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Will (TauFirewarrior)

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Status Updates posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. Blood Magic should not be self teachable, it is an extremely complicated magic when it comes down to it requiring long lessons. My first lesson with Mth_Dew and Daelaris was about two hours long as it required a long lecture. Having it be Self-Teachable makes no sense considering how complicated it is and the knowledge you need RP'ly to know you can even perform it. This is as a response to many of the replies on Discoliquids status update as I was asleep when he put it up. I do intend to take on more students but I'm never going to take on more than three at a time because it is very time consuming and I need to interview the people before I do so.

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      I don't think anyone was seriously considering making it self-teachable.

    2. Mephistophelian


      Sad thing is, they were. Regardless, Tau has informed them of why it isn't a viable option... Thankfully.

    3. Jonificus


      If it's not self teachable then teach me, Darth Dorahy

  2. Congratulations to Lana and Diamondsoup for being accepted onto the AT

    1. Overland


      Congratulations to them.

    2. Jonificus


      You found my replacements all too quick... I will have my vengeance, my friend.

    3. Nowak


      gg congrats


  3. Great, because HB got the most apps Anime is now the theme of the AT this month...goddamned weeabus

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      You like it, admit it.

    3. Neri


      mitto had to get the closet gay character

    4. mitto
  4. Seeing iMattyz red tag upsets me extremely.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Raptorious


      dane likes his londsdale trackies and his rip off reebok trainers his nan bought him from aldi

    3. Swgrclan


      dont you mad ***** know not to expunge your inside jokes in the public

    4. nordicg_d


      m8 wtf skinny jeans and a tshirt for me thx. will maybe if u behave ill let you get a toy in asda, after we get you a new waist coat

  5. Lava killed me :(

    1. Nolan_


      Too hot for the fire warrior?

    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)
    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
  6. I wish Arteh would stop his PERSIAN memes

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arteh


      This is quite rude tbh. Not a fan.

    3. Raomir


      i rest my case^

    4. Arteh


      I will not be insulted by a Bosniak

  7. Please don't hurt me this time Creative Assembly, I'm hyped!
    1. Rassidic


      'for agathaaaaaaaaaaaaa'

    2. Samoblivion


      Looks great so far but I want to see how many races they're bringing in in the base game - no doubt they'll hold some back to flog off later as DLCs. Here's to hoping for Lizardmen.

    3. Hanrahan


      Lemmie jus' change my pants here..

  8. I'm going to count how many belts are on peoples character art. Not sure why but I am going to.

    1. Aislin


      you dont have a life

    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      There is no word in Dothraki for shitpost

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      Valar Trollhaeris

  9. Just voted, was rather quick.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Voting SNP Geo? No Gregs for you.

    3. Raptorious


      no more sausage and bean melt for georgie

    4. John Ivory
  10. UK Elections tomorrow, fml

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Samoblivion


      I still have no idea who I'm going to vote.

    3. Kirrekith


      In my area it is between Conservatives and Lib Dems, well I certainly don't want Lib Dems... Leaves me one other option :(

    4. nordicg_d


      im voting ukip

  11. my signature is apparently a place where all the GM's and admins put their name.

  12. We made a $1 bet that we could make 501's Rep go high even after making the community mad. You fell for our Trading Places type Ruse.

  13. Dem leaks huh

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aislin


      im going to go tell all my friends a girl loves me!!!!!!

    3. TeaLulu


      Hahahaa platonically of course!!!

    4. Aislin


      no take backs hahahhahaha we're marreid

  14. I feel like Aislin stalks my characters

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Thought Police

      The Thought Police

      I wish Aislin would stalk me IRL.

    3. Salvo


      Hide the women and children...

    4. Skippy


      aislin stop being an A-HOLE

  15. Welcome back Snowshovel!

    1. Moot


      I hope he's recovered from his accident.

  16. Freedom isn't free.....

    1. Silent™


      All must pay a price...

  17. Raptor now worships Guru Laghima.........

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JVQ


      I don't understand half the **** you spew

    3. Raptorious


      Kipples, let go your earthly tether.

    4. hellfiazz
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