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On Orenism: A Synopsis of Pro-Empire Arguments

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"A great argument as always." Otto smirks as he reads over the document.

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"I would sooner slit my children and grandchildren's throats on the steps of Saint Caius's Cathedral than accept an Orenian Emperor." Remarked Numenatar, former King of Numendil

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"Maybe this isn't such a bad idea." said Father Belisarios, as he conducted his usual mass in the Kingdom of Balian.

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A Veletzian Sellsword lofted a hefty sigh as the Synopsis made the rounds through the Midlands. The idea of Imperialism or, Orenism as dubbed by the Bishop was something that plagued his mind in the recent years. Despite being a mostly uneducated sellsword, he still was able to note the lack of ambition by Humanity as a whole. It made for a truly tragic state of affairs. Each human Kingdom was but a mere copy of another with a supposed "culture" to credit as a difference which in reality, served only as an aesthetic to mask the lifelessness of each state. 


Orenism, as it was, at least offered an alternative to the remedial lifestyle exhibited by the modern states. It allowed for ambition and change to flourish and for the individual to challenge the status quo. But alas, as the sellswords placed the missive away in a dusty chest he knew, there would be nothing more than the King and his Kingdom. The age of humanity was over. What was now, was all there would ever be. 

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“Oren is dead. Let it rest upon the ash heap of history where it belongs.” Count Waclaw Jazlowiecki stated. “I would sooner my line be wiped out in resistance than kneel before an Emperor.”

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"Be wary, the ghosts of the past always come to haunt the minds of men." Murmured a single-eye'd warrior to the dancing flames of the fireplace. Bitter memories of inbred emperors and the ruination of Johannesburg swam in his head. 

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The Ghost of an ancient imperial soldier murmurs in his slumber beneath the forgotten world. 

"Do you want the boring status quo or not make up your mind!"

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"God Save the Emperor!" Remarked Nikolas Melphestaus, his father having told him many imperial glories. 

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"I'd sooner allow my firstborn son to succumb to pneumonia before I knelt and kissed the ass of some Orenian Emperor." Proclaimed Harald Eiriksson, who was living with one of the numerous nomadic Skanarri tribes after leaving his life in Norland behind.

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1 hour ago, satinkira said:

"So true. Haense, fulfil your destiny." Yandel said.

Liridona stares at her nephew, and shakes her head. "We do niet do that here."

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When Philip III was asked about the nature of his Empire by his son-in-law, the Count Sarkozy, he had this to say:



"Look over these fields, my son, that we deem the Lower Petra. Count each and every manor that dots them, all of the farmsteads and crops and towns that we can see from here alone. It is a people, it is a spirit, it is an essence that must be united. In the north, men of hearty character, kin of the Haeseni and the Norlanders, swear themselves to me. Yet it is not Philip Amadeus that they owe their fealty to, but to Philip III. Philip III is no man, he is a symbol of something greater- the unifying spirit that drives men to form families on the smallest level and empires on the greatest one. The role of the Emperor is simply to be the vehicle of the natural desires of men, and so we have seen commoners rise to such a rank, foul men claim the throne, and usurpers strike down the man who came before them. There is nothing mystical about our station, even if it is one that God ordains, but the will of man is a powerful thing. We must be diligent stewards of these inclinations and strive at every opportunity to ensure that these disparate realms may be governed by a fair hand and allowed to interact, trade, and grow in peace and safety."



When Demetrius Barrow was asked about the nature of Empire generations later, he had this to say:



"An Empire may be a good thing in certain circumstances, but in the present it is an aberration to the progress of man. Conflict drives all, be it an argument at the dinner table or terrible wars that kill thousands. Our history is a progressive one, but no progress can be made with idle peace. Something must give way and something must break. Peoples must be ruined and slain for something new to arise and give a new step to this story of man. An Empire, at least one that is not ephemeral, constrains and contradicts this because it wishes to subsume all factional rivalries beneath a shared identity that will maintain peace and keep order. This may work well when there is some great outside threat that demands temporary unification, but as we have seen time and time again, when that threat subsides, or alternatively, when that threat overwhelms this combined strength, these factional differences surface again. Typically, diplomacy or warfare are the two main bodies by which these disputes are resolved, but an Emperor introduces a third method: a decree. This only delays an inevitable confrontation and does not resolve the underlying tension, so when it does burst it is all the more violent. That is why an Empire cannot be formed now, should not be formed now, and will fall with ease if it is formed now."


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Manfred von Arichsdorf, a direct descendant of the storied Godric, and a Marcherlord of some reknown in his own time would come across the writings of the Heartland cleric. Being well versed in the scholarship of his ancestor and the discourse of the age he would frown, putting pen to paper and composing a response.


The blood of the prophet has been much thinned in these modern days. Many claim the blood of the prophet yet lack the characteristic zeal that once exemplified the line of northern kings. Herein I shall speak to the mind of my predecessors the Edvardssons, the nation builders of scholars of the Rurukid. 


The author has pointed to the writings of Godric. Any serious historian will agree that he is the most significant of the modern Rurics. However, the nuance of Godric's reign are often missed by Canonist Scholars. Prior to the outbreak of the Rubern war it was widely established that the Duke of Morsgrad was actively seeking integration into the Imperium. This can be observed through his participation in the punitive campaign against the Orcs. If anything it was his strong public denunciation of the toe-sucking incident that likely sparked hostilities. 

Even prior to the era of Godric the settlements of Nordengrad under Thoromir II or Dunharrow under Alvar are both seen to be interested in the universal human project whilst still aspiring to maintain their particularities in regards to culture and ethnos. Even my own polity, nestled as it was in the beating heart of an Oren beset by a coalition of Haense and Dwarves fought desperately for the preservation of the grand Imperial project. Though at the time it had become clear that the humans of the heartlands had lost the stomach for Imperium by that point. The ignoble squabbling that occurred after our loss truly shamed the entirety of humanity.


If I was to give an account of what we desired, it would be the following. It is desirable that the entirety of humanity and its adjacent be unified under a single authority within a single supra-national polity. Unified humanity with decentralized political authority is the best solution to the question of human political organization. It is clear that excessive centralization in the model of Renatus, while extremely strong, suffers from two issues. First, the degree to which it is sustainable over the long term should the leadership lag is questionable. The iron fist ages and tires, and then as the author pointed out the legitimacy behind said fist becomes a matter of debate. Secondly, the withering of culture that occurs under these hyper-centralized regimes. When humanity are permanently on a war footing there is little in the way of law or culture that blooms.

The best of Humanity's Emperors have been those that have understood the wide variety of humans and have been able to forge individual compacts and agreements with each unique people. There cannot be a universal solution to particular problems. Each must be coaxed into imperium according to their own set of circumstances and needs.


Unfortunately, as was noted by my ancestor. The age of heroes is long over. We shall see if this new King of Haense has the spine to exceed the status quo of his predecessors and seize Imperium for himself. But as things stand the innumerable petty kings who squabble and preen brings shame to all of us. Let there be an Emperor once more. A humanity long united, must divide, a humanity long divided, must unit.

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(( [!] A frightened human-rper trembles with the Empire-posting. esterlen and sergeisala would be arriving soon. ))

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