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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. hey guys imagine planning a transition

    1. KBR


      Let’s just bring the alaskan bullworm back at this point

    2. ScreamingDingo


      ill happily do the bullworm again at least people enjoyed that

    3. Nectorist


      lal why tf would u do that

  2. hello if u want to help w/ war rules ive got a thing open to discuss them


    please add me on discord or pm me for an invite to the place.



    1. Space


      no but thanks for the offer!

    2. Christ


      Oil, you freaking dingo.  Go to guilds and leave a comment on my post


  3. hey Ghaz I know you'll read this please come home your mother misses you. 

  4. i have finally realised what the problem with the current gen of lotc pvp is. It’s not used as a genuine method of resolution it is instead used to avoid consequences you could otherwise not rp’ly.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      its also cancer to avoid dying in a situation where you’re guaranteed to by calling pvp and running on CD

      i am not against pvp i think its a great thing in most scenarios to resolve conflict. Though my biggest thing is people using it to escape situations or kill-blows. Any moment something goes sour for them, they call pvp and just sprint off and abuse mechanics to escape a situation that would otherwise be impossible to RP’ly.


      trust me im fine for clicking and ****, just outta here with this coward avoidance pvp mentality

    3. Raomir


      crp should be an alternative to pvp


      crp should only be used

      • when you’re friends with the other person OOCly
      • know they’re not a cry baby
      • know they type fast than one word per minute
    4. Alastorous-


      This is, from what I’ve noticed, the real issue at hand: A power fantasy problem among a large percent of RP communities.

      I’ve been RPing for 7+ years now, and I’ve seen a lot of different ways to handle combat and RP. Here are my thoughts.

      Everyone wants their character to be the “main character” who always comes out on top. With this said, when two (or more) characters run into a conflict with one another, engaging in CRP boils down to emoting in such a way that restricts the opponent to react according to how the initial emoter wants. Over the time of the hypothetical CRP, all parties involved become agitated and/or begin trying to justify why their character should win a certain engagement against the opposing player(s). This often goes on and on, and sometimes involves flaming in OOC chat until someone either gives in or calls for a mod. All because there is no current system to alleviate the power fantasy a lot of players struggle with (though they don’t realize it). 

      Whereas, with PvP, by using in-game mechanics, there is little to no debate who can and should win an engagement. However, with PvP being the go-to method for a lot of conflicts, it truly takes away from any detailed story telling. Some of the greatest stories include the details of combat, in my opinion.

      How should/could this be “fixed”? Well, one of the best RP based combat systems I’ve seen on another Minecraft RP server involved dice. Players had a set number of health points when they initiated combat with an opposing player. Following this, each player rolled a 1d20 for initiative. Furthermore, each player took turns attacking/defending based on the initiative rolls. Players would then roll for attack and defense, all with another 1d20 each. The player with the highest number has their combat emote (defending or attacking) conquer the opposing emote (again, attacking or defending). So on and so forth until player surrenders or dies in RP. 

      The only additional thing which would be required is an in-depth guide on how to calculate damage dealt through this type of combat system. A topic I don’t think I’m qualified to touch on. Balancing something like this would be fairly difficult, but possible nonetheless. 

      However, due to the RNG nature of this system, it turns a lot of players off. This is why rankings could be included. The following is a very rough, but easily comprehended example of how these rankings would look and how they would influence rolls: 

      Peasant 1d20+0
      Knight 1d20+2
      Ascended 1d20+9 

      Achieving newer, higher ranks could be done through appointment based, RP “classes” with a team of moderators who take it upon themselves to double as in-character trainers. Whether or not a player gets to “rank up” is determined by the mod/trainer after an RP session that tests the players RP etiquette, skill, etc. Additionally, with every “rank up” reaps its own rewards and benefits i.e. bonuses to dice rolls and potential for increased health at higher ranks. 

      Likewise, there is no perfect system for how to deal with CRP, but if the goal is to incorporate more RP based combat into the server, a system must be put into place to help eliminate players from overextending their character’s power. I realize that what I’ve explained may not appeal to a vast majority of this community, but I figured I had something to say about the topic. 

      Edited by Alastorous-
  5. whats current scoop on good rp areas in the glorious year of 2019... i lack meaningful rp currently...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kaiser


      Like just locations? Fi’Halen is active, Aegrothond, Carolustadt (The Human cap) Belvitz always has a few folks, orcs seem fairly active atm. Agnarum less so, but still has peeps. Halflings, but usually only when they have parties/events

    3. Treaty


      Clout Temple

    4. Burnsy


      2 hours ago, Kaiser said:

      Agnarum less so, but still has peeps.

      Oh I see.

  6. @drfate786 is an anarcho-lore supporter and that is a dangerous ideology to follow...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Player-made lore and events are pretty cool tbh.

    3. drfate786


      Everything is player made, just because it has a staff logo on it doesn’t mean it’s not player made.. Everyone is a player.

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      I’m referring to non-staff made lore and events in particular.

  7. fireheart couped omegalul


    I would just like to remind any aspiring or newer ET to look at this thread after the current events

  9. my mum told me not to hang out with kids like ghaz, he’ll teach me how to be an evil charles the bald hacker :c

  10. Are you realising your questions won't be answered in the Community Meeting?

    Don't worry for Velia will listen to your questions and answer them as best as they can.




  11. can i start a fivver on event coaching :^)

    1. D4NNA


      looool, yea sure, go ahead you might become a millionare! 

    2. Elennanore
  12. Imagine it being 2018 and pandann's admin bureocracy has not been shattered


  13. We live in an Empire.



    Big dogs rise up

  14. well look, i tried. back to complaining

    1. Swqrclan


      hahahahaha never ever EVER hahahahaha

  15. imperials, finish the battle that was started years ago. Truly end the dwarven race.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DrHope


      alrig’t listen ‘ere laddeh, yer ancestehs t’ought te same maneh years ago and t’ey were soundly defeated, and now yeh ave te orcs and te dwarfs and te ‘umri of nordengrad defenin in a dwarf strong’old lets seh ‘ow yeh manlins fair down in te dark

    3. Tide1
    4. amyselia


      but who will entertain us if the dancing dwarves are gone ?

  16. hello i would like the horse breeding cd to be lowered, thank you

    1. Temp


      Uh, yes. As a member of the Velian Ministry of Horse Insemination I stand by this.

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer
  17. warzones are as interactive and revolutionary as ever


    gl both sides hope the horses are good

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Inferno_Ougi


      it was really dynamic when elven guard started hating on malgonious and died for it

    3. ScreamingDingo


      @Ougi it's all good fun with that, the entire concept just seems like a massive bore. People surrounding a fort and baiting people bored enough to jump in and get mulched. I had more enjoyment in the two seconds of clicking getting trapped than the entire 20 minutes of walking around the fort shouting obscenities


      Constant OOC **** flinging of the sort, suicide jokes etc. Ain't the best look LotC has had. 

    4. HortonHeardAWho


      @GrimReaper98, glad you’re playing again! Unironically happy if you are of course.


  18. We should remove the ability to do any substantial meeting or RP at the CT and keep it as a spawnzone. It's not like leaders getting killed at meeting matter because of monks anyway

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      the trick to remove ct roleplay if it’s intended is to remove the conventional areas to roleplay, not forbid players to roleplay there. For example, if you don’t have a large clearing that has some benches here and there alongside a tavern, roleplay will never happen.

    3. Temp


      Fair point.

    4. Dromui


      You lot are gonna hate me soon then, hehe

  19. ooo i can’t wait for warzzzz me likes the ddos wars :333!!!!! i love all DA RP AROUND IT ~!~!~ :3 :3

    1. rukio


      for thoromir

    2. HortonHeardAWho


      Joel, i like you. Don't go on lotc tomorrow.

  20. lotc pvp is legitimately 1000 IQ I can’t ever comprehend it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J


      I just click. My crappy internet does the rest for me

    3. The Elder Eye

      The Elder Eye

      You need to have more chug jugs.

    4. Dromui


      virgin vampire roleplayer vs chad lotc pvper tbh

  21. @Malgonious


    1v1 event battle for actor manager, xark can referee it?

    1. Poor_Fellow


      okay, this is epic

  22. @forum moderators


    never knew that you would edit words out of people’s posts tbh

    1. J


      what happened?

    2. Temp


      Ford spoke his mind about someone.

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