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Everything posted by Netphreak

  1. "Something wrong, how I long for yesterday."

  2. "Something wrong, how I long for yesterday."

  3. Mmmm... Life... Such a beautiful thing, yet... Such a time consuming thing...

    1. SpiltMemes


      LoTC doesn't have that good graphics. But it is life consuming.

  4. Hmm... Am I supposed to feel any different now that it is my 21st birthday? . . . Naaahhh *continues to do childish things*

  5. Do you think it would be an impressive psychological study if a Role-Player and an Average Joe were hooked up into brain wave reading instruments then observed over a period of time? This is just a random thought that came to me... I think it would be cool.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Netphreak


      Depends on the brain being tested, each may have a different result which is why the study would be interesting.

    3. Space


      Roleplaying does not require an above average level of creativity, I think. Most people can play make-believe.

    4. Joe_Blackman
  6. If anyone is a LoZ fan, I'd suggest checking out Majora's Mask Remastered Soundtrack on Youtube, it is really impressive.

  7. For the sake of information... Can anybody link me the specific forum where it describes the different jobs that the different staff members have? Example GM, FM, MT, ET etc etc... Not sure if they're all compiled into one forum but that would be nice wouldn't it?

  8. Oh, sometimes I do wish there were Prosecuters and Defense lawyers on here for ban reports, how much fun that would be. :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      @Harbinger Sounds like LoTC.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      getting paid to get people banned? Im in

    4. FORƎST


      im partial to trial by combat

  9. Smashing your thumb with a hammer.... It's not fun, I would suggest against it..

  10. Hint hint, food timers.... Server's gotta keep track of dat crap..

    1. Ryn Chirr

      Ryn Chirr

      And crafting timers, and persona timers...

      Timers = Server having to process that information.

      More Timers = More Lag

      How do we fix this? Remove timers.

    2. Telanir


      um lol it has nothing to do with that server ran perfectly before those, last patch just had a little thing i'm looking for right now.

      Also, timers are not kept track of. don't worry about the logistics of that in code just know they don't cause lag :P

    3. Dtrik


      Telanir doing some back ally coding.

  11. That moment, where you walk up the steps, only to realise you've forgotten what you came up here for.... "Why did I.... Nevermind.. I'll think of it when I go back downstairs..."

  12. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony... Then everything changed when the twenty day rollback attacked.

  13. Counted last months to date Ban Report affiliation with PVP or Non, as of current, the percential for PVP is 71.1% of last months to current Ban Reports, and Non PVP related is 28.9% Yes, we're so on the right track. (Sarcasm level 9000)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      PvP BR takes about a 1/10th of the time as an RP one so yes. We are on the right track. There is less GM interpretation of RP events and much more black and white, you either broke rules or not.

    3. Netphreak


      Yes, the numbers flipped, my issue is the current degeneration of Role-play quality. Can't do it anymore.

    4. excited


      It degrades because people whine that it's degrading, if you feel it degrades, then you yourself are only aiding in the degrading of RP, I recommend you start being more positive, if people are positive the situation can be solved!

    1. big narstie

      big narstie

      sorry for missing the joke

    2. Ford


      its from epic rap battles of history, and i think that's some guy portraying rasputin. still missing the joke, though.

  14. Does anyone else find it ironic that the solution to stop OOC drama due to RP is now the main relation of the ban reports pending? Pvp/raids/grief-to-raid/combat-logging = Pvp related, ETC ETC... This is becoming a nightmare people.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. excited


      See, he was an Aelryth GM and he agrees with me, haha. In all seriousness, it used to be good. Now.. it's not.

    3. Austin


      I find even a 2v2 RP fight hectic.

    4. bulgaria is white

      bulgaria is white

      Need proper war rules and have raids be capped @ 10 but still daily. Also chaotic map and no perms

  15. Would it be safe to say a character has reached insanity when he starts talking to cows? http://gyazo.com/1a8e8f1ce4e9bed9408e9f1ca161bd1d

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zarsies


      My favorite necromancer :3

    3. Demotheus


      i had a roite giggol at that m8

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      I think he is on the grass..

  16. Ran into a raid again.. Iron everywhere! I can just imagine the sounds of the shouting and rage filled drama! Klink! >_>

  17. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." ~ Bert Lance

  18. Pherak sits at his desk, pondering this new cult that has risen from the depths of hiding, his different colored eyes looking down to the Eye of Iblees branded upon his right palm, "This ought to be interesting... Being a previous cultist myself, I think I'll check this out." He murmurs to himself as a sly grin forms upon his face.
  19. Trintastic is awesome!!!!

    1. Trintastic



    2. DrakeHaze.


      Take it to skype kids.

  20. Hrmph.... I am trying to decide if I should hug a tree.... Or burn a tree.. Naaaaa I'll just throw a pie at something..

    1. Lark


      Hump a tree

    2. Eleatic


      sixstrings was a treesexual once

  21. Throwing a potato, at a tree in Leanniel... And then trying to wrap yourself around another tree to disguise yourself as said tree... It's brilliant!

    1. OhDeerLord


      xD it was hilarious!

  22. Pherak walks around in his typical morning walk, spotting such a message posted upon a board. "Hmm... I guess it's time to break out the old robes.." He chuckles as he walks on home to gather his old Eventide uniform.
  23. "Ewwww a bug died underneath my spacebar and now it's jammed!" ~ Evark Evocress on Teamspeak XD

    1. Lago


      Surely then he'd have said "Ewwwwabugdiedunderneathmyspacebarandnowit'sjammed!"? :P

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      and then put lots of these things at the end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  24. "What does it take for a man who has lost everything to finally hit rock bottom? What more could be taken away? Mortality."

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Take away rock bottom so he falls more

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