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Status Updates posted by Callistus

  1. The church will soon fall.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Callistus


      who's angry arab again?

    3. Pinochet


      nSntX3w.png Sad! How does it feel kneeling before a King, boy?

      Clearly very small brain you have I see Boy, I see. It is the Angry Arab who slayed you Thrice and the Angry Brazilian who put You in Your PLace Twice. 


    4. Callistus


      Yeah, Ser_Fleepers only attacks when Trenchist's with him and I'm by myself. I wonder why.

      No idea who's the brazilian either, no one "put me in my place" twice.

  2. ST could grow a pair and override the tech-lock with the acceptance of gunlore. the administration can’t dismantle the brunt of us

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. z3m0s


      They definitely could if they wanted lmao

    3. ___


      shut the fukk up

    4. Callistus


       cartel bait do not have a say

  3. For those interested in tussling the other contract I had recently put up, ping me in discord once you’ve discovered the site. I’d admittedly forgotten to elaborate this on the post itself, but the order of threat will have to be assessed irp by a prior envoy / scout team. Blindly storming the site without any precaution will be of consequence.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      Story Team Events are where good roleplayers go to die

    3. Callistus


      time shall tell, old man

    4. Callistus


      your words already begin to ring true

      this is horrid.

  4. not sure if there’s reason in going for ST anymore

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Demotheus


      I’m applying myself. one of the things I wanna do is make more “random” encounters on the roads and stuff. Among other stuff. 

    3. ScreamingDingo




      just apply, easy to do your own ****. Just set up areas and do them. The direction may be vastly different to what it should be, but that definitely doesn't stop you having the ability to do what you want. Unless Mystery cuckolds you, but I don't think he will.

    4. Parker


      You are right, they do not appreciate things.

  5. Let not the buried be risen, lay they be amongst death beneath tombs unawoke.

    For tonight, the waken fall to slumber.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Callistus


      for is death not a delicacy wont to be dined by all?

    3. rukio


      There is a point, to which when men aspire,
      They tumble headlong down: that point I touch'd,
      And, seeing there was no place to mount up higher,
      Why shall I grieve at my declining fall?

    4. Axelu


      @rukio @Boruto ur both edgy. love u tho

  6. who wants to become a feral :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yaldabaoth


      I’m really... lycan that feral lore of yours.. Haha get it because lycan is is a werewolf ha ha

    3. Sorcerio


      Quavinir’s night creature lore when?

    4. Callistus


      i will not allow it

  7. I wonder when this aussie bogan’s gonna see my app ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      no it's too late

    3. Callistus


      **** . . . 

    4. Lirinya


      It’s known that bogans can’t actually read

  8. can somebody roleplay with me please??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Callistus


      wow that was uncalled for

      however, I’ll have you greaser know it was completely consensual

    3. Jentos
  9. if you confuse me for phil, lol ok you’re not epic

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      @Pond i see phil is embarassing himself online again smh

    3. GDPR 014

      GDPR 014

      I hate you you Greek mookazoid

    4. Callistus


      i hate you too you... android

  10. Walking home today some fucker bumped into me and instantly started talking **** about magical elves being the best descendant race. I tried to remain calm and explain to him that magick infact curbs the roleplay potential and how low fantasy and human RP is actually more entertaining and engaging, but he wouldn’t take a hint. He started throwing around words like “filthy valah” and I lost it. Punched him right in his magick-loving face.


    I hate elves so goddamn much.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skyrunner
    3. E__V__O


      I love you Boruto

    4. Wrynn


      he’s not wrong that dark elves are the best race tho.

  11. imagine crying because loopholes were patched and you can’t abuse your way to glory anymore :^)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skylez
    3. monkeypoacher


      imagine using void magic lmao

    4. Callistus


      imagine using anything that constitutes or pertains to magic outside the occult at all in the first place

  12. 3rd week as a lore-holder. I notice the elves are staring at me more and cave in a lot easier. The sutican housewives flash their shoulders as soon as I'm around now and their liberal boyfriends no longer make eye-contact. Will update soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lev


      Lore-holders don’t exist

    3. Callistus


      he holds the lore who grips it by the rein

    4. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      I find this threatening and intimidating. expect staff to contact you as soon as you read this. 

  13. Henry Cavill's confirmed to play Geralt in Netflix's the Witcher series :thinking:

    1. Knox213


      not sure how i feel about this.

    2. Callistus





      Uncanny resemblance

    3. Whiplash


      praise geraldo

  14. The nerves on these womenfolk of nowadays, merits great contempt! Back in my day, these horrid gargoyles clung to the kitchen and hymned their nine children to sleep. A tragic turn of events indeed!

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Back in my day, we had to walk uphill to school both ways!


      You youn’uns have it easy.

    2. Ford


      I say, woman! WOMAN! Why are you not barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?!?!

    3. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      5 hours ago, Ford said:

      I say, woman! WOMAN! Why are you not barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?!?!


      Our world of glorious men is in shambles. 


      Burn the rainbow flags, men - for they cast a shadow on mankind in wake of the downfall of all men in rise of a demonic matriarchy. 


      We raise a new king today. 

  15. Is now a good time to deliver my soul anew, unto this starving chasm?

    1. Skylez


      But for why, Boruto of the Greco? Your soul is just starting to rekindle and construe the slithers that this place had unceremoniously removed. For what reason would you do such a questionable thing, but to only render yourself at the whim of the depraved and demented? Flee I daresay, do not look back unto this place until the great reckoning is at hand for all to witness.

      Lest thou wishes for self-torment and pain, then yes, submit yourself onto the forlorn bastion of nonsensicality. 

    2. Callistus


      But look, Goldman of the Skies. . . how the olden embers beckon so sweetly! 

      My weeping soul was rent asunder, mine very fragments cast unto broken realms; only blood of the accursed forever taints my flesh, and silt taut upon my wretched bone... Look, Goldman, behold. . . the howls of the forlorn do echo within the Craft Lord's valley, where fornicators endlessly toil and flail! Alas, is it not our sorry fate to lay thenceforth, lowly and piteous as we are, to lap the anguished froth of our own grievance?


      How it truly is worthy of lament. . a fine spectacle, goldman, even to the blind eye. . . 

      Heh. . heh. . . 

    3. Christ


      can I say the n word?

  16. has the lore submission deadline kick in or have I yet another go?

    1. McDaedra


      im not sure on this one but i think the deadline to receive ST writer help/feedback has passed but not the deadline to submit

    2. AlphaMoist


      The submission deadline is November 1st, however you can still submit afterwards. You just need a draft before the date or your lore is shelved 

    3. Parker


      Do they even deserve your writing.

  17. War has changed.

    1. Callistus


      War, war has changed.

      It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines.

      War --and it's consumption of life-- has become a well-oiled machine.

      War has changed.

      ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities.

      Genetic control, information control, emotion control, battlefield control… everything is monitored and kept under control.

      War… has changed.

      The age of deterrence has become the age of control, all in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction, and he who controls the battlefield, controls history.

      War… has changed.


      When the battlefield is under total control, war becomes routine.

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      no it hasnt it been boring lol

    3. Callistus
  18. for people with interest in literary / playwright roleplay through an upcoming sequence of performances, seek contact with either publius or myself so we may we establish roles


  19. A good elf is a dead elf

    1. lev


      2013 wants it’s mood back

    2. Callistus


      2011 wants it’s jokes back

  20. is that statement on the lotc terms of service claiming every piece posted here belongs to tythus and cannot be posted elsewhere still up?

    1. Heero


      nah, thankfully they removed it


    2. Callistus
  21. Snaaaaaake eaaaaaateeeeeer

    1. D4NNA


      Caaalling trough the niight!

    2. Callistus


      But you're soooo supreeeeeme!


  22. man I enjoy sailing in a ship comprised in half of boulders and steel (an exemplar by-product of dwarven engineering which is not at all defiant of physics, mind you; otherwise bees also defy aviation laws) where I also unironically exchange passports with my close confidents. so quirky x3

    1. Twinny


      idk what you mean dude, its all good and legit

    2. SoulReapingWolf


      Do you even MC build Bro?


  23. when are lore mag submissions closing in?

    1. AlphaMoist
    2. ScreamingDingo


      dont remind me that i have to look at this fuckin mag

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