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The Heart of the King


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In the icy rivers of Valdev, a very passionate fisherman would weep for what he saw as the loss of his most valued customer and his king. Timofei promised to himself to serve and sell only the most quality fish in the regions he operated, for King Georg was a man of class and quality.

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Amaya Milena, The Grand Princess of Kusoraev, stormed into the Prikaz with haste ‘til her quickened footfalls came to a sudden halt. The somber lull of momentary silence lingered in the air, thickening it with tension as she pressed herself against a nearby pillar whilst hoarse breaths rattled her chest.


“The King has departed for his final voyage! Long live the King!”


There, she stood - frozen as hushed murmurs pervaded what seemed to be every crevice and corner of the Prikaz, yet she could not will herself to move or utter a single sound. The Crown upon her head suddenly felt much heavier, now; a crushing weight, despite the years she spent priming herself for it. 


There was no time for the new Queen to be afraid; she was not afforded such a luxury. And so, Amaya tucked her trembling hands behind her back, soon pulled from her bleak daze by the quiet coaxing of a servant.


“Your Majesty, the King is gone. You must make preparations.”

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High Pontiff Sixtus V was alone in his apartments, he found it an oddity these days; to be alone. He removed his frock and carefully put it on its holder. He'd breathed the sigh in as His Holiness and exhaled it as Iosif Basrid once more, a mere man again. He clicked open the trunk that he'd purposefully hid under the drawers and produced his famed playing spoons of yore. It reminded him of different, easier times and of his friend Georg.


Prince Stefan was none the wiser, not to his father's abrupt departure nor the lofty heights the King thought he'd achieve. He made merry memories and gave away smiles as if they were going out of fashion in the bustling Palace halls with his wife and newborn daughter in tow. 

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Alasdair Baruch, son of his father and bearer of his sins, stood at the seaside. He had not heard the news of the King's leaving until it was too late, and so he stood and watched the waves, imagining he might see the ship on the horizon.


"I loved him," Georg had said, when a teenaged Alasdair had asked of his father. "I loved him more than anything.


There was a piece of his father still lodged in Alasdair, something his mother, his uncles, they all saw, and they all hated. It was the piece of him that spoke to fish, that had odd, ocean-blue eyes, that could not be too far from the water, for fear it would kill him. 


When Alasdair first heard the news, that piece of his father had cried out inside him. It was not Alasdair's own mourning, at the loss of the strange, enigmatic King, but his father's joy. What was left of the man, anyways. 


That piece of him, it drew itself out of Alasdair's soul. It dragged him to the ocean, to the shores of Aevos, where he himself had never set foot and yet where Alasdair crumpled to the ground, and wept.


Finally, Valdemar could rest.


Finally, they would be reunited. 




It was some time before Manon Yvaine allowed herself to think on the matter. Georgie–he'd been Georgie for fifty years now, as she explained to every face that gawked at the nickname–had had a good run of it, she thought. Privately, Manon hoped he would find what he was looking for. Who he was looking for.


"It's like love is a lantern," Val had explained to her. "And it shines on people. But mine- mine only shines on him."


Twenty years before that hushed, tear-filled conversation, Manon had made her first friend in Haense. A dark-haired boy who introduced himself as Georg, who liked her doll, and who gave her a gold coin. They'd met during an execution, and Georgie had picked the thing up after the Auctioneer passed, and offered it to Manon. 


She wondered if he wasn't the reason she'd stayed. At least at first. 


"The princes, they were like brothers to me," Manon had explained once. To whom was lost to time and memory and more important things. 


She had sat with him on her unmade bed, while Georgie confessed he did not love the girl who loved him. She told him to be true to himself, and honest as he could rightly be. Even then, she'd had an inkling.


"We," Georgie had declared, just that evening, "Are family in the spirit of the mind." Manon had laughed, and agreed. She wondered now if he knew he would be leaving.


She hoped that the seas would be kind to him.

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The Knight Paramount stood on the dock as Georg departed. He waved to his old friend as he set sail. "Good luck Georg..." He murmured to himself. He looked as the monarch waved back to him, they did not share a last name, nor any blood, but the two were brothers. Ser Vladimir was one of the few who knew the truth, a secret he knew he could not share. "I'll miss you brother, it was an honor..."


Tear began to fall as Ser Vlad smiled, remembering the adventures he and Georg had throughout their time. He remembered their many trips to Celia'nor, many trips to Balian, and the many secret assignments entrusted to him by Georg. "Stefan will be fine Georg!" He called out to the monarch, unsure if Georg could hear him. His voice faltered, "Perhaps you will find my son..." He nodded to Idril and Aurelion, the other two on the dock. The knight made his back to into the city, for he had to share the news of Georg's 'death'. This was the final task he had to carry out as a knight underneath Georg I.

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Papej, Lorena, Anatoliy, Georg...


The list kept growing. It kept her up at night, restless - fated to her paternal figure's loneliness. They say that fathers pass down their traits to their daughters, and alas Georg had done the same. She was left now to be abandoned for eternity, and only the mention of it brought her great dread.


She had been so young when he had taken her in as his ward, so loud-mouthed when he had picked up her. There she was, little Alyona Godunov. Her father was absent up until his death, mother running rampant around on adventures. She learnt pretty early on that it was her fate to be trapped in the confinements of her obligations: her House, leading it, and bring forth the prosperity of a newfound generation. There was no parental guidance to mould her into that woman, no steady hand upon her back to guide the way. That was until her and Georg had met - a bask of light it had been.

Years had passed and she grew alongside him. They had spoken before his disowned daughter was executed in the square, up on the balcony of the palace. Hushed whispers of their woes, and it was the moment Alyona had realised he were the father she had needed. They never spoke of it to each other, their relationship, but it was mutually understood. The night of the Mori siege where her own brother had died, the baroness had come to King Georg's defence and took the piercing for him. He should of been dead that night, but he survived; Alyona was crumpled in the snow. Out of fear for her life he had called her 'family' - Family. It is what she had desired for so long, functionality, yet the news of Anatoliy had ripped that from her.


It hadn't been ten minutes since she was proposed to tonight, aiming for stability and functionality once more, and yet the news of his departure had taken it from her. In the ballroom did the feelings erupt in her chest, a conundrum of thunder, that left her heart shattering into pieces. Georg had hexed her, and she was cursed with that hole in her heart where he had been. She was again alone.

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The Duke of Vidaus carried with him a great air of indignation. He had long grown accustomed to the quietude, hidden from the cries of his maddening wife in the confines of his study - and the realm was better off, he knew. Georg had not ever been made to wear the crown, as those around him had. The realm was better off, as was his aged friend.

Though, Aleksandr could not help from being drawn to the memories of his youth. It was not a sadness, but a mournful sort of longing for what was, and might have been. The two had made fine foes in the lists, and fine company stood side to side in arms. He was sure, such days would never come again, and that was a pain all too familiar. 

Edited by Demavend
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Francisco I would slowly come to place down his crown before taking a moment to speak a prayer to his old friend. He would mourn both his brother and friend as he did, taking a moment to cosolidate his feelings he would then go to tell his kids of Tio Jorge's death.

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Though time had aged a wrinkled Emèlie Ada Rousile, and as the years had gone she'd had children of her own and rested now in the skies after her fourth child was born. A soft smile played at her lips that were aged with the time. "Manonona was right.. Georg has always been a good friend.. I only hope he finds what he's in search of."



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"No! Not Good King George!" A Roach cried

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"WOW!" Renilde shouted as the missive reached her hands, a palm pressed to her forehead as grief wrapped her up like a sweater. 





i love u and miss u gus


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In the midst of preparing her various trunks and parcels for her journey to Ba'as, Lydia hears word of the King's passing from her brother. It had been just a year previous she had gifted the northern monarch with that sentimental token, a pearl from the Balianese sea. She prayed he had kept it with him, a piece of her own affection that had begun with the friendship had between the Barbanov and her late-father.




Elsewhere, Princess Johanna Casimira's conversation with her guardian, Earnest, yields news of potential children her age she might try to befriend. The Rutherns, of course, and the two eldest d'Arkent boys. She eagerly imagined what their future adventures together might hold!



Rest easy, Georg o7

Actually, no, now I steal Gus away to Balian where we will drink from coconuts and lay on the beach!

Hahahahahaha, major Muna W!


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