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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. ascended frat parties when, jungle juice for everyone xd? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    1. Zindran
    2. justDEWit


      Jungle Juice. Please.

  2. Axel nearly got hit with the same treatment as me, its good you got saved icelandic boy

  3. baffles me how somehow kha are still relevant in the current political climate when its just five players doing cutesy cub rp

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wrynn


      it’s like how turtles are relevant in the real world by making everyone use paper straws

    3. Porkgasm


      More then five. More then Kittens. If all you see what you want to see, then you'll be blind to anything else.

    4. monkeypoacher


      maybe don’t kill kittens fool

  4. bankrupt bcos I’m paying rent in all these heads #stayblessed #stayhumble #stayloreteam #stayfuturemoderationadministrator 

    1. Nug



  5. based based and more based




    1. Werew0lf


      I know ur twi’s alt the text to speech can’t fool me

    2. Nooblius


      then less based...

    3. SoulReapingWolf
  6. based irl money for killing characters

  7. biggest regret as a manager was not shooting mystery when I had the chance


    look at the chaos that ensued when I didn't follow my gut

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lsuvsfar


      Go away D4NNA, don’t bring you plague to my server.

    3. CanadianKiwiFlight


      Im still waiting for the meteor site interaction

    4. ScreamingDingo



      plan to do it on the new server, see you then?

  8. blacklist is ridiculous sorry

  9. blackmail moderating is my favourite way to do it

    1. Netphreak
    2. Onnensr


      when its extra old and irrelevant :chefs_kiss:

  10. boring post civil war actions zzzz

    1. JoanOfArc
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      hello have you considered donating to our charity for the cultural preservation of the occupied Tetsugawans?

  11. Brace for impact

  12. breaking news – PvE in events is catered to those that have the attention span of a goldfish and should be thrown aside

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Aidoro
    3. Aidoro




      ‘whilst still working and making events that cater to and uplift the community.’


      Great work there.


    4. ScreamingDingo




      Big agree, just requires some actual thought to plan those out. Wouldn't trust any of the server to be able to make something that's coherent and enjoyable for PvE currently that isn't just glorified slugfests

  13. bring back public humiliation for self insert romance rpers and erpers

    1. tasty_cheesecake


      then ur left w humiliation fetishists

    2. Netphreak


      For once I actually agree with you.

    3. Slorbin


      but dingo, you are pagliacci

  14. btw i pledge my banner to restoring the moderation monarchists under the banner of dingo

  15. cage MATCH cage MATCH cage MATCH

    1. Salvo


      send FEET send FEET send FEET

  16. can i start a fivver on event coaching :^)

    1. D4NNA


      looool, yea sure, go ahead you might become a millionare! 

    2. Elennanore
  17. Can we just dissolve the wiki team and allow for players to maintain it please. It'll be a fuckload more productive than its current state and remove the power grab associated with being on the team

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LatzMomo


      I'm gonna sign up as you and change the main page to a picture of a **** and get you banned.

    3. ScreamingDingo
    4. ScreamingDingo


      Why can't a consensus just be made by WT leaders and for a GM to give the go ahead?

  18. Can you teach me necromancy?


  19. can't believe it's harder to get iron than it is to get magic



    Pretty based Neanderthal RP

    1. Aengoth


      I'd like to create an MA for carbarum forging please

  20. Can't believe the removal of some of the biggest anti RP shitters that have been on the server in years is met with people begging for the administration to step down.


    happy I'm not admin or I would've crucified these people and made it permanent


    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. rukio


      Can't believe ur still mad buff called himself a white rose Joel...

    3. Harold
    4. sami03


      Cant expect a homie to not post a pedo joke when someone says something about protecting kids, dingo

  21. caught with his pants down

  22. charoodler is an EVIL MAN WE cannot let this NPC abusing man back onto lotc.

    1. GODHawkEye


      I'm not sure if this a sarcastic status update due to your prolific history of being a pvper, but in the slim margin that this is serious I have come to show my support. Such blatant abuse of VIP abilities is unacceptable, what RP reasoning could there even be? NPC's appearing out of thin air? Did he even RP their arrival? This Charoodler whoever he is, is clearly a man of suspicious morals, which are clearly not the type of a typical RPer who appreciates the art that we all indulge in on a daily basis here on LoTC. 

    2. mmat
  23. Chuck your ET Apps up, looking to do some interviews and get a bunch of people on. If you're interested, apply now or never

    1. Narthok


      Thanks for accepting me big guy!

    2. Ford
    3. rukio


      THanks dude! Can't wait to host events

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