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Status Updates posted by MamaBearJade

  1. Food for Thought: If you are illusioned the same way many times over a long period of time, and then experience the sam but not illusioned. Do you think its an illusion or do you think its real? How would you tell the difference?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Chikachu
    3. Mephistophelian


      What if we are all the same person/entity who is living the lives of every single living organism that ever existed and ever will exist? For example, this entity lived the life of hitler...and all he people he killed. It lived the life of a lumberjack...and all the trees he cut down. Etc etc. For example, we are all different versions of the same entity inhabiting our bodies, and it has it cannot remember it's previous lives because of some weird reason? Like, right now, it could be livin...

    4. Mephistophelian


      Remove that random 'it has' in the second last sentence.

  2. Six year old gets a gash to her face. No one cares as it bleeds.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      It happens all the time, people lost the shock factor :(

    3. Hanrahan


      Let's not pick on Jade, shall we? :3

    4. MamaBearJade


      Meh, i got thick skins! mwahahahaha

  3. anyone wanna help hide a body?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Elad™
    3. Agith


      I'd ride your body, Joe

    4. MamaBearJade


      I will get to diggin!

      Joe...what are you smoking? and....Can i has some?

  4. There is a difference between being Emotionally Invested in your character, and being Emotionally Obsessive. One gives you the highs and lows of your chars, the other pisses you off cause you cant have your way. Which are you?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. J


      Mhm, that's what I do also. But if you don't put some effort of emotion into your character (not obsessively), then they will lack interest, to everyone.

    3. Heff


      well i certainly dont get depressed when something bad happens cause its just a game

    4. Heff


      aka not many lows for me its all fun to see fumble get served cause I like to lose

  5. Watashi wa nekokoneko ga hoshī ~

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Uh... I think I can speak Japanese... Has-das Gazpacho?

    3. MamaBearJade


      *hugs* <3 you Void. ^^

    4. MrSyth


      Kimitachi wa subete kimyōdesu


  6. I am starting to feel proud of myself, these are turning out wonderfully for me ^_^ :: http://i.imgur.com/6cO7XCt.png

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Casey7070707


      his hand is on her knee.... in my clture this is very rude place pls fix

    3. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch


    4. Raptorious


      maybe you suck at art i dont suck at art you suck at art

  7. I wonder how many roleplayers will boycott the 2 week = 1 year decision.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lago


      Nobody's forced to age in any particular way. The poll is simply for what length years are in the Calendar plugin.

    3. MamaBearJade


      Well with the way its being said in the thread, there will be consequences to not aging "properly"

    4. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      I honestly don't see there being any consequences unless you keep a human for 300 IG years, or something similarly absurd.

  8. Wonderful, being kicked out of my home because I didnt take out trash /right/ away...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Cloakedsphere


      Not sure what you expect to get out of LotC... But I still see you're on teamspeak, so...

    3. monkeypoacher


      teerz and jadekadoa in one apartment


    4. Guest


      Maybe, JUST MAYBE, you are the one being a cnt and you should listen to the person who is giving you a place to live when you are ***** 26 years old.

  9. Thomas Chivay for King of Oren

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. MamaBearJade
    3. Proddy


      All hail his grace, Adam Barnett!

    4. Rassidic


      ^ I would literally abandon LOTC.

  10. Nothing is more obnoxious than a smug kid with the "newest tech". Just cause I still have a corded phone doesnt mean you wipper snappers need to be so darn smug..

  11. That moment when life just sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. FlareGunCalamity


      Just stand tall and walk forward.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      Those days when you wake up in bed and you think: "I hate everyone and everything." I know that feel.

    4. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      TBH When I'm sad, I drink.

  12. So my 70 year old grandmother fell off the curb at work. Injured her knee, back, and hip pretty bad. Anyone got any recipes for me to cook this week. I dont cook and need to see a recipe. I promised her I would cook this week to help her out.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MamaBearJade


      @Narthok - She works cause my dad is on disability unable to support himself and my crappy job (lookin for new one) barely supports me.

      @ everyone else - thank you, hopefully I can help her recover quickly by cooking something more than hotdogs ^^

    3. Judas


      Make it simple..

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      PM me on Skype, I have some

  13. I hate whoever got me addicted... http://www.clickerheroes.com/

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ogdan


      Thanks for the warnings, am not clicking.

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Very addicting... XD Dammit Jade.

    4. ScreamingDingo



  14. I thought Skygod was an IC term used to explain the GMs and their paranormalness.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dargene



    3. Slic3man


      Conspiracy. It is all conspiracy.

    4. Zarsies


      Might have been an accidentally unvanished ZarZar... q-q

  15. I wanna see someone make a orc/halfling halfbreed now

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aengoth


      Either way the halfling involved isn't gonna make it past day one

    3. excited


      I shall make a character like this one day.

    4. Demotheus


      There's a better ratio of female to male in orcs than in dwarves, I think. Since I play two female orcs. ~

  16. Whats gonna happen now that bukkit is goin down?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      Forge is also making an API which will be 1000x better. I still think most of the 'legal claims' brought up against bukkit are absurd as well. Also there is the Vanilla modding API on the horizon which may be causing all this angst.

    3. Katherine1


      Forge, Spout, etc. are pooling together to make the Sponge API.


      Also, the Vanilla modding API has been vaporware for a couple years now. It's nowhere closer now. Until they finally unveil it, it can't be trusted to be there anytime soon.

    4. monkeypoacher


      yeah that's true

  17. Kinda miss VAs. People kill too freely because they OOCly know they can get away with it...I've watched people killed over bagels...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      Go to the standing inn and see how many times Hu-din was killed. I believe the tally is up to 38 or 48, I forget. But Hu-din gets killed because he saved a man from a corrupted undead cultist uruk and had to slay the cultist uruk. People's reasoning. Such wow, much majestic.

    3. susitsu


      @Watty, quite incorrect. As one of those who was apart of the founding VAT crew and most involved/was the public face for our revoking, I can say that such wasn't allowed. Jade is quite correct. People kill far too freely. It's the exact argument that founded VAs. However, as to if they should come back or not, I'm quite neutral.

    4. susitsu


      @Temp, as well, something I feel the need to add...Ive been on servers where death was permanent. You know what people did on these servers? Try even /harder/ to kill anyone and everyone they didn't like. Could you imagine the White Roses in a permakill world? Rather, could you imagine historically most of the major human groups that kill purely because you don't meet their cultural preference for RP?

  18. how do you get a scared deaf cat to come to you? Honestly I am at a loss. I want my Ollie back. T_T

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Samler


      Yimmya had a good plan B, if it involved having Bravepaw doing it.

    3. DecoLamb


      Dont leave food out to draw in a cat if he's lost. It will attract animals that would scare him away. Use a smelly shirt and water.

    4. Lark


      So your cat is...Scared to deaf? I'm sorry I'll go now

  19. http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h32/Jade-La/MineCraft/2013-03-10_134349.png I want to know why this is allowed. Aren't the roads supposed to be open to all?
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raptorious


      Even if it is on Elven lands, that's even more of an RP issue. Clearly Oren is trying to muscle it's way around everyone. Deal with that how you will. Just don't take it OOC and on the forums like most people tend to.

    3. MamaBearJade


      They have locked the elves in their own land, thats the problem. Its bothersome OOCly especially cause now if i want to use my Human charrie, I cant...

    4. Space


      Ugly as ****.

  20. [Child] Vera begins to hiss. [Mageshield] H.A. Grayleaf lets out a bloodcurdling scream, pivoting and charging down the hall.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)
    3. Pnoynoy


      Ima have to make a new one then!

    4. NomadGaia


      Yulna's a badass too

  21. Those feels when you are a foot shorter than the person you are with.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jay Lenos

      Jay Lenos


    3. Amorphbutt


      Overweight and 6'1"~

    4. Asian Thunder (John791)

      Asian Thunder (John791)

      I'm Asian and 5'1, I feels ya TwT

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