his state of mind.


For me he changes his tone and how he talks depending on who he talks with, example if its a dewd he mimics their vulgar way of talking, if a high elf he mimics their elegance in his voice.


3. Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.)


He had many strong bonds with his sister, with a few since passed soldiers he fought with and now his guild members


4. What's the most badass thing your character has ever done?

Jumping head first into the inferi war in front of everyone else and began cutting them down


5. Character Art?

On phone so not :yet: atleast


6. Anything else you'd like to talk about regarding your character? 

Hes on the silver lineing between good and evil, youll just need to meet him to see what side youll see.

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1. How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 

Around September of 2020 (or at least that's how far back I remember)


2. What are some small nuances or details in your character that might not be so obvious to other players upon interaction? For example, I often use the hand movements of my snow elf to express certain metaphors or his state of mind.

Her thing is speaking eccentrically and jovially, like an aunt who's always there to encourage the things you shouldn't be doing (so long as its 4 science !!) : -)


3. Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.)

I had a cute dynamic with Ark, who played my father, and what motivated me to play the character from the beginning. Most of the memories I remember with him was the cute encouragement he'd give her since she used to be a very timid person, as well as the fun little adventures he'd take me to do science experiments. Kujo, Mona, and Goon have also given me memorable memories from the interactions and relationships we've made along the way.


4. What's the most badass thing your character has ever done?


im still playin the character, so im not sure yet


5. Character Art?



6. Anything else you'd like to talk about regarding your character? 

shy girl evolves to peculiar traveling alchemist !!!

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I think I wanna talk about Alicjo, arguably the only black guy on the server. Bald Southeron with a beard, you might've seen him. I never write posts about him and I've kinda stopped playing him because protag RP isn't fun if there isn't an event to be the hero at- but he's had a good run so far.


2 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

1. How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 

I've been playing for over a year now- started him at 25, now he's coming up on 80 soon.

He started out as a pretty jolly fella, sailor archetype who was canonically a simp. I used to just do tavern RP because as as a new player, I didn't know what else to do or how else to learn about the world- developed a mild alcoholism, was fun.


Very neutral about most things- thought war was stupid, didn't care much for politics, didn't care much about the existence of the aengudaemonicas. 


Fell in with a ruffian crowd, opened a fish shop and all of the ruffians used to hang out in front causing trouble. Did some tough guy RP, and eventually met this Tier 1 paladin who he'd have philosophical exchanges with regarding morality- started slowly shaping him to be a more virtuous person.


Then the Inferi War started, thrusted into a position of command. PTSD started dissipating all of that outward jolliness he held, an impatience for the frivolities that men seemed to consume themselves with. 


Saw Xan on the battlefield and was like "Oh, I guess this is real.."


After the war, that Tier 1 paladin became a Tier 5 paladin and made Alicjo a paladin, and like all good Xannic men, he's just a washed-up, very repressed war vet who spends all day tinkering in his forge.

So from a *laughs heartily* type of man to a *stare scrutinously* type of man; when he started, he was fat, couldn't read, and he definitely didn't give a sh*t about the Aengudaemonica.


Now, he's a jaded war vet who devoutly follows Xan and his teachings- just teaching the next generation what he can before he inevitably dies of old age.


2 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

2. What are some small nuances or details in your character that might not be so obvious to other players upon interaction? For example, I often use the hand movements of my snow elf to express certain metaphors or his state of mind.


He's definitely a lot sweeter to women than he is men. I wanted women to be his downfall, so he'd blindly trust the word of a woman more than he would of a man who's telling him the same exact thing. 


In his old age, he's kind of relieved of that curse somewhat- but old habits die hard, the man is still a simp deep down.


2 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

3. Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.)


Anduin Rhys Dering :'), the afformentioned Tier 1 Paladin played by @Covey

Brotherly vibes, despite Anduin being an elf, so naturally that comes with a healthy rivalry.


Single handedly brought my man from the edge of ruffianhood to a life of virtuous purpose.


At this point, he's known Anduin for the majority of his life, so he would trust him inherently with all things.


The fans even wrote two fan fictions of our characters, this must be what fame feels like.


2 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

4. What's the most badass thing your character has ever done?


Uhh. I don't know, this one's kinda hard to answer. I, personally, think the coolest thing he's ever done is led a lot of the liberation for thousands of Qualasheen slaves- but he's not even allowed to hang out with the Qualasheen people because he cheated on the princess. Ironic.


2 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

5. Character Art?


just imagine a really handsome black dude. like really handsome. 



2 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

6. Anything else you'd like to talk about regarding your character? 


Don't let your OOC feelings dictate a character's RP. That's all I'll say as not to air out dirty laundry. 


Made a pivotal choice for the character that shaped a great portion of his life, and while I wouldn't take it back, it certainly isn't something he might've done.


Since then, I've been really true to the character- and it's hard/boring to RP someone so staunchly conservative about most things. 


So I don't really play him. Until it's time to give my students a lesson or until a darkspawn event arises.


But when I do, I always appreciate how much he's grown.

Protags are increasingly more interesting when their personality isn't 'hero complex.'

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the first ever character that i created on lotc (wow it rly has been 7 years) was a wood elf named fitonor elmpool, later the gm team made me pk the slot and make him into a human (huh) but like.. he's still an elf, it's weird. i still hop on him from time to time but hardly ever any more unless it's just for fun. 


i joined on vailor and created fitonor, who found this little place called pompourelia (later named istria). i had no clue that it was apart of the empire or anything like that, i just know that some guy came and sold a house to fitonor for free and locked the doors for me (since back then you had to have gold vip to lock stuff). my irl friend @MannyMannyMannyjoined me and played fitonor's brother and we had a cute little shop in felsen called the elmpool brothers. i'm jumping the gun here but basically i made a youtube series about lotc and did like 10 episodes in this pompourelia/istria place before moving fitonor to felsen because it was a bigger city with more rp. he joined the felsen watch and became infamously known for going against the commanders wishes and breaking dress code by wearing a fedora. fedora et imperium (@Lyonharted)


while roleplaying on fitonor with the felsen watch i met some really great friends who i still talk to today, and we even had a skype group for a couple of years before switching over to discord (it's a VERY EXCLUSIVE group called flg which is short for felsen legacy general... only the cool kids know smh)


when @Thatpyrodudemade the empire go boom, fitonor joined the ascended for a little bit and then courland.. the rest is a blur. i've done so much on fitonor but the most memorable thing by far is definitely having been in the throne room of jburg when the de savoie rebellion (i forgot what it's called) started due to the emperor man killing the duke of savoy. 


i really enjoyed playing this character and it made me so many great friends, and i probably wouldn't still be on lotc nowadays if i wouldn't have made the ooc connections that i did while roleplaying as fito!

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Most Renowned Characters:

𝔇𝔲𝔯𝔢𝔫 ℑ𝔯𝔢𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔘𝔯𝔤𝔲𝔞𝔫

  • How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 

Duren as a character was started in Arcas, but his story started when he was a young dwarf when his father, High King Dreek II, was assassinated by Charles the Bald. He found solitude in his brother, Durorn, for many years as their eldest brother Dreek III was missing since. They have grown to be proud warriors of the Ireheart Clan.

  • Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on?

Bakir (Ireheart_)

Gror (Pancakehz)

Durorn (Masouri)

Axel Ireheart (Lefty_Bojengles)

Utak (Mickaelhz)

Aghuid (Cheezy_Garlik)

  •  What's the most badass thing your character has ever done?

Duren helped assist in a large skirmish against the Eternal Uzg. He and Utak charged the gate defeating some few Orcs, but were both left unconscious. Upon waking the remaining Irehearts defeated the Orcish forces.

  •  Character Art?



ℌ𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔇𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔳𝔞𝔫 ℜ𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔠 𝔬𝔣 𝔑𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡 [ᴘᴀʀᴀɢᴏɴ]

  •  How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 

Donovan Ruric survived through Axios and eventually fell into obscurity when the new Kings took reign. He grew up in the Dreadlands born of Ivanhoe Freyson as many Ruric lines settled upon the Isle. Eventually war came to the land as the Orenian Army crusaded through the old and broken Coalition barely leaving few with their lives if they escaped. Norland was eventually re-founded under Artyom Ruric who quickly fell ill, when Donovan Freyson took the mantle and confronted many challenges that the Ruric line feared. War was declared upon Norland by Urguan led by Grand King Bastion Ireheart. The campaigns took a large toll upon Donovan's life and later caused much paranoia in his mind.  Donovan Freyson Ruric

  •  Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.)

Uther Grimlee (Cornivore)

Hakon Ruric (Malgonious)

Bastion Ireheart (Lefty_Bojengles)

Raymond Ronjon (ElementalGamer)

Clan Volaren (UberGoobie & McThornz)

Artyom Ruric (DeanoBambino)

Ivanhoe Ruric (Muddy_Buddy)

Javier Ruric (cakefool)

Angus (Hackhen)

  •  What's the most badass thing your character has ever done?

King Donovan commanded the Norlandic and Dunamis forces in the Second Siege of the Krag. Only 40 Norlandic allies successfully defended a siege against a 100+ bodied coalition of Dwarf, Orc, and Teutonic Mercenary forces. After holding a captivating defense Norland and its allies took the offensive and cleared the field of any hostile forces putting an end to the Grudge Wars and establishing a peace treaty between Urguan and Norland. The War of Grudges

  • Character Art?

Donovan Ruric de Frey.jpg

𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔲𝔪'𝔏𝔲𝔯 𝔬𝔣 𝔎𝔯𝔲𝔤𝔪𝔞𝔯

  • How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 

Falum was born of Vorgo and Yertub in Vailor, but began developing his history in Axios. He was a born Hunter which was his favorite past time with his father before he perished in the Siege of San'Kharak. Falum was eventually harbored by Eath'Lur and officially took after the clan of his mother. After taking refuge and leading the war campaigns Falum eventually settled and found new meaning in the teachings of Krug, the Spirits, & Shamanism. 

  •  Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.)

Lukra'Braduk (samoblivion)

Kulgarok'Lak (DivineJustice)
Drokon'Ugluk (Pok)

Vagud'Gorkil (2samspan)

Wurzik'Gorkil (DPMagician)

Leydluk'Raguk (Wud)

Eath'Lur (Sandk1ng)

U'la'Yar (ultravioletpixie)

Anak'Lur (Gressy)

  •  What's the most badass thing your character has ever done?

Falum'Lur helped lead Orcs across the Axios Desert of Urguan and built a city named Azaghol. Eventually, he grew to become a fierce Hunter and Warrior being deemed the Targoth of the Krughai forces under Rex Drokon'Ugluk. The Orenian Empire quickly took notice of the Orcish settlement and waged war. These actions caused Urguan and many other nations to form a Coalition to combat the Elves & Men which eventually led to the fall of Oren after a century of undefeated crusades.  

  •  Character Art?





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Alright kids, buckle the hell up, we're going to break down my one character you all seem to love a lot.


Elvira Naromis - Ascended of Aeriel, Former Cleric of Tahariae, Master Alchemist, and my first character


1. How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 


I could go on a full lecture about Elvira's history but I'll try to hold back.


Started playing as Elvira during Athera, back in roughly 2014 - where she was 21 years old, had an abused past, but a huge passion for learning Alchemy. Very basic and a bit cliche but it worked. I met with Jistuma's character - Daniel Nodal -  who took Elvira under his wing and taught her Alchemy, bartending, as well as more about the world. The Drunken Monk Tavern was where it all started, Cloud Temple grounds and there's still a sign written by Elvira (who went by Elvi at the time) and under my old username Giratina XAble. So in all truth, if it wasn't for Jistuma, I probably might not have continued with LotC and we wouldn't have got the Elvira we all knew. Athera was me finding my ropes with Elvira and discovering the many avenues I could take.


Vailor was when Elvira first became a holy mage, specifically that of a cleric. She was married to a cleric leader, who kept on telling her not to become a cleric - Elvira said no to that. This was where Elvira went through big chances - she saw the light and dark conflict and suffered majorily. She got to re-see the dark side of life that she once saw but now had a means to help others. It was here she met Andriel (Jlyoko) and Heshakomeu (Ventusyr) who helped her gain strength and that resolve Elvira always had until the very end. It was also here Elvira found her nature as a mediator, where she helped repair the Cleric-Paladin relationship Heshakomeu broke with his attitudes. But it was also the dark users I encountered justing this map that also helped Elvira grow - such as Dralazar and the Dark Congress matter. Thanks to him - Elvira became more neutral when he tried swaying Elvira to Xionism, it sorta worked.


Axios - Oh boy. This was pretty much the peak of all changes for Elvira. She stepped up to become the Prime Adherent, leader of the Adherent Clerical Order and this was where I had the most fun. Paladins, Ascended, and Clerics all agreed to base within Trinity Keep and Elvira took to being a mediator between all three orders, as she knew the leaders and helped keep some semblence of peace... then my laptop died and by the time I got back, everyone went their different ways because of IC fighting. Elvira kept good ties between the Ascended and Paladins, though especially was close to Heial (Jallentime), and got to see a lot of awesome moments. She was a completely different person from how she was in Athera, which made me proud to see.


But her biggest moment was went she went insane use to a Fi mage sealing her clerical magic and when she held the Staff of New Beginnings for a brief moment during the Obelisk event Arockstar was hosting (and Kyral did not help with that prediction of Elvira dying to Asmodyne, Arkelos!). All the holy orders, to my surprise, sought to find a way to help Elvira - Vaileon went as far as to place Elvira within the Pools of Xan, which was a vital part of Paladin Lore that only Paladins could enter for connection purposes, to lessen the madness and buy Elvira some more time (so technically, Elvira is sorta an honourary Paladin since she got to chill in the pool of Xan?). Heial offered to make Elvira an Ascended in order to save her, which was a risky move and was particuarlly frowned on. I am actually pretty sure a few dark users contacted me, asking very nicely if they could offer Elvira Dark magic and make her go down a dark path. So she had three choices: remain a cleric and die from either madness or old age, go completely off the deep end and go dark, or become an Ascended. I decided to go with Ascended oocly - because why not? Sounded fun and it was where a good amount of my friends are, though it meant leaving the clerical order which was tough as hell. Rply, Elvira chosen the Ascended because there was still a part of her that wanted to do good - and that part urged her to become an Ascended. So the remaining half of Axios was as an Ascended, which was a weird yet interesting change of pace.


Atlas was... a mix of fun and a clusterfuck. Elvira held some strong roles, such as becoming an Alchemy Teacher in Holm to teach alchemy, lived in a few places from the Warhawkes to even a home in a few human nations. It was alright but then the Ascended Hunts happened, which was a horrible mix and mash of IC fighting and OOC drama for the Ascended. Elvira tried to be neutral during the whole exchange and focus on helping people regardless of the situation but given how Heial and Belestram was, it was difficult when one could potientally disconnect you and the other could potientally kill you. One big instance was when Belestram managed to formulate a trap to capture Elvira to find out where the Hallowed Grounds was and also to take the Arm of Aeriel for her - both of which she didn't know where it was or had it on her. They attempted to use a truthstone on her but Hareven (TheKeefy), who was a good friend of Elvira's managed to help Elvira essentially loophole the object - she lawed that under the truthstone, she will only answer to Hareven, which allowed for Hareven to ask purposefully vague questions that would ensure Elvira did not give away the location of the Arm of Aeriel. So in the end, Elvira managed to waste this hunting party's time by having them carry her to Sutica to find the Arm of Aeriel, which wasn't even there. They strung her up in a tree and then killed her despite having promised to let her go. OOCLY - I will admit, I was a lil salty because it was roughly 3AM when I went to the location, wanting to sort this meeting off then log off... then the trap happened but I got a good laugh out of wasting some time, so worth staying up. Aside from the Ascended Hunts, Elvira played a big part in the September Prince fights where she crafted Rubrium Ballista bolts to hurt the Prince, and ultimately - she worked with Descendants who were working with the Vaeyl and we managed to take down the September Prince with a life draining stone, which was carried in one of my Rubrium bolts! Elvira even got to go over the wall with this small group before everyone else and learnt a hella lot of lore. But on the bright side, Elvira soon met Steven and the two became inseperable.


Arcas was the last realm Elvira was on and where she passed on. Like with the clerical order, Elvira had to take up leadership once Heial left the order for no reason, resulting in history repeating itself. She tried her best to lead the order and keep an eye on the voidal tear situation, while attempting to maintain some neutrality and keep an eye on the dark forces. Of course, she made a lot of bad choices, though she did them with the conviction that it was necessary, even if she was hated for it. However, losing many allies and the weight of the world on her shoulder pushed Elvira close to death multiple times. Eventually, the strain became too much for even Elvira and she decided to pass on peacefully once Aeriel's power began to thin. But she changed from a young Alchemist into that of a powerful leader of two holy orders and well respected by many, even the darkness she fought against.


Anything is possible for a character, as long as you put a lot of work into it.

2. What are some small nuances or details in your character that might not be so obvious to other players upon interaction? For example, I often use the hand movements of my snow elf to express certain metaphors or his state of mind.



Everyone joked with me that Elvira was LotC's 'Coffee Grandma', which is true given her obsession of drinking coffee in coffee flasks. I am sure everyone who roleplayed Elvira can count one interaction Elvira drank a coffee flask or two. But did you all know Elvira actually drinks coffee not just because she loves it, but she drinks it to help her nerves and calm her paranoia down. It keeps her paranoia down and helps her concentrate, she was a very paranoid woman but coffee helped keep her calm. So whenever you guys saw Elvira drinking coffee - chances are, she was attempting to keep herself calm and relaxed.


3. Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.)

I can't mention every single person Elvira had a strong bond with, but know that if you did have a strong bond with Elvira - it was an amazing one.

  • Steven - married: A very strange relationship but is absoutely worked in the best way possible. The two are chaotic and Steven especially helped brighten up Elvira's life after everything she went through, and I am sure Elvira helped Steven out in her own way also. One day they will reunite again.
  • Dralazar / Gareth - Rivals: Elvira and Dralazar had a very intense rivalry with each other - a cleric and a shade is never a good combination. Whenever they would meet, it often ended in a very tense debate about life and the light and dark fight, or the two clashing in city squares or whenever they meet. Despite this, they had a very good mutral respect for each other, which was an awesome element to roleplay out.
  • Vailoen - Sister-in-Arms: Elvira and Vailoen met back in Vailor, when Heshakomeu was causing issues with the paladins. The two began talking and eventually became good friends with each other. Once Axios came around, this friendship intensified to the point the two were practically sisters and always looked out for each other. Even when Vailoen was a Keeper, she still held tight to her relationship with Elvira, even going as far as to placing her in the Pool of Xan to try and save her from her madness. It held out, even when Elvira died. The Holy Sister dynamic was amazing to roleplay out.
  • Izier - Paladin Uncle: When Ramza essentially abandoned the clerical order and Elvira, Izier and his family, the Vincrute, took Elvira in as a niece and adopted her. Izier especially stuck by her side and helped her out throughout her time as a clerical leader, alongside Heial. The two fought side by side many times and showed family isn't always that of blood, but of those who are willing to stand by your side.
  • The Clerics - Holy Brothers and sisters: This is moreso for all members of the Clerics who played when I was around - both when I was a student, a fully fledged cleric, and their leader. Without them, I think Elvira would have struggled to get through a lot of trials. They stood by her side through the best and the worst, sacrificed their lives to save her and encouraged her to keep fighting. Tahariae Guide you all. Andriel, Heshakoumeu especially.
  • The Ascended - Holy Brothers and Sisters: Same as the clerics, as they helped Elvira on during her time as an Ascended. Even when it seemed the whole world was against the order, they stood clean and firm against it, checking on the wellbeing of other members and making sure we completed our tasks. Elvira especially is grateful for the Ascended and oocly, I do not regret becoming an Ascended.
  • Daniel Nodal - Father-figure and teacher: If it wasn't for Daniel accepting Elvira as an alchemy student and helping her through her ordeals, Elvira wouldn't be the woman we all know today. When Daniel eventually passed on, it was painful for Elvira but she focused on moving forward and making the world better in his name.


4. What's the most badass thing your character has ever done?

...do you really want me to recite the list? Like REALLY want me to recite it?

  • Yelled at Gazadriael to suck his **** in Flexio when the Aengudaemon was revived during the Isle of Malin event (she was angry, that guy made her go insane).
  • Leapt onto the back of a dragon with her uncle, Izier, and both died - but it was bloody badass.
  • All her savage statements, I can't pick one - all of them were badass.
  • Had a one on one fight with a dark user (I can't remember their name) in the ruins of Johannasburg in Axios and it was amazing due to OOC communication and friendlieness.
  • Made Rubrium ballista bolts that nearly killed her but one was eventually shot at the September Prince with the item needed to kill it attached to it.
  • Ran a clerical order and then the Ascended order - shame we never got to her Paladin arc, else she would have been a part of all three major holy magics and bore their power at one point.
  • Aiding Descendants against a demon army in Atlas - where she and Glineth, a demon lady, decided to team up and unleash holy-dark hell on demons. Hella badass.
  • The many many many Elvira VS Dark forces moments - you guys all have a special place in my heart because of those fights and I am sorry if many turned into OOC drama by other members of my order.
  • Told multiple god-like beings to go **** themself because she could.
  • Spent a few months in a replica of the Desert of the Damned in order to repent for harming a descendant.
  • Became LotC's DOOM slayer and gave some characters PTSD.
  • Was a Half-Elf but gave no shits about it.


5. Character Art?




A WIP - but this will be for Elvira's wiki page, figured I should give her a new design that's based on a Descendant's interpretation of her.


6. Anything else you'd like to talk about regarding your character? 

Well, I said what I pretty much wanted to say regarding Elvira but I can share a few small tidbits.


My biggest headcanon for Elvira: Elvira is now in the Soulstream, battling against the many corrupted souls within the desert of the damned that are harming uncorrupted souls passing through but also is attempting to negotiate with the Archaengul in changing how the desert works, trying to ensure any innocent corrupted souls are spared or given a chance to be healed. Being a Master Sage makes her stronger than an average Ascended in the realm, so she's a reckoning to face. I might write a story regarding that, similar to what Xarkly has been doing.


There's also a big question I've been asked recently: Will Elvira come back?

Very unlikely given she is PK'ed, and the chances of her coming back as an undead or any dark creature that uses souls is impossible as her soul is protected by Aeriel (Died while Ascended lore was still accepted, so her soul is techincally bound to Aeriel). But if a ET or ST ever does an event where past characters come back for a time to help out - I definitely would appeal to have Elvira be one of those characters to return for a time and guide. But will she ever come back to the living permenantly? No, as her duty is now in the Soulstream.



I'm overwhelmed that many users on LotC, from many different groups on the server, loved my character for who she was and appreciate her. It makes me really happy to know I created a wonderful character and that people loved to roleplay with her. She wasn't perfect, which was probably why she was a great character so I'm just happy to hear Elvira went down as a beloved character for many older users.


Elvira's Wiki Page for anyone who want to read her history more: https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Elvira_Naromis

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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