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  1. There had been many a month since the Terror Beast has dissipated from the land. It seemed the caves had been livelier then usual during this time of rest for the adventuring 'Ker. In time they came to befriend the great bats of Fiandria of which their ancestors had once hunted. At the flank of the Matriarch's wings sat a small fist sized bats clinging to her fur. While they were small and recently born they seemed strong and relatively weened. She eyed Delphi and Twilight with equal interest. Delphi eye's flicks over the small ones, smiling softly. "I've not ever met your young lings, Miss..." (Miss the name she has given the Matriarch during the years they had grown close) she'd reach out hesitant for a moment to pet the 10ft tall bat. The Matriarch's ears flickered with a seldom seen fondness at the touch. After some time her gaze wandered to Twilight where she seemed almost to ask her to come forward with a fan of her wing Twilight waved at them with a small smile "Hello little ones" she then looked to the Matriarch "They're beautiful" the 'Ker said stepping forward "My, seems the matriarch had become a well mother in this time" Gusiam said as he looked back to the grave of Chocolate, one of the two bats that has died during the fight As all things end so do new things begin. With a push of her wing a young female bat was offered to Delphi and a male to Twilight. The rest of the bats clung ever yet to their mother and it was clear her intentions. Delphi took this young bat into her arms, holding her gently in her arms "You're sending them away with us, Miss...?" The bats all seemed to give out hyena like laughter at her words as though it was the most obvious of things. In rest, only one other alike clung to the matriarch. It was clear indication of their genders there needs only be one leader in a group of bats. As such these two groups would have meant to go make their own homes elsewhere. Twilight takes the baby bat with a soft smile holding it in her arms like the baby it was "Thank you.” Delphi bowed her head light, shifting the weight of the young matriarch in her arms "Estelle- Do you like that, Miss? An old word in our eleven tongue for to trust...We'll see to it that all will be well" Both of the young bats clung onto there respective 'Ker as though they were their new mothers. The Matriarch seemed accepting and all was well. It was only time that would tell what would become of these new bats and their new home. Delphi reached out with her other hand, gently rubbing her head "We'll miss you all... not going to forget how you helped us, how you saved us" she'd smile Twilight nods to Delphi "Thank you for everything, I'll never forget this as long as I live" she'd then look over to Sneeze, the bat she had grown the fondest of "I'll miss you the most my boy" Sneeze let out a comedic sneeze as a last good bye. Delphi cradled her bat gently, humming softly "Estelle,Estelle..." she'd sing Twilight looked down to her 'new son' "I'm going to name him Silverling..." https://imgur.com/a/lkWaZ12 (bat boi pic) (This is my first form post, which as just me copy the emotes that were said. I’m trying to work on a other posts as well. I didn’t take the rp date so for oc context it was 3/17/2020 around 6-7 pm i think. thank you so much to Julius for the events he gave us, this was the most fun I had on Lotc in a while and I’m so happy I came back for this)
  2. The Compendium of Material Knowledge “These d’arven mines ‘ave been lef’ fer years, yeh know? Nevah know what you’ll find down ‘ere!” - An intrepid Haenseti Miner, delving into the ruins of an ancient Dwarven Mine. Roleplay Nodes Mechanical Functions For The Player Tier 1 Nodes are things such as gold, iron, copper, available to all and open through basic minecraft mechanics. These do not require any special lore, knowledge, or specifics to use or utilize, nor a special item, sign, or description to represent. Tier 2 Nodes are things such as magnetus, adfectio, anorum and some more - open and available to anyone without requiring a node to use or utilize, but in some cases nodes to exist as a flavourful-way to go and get the item. These do not take ST signature, but do require a specific item or description to detail these items given their unique effects. Tier 3 Nodes are things such as Titan's Eye, Lightstones, Quietus, and more, and are available through ST-Nodes. These nodes are gathered using Vortex Hammer & Chisels and do not require ST Oversight, but do bear ST Signature- along with any item to be made from them. Typically these nodes do have special uses and "Refining" methods, which may determine if an item made from these is valid or not. Tier 4 Nodes are things such as Volatite, Lunarite, and Thanhium, which are non-automated and on global cooldown. These require specific knowledge to gather and use, alongside unique tools. These require ST Oversight and ST Signature, along with any item made from them. Tier 5 Nodes currently do not exist, but account for materials exceedingly rare and difficult to get. These require specific knowledge to gather and use, alongside unique tools. These require ST Oversight and ST Signature, along with any item made from them. Hierarchy Lists Metals/Metalloids Name: Carbarum Item: Diamond Ore Block Rarity: Legendary(T5) Lore Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/185864-world-lore-carbarum/ Environment: Found on the peaks of mountains or deep beneath said mountains. Item Desc: A chunk of an extremely dense and heavy ore, with a blue hue to it. It easily shares many qualities with various types of glasses, from having a glossy sheen to crisp, sharp edges. This would also include the fragility of glass, being quite easy to break or shatter with a light enough strike from a hard object, such as a pickaxe. Name: Volatite (Boomsteel) Item: Coal Block Rarity: Exquisite(T4) Lore Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/187994-✓-world-lore-volatite-and-boomsteel/ Environment: Found in cold, frozen areas that once had remnants of volcanic activity. Item Desc: An ebony ore with sharp, jagged edges and varying amounts of ash colored dust on and around it. The rock that this metal is within also seems to have varying amounts of flint distributed throughout. This ore is extremely heavy by itself, almost comparable to gold in weight. If one were to allow even a spark to touch this ore, they would quickly discover its minor explosive properties, likely resulting in their own injury if they are close enough to it. Name: Azhl Item: Coal Rarity: Exquisite(T4) Lore Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/189643-✓-world-lore-the-blighted-steels-ch-1/ Environment: Areas of molten material and volcanic, unstable activity. Item Desc: An ashy black rock which was quite brittle and extremely hard. If struck with enough force, it would crumble to dust- this dust, would be an irritant to skin and membranes, which would rapidly cause sores and rashes to appear over such. Inhaling it, Azhl Anemia would begin to become onset. With exposure to the lungs, it would cause intense coughing and difficult breathing. Name: Lunarite Item: Quartz Item Rarity: Exquisite(T4) Lore Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/179997-✓-world-lore-metal-lunarite/ Environment: This rare ore does not have any particular prerequisites for where it might be found. It can be found in almost any location, but always on the surface. Item Desc: A lumpy rock about the size of two human fists balled together, with a fair weight to it. The stone appears to possess veins and flecks of a pale gold-ish metallic ore, which glistens attractively in the light. One might mistake it for gold or even nickel were they not privy to its true nature. Even if one is aware of how to harvest and refine it, they will not know its name however. Crystals/Gems Name: Thahnium Item: Lapis Lazuli Rarity: Exquisite(T4) Lore Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/188006-✓-world-lore-thanhium/ Environment: Can generally be found anywhere, but is likely to be found in colder environments, likely due to its presence causing the environment to become cold. Item Desc: Brittle, blue crystals which glow softly - can be found on the surface of this chunk of ore. The crystals on this ore have the unique property of absorbing nearby heat and mana, converting heat into mana and mana into heat. The brittleness of Thanhium can prove to be a great danger to those who work with it as a single careless strike can shatter the crystal in its entirety - sending tiny shards flying through the air which can prove harmful if inhaled, ingested, or create a wound. If either of these happen, then the affected individual will suffer from Thanhic poisoning - a terrible malady which freezes flesh and disrupts the natural flow of mana in a mortal. Name: Frost Salts/Salium Item: Prismarine Crystals Rarity: Exquisite (T4) Lore Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197038-world-lore-frost-salt-and-salium/ Environment: Found in the frozen north of Almaris. Item Desc: This small fragment of greened ice emits a strong, salty odor like an ocean shore. Its surface is irregular and rough, marbled with white veins. A simple process of grinding will yield a sparkling, rough powder ready for use. Name: Titan's Eye Item: Grey Stained Glass Rarity: Rare(T3) Lore Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197921-✓-world-lore-titans-eye/ Environment: Found in rolling hills and ruins along Almaris. Item Desc: This Crystal was delicate and transparent, a trigonal shaped material with a completely colourless form; perhaps a tint of gray, throughout it all. Incredibly brittle and delicate, it seemed vaguely familiar in appearance to Adfectio. It seemed to have no effect whatsoever when interacted with anything mundane. Perhaps it is just an expensive waste of time, and should be done away with. Name: Quietus Crystals Item: Red Stained Glass Rarity: Rare(T3) Lore Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197917-✓-world-lore-quietus-crystals/ Environment: Found in earth piles and ruins along Almaris. Item Desc: A smooth, hollow biconical red crystal, which contains in its centre a glowing red 'core' suspended in a murky red fluid. The crystal measures 13 centimeters long, with its 'core' 2 and a half centimeters in diameter. The core glows a dim pinkish red, shedding a soft light on its surroundings. When moved, the red light the core sheds will 'hang' in the air so to speak, before dissipating. This makes so if one were to wave it in the air, or simply move it around, it would leave a trail of light wherever its been, even within bags or containers, these streaks of light will faze through their vessels and trail though the air. Unlike the stone itself, these 'trails' do not emit any lights on their surroundings, and after 5 seconds, disappear into nothingness. The crystal is immune to shearing force, and cannot be filed down. However, the crystal is vulnerable to crushing force, and should the crystal be broken, or its inside unsealed, the core shall fly out of the crystal and disappear into nothingness, the rest of the crystal dissipating into an acrid smelling red mist harmlessly. Name: Lightstones (Divine Gems) Item: Glowstone Rarity: Rare(T3) Lore Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/190249-✓-world-lore-light-stones/ Environment: These gems are only found in areas of great deific power, such as near the foundations of Deific cults. Item Desc: A transparent, golden gem that holds a dim glow to it and appears to sparkle. From its humble beginnings, it has a polished sheen to it and seems to have grown from the rock it was found in. If one was capable, they could contain light and holy power within this crystal if they so choose. Node Rules Rules There are rules and information regarding nodes which may be useful. These rules are frequently updated. 1) X-raying, metagaming (locations, methods, harvesting, smithing, etc.), use of wandering souls, or other exploits, are all liable to moderation action and node blacklists. 2) When there are 4 or more individuals at a node, they may roll twice as much as they normally would to harvest. 3) Fixed Personal Cooldown: One may only harvest a node, or count towards the increased-roll threshhold of 4 once every 14 days. This may be shorter or longer than the cooldown of the node harvested. 4) Node Cooldowns are based on group. Thus, a group from Magic Group X or Nation Y can only harvest once every 14 days, as with the fixed personal cooldown. 5) Negative modifiers may be added on by an ST for improper methods of harvesting, ill-preparation or suffering from environmental effects. 6) Nodes destroyed are always replaced. The exception to this rule is when nodes are destroyed with intent of hiding a location from another group or to reset a timer. 7) When applying to group cooldowns, one's group is decided by ST. 8) Cooldowns apply by player, not account or persona. 9) Bad Luck Protection: When one does a correct harvesting process with proper preparation, but rolls without getting any material, they are guaranteed 1 chunk of material. If in a group of four, this is raised to two. Cooldowns & Roll Chances Cooldowns A cooldown on a Node begins the minute it was excavated by a player, no matter the outcome. Thus, no one can use that Node for a designated amount of time afterwards. Tier 2 Material - No cooldown Tier 3 Material - Fixed global cooldown (Automated Nodes) / No Cooldown (Battlenodes) Tier 4 Material - 10 Days (With a diceroll of additional days) / No Cooldown (Battlenodes) Tier 5 Material - 12 Days (With a diceroll of additional days) Roll Chances For each tier of rarity a player has a specific amount of rolls they may do before the Node goes on cooldown. The individual will roll out of 100(/roll 100) X amount of times. Below is a short list of how many rolls a player has. X = 1 Legendary (T5) Rolls X = 2 Exquisite (T4) Rolls X = 3 Rare (T3) Rolls Metals/Metalloids When attempting to gather an ore that is considered a ‘metal’ or ‘metalloid’, the player will receive either 0 to 3 ore items. This is dependant on how successful that person’s rolls are and of course, the rarity of the Node. All ore items are the same size, you are just able to acquire several of them if lucky enough. Uncommon(T2) 1-30 = Nothing 31-80 = Shard of Ore (1 of it) 81-90 = Piece of ore (2 of it) 91-100 = Chunk of Ore (3 of it) Rare(T3) 1-40 = Nothing 41-80 = Shard of Ore (1 of it) 81-89 = Piece of ore (2 of it) 90-100 = Chunk of Ore (3 of it) Exquisite(T4) 1-50 = Nothing 51-80 = Shard of Ore (1 of it) 81-90 = Piece of ore (2 of it) 91-100 = Chunk of Ore (3 of it) Legendary(T5) 1-60 = Nothing 61-81 = Shard of Ore (1 of it) 82-91 = Piece of ore (2 of it) 92-100 = Chunk of Ore (3 of it) Gems/Crystals When attempting to gather what is considered a ‘gem’ or ‘crystal’, the player will sometimes receive an item, but its size is subject to change depending on how successful their rolls are. Uncommon(T2) 1-30 = Nothing 31-80 = Fragment (1 of it) 81-90 = Shard (2 of it) 91-100 = Cluster (3 of it) Rare(T3) 1-40 = Nothing 51-80 = Fragment (1 of it) 81-89 = Shard (2 of it) 90-100 = Cluster (3 of it) Exquisite(T4) 1-50 = Nothing 51-80 = Fragment (1 of it) 81-90 = Shard (2 of it) 91-100 = Cluster (3 of it) Legendary(T5) 1-60 = Nothing 61-81 = Fragment (1 of it) 82-91 = Shard (2 of it) 92-100 = Cluster (3 of it) Nothing = Nothing. Piece/Fragment = About the size of a human male’s pinky finger in length, the width may be slightly larger than the width of the same pinky finger. Shard = About the size of a human male’s hand in length, and the width of two index fingers. Chunk/Cluster = About the size of a human male’s hand in length and width, fitting in the palm like a ball. Refining & Crafting If you’re curious about the amount of refined material that an ore item may produce, there is a standard! Simply, one ore item will equal two ingots of that material. With that, there is also a list of how many ingots are required to produce a specific item, though there can be some interchangeability depending on the type of item being made, but this is rare. As note, when reforging an item or melting previous down, only 1/2 (50%) of the original material-value is recoverable. Weapons 1 - Dagger, Ammunition (8 of Arrowheads, Bolts, etc.), Spike, Hammer-head(small) 2 - Shortsword, Axe-head(small), Blade(small), Hammer-head(large), Mace-head(small) 3 - Longsword, Axe-head(large), Blade(large), Mace-head(large) 4 - Greatsword, Ballista Bolt Note, for items such as ‘Axe-head’ and ‘Blade’, they are just those specific items. It is not an entire axe, merely the metal head of the axe. It is not an entire sword with hilt, crossguard, etc, just the actual blade part. This is to allow people to make a variety of different weapons, such as polearms, spears, glaives, etc. Armors 1 - Gauntlet, Sabaton, Vambrace, Poleyn, Visor 2 - Helmet, Pauldron, Greave, Cuisse 3 - Tasset, Gorget, Couter 6 - Fauld 8 - Breastplate Shields 1 - Buckler, Boss(the round disk that is in the center of many shields, made to guard the hand) 2 - Round Shield 3 - Tower Shield Note, most shields were not entirely metal, few were, and those that were entirely metal were quite small compared to most other wooden shields. However, there are many examples of shields being reinforced with metal, and most often having a ‘Boss’ in the center of the shield where the hand grips the shield from its back. Accessories 1 - Rings(4), Bracelets(2), Earings(4), Piercings(4)(of any kind), Necklace, Metal Parts(2)(Small) 2 - Crown, Mask, Metal Parts(large) Note, ‘Metal Parts’ are simply various objects of different shapes and sizes made from metal, such as pipes, poles, levers, gears, levers, etc. It is really up to the user to determine what is large and small, but generally anything larger than a person’s fist can is considered large. Material Index The Material Index is a place you can look to see the different categories of Materials and what that implies. Materials are grouped into four categories – there are Event Materials, Node Materials, Open Materials, and Special Materials. Three of these categories require ST signage in order to be considered legitimate(authentic), while one requires not ST signage at all. Here is a quick rundown of the four categories. Event - Materials that have no means of procurement outside of events. These events are at the discretion of the ST with the reward as an afterthought or carefully planned to fit into whatever story is being told. Event Only materials are signed by an ST. Node - Materials that are gathered through supervised gathering Roleplay of a Node. Nodes are sparsely found in the world, and are areas where certain Lore Materials may be gathered. There is always a sign present to OOCly inform players of whether or not a place is a Node or not. Node Only materials are signed by an ST. Open - Materials that are openly available to all players. These are either materials that are extremely common and require no ST oversight or are a smithing technique. These require knowledge of the player to forge and refine, and we encourage experimentation and the like to learn how to do such. Open materials do not require ST signage. Special - Materials that are often a mix of different groups or have special clauses attached to them, and such is listed beside them. Special materials are signed by an ST. Bellow, all four types are listed with all currently accepted materials accepted or ones that have been since shelved. Event Materials - - Dralachite - Carbarum Node Materials (Manual)- - Thanhium - Boomsteel - Azhl - Lunarite - Frost Salts Node Materials (Automated)- - Lightstones Open Materials (With Node Options)- - Magnetus - Adfectio Stones - Kadarsi Ore & Qualashi Steel - Anorum Open Materials - - Gold (Aurum) - Magegold (Arcaurum) - Black Ferrum - Quietus Crystals - Titan's Eye - Daemonsteel - Colourstone - Kuila Crystals - Glimmerstone - Focus Crystals - Slayersteel - Redstone Wiring/Tattoos Special Materials - - Arcanium (Requires an MA in any Void Magic, and ST Signage) - Manite (Requires a Voidal Hollow, Playersigned) - Dracanium (Requires event materials, ST Signed) All Shelved Material Lore Pieces - - Bloodsteel Reason: Not wanted by Orc community in a reworked state – like the idea of a Legend instead. - Verdantium Readon: Redundant, merged with Carbarum. - Kodeh Steel Reason: Redundant, served no purpose with Daemonsteel. - Quartz Dust Reason: Belonged in Alchemy, not a resource. - Gemsong Crystals Reason: Shelved in Athera, staying shelved in Athera. - Beastsmithing Reason: Outdated Lore Piece, received no rewrite. - Peragius Reason: Vague and overpowered, not thematically appropriate Credits Though I did the majority of the writing for this, I cannot neglect giving credit to Lark to aiding me in producing a past google doc where we essentially created the rarities of Materials on our own(I love that man). I also can't forget to give credit to my supporters and critiques who spent time explaining my flaws(ty), such as SquakHawk, Killmatronix, Archipelego, Nivndil, and a few others who I've forgotten due to this project going on and off the back-burner for an extreme amount of time. However, in that time I'd like to say we have produced a quality and literate post for LotC. Also having to include that the Material Index was rightfully written by SquakHawk.
  3. Is Roleplay getting boring? Are you only doing day to day chores or endless fights? Are you waiting around for someone to come up to you and change your entire life? I’m McDanky and I have gotten the idea of Chaos Roleplay, scary ain’t it? Basically, pm me on discord and ask for my services which include but aren’t limited too: Sedating someone else’s wife, stealing something, an assassination for your character, and much more! Other specific details can be worked out in the negotiation process. The best part is it’s FREE!! Written consent is all that is needed. Pm me on discord if you would like to hire me or if you have any questions. Discord: McDanky#8651
  4. how come when a new person joins no onw cares to help maybe there character is shy and needs friends no I not joined
  5. “The Tower is commonly interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation. It is associated with sudden unforeseen change.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agz8AQhfHZI The night was perfect; the rain had gone away and there was not a cloud in sight. A mali’fenn with pure white hair and violet eyes sat in the window of her room within her family’s manor, stroking the head of her tan owl. Her daughter, the tanned skin half-’ame girl of only seven, was curled up on her mother’s bed sleeping soundly. Katia watched her daughter with eyes filled with pride as she sealed her letter and sent it out. She was requesting her lari’onn’s presence in the Fennic tavern later that evening to witness the private union between herself and her fiancé, an ‘ame named Theris. She moved over to the bed and tucked her daughter in for the last time, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. The girl stirred but did not wake. Katia turned to Theris, who had been standing near the door of their room, with a large smile. The thing they had postponed so many times, waited years for, was finally happening. She slipped her hand into his and they slowly moved out of the room. The two of them stood in the tavern an hour later. They were still waiting on Erin to arrive and had become impatient. Eventually, Katia suggested they start without her. They exchanged vows, but as Theris pulled his beloved’s ring from his pocket a mali with a bandana pulled up to cover the bottom half of his face stepped out from behind a pillar within the tavern. He had his bow drawn back and released an arrow. It lodged into Katia’s neck with ease and the woman slowly began to sink to the ground. The man began to speak of purity as he slowly made his way towards the young couple. He discarded his bow in favor of drawing his longsword, stopping in front of Theris. Erin, the woman who shared Katia’s blood and had been her closest friend since they were born, arrived at this moment to see her twin with an arrow in her neck and lying on the ground. Theris clutched Katia’s hand as he sobbed over her body. His ears were ringing and he couldn’t make out what the mali’thill was saying to him. His wife was dead. The mother of his daughter was dead. In her dying moments, Katia was able to mouth two things to her new husband: I love you. Protect Briala. Erin grasped her Fennic spear with determination. Before she could make her way to the group, Theris was struck by the pommel of the mali’thill’s sword, causing him to be flung into the back of the couch. He clutched Katia’s hand as the ‘thill plunged his sword into her skull. Once, twice, three times. He mangled the once beautiful ‘fenn beyond recognition before turning his attention to the late woman’s stomach. “Family,” The ‘thill’s voice resonated throughout the tavern. “Family is a lie. Watch as your precious love leaves you.” And watch he did. He watched as the ‘thill brought his blade down into Katia’s stomach. He watched as the man practically gutted the woman he had fallen in love with. He watched as the man finally took a step back to admire his work- The ‘thill’s moment of glory was cut short by Erin Atmorice’s spear plunging deep into his throat. She dropped the spear the moment she stabbed him, her eyes going wide. She stared at him as he fell to the floor, the blood of the ‘thill mixing with the blood of her sister. She forced her eyes onto the body of her twin with utter horror. She couldn’t take her eyes off of the gruesome sight. In a moment of desperation to just get away from the scene, she tugged her dagger from it’s sheath. Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks as she dragged the blade across her throat. Theris watched as his sister-in-law dropped to the floor. He watched as blood seeped from her, Katia, and the ‘thill. He looked down at his wife, now beyond recognition, and began to sob once more. He remembered his daughter in their manor, sound asleep with no idea as to what had just happened. Many hours later, the mali’ame pushed himself up and dragged himself out of the tavern. He began to wander the barren city, hoping to find someone. [[I have had a wonderful time playing Katia, but it is time to turn over a new leaf. Lots of love to all of the wonderful people I have met in Fenn. This also serves as the pk post for Commander_Jester’s character, Erin Atmorice.]]
  6. The Seaglass Marvels of Aegrothond Greater and Lesser Renarias Many distinct cultures upon the Continent maintain traditions of craft which exist solely for the purposes of aesthetic beauty, and the realms of Aegrothond are no exception. While the crafty among the Houses of the Elder Blood may be known primarily for their skill with the smith’s hammer, and in the realms of metallurgy and gemcraft, the greater collective has developed an art which is far less utilitarian in nature, and pleases the eye with its colourful fashions. This art is known as the Mode of Renarion, or renarias in common parlance, after the elf who first promoted its use and caused it to become a mainstay in the cultural fabric of the Elves who dwelt in Aegrothond. In those early days, the seafaring Houses came into common contact with the vibrant stones made smooth by the rolling of the interminable Sea- and it was not long before the aforementioned master of stonecraft began to fit them into various craftworks of his own hand. The decoration of weaponry and other personal effects came first- but ere long it became common for the Households of Aegrothond to inlay their door-frames with intricate designs of seastone and shells which told tales of the Great Sea and the deeds of their forebears. It would be many years before these miniature artworks began to spread into the realm of what a modern observer would consider a “true” mosaic, and due to the difficulty of transportation very few have survived from those elder days. The first among them were placed around oblique menhir, standing-stones which lend themselves poorly to ship travel. In more modern days, the larger mosaics are generally placed upon a flat surface and framed with traditional stonework and carving. Lesser Renarias- The Art of a Seaward People Despite their somewhat diminishing name, “Lesser Renarias” are far more diverse than their “Greater” cousin, and a far larger body of the former exist in the modern time due to their smaller size. In most simple terms, the phrase refers to the practice of fitting small seastones into designs upon weapons, jewelry, furniture, door-frames, and standing structures of importance. Sometimes, these designs are as simple as three stones in a line- but the more extensive among them tend to depict stories and moral fables derived from history. The practice of door-frame renarias are particularly common, with most family homes possessing these stony artworks across and around their central portals- it is believed that such a practice was originally intended to ward off evil sea-borne spirits, but in modern days it is more directly a representation of familial pride. Though the process of creating such designs is varied, the basic methods centrally involve an adhesive agent derived from beeswax. This agent is applied to the carved sockets of the stones, alongside a powder of seashells- together, these components ensure that the stones will not come loose in time. Of course, inlays which need to withstand greater torsion forces and wear will commonly instead be applied with smithing techniques- a fine example of this is the sword-hilts crafted in the Forges of Aegrothond, which are usually inlaid with crimson and golden stones. A common decoration employing renarias in modern days is the depiction of spirits of the ocean, who are myriad and go by many names. These minor deities, and others of a similar nature, are atimes conflated into the realm of the Sea Goddess, who is a religious staple of the Almenodrim. An eldritch figure, she wields a mighty trident capable of calling down thunder and a driftwood crown which allows her to control the Sea itself. While her religion has been lost to time in large part, his influence remains. Greater Renarias- The Mosaics of Aegrothond By far the most famous and acclaimed version of the renarias tradition are the vast mosaics compiled by the citizens of Aegrothond in order to depict the great events and historical deeds accomplished by those that dwell within the bounds of the realm of the Free Elves. Without exception these marvels take several months to complete, and as a result they hold a very special place in the society of the free Principality- and most Elves of Aegrothond who have any skill with craftwork tend to attempt at least one in their lifetime. Some grand examples at the current capital, Caras Sylvadrim, are as follows: Edrahil and the Dragon Depicting the epic combat of Edrahil against the Dragon Ankar, who preyed on the Folk of the Mountains and the Wood in Aegnor’s day. This mosaic was created by Lord Cullas Sylvaeri, inspired by the then-recently discovered third part of the Lay of Aegrothond. It employs red granite stones along with some sandstone and silica fragments, which create the illusion of flame from the dragon’s maw. It is located in the library of Maehr’evar. Illynora Sylvaeri Depicting the legendary healing abilities of the first Princess of Aegrothond in the modern day, Lady Illynora Sylvaeri. The mosaic was also created by Lord Cullas Sylvaeri, to honour the passing of the great healer and to ensure her likeness would inspire others to continue along her path. It is crafted from petty-jade stones and malachite, as well as shale. It is located in the Houses of Healing, in Aegrothond. Sylvaen the Everflame Depicting the forefather of the House Sylvaeri and the first leader of the Almenodrim, who is featured prominently in the beginning chapters of the Lay of Aegrothond. This mosaic was created by Prince Belestram Sylvaeri in the early days of Arcas, but lost until Cullas performed a curation of all of the mosaics and restored it. It is crafted of granite, sandstone, obsidian, gold and red silica, and is located in the upper portions of Aegrothond which are often shut to travelers. A Mural of Kaer’s Fleet Depicting the seafaring ships of Kaer, forefather of the Kaeronin House and descendant of Aearon who was a son of Malin. The mosaic was created by Feanor Kaeronin to honour the ancestor and to try his hand at the creation of one of these marvels, at which he of course succeeded. It is made of various stones, primarily chert and shale, and is located near the upper portions of Aegrothond. Hamatsa, Spirit of Mercy Depicting the mani-god Hamatsa, which is highly regarded among the Almenodrim and considered a guardian of sailors and shipwrights. The mosaic was created by Illynora Sylvaeri, when Aegrothond was first settled, and was wrought of blue seaglass and basalt fragments. It is located outside the citadel, in a small eastward-facing crevasse. The Battle of the Gorge Depicting three comrades in defense of Aegrothond- Cullas, Azdal, and Jorvin- in their fight against a demonic tiger. This mosaic depicts a rather recent event, which occurred in Arcas during the early reign of Feanor I Flameborne. Crafted by Cullas Sylvaeri, it is located near the storehouses, behind the Inn. [To Be Added To]
  7. The Gorkil Warrior’s Arsenal “Zteel iz onleh az hozh az dah flezh dat wieldz it, but ah warriur ztill needz hiz toolz” - Mûrak’Gorkil The Philosophy on Armaments An Orc is born into the world with the gift of his race’s evolution and descendance from Krug to be naturally gifted killers. When thinking about an Orc, and their physical condition, they are closer to chimpanzees or gorillas, than Humans, in terms of strength. But even so, there are more beasts in the world that were born with even greater feats of natural, predisposed ability to take the lives of contesting prey. As such, a Blacksmith must look apon the Orc condition as the framework to a killing machine, then with a fine and precise tool, decide what must be added, and what must be protected. A sword, to many Orcs, must be massive, heavy and adorned with numerous spikes along it’s serrated edge. However, such a crude weapon gives little benefit in exchange for a clumsy and tiresome experience for the wielder. The rules of weaponry and armour must apply the same to a Gorkil as it does to the weaker races, who can’t rely on strength alone to keep them alive. Every ounce of steel, serrated spike or gap in the armour must have its purpose. Gorkil swords seem very similar to their Human counterparts, albeit Gorkil swords are proportionally sized to their strength, so that they are not too cumbersome, yet take advantage of being able to be longer. The same applies to armour. Breastplates are only as thick as is necessary to withstand the piercing of bows and crossbows. Helmets as enclosed as possible without causing too much restriction in the eye-sight of the wearer. When such a philosophy is carried out by an Orc, they become an almost unstoppable force of nature. Both physically gifted, and paired with fine-tuned weapons of war Common Weapon-types Military Weapons Shaatii, the Spear The weapon a Gorkil is first taught to use is the spear. Perhaps the most neglected weapon amongst Orcs and many races, however, it has been present amongst the entire duration of history. A spear is longer than the vast amount of weapons carried, far faster, capable of delivering fatal stab-wounds upon first incision, and can be paired with a shield. Such a weapon is most prevalent during hunts, where many beasts, such as Wyverns or Straadoths, may decapitate an Orc with one singular strike. To avoid such a quick demise, it is advised to remain at a distant, outside the beast’s attacking range. However, spears also make exceptionally well at piercing tough hides. If the spear-head is thin, even a Wyvern’s rough hide cannot resist the streamline metal piercing through, sethering arteries and tearing tendons. Poleluzk, the Poleaxe - Similar to the spear in use, a Poleaxe is granted to a Gorkil once they have grasped the fundamentals of using a Spear. With a spike on its head, an axe-head at the front and hammer-head on the back, it’s a highly diverse weapon, but requires more skill, and is best paired to a warrior when fully armoured. Due to the added affixes at the top of the weapon, it needs to be shorter so that its weight is not too far away from the wielder, thus meaning the wielder is then closer to the enemy, and more likely to be hit. Despite the set-back, however, the Poleluzk is often a display of a Gorkil’s prowess in combat. Shaatii-Luzk, the Halberd - Adopted after its use by many Human nations, the Halberd is a two-handed weapon, as long as most spears, but carry an in-wards angled axe-head underneath it’s spike. The weapon is best used on the battlefield, in a formation of Halberds to create an opposing formation that have the capability to both hold off and withstand an enemy for long periods of time, or cause heavy hitting strikes whilst standing at range to deal a surprising amount of casualties. It’s not entirely uncommon for a General to switch-out the use of Spears amongst the main force of his army to use Halberds, if the General believes the enemy will be fielding few archers, or if the General believes the enemy is most susceptible to being over-run and slaughtered in the battle. Leydzult, the Greatsword - Perhaps the rarest sword used by Gorkils that is still documented to be used, the Leydzult is chosen by very few Gorkils, and just as many are skilled in its use. It’s advantage lies within its size, and hitting power, however, such advantages are also gained in other two-handed weapons, but have less downsides. Many Gorkil commanders and strategists have debated over how a Leydzult should be used in battle, but perhaps the most prevalent is their ability to make big, scything swipes against spear or pike formations, batting the weaponry aside so that the opposing side may advance. Despite the weapon’s controversy and rarity, the Leydzult is still considered a noble and honourable sight. Representing the power and strength of the Orcish race, and it’s potential to cut a fighting warrior cleanly in-half during battle when in the hands of an Orc. Side-Arms Longzult, the Longsword - Every Gorkil should be armed well enough to defend himself, and his kin, at all times. Where-as a spear can be cumbersome to carry around during your daily tasks, a longsword can sit more comfortably on the hip. Compared to other sidearms, such as a single-handed axe or mace, the Longsword has impressive range, and is also very agile, whilst capable of delivering immediately fatal blows to foes. The weapon is very well balanced in all aspects a sword can be used for. Thrusting, cutting and even, in many longsword designs, piercing maille. A skilled Longswordsman with a longsword tapered well enough to pierce maille can defeat even a foe in full-plate, so long as they employ half-swording. Kurvedzult, the Saber - Instinctually, for many Orcs once adrenaline has taken over and the bloodlust has sunk in, the natural pre-disposition is to start start wailing and slicing at the opponent. Although such lack of skill and control over the bloodlust is frowned upon by Gorkils, it can be easier for some to use a weapon that emphasize cutting and slicing in it’s fighting style. Thanks to the curved edge of sabers, striking an opponent will cause the edge to slide even more along their body, and due to the curve, the edge of the sword lands with less surface-area. To anybody that knows about physics, something that is sharp, hits hard and has less surface area will pierce deeper than a normal sword with a flat edge, which has more surface area on impact. However, such emphasis and cutting power of sabers comes at the price of more difficult and restrictive stabbing. Depending on the curvature of a Saber, the wielder must angle the weapon at an angle in order to get a clean thrust, and even then, such an angle often makes the thrust less powerful, and make piercing the target more shallowly. The saber, to many Gorkils, is considered a more savage and ruthless weapon. Duf, the Knife - Carried by every Orc almost everywhere, a knife is highly useful in everday life. However, due to the philosophy of always being armed and ready for combat, many Gorkils carry knives that can be used in combat if necessary, or specialized to pierce chainmaille when grappling. A design for combat would be a Messer, a design created by Humans, or a stiletto, excellent at piercing chainmaille. Shakop, the Mace: A fairly uncommon sight amongst Gorkil warriors, the mace is purely designed for striking opponents in armour, or more particularly in the head. A poor choice for a main side-arm, however they can be useful if carried around with another weapon, like a sword, incase fighting an armoured opponent. When compared with the strength of an Orc, however, they can cause devastating blows, snapping bone, mashing flesh into a bloody pulp and caving-in skulls. The mace can also be affixed with sharp flanges surrounding it’s metal-globe, causing it’s force to be centralized on a small surface area, sometimes allowing it to deliver more force upon armoured targets, but more importantly, it also means when used on unarmed foes, the metal flanges may cause deep lacerations on the skin, almost as much as a sword. The Mace is the most crude and bestial of a Gorkil’s arsenal, however, it is often very prevalent amongst ritualistic killings. Ranged Weaponry O’Lig, the Bow - One of the most common ranged pieces of weaponry used by numerous races, an Orc can make far more effective use of it’s simple design. A highly experienced and trained archer may be able to use the Longbow, at most weighing around 110lbs in draw-weight. However, an Orc, far stronger, can pull 200lbs or more, making armours such as chainmail vulnerable to it’s use, aswell as the thick hides of numerous beasts. af-Shaatii, the Javelin - A common ranged weapon used by many infantry and cavalry forces in the Gorkil army, it can be thrown with tremendous power from an Orc, and with the right spear-tip, can pierce targets better than a bow, such as shields. If in desperate straights, it can also be used as a short spear, however the only downside having to carry it around, which is usually only done when expecting conflict. Flakas, the Sling - An ancient weapon, used before Orcs knew how to make bows and used in replacement of throwing rocks. The Sling, despite it’s crude and ancient origins is still an effective weapon when used by the right wielder on the correct target. With the power of an Orc, swinging around the slung rock, or even metal ball, it may be propelled with skull crushing and bone splintering force. An added benefit to the unlikely weapon is it’s incredibly easy to carry size and inconspicuous design. af-Pilik, Tomahawk - An uncommon weapon, only a select few Gorkils choose to carry one or more of these weapons. Ineffective against most armour, and even gambeson is most cases, the Tomahawk, or throwing axe, is a close-ranged throwing weapon that is optimized and specifically made to devastate unarmoured targets. This weapon, however, takes a long time to train with and is limited in it’s use. Krûklak, the Crossbow - A typically unfavoured ranged weapon, due to the fact it generally doesn’t benefit from Orcish size or strength, the Crossbow is still a choice for any Orc. It’s by far the easiest to aim, requiring a small amount of time to practise with and can be pre-loaded to be quickly and readily fired when it may be needed later. However, it suffers from a load and prep time that’s longer than the other forms of ranged weapon, and generally must be done when standing still. Light Armour kaal-Mau, Gambeson - The most common and easily accessible type of armour, many believe Gambeson to be only used by peasants, or that it is next to useless when protecting against weaponry. However, the tightly packed and thick layers of cotton or other fibers creates a very effective form of padding, and can often even restrict blows from Longswords completely, or make their damage on the body minimalized. Not only that, but they are highly effective when worn under another layer of armour, such as chainmaille, plate or even a leather jerkin. It is essential to all forms of warrior, from peasant to fully armoured veteran. horn-Mau, Leather - Typically a rare form of armour, due to its price and usefulness for other more important items, like boots, belts and gloves, it’s a much more common sight amongst Orcs who belong to Clans with it’s own Clan-beasts that have hides more sturdy than common cattle, aswell as going on many hunts against large beasts who may yield a large amount of highly durable leather. When standard cow leather is boiled, it’s durability is on par with standard gambeson, however it typically does not provide as much padding, making it less preferable against blunt weaponry. However, if a beast such as a Wyvern or Jabbernak is slain and skinned, it’s thick and dense leather can sometimes rival the strength of chainmaille. A skilled warrior often chooses such armour as a sign of his prowess. Medium Armour gaium-Mau, Chainmaille - One of the most common armour types used by a Gorkil, gaium-Mau is well-rounded in it’s protection, weight and mobility. Both scouts and warriors can put this armour to good use, paired with gambeson beneath to bring it to its peak potential. Many Gorkils do not increase the thickness of their rings to provide extra protection, but keep them at the same size of a Human’s. This gives them enough protection from most weapons, but makes the armour very light, making long-lasting combat much easier, and allowing the Gorkil to undergo a bloodlust in peak vigour. hiis-Mau, Scalemaille/Lamellar/Coat of Plates - Also called lamellar by some, scalemaille is less common than chainmaille, however it’s design of overlapping plates makes piercing more difficult, as weaponry must first slip through the plates at an awkward angle before passing through. Some instead make the overlapping less tight and compact, allowing more movement to grant the wearer less restriction, but makes penetrating the armour less difficult. More commonly worn by Warboar riders, the design is less heavy than chainmaille, although more-so because it cannot cover as many areas, such as the joints, and so thinner chainmaille is often worn beneath, or segments are wrapped around exposed areas. What truly makes scalemaille popular, however, is due to cockatrice scales. Usually a task of great undertaking and difficulty, elite Gorkil warriors will track down the dangerous beast and slay it on a hunt, collecting each scale from it’s large corpse to make 2 or 3 sets of complete cockatrice scalemaille. Due to how lightweight the scales are, whilst retaining the strength of iron, a Gorkil Warrior with a set of cockatrice scalemaille is a fast, explosive and durable combatant on the field, capable of sustained pro-active combat, or riding with the fastest of the Warboar vanguard. Heavy Armour goth-Mau, Plate Armour - The most expensive, yet most protective armour any could buy. First made by the other races, it’s highly effective design was quickly adopted by the blacksmiths of Clan Gorkil, and serve as a great deed in the name of Azog upon being forged. Such all-encompassing armour slung over the body of an Orc creates an extremely powerful entity of war, and its use is regularly employed. uf-Mau, Bone Armour- Perhaps the rarest type of armour, this armour is primarily and most commonly ceremonial and used as a form of outfit, usually to show of the wearer’s skill in bringing down as many beasts as they would need to in order to make the armour. However, the rare few, often mad or obsessed with the hunt, wear bone armour for combat. In these instances, it’s usually from beasts with bones renown for their strength, such as Wyverns. Since it is bone, it regularly needs to be treated with oils and kept in the right conditions so it does not dry out and become too brittle.
  8. Metztli The Daemon of Time “What was time? Before seconds or minutes came to be, how could they have defined When? Simply not. There was no when or past, present or future. Not even sure if it even went forward or in reverse. Did any time even pass before my existence?” A tall, slim feminine figure pondered as she watched the silver glow of her everlasting creation. As she touched the water of the endless stream with her gloved fingers, the water began to display a series of various events. The woman in white was entirely covered so no physical attribute was to be shown of her. A pure white dress with gloves that reaching her upper arms. She wore a hood to hide her physical face in her own realm. Similar to how her river flows, she shift her appearance at will, depending on whom she visited. The race representing the container she would form herself to fill. Here in her own realm, there is no form to take. Here, however, her true form cannot be hidden. Her actual form represented the physical and sentient passing of time. A feature that when mortals laid eyes upon, would drive their minds to insanity. Her attire, beautifully decorated by the white fur of animals, what a diva she was. From behind the darkness she watched the image sequence play out. She watched how the Descendants were at war, how some lived in peace, how some gained magic or accomplished heroic deeds, it gave her a sense of satisfaction as well as fear. . She watched as Descendants had families. Brothers and sisters playing, wives caring for their babies, men working hard on the fields. Slowly, a more negative feeling came to stir within her. She watched how the Descendants worshipped their gods and brought them their sacrifices. The feeling was jealousy. It rose within her akin to a tsunami when she watched the worshipping beings. The descendants worshipped the ones who created them, gave them life, but not worship the one who maintains their world to move forward. As time is not a stable phenomenon, she was envious towards the Descendants. Her work went unnoticed, how she prevented time from going in any direction. She watched the Descendants live their lives in their world… Sigil Origin Metztli is believed to be born when the first second was able to be registered. When time began to move so did Metztli. Metztli is the one who maintains the timeline of the mortal realm. It is her passion to take care of it however watching scenery that has happened in the past with the Descendant races can frighten, make her pity or angry as she cannot fully comprehend the actions or actions enforced by the Descendant’s curses. Regardless of those emotions towards the Descendants, she becomes jealous quickly of not being worshipped as others are for her work. This is in combination with their actions gave her motivation to create a better race that would follow her and repair the world alongside her. They would be the better race without a curse to influence them, they would worship her and satisfy her desire, they would help her maintain the timeline and hopefully help in maintaining the mortal realm itself. Her task As for time, time is definitely not a stable something as it can go in any direction it can choose. It is a wobbly concept and if not maintained, has the potential to stir the world into chaos. Time as we know it goes forward and has special measurements to indicate when what happened. Time is unstable and so it is possible for time on certain places to stop, move forward or backward. Here, time no longer follows the standard laws that we know. The Daemon of Time is what makes it go forward at a constant pace and who fixes it when a time anomaly shows up. However, the endless river that is the timeline she creates is sometimes hard to fully oversee. Especially when it is possible to be easily manipulated. As to why the gift of her magic will also bestow helping her with the maintenance of the timeline. Realm of Desa The home and realm of the Deamon of time. The realm of Desa. The realm is an eternal jungle. When her followers and children die, they have the option to live with her in their afterlife. They form the stars on the eternal night sky in the realm. they can come down from those stars to interact with Metztli, interact with each other or tend the river with her. The realm possess one important element. Through the realm, an endless silver-colored river flows. The river has no subtle waves, a peaceful stream that moves forth calmly with an almost flat surface. The stars giving the river its glow as the river is the representation of the mortal realm’s timeline. It came to be when Metztli and the concept of time were born and clocks were able to tick. The birth of time is represented at the beginning of the river as it also the source of all the water in the river. A waterfall that drops from a cloud of mist surrounding the beginning of the stream. Metztli takes care and sails on this river. With every second that passes in the concept of time, the river grows another inch. Metztli resides on an ominous, ship made out of birch and named Meva. Her ship is slowly pushed by the calm current. On the edge of where the river still grows and the bow of the ship sails is where the vessel itself carves a path which the river shall follow. Metztli is able to steer the instrument and uses it to carve the future. This way, Metztli weaves the timeline of the mortals through her own realm where she can tend to it. With a simple touch on the surface, she can let the water show any past events she wishes to see since all history is stored within the stream. The river’s current should move at the same speed at all time so it is equal to one second passing by. It can occur that somewhere on the river these currents can change as time begins to diverge. This means that in the mortal realm time anomalies pop up. On the river in Desa, these are also represented. The time anomaly can be identified by for example on how fast the current on the spot moves, stands still, reverses, splits off, or suddenly drop down all have an effect on how the anomaly works in the mortal realm. Creation of Kharajyr Those later known as her children. The Kharajyr who she saw fit for the position. She wished to create a better race who would value the beauty of nature and and see the importance of the world in balance but also possess emotions and devotion to her and others. So said, the Daemon entered the mortal realm to create her new master race. Her ability of taking the physical shape of a race helped her greatly. This way, she deceived many Descendants. For she would take on the form of a female variation of the individual focused on. At first, she searched the land for worthy candidates to give conscience to. She found a pack of primates within the jungle. She unlocked the mind of Hou-shen and made the creature sentient. She gave him a crown of jade and the ability to give sentience to all the other primates within the jungle of Asul. However it was Hou-shen who got worshipped and not Metztli for her deed. They began to detest her and in return, any memory of their creation by her was wiped from their memories. Leaving the race with an unending anger for their creator. As the Hou turned their backs to Metztli and left, Metztli continued to experiment. She began to walk among mortals as she gathered intel where to gain her subjects. From that, she kidnapped elven children from their cribs and conducted experiments with the cubs of the ocelot, resulting in hundreds of failed creatures. Then one, of the thousand failures, stood out to her as her perfect being. A humanoid and feline creature with spotless white fur. From this, she wanted more however could not recreate this creature. As a result, she created 4 subraces that could bring forth new generations. However, she was not yet ready to let the world of Descendants see her creation. She did truly treasure the race she had created. She also feared as they were so different from the descendants and were meant for a greater purpose, to which the rest of the mortals that roamed the realm were not ready for, yet. She kept her creations on an island far away where they grew, prospered and through Metztli’s signs, came to know for what they were destined to become. The sign of white fur was nothing but a mere coincidence but such rarity of fur color was praised by the Kha which more or less led to a misunderstanding that those born with white fur, were actually a messenger from Metztli. This was not the case however. The race that she had created satisfied her desires and became something she did not wish to leave this world. She became attached to them giving her the worship she always wanted and as return guided them for the possibility of having a better purpose, assisting her maintaining time and her own creation. However one day, the ego of her creations’ led to their paradise’s demise. She hurled them from their paradise and threw them in the harsh world. As both punishment for neglecting her and showing a frowned upon behaviour. Following Metztli is tasked with the important duty of maintaining the flow of time, for which she does not get the recognition she desires. This makes her more jealous of the fact that other ethereal beings get worshipped instead of her, even though she believes that her task is one of the most important ones. This jealousy is furthered as she has watched countless wars and catastrophic events caused by the Descendants, along with the suffering of their curses. This is what gives her the motivation to create a better race to her own design and a potential group following her ways. To earn her gift to be bestowed upon you, you are not required to be a Kharajyr yourself. The followers who have her magic bestowed upon them are also given the duties of helping her maintain time. However, Metztli becomes jealous quickly due to her desire of being worshipped. As a result, her followers have strict rules of giving sacrifices and only are allowed to worship and follow her religion. Those who break these rules would be stripped of their power as well as not given a place in her realm to accompany her. This goes for all worshipers of Metztli. Present day To this day, Metztli spends her time on the river and giving guidance to her followers as se bathes in the praise she has wished for so long. She is stuck with her eternal duties of tending to the timeline. She is sometimes obligated to enter the mortal realm to handle time anomalies as they are too far out of control to contain in her own realm.
  9. Origin: The creation of this instrument follows suit, The Amber Cold of 1740 was upon the land of Arcas. Tinkering in his little cave abode, Goilard Costa Olivera the Second, alongside his manservant, created what he would call “The Accordion”. Months prior to this, Goilard had been researching and brainstorming ideas on how to make a new instrument. Being a Bard and a musician, his love for the piano heavily influenced his creation. The idea was to create a sort of portable piano, but also not making it a piano at all. When Goilard drafted up the plans on a strip of leather, he brought it to the trade master of Sutica, Mr. Uialben. Once the plans were explained, Mr. Uialben gave a gracious donation of 100 minas for the creation of this new instrument. Appearance: This portable instrument has two almost circular wooden disks being held together by what looks like the folding part of a fire bellow. Embedded in one disk is a miniature piano. On the other disk is several small buttons laid in a few rows and a hand strap. The size is around that of an orc’s skull and can fit comfortably on the lap or in the hands of a regular-sized male highlander ((It resembles more of a concertina, which still falls under the category of an accordion. Sound: The small instrument gives off a rich, reedy, and organ-like sound unlike any of its time. Its sound can envoke emotions of happiness and glee, making the player seem more charming. Purpose (OOC): I have been on LOTC for a long time now and I have never heard or seen someone with an accordion and I have not found 1 post of anyone actually inventing it. I also thought this would add more character to my Bard if he made/played a new instrument. If someone claims to have had an accordion before this post I do not discredit them, this is just an official unofficial post.
  10. Hello, I have made a LOTC character already. Played the server for a while and then i got really inactive as i had many personal issues. I have no idea what i did with the email i used, i forgot about my name of the character or the username for the forums. So i made a new one. I will be more active this time. And i was wandering if it was possible to make a new character? And if so, what would I do with my old one? or with my old account?
  11. Regal is the countenance that overlooks the bustling Chapel of St. Sigismund. Upon the Grand Prince’s shoulders lay a coat of heavy furs, the boy’s boney shoulders drooping with a heavy weight; born both of his adorned attire and the responsibility that looms. He releases a breath -- hands twitching in anxiety -- as he focuses his view unto the entrance of the Holy Chapel. Outside awaits his duty, he must have understood in a grim maturity, a duty that peeked at him from beneath a thin veil of fragile white. The young prince turns his head away and flits his attention over the trail of expectant gazes from the crowd of Haenseti. He nods, satisfied. He nods to his father, looking on with a smile. He contemplates smiling himself, though he settles for a somber stare in a thin-lipped vacancy, his back to the Chapel doors. Indeed, satisfied. As his Lady-to-be enters the chapel, the admirative gasps and hushed praise of grateful subjects are betrayed by an ominous anxiety. He falters when the gasps turn to shrieks of horror. He turns and grips at an empty sheathe, eyes frenzied and rattled in a moment of utter confusion. There is no respite for him to take, no shuddering breath in preparation as he lay his eyes upon her bloody veil in the maws of an accursed thing. He does not see his people dart in panic. He does not hear their wails. He sees only a carnal beast reflected in his beloved’s glassy eyes; a visage that loomed so pridefully violent over his bride’s ravaged corpse, her life sapped by wretched claws sunk deep into her pale, white skin. The young Prince meets the beast’s face with a silent horror; it is unholy and savage, a mutation of a wolf touched by that of the devil, with bloodstained teeth marked by gibs of flesh. “Your Highness, behind! Behind us,” begs his marshal, shoving the young boy behind a line of armored soldiers. “Shields! Shields, up!” His voice dies in his throat as the beast brutalizes the crowd; there is no ringing of swords against metal, naught but unheeded screams and the tearing of flesh by an animal’s claws. He pushes against the soldiers (“I can fight!”, he screams), and they fall away into dust, swords and spears strewn across the ashes. He falters, again, looking down instead to the pools of blood and drifting flesh. He knows what he will see when he raises his head; he has seen its countenance before. The young prince trembles within the bath of Haenseti blood, and he feels the stench of death permeate his nostrils as he raises his head --- There is the beast, he knows. He closes his eyes. He thought it smiled at him. He was right. A hooded figure draws a sharp breath as he forces himself to awaken, his throat tight and heart thundering in adrenaline. His hair is grey and damp with sweat, but clean; he presses a finger to his teeth. There is no blood. Nonetheless, he laughs; it is sharp and cruel, and it comes from his crooked neck, but he laughs. He craved then what he could only have in memory, a blood-lust fueled by dreams. The wretch swings his legs from the bed, dragging a weathered robe from a protruding root, and he smiles. He smiled the Sun’s Smile.
  12. Tales From Arcas Act 1 Scene 1 The Introduction and Expectations Tales From Arcas is an organization who sponsor actors and script writers to create the best entertainment service in all of Arcas! In the near future, plays will be scripted and performed across the land. Though, all of this can’t be done without a formidable staff, staff that are willing to commit their time to practice and perform in front of many people. The staff that are needed are Actors, Scriptwriters, and Prop-Team. To create a balanced “diet” all roles are necessary to create the best of the best. Actors are expected to attend performances and to NEVER miss productions, if they have a main part. Scriptwriters and the Prop-Team are expected to work behind the scenes to provide the actors with your respected items. Prop-Team will work on creating props for the plays including furniture and items that they’ll be holding, maximum players in this team will be 2-3. On the other hand, the maximum for actors will be 7. To have a maximum for these roles would limit the chaos that we will have if we were to have many people, so please understand if you don’t make the cut. First come first serve. Act 1 Scene 2 Process of the Creation of a Play When a plot is formed and a script has been made, the serious business begins. Actors and Prop-Team are given the script and will read it thoroughly. After the script is handed out, parts will be given to the actors. Some will be assigned and others will be chosen by the players so they can have freedom to choose who they wish to be in the play. After they are given, there will be a two week time period when everyone practices their part, props are made, and locations settled. Locations will vary across the land and the plays will be performed at many different locations throughout another two weeks. After the two weeks, actors are to have a week break before handed another script. We wouldn’t want a long wait for a new play, so we will try our best to minimize the time that is needed. Actors are free to do whatever they want during the one week “grace period”. Afterwards, the process will be repeated. Act 1 Scene 3 Fin. Joining will be an easy process, under this paper there is a list for names and ages. Write your name and age on that section and you’re automatically signed up for an interview so we can know who you are and what you are like. All races are allowed and any age. This was brought to you by Wendell Shackleton, an aspiring playwright. You will be contacted time and place for the interview. Thank you very much for reading and have a great day! OOC Discord: Name: Age: Race: TimeZone: What You can Bring to the Team: If you’re interested in being an ally or audience, add me on discord for the server invite. Belidle#0064
  13. Welcome to the ~~~FUNKY~~~ lil skin shop Costs: A head skin is 300 minas An overlay is 100 minas A body is 700 minas A full body (including overlay) is 1000 minas If you are applying for a skin, please fill out the below: Username: Discord: Skin Type (Head/Body/Full Body): Steve or Alex Model: Gender and Race: Image(s) for reference: How is your character quirky?: Type of Payment: Proof of Payment: (You can either reach out to me below or on my discord) Past work:
  14. There was a poet known only as “The Mad Poet.” He lived a hermit life where his only friend had died years before the disappearance. Last seen he was with Ryia Von Savoia-Dalivous' on his way to Helena when he disappeared. He had willed everything to her, as he knew not many other acquaintances. When he disappeared Ryia looked for a bit but found no trace. It was as if this masked poet of an unknown name had disappeared. His home had seen no use in the years, in fact, it seemed abandoned until he willed it to Ryia, where the first layer of dust finally rose. He has a memorial for all those who want to pay their respects, far from any other places in the wildlands. It is said that the gifts put there disappear, this could be a thief or the mad poet back from the dead. The coordinates of his memorial are -2312 / 41 / -388. What does the memorial service, one might ask? Well, The Mad Poet is said to have a long history, once a soldier, a jester, a spy, and many other things, countless deeds, most bad of course.
  15. Portrait of Princess Karina Sofiya Alimar A portrait of the little Princess Karina at her young ages Oil in canvas, 120cm x 80cm Painted by Darius Morgrain Whisperhood, New Reza, 24th The Grand Harvest, 1740. - Come visit my workshop at New Reza, Blackstreet IV -
  16. ydegirl

    boleyns skins!

    HEY. This is kind-of an IC shop functioning as an OOC way for me to earn Minae! To make things easier for me, I’ll send you to this link! If you’re interested, fill it out! Here’s my PMC. And, here are my skins. Prices are listed below the skins. 1 - the red duchess (or peasant) 2 - dusana jastrow, the artist and tailor. (personal skin!) PRICES! and other stuff ! Full Skin – 200 mina Outfit – 100 mina Head – 50 mina Skins/Races I will do. Human Elfs (all) Orcs (all(?)) Dwarves (all) pls dont repost my skins/steal them/give them away without telling me first! if you dont get it within one week after your skin should be finished/your wait, dm me on discord! (☾ ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ ⋆#6524) depending on the waitlist, you may not get your skin for some time (sorry!) current wait list! TrendE Vermy Sarissaa n/a n/a
  17. Material Name and Description (Raw form) There is no raw form of the Rooted Ingot, it is an ingot (iron ingot as item) that is not found in nature but has strong roots in nature. The ingot is unstable and therefore has unknown effects on the user, even though non-druids can use it, people with a lesser connection to nature tend to experience bigger side-effects. These effects only appear if the ingot is unused, therefore it becomes (more) stable when it is used for making tools or other crafts of the smith. It is not obtainable by any entity that has a bad connection with nature. This connection is not to be confused with how that person is connected with the order, be it friend or foe, but with nature itself. The side-effects when used by such creatures are lethal, be it instant or over time. Applications (Raw Form) The ingot is unstable, therefore it requires a bigger amount to become more stable. One ingot is highly unstable, but when forged into a tool the stability increases due to the cooperation of the ingots and perhaps the wood used for tools. The ingot itself is used for the creation of tools and armour, but the capabilities of these items differ. The ingots should never be used for anything but the creation of armours, tools and weapons for it is a valuable and sacred ingot. All those who do not obey this will be seen as unworthy by nature, and will therefore not be able to use the ingots ever again in their craft. (e.g. if you make bars, doors, levers etc. from the ingot it is seen as non-rp and a disgrace and therefore it can not be used again for future purposes) Red Lines (Raw Form) The ingot can not be used for other crafting than armours, tools, weapons and other direct utilisations (runes, magic and talisman work too). Harvesting Method The ingot is crafted using a special recipe, the recipe is unknown to all but their inventor Xergarok (more below) but anyone can craft it. There are just some requirements. The Druid’s Silver is an item made by an unexperienced wannabe-druid. That being said, the ingot has to be made in the Grove, for the creation requires the druidic aura’s present there. Secondly, one must know about the various plants existing and the Aspects. All basic druid knowledge should be known. This is the custom lore on which the creation is based: Trying to make a connection with nature through meditation (following the neo-druistic lore written by Salmon Druid Petyr), I try to make an unstable connection with the nature reagents I gather (plants etc, roots, flowers), using the druidic aura present in the Grove because I have no ability to conjur anything myself yet. I then bind the plants to a normal piece of metal in the forge present in the Grove. After the process, I forge it into various nature-bound items. MC Presentation: Rooted Ingot This ingot has been infused with materialised nature under the form of plants and herbs. During the process of implementing these herbs into the body of a normal iron ingot, the druidic aura present only in the heart of druidic activity is constantly present. The ingot is highly unstable due to the nature of nature itself, constantly moving and unpredictable. The ingot is slightly more heavy than a normal iron ingot due to the increased mass as a result of adding the herbs which might differ in weight. Those who fail to make a higher connection with nature will bear the consequences of trying to craft this ingot. Those who do not follow the ways of nature will follow the consequences. The ingot is known for being inventive, regenerative and ever changing, giving items crafted with it the same abilities. Harvesting Red Lines / Purpose (OOC) I am a wannabe-druid. The path to become a full fetched druid is long and hard and requires a lot of work. I thought it a niece piece of lore where a rookie tries to experiment with nature and craftmanship. The idea of adding this ingot is to add something which gives a different result when being used in crafting, adds the Aspects more to the world of the items rather than being purely ‘role-play’ and matters of belief and words. I also liked the idea of making it bound to the Grove, which might increase activity there due to the so-called aura’s present (I didn't invent those so thatsfun.)
  18. Hunters of Blood and Flame Followers of the Sanguine Fire Since the birth of the Creed, it has remained an unknown and quiet addition to the culture of Mali’ame and Druids alike. Its teachings reserved only for those who were thought to be wild in their heart and strong of body. That changes now with the creation of this group, our ways becoming open to any who seek to learn the ways of the Sanguine Fire. As the ways of the Creed say, those who follow it are the apex predators and guardians in the Wild. They hunt the corrupt and tainted of the natural world and cut them out, they purify the debris left behind through blood and fire, and they do it all with the very spirit of a Mani in their souls. The Hunters and Warriors Devout Followers of the creed who show their devotion to the Wild Gods through hunts and battle alike. Typically found in the professions of bounty hunting and tests of battle prowess in the ongoing effort of collecting trophies and adding onto their lists of grand testaments. They are not hard to pick out in a crowd due to the common theme surrounding Sanguine dress and armor. Usually found in padded and studded leather or half-plate, covered in trophies and adornments. Another giveaway is the crimson daubs of paint (or perhaps blood) marked upon their varied armor pieces. Heralds of Blood-Fire The Heralds are the attuned druii of the Creed, wielders of kuila-infused black ferrum weaponry and natural communion with the most wild places in the world. Their duties are mostly the same as the Devoted, spending much of their time as hunters and warriors, only with a more spiritual connotation added to their work along with the added duties of watching the Balance constantly before leading the Devoted to purge any taint threatening its sanctity. The Heralds also act as guides for the rest of the devoted Sanguine. There are only ever allowed seven Heralds within the Creed, for too many may cause an imbalance in the strength of the Sanguine just as too many predators tilt the natural life in the wild. When a place opens up in the Heralds, a current Herald takes on a student from the devoted Sanguine to be taught. Current Heralds The Leopard The Raven The Fledglings The uninitiated of the Creed are those not yet tested by the Wild Gods, and thus have yet earned the right to their Sanguine armor and weaponry. They are encouraged to accompany the initiated and the Heralds on their hunts in hopes of being tested. Once tested, the Heralds will decide whether or not the Fledgling has earned their place among the rest of the Sanguine. OOC This group is essentially mandalorian druids. Bounty Hunting, Taint purging, a lot of event seeking and RP! If you want to join the Creed of the Sanguine Fire, come to Irrinor and seek out Miklaeil or Layla Arvellon IRP! IGNs are ThumperJack_ and Numirya!
  19. Company of The Rose (Depiction of the Rose Company harassing members of other lowly bandit groups) What it is: The Company of The Rose, is a ‘free company’ a band of gentlemen who appreciate the word of minae more than the word of a King. The term ‘free company’ began catching on after the Lothragnian’s stooped to banditry during the Emperor Alexander’s reign. When Lord Protector Adrian began his ever vigilant watch over The Empire; many hedge knights, ex-footmen, and cavalrymen got the good idea of finding a legal way to provide for themselves and their families. So, over a tankard or two, a hardy group of men decided to write up a precursor for what would become the Codex for the men of the Company to follow and abide during their employment under Julius Franz. The Free Company Codex: Orenian Imperium Edition First Law: The murder of innocents for one’s own selfish desire is strictly prohibited. Second Law: Any sort of harassment towards local organizations or in-fracturing armies, without the probable contract, documentation, and a ranking member to oversee is strictly prohibited. Third Law: Petty theft from those can not afford financial loss, is strictly prohibited. Fourth Law: Allowing a Destrier to be lost in battle is strictly prohibited. Fifth Law: Failure to abide by these laws is strictly prohibited. Sixth Law: Failure to adhere to this new standard of ‘Free Comapany’ will result in immediate termination, of position, and life as you know it. Hierarchy: Grandmaster Contractor: Oversees all operations within the Company, ensures no man within the Company falls beneath standard. Lord Contractor: This position is reserved for those that provide payroll and employment in the Company. Cataphract General: Leads the Companies cavalry regiment on the battlefield and off of the battlefield. Field Marshal: Commands the infantry and shock troopers on the battlefield and off of the battlefield. First Hand: Second in command to both Field Marshal and Cataphract General, is in charge of organizing rallies and training. Cataphract: A mounted soldier of the Company, a key component in the Companies battle strategies. Shock Trooper: Heavily armoured soldier, often a veteran of many battles and has the most renown on the battlefield. Initiated: Learning their ways of rapidly swinging a sword into the battlefield still, but have proved themselves trust worthy. Rando: Entry level position meant for those who are still feeling out the Company and undecided if they wish to join. APPLICATION: MC Username: Character Name: Race: Specialty (pvp, cooking, farming, mining, etc.): (Also the Company has build in progress, it’s glorious so, please contain yourself when finished) ( POST IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS: FEEL FREE TO ADD ME ON DISCORD @hotboss_monk#8587 to make an inquiry to join)
  20. (Credit to @Trinn for founding Tiva lore. Credit to @Sorairo, @Starfelt and @sophiaa for helping me develop this more. Credit to @Aethling for helping me give this more elven flair and for putting up with my anoyingness in general during the writing process of this.) [!] The following book would be found in the Talus grove, Irrinor, Sutica and Agreothond. Scrolls instead were rolled up and delivered to notable Elven leaders and charters, containing the same text. Tiva The language of the mali is often misinterpreted as strictly elvish, leaving a language, an art, and a system of survival left forgotten and in the shadows. Our ancestors utilized simple wreaths to weave stories through flowers, guide travellers home, or warn the same travelers from danger. Wreaths were weaved with messages through flowers and delivered when mali’ame were not advanced enough to read and lived without cities. Centuries of war and Seeds migrating seemed to have separated the main line of Tiva, leaving fractions of the language and the ashes of its glory. From what my mother taught me, and learning by mali’ame around me and from books, it seems there are very few branches of the language that remain the same across all seeds and families from separate regions, if any knowledge still persists. I’ve done my best to put the pieces together and share the blank spaces in common knowledge with the knowledge of my seed. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully recover the language, but as a culture, as a whole, we can use and revive the use of what we still know, so that our offspring do not lose our culture at the rate we’ve lost it. I am splitting the contents of this book into four chapters: Tiva’lye – Self Identification Wreaths Tiva’annil – Guiding Wreaths Tiva’illern – Ritualistim/Ceremonial Wreaths Saner’tiva – Speaking with Tiva & Gift Wreaths ~ Tiva’lye ~ Tiva’lye is the most commonly used branch of Tiva, worn by mali to denote facts about themselves and tell about their life, personality and family. The flowers are chosen from each category that applies and placed in a pattern which repeats throughout all worn wreaths. True Calling - Angrec - Traditionally worn by druids and aspectists, or general people who seek to maintain the balance and protect nature. - Gladiolus - Worn by warriors, hunters and protectors. The equivalent of the fathers mark. - Mandragora - Worn by healers, doctors and caretakers. The equivalent of the mothers mark. - Chrysanthemum - Worn by tinkers, blacksmiths and those who work with any form of craftmanship. - Bluestar - Worn by sailors, fishermen and pirates. - Mayflower - Worn by those who have not yet found a true calling in life. - Acacia - Worn by those who have retired from their true calling. Lesser Callings - Allium - Worn by kings, queens and anyone with a ‘royal’ status. - Heather - Worn by leaders. Age - Freesia - Under 20. - Alcea - 20-50. - Azalea - 50-500. - Aster - Elders, 500+ Family & Relationships - Lily - Worn by those who are not in a relationship. - Carnation - Worn by those who are in a relationship. - Hibiscus - Worn by those who are open to being flirted with and forming a new relationship. I believe this flower was created to allow the possibility of polyamory. - Bellflower - Worn by those who are not open to being flirted with and who do not want to start a new relationship. - Gardenia - Worn by parents. One flower is worn for each child someone has, allowing multiple of these to be in a pattern line. - Lotus - A sacred flower worn by pregnant mali. One who wears a lotus flower is expected to be given gifts and being celebrated. Personality Traits (These flowers and their meanings can be used in other areas of Tiva, but I most commonly use them for Tiva’lye) - Anthurium - Hospitable. - Bird of Paradise - Joyfulness. - Peony - Compassion. - Calla Lilly - Graceful. - Daisy - Faithful/Religious. - Gerbera - Hopefulness. - Lavender - Discreet and quiet. - Iris - Smart and intelligent. - Lilac - Confident. - Larkspur - Gentle. - Protea - Courage. - Ranunculus - Bravery. - Statice - Sympathy. ~ Tiva’annil ~ Tiva’annil is the branch of Tiva used for guiding people to a destination or to tell travellers of the area they’re in, possibly preventing them from walking into danger if they're observant enough to any carefully-placed flower wreaths. There is no specific pattern, as each flower is self-explanatory and when used alone it gives the message well. Flowers can be stranded and hung from trees, or even planted in significant abundance by the road. Racial Specification - Dandelion - Home of Elves - Anemone - Home of Dwarves - Amaranth - Home of Orcs - Laceleaf - Home of Humans Hospitableness - Daffodil - Hung or planted at the entrances of homes that are hospitable and welcome visitors. - Begonia - Hung or planted at the entrances of homes that prefer living in solitude and do not like visitors. Area Traits - Calendula - Placed in areas that bring death and danger. “Do not enter.” May be a cursed place. - Cattail - Placed in sacred areas belonging to the Aspects. Usually used for druid groves. Druids used to remember how to get to fae rings by planting or hanging cattails on trees in a path to it. - Dahlia - Used in areas with an abundance of animals, welcoming hunters to use it as their grounds. ~ Tiva’illern ~ Tiva’illern is the most sacred branch of Tiva, holding the most important flowers denoting the Aspects. It is regularly used for worship, festivals, celebrations, and specific & notable events/occasions. The Aspects - Vervain - Cerridwen, used in wreaths to honor the springmother and given as offerings. - Snapdragon - Cernunnos, used in wreaths to honor the huntsman and given as offerings. The Seasons - Helenium - Autumn. - Marigold - Summer. - Myosotis - Winter. - Golden columbine - Spring. Events - Pansy - Victory, used to celebrate winning in wars, etc. - Cyclamen - A flower used to mourn the dead. - Magnolia - Literally means ‘promise,' traditionally used in weddings. - Zinnia - Rememberance, used in memorials and celebration of things that no longer exist (perhaps stepped down leaders or fallen nations, separating it from Cyclamen.) - Lathyrus - Departure. Typically used for “going away parties.” - Orange Bud - A flower used that is believed to bring blessings from the Aspects and Mani. Used in worship festivals/rituals. If using in other branches of Tiva, it literally translates to “Blessings.” - Pentas - A flower used symbolizing duties in war and battle, used in abundance after severe loss in a battle has occured. Often found on the graves of fallen warriors. - Rosebud - “Birth.” In traditional elven societies, the birth of a baby was one of the most important celebrations, bringing every member of the Seed to praise the mali woman who was blessed with the rarity of pregnancy. Rosebuds were used as gifts after the childbirth and was used in these mentioned celebrations. ~ Saner’Tiva ~ Saner’tiva is the last chapter of Tiva. Literally translating to “To speak with Tiva,” in Mali, this section is used to give messages to people, and also contains specific words used to compliment the wreaths in all the previous sections. Most of the flowers are assigned a long message that is pre-made, however there are some specifics. Unfortunately, saner’tiva is mostly forgotten and the various specific words are impossible to remember and use as regularly and reliably as our ancestors once did. Simple Messages & Gifts - Linaria Bipartita - “I love you.” Used as a gift for loved ones, typically an anniversary gift. - Rue - Repentance. The giver of a wreath using this flower has wronged the reciever, symbolising sincere repentance. - Wild Hyacinths - Gratitude and Thankfulness. Weaved into wreaths or baskets/boquets and given to someone who has given you a gift or done you a favor. - Sweet Pea - A flower given to someone to wish good luck and safe travels. - Aconite - A form of insult. Superstitious mali believed if one gave this on a wreath to someone or hung it near their house, it would bring them bad luck. Used for people you hate, or enemies. Specific Words & Misc. These are the loose flower meanings, few found after being scattered, they don’t quite fit into a much larger use but can be used to compliment wreaths and give small messages. - Amaryllis - Literally translates to “guidance.” This can be used as the Tiva equivalent of sayings such as “Aspects guide,” or “May the forest guide your path.” - Poppy - Dreams, imagination, or sleep. - Orchid - Rarity. - Sunflower - Friendship. - Rose - Respect. - Magnolia - Promise. - Asphodelus - Death. - Baby’s Breath - Innocence/babies. - Oleander - Maternal love. - Pansy - Victory. - Clary - Knowledge. - Cornflower - Growth. ~ Conclusion ~ The purpose of this book is to spread our culture, first and foremost. Secondly, I wish for all to use this sacred art that I have cherished over the years. It is simple to utilize Tiva in your daily lives – Simply look up at tiva’annil and plant a flower by your door saying you're hospitable or not hospitable, it’s as easy as that. Create boquets and wreaths, gifting them to your friends and loved ones. Explain to them the meaning of the flowers, once they find the meaning behind it they’ll understand the love and effort that put into the gift. Create a simple flower crown with the simple flowers in tiva’lye, not only does it hold meaning but it looks pretty, too. Encourage your children to learn this as a fun game so that when they grow they can hold onto the knowledge. If anybody has questions or needs assistance, do not hesitate to contact me. -~- Written by Skylar Taliame’onn The Rainbow Druid.
  21. The Ruberlands Company est. 1738 Introduction: The Ruberlands Company is a vessel to enlist additional security to the common and noble folk alike. The Company recruits able combatants, commoner or noble the Company hires their soldiers based on merit rather than lineage. Additional benefits of joining the Company shall be the provision of armor, sword, food, shelter and a contract of employment. The Company ensures that all of its employees will reap the benefits of their work. Ranking of the Company: Kapitany - The Kapitany are the Captains of the Company are those who hold complete authority over the Zoldak. They are in charge of forming and finalizing contracts for the Company. Also Kapitany are responsible to conduct promotion ceremonies for Kutya. Hadnagy - A Hadnagy is the officer of the Company, they have shown to be reliable and able to persevere through their service. The Hadnagy is responsible for helping the Kapitany find contracts, to help Zoldak recruit and to enforce the Kapitany rulings throughout the Company. Also charged with making sure those of the Kutya rank and employees get their cut of a contract. Zoldak - A Zoldak of the Company are those who make up the core and bulk of the Company’s workers. They are charged with recruitment. Kutya - The kutya, or "dogs" in common speech are the lowest rank of enlisted combatants of the Company. Often referred to as the "Dogs of War". Application: RP Name: RP Gender: RP Age: RP Race: RP Past Experiences: OOC IGN: OOC Discord: -For more info- Fish#5175 on discord or CommissarFish in game Patu#4556 on discord or Anderssn in game
  22. Portrait of Bo’rok Bo’rok the gentle ogre Oil in canvas, 90cm x 60cm Painted by Darius Morgrain Whisperhood, New Reza, 6th Malin’s Welcome, 1738. - Come visit my workshop at New Reza, Blackstreet IV -
  23. Portrait of Vladrick Barbanov Alimar His Serene Highness, Rickard Heinrik, Black prince of Rubern, Sovereign Protector of the Riverlands, Before the siege of Krugmar circa, 1737 Oil in canvas, 120cm x 80cm Painted by Darius Morgrain Whisperhood, New Reza, 6th Snow’s Maiden, 1738. - Come visit my workshop at New Reza, Blackstreet IV -
  24. ☨ ORDER OF ARJEN CROSS ☨ _____________________________________ Established 20th of The Deep Cold, 1736. History - Arjen de Sarkozy - Founding -Brunswick Tasks & Duties Hierarchy of Arjen Recruitment History Arjen de Sarkozy – Arjen de Sarkozy, was a Teutonic Crusader and a commander of the White Rose. famously known to also be a treasure hunter and an Imperial Pioneer. During the 1440’s an expedition was launched by Arjen to recover the lost relics of St. Lucien, traveling to Aeldin to accomplish said goal. After the eventual discovery and reclamation of these relics Arjen discovered that, despite their well-known documented appearance as lead as copper, they had miraculously transformed into items of solid gold - heralding another miracle. Founding – In the year 1736, a peasant that hailed from Bourdon, sailed to the shores of Arcas. His name; Daniel de Alence. at the time, Krugmar and Irrinor were at war versus the Holy Orenian Empire and its allies. Daniel, seeing his kin at risk of downfall, have begun on the slaughter of the Orcs and Wood Elves. the man becoming a renown fighter and excellent tactic master. Daniel could have been seen wearing Templar / Crusader armor, fighting in the name of GOD and Oren. as more and more weeks passed by, more people began to find interest and volunteer to fight with Daniel against heretics and orcs, thus the Order of Arjen’s Cross was founded. Brunswick – As Arjen Cross grew in power, Daniel’s men needed a place to settle on, therefore, Daniel and his men took control of the then-abandoned Beet city, making it their base. renaming it from New Alexandria to Brunswick. The Holy Orenian Empire have eyed the group for long, discussions was made with high imperial ranks, ending up with Daniel agreeing to take on the Empire Protection. Tasks & Duties The Order of Arjen's Cross consists of a highly pious group of people. Both nobility, gentry and peasantry are welcome to volunteer and devote their life to the service of GOD. Upon dedicating one's life to our Creator and his word, a list of tasks is put upon you - the main task of the Order is the purge the heretics and teach the disbelievers of GOD's word, next is to the spread the word of the Creator across the lands of Arcas. On top of these most pious duties, the Order is also in charge of protecting the citizenry of Brunswick, scouting the roads of Arcas for bandits and delivering food, as well as protecting, the faithful men of GOD. Hierarchy of Arjen Grandmaster | Daniel de Alence Acts as a leader to the Order, overseeing and making any final decisions. Templar-Advisor | Acts as the Grandmaster's right hand, advising him and leading the order in his absence. Military Branch (The Sword) Templar-Soldier This is the default, starting rank of anyone joining the Military Branch of the Templar Order of Arjen’s Cross. A Templar-Soldier is essentially a grunt, following orders dispensed by their respective Templar-Captain. This rank is broken up into various roles suitable for any military, as is listed below: Medic The surgeons and physicians of the Military branch. They are tasked with mending the wounds and conditions of their brothers-in-arms. Equipped largely with medical equipment, however a Medic is also given a sidearm (arming sword or dagger) and light armor (gambeson). Archer The ranged combatants within the Order. An archer typically is behind the infantry, basking in their protection whilst they rain down GOD’s will in the form of arrows and bolts. Or they can be conducting hit-and-run tactics on horseback or foot. Sapper A highly prized and respected position in the Order, a Sapper is responsible for the maintenance and operation of siege technology such as ballistas, trebuchets and siege towers. Recruitment the Templars of Arjen Cross are always looking to recruit more and more devoted people who would like to volunteer, enlist today! FORMAT IN-CHARACTER NAME: USERNAME: AGE: RACE:
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