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Status Updates posted by EdgyMagey

  1. My main goal in life is to be more useful than white crayons

    1. Jonificus


      You've already failed, my friend

    2. =Nkruma=


      White crayons have plenty of use...

    3. Cordial__
  2. Need help with organic and molecular chemistry, will teach any magic i have

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. EdgyMagey


      Sythan you do statistics you dont know chemistry and i need help with organic reactions. Mostly the ones alkyls do

    3. Sythan


      I did chemistry in High School!!

    4. Shalashask


      I did it at A-level and do a chem module in my engineering degree. 
      Unfortunately I've forgotten all my organic stuff but I may be able to help with molecular.

  3. Nothing actually triggers me more than people who call themselves a pyromancer. Fam, this is not an RPG, it's called fire evocation and there is a huge difference. Fire evocation is basically summoning fire when pyromancy also involves manipulating fire. You are a fire evocationist, not a pyromancer. So teachers, please tell your students not to call themselves gyromancer or pyromancer or w/e

    1. SpiltMemes


      This has been established for a while

    2. Kim



  4. Oh my god how many clerical wards do the wood elves have what is this

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      four encounters actually. I generally believe if your character is killed in an area (especially if its 4 times) you shouldn't repeatedly return there over and over and continue to be a consistent problem for the people living there. respect the fact you died and go RP elsewhere. that just applies to the character of course. i dont have an issue with people coming back to RP as another toon other than the one which was killed

    3. Gone


      Subtle advertisement is subtle.

    4. Doug


      Only problem I have with the clerical wards are the number of signs that accompany it. Maybe if they added a feature where you just right click a single sign and it shows a [!] emote.

  5. OK nvm what i said what is this:



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. _pok_


      your new overlord

    3. monkeypoacher


      At least he's demonstrably trying to roleplay (not within the lore). 


      There is hope yet.

    4. monkeypoacher
  6. Opinions on @Angmarzku ?

    1. BonesOfTheEarth


      Pretty dumb. Gross and all that.


  7. Oren, please don't OOC blacklist people for fighting with the rebellion. Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gridlock


      It is not possible to not oocly blacklist people with the ooc way of life on lotc. If one of the rebels joins Oren and hears of some strategic plan in a skype chat he /will/, without doubt, pass it on to his buddies in the rebellion. The fact that everyone on this server does what he does with at least a fair bit of ooc involved, makes ooc blacklisting essential to at least having a chance to win this long lost war.

    3. argonian
    4. EdgyMagey


      I mean from the city, not the Skype chats.

  8. Please be my love interest

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mmat


      youre using this meme to exhaustion shut the **** up

    3. EdgyMagey


      Use me to exhaustion

    4. mmat


      **** off

  9. Please do not call any magics names such as Pyromancy, Hydromancy and etc. It doesn

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. idiot


      Fire evocation! #AnRomancyMagic

    3. Space


      you've strengthened my resolve to call them by those names

    4. HurferDurfer1


      And geomancy, aeromancy, and electromancy, the old school names, typing out such and such evocation is a hassle

  10. please fix self-teaching already

  11. Please remove the VIP particle command, It lags me so hard and they follow people around.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AlmondTree


      Yeah well it's only three of them. But you know.."I paid 500$ for your lag"

    3. Blundermore
    4. Neri


      yep thats alakabam for you

  12. Post your favourite book quote below go

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LatzMomo


      "Yes, I'll have milk in my coffee, Sarah, be sure not to burn your breast."

    3. whiteferrarii


      “I was the light drizzle. She was the hurricane.” 


    4. Harri


      arteh: "harrison are you actually a ***, like do you actually like hentai and ****"

      harrison: "idk dude ;pppp"

      arteh: "altiak, you've know harrison for a while, is it satire or not"

      altiak: "...idk dude, i ask myself this question every time"

  13. Powergaming Druid Starter Pack:


    - "I'm T5 I don't need to do tells"

    - "*focuses and roots shoot out of the ground"

    - "nah fam roots are sharp"

    - "my character has been a druid for 2 irl years ofc i can make a tree fall on u in 2 emotes"

    - "what do you mean vines aren't sharp?"

    - "yeah but roots are poisonous"

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shalashask


      "Heh nothing personnel kid"

      *teleports behind you*
      *starts pvp countdown*

    3. KBR


      Dedicant Starter Pack

      -Flip over blades 

      -Claim its from circus training

    4. garentoft


      @GrimReaper98 you forgot

      -"*does self-teach*"

  14. Remember kids, if it doesn't work, l'hospitale it

    1. Ford


      calc AB or BC? 

    2. EdgyMagey


      I have no idea what those mean 

    3. Ford


      are you in college or high school

  15. Remember kids, say no to filthy druids and eat your mana biscuits

    1. Gone


      Do it like a druid in the general channel

  16. Remember your training, gus.

    1. Deminisher


      Remember your training, you must, young padawan.

  17. Remember, kiddos. Voidal shifting is not 1-emote teleporting.

  18. Say my name.

    1. Man of Respect
    2. Summorox


      lord of the craft wiki moderator EdgyMagey

    3. JEEGK
  19. see you on the 6th miss u already xoxo

    1. tilly


      Hey no you aren't!

  20. Self-teaching new magic shouldn't be a thing, because a great amount of self-taught magic users know the magic almost entirely wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SomberSalad


      So yes, I think that a line should be drawn by someone as to who can learn magic and who can not. Elitism isn't always a bad thing, and someone has to be 'in charge'. If nobody is, then anarchy or redundancy happens- I'll admit, since I joined the server, I haven't seen a single person roleplay voidal magic. At all. I think this is because of the fact that it's no longer 'special'- no-one sees a point in roleplaying it unless it's appreciated.

    3. zaezae


      Cool, but remember that disagreement we had? That means you will never ever get to RP this magic I control. Sorry.

    4. SomberSalad


      I'd rather see more magic around the server, and not have any myself due to petty drama, then see no magic at all because nobody finds any use in magic roleplay.


  21. Selling enchanted fire elf maid( 2), 20k, slightly used, needs repair, knows magic and cooking

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ShameJax


      a disgusting creature that must be purged

    3. _mkkk_


      Maybe. . . Give me a coupon. 

    4. idiot


      Interesting, well, I'm broke with 2k, so y ah, but, redheads for the win!

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