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Status Updates posted by Archbishop

  1. I don't mean to pick out on GM's here. But Cappy, please give your reasoning for denying Bly's ban appeal. Just looks like you hate him and don't want him unbanned. Please give the community a reason?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. comanderbly^


      Besides your word obviously, but not any screenshots, comparisons, etc..

    3. Cyndikate


      It doesn't change the fact that you applied a double standard. Unbanning pugsiers simply because of a human mistake is very unfair.

    4. Cappy


      I'll PM it to you again if you've forgotten.

  2. Va's really need to come back the number of no-rp bandits there are and do emotes like *stabs bob* "PVP DEFAULT" its no fun anymore. Im sure many others do agree there is too many bandits, we thought it would fix its self and bandits would go down but its just turned every bandt group to go item hungry

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. The Shadow lord

      The Shadow lord

      Adam, the reason we ask for pvp default is, well, you're inept at rp. You simply aren't on par with most people and you wouldn't know how to rp a fight out properly. That is why pvp default is crucial to the rp of others. It allows us to rp fight good rp'ers and simply deal with the bad ones. I don't mean this harshly, don't take offense, or do take offense, regardless it's the truth.

  3. being a guard isn’t villainy LOL

    do you people even know what villain blacklists are for?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. rukio


      Wait, is Keaton admitting that the trial was OOCly driven? Nice, no pity

    3. KeatonUnbeaten


      wasnt asking it for lal

    4. FlemishSupremacy


      @KeatonUnbeatenActuall prior to my trial, i had just entered the city and was headed to my house. You saw me in the palace AFTER the trial, when I was trying to get to MY ROOM in the palace, hoping to get my stuff, but found difficulty doing so as the way in was obstructed.


      Your accusations that I only had that character to scout Haense is completely false, I actively played Peter prior to the war. He held a position in Haense for a reason.


      To you goes the same question as went to Adam. Are you ignorant of the facts or are you just trying to spread misinformation?

      To shoah, there’s a difference between just arresting someone for breaking a law, and randomly arresting someone, and then when told to stop by someone with a higher rank, attacking both me and the person with the higher rank in response. 

  4. Wait, you get banned for killing somebody who tries to pugsy you and other people?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Archbishop


      What about Seannie?

    3. Nathan_Barnett36


      There are no commands to check who hit first, if you're going off chat logs on who hit first thats kind of bullshit and bias. If there of course is a command, I'd be interested to see a gyazo of it.

    4. Ambduscias


      Seannie? I don't think he was banned. At the least, it's not logged and I didn't do it.

      No @Nathan_Barnett36, there is a recording of PVP interactions w/ logblock. I believe (think, not sure) that the relevant admins have checked it.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Valonqarie


      The priests have an spot where they have to stand during sacrifices

    3. Archbishop


      This was not planned at all, we were visiting the caliphate and saw another priest being attacked by him, we took him to the temple and i saw gigarun was on, he has a kha so he switched personnas and took the screenshots for me per request, the majority of these were either rp'ing at the village or in the caliphate in the end we cam together.

    4. ShameJax


      Ah. I probably would make a kha if I actually had the persona slot for it.

  5. http://gyazo.com/079fe259bfcca3e059c2b76cbd47f086 is this now what bandit rp has turned into?
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. craotor


      Can you post a picture of your death?

    3. Lago


      "Not really.

      Selling armor for coin is more profitable then just getting coin, both IRL & IC."

      Does the bandit genuinely expect an armoured man to strip, then for them to be able to run off carrying armour while wearing it? The mental image is ridiculous.

    4. JVQ


      Are you serious Adam?

  6. @Fireheart_I think LOTC’s 7.0 trailer should include a lot more then terrain, nobody gets hype over seeing empty plains and a few mountains. Show cities and part of a story arc idk, not just plain boring terrain.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      i think it was cool

    3. Nummy


      I love terrain. 

    4. E__V__O


      As Camera man, we’re in the works that once every nation has been built up for next map the Content Creators apart of the Media Team will be working on a secondary trailer that features cities / charters.

  7. Is there actually any peaceful neutral town in Anthos...

  8. @Hot_Dip Oren will be paying you a visit.



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      i see you had to edit your post.

      hopefully next you edit your army command structure so fighting you is actually a challenge

    3. Archbishop


      dunno, a failing army command structure were able to destroy orcs and norland (again), hopefully Norland 8.0 or courland 3.0 will be a challenge

    4. KeatonUnbeaten


      thank god your failing army command had enough biased staff and hack clients to back it up in those warclaims then ay

  9. I had quite a few plans and partys for today but since the servers has been down for christmas i guess they're ruined :L

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Archbishop


      Either way krugsmas was ruined for all, night.

    3. dank
    4. FlareGunCalamity


      They aren't down.

      No one is whitelisted, though.

  10. Anthos is better than Athera.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Archbishop


      Atleast in the Fringe you could find rp easily though..

    3. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      asulon > aegis >anthos >athera

    4. Fitz



  11. Yo normally in a warclaim is the attacking side does not want to continue fighting its called a retreat meaning they lose. Not the staff stop the warclaim for them to better themselves so they have another chance. @Racker / Lefty

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Archbishop
    3. Lefty


      We were in the midst of RP'ly cutting down tree's to build a makeshift bridge to get across, then the GM's came into the channel and told us it was a draw, none of the dwarves even declared it a draw, nor did we complain to anyone that we couldn't get in the dwarves did. So next time you tag me in a ******* post get your **** right , we're all just trying to have fun and we don't need people like you hurling your **** at us cos you've got nothing better do to but be spiteful and annoying 

    4. Archbishop


      Hey its what a gm told me in in regards to a statement about why they stopped the warclaim

  12. Anybody good at mc banners?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Archbishop


      Try create that if you can in an mc banner. Thanks

    3. Razam


      Too many layers would be needed.

    4. Lhindir_



  13. Can we have aviary back please?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lawrna


      I liked it! Then you had letters that people could find in your chests and stuff. All the sneaky snifflin about is fun :3

    3. Lago


      Avairy was nifty but something of a gimmick. Not enough people used it.

    4. CaptainSheepy
  14. Wait so leaking chats is now bannable, what about the druids and high elf chats they were not banned.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Archbishop


      well thats their fault though for recruiting them and talking trash about people is it not? Staff or not its not specifically lotc mediums.

    3. Achilles


      Any questions, please come on TS, I'll be there.

    4. Jachnun


      adam want to start a punk band now?

  15. Wait so people want a warclaim to end this war but when a warclaim is made it is denied by staff instead of the dwarves themselves?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Temp


      There's a distinct disinterest in losing, Adam. Instead of seeing the path we've carved with strategy, the deny it for their prepared frontline. For some reason, they would have us void our RP and planning to face the only thing they've prepared for.

      But hey, doesn't matter. This status isn't really needed any more and you should probably just lock it to avoid a mountain of pissy backhanded comments like the one provided.

    3. Minniefox


      @Vulcus - Stating an opinion about something out of character doesn't mean it's what they would necessarily think in-character.

    4. Archbishop


      Ah i didnt notice the attack on the high elves was up so yea a war still happens and hopefully it will end this war. I'll be there to defend our camp in the middle of Tahn'Siol.

  16. Felsen looks nice, though can I have LC next to build a megabuild?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShameJax


      Kha aren't even a recognized nation

    3. Archbishop


      Who said its for them?

    4. DrakeHaze.


      tbh id like it aswell 

  17. So server still down trying to convert to 1.7.4?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Archbishop


      Its not night for me though... its morning...

    3. paulie


      It's morning here too, us English lads shouldn't be bothered. Sadly Tel had something to do and was tired so he went to sleep. If it ain't up by atleast 3pm here I'll be damned.

    4. Archbishop
  18. Why do mc boats lag so god damn much -.-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Parkins


      because jesus frowns down upon us

    3. Pav33


      Because mukar is too fat :3

    4. Smaw


      because no oars

  19. withers spawning everywhere.. Mass pugsy D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spinzir


      I thought it was cool, running around and killing withers.

    3. Archbishop


      Don't need to post this twice Heff, we got your message the first time...

    4. Heff


      Ya sorry, felt like a rager and took it down.

  20. Was the kharajyr capital shown in the livestream

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mmat


      Afaik it's not a capital, it's a religious island, I think you're still living with high elves.

    3. Bircalin


      I'm pretty sure the Kha do have their own land seperate from others.

    4. Archbishop


      No, our island will be our capital and yes we currently live with the high elves but i don't think we will in 4.0. We'll live on our island.

  21. Why was a legitimate roleplay thread locked what the ****. You don't lock or shut down threads because the opposing parties do not agree. If the war is not valid then the warclaim won't allow or deny the warclaims, not shut down threads asking for payment to a crime.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Archbishop


      I mean, somebody expressing their hatred towards a race and wanting them to pay for it shouldn't be locked because the oposing side does not agree. That is what the war team is for. If he posts a warclaim the war team can decide if its legitimate or not. He hasn't posted a warclaim however.

    3. Chorale__


      It's different because a peace treaty was signed between the two nations a while back. 

    4. JEEGK


      as well as broken rules such as meta-gaming may be in play.

  22. 96174cc3cd41d16a0df7abcba9ce5407.png
    This is what freebuild does.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ibraheemc2000


      death to freebuild


    3. 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐄.


      Please get rid of freebuilds.

    4. FreeHongKong


      How the **** you do that without world edit?

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