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[✗] Realm Application: Talar'nor


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Realm PRO MC Name: iFractal


Realm PRO Character Name: Veynora Wynasul


Realm Name: Talar’nor


Primary Realm Color: Purple


Proposed Tiles (Highlight 3 on the map):





Realm Lore (could include previous roleplay posts showing involvement with the community) (1000 words minimum):

The mali’aheral of Talar’nor (demonym: Talar’nori) are a high elven ethnocultural group originating from the Principality of Talar’nor on the eastern coast of Aevos. They are predominantly the descendants of the fallen civilization of the Celian’orians, themselves originally an exiled offshoot of high elves from the Silver City of Haelun’or. 

Millennia of mali’thill heritage, centuries of sociopolitical upheaval and a comparatively recent adaptation to the wave-swept bluffs of the Talar Peninsula have shaped the modern Talar’nori identity. This has given rise to a cultural mentality which celebrates industriousness, entrepreneurship, innovation and material gain.  



Having borne witness to the indolence of multiple elven civilizations past, the traditional high elven mantras of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya (common: progress and health) and Maehr’sae Ilkun’ehya (common: knowledge and steel) have found a different expression amongst the Talar’nori. Instead of pursuing knowledge for its own sake, strict purity of blood or the abstract platitudes of ‘honorable’ victory, the Talar’nori prioritize - above all - material gain and the acquisition of temporal wealth. Among the peninsular elves, industry is the only solution to the idleness that plagues the Mali, and prosperity is the natural outcome of this diligence. 


Where their ancestors’ obsession with perfection manifested in strict ideology or the accumulation of sorcerous power, the Talar’nori are similarly obsessed with their artisanry - what they are able to create and how this craftsmanship can further their material condition. The concept of wealth or ‘material improvement’ does not solely relate to an individual, but can also be metaphorically extended to the collective Talar’nori society. In essence, the Talar’nori hold personal productivity as an essential virtue that both directly and indirectly benefits their wider number. 


This societal focus was generated in the context of multiple generations of decline, crisis and war amongst the generally conservative mali’aheral, evolving into a utilitarian setting where the most adaptable thrive. However, this does not mean that the Talar’nori have outgrown the ingrained mali’thill belief in the supremacy of their own kind, only that they have grown far more effective at hiding this xenophobia from outsiders - at least as long as a profit can be gained from them. 


Qualities or values celebrated amongst the Talar’nori include, but are not limited to:









-Commercial acumen,


-Persistence and patience; 



When taken to their extreme, these qualities might be expressed as: 

-Greed or avarice;




-Ruthlessness; and




The core organizational principle of the Talar’nori caste system is practicality. Every Talar’nori is expected to fulfill a role and this occupation determines their caste, and therefore their social standing.






Warrior-scholars, administrators, landowners 









Military sailors, soldiers and other warriors



Civilian sailors, merchants, artisans and skilled workers 

Mal’onn (m) 

Lari’onn (f)





Commoners, servants, unskilled laborers






Foreigners, the unproductive, wastrels, the scorned, the stateless or those without identity





Doesn’t mean mage (as in high fantasy), it means it in the Roman sense.

Warrior-scholars blend best of both worlds so this is considered worthy of the Magister caste

Sil’ir - Irhamir (equal)

Sil’ir-Irhamir split is military vs civil merit but these can be blended 


Essentially just the regular citizens, property owners, etc. A very neutral caste in its standing.


Specifically contentious foreigners, naysayers, perceived problematic people etc.

Landed titles are reserved for the Magister caste and not 'baron' or 'lord' or whatever.



Honorific goes between first name and last name (like Turkish bey), e.g:

John Laurir Smith or John Laurir in short;

Jane Evarir Smith or Jane Evarir in short;



Prince is Malaurir (no one else can use this)

HIGHLY caste specific.




Harmony of the Radiant Flow: At the heart of Ethereal Principles lies the concept of harmonizing with the radiant flow of life. The Talar'nori seek to align their actions, thoughts, and emotions with the rhythm of the physical and voidal planes. By doing so, they believe they can attain a state of inner serenity and external equilibrium, ensuring that their interactions with the world are always characterized by respect and balance.

To be in harmony with the Radiant Flow, one should learn magic and handle it carefully. You can cause harm to the void, to the physical realm, and to yourself if not in harmony with the Radiant Flow.


Wisdom of the Starlit Path: The Talar'nori revere wisdom as a guiding star in their journey of existence. They view knowledge not as a mere accumulation of facts, but as a cosmic tapestry that weaves together the threads of experience, intuition, and contemplation. The pursuit of wisdom is considered a sacred duty, allowing elves to navigate the complexities of life with grace and insight. 

To be following the Starlit Path, one needs to pursue knowledge, be it through books or experience. One must contribute to society by providing their own knowledge to their peers. 


Interconnected Threads of Kinship: In Talar’nor, every individual is seen as a luminous thread within the intricate tapestry of existence. Elves hold a deep reverence for their elders, honoring the wisdom and experiences passed down through generations. This reverence fosters a strong sense of community and kinship, where respect for older elves is expected.

The Talar'nori must respect both elder elves, but also elves of  higher ranking, as their work and dedication to the advancement of the state and society have landed them in such roles.


Whispers of the Verdant Grove: Nature is regarded as a sacred sanctuary, a living embodiment of Malin and the Ethereal Principles. Talar'nori immerse themselves in quiet sanctuaries within their cities, finding solace in the whispers of the natural world. They believe that through communion with nature, they can attune themselves to the primal rhythms that resonate through the cosmos.

The Talar'nori should have a park or natural retreat within the city in which they meditate and study history, and the Ethereal Principles. A quiet place away from the bustle of the city to think, create, and discover new ideas and philosophies.


The Elegance of Refined Conduct:

In the heart of Elven society lies a commitment to refined conduct and virtuous behavior. Elves are taught to embody the qualities of modesty, decorum, and intelligence in their every action. They believe that through exemplifying these virtues, they not only cultivate personal growth but also elevate the collective spirit of their people, with an emphasis on moral and proper behavior.

The Talar'nori may be seen as prude, and very formal. It is important to present oneself in a proper manner. 


The Dance of Intertwined Paths:

The Talar'nori have a belief in the interconnectedness of roles within their society. Be it a warrior, a scholar, an artisan, or a mage, every role is cherished and understood to be indispensable to the overall wellbeing of their society. Each Elf, regardless of their path, contributes uniquely to the flourishing of their realm.

The Talar'nori are very patriotic and proud craftsmen, spending years perfecting crafts and artistry. 


Harvesting Wisdom through Reflection:

Reflection and meditation hold a cherished place in Talar'nori culture. They believe that by contemplating the mysteries of the cosmos, one can gain insights into their place within it. Elves often withdraw to secluded groves or retreats within the city to ponder the stars, the cycles of the moon, and the flow of time. In this introspective practice, they seek to align their inner world with the greater cosmic rhythms.



Notable community posts:

The wedding of Princess Veynora, The Flame of Talar’nor and Tymen, of the West: - Malinor

Talar'nori Star Science: - Amuletic

The Royal Cuisine: - KaptainScarlet


A missive regarding nature and its sanctuary: - me


A missive following Princess Veynora’s coronation: - me




Realm Government Structure Explanation:

The Royal Family

- The princess;

- The prince;

- Royal relatives; etc.

Hier’heial (Inner Council) 

- Cinh’taliyir (Chancellor/Chief Minister)

Literally translates to ‘revealer of secrets’ as in the ancient English meaning of justiciar/chancellor as a judicial officer that morphed into a PM-type role

- Annilir (Admiral of the Eastern Sea)

Actually just means general in this context - but with a naval/sea focus so we have the translation as admiral in official documents

Dion’heial (Outer Council)

- Lar’ir (Admiral’s 2IC)

- Okarir’cihi (Steward)

- Okarir’acaln (Treasurer)

- Saneyir of the Annil’valliran (Speaker of the Mariners) 

Representative/Ambassador of the ‘Mariners’, which is a catch-all translation term for the Irhamir caste, which foremost pertains to ‘civilian sailors’ (i.e. mariners) but also merchants/artisans etc by extension. Sil’ir caste already represented by their commanders. 

- Laureh’ailer (Court Mage)

Translates to ‘Favoured Sorcerer’ AKA court mage.

- Puerith’ir (Scribe)

Translates to ‘recorder’ in a formal sense AKA scribe. 

Conclave of Magisters 

-’House of Commons’ or representative body for the magisters/high-caste individuals. 



The Heir’heial is an authoritative set of advisors closely at ear of the Princess.

The Cinh’taliyir oversees the Dion’heial (Outer council) specifically in their endeavors and what they might be viable to operate on, as well as acts as final judicial authority over the Conclave of Magisters. 

The Dion’heial is essentially the “ctiy’s council” and is responsible for maintaining the autonomy of the facets and foundations which allow the city to function socially and industrially.

The conclave of magisters functions as a city government, so to speak. Its purpose is to enforce fashion trends, minor amendments to laws or ‘acts’, meet and discuss the state of things, etc. 

Capital Builds (photos required):



Link to album; the build is mostly done technically a WIP some is intended to be done in survival and a few more builders are adding their own touches to it.



How does this settlement offer a unique niche not already found in an existing polity on the server?:

It comes with a niche of players predominantly high elven that make up a societal conglomerate 

with a narrative focused on greed and industry, a vice largely unexplored amongst the elven populace. This in turn will provide a unique experience in comparison to other similar elven realms.

For example, while voidal magi and the practice of voidal arts are an extremely common elven trait, the general narrative regarding the void is one of strict utility and extreme caution. The active practice of magic and casting within the city is strictly limited to those permitted by a license provided by the government and enforced by the El’vihai (reformed establishment of the Vira’tir)


How does your settlement tie to the greater lore and narrative set by the community on LotC?:

The realm has been around for two maps as of now, and was well established under the name Celia’nor, and now presently Talar’nor. The community consists of many houses that have been around for quite some time, specifically within the realm.

Examples of families include:

The Nullivari

The Tennallars

The Cerusils

The Ibarellans

While the nation has gone under many cultural and architectural shifts over the ages, it has withstood the test of time and provided a sanctuary for those invested in its community. While this migration is another major event it will serve as a key precedent to include in its history as well as a plot point to pursue from a roleplay standpoint. 


Have you ever run a settlement on LoTC before and what experience do you have with leadership within roleplay communities among the current groups of players?:


I’ve been leading this nation already for some time, and I’ve held positions of leadership within the Holy Knights in Providence as the Apostolic-General. Most recently, I led a small Renelian vassal spinoff at the end of Almaris just outside of Celia’nor.


Do you understand the metrics for maintaining activity and the grounds for settlement removal, along with the standing polity cap?

Yes, I understand the old system and the new one, and am willing to work within the confines of either.


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Misha Osudaal


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How did the Tennallar get under this…?

We don't live there and got our citizen roles taken off a few days ago. Just confused

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Lanre Cerusil


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Yay, new neighbours 

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Atul Cerusil



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