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El Ricktador

Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by El Ricktador

  1. i just realized screamingdingo is grimreaper98. how the hell after he world edited a playerbase nation land away in a hissy fit?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    3. Bluee


      @Llir Those were good times.

    4. ScreamingDingo


      april fools joke was based on my tantrum smh

  2. i like this a lot

  3. i think harrison's fucked himself with this writing competition. He has more reading to do here than in school most likely.

  4. I think I just watched Dota die in front of my eyes.

    1. KBR


      Wat happened

    2. chaotikal


      new patch for dota, and its turning into a league of legends clone

    3. KBR
  5. I thought fire aspect was re-added? I bought it in the CT auction house after it'd been there for like 3 days.

  6. If there is going to be a new map, release it before summer vacation. Please don't be idiots. ty

    1. Dreek


      you're welcome

  7. If you upvoted Esterlen’s post or agree with his argument against Llyria but engaged in OOC avenues to stop the War of Two Emperors or cried about conquest destroying RP hubs when it was against your community. You have absolutely no integrity.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FlemishSupremacy


      @Imperiumi know the struggle of being jewed out of your shekels... I sympathise, brother ? 


    3. Ixli


      Good thing I’m not a hypocrite, I spoke out against the OOC of both! 

    4. osumanduas


      I too enjoy calling out abstract demographics for rep.

  8. If you're going to try and hide the part where you were toxic, at least edit out the sentence leading up to it.



    Can't even impersonate Big Brother very well.

  9. Instead of super regen food can we have bandages

    1. Crowbill


      Why not go full MineZ and have a medkit?

    2. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      listen to croleo pls

    3. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      omg i remember bandages

  10. Iron armor doesn't fall off while you're on a horse anymore? 

    1. Harri


      i wouldn't trust it tbh

    2. Harri


      >months ago

      it still happened like 4 weeks ago

    3. Harri


      55 minutes ago, DPM said:

      how about just remove horses from the game entirely

      gd idea

      **** idea, doesn't know what he's talking about

  11. is it a popular belief that shamanism and thus the spirits/ancestral plane **** should only be limited to orcs?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      Shamanism comes easier to orcs. Plus worshipping the spirits and spiritual involvement has woven itself into orcish culture. For me, I don't care if others learn shamanism as long as they respect the lore. An elf who was worshipping the aspects the day before and has a shamanism ma posted the next day has no place on the server. That's my opinion on it all. Plus Krug made the ancesteral realm so...

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      elf shamans are just people that used to praise the aspects a week ago

    4. Ducklingator


      tbh ive been thinking about this alot and if a group of players went ahead and said "only high elves are allowed to use telekinesis" then actually made it so anyone who isnt a high elf had a much harder time learning telekinesis


      people would go nuts


    1. HurferDurfer1


      Wait, which one.

  13. L M A O

    Not too worried when the bias was for you.

  14. Lock the post because you've clearly gone mad @Narthok

    1. Narthok


      Feedback threads been up for weeks and has 300+ replies. Give me RP default or give me death.

    2. Zhulik


      fix the war rules before you butcher raid ones too

    3. Narthok


      I'm ******* up war rules next dw

  15. Make a forum section for the LoStWriWe submissions.

  16. Maybe the ET logged events section should be made available to the public just like how the secret lore is beginning to be revealed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Petals4013


      maybe we should ban ppl who use skype?!! everyone should know everything no secrets allowed

    3. tilly


      I feel that that there's a certain amount of privacy that every team is entitled to, though. You don't get to go in FM chat and check around to see their activity, for instance. The matter of activity is up to the team lead and managers to evaluate, not the community's. Though, that's what I believe.

    4. BathRugMan


      My eyes hurt for I build till I die and I can't die until I finish 

  17. Moot didn't die for this

    1. Rael


      moot is no different than that which is forming; just another clique mired in stagnation

    2. mitto


      moot died for being a snake and a traitor to his friends

    3. Tsuyose


      moot was a vile, horrific administrator regardless who progressed for nothing but self-gain while stabbing his friends in the back and acting like a snake.

  18. My god. The Lore Team is ******* massive lmao. Vacation spot for old players.

    1. Chaw


      ikr and the lt is regressive as **** too, it literally does less than the wiki team


    2. GodEmperorFlam
  19. My safe space to spout unwitty, nonsensical and political bullshit on this Minecraft forum will not be infringed upon, @ski_king3

    1. ski_king3


      Oh god you're right

  20. Net neutrality must die. It's obamacare for the internet. 37 dimensional Yahtzee!

  21. Nice job, LMAO. Remove every post in response to an uppity FM's pettiness and toxicity but keep his. At least the FMs look out for each other!

  22. old player looking to learn all the hip new things that have come up since new map

    1. oblivionsbane


      ok, nexus is gone and it's vanilla. Yeah, that's it.

  23. one things for sure im writing down names from all these threads defending imattyz. next time a flay gets banned for the same reasons, i expect to see you all there.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nordicg_d


      no flays left tho

    3. Guest


      Dane next flay to die.

    4. nordicg_d
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