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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. my profile is now an FM free zone.


    do not post, look or attempt to communicate with me fms. I hate you all.

  2. well at least ferals are going to be removed

    1. _Sug


      Blessed be.

  3. hey you see how there's a ban report on both clerics and izkuthi. I know a really good solution, I really do. I bet you can't guess it

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zaezae


      Yeah, though I can think of some other people that could be removed if we're using ban reports as a measuring stick.

    3. Gone


      @Elrith I was told you're HyperThinking and that I had to do the ping since you'd handled some of the stuff. !-! 


      Tbh I don't see anything from the report as an issue with the magics or creatures, more an issue with toxicity, but regardless Izkuthii are getting reworked per LT request and holy magic is gonna get all sorts of touches.

    4. Elennanore


      I am Hyperthinking

  4. when are we removing the 'largest minecraft roleplay' from our name and replacing it with 'a medium sized factions server'

    1. Medvekoma


      When will people stop whining about raiders interrupting their ERP sessions?

    2. ScreamingDingo


      That is something that I do not even know, it is an endless cycle.

  5. kinda wish @devvy got director tbh...

  6. former admins are not relevant sorry!


  7. are raids ever for RP reasons anymore or are they truly just OOC pvp means and revenge schemes

  8. wish i was a grimdark roleplayer tbh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joltastik


      Miss me with that consequence RP!

    3. GDPR 014
    4. HurferDurfer1


      Anyone that wants that is an edgy *****

  9. mfw 12 hour meta bans

    1. Dreek


      well....what expression does it make ? ? ?

    2. ScreamingDingo
    3. Raomir


      i support year long bans for metagaming #makelotcbrutalagain

  10. daily reminder that if you are over the age of 20 and you are romantically/sexually involved with someone 16 or under. You are a predator.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Abyssus


      its legal in mexico

    3. J


      Directed by Chris Hansen 

    4. Kaiser


      local man states obvious facts

  11. just wanna learn and teach cool shamanism tbh

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smaw


      Make Shamanism great again.

    3. ScreamingDingo


      wish playing an orc wasn't the equivalent to playing a grug tbh

  12. remember if something needs more than one rewrite there's an obvious problem with it and should just be outright removed


    :^ )

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      lore wipe time for bronze age

    3. Temp


      Cue snarky response due to being offended.



      cue tgtemplar making an epic reply

  13. today i tried to beat the renatian soldiers, they will never stop me.


    i am so chaotic!!!


    keep on RYOTHING!!!!!!!

  14. are you okay harrison? sometimes you worry me when you don't get home from curfew... you're a big boy and bought your big boy license but a parent can still worry...


    miss u...

  15. All I want is lotc to be turned into a PvP factions MC gambling site

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. garentoft


      just make it kits pvp instead of factions. keep the gambling.


    3. Creamy
    4. Guest


      omg is this THE joel????

  16. victory posts for RP raids are about as high IQ as someone 'leaking' their own ERP logs to try and brag about their emote style.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. drfate786


      It needs more Rick and Morty.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      Oh **** I've been had

    4. Thatpyrodude


      Lotc is doing some volunteer work with special needs kids, kinda cool but you gotta excuse their dumb posts, they don't know any better.

  17. dirty STiNKY filthy PoopY RAevIr RoLEPlay!

  18. Need all nation leaders and major faction leads to contact me via discord. joel#4235 thanks! Need to set some things up with each leader.

  19. daily reminder you will always be worth more than an lotc pvp montage

  20. charoodler is an EVIL MAN WE cannot let this NPC abusing man back onto lotc.

    1. GODHawkEye


      I'm not sure if this a sarcastic status update due to your prolific history of being a pvper, but in the slim margin that this is serious I have come to show my support. Such blatant abuse of VIP abilities is unacceptable, what RP reasoning could there even be? NPC's appearing out of thin air? Did he even RP their arrival? This Charoodler whoever he is, is clearly a man of suspicious morals, which are clearly not the type of a typical RPer who appreciates the art that we all indulge in on a daily basis here on LoTC. 

    2. mmat
  21. honestly may aswell be a factions pvp server with how the staff refuse to punish poor rp and not uphold a standard of it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      @McThornz regardless of whether we kill you in RP-PvP you come back literally every day at weird hours in the night/early morning, immediately force pvp and call GMs when we complain about you immediately forcing pvp. you don't roleplay on this server and you dedicate hours on end every day to shitting on players who are trying roleplay. It's such a ******* joke that you'd even suggest that we're ignoring your roleplay when it's comprised of you just casing settlements and running away from people until someone in discord tells you to help with a raid. I have never roleplayed with you or even met someone who knows your character. 90% of your forum posts are you complaining about people complaining about PvP. 


      You're not a poor roleplayer, you're a non-roleplayer and a god damned brainlet. You have to go back.


    3. Guest


      i rp joel! n u berate me for it ):

    4. Thornz


      Haha I don't even know who the **** you are so what, I'm going to assume you never rp because I've never rped with you? Of course none of your friends know me because I don't normally rp in cities full of braindead welves. To suggest I don't rp just because I'd rather pvp a fight with over 20 people or because you've never rped with me specifically is ridiculous and  assumptive. 

      And when regarding yesterday's rescue raid, I literally emoted but received no response due to the shitfest spam in looc caused by the welves the minute things didn't go their way. 


      Dont tell me what I do or don't do and I don't appreciate being called a god damned brain let just because I enjoy pvp in addition to rp.

  22. daily reminder both holy magic and dark magics are stupid

    1. Zacho


      legit if there was no conflict betwixt holy and dark what the actual hell would fuel the server and stop it from turning into a full on pvp factions server tho?

    2. ScreamingDingo


      implying holy and dark conflicts are actually RP and not just ooc squabbling LOL

    3. Guest


      daily reminder you’ve not had a full interview yet and “hi I’m killing u while ur offline” was chosen over u LOL.

  23. the problem w/ meta is entire nations running off it, not defending from a raid like come on

  24. imagine using your GM pex to power-game and kill someone when they're offline :^ )



    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. rukio


      idk about you but I've had plenty of roleplay where myself or the other person had to leave so we just work out how the rp would have ended in PMs. Is it possible they talked out how it would end and then he emoted it just so there'd be logs/etc? 

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