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Status Updates posted by Unwillingly

  1. DM me on discord @Unwillingly#9099 if you want to participate in a more aggressive and warlike take on wood elven RP 🙂 our numbers r slowly but surely growing

    1. HurferDurfer1


      wroth elves what a unique concept 

    2. Unwillingly


      @HurferDurfer1 deeply sorry that it isnt just another sol tea drinking clan that does nothing to encourage RP outside of "uwu how are you today" tier emotes

  2. voidal mage genocide

    1. Ducklingator


      burger king foot lettuce

  3. hey... I know some wood elves who hate gay people... and women.. hehe.. join Ilathdyn today... ehehh... ;))

  4. also nothing makes me angrier than these types of skins image.png.685451746fc0988c209e11f68a9060b4.png.
    if you have a skin with eyes 1pixel from the bottom of the head please stop 

  5. if you play a male character but use the alex model please stop

  6. i deeply apologize for saying “lol” and “lmao” so much. please forgive me. 

  7. if you’re a new player looking to get involved with wood elven RP, consider joining my clan 🙂 we r actively recruiting
    Feel free to contact me on discord @Unwillingly#9099


  8. Daily reminder join my Siramenor clan and play a misogynistic homophobic wood elf today ahahaa

  9. Go collect our guest, comrade. He should arrive soon.

  10. what do you mean I can’t be an azdrazi? 

  11. that trailer was cool n all but Almaris sounds like a name someone would pick for their elven character they got from a randomnamegenerator website 



      no it’s mediterranean please understand

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      implying that every single a-name map wasn’t obtained with random name generators

  12. the more I browse the forums the more I want to play again and I hate it 

    1. Zacho


      if you look at lotc like a plague and curse you’ll always restrain yourself and not have fun, only when you look at it as a way to relieve stress and have fun does it actually become fun and can you realize to branch outwards and do stuff that isn’t harmful to you. That’s at least how I saw it.

    2. Fireheart


      don’t give in

  13. lotc has solved homophobia

    1. AlphaMoist


      Kind of [redacted] for you to mention [redacted] these days Unwillingly... Do I need to have you reported to the safety team?

    2. Dreek


      Safety Admin @Cpt_Noobman will be watching this thread

  14. he went out of his way to remove sugarcane after someone spammed it all over Siramenor one time, ne other gm probably wold have just made me do it myself FREE FRILL

  15. making a status update so i can finally reach 1,000 posts gang gang
    edit: i just realized it doesn’t count oh **** ufck

    Edited by Unwillingly
    1. Punished_Pup
    2. BrandNewKitten


      I feel your pain

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      just do a shitpost reply to some forum post


  16. emoting your elf’s ears “drooping” or “perking” based on their emotion is stupid and cringey

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. puffables


      elven ears perk in order to lISTEN UP or flick at screaming loud noises and you cant stop me...

      but please no ‘sad elf ear droop’, for HEARING PRACTICALITY only,,,,

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      based and cringepilled

    4. Sorcerio


      Dark Elf blushing 😩

  17. mudkipz raging abt zach on the forums has the same energy as TheDragonsRoost raging about trolls on his stream. no1 cares and everyone just laughs abt it 

    1. saint swag
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      maybe they’re the same person

    3. rukio


      was mudkipz serious? I can’t take him serious 

  18. why r event team interviews done in VC? it makes sense for GM apps, but not even they have to do VC interviews. They handle way more sensitive situations n would need to be able to VC more often than other teams imo

    1. Zacho


      its easier and faster, plus lets you get a good idea of tone inflection. They’re on the right path imo, i think all staff should do voice interviews.


    2. McDaedra


      as a manager I like doing voice interviews because it allows me to get to know the person i’m interviewing. its up to each management

  19. please stop the lenny im afraid and scared help make it stopmakeitstopmakeitstop

  20. From now on my character will identify as ‘transabled’ in which she will cut out her own eyes and wear a blindfold. This way, she will no longer be a privileged able bodied scum. Please respect it. 

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