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Everything posted by FlemishSupremacy

  1. I do believe Jentos has a point here. A lot of players do project their own homophobia onto their characters. This does not mean there can’t be any homophobia in rp. I would consider it perfectly valid if Elven nations tried to ban homosexual relations to try and maintain their low birthrates as best as possible. This would make sense. On the other hand, I have lately seen a lot of responses to the posts discussing Homophobia ICly, that can all be summarized as “die, degenerate homosexual”. That’s just plain stupid. Does your comment add anything to the roleplay of such a post? Then you may want to rethink posting the comment.
  2. Dont see what this solves. Telanir, everyone thought you were bad when you were CT admin, and the complaints against muffins arent JUST CT related, but very broad and across the board. Making her a more general admin will solve nothing. And you, telanir, need to stick to what you're good at, namely coding and dev work. You arent active enough to be a CT admin.
  3. "You can be glad your part in this story was left out. Your only contribution was your pathetic attempts at reconcilliation so you could maintain the status quo that was destroying our nation, and your lust for the position of Maheral and it's power, which caused you to be publically shamed for it. Thereafter, you abandonned the city because you didnt get what you wanted." Elathion would say, grumbling.
  4. Flemius, master Haense slayer, prepares for the task at hand!
  5. think u counted wrong No, fairly certain both of u bid below 100k
  6. @Xarkly @BobBox 100k is more than both 60 n 55.5k, cmonguys
  7. IGN: FlemishSupremacy Discord: FlemishSupremacy#5057 Skin: Fire Lord Ohani Bidding amount: 3000 minas
  8. U r













    1. Statherian
    2. Bawg


      …Amazing! Just the way you are!

  9. Anyone ever notice how there seems to be a correlation between having a lot of gms in a single nation, and that nation’s gms being biased? 
    We’ve seen it time and time again;

    wood elf gms

    haelun’or gms 

    oren gms


    If one faction has a bunch of gms, they feel safer as they have a bunch of people to back them up.


    @Braxisstop stacking the GM team with too many people from the same nation.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. MunaZaldrizoti
    3. Anore


      Markosi sure does give a lot infractions to members of the ISA for being a biased moderator. Maybe blame it on the current set of raid rules the server has that makes it impossible to easily follow raid rules while also trying to have realistic war scenarios, rather than blame a moderator who has given the same type of infractions to both sides of the conflict because he’s following protocol.

    4. squakhawk
  10. Cassian grabs ahold of his axe, grinning faintly. “Here we go again.”
  11. Bring back christ of punchsteel, his bodysuit was ST approved! Flemius signs the petition.
  12. Is this not somewhat overkill for what is in essence a stocky cannon? If @TaiwanNotChina‘s lore is accepted, what is to stop one from doing something very similar as your lore, without the feat? I like the lore, but I just don’t feel like once one person makes something like this, it’d take very long for someone else to just figure it out by looking at it. Also I hate hogging lore like this to a single group in general, so if that goes, I’m all for it.
  13. can i apply for other people’s characters to do this?
  14. The use of boats against falldamage is a feature, not a bug. Please don’t ban people for it tyvm

    1. KeatonUnbeaten


      boat paratroopers

  15. Can we remove a singular, specific badmin already?

  16. Welcome to the server! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  17. Is fire evocationist a typo? Other than that, gud lore +1!!!
  18. You really do like turning people to stone, huh?
  19. Elathion, although sad that his original comment with rep on it got removed alongside the previous post, is nonetheless glad that this Non Agression pact was made! And this time, with beautiful formatting, too! He thinks of the classes and students milling about the university grounds with fondness.
  20. Whatever admin is holding back the warrules... 





      war rules are more important than anything else, honestly. server does great during war, and it’s the only time we see legitimate combat-conflict rp for reasons other than “i want more pixels”

    2. JokerLow


      still waiting for my vaults

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