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Status Updates posted by Sporadic

  1. Wow another Remove Nexus post? What is this, 5.0?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AGiantPie


      By 'worst' I mean most likely to cause problems. Increasing the value and meaning of winning or losing a banditry PVP scenario is going to lead to a lot more meta-stalling and on the flipside a lot worse banditry rp as they try to rush PVP on travelers to get the trade goods before guards show up. Unquestionably this will mean more ban reports and such.


      Not to mention that bandits in general don't have to face the consequences of their actions since every fight they win gives them free trade good value but every fight they lose doesn't lose them anything. (Basically risk free compared to merchants who have to take a great risk).

    3. AGiantPie


      Woops, I missed that.

    4. Sporadic


      you raise a good point @AGiantPie it's something we will have to keep in mind.

  2. "If you can't handle me at my Nexus you don't deserve me at my Obelisk" - Telanir, probably

  3. Guys our server made it to the front page of minecraft-server.net thank you all <3

  4. Interested in knowing the opposite of demand? Supply!

    1. InfamousGerman


      made it iron what more do u want @DPM

    2. ImCookiie


      Best one yet

  5. We've added many extra Milestone rewards for voting! (see for yourself with /vote ms). Your milestones don't reset with each new month so don't miss out and vote vote vote!

    1. Sporadic


      Day 27 is a SECRET milestone now (and no that its not minas)

  6. Optimistically we're looking at almost a tripling of new player intake compared to December. Keep up the voting :D

    1. ibraheemc2000


      where is the recent dev update, saying all the new things you added....i heard you posted it idk where...cant find it

    2. NotEvilAtAll
  7. Voting milestones have been fixed. Let me know if any further issues seem to show up!

  8. Also forum update which should have some bugfixes but also staff titles in text-form :D

  9. GMs have reset the mines and going by poll outcome it should contain EVEN. MORE. IRON :O

  10. The poll "Should creatures have hunger and drowning immunity if this is lore-appropriate?" has ended with 426 voting "Yes" and 151 voting "No"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dreek


      i suddenly have an urge to play a special beast who can regen faster than normal players in fights and camp at the bottom of rivers

    3. Sporadic


      @Master Sage Delaselva Actually the reason we removed diamond armor is because the majority wanted it removed :D


      @Teegah werent you leaving?


      @Quirkyls someone else made those polls so someone else will handle em


    4. Elennanore



  11. Teegah quitting in time to make preperations for Raidy Fun Times.

    1. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      cancer* death* times*

  12. 9kXTsll.png

    New maps are good for our server ranking which means it's good for new player recruitment

    1. Ragnio


      Yep, new maps, awesome work of the devs, nice PR, all of those are good for the ranking!

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Why don't we just have a new map every week?



  13. This is a test message.

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      This is a test reply.

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Good job sporadic. 

  14. The majority of you voted that the MineWorld iron rates were "Too Low" (259 votes vs 209 for "Just Right" and 79 for "Too High"). We'll be looking to increase the amounts slightly in the next reset (~2 weeks from now).  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreek


      Can't wait! Glad that the market is transitioning away from an iron dependency


    3. Elennanore


      There isn't even a market.

    4. Ducklingator


      Seriously? There's so much.

  15. Starting next restart:
    - Enderchests are usable. They are scattered throughout Atlas.

    - Everyone has 2 SS slots to start, but 3 or even 4 after a certain amount of playtime

    - Resource Island is available through a gate by the Cloud Temple pillar.

    - Admin shops are functional and sell some neat items.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ragnio


      Gj Spora and the Dev-Team!

    3. Salvo


      @Sporadic I mean to be placed down in a particular place (settlements) for use by citizens, not for PvP.

    4. TeaLulu


      Thx sporadic can u develop a book storage plugin for permanent use maybe some sort of book rental program idk please and thank u. (Dont want to lose library's 1k books)

  16. Mineworld refreshed :D Also we discourage strip-mining of Atlas verbally AND with plugins very soon.

  17. Report odd lighting issues you see!!!

    Server is up but we might need to rollback.

  18. Gonna revert to a backup it looks like...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Space
    3. JuliusAakerlund


      We used to have a beta testing team, but then we were disbanded because our service wasn't needed anymore.

    4. JuliusAakerlund


      The ability to ball idea's with people not a part with the creative process helps quite a lot, even then we were removed a year and a half before Nexus was ousted.

  19. Who's excited for a Day 2 Temp Map :D

  20. Unfortunately Nexus has become sentient as we tried to remove it...

    1. MyNameIsMason
    2. oblivionsbane


      So this is how it begins; with an unloved minecraft crafting plugin...

    3. dogbew
  21. █████ ████ everything ████ ███ ███████ is ███ █████ ███ ██ ███████ fine ████ █████ trust ████ █████ your █████ dev ████ ██ ████ ███ ███████ ███ team ██████ █████

  22. Want to yell at the techs for forcing you to grind diamonds? Here's your chance:


    1. Sporadic


      You must be a club member it's all part of our censorship and propaganda program.

  23. And for a brief, terrifying moment, the Admin team was entirely devs...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainSheepy


      You're a darn blessin', Sporadic <3

    3. Sporadic


      and for a brief, glorious moment, Sporadic felt appreciated.

  24. Looking forward to your lore submission on braille so you can start advertising your previously accepted lore submission ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kingnothing


      emoguygothic more like emoguydoesn'tgetit

    3. Starfelt


      @Killer QueenWe don't talk bout those dark days Goosey. Hush

    4. Zarsies


      just now saw this lmao @Sporadic I'm sorry dad

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