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Status Updates posted by Nooblius

  1. #freeZ

  2. Grifter you can finally use salt again.

    1. femurlord


      What about lye?

    2. Sarcof


      If you know me, you know I never stopped, get fucked

  3. A new skinwalker

  4. abuelita frost wtich rp is crazy ig

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lemonke


      DIO WTF

    3. Rebellionlife



    4. alexmagus


      frost witch + azdrazi bebé

  5. anyone that derogatory posts on nations not getting more involved in the eventline more is an idiot, and should put more than 5 seconds into contemplating the interests of others.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fishy



      Do this @squakhawk

      Edited by Fishy
    3. seannie


      what if we got to ride the dragons...? wouldnt that be cool...




    4. Kaiser


      What if thats MY opinion, Noobli?


  6. ban weddings + all romance RP

    1. Tabby64



    2. Willstertheking2



  7. But who could wield the power of the World Team? Only @Anore

  8. Crying Obsidian Arc

    1. creamynoteblock



      sorry to hear that ur crying

  9. epic plot twist, i thought this account was gone

    1. ronin_champloo


      admins took too long to delete it, and ww asked for help for some stuff so i came back

    2. tasty_cheesecake


      congrats on your freedom

  10. fr*ck the ST.

    1. SoulReapingWolf
    2. Sorcerio
    3. monkeypoacher


      agree with shitting on the ST for shelving ppl’s player races and rewriting history, don't agree with shitting on them for trying to do an eventline ::(


      just chill out and go with the flow, you literally cannot lose this conflict. just let the story play out


  12. gaius u may not want to be a moderator but u will forever be a moderator

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Very well, I'm fine with that. I don't anticipate logging in anymore so the pex won't be used or abused anyways. I do get a laugh from reading posts that players are reporting and the mostly unreasonable reasons they list for reporting them.

    2. annabanana1014


      I LOVE GAIUS <3

  13. Guys did we make character racism against the rules without telling me because I am so banned if so

    #HateElves #LoveYemekar

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Benleft


      If urging you to do better is bait... 


      It shouldn't be decided on the basis of a revenge report. I don't care about it having a place on the server, we don't lose anything from removing it. 

      If we don't lose anything from removing a slur why aren't we removing it? Genuinely struggling to understand what you're trying to say. 

    3. itdontmatta


      In my opinion, if people are concerned about gray-area language (in the sense that there is disagreement amongst the community) that is being used on the server, make a forum post in the form of open-dialogue. Not a report thread where both parties are using dated and derogatory terms. 


      Again, it's pretty much been okay for my entire 10 years on the server. If that changes now — that's fine, but 4 upvotes on a status update isn't going to do much in pursuing change. 



    4. Textarea


      i like the gamer word, but i don't use it outside of toxic communities 😇

  14. Happy Easter, the holiest of days! Death has been defeated, and heaven is prepared!

  15. Heavy is the head that wears the diamond helmet.

    1. sergisala
    2. Publius


      heavy is the hay bale

  16. hey fun police you know you can move a forum post without hiding it

  17. I find it funny people are treating 1.8 vs 1.9 PVP like it’s some moral and objective truth. Jesus Christ, calm yourselves!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gustando


      why is everyone even arguing. It got added for like 10 minutes and then changed

    3. _pr0fit


      lmao, 1.9 hasn’t been implemented for years

    4. Unwillingly


      dude if you want 1.9 pvp ur just a huge idiot who can’t handle a little bit of clicking bc u wanna cry about ur RP 😤 1.8 is the only correct answer and i am morally correct on that. dont @ me because I will make you CRY kid, understand? ur nothing. im a god tier pvper and I will rock ur **** on minecraft. 

  18. I miss you man, hmu if you ever are on the site again been a while

  19. I really appreciate the hard work of Satey Admin Cpt_Noobman to make our community more emrbacing of the gay. Good work!

  20. I’m happy that Safety Admin Cpt_Noobman has once again purged degeneracy and corrupt activity from our Mineman server. Everyone send him your thanks

    1. SoulReapingWolf


      Noobli, remember the safety team is secret don’t go posting this stuff or Noobman will have to censor you!

    2. Nooblius


      Ah heck, is that why you were banned? @SoulReapingWolf

    3. SoulReapingWolf


      Never, Admin Noobman is LoTC’s savior

  21. I’m the one, yeah it was me. I did it.

    I shot Anarcho-Monarchism in the head.

    1. SoulReapingWolf


      Good to see it didn’t shoot back

  22. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Maybe we should all stop making things about OOC.

    1. Nectorist


      they call me 007


      0 game

      0 *******

      7 misdemeanors

    2. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      you're just mad because you are terrible at OOC

  23. no way we had a rylothh cameo to dogpile on the furry (pun intended)

    1. savi



      Edited by savi
      heart emoji broke
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