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Status Updates posted by Sky

  1. looking to replace @Gucko with someone who wants builder and @Jake! with someone who wants actor, any takers?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Aengoth


      hello my name is gucko and I am The skinwalker

    3. Kvasir


      hello I can act, beep boop.

    4. JEEGK


      too bad @Skylez1 you'll never be on the team :^)

  2. lt/mt are MArt's voted on collectively or can the ones involved int he magic accept/deny? if its voted, how frequently?

    1. ShameJax


      It's voted on. Don't know how often now though.

    2. Aelesh


      MT get together, all the MT get one vote per artefact. That vote can be Y, N, or !!! (meaning acceptance with changes/'I can see some problems here but I like the core idea'). Votes take about a week to finish, sometimes a little less (like, a working week, five days or something).

  3. Make the cool-down for soul stones five minutes, please.

    1. Man of Respect
    2. Ducklingator


      Make them an RP thing with detailed lore while you're at it!


  4. Merry Christmas.

    1. Silent™


      Christmas in the summer... crazy aussie.

  5. Never click sketchy links, here's a link that's not such! http://tinyurl.com/jffad65

    1. Elfen_


      Because tinyurls aren't sketchy. /rollseyes

  6. New computer, **** yeah boy.

  7. New Players aren't the problem, your elitist attitude and refusal to help anyone that you deem bellow you, is the problem. ?

    1. MickMeist


      there's no retweet button so I did my best

    2. Lark


      but how can i make sure the plebians know their place?

  8. Oh I get it, Sporadic is telling us this but really it's clearly going to be a bait and switch, I see you Sporadic I see you.

  9. Props to making the first step and apologizing. Honestly, good on you.

  10. quite disappointing to see people take jabs at eachother ಠ_ಠ

  11. Since it's locked, I'll ask here. What's the point of having creation lore when it's never going to be brought up in character? Like- Genuinely what is the point? Is it for us to look at as players and go 'neat', or is there a reason I am not seeing?

  12. Six months today, top notch. ?

    1. B


      sixth months sober? im proud of u

  13. So the Dominion did indeed fall.

  14. So today I learned we have a build server- Is this something the community can use, or is it only reserved for our 5 event team builders?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kingnothing


      did seem a bit salty but i still love u sky :)

    3. TeaLulu


      ... "Angry" "salty" what is he suddenly negative because Y'ALL have a small number of ET builders thanks to admin BS?? 

    4. Slayy


      Love ya too sky!

  15. Sky

    stay away from rukio shes mine 



  16. Take a moment today to give your prayers to those suffering in New Zealand.

  17. Thank you all for the wonderful time on the Application Team as Director, however not all tenures last forever. I put in my resignation sometime ago, and a new director was chosen- Please congratulate @BritBritt, and wish her goodluck. I have full faith in her abilities.

  18. Thank you Fireheart.

  19. The big 22.

    1. Anawkin


      Congrats brodude

    2. Space


      happy birthday

  20. The recent ruling by DiscoLiquid sets a bad precedent, for when a VIP locks a chest for someone and later chooses to remove their own lock, they have the chance of being banned.

    1. _pr0fit


      dont forget that people who take from the unlocked chests are also able to get banned regardless of the rule that says we can take the stuff


    2. E__V__O


      As with that 5 months is a bit much...

    3. _pr0fit
  21. The staff directory needs updated, @Dohvi

  22. Thought about making a thread, but a status update is good enough. Any games you could recomend for their story? I would love some inspiration! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Abyssus


      deus ex 


      you must stop the illumnati sky

    3. z3m0s


      Dragon age series was great besides lacking abit with dragon age 2, the story line of swtor is actually getting really good now with the episodes, if you keep up with it as you go instead of spamming through text and grinding its pretty interesting plus cuts scenes are dope,  the walking dead was some of the best story I have seen, the attachment to characters by the end is heart wrenching, of course last of us and elder scrolls series stuff including morrowind if you can stand the graphics its a good story, even elder scrolls online story is alright but again you need to keep with the story instead of grinding,  last of us of course, Dying light was also a really interesting story and open world with co-op made it fun even after the story to just run down zombies and mess around. A lot of obvious ones but maybe something you might not of played, have fun.

    4. Larry Shortoak

      Larry Shortoak

      Spec Ops The Line, one of the best story games I've ever played

  23. throw those et apps up boys or dont up to you

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sky


      i cant see into the future

    3. Thatpyrodude


      Your profile picture is obi won, how can you not see into the future???

    4. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      I'd like to take an internship as an et before applying. 

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