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Everything posted by marikandaperc

  1. Ludmilla Silvia "the betrayer" felt strange sorrow
  2. A most Divine Witch grinned within her lost chambers in the Steel 2-11 HQ. She prepared to slay the evil creatures, especially vampires.
  3. The little Silania Tennallar ceased her weeping for the disappearance of her mother. Instead, now, she cheered for her cousnin's wedding.
  4. The fairsighted Avalon was innocently playing Haeseni chess when the news struck. She skipped a breath, her brows furrowing into a single one; doubt. Why were so many dying? First in Aaun, now in Petra. Was that an omen? Nevertheless, the pious woman signed the Lorraine and spared a prayer for the Crown Princess, then went on to win her game of chess.
  5. I mean it could always be added as a sort of RP thing. "Your scouts tell you there is enemies nearing!! boo!!" Either way, I voted yes because for how I see it if a raid is pre-announced only people who actually want to deal with it will stay. That will avoid a lot of arguments and you won't be stuck in rp with a person who just won't cooperate
  6. The fairsighted Avalon had just walked away from the very peculiar encounter, only to be made aware of the newly published flyers moments later. She exhaled a hearty laugh, a hand covering her gaping mouth. "The Barclays sure are one of a kind."
  7. An odd fog filled the air that day. The oxygen was heavy, and so very difficult to breathe. An elfess sat under the gates of Talar’nor, gasping for air with every other breath she took. Each inhale followed a sorrowful exhale; she wrapped an old shawl around her throat and set off on her travels. An invite was held firmly between her grasp, and she marched on through mountains and rivers, motivated by her fierce heart. Many words echoed through her mind all throughout the travel. What of the friends that could be, what of those that will be? Unbothered, she marched on. A little sense of excitement had strangely overtaken her usually cold demeanor, filling her travels with joy. She did not know what awaited her at the end of the tunnel. “I wonder if Io cursed me.” Did the graceful elfess think, and then she was seen no more.
  8. Avalon the fair-sighted prepared to head over to the confining Kingdom
  9. Ser Karl von Wittenbach was very happy for the couple
  10. The Golden Witch prepared for yet another adventure
  11. Kasula Tennallar loves Talar'nor and the new Princess
  12. Kasula the blind of Tennallar could finally read, she hastly forced one of her many family members to pen a letter!
  13. Angelika was never going to confess. . .
  14. A pious cleric of Numendil prayed for Lemon hill, the true wronged party. With her head bowed down, she hoped the children of GOD could get through the dramatic phase without much trouble.
  15. A very random and not special witch stumbled upon the news on the way to the Aaunic capital. She rubbed at the very top of her head, her scalp was itching that day. "Huh? I should go see Leopold. I wonder who will sit on the throne now." she mused in passing, and then moved on.
  16. what's your favorite piece of lotc history that you experienced and what's one you like but didn't experience?
  17. Avalon Glennmaer, the fair-sighted Cleric of Numendil showed the missive to her cousins with excitement, hoping they could all attend.
  18. The little Mahina did not understand a thing, but she jovially cheered for her uncle and godfather De
  19. Angelika lets out a single huff, hoping the new librarian will be a good one.
  20. Lulach celebrated with wine that night, proud of her father (and ig of his dwarves too..)
  21. Princess Lulach whines at her father and begs him to crown her the new Queen of Norland when the war is over
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