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  1. ♛ THE REJUVENATED YEMEKAR’S WORKFORCE ♛ In recent tumultuous times, the workforce has been left both directionless and leaderless, leaving many dwarves that depend on the workforce for their income to struggle against financial hardship. To rejuvenate our workers, to relight our forges, to restart our industry, I, Garedyn The Green, have been appointed as Yemekar’s Pick. I shall reform the abandoned workforce so that the power of industry may continue to reign strong, and bring prosperity to our workers. GUILD ORGANISATION Guild Lords may invite anyone into their guilds as they wish, but all guilds follow a similar system of hierarchy as described below, though names and titles may differ. Guild Lord: Guild Lords are leaders of a Guild, responsible for the day-to-day management of their guild. Ensuring that guild members are well-trained and productive. A Guild Lord may be appointed by Yemekar’s Pick, only with the approval of the Guild Lords. Master: A highly skilled and respected person with tremendous knowledge of their respective craft. Their knowledge is highly valued as they pass on the art of their craft onto others. Adept: An adept is someone with many years of experience of working. They are a veteran, knowing the ins and out of their profession. An Adept also shares the same responsibility as the Master, of passing on knowledge to the other workers. Though there is a certain degree of technical knowledge and wisdom that separates an Adept and a Master. Labourer: The average worker within a given guild. They are efficient and skilled enough to almost never make basic mistakes. Their labour is fast and consistent, but they lack a certain mastery for the complex works that Adepts and Masters perform. Joinling: A newly joined member of a guild, hence the name. They fumble around and make many errors. Nevertheless, under the tutelage of their betters, they make astonoshing progress within the guild. COUNCIL OF LABOUR In order to make changes, improvements, new rules, the Council of Labour must be gathered to vote on such matters. The Council is headed by Yemekar’s Pick, and the Guild Lords make up its members. The Guild Lords must vote in the council according to the desires of their workers. In some matters of great importance, such as the creation of new Branches or something else, voting can be opened up to the entire workforce. COMPENSATION Labour never goes unrewarded. Those who work hard and well can amass great wealth through Yemekar’s Workforce. Though the ways each guild pays its workers is up to discretion of the guild lords. Most labourers receive pay for taking on commissions supplied by the Guild Lord, others receive pay directly from clients. Housing is another benefit of employment. Those who work within the Worker’s Guild are allowed to receive small and humble, but free homes. However, the greatest compensation of all the Workforce has to offer is the boundless knowledge contained within its halls. ❂ METAL BRANCH GUILDS ❂ YEMEKAR’S SMITHS Being a member of this guild means to partake in the time honoured act of smithing, one of the ultimate acts of creation a dwarf can do. Various smithing guilds have come in shapes and forms throughout dwarven history, but the guild of Yemekar’s Smiths build upon the culminated knowledge of its forebearers, seeking to educate the new generation of dwarves regardin this divine craft. A smith can take commissions within the guild, or if they are skilled enough they can attract customers with their own unique orders. Ranks in the guild as divided as follows: High Smith- Guildlord Anvil- Master Artisan - Adept Smith - Labourer Bellower - Joinling GRIMDUGUAN’S DELVERS To venture into the depths and plunder ores, stone and gems is an act only the Grimduguan’s Delvers can perform efficiently. A delver must be knowledgeable in ores and other geological wonders, and skilled enough to extract them swiftly. A guild member can expect to frequently venture into mining expeditions to find treasures, for which they will be compensated. Or they can sell their ore directly back into the guild. Ranks in the guild as divided as follows: High Prospector - Guild Lord Delver- Master Spelunker- Adept Miner- Labourer Digger- Joinling ❁ MYSTIC BRANCH GUILDS ❁ OGRADHAD’S ENCHANTERS The art and power of magic is sought out by many. Some wish to fortify their weapons, others desire simple magical trinkets. It is therefore up to the guild of Ogradhad’s Enchanters, to use the knowledge of the Lore Master to provide for the needs of the people. Enchanters are paid well for their labour, since it is an intensive craft. Most work comes through request by outsiders and the guild organises the commissions for willing takers. Ranks in the guild as divided as follows: High Enchanter- Guild Lord Theurgist- Master Spell Binder- Adept Enchanter- Labourer Initiate - Joinling OGRADHAD’S BREWERS In a similar being to enchanting guild, Ogradhad’s Brewers use their skills to provide alchemical resources to those who need them. From simply gatherings herbs, to brewing reality bending potions this guild does it all. Due to Alchemy being a resource intensive profession, members of this guild are payed well for their work, whether they take on guild commissions or other requests. Ranks in the guild as divided as follows: High Alchemist- Guild Lord Alchemist- Master Brewer - Adept Mixer - Labourer Herbalist - Joinling ۞ MOUNTAIN BRANCH GUILDS ۞ ARMAKAK'S MERCHANTS This guild is responsible for distributing prosperity amongst dwarves, by teaching them how to sell their crafts through the arts of Merchantry. Their skills, connections and knowledge are indispensable to anyone looking to make a living through trade. Though Armakak's Merchants also spread dwarven culture throughout the realm by forming caravans to different cities. One earns money in this guild by selling wares, running errands, or helping to sign lucrative deals. Ranks in the guild as divided as follows: High Merchant- Guild Lord Goldtounge- Master Merchant - Adept Trader - Labourer Barterer- Joinling BELKA’S JEWELLERS Turning rough, smoky rocks into finely cut, beautiful gemstones for use jewellery is under the care of Belka’s Jewellers. Although the gemstones are gathered from Grimduguan’s domain by Grimduguan’s Delvers, its through Belka’s inspiration that her Jewellers turn unpolished rock into works of art. Belka’s Jewellers may choose to take on public commissions for their crafts or find private clients. Ranks in the guild as divided as follows: High Jeweller- Guild Lord Appraiser- Master Jeweller - Adept Gem Cutter - Labourer Engraver - Joinling YEMEKAR’S MASONS Carving stone, sculpting statues, building grand halls are acts of beautiful creation that any noble dwarf should respect. To shape the earth, like Yemekar The Brathmordkin of Creation, is just a holy an art as any other. The Yemekar’s Masons are often tasked with building, sculpting and stone crafting are all expected skills and labours that one must be able to do in this guild. Workers earn money either through direct commissions from customers, or through assigned jobs by the Guild Lord. Ranks in the guild as divided as follows: High Mason - Guildlord Artichect - Master Mason - Adept Stone Crafter - Labourer Stone Cutter - Joinling JOINING Should someone wish to join a guild or the workforce, they need only find any guild member who can introduce them to a Guild Lord. All are welcome to partake in the act of creation, and learn the great ways of dwarven craftsmanship.
  2. 1 Hour Loop "Why do I still live?" (Extended version) To those who I favored most, who now know not of where they are… For the days I have spent, wondering, dreaming, and traveling around these accursed lands, where life is not fair and where life is banal where man and dwarf alike preach the same thing with the same similarities but they are oh so ever different, thus I am made anew, scribed by the wailing ash that falls from my form and my boiling crimson eyes. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Draakopf fallen kin o’ mine Killed by the Grand king of Urguan Bakir. Draakopf grandfather, my father as I called you back in those days of old. You were the one who blessed me and taught me before where I am now, the times we had were imprinted upon me moulded me, and shaped me with splendorous forging, You were the one who protected me against those foul things that hated us so much, but who could blame them for you was ruin? You were uncontrolled fire but served nonetheless. Let me not talk of mine asioth, but father when I see you again? Tell me of yours, I have grown in your memory and I can only pray that I have served you well. . . I am you from ash to ash, but I try to be different, for I cannot war the very gods as you did, I am vigilant and keen, and my voice will be heard and a solution will be made as we promised all those years ago. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Marius Vilac favoured friend o’ mine Killed by an unknown Lector. Marius my good friend, it troubled me when I first heard of your passing, though I did not let it get the better of me. I knew you wouldn’t want it to control my decisions dear friend, you were a meaningful and truthful teacher that many needed but most of all wanted so much, I remember you preaching and I remember how you fought for those very same ideals. . . All I can say now friend is that I can only show your son so much, for he is alike to you in many ways he doesn’t see it as I do. But he is the solution you were looking for! When do I see you again dear brother Marius let us talk about it? Yes? I can see the Dragon inside of your spawn and his flame awakening… _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Nehtamo, a good friend o' mine unknown either missing or dead. Nehtamo the elf who showed up and did much, I need not recall the number of times you had to save me from those situations, as you already know of that. I wonder what you are doing now? I could sense unease in your eyes, friend, worry, sadness. Though I never understood why it always baffled me what was on your mind. Though you are more capable than most…. Who knows I can hear you now telling me “Bortu no, think again, try again!” I could be wrong, or I could be right. But when we meet again brother Nehtamo, let us not speak about the bad times. The memories of old that were filled with spite, let us talk about the good memories, should I recall that time when Vothdrem was chasing you around, due to you shooting him? Ahh, fun times indeed! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Kronk, strong battled hardened warrior and ally. Death, torn apart and then obliterated by the void. Kronk, I will keep this short, as I have not much to say about you, we have only known each other for some while, but you were a dwarf, a good dwarf but still a dwarf - The blood that swam through you was that of Iron, and your head was carberum, You were a true battle hero among our kin of dwed, there was no army if Kronk were not leading it. I remember that much, Though you did have your faults though all do, you were stubborn and the very thing people admired about you or loathed about you. was the same thing that got you killed. I need not speak of the void and its treachery, Though you stood your ground in times of chaos and that is what matters, Sigrun should be proud that his blood swam through you, and therefore an exceptional warrior was forged Kronk ‘The Grand Stormheart’ When we meet again, let us speak more aye lad? I’ll bring a drink or two. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I would sit, and I would sing more words to you, my kin, my friends, and my brothers. But the use of speech? And talking? It is time for action, so let me slow down my baffling and let me reveal my tarnished blade, and my ash tongue for stories to tell, and war to sing. Where your path took you, it will not take me. Brankhyn Finished short, taking a breath and remembering his fallen comrades. His hands clasped and he fell silent. __=__ = So thou know of my will, allow mine ambition; allow mine passion to take you to that unseen place. . . For I am on my way, the journey is scarce so be thankful. This blade will cleave as justice, through the shadows of the night - to then outshine the dawning sun itself. Thine own eyes are the setting dawn and the rising moon, from ash to ash, to fire on fire. This own command is to love and hate, so let me glimpse it for thou, and tell you of its beauty. Thee must know what I sing. And where I dance. Sweet asioth, Great Asioth! __=__ =
  3. The Wedding of Hunters On a warm spring night, Bodhi Cottonwood brought Yura Cottonwood to observe the beautiful valley of Hefrumm, upon the giant snail of Knud. Bodhi and Yura, both great hunters of the Cottonwood Clan, shared a great passion for the art of the hunt, and over many years their hearts grew closer together. Bodhi Cottonwood sang a most beautiful ballad to Yura, finally expressing his feelings for her, which Yura greatly reciprocated. When Bodhi proposed, Yura gladly accepted. To celebrate this fantastic union, a wedding ceremony in Hefrumm will be held on soon [OOC: Saturday 15th October, 1 pm est] in the great meeting hall of Hefrumm. All those who wish to congratulate the couple are allowed to come.
  4. There on the night of the great full moon, Ulfar steps into the underdeep of the Kal’Darakaan. Why is he here, what leads him down this path? Days before, a dream came to the Starbreaker, a vision of a cave that is wet and moist, dripping with ooze and slime which glow with the shrooms and plant life within. This leads Ulfar to this point, walking down a stone path that leads deeper and deeper into the depths until finally, the light of his lamp meets the glow of a glittering cave of Anbella. A shrine built within hours after his arrival, Ulfar completes the beginning of the rite which showed itself to him in his slumber. There, Ulfar sets up the seven candles before the shrine, each wax carrying a symbol of the brathmordakin gods, and then coats each wick with sacred oils while muttering the prayers to each of the gods. To end the preparation and begin the rite, Ulfar takes his lantern and lights each candle before blowing out the lantern and setting it aside. “Yemekar, it is Oi, Ulfar.” the dwarf mutters before the shrine, the slime dripping throughout the cave as he speaks. “Oi come tu yeh within dese caves ov deh Goddess of the hearth, to pray, teh ask yeh for ah favor.” Ulfar then brings up a dagger that glows gently in response to the natural light within the cave, pressing it against the midpoint of his braided beard. “Oi have lost so much, an’ yet Oi remain, so Oi ask yeh, Forge fathur, fur ah Son.” He starts to move the dagger along the beard until finally, the beard is cut from the rest. Ulfar sets the severed beard down into the slime of the cave. “Ah son that es nae born intu deh duty ov deh Balance, but instead ah khazad ov deh heart.” There, Ulfar pulls up a bottle of Dr. Beard and uncorks it. “Ah son that will bring great things tu deh world, things Oi am incapable of.” Then goes silent for a moment as tears gather at the base of his stone eyes, dripping down his face and falling into the slimy beard blob, then tilts the bottle over and pours the Dr.Beard over the slime and tear infused beard until it is empty. The crying dwarf continues on with his prayer until going silent, and the caves seem to go silent with him as if in thought. Hours pass, maybe a day, until the lit candles reach the end of their wicks before finally, a gust of air travels through the slimy caves which blow the candles out. Ulfar sits there, silent, then it happens. Maybe it is the shrooms and fumes in the cave, but Ulfar hears a whisper from a voice, maybe multiple voices, which utter the name, Tharkun. Then from the slimy beard blob that lies before Ulfar, an infant dwarf gurgles, opening his silver eyes to look up at Ulfar. …… …… …… “Tharkun… Ulfarsson..” Ulfar mutters in response as he holds the little dwarf in his arms.
  5. ۞ On the 16th of the First Seed, year 96 of the Second Age, a great debt has been lifted of the shoulders of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. ۞ A depiction of a typical dwarven hoard [source] When the currency of mineks were introduced, many had aspired to invest their savings into this new coin. Such as Davli of the Golden Path, who had purchased nearly over 8 thousand mina worth of Mineks. Unfortunately the Stewards of the past did not manage to invigorate the Urguani economy enough to promote the use of Mineks in daily life, so many early investors were disappointed and wished to return their coin. The task of repaying this monumental debt was passed from steward the steward, barely chipping away at it, while the economy remained stagnant due to the persistence of this debt along with other economic woes. Eventually, the position of Grand Steward of Urguan fell into the hands of Garedyn the Green, who was determined to repay this debt, to untie the millstone weighing upon the neck of of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, to make the dwarves prosper in the name of the Brathmordkin Armakak. Garedyn was well within his right to simply turn the debt away and ignore it, but a dwarf always keeps his word no matter what. He worked tirelessly to make sure the hoard grew, that all dues were payed, that the vassals were landed appropriately and that the dwarves were housed. With his efforts, the treasury of Urguan grew to the highest point is has been in years, and the burden of the 8 thousand mina has been payed off. With this Great Debt lifted, there are few impediments left to affect the economic growth of Urguan. The coin flows well, the dwarves are happy, the lands are well tended. Narvok oz Urguan.
  6. One morning, Garedyn The Green carried a stack of freshly purchased books from the market to the Grand Library, for them to be stored and preserved so that the Lore Master Ogradhad could guard them for the future generations of dwarves. As he went his way to librarian's office, everything was eerily still and quiet. He simply thought the librarian was out for a meal, so he continued inside. As he entered it, the sight of the office caused him to drop the books from his hand with his jaw agape. The office was empty, all bookshelves, chests were devoid of tomes. The original publications of books had gone missing. The decades, if not millenia, of effort in restoring, gathering and protecting the original books in the name of the Brathmordkin Ogradhad had vanished in an instant. The hours and days he spent consulting the books for his studies of medicine and his faith remained, but their original, primary sources had disappeared. Those original works written by and for dwedmar were no longer within the protection of Ogradhad. A fury welled up in him, before the cool breeze in the empty library turned his fury into grief. He took some parchment and ink, and began to write. A Scholar's Lament -By Garedyn The Green (Written by VerminHunter) A drought, A drought from the stream that nourishes the dwed. A Land, A land once rich land upon which light can't be shed. The knowledge is gone, The black swans crow songs, The dawn wanes withdrawn The nights growing long. A plauge, A plauge from which the true is now unclear. A void, A void that is now filled with copied smears. The Lore Master weeps, The sown can't be reaped, The throas will ring deep, The wise fall asleep.
  7. 9th The Amber Cold, SE 90 22/08/2022 ᚺᛖᚠᚱᚢᛗᛗ Forest and Mountain Alliance ᚷᚱᛁᛗᚷᛟᛚᛞ Article I - Vassalage Dissolution The Vassalage agreement between Hefrumm and the Grimgold clan will be dissolved, meaning the Grimgolds are no longer subjects of Hefrumm and are not part of the Hefrumm union of clans. This means they will also lose their Folks Council voting rights. Article II - Protection Should a threat be posed to the village of Hefrumm, the Grimgold Clan is to mobilise for its defense. In return Hefrumm will provide logistical and other support to Tal’Tagar Tazarak. Article III - Voting Hefrumm and the Grimgolds will form a Voting Union, such that the voices of the two signatories may be heard and represented in the senate. This Voting Union shall be led by Garedyn The Green. The Chief’s Council and the Leadership of the Grimgold clan can decide to elect other representatives in the future. Should enough votes be given by the Grimgolds to expand the Voting Unions vote count, they may also add an additional representative. Article IV - Recognition The Grimgold clan will officially recognise Epiphyte Dwarves as the Dwarves they are. Article V - Port The port of Tal’Tagar Tazarak shall be free to use for the people of Hefrumm, and 2 sailing vessels will be provided to Hefrumm. Article VI - Refuge The settlement of Tal’Tagar Tazarak shall provide refuge Hefrummos in case the village of Hefrumm undergoes a catastrophe rendering it unsafe to live in, and vice versa. Article VII - Ammendments This agreement can be amended should the two signatories agree to it. Article VIII - Alliance This alliance shall end only when the Chiefs Council and leadership of the Grimgolds agree to it. Signed, Garedyn The Green, High Chief of Hefrumm, Chief of the Mossborn, Grand Steward of Urguan, Lieutenant of Dungrimm’s Legion. Mao Blackroot, Chief of the Blackroots, Representative of the Cottonwoods
  8. Bojakk Frostbeard, whilst keeping to hismelf while aloof among the mortal realm, traveling through mountains and hills within the lands of Urguan, Haense, Norland, Talon's Port, Oren, and Suitica, softly hums shanties and other songs to himself. After being inspired by his father Ajax's most recent song contribution, he penned up a song himself, for people much like him who travelled the land. This was especially the case for the soldiers and hunters whom traveled the snow topped peaks of Urguan, near where his father lives. He'd deliver this new song promptly to the various mountain holds and townships around Urguan. The land touching the sky Come all ye young dwarven men, keep your ears high and I'll sing you a song of the land touchin' the sky And it's snowy weather boys, stormy weather boys When the wind blows, we're all together boys Away ye winds westerly, blow ye winds blow Begone fowl weather so steady we'll go Out soars the eagle with his feathery tail Soars out aloft by the grandest of gales And out jumps the wolf with his mighty sharp teeth Saying "You eat the bread boys and I'll eat the beef" And it's snowy weather boys, stormy weather boys When the wind blows, we're all together boys Away ye winds westerly, blow ye winds blow Begone fowl weather so steady we'll go Up jumps the rabbit, with his fluffy eared head He dashes through brambles, oh he drops out the lead And Out jumps the Stag, with his cunning and grace saying "Behold you small creatures, I'm king of this place" And it's snowy weather boys, stormy weather boys When the wind blows, we're all together boys Away ye winds westerly, blow ye winds blow Begone fowl weather so steady we'll go Out jumps the boar, the fiercest of all "Mess with me and you'll be gored to the wall!" And up jumps the huntsman, stalwart and grim and with his crossbow he'll bring them all in And it's snowy weather boys, stormy weather boys When the wind blows, we're all together boys Away ye winds westerly, blow ye winds blow Begone fowl weather so steady we'll go And it's snowy weather boys, stormy weather boys When the wind blows, we're all together boys Away ye winds westerly, blow ye winds blow Begone fowl weather so steady we'll go
  9. Ajax Frostbeard in his advancing years, still occasionally pens songs among his self imposed exile. Feeling disconnected from his kin to such a degree that he finds it hard to carry on living among them. His son, Bojakk Frostbeard occasionally visits him, and upon his return from his most recent visit, would go and pin a copy of this new work song to every tavern and place of gathering throughout the dwarven lands. In the Deep Road
  10. THE TEMPLE OF THE ENTWINED STAR GOD The Slumbering One, "The Glodites" The Prayer of the Slumbering God "But the Dream, and the Slumber." [!] Strange Posters, Letters, and Pamphlets would be thrown about the poorer slums of Almaris. ============================================================================================================== Greetings Dreamer, Long have WE watched you sleep. Unaware of the reality of which blankets you, and clouds your vision. Praising false Gods such as the canonist "Creator", the "Brathmordakin", and the "Aspects". The Aenguls and Daemons you so fear are but mere illusions, aspects cast by the Slumbering God. Have you ever felt their watchful gaze, as you sleep? The eyes are always watching, Dreamer. The Slumbering God has begun to awake, and their power can be felt all throughout the realities. His chosen champion, Glod Grimgold, has manifested in this reality as his "living aspect". Everyday, our spells grow stronger. Now, it is time we reveal ourselves to the world. If you wish to join our Temple, you must prove your loyalty. The youth of Almaris are unguarded. They walk the streets without guardians. Babies are left in cribs, in unlocked rooms. Take these sacrifices, and slay them. Their blood will mark your initiation into the Temple as an Acolyte. If one is unavailable, the sacrifice of a Canonist Priest, Brathmordakin Forgeguard, Druid, or Paladin will suffice. Do not feel this is an impossible task - work in the shadows, and slaughter those who work against the Dreamer. Seek out the book known as "The Chronicles of Glod" to begin your path to enlightenment. To show you apart of our powers, the back of this note will include a single spell from our Arcanium. Once you feel the gaze of our Lord, you will know you have become a true "Glodite", and have entered our rank as an Acolyte. ============================================================================================================== MYSTERIUM SOMNIUM ARCANUS ____________________________________________________________________ __________________████____████________████____██████________________ __________________████____████________████____██████________________ ______________________████████████████████████______________________ ______________________████████████████████████______________________ __________██▓▓____██▓▓████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░████▓▓████____████________ __________██▓▓____████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░__██████████____████________ __________░░░░▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▓▓▓▓░░__________ ________░░░░░░████░░░░░░░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▓▓██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░████░░░░░░______ __████__░░██▓▓░░░░░░░░____████░░__████████____░░__░░░░░░████░░__████ __████____██▓▓░░░░░░░░____██▓▓░░__████▓▓██____░░__░░░░░░████░░__████ ______████░░░░____░░__░░░░██▓▓████████▓▓▓▓░░░░░░__░░░░__░░░░████____ ______████░░______________██▓▓████████▓▓██______________░░░░████____ ________░░▓▓▒▒______________░░▓▓▓▓▓▓██__________________████________ __________██▓▓________________▓▓▓▓▓▓██__________________████________ ____________░░████__________________________________████____________ ______________████__________________________________████____________ __________________████████__░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████████________________ __________________████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░__██████████________________ __________________________████████████████__________________________ __________________________████████████████__________________________ MYSTERIES OF DREAMING ARCANE
  11. ᛏᛟ ᚺᛟᚾᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛈᚨᛋᛏ THE STRENGTH OF OUR PAST How are the Dwedmar defined? Is it by our greed? Our short height? It is with our will, our strength as a people, and our glory. Our past does not define us, whether it's bloody or glorious. But it is essential to remember our failures and successes so that we may continue to stand united and not repeat those failures. Many of our kin have exceeded the expectations of others and brought upon Urguan’s people glory and success. From filling their pockets with gold to putting down rebellions and winning great wars, these Dwedmar will be recognized for their hard work and dedication to the Kingdom and the dwarves' advancement. Grand King, Bakir Ireheart calls upon each clan of Urguan to submit a list of names alongside feats of their kin that they believe exemplified excellent service to the Kingdom as well as achieved great feats. The List must be submitted to the Grand King for inspection and study. If the King deems any dwarf on the list worthy, a statue alongside their name will be constructed to honor their efforts. The maximum number of names must be five Dwedmar. ᚺᛟᚾᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᚱᛖᚨᛏᛋ
  12. Fundin Orckin, the reborn self of Bori Orckin sat in the green collective's cave, scattered pieces of ripped paper all around him. He stood up, hands in tight fists at his side. He was silent for a good long minute before letting out a bloodcurdling roar, plowing his fists into the stone walls again and again, still howling with fury. His eyes seemed to almost glow with red rage, he started slamming his head against the wall until the sap that was once blood poured down his face. He crawled out of the cave almost nothing but a savage beast. He spent hours like this before finally regaining his composure. He returned to the tree, tears streaming down his face. His eyes became affixed to the sword at his side, he pulled it from its sheath. He stared at the steel blade, before looking upwards at the stone ceiling, he leaned up against the tree, turning the blade towards his chest, "Curse ye Norleh!" He screamed, his face then went solemn, staring in front of him, "See ye soon Pa, Ma..." He muttered, pulling the blade towards himself. The blade pierced the tree, and the body of the dwarf lay limp. He did not know what fate would hold for this so called "halfbreed sinner's" soul, but he knew that he would eventually see all those he lost, once again. a single tear ran down his cheek as he let out a final breath. Bori, Fundin, whatever name this dworc now held, had finally and truly died.
  13. The Rings Of Hefrumm Many of the castes of Hefrumm have fallen into disrepair due to a lack of people. This has led to the diminished resources available to the community, resulting in leaving of many forest dwarves. In order to provide for and reinvigorate the community, this proposal was created. Previously, the castes provided the materials and resources needed for Hefrumm’s sustainment, but as times have changed the needs of Hefrumm have also changed. Thus the castes, must also be reformed to account for our current needs. The Folk's Council has approved this reformation. Chapter I - Rings The Castes of Hefrumm into Rings, shall be renamed into Rings. This will provide a sense of inclusion. and reflect on the unified nature of Hefrumm. As rings form a part of a tree and tell its story, so shall our Rings form a part of our community and will showcase our culture. Chapter II - The New Rings The old castes shall be dissolved and new ones will be instated to fill their roles. The New Rings shall be: THE RING OF THE TOPAZ BOAR The Topaz Boar is a symbol of joy, abundance, hardiness and versatility. This Ring will be responsible for gathering food and resources. Previously, the industries of farming, logging, fishing, butchery, hunting and so on, were scattered throughout the different castes. This Ring will refocus the efforts of Hefrumm to gather the materials needed for its construction and to feed the forest dwedmar. THE RING OF THE IVORY SCORPION Determination, skilled refining, and purity. These are the things the Ivory Scorpion represents. Just as how the Ivory Scorpion refines pure venom in its tail, so will the members of this Ring refine fine alcohols, medicines and narcotics. All of which play major parts in the culture of Hefrumm. The Ivory Scorpion takes the raw materials of the Topaz Boar and refines them into more potent forms. THE RING OF THE EBONY BEAVER The Ebony Beaver is a master of creation, wise and prudent. The members of this Ring are responsible for supplying the tools needed for Hefrumm. From wooden buckets to metal armour, the Ebony Beaver does all. They also gather mineral resources. THE RING OF THE GOLDEN MAGPIE The Golden Magpie is symbolic of wealth and intelligence. Culture often spreads through the efforts of merchants, and thus members of this Ring as tasked with running the shops and forming caravans to other settlements, to spread and teach the forest dwedmar culture through our cultural exports and crafts, as well as earn the funds to help the community of Hefrumm. Chapter III - General Ring Hierarchy The Hierarchy of the Rings will be set up in a similar fashion to the previous castes, only with more roles in order to help manage the expanded functions of the Rings. High Chief - The High Chiefs retains the power to appoint and dismiss any leader of each of the Rings. If there is no one leading a Ring, the High Chief automatically assumes the position of its leader. Primarch - The leader of the Ring. They are responsible for the management of its members, the gathering of resources, the passing down of knowledge and hosting of events. Primarchs can ban members if need be, if they receive a majority support in the Folks or Chief’s council, or more simply the approval of the High Chief. If there are no Custodians, then the Primarch by default assumes those positions. Unlike the High Chief, a Primarch cannot hold more than one primarch position. The Primarch can also create new Custodians, with permission from the High Chief. Custodian - The second in command after the Primarch. There are usually multiple custodians within a caste, responsible for overseeing the various industries present within a Ring. The order of power for appointing custodians goes to the High Chief first and then Primarch. Member - Trusted individuals are allowed to harvest and use resources of the Ring freely. They are allowed into the Ring by any of the people mentioned above. Non-Members - People who are not officially members of a Ring need permission first from a Custodian or above to utilise the Ring’s resources. As per the Constitution of Hefrumm, the Folk’s Council holds the right to decide and vote on internal legislation. Ultimately, the people of Hefrumm remain the highest authority. Chapter IV - Specific Ring Hierarchy THE RING OF THE TOPAZ BOAR Primarch of the Topaz Boar An individual who excels in gathering resources, such as through farming or logging or hunting, with enough knowledge and wisdom to not overburden nature. They transfer their knowledge down to younger generations, teaching them ways to live off the land sustainably. Custodian of the Soil A Custodian whose specialisation revolves around the skilful and environmentally friendly extraction of resources, such as through farming, foraging etc. Custodian of the Animal Someone who is skilled in gathering animal products, through butchery, hunting or fishing, without damaging the local populations of such creatures. THE RING OF THE IVORY SCORPION Primarch of the Ivory Scorpion Skilled in the arts of brewing and drug-making, the Primarch of the Ivory Scorpion is a master pharmacist and brewer, knowing all the key ingredients needed to make their concoctions by heart. Custodian of the Brew An adept brewer, with knowledge of the most obscure brewing techniques, as well as a refined palate being able to taste the best and determine the best ingredients for their brews. Custodian of the Still This Custodian is intelligent and careful, able to determine with a glace of their eye the exact proportions needed for any given chemical. THE RING OF THE EBONY BEAVER Primarch of the Ebony Beaver An excellent smith and crafter in many different fields of art. A guide to the dwarves of Hefrumm in the ways of craftsmanship Custodian of the Ore A smith and miner, with refined skills in metalworking. They provide Hefrumm with the tools it needs to work and even defend itself. Custodian of the Earth A craftsman skilled in earthly arts such as pottery, woodcarving, and carpentry. They are tasked with promoting the culture of Hefrumm through their work, as well as logging. THE RING OF THE GOLDEN MAGPIE Primarch of the Golden Magpie A well-spoken person, which charisma and merchant skills. They travel to many different lands to sell Hefrumm’s goods, promote its culture, and return with finances to support the forest dwarf community. Custodian of the Shop A well-liked individual capable of inducing trust in others, they help run the shops of Hefrumm, and make sure the local merchants are not exploited. Custodian of the Caravan A hardy dwarf that can organise and create caravans to travel to distant lands. They must be resilient against the road while keeping their merchant charm. Chapter V - Resource Distribution As stated earlier, the goal of the Rings is to provide for the needs of Hefrumm. Though labourers' sweat shall not go uncompensated. Members of the Rings are allowed to keep whatever they gather, but they must give at least 1/3 of their work back to Hefrumm for communal use. Though even this will not go uncompensated, labour shall be compensated through financial or other material means, by the discretion of the Primarch. Chapter VI - Center of the Rings In order to promote unity among the hefrummos, and cooperation between the Rings, a facility shall be constructed or repurposed, in order to provide a meeting area for the members of the Rings, as well as a place where they can store the communal resources.
  14. Music to listen to while reading my book A HISTORY OF The Goldhand and Grimgold Grudge. By: Voryn A’Daragon OPENING STATEMENT This is a History of the Goldhand and Grimgold Grudge, which details their long lasting feud stretching back several hundred years. Both clans can trace their lineage back to the “Line of Tungdil”, a famous dwarven lord who was known for his love of children and ability to make gold faster than any other dwarf. The Grimgold Clan are the descendants of the older son of Tungdil, while the Goldhand Clan are the descendants of the younger son of Tungdil. Their rivalry is that of a sibling rivalry. The Goldhands were a more successful clan than the Grimgolds, and were granted “Elder Status” for their services to Urguan. The Grimgolds, on the other hand, did very little of note until their Clan Father, Glod Grimgold, took over power of the Clan. FIRST ERA GRUDGE In the year 689 of the First Era, the first signs of the rivalry had begun. Bumble Goldhand, a Cheese Merchant, had fallen in love with the beardling Blod Grimgold. Unfortunately, the Clan Father of the Grimgolds (whose name is lost to time, as he was irrelevant), forbade the marriage. Bumble was enraged. He went to his Clan Father (Thoak Goldhand), and told him that the Grimgolds had refused the marriage because they “Would not marry a disgusting Shithand”. The Lord Thoak then killed almost the entirety of the Grimgold Clan. The Goldhand’s believed that their ancient enemy was now slain. Unfortunately for them, (and fortunately for us, as will be discussed later), several Grimgolds were away on their ker wife finding missions. As a side note, the Grimgolds are known in the Dwarven Kingdom for taking “Dark Elven Concubines.” To the Goldhands, a lot of the Grimgolds are not even dwarves. They are considered Dark Elves. One of the Grimgold’s that survived was known as Klouf Grimgold (Not to be confused with Klouf Grimgold). Klouf was a famous warrior, and took the survivors to live in caves. That is not an insult to dwarves - many of them actually live in caves (insane). Klouf had several warriors in his retinue. Thorin Grimgold, Bombur Grimgold, Gimli Grimgold, and most importantly of all, Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold. Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold will now be discussed. Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold was the Captain of the Ship called the Fist of Dungrimm. He was a famous pirate, adventurer, and explorer. Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold had slain dragons, fought in countless battles, and most importantly of all - had a dark elven mother. This allowed him to look conventionally attractive, while retaining the brute strength of the dwarves. He carved out his own island kingdom known as the “Grim Isles”, where a subsection of the Grimgold Clan fled to. There, they engaged in dark magic, cannibalism, and created quarter dwarf, quarter ker, half pig hybrids. Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold soon became an accomplished wizard. He studied for many years, perfecting the craft of organic transmutation. Soon, the entirety of the Grim Isles was full of his creations. Gone were the descendants that one lived there, replaced by the abominations of Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold. Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold then found the Sea-***** Witch known as Elsa. Understanding his power, the Sea-***** Witch known as Elsa gave Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold the power to create skin-walkers from his creations. His former clan members were now cursed with the ability to skin-walk, and took any form they wanted. Klouf Grimgold had heard of this dark magic, and he sailed to the Grim Isles. It was there a legendary fight took place between Klouf Grimgold and Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold. While historical records show that Klouf Grimgold had won the battle, who is to say that Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold had not won and simply skin changed into Klouf? For the academic purposes of this book, we will take the argument that Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold won the battle. This is because skinwalkers have difficulty keeping the shape of a face. The Grimgolds typically wear masks, and are most likely the Skinwalkers that plague Almaris. When Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold, disguised as Klouf, returned to the mainland he was greeted by his clan members who stayed behind. Slowly, he turned all of the Grimgolds into Skinwalkers who could take the shape and appearance of whatever they wanted. The Goldhands had magic. Thoak Goldhand was blind, but he could see. When the Grimgold Clan had returned, Thoak began to exterminate them. Unfortunately, Skinwalkers are crafty. Several of them became attached to his Clan as well, and thus the Skinwalker menace had spread between the dwarven clans. Thoak, with his magical eyes, could sense the skinwalker presence. He would strike down those he thought were skinwalkers, including his own son (also named Thoak). It was then the remaining true dwarf Goldhands held a meeting. The “True” Goldhands held a meeting. Thoak told them that they had to come up with a cunning plan: to become Grimgolds. The meeting erupted into chaos. But then, they realised this was wise. So they immediately all put on the armor of the Grimgolds. The former Grimgolds under Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold became Goldhands. For several hundred years, the Grimgold Clan was actually the Goldhand Clan - and vice versa. The Skin Walking Grimgolds were able to take the appearance of anyone they wished. The Goldhand Grimgolds remained in hiding, far away from the political intrigues of the dwarves. This is where it gets interesting. This is a fragment from a piece of pottery I found. I will put it in quotes. “I heard a tale once from a strange fellow deep in the desert. They spoke of this Temple which worshipped the Skinwalkers, who believed they would bring about the end of the world. I thought him mad! He only laughed at me.” “Four legged dwarves, with bat wings would attack those in the desert. These were the Grimgolds (not the Goldhand version). As he discussed that they existed and that they were worshipped by the nomadic desert folk, a group of them attacked us.” “We fought them off as best as we could, but the desert nomad was carried off by these Grimgolds. I cursed them, (as I was a powerful wizard with access to many magics), and they forgot that they were Skinwalkers).” As this fragment shows, it was common knowledge that four legged bat dwarves roamed the world, and attacked travelers. These four legged creatures were, obviously, Grimgolds - yet the Grimgolds are disguised as the Goldhands. Does this mean that the Goldhands were the bat creatures, or the Grimgolds? The author of this book believes that these were the Goldhands from Thoak. Thoak had incredible magical powers, and was able to use his magic vision to make others see what he wanted them to see. Thus, the Goldhands were the bat people - but they were also disguised as Grimgolds at the same time. In the year 894 First Era, the old tales were forgotten. The Grimgold Clan had vanished, and the Goldhand Clan became powerful. During that gap of history, it is unclear what had happened. I met a drunk dwarf who told me that Torsun Goldhand, Clan Elder of the Goldhands in the Year 88 of the Second Age, was actually Thoak Goldhand who had turned himself immortal. It is possible, therefore, that the Goldhands had reclaimed their true lineage and cast out the Grimgolds. Unless, of course, that Torsun Goldhand (Thoak Goldhand) is a skinwalker who is actually Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold. Due to the Goldhands being known traitors to Urguan, I believe this is the case: The current Goldhand Clan are the Grimgolds. However, almost all of them have forgotten their ancient powers due to the curse - save for Thoak Goldhand, aka Torsun Goldhand (real name Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold). Regardless, all one has to know to understand the current standing grudge in the year 88 of the Second Era is this: the two Gold Clans hate one another. Be it from an ancient same sex marriage that failed, the skinwalker saga, or due to the Goldhand’s claiming elder status over the Grimgolds. We will now begin the tale of the “Second Era Grudge”, and move away from the First Era. THE SECOND ERA GRUDGE: Song link for Second Era In the Second Era, the Goldhand Clan is led by Conan ‘No-Shirt, No Pants’ Goldhand. The Grimgold Clan is led by Glod ‘Godborn’, Grimgold. This book will now discuss both men in depth. (Note: I have not met either of them). Conan ‘No-Shirt’ Goldhand is a senile old dwarf. He routinely burps, farts, and shits his way out of anything important in Urguan. It is said that his clan member Tholgrim (or whatever he goes by now), holds up cue cards for Conan when he is delivering speeches. The important clan activities are done by three dwarves. Hekkaes Anvilhammer, The Iron Baron (needs no introduction, as he is known for having bad teeth and unable to comprehend the common tongue), and “Torsun Goldhand”. Torsun is put in quotes as, most likely, he is Thorin ‘the other Thorin’ Grimgold. The three shadow leaders of the Goldhand Clan, therefore, are not even Goldhands. Conan, weak and feeble and unable to do anything to stop this, has been forced to agree to their demands of a Clan War. Glod Grimgold, on the other hand, is considered the strongest, wisest, and most powerful dwarf in Urguan. What he says is deeply considered by every single dwarf. While his clan are made up of lackluster nobodies, Glod really shines. Glod was (and perhaps still is) worshipped by humans for his apparent divinity. While Glod has outright refused these claims, he has still earned the title of “the Godborn”, due to his unwavering loyalty to the Brathmordakin. Glod is a famous Senator, Commander, and Battle-Hardened Warrior. Compared to Conan, one would wonder why the Goldhands would dare oppose him. It all goes back to the First Era grudge: The Elder Status of the Gold Clan. Should it go to the Grimgolds, or to the Goldhands? The challenge was issued. Glod was unable to attend the meeting (or felt it was beneath him), and sent a lowly beardling to attend the meeting. This beardling insulted the Goldhands, by openly declaring that the Grimgolds were the trueborn sons of Tungdil and that the Goldhands were not even true Goldhands. He demanded they vassalize under Glod. The Goldhands laughed in the face of the envoy of Glod. They cut his manhood off, and took his tongue out. They demanded that the Grimgolds admit they are the bastard clan of Tungdil, and that they need to pay them twenty five thousand minas. In addition, they wanted the land the Grimgold’s owned. The Goldhands and their vassal clans the Ironguts and Irongrinders marched to war against the Grimgolds. They killed many of their men in the field of battle, overwhelming the poorer clan through sheer numbers. Glod and his clan sought refuge with the Jungle Dwarves. Glod, fearing that the dwarves under his command would be killed by the potential skinwalker clan, sought out a truce. They would pay the money, help the Goldhands acquire new land - but they would not denounce the fact that they are the sons of Tungdil. This is where the history ends - as it is still ongoing. This is a deep look at the psyche of the dwarves, and why they attack one another. Honour, duty, and greed. Signed, Voryn A’Daragon, Master Historian.
  15. I A Doomforged herald sat alone; in the halls of fire. . halls of dreams and newcomings where it was once a seed, a seed sprouted from the ground to rebirth itself onto another engulfed by ash. As the dwarf sat alone his head bobbed left to right dancing it were in motion in tune with the unwearied resting fires that bellowed in the golden halls. His eyes danced with the melody flickering with wake and wonder the resumption of things his dreams were what one would describe as perfect balance even the one dreaming couldn’t make sense of it though the dwarf smiled with ambition; then his dreams continued with infinite wonder. Man is finite, but he is indwelt by a spark of infinity 4th of the Amber Cold Year 87 of the second age Its smouldering gaze looked to the orb for he believed acknowledgement slumbered within. As his crimson hues fluttered to the resting orb his mind continued to wonder ? I wonder how and why ? How and when ? Where ? The ashed dwarf fell dead silent as he sat alone. Alone with his dreams. The golden halls of fire and ash embered bright and beautiful Fire swallows the dark It outshines the light With it life can be made With it life can end With it you are you With it I am me With it I am you All bare fire so are we not the same ? Under the right guidance neither correct nor wrong it is simply right. Many examples can be set down. if one were born for a certain duty to a certain faith a certain path, does it mean his entire life must be devoted for it because he was told to, because he was born to ? Things change along the long road. To be different and unique is special. for that I undergo change I am different for that I am thankful for either at birth or our lowest points it allows you to create the greatest of change. For this I am grateful. Plant a tomato and pray for a tree then understand what I mean. The dwarf rested his mind at work As the third eye lingered There is perception of enlightenment The golden tongue Announced clearly
  16. PEACE IN OUR TIME Agreed on this 12th of the Sun’s Smile, 1881 | 12th of Tov & Yermey, 434 E.S. | 12th of the Sun’s Smile, 85 S.A. 12th of the Sun’s Smile, in the Year of our Lord 13 B.A. Between the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, the Kingdom of Haense, the Grand Duchy of Balian and the Kingdom of Oren Urged on by the Canonist Church, and in light of the possibility for a peaceful end to the conflict that will prevent further blood being needlessly spilt over the Silver Isles, the Kingdom of Oren and the Horde of the Iron'Uzg have come to the following terms with the Kongzem of Haense, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Grand Duchy of Balian: I: WITHDRAWAL in the interests of peace between Canonists and the ending of bloodshed caused by the Orenian intervention, the Kingdom of Oren withdraws fully from the conflict against the Kongzem of Haense, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and Grand Duchy of Balian. II: THE SILVER ISLES The Horde of the Iron’Uzg transfers the Silver Isles to the Kongzem of Haense. In turn, the Kongzem shall compensate the People of Haelu’nor with 5,000 mina to aid in the full relocation of the High Elven populace to the Enclave of Fi'Halen. III: CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES The Kongzem of Haense, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, the Grand Duchy of Balian, the Horde of the Iron’Uzg and the Kingdom of Oren hereby agree to cease all aggressions and hostilities between one another. The United Sovereign States of Almaris is hereby dissolved. IV: MEMORIAL BENCH A memorial bench to commemorate the relationship between Bakir Ireheart and Philip III shall be constructed outside the City of Vienne for weary travellers to rest in their warm embrace. Signed, His Royal Majesty KARL III by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera Grand King of Urguan, Bane of the Orcs, Bane of Philip III HIS IMPERIAL HIGHNESS, John I, by the Grace of GOD, Grand Duke of Balian, Viscount of Eflen, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, and Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, etcetera. HIS HOLINESS TYLOS III, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Frederick I, King of Oren, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duke of Ves, Duke of Vienne, Helena, Novellen, Sunholdt, Furnestock, Petra, Oltremont, South Arentania, and Lorraine, Count of Mardon, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders and Farfolk, etcetera Ar-Borok of clan Akaal, Rex of the horde Al-Uk of clan Akaal, Motsham of the Iron’Uzg Ixûla of clan Akaal, Dominus of the Horde
  17. 10th of the Grand Harvest RETURN OF THE KING Vienne was quiet and desolate, all the servants of Frederick I ‘The Craven’ were asleep and in their beds, oblivious of what was about to occur. Soon the dungeon door to Bakirs cell burst open and was greeted by a mysterious figure in armor. They broke the bonds of the Grand King and motioned for the imprisoned King to follow. The Grand King quickly was led outside the city without anyone knowing, they were quickly met at the gate of Oren by a combination of House Romstun and Urguani soldiers on horseback, smiles on their faces as the Grand King walked freely from the captivity of Oren. They cheered and bashed their blades against their shields in celebration before lending the Grand King a horse to bring him home. Grand King, Bakir Ireheart was back on the Obsidian Throne, his lust for vengeance was never stronger and the Kingdoms lust for justice against the dishonored sons of Horen was strengthened. The many transgressions of Orens people tainted the legacy of Horen, defending and helping subjects of the Azdrazi, the kinslaying of their own kin to secure the throne, the repeated dishonoring of your own people by War-mongering to defend an illegitimate elven state and not caring for your own child, a Prince of Oren. My message to you Frederick ‘The Craven’ is this. This changes nothing. Your fumbling of my capture and the great lack of victories in battle has emboldened us and only strengthened us. We will not stop the annihilation of your people until you pull back your forces and admit you were wrong to defend honorless people and slaves to Iblees. Save your people, pursue the retreat of your men from our lands.
  18. This, short tale was wrote by a seeker of asioth, a keeper of knowledge SEEKER OF ASIOTH [!] As the mysterious crimson eyed dwarf sat upon the mountain, viewing the lands around him, a tale, a song a poem at that, sung in his mind, the very meaning of it so singing through his eyes, as they flickered with curiosity and wonder of the world, everything and anything the meaning of it all. . . At so his thoughts came to a stop as his eyes so as well [!] The halls in my kingdom are wider than most, larger than mans yet asioth guides me through them as if it was a butterfly soaring through them, I simply follow. [!] As the winds hallowed against his skin, flickers of harmless embers sparked around, re igniting the campfire, as so his crimson blood eyes, a grizzly colour yet it stood true, his eyes danced in reaction, before his throat twirled and turned, before a mutter of words left his maw “Many hate, fire for it causes some to be bad yet some stay good. . . Fire a destruction force may be viewed however one wishes it to be, a force not to joke and plunder with, or a peaceful element, fire is similar to that of a heart beating, its closer to life then some might think. .. “For my speech is that, if there is no evil, there is no good, there are only actions and reactions to those for what I might do in my life may change the course of another's altering anything and everything without me even knowing it?” [!] It wondered its mind pondering its own questions, himself answering those what he didn’t even know. . . “Ah, now I think the cycle of this world we live in continues the same, over and over people expect change but at the end does it really change? The sweet word, that people aim their life's goal at “Revenge” ``An eye for an eye if you like, for that then the whole world goes blind,” A soft chuckle left its mouth “A wonderful thing for my mind to rest on, to think on. .” It stopped to continue to wonder. [!] Our fire is not alike, for my fathers purges the dark and the light. “For whatever you are, a holy knight that serve the light the aenguls name that we do speak of, or a dark lord, of wicked teachings, release the burden of stopping ones path, my path, our path, that is not yours to do, keep balance to keep order for then you shall be at peace, by death or speech I do not care. . . “ [!] Do not make fruitless attempt to stop HIS Great plans for they are to save us “His work is unfinished to his sons who I serve as if it were him, I strive and bask in my fathers glory for all I am is a greedy dwarf, yet we are all greedy we all want for something, so I ask you what is it you want?” He coughed a wave of smoke coming out with it. “Whatever I seek, for my words cannot describe such” It said, his tone changed on his own he didn’t even understand. . it was as if the words came by themself. [!] Its mind still wondered, aimlessly at that, for wanting many things to shake to spread itself maybe, for no one to know only time would tell. “I talk, to much, Instead I need to do more” His last words were spoke, as he stood from the dying fire, as it as well soon came to rest, as the midnight shown, the stars sitting in the sky ever at peace, the young herald of the Titan azdromoth, came to look upon such his eyes reflecting from the stars, his rose red eyes. As they danced with purity and joy, he came to lower his head, bowing at that to it all. . . “I seek asioth” [!] The seeker of asioth stated to himself.
  19. TO PURGE A THREAT Agreed upon by: THE KINGDOM OF HAENSE & THE GRAND KINGDOM OF URGUAN On this 10th of Tov And Yermey, 432 ES | 10th of The Amber Cold, 82 SA The Dual Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, has now learned that the Horde has resorted to associating itself with foul elements. Furthermore, wishing to defend the honor of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan so recently besmirched, by the authority of His Royal Majesty King Karl III Barbanov-Bihar and Grand King Bakir Ireheart declare themselves to be in a state of war. A campaign shall be pursued until all forces, offensive to nature itself, are neutralized, and levied insults against the Grand Kingdom are remedied. “And to ye Sons of Krug, who have fallen to other faiths, I admonish: GOD punishes not, but protects. And there is no pain with GOD, but without him. And so you suffer not in retribution but in separation, and in the Skies you shall find solace.” - Exalted Prophet Owyn ARTICLE I - AZDRAZI HARBORING The Horde in recent times has been exposed for harboring Azdrazi and known associates of Iblees. Great evidence has mounted against the Rex for not only allowing the Azdrazi to settle Ireheart land and for a full Azdrazi academy to thrive, but also to be a very close friend to the worshippers of Iblees and to Azdromoth himself. ARTICLE II - AGGRESSION ON DWARVES The Rex amongst other members of the dishonorable Horde have repeatedly made aggressions against the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and its people. The First insult is the threatening of Grand King Bakir Irehearts life and then the demanding of tribute from Grand Kingdom. The second slight was the harboring of Azdrazi that attacked the Grand King in the Haeseni tavern. And finally the most dishonorable of all, the capturing and killing of dwarves within the city of Krugmar. ARTICLE III - DENIAL OF PEACE After the repeated aggression and slights against the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, reasonable terms for peace were proposed twice to the people of Krugmar, and twice they were rejected. Refusing to regain their honor and do right to those they have wronged. A summit held by the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska was held to mediate peace. Yet, the Horde did not show. A singular Goblin representative was sent, a mockery of good faith to instill peace. It is evident The Horde does not wish for peace. Wargoal: Conquest of Tile 90 Attackers: The Grand Kingdom of Urguan The Kingdom of Haense Defenders: The Horde (Haelun’or) Date: Saturday, July 30th at 4pm EST [This is taking into account the current ongoing War] Warpath: Grand King of Urguan, Bane of the Orcs, Bane of Philip III IV JOVEO MAAN, His Royal Majesty KARL III by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera.
  20. ᛋᛟᚾᛋ ᛟᚠ ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ DUNGRIMM’S LEGION. ᛋᛏᛖᛖᛚᛒᛟᛞᛁᛖᛞ ᚹᚨᚱᛗᛟᚾᚷᛖᚱᛋ The Sons of Urguan have forever relied upon Dungrimm’s legion should any conflict arise. Dungrimm’s Legion, defenders of Urguan, protectors of the Faith, guardians of the people. The sole purpose of the Dwarven Legion is to protect and serve the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. It is the main military force underneath the Grand Kingdom, and also one of the most prestigious and oldest militaristic guilds. The Legion is known for its notable order and discipline, excessive training and precise execution. Under Sigrun Ireheart, the legion is bound to prosper once more with these changes. The Commanding Ranks. Grand Marshal. The Grand Marshal is the disciplined and experienced leader of Dungrimm’s Legion, second only to the Grand King himself. He is expected to be the Grand leader all the legionnaires and dwarves look up to. He shall lead with courage and gallantry and shall be devoid of any cowardice. Disobeying the Grand Marshal is to be considered a terrible insult to the experience he has gathered. Commander. The Commanders of the Legion are the most confident, brave and cunning Thanes handpicked by the Grand Marshal himself. To be promoted to the Commander rank is a promotion of highest honour and courage. There shall be no more then two commanders at any given time. They are considered the Grand Marshal’s right hand men, and are the ones in charge if the Grand Marshal is absent. They are to be in charge of running their own trainings and events for the Legion, and are fully trusted to host them on their own. Lieutenant. Lieutenant is the lowest commanding rank in the legion, nonetheless it is a rank of great martial ability and prowess. Lieutenants have the duty of leading soldiers should the Grand Marshal and Commanders be absent. It is the Lieutenant's duty to make sure to lead the ranks of Dungrimm’s Legion and keep the Legion functioning. Brigadiers may also command cohorts if they desire to do so. The Soldier Ranks. Pridebearer. The Pridebearers of the legion are true veterans of Dungrimm. They are the most skilled and hardened warriors of the soldier ranks. It will often take Legionnaires decades to reach this rank, making it a position of true excellence in the Legion. Often Pridebearers are the first ones to be considered for Lieutenant. They are the ancient and undying defenders of Dungrimm’s Legion. Longbeard. Longbeards are proven soldiers and are amongst the most experienced and disciplined within the legion. Longbeards are chosen to become officers if there are no suitable Pridebearers ahead of them that can be chosen. Former officers or those who have held the Longbeard rank and above within the legion can return to this rank if they decide to re-join the legion either after retirement or if they were previously an officer who has been demoted. Ironguard. Members of the Ironguard are to be considered the true core of the Legion. True warriors that are dedicated to Dungrimm’s Legion and that have sworn their oath to it. They have been trained to the point of competency in their position and are on the path to hardened warriors. These legionnaires are expected to carry themselves with more composure and dedication then the Grunts below them, and should carry a presence that is not to be trifled with. Grunt. Grunt is the beginning rank of Dungrimm’s Legion, any dwarf can sign up and start their journey through the ranks as a Grunt. They will be trained in combat and discipline, leading to a quick experience as to how true Legion life will be. Once competent enough in listening to orders, combat and discipline Grunts will be promoted to the Ironguard after swearing their oath. Classes. There are various Classes a legionnaire can select to gain extra experience to their liking. Whether that be a Medic, Ranger, a Mage or a Beastslayer. These legionnaires get drilled and trained in their class, making them into an elite force used for specific duties alongside their standard issue legion training. Medic. Medics get trained to be an on the ground, hands on surgeon in the heat of battle. Medics are trained in their field to surgical precision. Their training is considered the most mentally straining due to the extreme multitude of scenarios they need to be prepared for, and for that reason they are heavily respected within the legion. Ranger. Rangers are the main scouting and stealth force of the legion. They are primarily trained to be self-sufficient archers who can whittle down an opponent from far away with arrows. They have been given the duty of scouting out the enemy ahead. Mage. The Mages of the Legion have been given training in general use of their magic, usually behind the main force in a more supportive role. The Mages are given the duty of targeting out the more powerful enemies with their spells, or using their spells as cover for the other legionnaires. Beastslayer. The Beastslayers of the Legion are an elite fighting force specially designed to slay unnatural and rare monsters ordinary legionnaires aren't trained for. The Beastslayers excel in fighting anything supernatural that may come their way. The Legionnaires Oath. Step forward, grunt [“Grunt’s Name”], and swear by the gods of Urguan, the manes of your ancestors, and your own honor an unbreakable oath that you will follow your commander wherever he may lead you. You will obey orders enthusiastically and without question. You will promise to serve under the standard of the Legion with honour. You will serve Urguan faithfully, even at the cost of your life, and will respect the law with regards to civilians and your comrades in arms.” “Congratulations. You are now a member of the Ironguard.” Legion benefits. While the Legion itself is an entirely selfless organization, focused on the protection of Urguan without expecting reward, there are nevertheless several benefits which come from joining the Legion. Equipment: Gear for combat and traversing the land is available to the forces of the Legion. Upon reaching a new rank a legionnaire will be given a brand new set of armour alongside a weapon, shield and ranged weapon of their choice. Gear is obtained from an officer and a member of the Legion may use his armor and weapons in whatever manner they wish after it has been provided for them. During times of war, equipment will be handed out on the eve of a battle if a legionnaire does not have their own gear to battle. A member of the Legion is entitled to keep whatever ‘spoils of war’ are obtained during battle. Free Barracks Housing: A new recruit may gain free housing within the barracks indefinitely should they stay active within the ranks, the recruit that partakes in this bonus will lose their lodging after purchasing a home of any type within the capital or in the kingdom’s surrounding lands. Legion Pay: The commanding ranks of Dungrimm’s Legion are expected to be grateful for the chance to lead the Legion, and are given no pay. This is the pay given to active Legionnaires judged by rank. Pridebearer: 20 Mina per year. Longbeard: 15 Mina per year. Ironguard: 10 Mina per year. Grunt: 5 Mina per year. Legionnaire of the Year: Legionnaire of the year is a rank granted down by the Grand Marshal himself, such ways to obtain this honour is by acting appropriately and showing discipline ((both in roleplay and out of character)), whilst performing diligently and accordingly within the Legion. Legionnaires of the week will be granted double their wages for that year’s payday.. For instance, if you are awarded Legionnaire of the Year you will get double pay for that year’s pay day. Legion Hall of Fame: The most decorated Legionnaires will have a chance at earning a spot in the Hall of Fame, located in the Legion’s Grand Hall. This is no easy feat, for a spot in the Hall of Fame is extremely difficult to obtain. A soldier who accomplishes something worthy of such an honour must receive a unanimous nomination by the Grand Marshal and both Commanders. Afterwards, the Grand King himself determines whether the achievement is considered legendary and historical. If successful, the legendary soldier will be granted a spot in the Hall of Fame. Traditionally, a ceremony is held in the Legion Hall to initiate a legend who will be eternalized in the Hall of Fame. Enlistment Requirements One must be at least eighteen years old. One must reside in Urguan. One must not be banished. One is expected to have a good grasp of Urguanic Law. Promotions. Every two years. (two weeks) the Grand Marshal shall host a promotion ceremony based off of the performance by the Legionnaires the past two years. The current ways to gain recognition by the officers are: Gate Duty Outpost Duty Patrol Guarding Meetings/Feasts Completing tasks assigned by officers Saving a fellow Legionnaire Attending a Training Guarding an important figure within the Kingdom Being critical to a successful mission Recruiting a Dwed into the Legion Winning a Legion organised tournament Attending Raids Attending Skirmishes Wear the Legion issued uniform Attending Battles Donating any of the following materials: Iron Gold Coal Leather Meat Golden Carrots Feathers Wood If Legionnaires want to get promoted, these are the things they should especially avoid doing. Refusal to address an officer or Legionnaire of higher rank with proper decorum while on duty or in a formal environment in the Legion Hall Cause the mission failure Misuse of Legion issued equipment: Speaking against an Officer during serious matters Harassment/Assault of fellow Soldiers Disobeying the orders of the Commanding Ranks Going Stark Raving Mad Refusing to wear the Uniform on duty Uniforms: (New skins will be posted here, wear the old ones for now.) Enlistment: Legion form.
  21. 12th of the Ambers Cold DEMANDS OF JUSTICE ᛏᚺᛖ ᛞᛁᛋᚺᛟᚾᛟᚱᚨᛒᛚᛖ ᚱᛖᛪ ᛋᚺᚨᛚᛚ ᚠᚨᛚᛚ It was assumed after Krug refused Ibleeses temptations and helped defeat the evil god, that his descendants would be the most strong, honorable and the greatest dark creature hunters of the realm. But as seen before in history, the orcs have fallen from their ways, dishonoring their great ancestor and dishonoring what he stood for. The Horde has taken another step to dishonor their creator, by capturing and killing a son of Urguan, of honorable and great descent. Hailing from the greatest line of Yavok and Kjell. Falling not in battle nor old age, but by the blades of the horde, behind closed doors with the intent of keeping their deaths secret. This is not the end of their dishonor. The Horde has allowed the corrupted dragon-kin to infect their land and their people. The Rex has allowed an academy of Azdrazi to settle on his land and live in the once occupied Ireheart town. But evil often hides itself in the shadow, not revealing its true face to the people of this realm, and often to its own kin. The Rex has done the same. He has not only colluded with the Azdrazi by allowing them to settle on his lands, but he has worked with them closely and helped them thrive within the lands of Krugmar, to find a home and spread the taint of Iblees. These transgressions and attacks cannot go unanswered, especially by the sons of Urguan who hold honor and justice close to their hearts, who strive to kill dishonor where it stands and banish evil where it hides. And so Grand King Bakir Ireheart alongside the entire Grand Kingdom of Urguan declare the following terms to the tainted Rex who has not only transgressed against the dwedmar, but to all descendants. The Horde shall do the following: I. Formally allow the Grand Kingdom to enter Krugmar and expel the Azdrazi from the domain of the Rex. As well as destroy the Pirate Cove for illegally harboring Azdrazi and settling on Ireheart soil. II. The Horde will hand over the orcs who have dishonorably killed Balor Ireheart and face trial by the Urguani courts. III. The Horde shall pay 7.5k minas in compensation to the Grand Kingdom for not only allowing the influence of Iblees to spread but also compensation for the assault, capture and killing of dwedmar. IV. The Rex shall agree to deliver a sum of 20 stacks of leather to the Grand Kingdom. The Horde shall have two days to adhere to these terms or The Grand Kingdom of Urguan shall issue a Grudge alongside a declaration of War to defeat the servants of evil and to achieve Justice. Upon agreeing to these honorable terms, the Grand Kingdom shall sign a non-aggression pact with The Horde lasting for 10 years.
  22. Year 82 of the Second Age, 5th of Amber Cold. (IRL Date) ᚨ ᛞᚹᚨᚱᚠ ᚱᛖᛏᚢᚱᚾᛋ ᛏᛟ ᚹᚨᚱ A RETURN TO THE CALL OF DUTY ᚨ ᛞᚹᚨᚱᚠ ᛋᚺᚨᛚᛚ ᛋᛚᚨᚤ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᚱᛖᛖᚾᛋᚴᛁᚾᚾᛖᛞ An Ireheart returns to the duty of leading the Legion. On Year 82 of the Second Age on the 5th of Amber cold a war was ignited. With the fury of the dwedmar and the foolishness of the orcs of The Iron’uzg. One dwed was killed, and for their sins one orc was killed, with two more captured. I, Sigrun Ireheart cannot simply standby as a soldier whilst this war goes on without my nation, my old soldiers going unled without a Marshal. For the reasons I had previously resigned have been rendered void by the ignition of this new war. I vow to return to the duty of being Marshal with vigour, should Grand King Bakir Ireheart accept me as his Grand Marshal once more i shall return to duty next stone year. Should any of my old commanders disagree and see themselves fit for the Grand Marshal role, i will accept the adversity and pray to Dungrimm they shall lead us with vigour and glory during this conflict. I shall leave the role for someone else after the war has ended, for someone else to lead the legion to glory. I ask you, brave dwed to let me lead us into victory this war, and trust me with the duty i had previously lost the appetite for. For the ancient saying goes, there's no better feeling then killing an orc. Signed, Clan Father of the Irehearts, Champion of the Wilds.
  23. A Grudge of Blood and Fire Since the time of Yemekar’s creation, there has existed one fundamental law, which all beings must obey. It is a foundational principle engraved into the heart of every dwed to have ever lived; the cornerstone of Dwarven Pride itself: Nothing may be allowed to attack Urguan’s Folk and live. It is an atrocity that has been committed many times over the centuries, and each time those who have perpetrated this one, unforgivable sin have been punished severely. Yet, once again, some foul creature has chosen to rise against Urguan’s Folk. The foul and corrupted Drake known as Cloudbreaker has, thrice, attacked the Grand Kingdom of Urguan at the heart of our nation: The Capital City of Kal’Darakaan. It brings Fire hot enough to melt stone, Strength enough to topple towers, and Wings which carry it through the sky. It is truly a foe which seems insurmountable, yet the word “fear” does not exist in the Dwarven tongue. If a beast soars through the air, we shall cleave its wings from its body. If a beast bears great strength, we shall sever tendons to cripple it. If Cloudbreaker brings fire against our walls, we will extinguish these flames using the Drake's own blood. The Wronged: The Grand Kingdom of Urguan Elder Clan Ireheart Elder Clan Irongut Elder Clan Grandaxe Elder Clan Goldhand Elder Clan Starbreaker Elder Clan Frostbeard The Clans of Hefrumm Clan Irongrinder Clan Grimgold The Assailant: Cloudbreaker, The Black Drake The Wrong: The wanton attacks on The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and her vassals, leading to the death of many good dwarves, including Gormli, along with damage to the Jewel of the Empire: Kal’Darkaan. Terms of Settlement: The Head of Cloudbreaker hung above the gates of Kal’Darakaan, and its corpse stripped and hung in the square of the city. And its teeth and claws turned into fine crafts by the artisans of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan.
  24. 11th of the First Seed RAZING OF THE COVE ᛋᚲᛟᚢᚱᚷᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛞᚱᚨᚷᛟᚾᛋ The sun rose above the still standing statue of Kjell looking over the old home of the Irehearts. Now illegally possessed by the Dragonkin, the Irehearts took action for such a slight. After issuing demands to the dragonkin, which they foolishly ignored, the Dragonslayers and the worshippers of Xan marched upon the dragon-cove, to exact revenge and to achieve justice. The group entered the town without being stopped, the only witness fleeing at the sight of the dwarven band. They were greeted by set up cannons at the harbor, fashionably aimed at the ships in the dock. The group quickly went to work, loading the cannon and firing on the large battleship in the bay. Loud booms would be heard across the mountain as the gunpowder shot the heavy cannonballs into the belly of the ship. It groaned before sinking it to the cold bottom of the sea. The dwarves then turned the cannon to the main hall, letting loose more shots hitting the once honorable hall of the Irehearts, more loud booms would be heard with the crashes of flying stone and broken wood debris scattered over the cove. They then turned to the Ireheart sloop that still held the clan's colors. Not leaving it to the dishonor of the Azdrazi they set it ablaze allowing it to burn to its eventual doom. After setting more of the dragonkins houses ablaze and letting their homes be turned into ash. The band took control of the final cannon, hoisting its barrel up high and adjusting it properly, they set its sights on the final standing building. The aviary. The crew once more got to work, fueled by adrenaline and the honor of fulfilling justice they quickly loaded the cannon and with the help of the paladin, lit the fuse and let the cannon fire. The cannon would be stronger than the ones before, letting loose its might it would rip into the aviary tower, creating a large crater in the middle, destroying any supporting beams to keep it standing. Chunks of rocks would fly all over the town before the tower tilted forward, crashing down to the ground below, destroying anything inside. As the party left, the great hall crumbled and burned. Ships sank and houses turned to ash. A cloud of smoke spilled up into the air, creating a toxic atmosphere for the inhabitants. Missives would be sent out to the Rex and the academy. “You were given a chance to vacate our lands and you refused. The khronammoruk will weed you out like a pest and remove any memory of the dragon taint you bring with you. And Rex. Do not make the same mistake your predecessors did, and test the might of our clan. Remove the dragonkin off the land behind your city, or share their fate.” ᚹᛖ ᚨᚱᛖ ᚲᛟᛗᛁᚾᚷ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚤᛟᚢ
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