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Status Updates posted by ShameJax

  1. Tfw tristin is playing a snelf. Yet it's a culture that he doesn't know **** about. So technically he's not a snelf...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      snow elves cant melt steel memes

    3. Nug


      maybe he is just an icy ***** elf

    4. H


      if he's playing a snelf without the culture isnt that just a high elf lol

  2. I don't know what Arayon should do... any ideas?

  3. Can we not get a staff post over the Kowa situation?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ShameJax


      Dunno about you guys but I would still like an official statement about it.

    3. ScreamingDingo


      It was a player ban, there is no need to post an official statement on it in my personal opinion.

    4. zaezae


      It's pretty much assumed that if you join a team to make something for a company or similar, anything you make belongs to the group/company.

  4. I think Dunamis killed Combustionary's parents.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ShameJax


      Eve would you not be salty if you were blatantly target banned?

    3. Skippy


      its not salt i cant be salty anymore im just tired..........

    4. Dreek


      that's a cool s on the cap of the salt shaker. i wonder where i could buy that

  5. So can the rules page have an addition saying stealing from chests now means you're raiding to prevent future issues like this?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ShameJax


      A few people in a group looting chests does not mean an entire group is raiding when they did no villainous acts.

    3. darth sithlord

      darth sithlord

      Actually guys a group of people is actually considered a raid

    4. Nowak


      only if they are there to raid, coming as a diplomatic group is not raiding

  6. Is it true that FMs now have a quota on warning points? Like GMs have a modreq quota.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Praetor


      no, some are just under the illusion

    3. Aislin


      yes all the FMs are the harbingers of justice, representatives of the Supreme Court, and will persecute you for your crimes against trigger warnings and delicate sensibilities 

    4. Praetor


      Aislinn reported

  7. Communism has killed 100 million people.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ShameJax


      Communism is immoral. Capitalism is altruistic.

    3. zaezae


      Remember guys, they were perfectly A-OK with nazi's until they attacked them and forced the communists to stop their wholesale slaughter of farmers, wrong thinkers, and the families of wrong thinkers c=.

    4. Space


      Preface: Don't think I'm really a communist, and I am certainly not a tankie who would defend the actions of Stalin, Mao, Castro, Assad, Kim Jong-un (those last 2 are wild but go to /r/fullcomunism sometime smh)


      But this argument isn't very convincing. Someone who would defend these deaths were a necessary step towards a better future. Or, they would say that they were caused by external factors, rather than communism. Or, and I would probably use this argument, these weren't issues necessarily with communism, rather the way those regimes implemented them i.e. Marxism-Leninism and the vanguard party, or dictatorship of the proletariat or w.e. the ****.


      And especially hypocritical is when you look at the death and destruction that capitalism has caused (imperialism, slavery, colonialism, globalism, etc), it becomes more difficult to judge communism through this lens. Nearly every ideology legitimizes violence, whether it's to criminals, wrong-thinkers, bourgeois, tyrants, etc. So if you want to argue against a tankie, you'd have to argue why Stalin's violence was illegitimate, and why -whatever ideology you support- is legitimate.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ford


      it isnt that bad whatsoever, stop being scumbags about it

    3. Pinochet


      scumbags? wtf

      im simply stating my reaction to the video, can I not do that?

    4. Ford


      NO grrrrrrrr

  8. So for Snelve extinction what about we lose our Thanhium resistance? Its infused in our cells, so we would die quickly. We just need some ET for events.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Narthok


      You're off by about seven but aight

    3. ShameJax


      Narthok name the ACTUAL snelves, not the other races that joined us and the people that are generic Elves with us.

    4. Smithers


      I would ask that you note that the snow elven culture has not been accepted to have a trait such as 'Thanhium resistance' in the first place and, thus, it should not be considered at all. The snow elves are not a sub-race regardless of how much anybody wants them to be; merely a culture. A culture cannot theoretically be destroyed.

  9. Snelf Trivia Question Of The Day: What hair colors can snow elves have?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aerdun


      blue, if you're a blueberry

    3. danic


      mine was actually a color so do i get bonus points

    4. Sambosefus


      Wow censorship

  10. Why can't people "choose" their PvP buffs and debuffs instead of it defaulting by race? As race does not truly mean much, race should just lock down on the racial proffession.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ford


      i cant imagine a halfling with olog stats jesus christ hahahahaha

      just so you know, that's not a good idea whatsoever.

    3. Smithers


      tl;dr Your idea is a bad one.

    4. Joe_Blackman


      ay lmao i think you got the wrong idea i think he's trying to say why cant races pick their own abilities that are balanced and not the ******* tyrone-esque orc abilities

  11. Who ever makes the first warclaim on the snelves will get a horrendous amount of rep.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ShameJax


      Wait. What.

    3. Devland99


      don't start that stupid **** back up

    4. Devland99


      your memes suck

  12. Wait. If moot isn't the one deleted my status us and locking his then who is. And moot, only staff can respond to yours.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moot


      Nvm, can't check who deletes status updates :p

    3. ShameJax


      Wait what. Did my response to your first comment on this just actually get deleted...

    4. ShameJax


      I'm hoping that was dome form of test.

  13. I've been wasting my time trying to work to supercal woodworker... it does nothing past Aengulic :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bvie


      He told me its barely an increase.

      So yay, I get a .2% chance at getting more Granite! Or Nether Quartz! or Smooth Stone!

    3. Leric


      That's why I bought a skill redib when I hit illuminated wood worker lmao.

    4. ShameJax


      Yeah just bought one... and found a glitch. 

  14. ffffffffffffffff the resonant gem crafting thing is sent to random people :( no one i've asked has it

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DrakeHaze.
    3. ShameJax


      Didn't know banned players could check that!

    4. DrakeHaze.


      Anyone with the letter Z, W and Y have the recipe apparently.

  15. Armor really needs a buff, we've been 2-3 shotting guys in iron.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Salvo


      oh sure, nerf weapons, blacksmiths like me don't already have a double chest of 50%s lying around

    3. ShameJax


      Too difficult with all the weapons already in circulation.

    4. InfamousGerman


      Can't be implemented effectively this far into the map.

  16. High Elf racial buff please?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mitto


      snelf racial buff?

    3. Kirrekith


      Buff for dark elves that isn't useless?

    4. ShameJax


      That Dark Elf buff is OP af... what are you on about. I would gladly have that :P

  17. I'm amazed to see this server still alive. I joined before High School and I'm now graduating college. I always thought it was so close to death too.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lhindir_



      Dabomancy MA when? 

    3. Zacho


      space elf

    4. ShameJax


      6 hours ago, Lhindir_ said:


      Dabomancy MA when? 

      Why are you still like this

  18. A question for everyone today: To PK my snelf or no? I am not certain about what to do with this matter...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Make a human. You won't regret it come 4.0

    3. Parading


      PK if you char lacks potential, or if RP builds up enough to PK

    4. ShameJax


      Well my Snelf has been around for a long time, and with this hunt going on I thought it would be a good time to PK :P My character has already been in alot of combat...

  19. I'm really confused. My previous status update got deleted, I was asking what did Oren do to break community conduct? I don't even know what is going on...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alakabam


      Raid baiting is not allowed, unless it is for the purpose of raiding within the raid rules. Definition of Raid Baiting: 3+ enemy-affiliated players not contributing to non-hostile RP and refusing to leave when requested.

    3. magno


      Also rule 3 of community conduct

    4. magno
  20. Should I make a halfling or a goblin?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Make a goblin. It's like being a halfling, but Orcs won't eat you.

    3. greygre


      Halfling is master race!

    4. ShameJax


      Which clan for a goblin?

  21. No why is it that the list is full of primarily LOTCers?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShameJax


      Just find it funny as to why someone would choose our potato :p

    3. _Stigwig


      We're fairly high on some voting sights, its not surprising at all.

    4. _Stigwig
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