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    5th of Tobias' Bounty, 1832





    RP Name:
    MC Name: 
    Voted: Yes :)



    LET ALL BE AWARE that on this day, the 5th of Tobias' Bounty, 1832 in the year of Our Lord GOD 1832, national elections for the House of Commons in Providence District for the 26th Imperial Diet shall commence. All those eligible to vote in the Providence District are entitled to cast their ballot to the Department of Civil Affairs. All ineligible votes shall be invalidated.


    (Click below for the Ballot)





    John VIII, by the grace of GOD Holy Orenian Emperor, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Defender of the Faith, Grand Duke of Ves, Duke of Adria, Novellen and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera.





    Elections for the House of Commons, as prescribed by the Edict of Reform (1763) and the Edicts of Amendment, have come upon us for the 26th Diet. This gazette shall serve as a formal application of candidacy with the Department of Civil Affairs, which shall open presently. Candidates for the House of Commons are required to complete the following application within the following two months in order to appear on the ballot. If these candidacies are accepted, the Department shall issue a short letter of confirmation.


    This gazette is pertinent to the three seats of the Right-Bank District.


    ((Candidates for House of Commons in the Right-Bank District, please respond to this post with the filled application.))




    Candidacies for House of Commons Elections in the Right-Bank District, 26th Diet







    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Right-Bank District?


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)?


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?:


    ((MC NAME)):






    Elections for the House of Commons, as prescribed by the Edict of Reform (1763) and the Edicts of Amendment, have come upon us for the 26th Diet. This gazette shall serve as a formal application of candidacy with the Department of Civil Affairs, which shall open presently. Candidates for the House of Commons are required to complete the following application within the following two months in order to appear on the ballot. If these candidacies are accepted, the Department shall issue a short letter of confirmation.


    This gazette is pertinent to the one seat of the Greater Alpine District.


    ((Candidates for House of Commons in the Greater Alpine District, please respond to this post with the filled application.))




    Candidacies for House of Commons Elections in the Greater Alpine District, 26th Diet







    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Alpine District?


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)?


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?:


    ((MC NAME)):





    Elections for the House of Commons, as prescribed by the Edict of Reform (1763) and the Edicts of Amendment, have come upon us for the 26th Diet. This gazette shall serve as a formal application of candidacy with the Department of Civil Affairs, which shall open presently. Candidates for the House of Commons are required to complete the following application within the following two months in order to appear on the ballot. If these candidacies are accepted, the Department shall issue a short letter of confirmation.


    This gazette is pertinent to the two seats of the Northern District.


    ((Candidates for House of Commons in the Northern District, please respond to this post with the filled application.))




    Candidacies for House of Commons Elections in the Northern District, 26th Diet







    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Northern District?


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)?


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?:


    ((MC NAME)):





    Elections for the House of Commons, as prescribed by the Edict of Reform (1763) and the Edicts of Amendment, have come upon us for the 26th Diet. This gazette shall serve as a formal application of candidacy with the Department of Civil Affairs, which shall open presently. Candidates for the House of Commons are required to complete the following application within the following two months in order to appear on the ballot. If these candidacies are accepted, the Department shall issue a short letter of confirmation.


    This gazette is pertinent to the six seats of the Providence District.


    ((Candidates for House of Commons in the Providence District, please respond to this post with the filled application.))




    Candidacies for House of Commons Elections in the Providence District, 26th Diet







    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Providence District?


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)?


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?:


    ((MC NAME)):



    11th of TOBIAS'S BOUNTY, 1831






    Issued and Confirmed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs






    THE MINISTRY OF CIVIL AFFAIRS, having scrutinized the achievements, scholastic and academic excellence, with Imperial diligence for admittance into the UNIVERSITAS MAGISTRORUM on 11th of TOBIAS'S BOUNTY, 1831 has determined the following named individuals to be worthy of scholarly letters and admittance into the collegiate body in their respective field:

    PhD in History - Tanith Vursur
    BA in Poetry - Maisie d’Arkent


    JD - Henrik Komnenos
    JM - Charles Galbraith
    JM - Geoff Turgon
    LLB - Charles Albert de Rosius
    LLB - Aimee Ruthern

    NM in General Canonist Studies - Edwin Henry de Sarkozy
    NM in Imperial Canonist Studies - Philip Aurelian Novellen
    MM in Divinity, with assent of the Canonist Church - Cardinal Gawain Providentia



    HIH Princess Josephine Augusta, Director of Civil Affairs


    TH Charles Albert de Rosius, Associate Director of Archives, Education, and History 



    Issued and Confirmed by His Imperial Majesty, Philip III, on the 14th of Harren’s Folly, 1850








    It pleases the Imperial Throne to bequeath upon its loyal cousin with an officiation of their leal tenure in fealty to the Holy Orenian Empire. It is by the grace of God and the counsel of our court that we do invest His Imperial Highness Adrian Marcellus Novellen as Count of Temesch. As peer of the Holy Orenian Empire they shall hold in trust our Imperial Throne for the duration of their service. They are compelled to maintain the law of our realm, to peacefully abide our rule, and to rise in our defence when necessary. These letters have been reissued and shall therefore remain with our loyal cousin and his legitimate heirs, whom we privilege with the right to retain rent collected upon all estates and holdings.



    HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Philip III, Holy Orenian Emperor, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Ves, Adria, Novellen and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera


    HER IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Anastasia of Kositz, Empress Consort, Duchess of Furnestock


  8. 1_lkMI19y1k5tO11Tz-BBsxph1ouN7pm_JiH6LMo


    Dear Readers,


    Some of you noted a few errors in this year's edition of the Providence Post. We've experienced some difficulty with the departure of our Editor-in-Chief, so please kindly forgive any mistakes that made it through the printing process.


    We would like to thank our attentive readers for pointing out the errors and graciously reporting them to the Ministry. 


    All mistakes have been corrected.


    Thank you,

    The Ministry of Civil Affairs





    Please report mistakes to us over discord next time rather than making a post. If you report mistakes over discord, we can fix them more quickly. Thanks.

  9. 1_lkMI19y1k5tO11Tz-BBsxph1ouN7pm_JiH6LMo

    The Providence Post

    12th of Owyn's Flame, 1831

    Published by the Imperial Ministry of Civil Affairs









    New Vice-Chancellor Chosen!

    Who is Sir Alren deNurem?



    Pictured: The official state portrait of Sir Alren deNurem, painted 1781 upon his promotion to four-star general.


    This year has unfortunately featured a great number of prominent disappearances. Sir Keaghan Armas - the Vice-Chancellor - has reportedly dropped out of politics with no public statement released about where he has gone or why. The MoJ is currently not investigating this matter as a disappearance, so perhaps Sir Armas simply chose to retire abroad without making a great fuss.


    During the month of Horen's Calling, 1831, Archchancellor Ledicort d'Azor released a quiet announcement removing Sir Armas from his position. To replace Sir Armas, the Archchancellor  promoted aged former-ISA general Sir Alren deNurem to the role of Vice-Chancellor.


    Who is Sir Alren deNurem? What does this appointment portend for the chancellery? Sir Alren is the scion of the storied deNurem lineage, which is one of the oldest families in Oren. We have records of prominent deNurems dating back to the pre-Imperial era. Sir Alren himself has served honorably on Emperor Peter III's council of state as the General and Secretary of War. He is a veteran of multiple wars and a four-star General.


    However, some have expressed concerns. Sir Alren deNurem is, as of this writing, over 100 years old. While he is not the first centenarian to serve in the chancellery (Jonah Stahl-Elendil was past 120 at his retirement), it still raises some questions as to his capability and health. Sir Alren also took a very lengthy sabbatical from Orenian life, to the point where his family members believed him to be dead.


    We at the Providence Post have faith in the Archchancellor's choice, however, and we look forward to Sir Alren's return to public life. Wherever Sir Armas has gone, we wish him luck and good health in all his future endeavors.


    Rosemoor Bill Rejected -

    Backlash Ensues




    Pictured: The blue rose, a symbol often worn by the supporters of the Rosemoor Bill


    Two years ago, in 1828, Princess Elizabeth Anne Novellen introduced the Rosemoor Bill into the House of Lords. The Rosemoor Bill was intended to end Oren's policy of patriarchal primogeniture. For all Imperial history, only males have been allowed to inherit titles and land-holdings. If passed, the Rosemoor Bill would allow firstborn daughters to inherit as well.


    While the Rosemoor Bill received a great deal of support, it also received equal critique. Rosemoor's proponents pushed the bill as an equality movement for all women. However, the Rosemoor Bill included nothing about common women and only benefited those girls lucky enough to be born into privilege.


    Proponents of the Rosemoor bill insist that the rights would 'trickle down.' They believe that Rosemoor opened the gate to discuss further women's issues in greater detail. Their intention is to start their movement by granting equal rights to women of high status and then work their way down to the common classes. Whether or not this approach will be effective remains to be seen. However, the lack of consideration given to common women and non-human women remains a sticking point in this movement for female equality.


    However, the Rosemoor Bill was recently struck down by the House of Lords. Several open letters have been published since then, criticizing the Heir Presumptive Prince Philip Augustus for supposedly silencing his sister Princess Elizabeth. We do not know yet at this point  if the Rosemoor Bill will receive a second hearing or not.




    Providence Post 10th Edition Special!

    A Conversation with the Crown -

    Interviewing H.I.M Emperor John VIII



    Pictured: His Imperial Majesty, Emperor John VIII, receiving petitioners at court in his throne room at the Augustine Palace. Sent to the Providence Post by a loyal reader.  (@Valecius)


    Today marks the 10th Edition of the Providence Post. We published our first edition on the 10th of Sun's Smile, 1822. For this milestone, the Post staff wanted to include a very special feature article. After much discussion around the office, we decided that few things would be more special than interviewing the monarch of Oren himself - Emperor John VIII. Today, we feel especially lucky and privileged to bring you this article.


    Our discussion with His Imperial Majesty took several unexpected turns. Our reporters went into the interview with a list of prepared questions, but the Emperor surprised us with an astonishing journey into his past, his present, his ideology, and his life philosophy. We learned about a heartbreaking tragedy that helped shape the Emperor into the ruler he is today. We learned about the guiding moral principles that lead his decision-making. We learned about the deep love and compassion he feels toward every citizen of Oren. We learned about his hopes for the future of the Empire.


    Yet most of all - we learned that the Emperor is a human man. Like all of us, he experiences both joy and sorrow, happiness and pain, triumph and regret. Sometimes, we might forget that our monarchs are people too, with mortal hearts and souls inside of them. The Emperor might seem superhuman, larger than life, so far above the common rabble. Yet, as our reporters discovered, he is more similar to all of us than we ever expected.


    Without further ado, we present our interview with His Imperial Majesty, Emperor John VIII -






    Q: His Imperial Majesty, of course, needs no introduction. However, would you like to make an opening statement to the readers of the Providence Post?


    A: “Oh dear! That is a difficult question. We could provide you with so many perspectives. We could tell you about the wars we fought as a young man. We could tell you the story of our romances over the years, or even about what just any old day is like. But we suppose that there is one most important thing to discuss. We have valued three things in our life, these things have guided each of our decisions, from even before our reign - Faith, Country, and Family."


    Q: What was Your Imperial Majesty's upbringing like? Would you mind telling our readers a story from your childhood?


    A: "What a childhood We had! We could tell you so many stories. I am afraid Our youth was not particularly heartwarming. It was filled with strict discipline. We were a mischievous boy, much to the Empress Anne's dismay. She instilled Us with the discipline required to make an Emperor. However, We had some joy and levity in our upbringing too - though it is equally tinged with tragedy. We will tell you the story of our best friend.


    He was a boy named Peter Amadeus. You may know him as the young boy who died and began the conflict known as the Sutican War, but he was no mere historical personage or nameless factoid to Us.


    You see, Our mother was always the most strict with us. We were confined to the household, behind the protective shield of the fourth brigade, until that age. Anne I was not just a beloved sovereign, but also a mother with a deep love for her children. Our Imperial mother expressed that through strict protectiveness. It was a lonesome life for a young boy - although there was always an entourage of sycophants dogging my heels. Some young boy vying for Our friendship, with the hopes of attaining a position of power when we were grown. Some young woman trying to impress either Us, one of Our siblings, or Our parents. Genuine friendship was a rare jewel indeed. We often felt we were not valued for Ourselves as a person, but rather for the power We stood to inherit.


    That was our state when Peter Amadeus arrived into Our lives. We met him the very first time we left the Novellen palace, at the age of eleven. Peter Amadeus was two years older than We were. We met at a garden party at the old Selm Estate, just west of Helena. Peter Amadeus was a cousin of Ours. We had seen him around the courts, but we never really talked much. Well, anyway, We sat next to each other at lunch. He had an aloof sense of humor and little patience for the social climbers of the courts. He was just the sort of friend We had longed for. We became immediate companions. When those ambitious young boys and cloying young girls tried to bother Us, he felt no shame putting them in their place. He said precisely what was on his mind and did just as he pleased, regardless of consequences.


    That was the very trait which got him killed in the end.


    We used to stay up late with Sir Jahan and Sir Oscar at the time. They would tell us tales about the Times of Trouble, and the old wars they fought to bring peace to the realm. Peter Amadeus made a pact with Us. We promised each other that we would enlist in the Imperial State Army the day we turned sixteen and became eligible. We were going to carry on the legacy of those great soldiers who inspired us.


    Well, as We mentioned, Peter was two years older than Us. When he enlisted, We went to our Imperial father - Joseph II - and begged him to let Us join the army a few years early. He had the power to grant Us our wish, but he was having none of it. We were to wait for Our time, like all the other children in the Empire.


    A year passed. We did not see Peter much after his enlistment. He visited sometimes, in uniform, but he had changed. The disciplinarians had taught him well. He carried himself with that same rigid pride found in each of Oren's soldiers, even today. We ourselves were still too young to enlist. We felt such envy toward Peter at the time. Peter was no better than Us, just a couple of years older! Why should he get to wear the Imperial red and march off to glorious battle... while We remained at home, studying the scrolls with Our Imperial mother and Our betrothed?


    And then he disappeared. Just like that, he was gone. We were fifteen. Almost sixteen.


    At first, We refused to admit he was dead. We enlisted in the ISA, just as planned, expecting to find him on some mission abroad. Well, a few months after we enlisted, the reports started rolling in. Just rumors at first. The King of Sutica - Corwin von Alstreim - was said to have murdered him in cold blood, but We didn't believe a word of it. We remained steadfast. We were certain that he'd survived. We were going to march down to Sutica ourselves and drag him back.


    Then came the official intelligence reports. Peter Amadeus had gone to Sutica in search of his missing mother, who had disappeared into the south. He became obsessed, convinced that Corwin von Alstreim was to blame. It was that same certainty and righteous sense of purpose that drove him to challenge the King to a duel. In that duel, he lost his life.


    When the truth came out, that Corwin von Alstreim had killed a member of the Imperial Family, our Imperial grandfather Peter III knew he had to retaliate swiftly. We were put to work - constructing forts, drilling new recruits. We were still green at the time. We had never been in a fight before. Never seen someone die. Yet that did not deter Us. We were young, full of bravado, and we had just lost our closest friend. The only thing on Our mind at the time was vengeance.


    A few years later, we marched south. We saw what real battle looked like. We must have been seventeen at the time - at the very oldest. We saw war - and its cost. We saw death. We went to war hungering for justice and vengeance - but the cost was too high. The cost was the lives of good Orenians.


    We learned many things during the war.  We wish we could wrap this story up in a neat reflection of virtue and ideals. But things are not so simple. That is what we truly learned.


    All We really know is that, even today, we wish Peter Amadeus were at our side.


    Q: Did you ever get a chance to properly mourn the loss, Your Imperial Majesty?


    A:  "Well, the war ended in a stalemate. Neither army could advance. After all was said and done, His Holiness, James II ordered a peace be made. As part of that peace, We received the remains of Peter Amadeus for burial. There was hope - and relief - in that at least. But after the Sutican War came the Inferi Incursion. So there was no time for grief. Not until many years later."


    Q: What was it like, after seeing the suffering and the cost of war first hand as a youth, to then go to war against the Nordlings?


    A: "The war with the Nordlings was a much different affair. They were pagans, far removed from the faith, whereas the Suticans were fellow Canonists. In the Sutican war, we were the aggressors marching south in search of retribution. In the Nordling war, it was they who marched on us. It was not a question of dignity, or pride. It was not a choice. The safety of Our subjects and country depended on our army.


    But the lessons We learned as a youth in the Sutican War and the Inferi Incursion did inform Our decisions to some degree. Every battle and skirmish, we knew that our soldiers may not come home. For that reason, we ensured that every encounter had purpose. We captured and slaughtered Nordling officials to demoralize the enemy into surrender. We attacked their supply lines and  roads, disrupting their economy. Our soldiers acted with instructions only to engage in offensives when victory was certain and casualties minimized. We never attacked without purpose, and when we did it was with careful planning. We would not see our men sent into pointless slaughter."


    Q: What would Your Imperial Majesty say are his guiding morals and principles as the monarch of Oren?


    A: "Protecting Orenian life is among the most important principles guiding Us, yes. There is no more important purpose than protecting the faithful. We are descendants of Horen, the Fidei Defensor. But we also understand that sometimes sacrifices are necessary. We lost many good men during the war, but we rest easy knowing each of them believed in their cause.


    We also hold the Nenzing Proclamation dear to our heart and have memorized those immortal lines that guide us even to this day -


    'And so We Proclaim the Rights of Man, to stand to all men and women, and never be infringed upon by threat domestic or foreign -


    The Right to Life, so no man will ever be taken to the Skies so soon.


    The Right to Liberty, so no man will ever be bonded by the shackles of slavery or serfdom.


    The Right to Trial, so no man will ever be wrongly accused when not charged by a trial of their peers.'


    These lines are quoted in the Oren Revised Code, enshrined in Our very constitution. They are the moral principles devised to guide our country and diet. Our guiding principle is quite simple - the fathers of Our Empire devised a constitution, a system by which to govern this country, and to protect our subjects. We must always fight to preserve the constitution."


    Q: What would Your Imperial Majesty say are the most defining and important events of His reign thus far?


    A:  "Well, certainly the most memorable event so far was Our victory in the Tenth Nordling War. However, at home, things have been quite quiet. We have brought no great reforms to the Constitution, or the ministries.


    We have focused more than anything else on economic growth. The Orenian treasury has more than doubled in Our reign. Our soldiers are paid well, and the private sector is thriving.


    We also like to hope that the arts are doing quite well. The Northern Geographic society headquarters in Providence has done much for our cultural development, and we have many great artists among our ranks, such as Henry Penton."


    Q: What is Your Imperial Majesty's greatest hope for the future of Oren?


    A: "Well, we suppose that, above all else, we would like to see more engagement from the population in the legislature and government. We would also like to see greater development in the countryside. Providence thrives, but much of our country lacks infrastructure. Imagine if every mile of our country was developed with farms, lumberyards, mines, with wide roads and trade routes  connecting them all. We have as much an obligation to the quality of life of an Esbec resident, as we do one of Providence.


    “So, to answer your question concisely. We would like to see a government system devised to help enable infrastructure and economic growth outside the capital."




    We here at the Providence Post would like to thank His Imperial Majesty, Emperor John VIII, for the moving, sincere, and truly beautiful interview he gave to our humble paper. We feel deeply privileged to share his experience and words of wisdom with the people.


    Here's to ten more years at the Providence Post!






    Kingdom of Urguan Charges De Joannes Family, Declares War on Krugmar



    Pictured: The Urguani Capital. Image provided by John Napier. (@Hanrahan)


    This year saw great activity in the Dwarven nation of Urguan.


    In our last issue, we reported on the slave auction recently carried out by the Ferrymen. The Ferrymen, a mercenary and bandit organization, staged a raid on Providence last year and captured five Orenian noblewomen. They proceeded to advertise a slave auction in which they sold their hostages for vast sums of minas. The Ferrymen escaped ISA prosecution by holding the auction in South Sedan, located across the southern border in Urguan. However, it appears that choice will be their undoing.


    Urguani Lord Justiciar Ulfric Frostbeard issued a court summons during the month of Tobias's Bounty, calling for the de Joannes family (the owners of Sedan) to stand trial. They condemned the cooperation of House de Joannes with the Ferrymen as 'despicable' and 'disastrous'. In the summons, the Lord Justiciar reaffirmed Urguan's commitment to its anti-slavery laws and principles.


    During the trial, which occurred later during the month of Owyn's Flame, the Urguani Courts convicted the de Joannes family of Slavery in the Second Degree and forced them to pay a 1000 mina fine.


    On the very same day as the de Joannes trial, King Levian'Tol Grandaxe issued a declaration of war against the nation of Krugmar. He accused the War Nation of repeatedly sending raiding parties against Urguani holdings. The orcs also apparently kidnapped and 'de-bearded' (shaved) the Urguani Grand Marshal. To these insults, King Levian'Tol responded with war. He would not be satisfied until he held the Rex's decapitated head in his hands.


    What will this mean for Oren? We asked Foreign Minister Simon Pruvia-Provins for his opinion, but he declined to provide a quote for the paper. "No comment," said Viscount Pruvia-Provins. Unfortunately, we have no statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at this time, so we can only guess at what this war will mean for our fair Empire.


    Shocking Statement from Ms. Inui Ri'Karth Reveals the Truth of Norland's Brutality under King Sven II



    Pictured: A painting of Ms. Inui Ri'Karth.


    Ms. Inui Ri'Karth of the Stygian Hollow released a shocking exposé on the Kingdom of Norland during the month of Horen's Calling. In her publication - titled A Denouncement of the Bloodthirst Kingdom, Norland - she describes the terror and torment she suffered at the hands of King Sven II and regent Vane Freysson.


    During the Tenth Nordling War, Ms. Ri'Karth refused to buy into the Norlandic propaganda against Oren and pushed passionately for peace between the two nations. Her hometown of Elysium had suffered greatly due to its location on the frontlines of the war, so Ms. Ri'Karth sought reconciliation between Oren and Norland for the good of her family and friends. She was one of the few Norlanders actually open to discussion with Orenians - and even received an audience with Emperor John VIII himself. She describes the friendly and kind treatment she received in Oren, in sharp contrast to the bloody brutality visited upon her in Norland.


    Norland viewed her efforts toward peace as traitorous and criminal, so they sought to harm and even murder Ms. Ri'Karth for her actions. Her exposé paints King Sven - and Norland at large - as bloodthirsty barbarians who refused to entertain ideas of peace. Rather, all they ever wanted was our beloved Emperor's head on a pike. They were even willing to punish peaceful noncombatants like Ms. Ri'karth in their pursuit of misguided vengeance.


    Ms. Ri'Karth's harrowing tale brought a tear to our eyes. We at the Providence Post would like to thank her for her valor, her compassion, and her open-mindedness. We also thank her for her bravery in publishing this exposé and bringing to light the crimes of Norland against its own citizens.


    We encourage all of our readers to pick up a copy of Ms. Ri'Karth's exposé so they too can know the truth about Norland.


    Princess Helen Antonia Declared Missing -

    Ministry of Justice to Investigate Unsettling Disappearance



    Pictured: Princess Helen Antonia in front of the Augustine Palace. Taken from Petit Potins: The Race Begins, published 1827. Used with permission.


    Late last year, the Ministry of Justice released a missing persons report concerning Her Imperial Highness, Princess Helen Antonia of Crestfall. Friends and family of Princess Helena reportedly received bizarre and incomplete letters from Her Highness which, while mundane in their content, nevertheless alarmed them. The letters were mostly half-finished and unsigned, as if they were sent prematurely. The Ministry of Justice were able to identify them as Princess Helen's handiwork by her unique and practiced handwriting style, as well as the paper being her favored stationary. After sending the letters, Princess Helen completely disappeared.


    The Ministry of Justice and its constabulary are currently mounting an investigation into the disappearance. Their goal is to uncover the reason behind the Princess's abrupt departure, as well as locate Her Highness and return her home safely.


    Current theories include a potential political kidnapping, possibly by the Ferrymen, MRA, or other unscrupulous bandit groups. It is worth noting that the Ferrymen very recently kidnapped a group of five Orenian noblewomen and sold them off as slaves. Princess Helen is the daughter of Prince Philip Augustus, Emperor John VIII's brother and heir apparent. Her status would no doubt make her a tempting target for a criminal individual looking to make a ransom.


    Princess Helen Antonia is a loving wife and mother to four children. We at the Providence Post pray for her safe and swift return.


    Princess Amadea Ulyssa Ill & Confined to Bed



    Pictured (from left to right): Princess Amelia Margaret, Princess Amadea Ulyssa, and Prince Philip Aurelian. Sent to the Providence Post by a kindly reader. (@amyselia)


    Our correspondents at the Augustine Palace have reported that Princess Amadea Ulyssa has fallen grievously ill and will be confined to bed for the foreseeable future. We could not get any of the palace doctors to reveal the nature of her malady. It appears the Imperial family is choosing to keep the specifics of her illness private for the time being.


    Princess Amadea Ulyssa is the wife of Prince Philip Aurelian. Her husband is, as of this writing, second in line to inherit the throne of Oren. He will become Emperor after his father, Prince Philip Augustus, passes away. To hear that our future Empress is in such poor health is surely troubling for any patriotic Orenian citizen. We reached out to Prince Philip Aurelian for a quote. He replied - "I ask that the people of the Empire give their prayers for my beloved wife Amadea. So that she may have a swift recovery."


    We would like to express our sincere hope for Princess Amadea's swift recovery and future good health.





    Changes to Providence's Mayoral and City Council Elections


    Election season has once again arrived in Providence. Some new changes have been made to the city's electoral process. 


    On the 11th of Harren's Folly, Prince Philip Aurelian - the Magistrate of Providence - released his Twenty-First Ordinance of the Providence Magistrate. He ordered that the election for Mayor and for City Alderman shall now happen every four years and run concurrently in order to ensure maximum efficiency.


    This small change shall hopefully streamline the election process and make it so that local elections will be held with less frequency. A singular election for both Lord Mayor and City Aldermen shall hopefully also increase political engagement among the citizens of Providence.


    Ministry of Civil Affairs Releases 5th Civil Affairs Report


    During the month of Owyn's Flame, Mr. Minuvas Melphestaus - the Deputy Director of Civil Affairs - published his fifth report on the state of the Empire.


    As always, Mr. Melphestaus provides a thorough scientific analysis of immigration, employment, and government. He makes apt recommendations for the betterment of our state, including suggestions for easier travel, improved access to education, and further development on key programs throughout the Empire.


    Mr. Melphestaus continues to encourage the creation of a Magus Academy here in the Empire. Magic remains a rarefied and inaccessible field of study to most Orenians. Because magic takes such a significant amount of time to master, most humans opt not to pursue the arcane arts. However, interest in thaumaturgy remains high - and the opportunity to open up a magical academy has never been better!


    We hope to see some of Mr. Melphestaus's suggestions implemented soon.





    Jousting Tourney to be Held at Dobrov


    Sir Edwin de Sarkozy will be hosting a jousting tourney in the county of Dobrov. All are welcome to attend the event. The winner of the tourney will be gifted a prize of 200 minas in cash. This quaint event harkens back to the age of the Early Empire, when knights frequently donned the colors of their noble houses and competed against one another on horse back in spectacular war games. We encourage all our readers to attend and observe this ancient sport of kings.


    Halstaig Festival of Life


    Sad news has emerged from the county of Halstaig. Countess Anastasia O'Rourke passed away recently and unexpectedly. The Countess was a champion for Adunian rights and an example for young women throughout the Empire. With the death of Countess Anastasia, her daughter Iduna Anne O'Rourke will inherit her title as Countess of Halstaig.


    The new Countess thus invites all of Oren join her to celebrate the life of her late mother. She requests that everyone dress vibrantly for the occasion and forego the usual blacks and greys of mourning. Drinks and refreshments will be provided to all attendees.


    Bentarus Resigns as Providence Post Editor-in-Chief


    With this, the publication of our tenth issue, we are sad to announce the resignation of Mr. Anthony Bentarus - the Providence Post Editor-in-Chief. Mr. Bentarus will be leaving the Ministry of Civil Affairs to focus on his writing and his personal life.


    We thank Mr. Bentarus for his ten years of hard work on the Providence Post and wish him well in his future endeavors. This means that the position of Providence Post Editor-in-Chief is now open. If you have an aptitude for journalism and want to provide high-quality news to the people of Oren, apply for the Ministry of Civil Affairs today!



    Did You Know?

    Orenian History Fun Facts


    Emperor John II suffered from mercury poisoning, also called Mad Hatter's Disease.


    Mercury poisoning is known to cause irritability, mood swings, anxiety, insomnia, and memory loss - which no doubt contributed to the Emperor's reputation as being insane.



    Providence Post Staff Credits



    Director of the Ministry of Civil Affairs - HIH Princess Josephine Augusta, Duchess of Sunholdt


    Deputy Director - Minuvas Melphestaus


    Providence Post Editor-in-Chief - Position Open! Please apply with the Ministry of Civil Affairs!


    Contributions? Corrections? Complaints? Please contact the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

  10. 4u2mWKkUOWUSU_CQR4spaYi4iKuML0OPzraWGJ3Gwrh2gVDUozlTESU0w7DmC0HJ54KZGsd6HJvz5zl7Yi0ux7QxUzREwAkzQx4ZsKrrn2ANWziHXDH5ylJzqI53Z8ZZ-Fsglpv0


    29th of Owyn's Light, 1831






    The Ministry of Civil Affairs has prepared this report and assessment for the Imperial Ministries, the House of Lords, and members of the House of Commons. A public Archive of this report is kept on hand at the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The purpose of this report is to help Imperial Leaders allocate resources, and serve to inform decision making. We have expanded this report to cover a full report of efforts within the Ministry of Civil Affairs, to inform our Government of the efforts of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.



    The Vth Civil Affairs Report



    10 years ago we began this report to focus on immigration. Over the years, it has been my personal opinion that this report should grow to cover the whole of what the Ministry does for its Imperial Government and citizens. Thus, this report shall now address all departments of Civil Affairs.

    General: We have recently said farewell to Lady Casimira, who has assumed greater duties in the Augustine Palace, and have welcomed Philip De Rosius as the new Associate Director of Archives, History, Education.

    Immigration: We have set record highs for the number of new citizens arriving in the last two years. Tied for the #1 most sought profession in the Empire, is the MoJ and the ISA (36% each, respectively).

    Information: The Providence post continues apace, it remains the most popular paper in all of Almaris - with readership across the continent. 

    Archives, History, Education: We have in the last decade published a method of organizing all scholarly letters and credentials in the Empire. We are prepared to expand this department pending legislation currently at the House of Lords, for the creation


    Associate Director: Sir Otis De Rosius



        Employment Preference



    Currently, the #1 requested job in the Empire is tied between The Ministry of Justice & The Imperial State Army (ISA), with 36% of all new citizens desiring a career in either field. Interest in the Imperial State Army grew by over 6% since the last report, and a decrease of interest in the Ministry of Justice of 3% and the Home Office by 7%. We believe this has been due to  efforts by the D'Azor Chancellery directed to this Ministry to encourage ISA recruitment, which we shall continue to do so. Citizens may select up to four job preferences when they register. After breaking up 'Private Employment' into numerous categories, we saw that a single profession stood out, with "House Servant for a Noble" garnishing roughly 10% of all new citizens choices. 

    The following two career paths are the two next most desirable in the Empire.

    #2:  The Home Office (34%)
    #3: The Secret Service (30%)



    Imperial Magus Academy. Imperial Magery remains popular, and we as an Empire are missing a tremendous talent pool to add Mages to ranks of our Armies, Investigative departments, and other civil society. It is highly recommended to our esteemed Court Mages that they formalize a way to identify apprentices, train them as appropriate, and help place them within the government and noble courts. There is no change to this recommendation.






    82% of New Arrivals plan to reside in Providence. This is more capacity than be fit into the city itself. Cross-referencing against the Clerk records of Providence, there are only 6 available residential properties in all of Providence (this is not including housing provided by Inn's or Taverns).  Investment in travel and the municipalities to enable travel to and from Providence remain a critical and growing issue for the Capital.





    Housing & Municipality Development. This office has been unsuccessful in encouraging individuals to live outside of Providence city. The city must either grow tall by adding new residencies, or make it easier to travel to the Capital from outlying municipalities or we run the risk of homelessness in the city. Homeless individuals pay nothing into the Imperial Tax system, and cost the system money to subsidize them.


    Road & Logistic Development.  This Office  strongly recommends the House of Commons to take up the expansion of the Port with ferry services to our municipalities. In addition, developing a cobblestone road with clear signage to each of the Municipalities would enhance their safety and ease of travel within the Empire. We further recommend, from our last report, that a 'Cart' system be developed to enable rapid travel between municipalities to encourage travel.

    Immigration Officers as City Clerks. This Office recommends that at least 1 immigration officer be trained to receive clerk/housing permissions in each Municipality. As the immigration officer is 'at the point of contact' for a Citizen in need of a place to live, it only makes sense to remove the middle man. We do not believe this will be an issue in Providence, where some are already undergoing Clerk training, but we would like to expand this opportunity to our municipalities - so that we may assist them with placing residences in their fine cities. This recommendation is unchanged; since the last report, 1 additional Immigration Officer has become a Clerk.


    Associate Director: Mr. Anthony Bentarus



    Providence Post




    The Providence Post continues to expand in quality and authorship under its editor-in-chief, Mr. Anthony Bentarus. This office has expanded significantly since its inception over a decade ago. We have recently expanded its number of reporters and the Ministry continues to promote goodwill between the Citizen and her State. Editions will begin including colorized pictures and drawings in future articles. We at the Ministry believe the paper has positively influenced the Citizen to interact with her state, and served as a Foreign diplomacy tool for Foreign Citizens to know and understand Imperial culture efforts. This program therefore serves as both a domestic and foreign policy tool, and we look forward to its continued publication. We have also added a 'Polling Official' who shall serve to conduct surveys and polls on behalf of Government and Private citizens, our exclusive customer is the Government - any Ministry may contact us to survey people to get their opinion on any given subject, and we ask you please do so.


    None. We believe the Providence Post is operating without any need from outside the Ministry.

    Government Accountability


    This is a relatively new program we have implemented as an effort, but has limited outreach. We encourage Government Ministries to encourage Citizens to use these forms, to provide feedback to the Chancellery and the Diet so that they may make appropriate adjustments to Government Offices. The dataset remains relatively low, and we encourage the Government to not take too much

    Current Ministry with the Most Complaints:
    Ministry of Justice

    Current Ministry with the Most Compliments:



    We are greatly




    Archives, History, Education
    Associate Director: Philip De Rosius




    Serving as the most active day to day function within this Directory, it is perhaps one of the most important in the Ministry. It catalogues the elections, Peerages, Knighthoods, Scholarly letters. We are prepared, based on two pending pieces of legislation within the Diet, to archive and catalogue sites of 'Imperial Heritage' as well as those individuals designated for the Petrine Laurel. We plan to name the Associate Director as the Imperial Heritage Commissioner as well as the individual responsible for putting together the Committee from the Petrine Laurel. However, pending legislation aside, we have kept up with multiple within the Empire.



    ORC Legal Archivist.  We are greatly in need of an ORC Legal assistant. We need this individual to help keep the ORC updated between Diet sessions, as our current Archivist tasked with this responsibility does it alone. Please consider offering your talents in this area if you are capable.


    Education & History


    We have expanded this office to now issue and maintain 'Scholar Letters' of the Empire. We are projected to release the next reviewed and approved list within the next few months. We are currently working with Educational Institutions across Almaris to help them become 'Imperial Credentialed' so that their education systems can produce degrees for Imperial Citizens, specifically with the NGS. We must advise that currently no degree awarded without recognition by this office is considered 'valid' within Imperial borders. To claim to be a degree holding individual without being on this list is to be considered fraudulent in nature, do be on the lookout for "Professors" and the like who hold no such letters. We encourage scholars of the Empire to apply to this program. 


    Legal/Ecclesial Systems. We encourage the Church of Canon and the Ministry of Justice to develop programs that nest naturally to result in Scholarly letters awarded by the Education department. As we will consult any and all applications for these studies to the Church and the Ministry of Justice for their review, this system would be streamlined if they develop internal systems to tell us on a regular basis who should be rewarded these credentials.


    Detailed statistics are available, upon request, by Cabinet level Ministers and Members of the Imperial Diet.






    The Most Honorable Minuvas Melphestaus, 

    Deputy Director of Civil Affairs






    Prepared On Behalf of;

    Princess Josephine Augusta

    Director of Civil Affairs

  11. 1_lkMI19y1k5tO11Tz-BBsxph1ouN7pm_JiH6LMo

    The Providence Post

    Published by the Imperial Ministry of Civil Affairs







    Organized by Year







    Featured Story: In Forests or in Fields? A Discussion With Three Orenian Elves




    Featured Story: Rooting For Rutledge - An Interview with Oren's Oldest Stateswoman




    Featured Story: Norland's Surrender - A Review




    Featured Story: A Chat in the Church - An Interview with High Pontiff Tylos I




    Featured Story: Uncommon in the Commons - The Story of Oren's First Orc-Blooded Representative




    Featured Story: Profit in Providence - A Discussion with Three Orenian Business Owners




    Featured Story: The Reason for the Season - An Investigation into Providence's Social Season




    Featured Story: Creativity & Courage - Profiling Three Contemporary Artists of Oren








    Featured Story: The Ultimate Authority - A Look Into Oren's Supreme Court




    Featured Story: A Conversation with the Crown - Interviewing H.I.M Emperor John VIII




    Featured Story: The Life and Death of John VIII










    Featured Story: The Inheritance of Woldzmir




    Featured Story: Princess Josephine, the First Female Archchancellor


  12. 1_lkMI19y1k5tO11Tz-BBsxph1ouN7pm_JiH6LMo

    The Providence Post

    4th of Tobias’s Bounty, 1830

    Published by the Imperial Ministry of Civil Affairs









    Serial Murderers Claiming to be 'Noble' Terrorize Providence -

    Who are the So-Called 'Noble Titans'?


    Last year, during the month of Sun's Smile, a terrorist group calling themselves 'The Noble Titans' began disseminating their pamphlets throughout the city of Providence. The contents of these pamphlets are disturbing and upsetting to all people of good Canonist faith and conscience. These so-called 'Noble Titans' are nothing more than a gang of thugs and murderers. They kidnap, torture, mutilate, and kill Orenian citizens before putting their bodies on grotesque display in public. These demented and delusional killers describe themselves as 'men and women of status' and their gory deeds as 'acts of charity' - that is, they are doing Providence a favor by ridding the streets of the poor.


    So far, authorities can attribute at least seven murders to the 'Noble Titans'. Earlier this year, a body was publicly hung from a tree near the Novellen Pub. On the 4th of Harren's Folly, 1829, the grotesquely disfigured and butchered corpses of five individuals were found costumed and posed on the stage of the La Fleur Theater. According to theater manager Anthony Bentarus, the bodies were placed there under cover of night without his knowledge. A seventh body was discovered in the ballroom of the Augustine Palace, limbs broken and stuffed into a traveling trunk. The 'Noble Titans' may be responsible for additional murders which have not yet been uncovered by the Ministry of Justice.


    It perhaps goes without saying, but murder - and especially kinslaying - is considered the very worst of all sins by the Canonist Church. Members of the Canonist Church have published missives castigating these 'Noble Titans' for their horrific actions.


    We at the Providence Post feel no compunction against adding our voice to the throng. All humans are the descendants of Horen and we should treat all men as our kinsmen - whether dark-skinned or fair, highlander or heartlander, Orenian or immigrant, and rich or poor. No matter what sort of economic background we hail from, all humans share the same inheritance - the chance to walk the Seven Skies with our Creator. To slaughter another human being in cold blood is the darkest and most evil of sins. While their victims rest easy in the Seven Skies alongside ur father GOD, the 'Noble Titans' will be condemned to their own unmaking in the nothingness that is the Void.


    Oren is not merely for the richest and most esteemed of bloodlines. Oren is for everyone who loves GOD and loves their Empire.


    Below is a statement drafted by Deputy Director of Civil Affairs, Mr. Minuvas Melphestaus -




    You no doubt have recently read, or witnessed, a string of murders claiming to be from a 'noble' society of individuals within Oren against a small slice of our poor and vulnerable society. 'Poor' individuals, who live in relative comfort and prosperity compared to some nations' merchant class. We have determined, without a shadow of a doubt, that this murderer is neither Noble nor Orenian, and likely a foreign agent looking to sow doubt into the hearts and minds of the Holy people of Oren.


    The Ministry of Justice combined with the Imperial State Army remain vigilant to protect even the most vulnerable of His Imperial Majesty's domain. Providence will also continue to provide the best care for Orphans and Poor alike, as administered by the Church of Canon.


    Do not give into foreign lies and deceptions aimed at creating division. Report suspicious activity, stay alert, and keep your government informed. The Empire provides, the Empire protects.


    To the murderer, we encourage you to turn yourself in. For the poor and the downtrodden of Almaris have trekked a long way to escape the misfortune of the dirty and Misbegotten streets from where they have fled and seek refuge here. They shall have it, and you shall be found. Pray for mercy.


    May GOD save the Emperor.




    The Most Honorable Deputy Director



    Assassination  Attempt Against Foreign Minister Pruvia-Provins Leads to Shuttering of the Basilica


    The 10th of Horen's Calling, 1830, saw additional bloodshed trouble the streets of Providence. While we cannot attribute this particular incident to the 'Noble Titans', the two are potentially related and still undergoing investigation. Viscount Simon Pruvia-Provins, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, survived an assassination attempt in Providence's Basilica of the Ascent. The Viscount was reportedly praying and contemplating his faith when an assailant - one Daniel Truman disguised as an acolyte - approached Lord Pruvia-Provins from behind and attempted to slay him. A struggle ensued, with Lord Pruvia-Provins ultimately subduing his attacker.


    The ISA and MoJ arrived on the scene shortly after. They took the Viscount into custody for questioning and prepared the body for autopsy. After confirming Lord Pruvia's statements, they released him with no charges.


    However, the Church of the Canon's reaction to the incident incited further controversy. Father Basil Moroul, the Ponitifical Chamberlain, chose to shutter the Basilica of the Ascent - opening it only for pre-scheduled events. The Basilica remained shuttered and inaccessible to Providence's faithful for the period of one month. No one outside of the clergy was allowed to enter. Baptisms, mass, confessions, sacraments, and all other religious services ground to a complete halt. Father Basil insisted upon the Basilica's closure to protect the faithful, yet simultaneously denied the word of the Lord to masses numbering in the thousands.


    However, this changed on the 11th of Owyn's Flame. Heir-Apparent Prince Philip Augustus led a group of his courtiers to the courtyard outside of the Basilica. There, he ordered them to affix ropes to the barricade blocking the cathedral's large double doors. Working together, Prince Philip Augustus and a contingent of nobles used their combined strength to topple the bars and enter the cathedral. There, the Heir Apparent led his courtiers in a group prayer.


    1829 and 1830 have been years of violence, bloodshed, and grotesquerie in Providence. The people have suffered greatly at the hands of raiders, bandits, and murderers. We celebrate Prince Philip Augustus's tearing down of the Basilica gates. It is a symbolic gesture done in defiance of death and in defiance of those who would subdue us. By his acts, we are reminded of the strength found not only in faith, but in unity. We are one people, united by one God and one Empire, and together - we can overcome any obstacle.





    The Ultimate Authority -

    A Look Into Oren's Supreme Court



    The Supreme Court is one of the most little-understood bodies of the Orenian judiciary. It is composed of only three members - Chief Justice Olivier Halcourt, Justice Geoff Turgon, and Justice Farooq B. Gray - all of whom are appointed for life. To be appointed to the Supreme Court is one of the highest honors that a judge can receive. If you are chosen to be Supreme Court Justice, that means you are considered one of the foremost respected legal scholars in the Empire. Becoming a Supreme Court Justice takes a lifetime of work and the Justices deserve our utmost respect.


    Yet, if you ask a random citizen on the street, they might not be able to tell you what the Supreme Court is or what it does. Many don't even have a rudimentary understanding of the Orenian judicial system. So, for this issue of the Providence Post, we set out to uncover the answers behind some basic questions an average person might have. Namely, what is the Supreme Court? How does it work? Why do we have it? And what does it take to become a Justice?


    We had the opportunity to speak with Chief Justice Olivier Halcourt and Justice Geoff Turgon to learn more about this powerful and prestigious part of the Orenian legal system.


    What is the Supreme Court?




    When asked to describe the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Olivier Halcourt called it "the highest Judicial body in our Great Empire." Justice Turgon elaborated further - "It serves as an appellate court and a constitutional one."


    If you know nothing about the Orenian judiciary, those terms might seem confusing at first. What is an appellate court? In short, you cannot bring a case immediately before the Supreme Court. To get a case heard by the Supreme Court, you must first bring it before the Circuit Court and later appeal it.


     To explain how Oren's court systems work, let us envision a hypothetical case. In our hypothetical scenario, a theater actor impersonates a public figure for the purposes of parody or satire. That public figure is insulted by the caricature and decides to sue the actor for defamation and impersonation.


    Initially, the case would appear before the Circuit Court. A Circuit Court Judge would hear the case and issue a judgment. In our hypothetical, let's say that the judge decides to rule against the actor and charges them with defamation and impersonation in the third degree. There are currently no laws in the ORC protecting actors or writers who create satire or parody. Therefore, they are liable if the object of their parody takes offense or suffers degradation in reputation.


    Is that it, then? Does the actor have no recourse but to accept the court's judgement? No! The actor can appeal the decision and bring the case to the Orenian Supreme Court. The three Supreme Court Justices will then hear the case and decide if instances of parody and satire ought to be exempt from the impersonation and defamation laws. Their decision, as Justice Turgon implied, could change the law as it is written in the constitution. In other words, they Supreme Court may make decisions in the courtroom that clarify or edit the existing laws on the books - without needing to go through the House of Commons or the House of Lords.


    One might ask - why do we have an appellate court? Why is it that cases need to be appealed at all? Why not write the law in such a way that the Circuit Court's decision is final? "The purpose of the Supreme Court is to keep everyone accountable. If there were just a singular Court that made up our Judiciary, handling all of the affairs of our Empire, it could lead to corruption. The visual of a singular Court is also not that good. We want for the Citizens of our Empire to feel like they can appeal any verdict and have peace of mind that Justice has truly been served," Chief Justice Halcourt answered. When asked about the need for an appellate court, Justice Geoff Turgon replied - "In an ideal world there wouldn't be a need for it, but we're all human. Sometimes mistakes are made, the process or procedures get muddied. If someone feels like they've not had their fair day in court, it is their right to have that reviewed to see whether it was fair or not."


    Are appeals the only function of the Supreme Court? Not by a long shot! "Constitutionally, citizens of our good Empire may submit requests for Judicial Review - Ordinances from the Council of State, laws passed by the Diet," Turgon also remarked Judicial Reviews are submitted by concerned citizens who believe certain laws may be unconstitutional. If the Supreme Court rules a law to be unconstitutional, that law is summarily struck from the ORC and no longer applicable.


    Chief Justice Halcourt described one such review to us - "The Judicial Review of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance put out by the Solicitor-General Charles Galbraith," he said. "The Solicitor-General put out a war on drugs as I like to refer to it as. In the Judicial Review, many claimed via amicus briefs that the ordinance was unconstitutional. I interpreted it to be that way too. No one man can write the law, enforce the law, and stipulate the terms in which that law is judged. That is what Minister Galbraith was doing, though the other Justices overruled me on the matter and struck down the Judicial Review."



    Becoming a Supreme Court Justice




    As we learned in the previous section, the Supreme Court wields a lot of power. Their decisions have the potential to completely reshape and reinterpret Orenian law. In certain instances, the Supreme Court might even have the power to force an Emperor out of office, should they deem him to be unfit. Therefore, a monarch must show great discretion in who he (or she) appoints to serve on the Supreme Court. Justices cannot be easily removed from their positions once appointed - and their choices have monumental importance over the state of the Empire. So, how does an Emperor go about choosing personages to serve on the Supreme Court? Who gets to be a Supreme Court Justice and why?


    Chief Justice Halcourt told us about the process - "You need to have your name thrown out by the Solicitor-General or another member of the Council of State, though sometimes recommendations are made by other Justices as well. After a list has been made of potential nominees, the Government picks one. That one person's name is then sent to His Imperial Majesty and the nomination is forwarded to the House of Commons so that a confirmation hearing date can be set."


    A background in law and justice is necessary for anyone looking to become a judge. Both Chief Justice Halcourt and Justice Turgon mentioned having backgrounds in the Ministry of Justice. "I started as a law clerk for the Ministry of Justice," Chief Justice Halcourt informed us. "Then I became an Imperial State Prosecutor and, after that, the Attorney-General. Finally, I landed in the second most chief position at the MoJ - the Assistant Solicitor-General.  I worked with the Ministry for… probably thirty to forty years before my nomination to the Courts." Chief Justice Halcourt is also one of the few to possess an accredited law degree from the Universitas Magistorum.


    Justice Turgon described a very similar career trajectory - "I worked in the Ministry of Justice. That is where my career in law began, as a law-clerk. At the end of my tenure there, I was the Attorney-General."


    But becoming a Justice is more than just having a background in law. You must also possess the correct mindset and temperament. "His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor, nominates judges to the bench," Justice Turgon told us. "From my own conversation with him about my nomination, impartiality and curious minds are traits that are sought after in Justices." Chief Justice Halcourt confirmed the need for the proper attitude - "Impartiality, too. If you are not seen as an impartial and apolitical figure, you will be scrutinized in a House of Commons hearing, surely."


    Is there no room for a Justice to express his or her personal feelings or morality in the courtroom? The Justices we spoke to both said personal feelings are more of a liability than a boon. "I cannot have feelings," Chief Justice Halcourt said to our reporters. "You cannot, as a Judge, and especially as a Supreme Court Justice, have an agenda. One must look at the facts and evidence presented to play a part in the Judiciary."


    Justice Turgon expressed a similar view - "Everyone's personal beliefs will influence their opinions. It's human nature. That's where that impartiality we spoke about earlier comes to play. I may think something is a good law. I may have been in favor of it personally. At the end of the day, though, we must look at the constitution of our land and objectively assess it. More often than not, I have to set my own feelings about something aside."


    Yet, despite having to set their personal beliefs aside for the good of Oren, both men told our reporters what an honor it was to serve on the Supreme Court. "To know that I have a part in preserving this republican experiment, strengthening it through the process, is one of the highest honors I can think of," quote Justice Turgon.



    While not as well-known as the Imperial Diet, the Supreme Court remains one of the most powerful engines of Orenian democracy. It represents a way for the common Orenian to challenge the law of the land - and even, under remarkable circumstances, to have it changed entirely. Without our robust court system, the Orenian commoner would be utterly powerless. So it is important for us to recognize and thank the legal experts that sit on our Supreme Court.





    Ferrymen Kidnap and Sell Innocent Orenian Women!


    On the 11th of Owyn's Flame, 1830, Providence suffered an attack from the malicious and murderous raider band known as the Ferrymen. The Ferrymen are a roving gang of marauders who have lashed out against Oren on several occasions. They fought on the side of Norland in the 10th Nordling War, gleefully slaughtering the men and women of the ISA. They are also the primary suspects in the murder of High Pontiff Jude II. A man in Ferryman uniform was spotted fleeing the scene of the Pontiff's murder. The Ferrymen persist in claiming that the Pontiff's murderer was an imposter and not a member of their ranks. However, they have not provided any proof to support these claims.


    During the Owyn's Flame raid, the Ferrymen captured five noblewomen of the Augustine Court - including Lady Amelia Lesie, Lady Cosette, Lady Adalene Halcourt, Lady Heinrika vas Ruthern, and Lady Diana d'Azor. In a deeply disgusting and disturbing fashion, the Ferrymen chose to auction these five captured women off as slaves to the highest bidder. The auction reportedly took place in South Sedan. The organizer of the auction - two men named Charles Alexander and Cyrus Indoren - printed invitations and issued them throughout Sutica, Haense, and the Druidic Grove.


    We are sad to report that our ISA soldiers only successfully rescued one of the captured women - Lady Adalene Halcourt, the wife of Chief Justice Olivier Halcourt. While we are delighted that Lady Adalene made it home safely and unharmed, we are grieved to say the ISA could not prevent the auction of the other women. The locations of Lady Amelia, Lady Cosette, Lady Heinrika, and Lady Diana are - as of this writing - unconfirmed by the reporters of the Providence Post. Wherever they are, we hope that they are swiftly rescued and returned home post-haste.


    Tenth Golden Bull of Providence Released


    Without a doubt, it has been an upsetting year for the people of Oren. During the month of Sun's Smile, High Pontiff Tylos I issued his Tenth Golden Bull of Providence, full of wisdom and consolation for the faithful.


    In his Tenth Golden Bull, High Pontiff Tylos I announced the construction of a fortress for the Supreme Order of Exalted Owyn. The holy knights will now be based in the county of Dobrov - residing in a fortress designed and built by Equester-Imperator Holy Sir Edwin de Sarkozy. High Pontiff Tylos I also announced his intention to visit the Grand Duchy of Vasiyeva in the south.


    This Golden Bull also saw the Canonization of St. Carolus of Carrenhall, an inspirational figure for the Canonist faithful. St. Carolus was a companion of St. Otto and St. Karl - two critically important saints to the people of Haense. He helped to build up the fledgling Haense's economy and infrastructure, building it into one of the most popular and populous duchies of Athera. His miracles include cleansing the north of its troll menace, taming a giant eagle, converting great numbers of the Scyfling people to Canonism, and dying as a martyr to protect the Cathedral of Adria.


    St. Carolus's story of self-sacrifice for his people will no doubt provide comfort to the struggling faithful as we close out a challenging year.


    Funeral Held for King Sven II of Norland -

    Kingsmoot Soon to Follow


    In international news - Norland buried its monarch, King Sven II, during the month of Godfrey's Triumph, 1830. The funeral was held in the square of Varhelm, the Norlandic capital, beneath the large, ever-burning tree that serves as an avatar for their pagan god.


    Following the king's funeral, Regent Vane Freysson announced the commencement of a Kingsmoot. The three Chieftains of the Ruric clans have been summoned to Varhelm to determine the successor to inherit the Norlandic crown.


    The process of the Kingsmoot is as follows -


    The Chieftains will nominate individuals whom they believe are suitable to wear the crown. Then, the nominees will be given the opportunity to speak on why they ought to be the next king of Norland. After that, the clan elders will confer and determine who among the nominees will be chosen. Each will vote and the winner will be selected by a simple tw0-thirds majority. If the elders cannot achieve a two-thirds majority, the High Keeper of the Red Faith will be called upon to give a deciding vote.


    Why should we, as Orenians, care about the future ruler of our hated enemies in the North? A new king has the potential to change the future of Oren-Norland international relations. This reporter is holding out hope for a monarch with friendly intentions toward Oren. A sympathetic monarch would open up new possibilities of travel and trade for Orenian citizens and businesspeople. Elysium, despite the suffering it endured during the war, remains a vibrant and growing community full of opportunities for trade and tourism.


    Once upon a time, many centuries ago in the Johannian Era, the Norlandic isle of Avar was a part of the Holy Orenian Empire. While this reporter does not believe the Norlandic highlanders will ever be part of Oren again, we can perhaps hope for a return to peaceable and friendly relations one day.





    Draskovic Family Loses Barony


    1829 saw a historic appointment for Oren's judiciary. Mrs. Tanith Vursur - a Mali'ker woman - was confirmed as Oren's first elven Circuit Court judge. The confirmation hearing courted some controversy in the House of Commons.


    Our elderly readers might recognize Mrs. Vursur from the open letter she published in 1789, in which she levied accusations against Count Ostromir Carrion and Minister of the Interior Padraig O'Rourke. Mrs. Vursur alleged that the two men had kidnapped her and assaulted her after she refused to aid Count Carrion in finding a mistress.


    At the time, Mrs. Vursur's allegations were dismissed by the Ministry of Justice. However, many years later, the Ministry of Justice issued a formal apology to Mrs. Vursur for her pain and suffering. Her appointment to the Orenian judiciary has been criticized by some as a conciliatory gesture by the crown - a means to placate and mollify an irascible dark elf.


    Mrs. Vursur incited further controversy earlier this year with her ruling on the Petition of the Legal Death of Varon Draskovic. During the month of Sigismund's End, the members of House Draskovic submitted a petition to the Orenian judiciary, asking them to declare the patriarch of their family - Varon Draskovic - legally dead. They also asked that the Imperial Peerage and the title 'Baron of Draskovic' be passed down to Varon's oldest living brother, Leopold.


    In their petition, the members of House Draskovic either neglected or forgot to mention that their peerage was non-hereditary and, according to the Imperial Letters written by HIM Joseph II, would revert to the crown upon Varon's death.


    Mrs. Vursur caught the inconsistency when issuing her ruling on the case. She wrote - "It was established in the Imperial Letters for the Barony of Draskovic, issued in 1813 by His Imperial Majesty Joseph II, that the succession of the Barony is non-hereditary. Therefore, with Baron Varon Draskovic's death, the title will revert to the possession of the Crown." Thus, with a stroke of her pen, she caused House Draskovic to lose all its claim to nobility.


    When asked about her decision, Judge Vursur told the Post - "Dear me, is it really that controversial? It's a judge's duty to follow the law… I imagine it'd look even worse if I gave them the barony without checking the Imperial Letters first. One mustn't be negligent in these things, you know… I do hope they get their barony back someday and I mean the members of House Draskovic no ill-will. I'm merely doing what I ought to do as a judge."


    New Salaries Approved for Members of the MoJ


    During the month of Horen's Calling, 1830, Solicitor-General Sir Charles Galbraith announced a salary increase for all individuals employed by the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Justice - especially its policing branch - is one of the largest employers in the Empire, second only to the ISA itself. We commend Solicitor-General Galbraith on his commitment to providing a good living wage for all those employed in his Ministry.





    Northern Geographical Society (NGS) Now Offering Academic Degrees


    The Northern Geographical Society (NGS) has been an organization active in Providence for the last several years. They've become one of the largest privately owned and operated employers in the city, inviting all would-be scholars and explorers to study alongside them. They've also maintained one of the largest and most comprehensive libraries in the city.


    Earlier this year, the NGS extended its services to education. They are now offering Master's and Doctorate degrees in a wide variety of fields, including history, the social sciences, the natural sciences, and magical studies.


    Want to Write For the Providence Post? We're Hiring!


    The Ministry of Civil Affairs is now hiring - including the Providence Post! We are now hiring additional reporters and editors to help us create the greatest newspaper in all of Almaris! The Ministry is also hiring for additional roles, including Archivists and Immigration agents. Want to help shape the culture of Oren? Apply today!




    Did You Know?

    Orenian History Fun Facts


    Orenian history can be nearly divided into five eras - the Early Empire era, the Schism / Reformed Kingdom era, the Johannian era, the Pertinaxi era, and the Petrine era. At this time of writing, the Johannian Era lasted the longest with 112 years of uninterrupted rule.



    Providence Post Staff Credits



    Director of the Ministry of Civil Affairs - HIH Princess Josephine Augusta, Duchess of Sunholdt


    Deputy Director - Minuvas Melphestaus


    Providence Post Editor-in-Chief - Anthony Bentarus


    Contributions? Corrections? Complaints? Please contact Mr. Anthony Bentarus at the Ministry of Civil Affairs.


  13. QV7vvFqDqOC8ZDBfrcizu4OaSkx4s955-DtRNI3T

    On the Murder Attempt of the Viscount Provins



    Early this saint’s day, through reports of many Imperial soldiers, our ministry was made aware of an assassination attempt on the Foreign Minister, the Viscount Pruvia-Provins. Eyewitnesses have dictated the assailant inquiring of the location of the Basilica in Providence, and the Foreign Minister guiding him to it. Through further reports of Imperial soldiers and our own Constables, the Viscount Pruvia-Provins had screamed for help within the church after reporting that the man had pulled a knife out on him during his prayer. Luckily, the man was disarmed before Imperial soldiers interrupted. Through his testimony, the assailant had wished to utilize his body for dark and necrotic practices after killing him, and has been identified as “Daniel Truman.”


    Naturally, with the guidance of our ministry, a thorough investigation will be held into the incident caused by Mr. Truman, to discover his true intentions for such an assassination attempt.  We ensure that justice will be had for anyone who wishes to harm His Imperial Majesty's Councilor of State.




    His Excellency the Solicitor General, Sir Charles Galbraith




  14. 1_lkMI19y1k5tO11Tz-BBsxph1ouN7pm_JiH6LMo

    The Providence Post

    13th of Tobias's Bounty, 1828

    Published by the Imperial Ministry of Civil Affairs









    Archchancellor Accused of Murder -

    Secret Service Begins Investigation


    In a year of exciting and dramatic news, few stories stood out more than the mysterious and grisly murder of Lady Adeline d'Azor.

    The circumstances of the murder hardly seem real - as if they were dreamed up by a crime novelist. Rain poured over the town of Redenford on the night the unfortunate lady met her end. Donning a disguise and calling herself by a false name, she met at the church under cover of darkness to wed her common-born fiance. Only four or five people - close friends of Lady Adeline and her beau Anton Fiore d’Amato-Orlov - attended to witness the ceremony. Unfortunately for the new couple, a group of several more unknown individuals were also watching from outside the church.


    According to reports, four soldiers in masks kicked down the doors of the church and demanded the couples' surrender. Lady Adeline acquiesced herself to the group, allowing her new husband to escape unscathed. After her surrender, she was reportedly dragged off by the soldiers and put to death.


    The events left her husband Anton broken-hearted and searching for answers. Who killed his new bride - and why? The true identities of the killers - at present - remain unknown. However, reports indicate that they were not garbed in the attire associated with known murderous gangs such as the Ferrymen, the Rustlers, or the MRA.


    During the frigid month of Sigismund's End, Anton d'Amato-Orlov published a stunning open letter that alleged Archchancellor Ledicort d'Azor's involvement in the murder. In this letter, Mr. d'Amato-Orlov explains that his fiancee - Lady Adeline - had been shunned by her family for being "a wh*re" and "a danger." In her desperation, she changed her name, fled from Providence, and sought refuge in Redenford where she met her soon-to-be husband. The two fell in love and decided to marry without the consent of Adeline's family.


    According to Mr. d'Amato-Orlov's letter, this enraged the d'Azor family so greatly that they decided to take Adeline's life. Mr. Anton d'Amato-Orlov alleges in his letter that the murderers who kidnapped his wife from the church were none other than Adeline's own father and sisters. In other words, he accused the Archchancellor Ledicort d'Azor (along with other members of the d'Azor Family) of murdering his own daughter.


    Following the letter's publication, Mr. Anton d'Amato-Orlov also made an appearance during the most recent session of the Imperial Court, held during the month of Owyn's Flame. He stood before His Imperial Majesty Emperor John VIII and demanded a formal investigation into the murder of his bride. As of this writing, Director Anthony Alexios Basrid of the Imperial Secret Service has opened an investigation into Lady Adeline's murder.


    We at the Providence Post can neither confirm nor refute the claims of Mr. d'Amato-Orlov at this time. Please be aware that all statements regarding the identity of the killers were penned by Mr. d'Amato-Orlov and are, at present, unsubstantiated accusations with no proof to back them. However, due to the sheer upset it has caused in the Orenian political landscape, we feel we have no choice but to report on what was written and what was alleged.


    We will continue to report on this case as it develops. Until then, we encourage our readers to remain impartial and to make no hasty judgments against the d'Azor family. May GOD visit justice upon the true guilty parties, whoever they may be.


    The Rosemoor Bill


    The second largest piece of news to emerge from the year 1828 was, undoubtedly, the Rosemoor Bill. For those unaware, the Rosemoor Bill is a proposed piece of legislation that may very well change Oren entirely.


    During the month of Godfrey's Triumph, 1828, HIH Princess Elizabeth Ann Novellen introduced a new bill to the House of Lords. Her bill, if passed, would alter the law so that the firstborn female children of noble houses would be able to inherit their fathers' titles and land-holdings. Princess Elizabeth points to the successful legacy left behind by her mother, Empress Anne, as proof that women can govern just as well as men.


    Princess Elizabeth writes - "There lies no rightful justification for the disqualification of women from their birth-given inheritance. We now hold the torches of our predecessors; of the women who have shaped Oren and Humanity for the better, and through their legacy we campaign for equality. We serve now as comrades in arms for our Army; as fellow servants of the state. With Oren we fight in the pursuit of Providence, of all that is good and righteous in God's eye. We ask to be recognised as equals beneath the law."


    A social movement quickly sprung up around the Rosemoor Bill, with supporters wearing blue rose brooches to show their allyship to women. During the month of Sigismund's End, supporters of the Rosemoor Bill organized a march through the streets of Providence. Unfortunately, the march was interrupted by an attack from the Rustler Bandits, plunging the city into disorder.


    Princess Elizabeth's Rosemoor bill (named after her county) was met with a massive outpouring of support - and an equal amount of criticism. While many critiques of the Rosemoor Bill have been levied from a place of pure sexism, others have merit. Many were quick to point out that the Rosemoor Bill would only benefit those women privileged enough to be born into nobility. Princess Elizabeth makes bold claims about campaigning for equality, yet she doesn't mention or even acknowledge the struggles of the common woman in her missive. The passing of the Rosemoor Bill would only equalize women born into noble status - and would leave the common woman in the dust.


    However, others have pointed out that social rights have a tendency to 'trickle down.' Yes, it's true that the Rosemoor Bill would only grant equal rights to noblewomen. However, the Rosemoor Bill - if passed - would act as a harbinger for greater women's rights initiatives throughout the Empire.


    Whether or not the Rosemoor bill will pass remains to be seen. However, one thing is clear - the outpouring of support for the Rosemoor Bill does indeed indicate a desire to redress the laws surrounding gender in the Empire.





    Creativity & Courage -

    Profiling Three Contemporary Artists of Oren



    In the last fifty or sixty years, Oren has enjoyed a great flourishing in arts and literature. Our theaters glisten with glamorous shows and spectacles. Our concert halls echo with iconic, era-defining compositions. Sculptures gild our gardens and paintings illuminate the walls of our homes. No matter where you go in Oren, you are surrounded by art. The rapid development and expansion of Oren's artistic culture has prompted many to ask - are we in the midst of an artistic golden age?


    The Providence Post thinks so. More people than ever are choosing the arts as their vocation - whether they specialize in painting, literature, music, sculpture, fashion, or architecture. Oren's economy skyrocketed after the 10th Nordling War, so it is easier than ever for aspiring artists to find wealthy patrons. Indeed, Oren's merchant classes and nobility are eager to use their excess income to finance the arts. The La Fleur Production Company - a nonprofit organization which is bankrolled entirely by charitable donations - is one of the largest private employers in Providence according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Orenians of every race and class are hungry and clamoring for spectacle and aesthetic pleasure.


    We had the opportunity to interview* three of Oren's most popular contemporary artists -


    Sir Henry Penton is known through Oren - and indeed, the world! - for his gorgeously illustrated novels and books of poetry. In addition, he remains an extremely popular songwriter - having composed the immortal war-anthem Oren Aut Mortem as well as the tragic-romantic ballad She Has Left Me, My Golden Rose and the cheerful, high-energy ditty O' The Shoreline. Penton's monumental musical and literary accomplishments ought to serve as inspiration for all young artists throughout the Empire.


    Lady Helena Helvets is a prolific young talent who only recently made her debut on the Orenian artistic scene. Despite her young age, she has already released several thoughtful and inspiring pieces of music - including The Social Has Its Eyes on Them and My Armor. Lady Helvets is one of Providence's most notable up-and-coming songwriters and most certainly one to watch as her abilities develop.


    Lady Margaux Renée Ostrovich is beloved throughout the Empire for her emotive and atmospheric depictions of Orenian life. She famously painted His Imperial Majesty Joseph II's final portrait as he lay on his deathbed. Lady Ostrovich's painting style lends her subjects a misty and luminescent quality reminiscent of a half-remembered dream - and has found great popularity among the Orenian elite. Her paintings regularly sell for princely sums of thousands of minas.



    Q: Please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us about what kind of art you make.




    Sir Penton: "My name is Henry Penton. I suppose my pursuits are in the arts at large: Poetry, prose, essays, music, painting, and drawing."


    Lady Helvets: "My name is Helena Charlotte Helvets of Rochefort. Only child to Robert Foltest Helvets. My art is tailored to musical composition, primarily of piano but there are violin pieces in the works."


    Lady Ostrovich: "I was born as Lady Margaux Renee Helvets, first-born daughter to the late Duke of Cathalon Henry Frederick. Though now that I am married, happily so, I am Lady Margaux Ostrovich. I suppose I'd describe myself as an impressionist. Such was the style I was most fond of in my youth, as it better allowed me to capture the beauty of things in the moment - the colors, atmosphere, setting."



    Q: What led you to pursuing a career in the arts?




    Sir Penton: "Well, I think nature has always been an inspiration for me. I spent a lot of time in my early twenties wandering down country roads that many who live here in the city have never seen. I think - besides that - it was God who called me to the arts, as we are all given our gifts and passionate pursuits by Him."


    Lady Helvets: "My rearing was provided by my late father's brother Richard Castor from where my passion of music began, he would often play violin for me as a girl and I quickly picked up such, being about four years old. Though, I then discovered piano and I found such an instrument allowed me to better express what I wished to portray through my compositions. I was able to paint pictures, deliver a mood."


    Lady Ostrovich: "Ah… Yes. My mother was the one to introduce me to the field of fine arts. When I began taking my first steps and speaking my first words, she hired all sorts of tutors for me. My childhood was naught but strict training and practice, to transform me into a fine woman of culture and of society. For a time, [creating art] acted as an escape for me. I recall a quote I had shared during my first gallery, when I spoke of one of the paintings I had done of the lake near Sunholdt. 'I wish to paint as the birds sing.'"



    Q: Who or what are your primary influences as an artist? What shaped your art into what it is today?




    Sir Penton: "God was kind enough to give me Dame Yuliya Styrne as a mentor for the short time that I knew her. Her encouragement fostered my early development as an artist. Emerentia Kovachev also encouraged me a great deal after the Dame passed. Edward Napier, too, was always extremely helpful in our bookstore venture. He lent me a name that people trusted. All three of those people have had a guiding hand in shaping my artwork. Love - between people, between friends - is a powerful emotion and can be credited for some of the greatest works of art humans have made."


    Lady Helvets: "My influences? It is that of happenings, people, emotion. My works each host a purpose, either to commemorate the achievements of life of a person, to lift spirits for the gloomy or to paint a better picture of my own emotion. Empowering my person, and the being of others, for ease - a peace. My music has been able to calm the troubled minds of war veterans, to make those unwilling to smile - grin. Seeing the change I can make, though what I love, is what my reason for performing is."


    Lady Ostrovich: "I would count [three] influences. My mother was one of the brightest things in my life - a role model as well as a source of strength and inspiration. She highly valued the arts. She had been a patron to many of them in her prime years at Court. She had a small society of artists under her wing in the Court, I recall; she had provided support to all of them, to better promote the Fine Arts in the Empire. In fact, I had named my first gallery in honor of one she hosted back in Helena.


    The second is a woman named Aidevo, who had been a very close family friend. I viewed her very much like an aunt, in a way. She was another source of courage for me, a prime example of a strong woman that encouraged me to be happy and well.


    The other mentor I've had was Prince Aleksandr Heiromar of Haense, The Whisper is his knightly moniker for he has taken a holy vow of silence. He had been my instructor in light combat; very little relation to art and painting, I'm afraid. Though I'd describe his style of fighting as an art form. You can read about it in a book he wrote - School of the Whisper. Had I not received his guidance, I doubt I'd be standing here today."



    Q: What motivates you to create your art? Where does your inspiration come from?




    Sir Penton: "Burnout and lack of motivation are indeed concerns of mine. It's something I've experienced personally. I find that if you do what you love - and only while you love it - you can accomplish more than those who push through despite their heart saying otherwise.  I usually find my spark in things I've fixated on or in someone I have met… You just need to find that one thing you want to do - a subject that fits the form - and then pursue it wholeheartedly. One must try to look for things that are  innovative and not derivative."


    Lady Helvets: "Motivation? Well a passion is not one if it feels akin to a chore to do it, music is my calling - what I love the most. As for where to source this inspiration, indeed it is difficult but.. When it does become apparent to you, it is like a gut instinct. A sudden urge to write all the thoughts you feel bubbling down on paper - that is when one is inspired."


    Lady Ostrovich: "I suppose this is rather difficult to put to words, this one. Passion is something that inspires me, as well as the wondrous sights of nature. When I say passion, I do not mean myself. Rather, the passion I recognize in others. I feel the need to ensure that moments are not forgotten. Words, although powerful, can only do so much for description and feeling; their strength fades with every passing year."




    Q: What, to you, is the definition of art? What does or does not qualify as art in your opinion?




    Sir Penton: "I suppose art is - well, any painting, writing, music, and theatre? But I assume some would find that too much of a broad term. However, I think art is expressing emotions in a way that others can see, feel, and experience for themselves. I try not to wander too far into the theoretical with my thoughts on art. I just find it gets bogged down in semantics. Do what makes you happy and do it well."


    Lady Helvets: "The definition of such often differs depending upon the field - what a painter defines as an artistic canvas, might not necessarily be what a musician deems as worthy canvas for themselves to compose upon. But if we are talking about the generality of 'art' - it is the inclination to create something of your own will, a piece that stands to move people, immortalize history, and commemorate. To incite emotion."


    Lady Ostrovich: "A great many things can be called art, not just paintings and sculptures. Not just dresses and coats, or sheets of music. Art is expression. Artwork is the manifestation of feeling and those feelings are all from the same source - GOD. GOD has gifted us with the ambition and creativity to decorate this world. Art can be a painting, a building, or it can even be in alchemy. I'd certainly view the sciences as a form of art. Less poetic, sure, but its beauty and truth remains. As for things that are not art? In my opinion, art must be made with intention. Actions or gestures without thought or identity cannot claim to be art. But as long as it has passion and intention, it is art."



    Q: What would you say is the purpose of creating art?




    Sir Penton: "At one point in my life, I would have answered that we do art for art's sake - and for no other reason. However, nowadays, I would reckon that GOD compels us to pursue it. Perhaps to better ourselves?"


    Lady Helvets: "Touching upon what I said earlier, the purpose of art is to insight emotion - both good and bad, but through art we are able to recollect upon historic moments that happened before our time, remember people's stories that we would have not known in life. Art can heal."


    Lady Ostrovich: "Art can be used for self discovery, for documentation, to explore your emotions about something. For me, it helps me in pouring out my thoughts, clearing my mind, and processing personal matters. It relieves stress."



    Q: Do you think Oren needs the arts? Why or why not?




    Sir Penton: "Of course Oren needs the arts. I have heard some dismiss Oren's cultural achievements as unnecessary in that they do not contribute to the military. The government and the protection of the ISA are critical for cultural development, certainly - but it is the arts that give us a will to fight, a reason to fight. We stand separated from the masses outside our borders because of our arts, our greatest success."


    Lady Helvets: "Oren would not be without Art - there are songs sung of Emperors, anthems to rejoice in victories of our soldiers. Paintings to recollect scenes, people.


    My own music was able to calm an ISA veteran that had been deeply troubled by sights he had witnessed upon the field. He said it had been the first time in years where there were no daunting memories, that if it was not for music, he may have taken his life.


    Music saved that man, literature saved our history and paintings saved the revered features of those impactful figures of our empire so they might never go forgotten. Without? What would we have to remember?"


    Lady Ostrovich: "I believe we need art. What sort of Empire would Oren be if the arts were not valued? Art is a means of expressing and constructing our identity as a nation. Oren's soul lies in the creations of her artists. If a country lacks an identity or soul, they're no country at all - just a raving band of warmongers."




    *responses edited for length and clarity.




    Ducal Union Established in Hanseti-Ruska -

    What Is It and What Does It Mean?


    During the month of Sigismund's End, several duchies in the greater Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska came together to form what they've dubbed 'The Ducal Union.' But what is this Ducal Union and what will it mean for our Canonist neighbors in the north?


    In layman's terms, the Ducal Union is an alliance between several powerful Haeseni noblemen - including Duke Ailred Ruthern, Duke Ruslan Baruch, Count Jan Kotrevich, Viscount Isaak Amador, and Baron Hildebrand Mondblume.


    At first, such an alliance might appear confusing to the average onlooker. Why must these nobles sign treaties with each other? Aren't they all vassals of Haense?


    The authors of the Ducal Union treaty write "It can be tricky as to balance the power between his liege and his peers, but as it stands, arbitrary rules preside and the balance is none. The laws of the land have been ultimately arbitrarily enforced from one peer’s lands to the next. The noble has a prerogative and it must be restored. Some have exceeded the prerogatives which has ultimately gone unnoticed due to the lack of communication between His Majesty and his peers. This Union aims to drive communication between peers and the crown, while also bringing to light that the state of nobility is simply in decay."


    The Ducal Union is an attempt to standardize the enforcement of laws throughout the kingdom of Haense, as well as collectively bargain with the crown. The signatories of the treaty also swear to aid one another militarily against threats to their land-holdings - threats which the HRA has apparently not been able to handle.


    What does this mean? The Ducal Union acknowledges the Barbanov family's right to rule as the monarchs of Haense. However, it's apparent from the language of the treaty that Haense's peers are increasingly dissatisfied with the actions of their rulers. Depending on how King Heinrik reacts to the formation of it, the new Ducal Union could provide a necessary stabilizing influence for the flagging Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. However, it could also potentially plunge the kingdom into a period of civil unrest. We here in Oren can but wait and watch.


    Norlandic Monarch Dies by Spider Bite


    A death in Norland protends further political instability in the north. On the 13th of Sigismund's End, our northern correspondents notified us that King Sven II had passed away. His cause of death was reportedly a spider-bite, suffered while leading a continent of guardsmen into the temple catacombs. The catacombs of Norland had recently been colonized by a group of giant poisonous arachnids. During the fighting, a spider attacked the king and dragged him deeper into the catacombs. Norlandic forces are now endeavoring to retrieve King Sven II's remains and administer proper burial rites according to their custom.


    Vane Freysson, the Norlandic Master of Coin, has taken over as the kingdom's temporary regent. He announced his intention to hold a Kingsmoot in the coming months. For the uninformed, the Kingsmoot is a Norlandic custom by which they choose their monarchs. The Kingsmoot is a democractic election in which all noblemen of Norland are allowed to run for the position of monarch.


    The death of King Sven II could indicate a monumental shift in the Nordling balance of power. A new monarch could change Norland's relationship with its foreign enemies and allies. For many years, we Orenians have known Norland as a hostile barbarian kingdom in the frozen wastes. A new monarch with Orenian sympathies might open possibilities of trade, travel, and possibly even friendship. Will we see an Orenian and Norlandic alliance within our lifetimes? The Norlandic Kingsmoot will be worth keeping an eye on.


    HIH Prince Philip Amadeus to Wed Lady Anastasia Ruthern


    Happy news has arrived from the Augustine Palace! HIH Prince Philip Amadeus of Renzfeld has announced his intention to marry Lady Anastasia Ruthern of Kositz. Their wedding will be held in a few years' time, in 1836 when the pair come of age. Prince Philip Amadeus is the great-grandson of Empress Anne I and Emperor Joseph II. He is currently third in line for the throne of Oren, after his grandfather (Prince Philip Augustus) and father (Prince Philip Aurelian).


    We wish the future monarchs great luck in their engagement and we look forward with eagerness to their nuptials!





    Solicitor-General Galbraith Investigated by House of Commons


    During the month of Owyn's Flame, President of the Commons John Napier issued an urgent resolution regarding the Solicitor-General. In this resolution, Napier wrote "the House does sadly note a state of decay surrounding the Ministry of Justice." He called Solicitor-General Galbraith to stand before the House of Commons for an inquiry into the effectiveness of Galbraith's leadership.


    The House and Galbraith convened during the month of Tobias's Bounty. Our Providence Post reporters had the opportunity to observe the hearing. The members of the House harshly critiqued several incidents which occurred under Galbraith's leadership - many of which resulted in what the House deemed an unnecessary and unconscionable loss of life.


    Galbraith - for his part - deflected most of these inquiries. He either denied knowledge of mistakes and misdoings by the Ministry - or laid the blame for the Ministry's failings on other parties besides himself (calling them "executive actions'' performed by underlings without his explicit permission). At the peak of the hearing, Galbraith heatedly accused President Napier of wanting to steal his position as Minister of Justice.


    The House of Commons will be convening again at some point in the future and voting whether or not to impeach Galbraith as Solicitor-General.


    Adunian Anti-Discrimination Act Vetoed by Lady Mayor de Rosius


    This last Sun's Smile, the City Assembly of Providence attempted to pass what they called 'The Adunian Anti-Discrimination Act.' The Aldermen of Providence wrote this act in response to the spread of Risorgimentist propaganda. Their act, if passed, would classify the spread of anti-Adunian propaganda as a hate crime, punishable as a misdemeanor under the Orenian Reformed Code.


    Lady Mayor de Rosius vetoed the Adunian Anti-Discrimination Act, however. When asked why she did this, she responded -  "I vetoed the law because it isn't our place as City Assembly to pass laws that carry criminal charges as outlined in the Imperial Charter."


    The act does raise questions as to how city officials can combat discrimination enacted within the bounds of Providence, however. The Orenian Legal Reformed Code does not include laws pertaining to hate crimes or protected classes of people. Adunians - and indeed other minority groups - have few (if any) protections against oppression or discrimination. With the rise in hateful anti-Adunian propaganda throughout Oren, this reporter wonders if the House of Commons will make any moves to provide protection to racial and ethnic minorities facing discrimination.


    The Capitalists' Guide to Northeastern Almaris by J.H. FitzPeter Hits the Shelves


    The Economic Forum released another pamphlet earlier this year during the month of Horen's Calling. Readers will recall Mr. J.H. FitzPeter - world renowned economist - from previous editions of the Providence Post. In his first publication, he provided his assessment of the various national economies across Almaris. While the publication caught some flack for its creative spellings and perceived Orenian bias, it was nevertheless well received as an insightful treatise on the economic health of Almaris.


    In his newest publication - The Capitalists' Guide to Northeastern Almaris - FitzPeter takes a closer look at both Providence and the newly-acquired Haseni territory of the Attenlund. FitzPeter discusses how the recently formed Ducal Union in Haense might benefit them economically as they push further into the Attenlund. He includes Providence in his analysis of northeastern Almaris and continues to heap praise upon the city's soaring economic development.


    Responses to FitzPeter's writings have been largely positive - both at home in Oren and abroad. We look forward to his further analysis on the other regions of Almaris.





    Courtship of Sarai Cast List Announced


    Anthony Bentarus, a director for the La Fleur Theater Production Company, announced his final cast list for the theater's upcoming production of The Courtship of Sarai. The La Fleur will be staging this romantic fairytale as a way to raise awareness about Adunian culture and history.


    The cast list is as follows -


    Harren - Geoff Turgon

    Sarai - Lucy Valentine

    Malin - James Chapel

    Eliavan - Reyphine Horirnisca

    Elven Courtiers - Cecelia Beaulieu, John Alexander d'Arkent


    The play's opening night has not yet been scheduled. However, we wish the actors luck in their rehearsals and look forward to the play's debut with great eagerness.


    War & Woman -

    A Book of Poetry by Lady Maisie d'Arkent


    Poetry has become an increasingly popular pursuit for Oren's noble ladies. Lady Maisie d'Arkent published a short book of poetry - entitled War & Woman - during this last month of Godfrey's Triumph. War & Woman contains three short poems meditating on the subjects of love, grief, women's autonomy. Lady Maisie's poetry is sensitive, evocative, and tenderly emotional - a beautiful read for any lover of the literary arts.


    New Romantic Song Released by Lady Helena Helvets


    The intrepid and prolific songwriter Lady Helena Helvets released a new song this year, written in honor of her engagement to her fiancé, Adrian. Her new melody - entitled My Armour - emphasizes the comfort and security that love and marriage will bring to her in the future. The romantic melody caps off the Social Season. Doubtless, we shall hear it being played at many of the upcoming weddings. 



    Did You Know?

    Orenian History Fun Facts


    Due to how succession laws operated at the time, Emperor Tobias I of House Carrion inherited the throne from his own son, Emperor Boris I, rather than the other way around.


    Providence Post Staff Credits



    Director of the Ministry of Civil Affairs - HIH Princess Josephine Augusta, Duchess of Sunholdt


    Deputy Director - Minuvas Melphestaus


    Providence Post Editor-in-Chief - Anthony Bentarus


    Contributions? Corrections? Complaints? Please contact Mr. Anthony Bentarus at the Ministry of Civil Affairs.


  15. 4u2mWKkUOWUSU_CQR4spaYi4iKuML0OPzraWGJ3Gwrh2gVDUozlTESU0w7DmC0HJ54KZGsd6HJvz5zl7Yi0ux7QxUzREwAkzQx4ZsKrrn2ANWziHXDH5ylJzqI53Z8ZZ-Fsglpv0


    7th of Horren's Calling, 1828






    The Ministry of Civil Affairs has prepared this report and assessment for the Imperial Ministries, the House of Lords, and members of the House of Commons. A public Archive of this report is kept on hand at the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The purpose of this report is to help Imperial Leaders allocate resources, and serve to inform decision making.



    IVth Report of the New Citizen Induction Programme



    This Bi-annual report has seen record numbers of new citizens arriving to the Empire. While exact numbers shall remain undisclosed to the greater public, the Ministry of Civil affairs not only closed the 300 Citizen Gap from our last report, but has exceeded our previous new citizen immigration by 50%. This has been a benchmark year for immigration, likely due to the efforts of the hiring of multiple new immigration officers. In addition, the Ministry has brought in Sir Otis De Rosius, to head up the Immigration Directorate for the Ministry. Sir Otis De Rosius is coming to the Ministry with a deep working knowledge of the Providence government, and is an experienced government official who has a record of success in working with Imperial Citizens close to the heart of the Empire.  The Arch Chancellor has provided the Ministry of Civil affairs with his critical manpower requirements, and thus we are directing Citizens based on these priorities - which are also available, by written request, to this office from members of the Diet.


    Special Subject: None




    Orphans, Refugees, and Asylum seekers is at record low numbers - comprising just less than 12-15% of the population. Thus there is no special topic for consideration at this time.






    Employment Preference





    Private Employment requests are now at 52%. We continue to recognize the need to link Private Employers into the program, and have new recommendations as to how to incorporate them more easily. Currently, the #1 requested job in the Empire is working in The Home Office, with 41% of all new citizens desiring a career in the Home Office. Attractive salary, housing, and dignified work have allowed the Home Office to secure a favorable job interest among new citizens. The following two career paths are the two next most desirable in the Empire. Citizens may select up to four job preferences when they register.

    #2:  The Ministry of Justice (39%)
    #3: The Imperial State Army (33%)



    Private Employment Choice Expansion. The Ministry has expanded beyond the choice of the vague "Private Employers", and will now begin to list all known Private Employment listings on the form. We will add the following job considerations for private employers.

    o The Northern Geographic Society
    o The Novellen
    o La Fleur Theater

    o House Servant

    Employers may request to be added to the Employment registry by simplying contacting this office.


    Imperial Magus Academy. Imperial Magery remains popular, and we as an Empire are missing a tremendous talent pool to add Mages to ranks of our Armies, Investigative departments, and other civil society. It is highly recommended to our esteemed Court Mages that they formalize a way to identify apprentices, train them as appropriate, and help place them within the government and noble courts. There is no change to this recommendation.









    No change to the desirability of Providence, Redenford is proving to be the next most popular destination and we are happy to report that Citizens are now opting to both view and and want to reside in Redenford, New Esbec, and Dobrov. The number one difference of whether a New Citizen desides to reside in a municipality is often whether someone is able to meet them in the town, and talk to them about living there. Travel is a major limiting factor as well- often the New Citizen will note the distance it takes to get to a municipality and the lack of clear ferry services, the construction of magic soul stones or other means of transportation. New Esbec is especially discouraging for new citizens to travel to, despite its beauty as a location. There are few changes to this residency assessment.



    This office has been directed to incentivize living in the Municipalities of the Empire so as to help grow our outer cities, and thus the recommendations that follow are made in this regard.


    Ministry of Justice and Imperial State Army Forward Postings. This Office continues to recommend that the MoJ and the ISA should post detachments in the Municipalities of the Empire, both to enhance the populations of these cities and to provide them Imperial Services outside of the capital. As the two largest departments of the Empire, they are overly condensed in the Imperial Capital itself and the ratio of Citizen:Soldier and Citizen:Lawman is too large within Providence. We recommend their distribution for the better enjoyment of the community. There is no change to this recommendation.  WE HAVE RETRACTED THIS RECOMMENDATION, BUT NOT REMOVED IT - AS THE SUBJECT WILL LIKELY BECOME VALID IN THE FUTURE.


    Road & Logistic Development.  This Office  strongly recommends the House of Commons to take up the expansion of the Port with ferry services to our municipalities. In addition, developing a cobblestone road with clear signage to each of the Municipalities would enhance their safety and ease of travel within the Empire. There is no change to this recommendation.

    Immigration Officers as City Clerks. This Office recommends that at least 1 immigration officer be trained to receive clerk/housing permissions in each Municipality. As the immigration officer is 'at the point of contact' for a Citizen in need of a place to live, it only makes sense to remove the middle man. We do not believe this will be an issue in Providence, where some are already undergoing Clerk training, but we would like to expand this opportunity to our municipalities - so that we may assist them with placing residences in their fine cities.


    Detailed statistics are available, upon request, by Cabinet level Ministers and Members of the Imperial Diet.






    The Most Honorable Minuvas Melphestaus, 

    Deputy Director of Civil Affairs






    Prepared On Behalf of;

    Princess Josephine Augusta

    Director of Civil Affairs

  16. 1_lkMI19y1k5tO11Tz-BBsxph1ouN7pm_JiH6LMo

    The Providence Post

    1st of Godfrey's Triumph, 1827

    Published by the Imperial Ministry of Civil Affairs








    Vortice Officials Rescued by the ISA!


    This year saw shocking and terrifying news come out of the United Domain of Vortice - Oren's new ally on the western coast of Almaris. We are unhappy to report that the United Domain faced repeated assaults from a gang of bandits known only as 'the Rustlers' throughout the months of Horen's Calling and Owyn's Flame. These vicious attacks culminated in the kidnapping of Queen Vivian Maelstrom and Praetor Saemos Hidone.


    Taking the two government officials captive, the Rustlers began issuing demands to Vortice's allies for their release. Among their demands - a sum of 4,500 minas, 2 chunks of Thanhium, enchanted magical weaponry, three females to serve as 'wives', full acquittal of their crimes, and sovereign control over their illegal fortress built within the Vortician lands. Naturally, these demands were met with complete incredulity.


    Luckily, the Vortician government had Oren's ISA on their side! His Excellency Simon Pruvia collaborated with Vortice officials to arrange the rescue of their monarch. Sir Erik Othaman and Lt. Olivier de Savoie led a squadron of Imperial State Army troopers to assault the Rustler fortress.  Our boys in red successfully breached the fortress by leaping over the walls from nearby trees. Our Orenian troops suffered no casualties in the conflict, yet handily dispatched every Rustler foe they encountered.


    Of the mission, Sir Erik Othaman stated -


    "There are many times where I find myself being asked difficult questions. Why do we fight these bandits who harass other nations? What do we gain from it?"


    "Simply put, there is only one answer. Honor. Honor is what we gain from this. Honor is what drives this army forward and what we swear by every day. There are those out there who suffer at the hands of lawlessness. These brigands seek to destroy the very fabric of society and displace those innocent families who simply wish to live a life of peace."


    "It is our duty to defend the weak and uproot those parasites from Almaris that leech upon them. Godan is with us in this mission and we are with him."


    We praise our ISA and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs for taking decisive action to aid Vortice against the Rustlers. It is our hope that this will serve as a lesson for all those who threaten Oren's allies. The Holy Orenian Empire will not allow its friends to be harassed by lowlife gangsters who must harm and kidnap others to make ends meet. We shall continue to stand firm against all opposition and punish those who do harm against our allies.





    Profit in Providence -

    A Discussion with Three Orenian Business Owners



    What does it take to own and operate a prosperous business in the city of Providence? That's the question that keeps many young entrepreneurs awake at night. Yet there are a few business owners in Providence who've made a name for themselves by winning big in the grand game of commerce. Our reporters spoke with three of the most notable personalities on the Orenian business scene and asked them how they've managed to turn a profit in Providence.*


    Sir Henry Penton recently celebrated the 15th anniversary of his book shop and publishing company - Penton Napier Publishing. He founded his shop in 1812, together with his friend Mr. Edward Napier. Since then, the two have been providing Providence with high-quality, glossy, full-color print materials full of Sir Penton's magnificent illustrations. Sir Penton's beautiful books have revolutionized the Orenian literary world. In this article, he reveals the key qualities that brought him to such splendid heights.


    Mr. Simon Bastille d'Arkent is no stranger to making headlines. He made waves in the Orenian commerce world when he purchased the Ivy Emporium in 1821 - by far one of the largest property sales seen in Almaris. Mr. D'Arkent renovated the Ivy into a stylish department store meant to showcase his burgeoning cosmetics business. Now one of the richest and most eligible bachelors in Providence, he tells us how he plans to utilize his newfound riches.


    Lady Diana d'Azor is a beautiful young mother who recently took on the ambitious project of revitalizing the languishing Novellen Pub. The Novellen is an iconic Providence location situated right in front of the gate. Lady Diana wants to turn the Novellen into a welcoming haven for immigrants and travelers who have just arrived in Providence. Her warm heart warms the hearths of the Novellen and welcomes all to enjoy themselves.


    Q: Please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us - what sort of business do you run? What items are offered by your business?




    Penton: "Good evening. My name is Henry Penton and I'm a singer, poet, novelist, illustrator, and songwriter - as well as the owner and operator of Penton Napier Publishing. We publish and market any printed goods these days. Our most popular titles have been books but we've made money from pamphlets, leaflets, and other documentation in the past."


    D'Arkent: "I am Simon Bastille d'Arkent. When I was just a child, I wanted to differentiate myself from the typical Carrington business model. I wanted to create something that could house both my own products and all of the other high class items I believe Providence needs. So I purchased the Emporium from Madame Ivy and sought to open my own department store - the Bastille Boutique. I personally create all the cosmetics and perfumes, alongside jewelry accessories like my Carrington wristwatches. People also rent our shop space here to sell their own lovely products."


    D'Azor: "Well… my name is Lady Diana d'Azor and I've always been a busy person, ever since I was a child! When I was little, I founded and ran a small social club - and now I work in a countless amount of other occupations! I work with the Ministries of Civil and Foreign Affairs and I'm also a courtier here at the Augustine Palace. Recently, I came into possession of the Novellen Tavern. As of now, the Novellen Pub is currently the only private business I own, but - I don't plan to stop there! I'm hoping to establish myself as a prominent businesswoman."



    Q: What made you decide to get into your particular business?




    Penton: "A matter of convenience. I write. I needed to sell my books somewhere. The market in general lacked anyone selling colorized books or printing with the detail we offer."


    D'Arkent: "When I was young in my family's manor, I was barely able to walk when I noticed the strong aroma of the flowers that grew in our garden. I was gifted with a keen  sense of smell and the famous Carrington knack for commerce. One and two came together and I devised a way to make Providence a sweeter smelling city. We actually are branching into soaps and other cleanliness products soon."


    D'Azor: "Well, my family is very ambitious. Many of my relatives own their own businesses. I always enjoyed the Novellen Tavern as a child. My favorite bartender, Mister Arlo Cooper, gave me free milkshakes whenever I came by. The tavern is such an amazing place for newcomers and citizens of Oren alike. We gather to have fun and our worries disappear in such a place. I want to make Oren better and more open to both new citizens and old. So why not do my best to lift peoples' spirits by revitalizing the Novellen? Such a lovely place it is, one of my favorites."



    Q: What would you say is the key to running a profitable business here in Providence?





    Penton: "Persistence. I think once the initial enthusiasm wears off, many are unwilling to commit as much. It is a slow grind to become successful but - with work - most businesses can thrive."


    D'Arkent: "As I was telling my two young proteges, a niche is essential. Something that will be your unique product that will raise the value of your business on its own. Something that will get people through the front door, if that makes sense?"


    D'Azor: " The key to being a successful business owner is to have a dedicated clientele who loves your product and how it makes them feel. The customer is the top concern in any business. They're the ones who determine whether your enterprise sinks or swims."




    Q: What is your definition of success and how long did it take you to achieve it? Have you achieved it yet?




    Penton: "Five or six years before we really had enough titles to attract people. No one wants to go to a bookstore with one title. But after I made those titles and made sure they were immaculate, people bought more. It may be easier for Penton Napier than others, since we release an international press release for almost every title. Other than that I think if the product isn't optimal, the business can never succeed."


    D'Arkent: "I don't believe we're a success - not yet. To me, success means making a difference to the city in a meaningful way. I bring products that make people smell better, but I want to expand beyond that. I've been planning on assisting the de Rosius family with their work on the homeless center and orphanage. Success means making my mark on Providence. Accumulating money is a lovely thing, but a truly successful man looks beyond himself."


    D'Azor: "Well, I don't feel we're a success just yet… Success in the Empire means faithfully serving God and our Emperor with all that you do - including in commerce and sales. I plan to use the Novellen much more in the future to glorify God and our Empire. We have many projects in the works, which should come to fruition in the next few Saint's Weeks. We've got a slate of lovely events, which I hope will make us even more of a success."



    Q: In your opinion, does your business fill a particular niche that no other enterprise fills?




    Penton: "Oh, by far our quality. No other bookstore in Almaris can format, colorize, and print books at our scale and success. We may not have as large of a selection but we make up for it in our stellar designs."


    D'Arkent: "Well, [Bastille Boutique] was the first store at least in Providence that boasted such a high end level of product. The Emperor himself has worn my colognes and Her Imperial Highness Amadea Ulyssa uses my makeup products. When I tell people I count royals among my loyal customers, that helps to build my brand. Business isn't something that can be so easily defined as just supply and demand. I would say that when I first created my store, I intended it  to be a showcase for all things high class. Fine living - that's my niche."


    D'Azor: "I would like to gear the Novellen toward welcoming newer Orenians who have just immigrated to our wondrous nation. Bartending and waitressing is how many new people adjust to the Empire and meet people. A few of the old bartenders that I have met in the past have made such a difference in Oren. For example, Arlo Cooper started there. He became such a popular bartender thanks to his fantastic social skills! Railyn Jens also used to bartend for us and she became an experienced combat medic for the ISA. I see myself as a liasion to help people find their way in Oren. Newcomers often come to Oren and end up at the tavern."



    Q: Do you feel there's any obstacle standing in the way of your business's growth at present?




    Penton: "Of course, but every business will have that. I think mostly location. Rosius Street is a good location, but it doesn't see the same foot traffic as other thoroughfares. We had a more central location at the Ivy Emporium - now the Bastille Boutique. Mr. d'Arkent offered us space in the Bastille Boutique, but I just thought it was time for us to have our own storefront where we could have the real collection on display. You just cannot get that in a booth or corner."


    D'Arkent: "Hmm, I would say the only thing standing in the way of my own progress is myself. I am currently working on a few new things, but I am waiting for the start of the Social Season to release my latest service. Our tax for this store is one of the steepest in Providence, though. I'll say that if it was lower, I could do a lot more with the profits we make. But the money all goes back to the city - so I don't mind paying."


    D'Azor: "The biggest obstacle standing for growing and improving in the Novellen would be time itself. Time moves so quickly in a day and only so much can be done. Of course, God has a plan for the Novellen and He will guide us to our destination at the proper pace - but oh, why can't there be more hours in the day for me to get all my work done?"



    Q: What advice would you give to an entrepreneur looking to make his or her start in Oren?




    Penton: "I think it would be the same I give to every person that wants to be successful: be kind, work hard, and stay humble no matter what you achieve. I always say that a name doesn't make a man. The work does."


    D'Arkent: "I created a place that I would like to visit. If you pour your heart into something honestly, it will have a better chance at succeeding. That's my best advice for any new men or women wishing to join the business world. If you see business as just profit, you can only go so far."


    D'Azor: "Advice, ah - yes! Running your own business is a difficult thing. I'd recommend saving your money and looking for support from friends and family. It will be a slow process in the beginning but… doing your best and being patient will ensure you reach your goal. Most importantly, don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do it! Anyone can do it. It just takes time and effort."



    *Responses edited for length and clarity.





    Ninth Golden Bull of Providence from High Pontiff Tylos I


    On the first of Horen's Calling, High Pontiff Tylos I released his Ninth Golden Bull of Providence.  For those unaware, the Golden Bull is a document of critical importance, for it provides the outline of how to govern the Church of the Canon. High Pontiff St. Daniel I began the tradition of Golden Bulls when he was enthroned in the year 1471 - over 350 years ago.


    In the ninth Golden Bull, High Pontiff Tylos I addressed several matters of critical importance. Section IV of the Golden Bull cautions the laity of the Church not to tolerate the Pagan beliefs of our Nordling neighbors to the north. Instead, we must keep our minds focused toward the worship of the divine truth.


    His Holiness also wrote on the lingering matter of the Sedanite rebels. The Sedan Rebellion occurred between the years of 1811 and 1812. Fifteen years have passed since the ISA drove the Goats to rout - inspiring the line in the immortal and much beloved song Oren Aut Mortem. Many Sedanites fled to Haense or Luciensburg following their failed attempt at rebellion. While we despise the Sedanites for their crimes against the Orenian state, High Pontiff Tylos I tells us that we must nevertheless acknowledge that they are still our brothers in Canonism. The Holy Father encourages us to extend forgiveness to these wayward sons and not allow resentment to fester any longer than necessary - for we are all children of Horen and children of GOD.


    We at the Providence Post thank the High Pontiff for the healing sentiments he has expressed in his Golden Bull. With the end of the Nordling War, we have now entered a time of peace, reconstruction, mending of broken bonds, and forgiveness. With time and patience, old wounds might be repaired and new alliances might be forged.


    Heinous Slaughter!

    Artem Carrion Accused in Dismemberment Murder! Cult at Large in Providence?


    Earlier this year, we received reports of violent crime occurring in the city of Providence. A young woman was discovered mutilated and murdered in an alleyway. While it is hard to believe such vile acts could be perpetrated in our fair city, such things do nevertheless occur - so we encourage all of our readers to use caution when going about the city. The Ministry of Justice conducted an investigation into the murder and discovered a connection to one Father Artem Carrion. He was believed to have abducted the victim - Inui Ba'ikana - and dismembered her before disposing of her body.


    After consulting genealogical records, reporters at the Providence Post have had some difficulty confirming Father Artem's relation to the noble family of Dobrov. While we will continue referring to him as Father Artem Carrion for the purposes of this article, we ask that our readers do not jump to any disagreeable conclusions regarding the Carrion family as a result of this incident. It is possible that the name 'Artem Carrion' was a pseudonym and not the man's true identity


    According to reports from the Ministry of Justice, it is believed that Father Artem was engaging in organized crime and cult-like religious activity. Eyewitness reports from the abduction say that he was accompanied by a gang of masked and armored men. Giselle de Rosier is one such suspected accomplice. A report went out for the arrest of Artem Carrion and Giselle de Rosier, but Artem was later discovered dead outside the house of Miss Cecelia Beaulieu in what was apparently a suicide. Giselle de Rosier is presumably still at large.


    These events are deeply troubling to those of us at the Providence Post. We ask our readers to remain safe and cautious - and to report all suspicious activity to the Ministry of Justice. We should not allow masked cultists to wander our streets unmolested. This murder is an affront to Oren's good Canonist sensibilities. The remaining perpetrators and their accomplices must be apprehended forthwith.





    Anti-Adunian Propaganda on the Rise


    This last year has seen an increase in the dissemination of anti-Adunian propaganda throughout Oren. Observant Orenians will have noticed multiple posters, flyers, and pamphlets decrying an increase in secularism, bourgeois-liberal ideology, pluralism, and Adunian racial & ethnic identity. These publications can mostly be sourced to an emergent political theory seeking to establish itself in Oren - Risorgimentism.


    But what is this new political philosophy? Risorgimentists preach a return to a prelapsarian ideal of Orenian society - one in which patriotism, national identity, pious faith, and military service are placed at the forefront. They decry the inability of soldiers and clergymen to run for political office and advocate for a dissolution of the barrier between church and state.


    They lay the blame for Oren's supposed decay primarily at the feet of our prominent Adunian politicians. They believe that certain groups of people are - in their words - "incapable of participating in [Oreninan] unity" and "historically and presently sabotage the national wellbeing." They characterize people of Adunian descent as "a deceitful folk, prone to frequent rebellion, backstabbing, and conspiracy." The Risorgimentists claim that Adunians' mere presence in Oren is "dangerous'' as they are "afflicted by Iblees." Ultimately, their pamphlet calls for the removal of all Adunian individuals from political office and for all Adunian noble families to be stripped of their lands and titles. They also insist that all Adunian civilians be relegated to a second-class citizen status and be treated similarly to goblins or Kharajyr.


    While we at the Providence Post are committed to political neutrality, we will not hesitate to condemn these heinous and egregious displays of racism against our Adunian citizens. Adunians have been a part of the Holy Orenian Empire since its inception and will remain welcome and beloved citizens in our Empire. We cannot forget the numberless contributions Adunians have made to our development as a society. Was it not Archchancellor Jonah Stahl-Elendil - a proud Adunian man - who led Oren out of the darkness of the Inferi Incursion? Have we forgotten the monumental political writings and theory pioneered by Sir Frederick Armas - himself a proud Adunian? Exclusion and persecution of minority groups has led us historically into some of our darkest eras.


    We encourage our readers to think critically when consuming content of an obvious political and propagandistic bent. Do not allow yourselves to be radicalized along racial lines and turn against your fellow Orenians. We are one Empire - united under one Emperor and one God - so such divisive rhetoric cannot be allowed to take root.

    Mayoral Election for Providence!


    Lord Mayor Otis de Rosius is rapidly approaching the end of his term. With the conclusion of the Lord Mayor's term of office, it is once again time to hold elections in Providence. City Magistrate Anastasia O'Rourke published a call for new candidates on the 19th of Horen's Calling earlier this year.


    As of this writing, eight individuals have announced their intentions to run for the office of Lord Mayor. These candidates include Maria de Rosius, Eizavetta Maienna de Rosius, Elodie de Rosius, Alexander Foucault, James Madron, Anthony Bentarus, Simon Bastille d'Arkent, and Henrik Komnenos.


    The candidates have not announced their platforms as of yet. Nevertheless, we advise our readers to familiarize themselves with each candidate before making the decision. The Lord Mayor has the ability to shape the face of Providence, so choosing an adequate representative is a critical decision for the citizenry.






    The Social Season of 1827 Begins!


    In the year 1810, Princess Imperial Elizabeth Anne Novellen developed and launched her new concept for 'the Social Season.' The Season, as it was colloquially called, was meant to thin the number of debutante balls held for each Orenian girl as they came of age.  Rather than debuting each girl individually, the Court of the Augustine would now assess all the young ladies together - as a group.


    Now, 17 years later, the Social Season has become one of the most hotly anticipated events to occur in Oren each year. Orenian girls and women spend months - if not years - preparing for the Social Season. Ladies of high birth are required to attend the Social Season if they wish to marry - and one lucky maiden will receive the title 'Ruby of the Season.' Once again, the time has come for each of Oren's lovely flowers to stand before the Princess Imperial and receive a token of her approval.


    This year's Social Season will feature a variety of high-class, wholesome events to entertain the debutantes. The theme chosen for this Social Season appears to be enjoying the springtime and the outdoors, especially the gardens - for the beauty of nature will only accentuate the ladies who are also in full bloom. Our Social Season schedule begins this month of Godfrey's Triumph with the Pre-Season garden picnic, the Presentation of the Debutantes, and the Opening Ball. Other events will emphasize the arts - including a painting class, several performances, and a lecture on poetry and songwriting from famed poet Sir Henry Penton. Debutantes and bachelors will also enjoy the usual gamut of balls, luncheons, and mannerly gatherings.


    Universitas Magistorum -

    Oren's Scholastic Accreditation Program Launches


    The Ministry of Civil Affairs recently launched a new scholarly accreditation program with degrees offered in a wide variety of subjects. Individuals across the Empire may now apply to received scholarly letters based upon their experience, education, and academic achievement. 'Scholared Letter Holders' will be considered a part of the collegiate body the Imperial Universitas Magistorum. Their names and accomplishments will be kept on file within the Ministry of Civil Affairs archives.


    To receive accreditation, citizens must submit a 5 mina processing fee along with a written Curriculum Vitae detailing their academic history. The Assistant Director for Education, History, and the Archives will certify all applications and oversee the awarding of degrees. Letter scholars shall be considered licensed professors capable of providing consultation of all matters related to their field of study. Honorary Scholarly Letters may be distributed to individuals acknowledged or awarded by His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor.


    Fields of study under the Universitas Magistorum include: history, music & theater, politics, literature, military studies, languages, architecture, political law, general law studies, alchemy, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, arcana, Canonist studies, and Flexio studies.


    New Song from the Lady Helena Helvets


    Singer and songwriter Lady Helena Charlotte Helvets has released a new song - entitled The Sarkozy of Man - dedicated to Lt. Edwin Henry de Sarkozy. Lt. Sarkozy has been fighting against the Mercatorii Republican Armies (or "MRA") - an anti-Orenian terrorist organization that has been bedeviling our great nation over the last two decades. Lady Helena's melody serves as a tribute not only to Lt. Sarkozy, but to every ISA soldier who have made sacrifices protecting Oren. She salutes them as victorious, fearless, and bold in their service to their country. 




    Did You Know?

    Orenian History Fun Facts


    The first Orenian trebuchet was invented by Ser Chet Silsbury in the year 1397 IST (hence the name trebuchet). It was commissioned by the Order of the White Rose for the protection of their famed redoubt, Ard Kerrack, in the then newly-formed Kingdom of Kaedrin.



    Providence Post Staff Credits


    Director of the Ministry of Civil Affairs - HIH Princess Josephine Augusta, Duchess of Sunholdt


    Deputy Director - Minuvas Melphestaus


    Providence Post Editor-in-Chief - Anthony Bentarus


    Contributions? Corrections? Please contact Mr. Anthony Bentarus at the Ministry of Civil Affairs.



    28th of HARREN'S FOLLY, 1826




    Issued and Confirmed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs




    THE MINISTRY OF CIVIL AFFAIRS, having scrutinized the achievements, scholastic and academic excellence, with Imperial diligence for admittance into the UNIVERSITAS MAGISTRORUM on 28th of HARREN'S FOLLY, 1826 has determined the following named individuals to be worthy of scholarly letters and admittance into the collegiate body in their respective field:



    MA in  History, Politics - Minuvas Melphestaus

    MA in History - Princess Josephine Augusta
    HA in Military Studies - Sir Keaghen Armas
    HA in Literature - Sir Henry Penton



    JD - Olivier Halcourt

    LLB - Minuvas Melphestaus



    HIH Princess Josephine Augusta, Director of Civil Affairs


    TH Lady Mary Casimira, Associate Director of Archives, Education, and History 



    26th of Harren’s Folly, 1826




    Letters in Arts 


    Doctors (PhD)


    Tanith Vursur (1831) - History

    Masters (MA)


    HIH Princess Josephine Augusta (1826) - History 

    Minuvas Melphestaus (1826) - Politics, History 

    Bachelors (BA)


    Maisie d'Arkent (1831) - Poetry
    Thucydides Melphestaus (1842) - Politics


    Honorary (HA)


    Keaghen Armas (1826) - Military Studies

    Henry Penton (1826) - Literature 



    Letters in Sciences and Medicine


    Doctors (PhD)



    Masters (MS)



    Bachelors (BS)




    Honorary (HS)





    Letters in Law 


    Juris Doctorates (JD)


    Olivier Halcourt (1826) - Law
    Henrik Komnenos (1831) - Law

    Sir Charles Galbraith (1842) - Law

    Juris Masters (JM)


    Rev Vuiller (1842) - Law

    Juris Bachelors (LLB)


    Minuvas Melphestaus (1826) - Law
    Charles Albert de Rosius (1831) - Law
    Aimee Ruthern (1831) - Law
    Tanith Vursur (1842) - Law


    Juris Honoraria (JH)





    Scholae Monasticae


    Monasticae Doktore (MD)




    Master Monasticae (MM)


    Cardinal Gawain Providentia (1831) - Divinity

    HIH Josephine Augusta Novellen (1842) - Canonist Law
    Cardinal Francis Albarosa (1842) - Divinity

    Neophyte Monasticae (NM)


    Edwin Henry de Sarkozy - General Canonist Studies
    HIH Philip Aurelian Novellen - Imperial Canonist Studies

    Honorary Monasticae (HM)






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