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Everything posted by ___

  1. i miss greywater and the brotherhood of horen. good times
  2. Threads like this are the reason why I still lurk this absolute hellhole of a cesspit, lol
  3. Why did you give me a warning for this and why can't I appeal it
  4. MC Name: Poor_Fellow Discord: You have it What is your profession RP of choice? Mercenary Have you read and understood this lore? Yes Do you hate the Palebeast? I hate the Palebeast.
  5. are there any communities out there looking for new players? preferably with an emphasis on roleplay

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. squakhawk


      Elysium has always been a very open and noob friendly town with around the clock activity

    3. Shorsand


      Lburg bussin


    4. Tigergiri


      If your looking to start out small I have a few families I have I can nick you in as a child of sorts 

  6. Early guns aren't incompatible with fantasy settings, but Oren's cheap Age of Enlightenment is.

    Orenian players, your roleplay is anachronistic to the lore and makes a jarring discrepancy with the rest of the server. Adding guns will only fuel your Napoleonic fantasies.

  7. server's been up for 10-11 years and we still can't run a wc without the server dying btw. war server budget went to tythus' steam library
  8. ___

    Equal Footing

    Why wasn't the whole thing locked the moment roleplay combat began? After an hour of stalling, only ~3 of the original defenders were still around; the rest had either d40d, mechanically ran away after one emote, or teleported away with incredibly poor roleplay quality. The attackers ended up fighting a +15 man rally that gathered without any prior roleplay.
  9. "Laetranis, Laetranis, it sounds like latrine," a sellsword said when he heard the news.
  10. Stefjan Kovachev rises from the depths of the Seven Hells to slap his father Drasko Kovachev! @Rudi
  11. ___

    Damn ye! Let Neptune strike ye dead, Augustine!

    1. Callistus
    2. Valannor


      My main question is why Neptune? He gonna smack Augustine with a swordfish?

  12. i don’t particularly like this piece of lore but jesus what a pedantic bunch of questions
  13. what’s the command to claim all the books i put in my vault last map

  14. very cool ! i’ll pm u on discord
  15. Truthfully, I have been a hater of the Frost Witches for a long, long time. However, I can tell that you have put a lot of effort into this piece of lore, Luv, and congratulations are in order. This is definitively a step in the right direction for the Frost Witch lore, and its effect on the community. I speak only from experience, but I will list below some parts of this lore that I believe leave room open for powergaming, and that you can improve on. I think this segment in particular is the one I am more troubled by. It is good for flavor, but there is no way to effectively calculate a gain of 0.25x movement speed in roleplay. I believe the last paragraph should be more concise, as it is too ambiguous and it is a combat ability. In order to prevent confusion, and make combat more effective, I think you should clarify what can and cannot happen. People will always bend the rules, and find loopholes in order to gain leverage. I think this spell is interesting, but it is practically necromancy. Spells like these should remain part of that lore, but sadly it has been shelved for about a year now.
  16. bring pings with clicks back

    1. ScreamingDingo


      Get off my brand

    2. ___


      **** off retard

    3. Adelemphii


      I’m gonna click your pingu if you don’t.

  17. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Stalker of Ebrietas. The writing is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of dark, hermetic lore most of the details will go over a typical reader's head. There's also Sean's blackpilled outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Niv_Mizzet’s writing, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this lore, to realise that it’s not just good- it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Skylez’ writing truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Cameron's existential catchphrase "Die you smooth-brained ape," which itself is a cryptic reference to Dark Souls’ occultistic lore. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Sean's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. ? And yes, by the way, i DO have a Stalker of Ebrietas tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid ?
  18. aren’t you that guy who made a video in tears asking to be unbanned after r-wording someone in rp?
  19. i, for one, support the purging of lorebloat :^)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. zaezae


      Uh, yeah irrelevant since a lot of shelvings have to do with the LT demanding rewrites, not trails. And further, you're still posting irrelevant things since I never said that the lore shouldn’t be condensed with creatures removed, only that I didn't agree at all with how they are going about it. I mean you did read what I said when you copy pasted right?


      The state of the lore is 100% the fault of the LT, full stop. Not only the number of lore pieces but how pedantic and long-winded they are, what with the demands for so many minute details and itemized limitations and abilities. 


      The players of creatures shouldn’t be screwed over by the LT so that they can clean up their own mess. What they should do for inactive creatures is provide an event to wrap them up, or at the very bottom of the barrel, tell the players the in-lore canon reason why their creature will not exist in the future. Even if it’s just an excuse, but something so that players can actually develop a character along the event and move on. It would at least put a dynamic-rp mask on what is otherwise a completely bogus act of the skygods. 


      And supposedly, the shelved creatures aren’t even removed. If someone can provide a rewrite that meets the LT’s mysterious standards, then theoretically they could all return so you aren’t even getting what you’re rooting for anyway. 


      Also, I’ve played maybe over ten characters. Of those, one was a creature and none of the others knew any magic, held any land, held an honorific title, and were all common folk, so miss me with the snowflake bullshit. 

    3. ___



      Uh, yeah irrelevant since a lot of shelvings have to do with the LT demanding rewrites, not trails.

      The LT demand rewrites to creatures whose lore is abused or lack a meaningful impact on the server as I stated. E.g. Homunculi and Sprites respectively, to name just two.



      The state of the lore is 100% the fault of the LT, full stop. Not only the number of lore pieces but how pedantic and long-winded they are, what with the demands for so many minute details and itemized limitations and abilities.

      That’s done to prevent people from abusing the lore. It’s necessary.
      I too would be “pedantic and long-winded” if I had to read through piles of poorly-written lore which is most often than not written in a vague way to allow the writer to abuse that piece of lore later.

      Also, “state of the lore”? The LT? Have you forgotten about Aesopian’s tree god eventline and how the LT had to retcon his power-tripping mess of a bomb that he did? I haven’t.



      The players of creatures shouldn’t be screwed over by the LT so that they can clean up their own mess. What they should do for inactive creatures is provide an event to wrap them up, or at the very bottom of the barrel, tell the players the in-lore canon reason why their creature will not exist in the future. Even if it’s just an excuse, but something so that players can actually develop a character along the event and move on. It would at least put a dynamic-rp mask on what is otherwise a completely bogus act of the skygods. 

      I agree.



      And supposedly, the shelved creatures aren’t even removed. If someone can provide a rewrite that meets the LT’s mysterious standards, then theoretically they could all return so you aren’t even getting what you’re rooting for anyway. 

      I’m not rooting for anything. If they provide the LT with a rewrite that removes chances of abusing a creature and gives them a role to fill, rather than existing for the sake of it, good for them.



      Also, I’ve played maybe over ten characters. Of those, one was a creature and none of the others knew any magic, held any land, held an honorific title, and were all common folk, so miss me with the snowflake bullshit.

      I don’t care what you play or have played. I referred to those players who played the creatures I listed for no reason other than being a snowflake, whose names I don’t know.


    4. Merkaken


      Nah I’d prefer to keep playing my character I’ve played for years

  20. QUESTIONNAIRE Minecraft Username: Mud_Crab Discord Tag: You have it Character Name: Peter of Stettin Character Age: 30’s Character Social Class: Poor Character Profession: Farmer
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