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  1. Chp. 1: On Gods The Old Three Grønn the Life-Bringer, the Ivy that Creeps, the Undivided Aspect, Father Green, the Evertreader In the heart of the natural world dwells Grønn, the Life-Bringer, a towering figure revered as the embodiment of nature's power and vitality. Within the Old Faith, Grønn is venerated as the amalgamation of the druidic spirits, representing the essence of nature itself. His presence manifests as a towering figure, standing twelve feet tall, with skin of bark, teeth of rock, and eyes that shimmer like pools of water. Adorned with a crown of leaves and vines that twist and turn in wild abandon, Grønn embodies the untamed spirit of the wilderness. Though his form is formidable, he is elusive, appearing fleetingly amidst the verdant depths of the forest or the rushing waters of the river. Grønn's benevolence is widely acknowledged among his followers, who revere him as the guardian and protector of all living things. Hunters offer thanks for his sacrifices, acknowledging the natural order that allows them to sustain themselves through the bounty of the land. Others, who eschew the consumption of meat, commune with the animals and the land, seeking harmony and balance in their relationship with nature. As the Guardian of Nature, Grønn holds sway over all aspects of the natural world, from the towering trees to the smallest insect. He is the steward of the elements, shaping the earth, air, fire, and water as gifts to Morighaen, the Night Mother, in her eternal dance across the cosmos. Yet, Grønn's influence extends beyond the material realm, serving as the bridge between the earthly plane and the astral realms. He is the embodiment of life's vitality, the force that binds the celestial and the terrestrial in a harmonious union. To commune with Grønn is to commune with the very essence of nature itself, to recognize the interconnectedness of all living things and the sacredness of the natural world. Through his guidance, his followers seek to live in harmony with the rhythms of the earth, honoring the cycles of life, death, and rebirth that define the eternal dance of existence. Followers to Grønn exist already: Grønn has been the most timeless of the Three, as much as nature has been one of the most steadfast domains in our world. The Druids have gone nowhere, and while their manner of worship has evolved with time, the Great Green God is as persistent as the rivers that carry his word in the babbles of brooks, and the rolling of stones. Thrønn the Impartial, the Reflection of Humanity, the Infinitely Faced, the Everchanger, That which is in the Mirror, Thief of the Heart’s Fire, It Who Steps in Your Wake Within the depths of every human soul resides Thrønn, the Impartial, a figure shrouded in the collective consciousness of humanity. They embody the myriad desires, virtues, and flaws that define the human experience, appearing as a shapeless entity, a shadow cast by the inner workings of each individual. To their followers, Thrønn represents the impartial observer of human existence, a silent witness to the complexities of mortal life. They gather in open fields, acknowledging their own shadows as reflections of Thrønn's essence, and offer prayers that vary as widely as the individuals themselves. Some beseech them for guidance in times of need, while others express gratitude for the blessings they have received. The relationship between humanity and Thrønn is symbiotic yet enigmatic. While some view them as a benevolent force, bestowing the gift of "Heartfire" upon humankind—a source of inspiration and creativity—others see them as a mirror reflecting the darker aspects of human nature. Those who shun Thrønn often do so out of fear or resentment, unwilling to confront the truths they reveal about themselves. Yet, Thrønn's nature is not fixed or predetermined. Some believe that they mirror the qualities of those who invoke them, embodying both the virtues and vices of humanity in equal measure. To the greedy, they appear as a figure of avarice and selfishness, while to the kind-hearted, they manifest as a beacon of benevolence and compassion. Thrønn, the Reflection of Humanity, exists as a testament to the complexity of the human soul, embodying both light and shadow, virtue and vice. To understand them is to understand oneself, for they are the mirror that reflects the essence of humanity in all its diversity and contradiction. Long ago, when Adunians and Highlanders still roamed the old Aegisian North, Thrønn intervened in mortal lifes and gave them divine magic. They reached into the first men and drew the flames from their chest, and put them in their own hands. Morighaen, who interacts in the lives of men in much subtler ways, doomed Thrønn to wander amongst those whose lives they so intimately mingle with: integrating with society, subtly. Those who devote themselves to Thrønn come in all walks of life. A mass of those who would worship the Infinitely Faced would find paradoxical, and contradictory pairs amidst its group, because Thrønn welcomes all. Those who worship Thrønn often do so out of a shared love of humanity and life itself, typically. The Everchanger does not ask you to be anything, but who you are, to the best of your own ability. Morighaen the Night Mother, She Whose Wings Breath the Sky to Light, the Distant Woman, She Who Cloaks, the First to Awaken, the Scale Tipper, the Unseen Hand, the Great Isolator In the unfathomable depths of the Astral planes reigns Morighaen, the Night Mother, a figure veiled in the splendor of celestial realms. Enigmatic and vast beyond mortal comprehension, she embodies the essence of cosmic equilibrium, neither benevolent nor malevolent but a force beyond human understanding. Morighaen's presence transcends the mortal realm, yet she remains aloof from direct intervention in the affairs of mortals. Instead, she weaves the fabric of existence with a subtle touch, guiding the cosmic dance of stars and planets. Her influence permeates the tapestry of reality, shaping the cycles of the moon, the passage of time, and the patterns of weather, all from a distance too great for mortal eyes to perceive. To her followers, Morighaen represents the ineffable mysteries of the universe, a beacon of contemplation and reverence. They offer prayers not for her intervention but for understanding and enlightenment, seeking to align themselves with the cosmic harmony she embodies. In times of turmoil or uncertainty, they turn to her as a source of solace and guidance, finding strength in the cosmic order she represents. Despite her apparent detachment, Morighaen's relationship with her fellow deities is complex and intertwined. While she refrains from direct interference in mortal affairs, her presence serves as a silent counterbalance to the whims of her old pantheon. Should their actions threaten to disrupt the delicate balance of the cosmos, she may subtly influence events to restore harmony, though her hand remains unseen. As the Cosmic Enigma, Morighaen exists beyond the dichotomy of creation and destruction, chaos and order. She is a force of cosmic neutrality, guiding the universe with a silent wisdom that transcends mortal understanding. To her faithful, she offers not salvation or deliverance but the opportunity to glimpse the infinite mysteries of existence and find solace in the unfathomable vastness of the cosmos. The most fervent worshipers wish to see her vision for our reality come to life; a godless paradise. They believe that one day, Morighaen will wrap our world under her night-cloak, bringing about a beautiful, endless night. Stars would dot the sky bright enough to allow all life to flourish within nature, within cities, free of deific interference. Her night-cloak would prevent aenguls and daemons from pressing into the world, allowing the planet to exist as a paradisiacal terrarium for her own amusement and curiosity. Chp. 2: On People Core Beliefs The Revered Ancestors Followers of the Old Faith share some beliefs with their Adunic Orthodoxist brethren. Though, in rejection to Cannonist belief, and that of the Creator, followers of the Old Faith believe that their patron takes them when they pass: for those who worship Morighaen, when you pass, you return to the night’s sky, and join the stars, watching your ancestors beneath you. For those who worship Thrønn, the infinitely faced comes and gently ushers your Heartfire to silence, and draws it back into themself. For those who worship Grønn, you return to the dirt where you lay, your body feeding into the cycle of life and death, your spirit whispering in the wind. Similar to Adunic Orthodoxy, there is an emphasis placed on the spirits of old: both those venerable legends of the past, in all walks of Adunic lore, legend, and history, and those closer to home: more venerable in your own hallowed halls, and family lines. The Founders In the eyes of followers of the Old Faith, Harren and Sarai are revered for their love and intrinsic qualities. Despite the Creator's rejection and abandonment, adherents express gratitude towards their progenitors, embracing their flaws and the dual-cursed nature they bestowed upon their descendants. While acknowledging the complexities of their legacy, followers find solace and pride in their parentage. The advancements and achievements of the High Kingdom, fostered by Harren and Sarai's leadership, are remembered fondly within the Old Faith. Their union, symbolizing the bond between Elf and Man, is celebrated for granting the Adunians longevity and prosperity. However, followers lament the empire that emerged from their legacy, reminiscent of the Holy Oren Empire's divisive impact on the Adunian people, particularly evidenced by the fracturing at the Battle of Winterhold. The Trinity The second set of major ancestors chronologically, and the chief ones in the Adunic Orthodox Rite, are the Trinity of Elendil, Maria, and Braen. A major difference between the Adunic-Orthodoxy, and the Old Faith, is the lack of recognition of the Trinity. Followers of the Old Faith, who stayed nomadic, vagrant, and loose did not experience the same difficulties or kinship with Elendil, Maria, or Braen, nor witness their actions in its fullness, or feel the effects of their efforts truly, as they were not for them. This is not to say that those in the Old Faith would not venerate their efforts in any respect. But, in the way that the Doethion is about Wise Men and Ancestors, the Old Faith would recognize the Founders, and likely think of the Trinity as part of the Doethion. The Doethion The final group of ancestors are the Doethion, or Wise Men. These are the equivalent to Saints among the Adunians, and are made up of all those Adunians who passed on into the next world and, as is customary for all those who are not bound by some other fate for the good of the people, remained in the Soulstream to aid their progeny. To join the Doethion in death to guide one’s ancestors is viewed as a final duty and oath to the Adunic people that all should make, and to sacrifice the ability to join the ancestors is often taboo, though it is accepted as a noble sacrifice in certain cases, such as that of the Templars. This is why the study of deific magics and magics that corrupt the soul are exceedingly rare among the Adunians, and while small bands of Adunic holy mages (especially Templars of the Aengul Malchediael, also known as Saint Michael to many Humans and Adunians, and is counted among by that name) are common, and often kept around, the choice to join one of those groups is an extremely difficult one for an Adunian to make, and is never taken lightly. While all Adunians who pass on and enter the Soulstream are members of the Doethion, some are worshiped more widely than others. Each clan or house will tend to have certain ancestors who they hold in high esteem, and then there are ones that are held in esteem by all Adunains. Small Prayers are often written to them asking for intercession, along with the greater rites for weddings, funerals, and invoking the spirits of the dead. Rejecting the Creator The story of the Adunian origin is as old as time itself. From Horen came Harren, who loved Sarai, an elf. The two consummate their union and so their tribe did as well. The first Adunians came from this union, and, in disgust at the twice-cursed people, the Creator turned his back on the Adunians, and for much of Adunian history, so did the other descendant races. For Cannonist Adunians, their origin is somewhat a source of shame. In the early Iladunian empire, when Adunians settled into Kingdoms and Empires and began their crusades, the people were repentant for something beyond their control. While these early empires began to organize into religion, to beg for forgiveness, and seek unity and solemn reprieve with their kinsmen, the Old Faith offered an alternative. The Old Faith began amongst bowies and their family units. While the seeds and stage were set for the Idunic empire, not all Adunians were part of that empire. Amongst the trees, those fathers, and mothers, and their children, like a mass-hysteria, or shared delusion, began to share the prophetic visions of a figure. Morighaen did not speak, not with words, but through an empathic link and images. Her fascination for mere mortals was felt through this bond; where their Creator had turned on them, the Adunic people had an admirer. During run-ins with fellow bowies and trades with their kinsmen was there the slow realization of the breadth of this shared delusion. This lent credence to her… shared themes of stars and the night, of a great, ethereal, otherworldly face smiling down upon the chosen Adunian people. Their fathers passed looking down on them from the night’s sky… these delusions were not just delusions. While the Ildunic empire set their seeds, those who chose to wander rode their horses through steppes and frosted forestscapes, and in their dreams, would feel sermons and the beckoning of a curious god, and her siblings. Bump in the Dark Those who followed the Old Faith venerate the Old Three. Grønn is responsible, and takes ownership, for creatures within the domain of nature. He claims responsibility for deep rooted trees, swaying rushes, the birds that chirp in their branches. Those who hunt, forest, and gather thank Grønn for providing his creations to sustain us and are careful not to waste the gifts of the Green Father. Similarly, Thrønn claims the domain of mortals, and those of the descendant races. Not in spite of the Creator, but more so in tandem. Their shadow does permeate all creatures and things, but the Infinitely Faced is especially curious of, and responsive to, the descendant races. For all good and bad actions taken, Thrønn observes and commentates, judging and observing, from just out of the light. Morighaen herself does not lay claim to any creation. She herself is an indifferent observer. She finds life to be a curious marvel, and seemingly, is a fan of the work of the Creator even if the Creator does not like all of his own work (ie. Adunains). She would prefer to see a world where those creations of the Creator may act freely without the taint of outside influence. To that end, none of the Old Gods claim any Darkspawn as theirs. When Iblees tricked the world, and cursed the four brothers, they witnessed the Undead and fell-creations that Iblees had summoned. They admired the fervor of the four brothers; their perseverance in the face of insurmountable, deific power was impressive for mortals. To that end, when the Old Three chose to patronize them, if allowed in their practices, they too reinvigorated their own hatred for those that skulk and pray ruin onto ordinary lives. This is practical as well, for those who follow the Old Faith. Many of its worshipers were Northmen, Highlanders, and Bowies that lived either a nomadic, fringe lifestyle, often plagued by frost-witches and creatures of the night, or kept sentinel-vigils in great stone cities in the frost, watching for the tide of Undead in day’s past. There is simply no place for those beyond redemption in the Old Faith. A House Divided Bowies has always been the term attributed to those Adunians who were nomadic, did not settle, who preferred their horses and tents, or light-holdings, that they could easily come and go from. Their namesake, the bowie knife, a fixed-blade that functioned as both a weapon and everyday tool, is synonymous with the people who still carry and use it daily as a symbol of their rugged frontiersman ship and wanderlust. At one point, it could be said that all Adunians were bowies. With the dawn of the Ildunic Empire however, many would trade in their small family units, clans, and tribes, and give into the promises and comforts that city life, and settling, could provide. The decision to stay in their self-contained units was not an easy one, though, it was not one of great consequence either. The brotherhood amongst Adunians was not easily destroyed by one’s decision to come, or to go. This delineation in life-style marked the cultural differences of the two groups though, and similarly, marked the religious differences. When the Ildunic Empire fell, and the Ildunic empire was forced across the sea, persecution of bowies was equally felt. After all, they were simply wilder Adunians, arguably: a dirtier second-class citizen. While following at a distance, the bowies would follow their brethren, and with that, the shadow of the Old Faith quietly crept with Adunians. Struggling for cultural identity in the new worlds, some Adunians would convert to the Old Faith: the shattered people finding some comfort in their old ways, and the consistency of the God who truly loves them appealing. When Winterhold was established in Westfall by Duke Artorious Elendil, the Adunian people found themselves pulled into a center again. For the first time since the Ildunic empire had fallen, the people were convening and trading in Adunian stores and bowies would visit their brethren to trade goods and tales. It felt like the good old days, before the fall. Fathers, organized priests of the Old Faith, wandered and spoke their oral tales, unraveling mysteries lost overseas in communion with their Pantheon of Three. Even some highlanders, who stayed in Winterhold, were interested in the alternative religion and philosophies of the Old Faith. For the first time, the Old Faith was actually in the spotlight, and a mainstay, common-place belief amongst Adunians. As Cannonism rose to prevalence among mankind, accompanied by the emergence of prophets, saints, and orders extolling the virtues of human supremacy and the One True God, tensions simmered. Cannonism sought to unite humanity under its banner, yet amidst this upheaval, the Old Faith experienced a resurgence among the Adunian and Highlandic people. Highlanders endured derogatory treatment as "disgusting savages," while Adunians, viewed as "half-elves" with two curses, faced discrimination as second-class citizens. These irreconcilable differences, amongst other reasons, sparked rebellions, swiftly suppressed under a united human banner, but leaving behind two distinct factions: the repentant Adunians and Highlanders forgiven by Godfrey Horen I for their transgressions, and those opposed to Cannonism—who chose to embrace their nomadic heritage once more and become bowies. Bowies, emblematic of the fragmented Adunic people, embody the spirit of Adunia—solemn responsibility and enduring resilience. In the same vein that "no Adunian dies in their bed," by remaining light and free, bowies defy tyranny simply by embracing their freedom. While the beliefs and ways of life differ household by household, family by family, clan by clan amongst bowies, the Old Faith found prevalence amongst these scattered bands. For those who still venerated the old ways, disdain could be found for those who chose to live under their oppressors, still bitter at being forced away from their ancestral forests at the dawn of the Ildunic empire. The wisest of the Old Faith could respect the choice to live in a semblance of unity, even if it was at the cost of cultural identity. Both those who stay, and those who wander, ultimately, ensured the survival of the Adunic people. Even in time, those who stayed ultimately crumbled away with their walls and holds, just as castles and legacies tend to do. Jon Marsyr, a famous and notable bowie, was an Adunian who established their people once again, now as the Numedanian. While still a people seeped with Cannonism, those of the Old Faith find they can live in a quiet-existence alongside their brothers, if, only, for a sense of a people united once more. Syncretistic, Pragmatic, and Practiced Given that the Old Faith largely survived through oral-tradition and some hidden away scrolls, the Faith has persevered through rearing its members, and bringing them up in practice of the Old Faith. It’s generally not a religion that seeks to spread its message evangelistically, nor is it a word to be pushed onto others. Those that seek the Old Faith will find it. The Old Faith shares much in the way of Adunic-Orthodoxy in that the ancestors, and the past, are emphasized. It is important to have role models and guidance from those who walked before you: we should acknowledge the past and use it as a lens to move forward for the better. In that way, both those greatest heroes and darkest villains in one’s line have equal say, in that we should understand what made our heroes great, and villains evil. To that end, the Old Faith, because many of its followers often live in single-family units, or small clans, revering those who came before us, there is not much preaching that goes on. While the messages of Morrighaen, Thrønn, and Grønn are universal, it does little to tell a stranger about how wonderful your great-grandfather was without distilling the wisdom of their stories. Similarly, those of the Old Faith are often more interested in finding commonality amongst belief instead of overriding the beliefs of those before them. The Old Faith had long revered Druii, for instance: Grønn has a clear identity as Father of the Forests, and is thought of to simply be the Aspects Undivided. Those who follow Grønn will more than likely serve better to protect the ideals of Grønn, and the kingdom of nature, than to disparage Druii and argue over the minutiae of differences directly between the Old Faith, and Druidism. Lastly, the Old Faith is largely a decentralized religion. Many of the practices and followings differ between people, families, and clans, with differences in songs, poems, stories, and endings. At one point, the Old Faith did have a stronger sense of hierarchy amidst the “Fathers of the Old Faith”, who were Heartfire wielding guardians of the traditions and beliefs of the Old Faith. Since the practice of Heartfire has waned into obscurity, there is no true-organizational body of the Old Faith. It is more important to practice good faith and belief in the Three, and your Ancestors, than organize and structure. Chp. 3: On Mysticism Gaesa In the way that the Old Faith reveres and understands Morrighaen as the most powerful in their pantheon, many within the Faith will undertake a gaes (sometimes spelt gaess, or gaesa). A gaes is an idiosyncratic taboo, or self-imposed ritual-- something that you absolutely must do, or never do. To undertake a gaes is not a light, or easy decision. Often, a gaes is sworn under cover of night, at a place closest to the stars, or where the canopy of night is all one can see. Originally, gaes were only utilized by those who revered and sought the Indifferent Mother’s favor. Many would consider this to be a wasted effort; one cannot tempt the Mother of Fates into action. But, even still, those who swore their gaes to Morrighaen found themselves, at least in self-reports, braver and more effective. They felt as though in dire circumstances, they found their ways easier. These self-reports spread the idea of a gaes from something only the most fervent of Morrighaen’s chosen would undertake, to a much more common superstition. Some examples of gaes that someone may undertake are as follows: “I will never refuse a meal from a woman.” “At a crossroad of life, I plant a flower.” “I will never introduce myself by my first name.” “Speak your fears before passing running water.” “I will never speak ill of the dead.” “Always leave a coin for your bartender.” To undertake a gaes, and break it, is to invite only the most calamitous and urgent of ruin upon yourself. In bowie folk-lore and Old Faith oral tales, some heroes will take two gaes to bring a greater boon of luck. That said, many tales end with a contradiction of the two gaes spelling the end for the hero, or, the hero failing to uphold their one beholden belief. As said before; a gaes is never to be undertaken lightly, and only should reflect that which is in your control. A gaes may be “I will never travel with someone carrying an arbalest” but never “No one can ever have an arbalest”. It is-self imposed, and sacred. Erythian Stars (Click me for link to the old lore) Introduction Erythian Stars are simply mystically empowered glass orbs centered by a rare gem that display either sight, sound, or emotion present on the opposite end of two connected Stars, for either mundane purposes such as checking in with a friend that lives far away or for more extreme purposes such as overwatching the border of a known area harboring great evil. Forging A Star Foring a star is relatively simple, but the cost of creating one is great. All that is needed is a glass orb around the size of a head, a valuable gem such as an emerald or diamond within its center, and a willing participant. The participant must sacrifice either their sight, hearing, or capacity to feel emotion on any powerful level and bind the sacrificed sense as well as a small fragment of their soul to the object, permanently binding the emotion or sense to the newly forged orb. While this requires a fair bit of study into the soul and its workings, the damage done is minimal and does not create any form of phylactery of the sort as the soul’s severed part turns into energy to power the orb. As a result only one Star can be made per person, and anyone that is used in the orb’s creation will be mildly affected by holy magics that cause damage to beings with damaged or irregular souls. Finally, the orb does not gain any durability, so it’d be as easy as shattering glass to destroy it, making these useful orbs quite costly. Stars Of Andun The Stars of Andun, or Stars of Emotion, do as the name implies and links the emotions of those on either end of the two-way system. If anyone were to grab onto one star, they’d feel either nothing - as in most cases - or either the emotions of the person holding onto the other star, entirely replacing their own for the duration. Similar to the other Stars, a link must be formed by having the creators of each star come together and willingly unify the two artifacts, the link being unbreakable and irreplaceable when formed. Stars of Cearm Finally, the Stars of Cearm, or Stars of Sound, transfer sound between two orbs in a radius around it instead of vision or emotion. Touching these stars have no special effect unless both are touched at once, in which case the user will not hear anything they’d normally hear, but rather whatever the person on the opposing Star heard, and vice versa. As with the other Stars, a link is required between two Stars. Stars Of Ansíen The Stars of Ansíen are ones designed with the intent of viewing an area, the area being either another Erythian Star or a Tower of Sántorr. Two linked Erythian Stars would act as if the two users of the mystical orbs were in the same room as one another, their vision being projected on either end. The two Stars must be linked with each creator’s willing consent and both stars present in the same area, effectively melding the two gems into one half of the same whole. The benefit of this is that the opposite gem can view the area where they’re located by simply looking at the other star, while the downside is that no sound or other senses pass through the star, making it only useful for visual use. The other scenario in which a Erythian Star would be classified as a Star of Ansíen would be linking a star to a Tower of Sántorr, or a “Viewing Tower” in common terms. This requires the Starforger to bring the Star to a functioning Tower of Sántorr’s peak where the Star can be linked to the tower. After doing so, the Star will display a similar all-around view of the area around the tower. Tower of Sántorr Finally, a Tower of Sántorr is a megastructure that appears in the world as an anomaly, the creation and requirements of what is and isn’t being unknown to both the first Starforgers as well as the common world as well. Instead, these towers seem to form out of anything, including the tallest tree in a forest, a guard tower in a city, or even the highest hill in the countryside. As a result finding one is near impossible without some form of supernatural aid, and creating one is an even more impossible task. However it’d seem in times of dire need that these towers in one way or another reveal themselves. Heartfire (Click me for link to the old lore) In the ancient realms of Adunia and the Highlanders, there existed a magic known as Heartfire—a divine gift bestowed upon mortals by Thrønn, the Impartial. This sacred flame, drawn from the depths of one's own essence, held the power to ward off evil, illuminate the darkness, and bestow protection upon oneself and allies. At its core, Heartfire was a manifestation of the inner vitality and resilience of the human spirit. Practitioners of this magic could wreath themselves in an ethereal flame, warding off the chill of the night and repelling malevolent forces. Additionally, they could extend this protection to objects and weapons, imbuing them with the same divine light. One of the most profound abilities granted by Heartfire was the capacity to heal and restore vitality. By stoking the flames within themselves or others, practitioners could close wounds, neutralize poisons, and cleanse the body of toxins. However, this power came at a cost—as the inner flame was spent, so too was one's own vitality. To replenish their strength, Heartfire users would seek solace in the warmth of fires, drawing upon their radiant energy to restore their vigor. They could also kindle the flames within others, returning them to a state of health and vitality. Yet, the misuse or overuse of Heartfire carried dire consequences. Excessive expenditure of the inner flame could lead to a darkening and brittleness of the body, akin to a tree consumed by fire from within. This ashen decay would start at the extremities, causing numbness and brittleness, and if left unchecked, could result in catastrophic consequences. In Old Aegis, Adunic and Highlandic wanderers and monks who revered the Old could utilize this power for true goodness. Heartfire could not harm God’s creations: only those of Iblees, of the Night, that shy away from lightness. Lost to time as the Adunic identity shifted, it was once restored in Anthos, and used to face the wraiths and liches around Mali’nor. It has since faded once again into time, receding into obscurity and esoterism. People who worship the Old Faith however have eyed templarism with some curiosity. The magic of Malchediael looks to those who remember, or have heard, of Heartfire as a successor of sorts. Some speculate Malchediael is the reflection of Thrønn to those righteous of heart, manifested, and the relationship is a positive feedback loop for righteousness, fervor, and glory-seeking.
  2. Hallowed Venerates Sirame Aheral Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Veneration Stratum III. Venerate Litany I. Introduction The Sirame Aheral is a recognized person amongst the Talyiinist faith with exceptional recognition for their duties to the identity, history, and insight towards the Talyiinist faith. Viewed as those of higher honor above all for their duties, the Sirame Ahera are considered to be those worthy of higher emulation within the choir’s public canonization. The process to becoming a Venerate is often a long task, with a significant amount recognized for either their deeds for the faith, or Mali’aheal, especially from Celian history. Vicars are responsible for presenting the deeds and character of a prospective Venerate, often which includes details such as their feats, their wisdom, possession of that which is holy, and leading as an exemplary model or teacher for the talyiinist faith and Celian culture. There are however, some distinctions between types of Venerates II. Veneration Stratum Venerates are often divided between three relical classes to define their intrinsic value towards those of the faith, as while all venerates are valued equally, they can be for different reasons. Archival Venerates) venerated for their proven duties and justifiable actions as leaders and great heros, the Archival Venerates are often elevated for their quality of character and their deeds in life, providing miracles to those around them. Dynastic Vemerates) venerated for their wisdom to guide forth the Celian people, under the mandate of the lineage of Ibarellan, all Dynastic Vemerates are members of the royal house of Celia’nor who’ve had the blessed privledge to guide the nation through its struggles. Dynastic venerates can equally apply to those of noble hours awarded a Patron Veneration. Sanctified Venerates) venerated for the dedication to the Talyiinist faith, miracles produced at the hands of the insightful and wise teachers of the faith, they are often elevated to this status for their quality of character, and service to the faith. III. Venerate Litany Currently there are 8 total saints, each one often assigned a greater insight they were known for, or miracle they brought to the world. Ivarielle Ibarellan - The Silver Phoenix - Patron of Leadership - Dynastic) The great founder of Celia’nor, and legendary founder of the royal line of Ibarellan. Illarion Ibarellan - The Securer - Patron of Strategy - Dynastic) The royarch successor to Ivarielle the Great, who grew Celia’nor to the dominant elven power of Almaris. Illyria Ibarellan - The Reclaimer - Patron of Reverence - Dynastic) The great reclaimer who rebirthed the nation of Celia’nor from the ashes of the Tyrant Wynasul’s ruins. Illthrak Ibarellan - The Vanquisher - Patron of Domain - Dynastic) The patron of the great renaissance of Celia’nor, an unbroken age of cultural revitalization and new thinking, while cultivating new lands for Celia'nor. Thelia - The Steadfast - Patron of Strength - Archival) The great knight of Celia’nor, a martyr who fended off the corrupt meddler of Azdromoth. Serigne Py’lrie - The Gilded - Patron of Prosperity - Archival) Celia’nors great financial minister, who lead the people of Celia’nor towards unfettered financial prosperity. Athleon Py’lrie - The Commander - Patron of Soldiers - Archival) The great soldier Mordu’lar, who helped found the divadri and revolutionized the concept of an elvish military.
  3. As penned by Illynora Sylvaeri and Avyndriel Aurë'naerï in the One Hundred and Eightieth Year of the Second Age. The Creeds, or Ways, are schools of thought which guide how Aspectists should live their lives. They are not alternative interpretations of the Aspectist religion; the core Aspectist tenets of prayer and offering, bodily purity, and upholding the balance are absolute and cannot be broken by the tenets of a Creed. The Creeds provide guidance on morality, ideals, and spiritual practice, enriching the Aspectist faith and culture of the Mali’ame as a whole. To join a Creed is to devote oneself to a lifestyle guided by that philosophy, swearing an oath of absolution and dedicating oneself to the spreading of its teachings. It is not a decision taken lightly. Some of the Aspectist Creeds may be better described as Creeds of the Wild Faith, or as Druidic Creeds. However, as all five of the existing Creeds bear the marks and structure of an Aspectist Creed, they are included for the purposes of this document. History The first Aspectist Creed was the Emerald Way, scribed by the Oracle Awaiti Aureon (later Sirame). She took to the wilds during a time of great strife for the Mali’ame, as the priesthood of the Naelurir cracked and crumbled around her. The Ichor Way, formed by the Oracle Valor Caerme’onn, soon rose in direct opposition. He disagreed with Awaiti’s teachings and wished to shed light on his interpretation of the will of the Aspects and the sacred balance. Recognising that a Creed was highly influential and would guide Aspectists on their journeys of faith, Awaiti and Valor came together to ensure all future Creeds would follow a standard structure and remain true to the core Aspectist tenets. Together they scribed the Creed Pact of 1663, which will be heavily referred to in future sections. Seven years later in 1670, the Owl Druid formed the Way of the Sage. Whereas the Emerald Way and Ichor Way stand in direct opposition, the Way of the Sage was founded as a middle ground, a way to seek acceptance and understanding. Many years later in 1734, Miklaeil Arvellon formed the Creed of the Sanguine Fire. In this period of history, true Aspectism had already long begun to fade, with the Wild Faith rising in its stead. The Creed of the Sanguine Fire openly devotes worship to the Mani as a pantheon of gods, holding the Aspects not as deities, but rather vast forces of nature upholding the eternal balance. The Way of the Mother is the most modern of the Creeds, having been formed by Illynora Sylvaeri in 1938 (142 S.A.). Illynora was a peer of Awaiti, and had even begun to walk the path of Emerald before the breakout of the Elven Cold War between Aegrothond and Gladewynn, spurred by the assassination of King Abelas Caerme’onn in 1679. The Way of the Mother is a loose collection of beliefs and teachings, but at its core it seeks to bring reverence back to the Mother and revive true Aspectism in the modern era. [!] A depiction of Creed Prophets Valor Caerme’onn & Awaiti Sirame. Creed Structure The Creed Pact provides that the structure of a Creed should be simple, with only three positions. There is the Prophet, the creator of the Creed. The Prophet holds the power to oath new members, change the Creed, and add to it. Next are the Heralds, teachers of the Creed and masters of its philosophy. They teach and guide new members of the Creed towards a higher understanding of the tenets, and have the ability to oath new members. The Creed Pact does not explicitly forbid someone from being a Herald of more than one Creed, but it is implicit in our understanding of the role of the Herald and the purpose of the Aspectist Creeds that this cannot occur. A Creed should not mirror another Creed too closely, meaning that while there are many compatibilities between the Creeds, there are also fundamental differences which makes it impossible to wholly devote oneself to more than one way of life. Because of this, while a Herald can follow more than one Creed, they are incapable of being masters of two philosophies. Finally are the Disciples, who spread the faith. They are responsible not only for spreading the tenets and words of the Prophet, but also bringing in new members to walk their path. Formation and Joining of a Creed Creating a Creed is to create a new way of life that will guide the everyday actions and beliefs of large groups of Aspectist society. Thus it is not a right to be abused at will. It is expected that only an Aspectist of a great deal of wisdom and knowledge of the faith as a whole would ever be able to create a true Creed. The Creed Pact is clear that to join a creed, a new member must take an oath before the Prophet or a Herald. For the oath to be legitimate, the member must have proven themselves to be aligned with the Creed, either through a series of initiation tasks or by the judgement of the Prophet or Herald. They must be of age, an Aspectist, and an elf. If these conditions are not met, the oath is deemed to be illegitimate. Noting that there are occasionally Aspectists and druii of non-Elven heritage, it is unlikely that an oath from a non-Elven Aspectist would be widely considered illegitimate, though elder elves and Aspectist fundamentalists from the era of the Creed Pact may disagree. Interaction Between Creeds All Creeds must be unique and not mirror too closely the ideals of any other existing Creed. However, some Creeds share ideals. It is not uncommon for more than one Creed to have a similar tenet or belief, such as both the Emerald Way and Way of the Mother sharing the belief that worship is to be given to the Aspects alone and not to the Mani. Other times, Creeds will be diametrically opposed, such as the Creed of the Sanguine Fire openly shunning Aspect worship in favour of the Mani, who they consider as Wild Gods. Even when the beliefs and teachings of the Creeds do not align, the Creeds Pact makes clear that slander of the other Creeds is strictly forbidden. Respect must be kept at all timse, for a failure to do so is a violation towards the very foundation of Aspectism. If a Prophet or Herald is found to be slandering another Creed or otherwise provoking infighting, it is open to the other Creed leaders to deem that Creed illegitimate. Dissolution of a Creed Once a Creed leaves the lips of the Prophet and comes into the world, it takes on a life of its own. Followers inevitably add to the Way as an ever-growing belief system and way of life. Therefore, even if the original Prophet were to declare the Creed dissolved, it would not stop followers from continuing to follow the Creed and spread its teachings. An exception to this is where a Creed leader repeatedly breaks the mandatory rules set out by the Creeds Pact. Repeated disrespect of these rules means that Oracles, other Prophets, and priests as a whole can declare the Creed illegitimate and heretical towards Aspectism. In this case, Creed followers are openly condemned from following the practices of the dissolved Creed. The mandatory rules are: I. All oaths must be legitimate, with the conditions of the oath met. II. All Creeds must remain true to the core Aspectist tenets of prayer and offering, bodily purity, and upholding the balance (or upholding nature, as it is sometimes interpreted). III. Respect of other Creeds is mandatory and slander is forbidden. Existing Creeds The Way of Emerald The Way of Emerald teaches the values of indomitable will, great courage, emotional resilience, and foresight. It preaches the core belief of will; that its disciples must have the will to face all that may come, bolster their courage in the face of fear, and seek clarity of mind and soul. Prophet | Awaiti Sirame Heralds | Avyndriel Aurë'naerï | Irrin Sirame The Ichorian Path The Ichorian Path preaches action and condemns passivity. It focuses upon survival and suffering as nature suffers, embracing that pain as a way to build fortitude and constantly strive for greater. It is a Creed that embraces facing one's fears and fighting fiercely in the name of the Aspects, shunning the comforts of civilisation and never being afraid of taking extreme action. Prophet | Valor Caerme’onn Heralds | Ghilean Alhanavir | Lysanthir Sonna Vulnrith (before the rule on Creed Heralds) The Way of the Sage The Way of the Sage is for Aspectists who seek wisdom and understanding of all sides of nature, be that chaos or harmony, without losing oneself to either extreme. Followers of the Way of the Sage believe that true control of both sides of nature and oneself is where strength lies, and that the flow of balance is key. It is a Way concerned with seeking the truth and constantly embracing knowledge. Prophet | The Owl Druid Heralds | Roylan Sirame | Revian Winterleaf Sonna Vulnrith (before the rule on Creed Heralds) The Sanguine Fire Better described as a Creed of the Wild Faith, the Creed of the Sanguine Fire offers devotion to the Mani above all. Followers of this Creed uphold the natural balance by holding vigil over wild places where the Mani may walk, keeping these places free of unnatural taint. At the core of this Creed is passion over temperance; every emotion, good and bad, is felt and acted on with intensity to better protect the natural world. Prophet | Miklaeil Arvellon Heralds | Lilyana Caerme’onn | Zaelyn Arvellon | Taliyun’orrir Sirame | Valmir Lorenthus The Way of the Mother This Creed is a disparate collection of beliefs informed by the interpretation of Cerridwen’s will. At its core, the Way of the Mother preaches societal balance over inner balance, wholly embracing the gentle, healing nature of the Mother and neglecting the warlike passion of the Father. This is the Way of healers, and also has many tenets surrounding family, marriage, and children, deeming this to be Cerridwen’s domain. Prophet | Illynora Sylvaeri Heralds | -
  4. The Symposium of Talyiinism Ne’estel vull’talii ah'haelun, Tillun'ae ay'allim Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Rituals III. The Parish IV. The Compendium I. Introduction Talyiinism is a spiritual and cultural set of notions widely accepted among the population of Celia'nor. The central belief is based on the cosmological difference between a hidden creator god and malevolent outer gods consisting of Aenguelaemonic existences.Believing that the status of the creator is disturbed, the Talyiinists shun salvation offered by Aspects, Spirits, and Aengudaemons in favor of a deeper understanding of their inner divinity and the shattered state of the cosmos. Talyiinists do not deal in sin nor virtue, but rather self enlightenment, and battling ignorance. Often, the greatest representation of Talyiinist doctrine is reflected by the moon and the stars, which represent the fractured creator and the veiled madness of absolution. Created during the nationalism of Celian culture and renaissance, the beliefs of Talyiinism complement existing traditions and philosophies of the community, combined with roots in alchemy and science. From examining the history of aenguldaemonic influence, it was concluded that either party or other pretenders had the interest of Elvendom at heart, all seen as incomprehensible titans at conflict above. Through the cross reference of philosophers and historians of yore, it was concluded that the one creator above all was fractured, a cosmic titan asleep and from their broken mind gave birth to reality. It is viewed that all life bears a piece of this great creator, capable of influencing their creations and blessings of magic and power, and explaining Aenguldaemonica’s need for the continued existence of life, despite their obvious power. Given the root power to resist the influence of meddlers is considered to be insight or knowledge, it is viewed that Elvendom is more capable of this endeavor as a grand mission to bring knowledge down from the heavens, and bring it to the mortal world. II. Rituals Moon and the stars One of the most intrinsic symbolic features of Talyiinism is the night sky, which reflects the infinite yawning maw of chaos, the madness of illusion reflected by the moon, and the hopeful enlightenment viewed as the many stars in the night sky. It is viewed that the stars in the sky reflect the broken and fractured mind of the dreaming Creator and that upon closer viewing gathers insight into the depth and scale of the soul. However, the dark spaces between the stars are often viewed with taboo apprehension, as it is often viewed that the darkness not only reflects ignorant chaos but is said to be the silhouettes of infinite voidal horrors beyond the stars. The moon however is viewed much more timidly, as it is viewed as the source of madness and disillusionment, a malevolent eye that watches the souls of the land. Traditionally, gestures using ash or soot often relate to blessings of disguise, in which the foreheads of a devout will be marked with an ashen mark to signify protection against the moon, by emulating its own surface color. This practice is often reserved for holy services and events, but is sometimes practiced on a daily occurrence by curates and vicars. Communion Preamble/origin Communion is seen as a collective beckoning or exchanging of higher thought and spirituality amongst Talyiinists. Exclusively led by a member of the upper parish choir, typically a Vicar, the sermon must be prepared before mass, in which the Altar is prepped for each service. The altar is first lined by the sacred shroud, in which a cloth is laid atop the lower altar wherein the relics will lay. Upon the upper altar two dishes of sacramental water and Sacred blood are positioned. The five candles Five candle stands are prepped, in which each candle atop the altar is lit by two separate parish members, these two will attend to the wafting of sacred incense and oils as the main Vicar works upon the altar. The shroud will be lightly sprinkled by finger with fresh water from the first bowl, before the vicar lays the relics upon the altar’s shroud. Most common relics include the preserved bones of saints of Talyiinism, and always the saint’s needle. Once the altar is prepared following the Vicars prayer, “O Acaele, Aheral’maehr, E’anniler, E’maelu’ehya’a, Ito’hilea, Lye’onn Acaele, Adont eom Lye’onn Tuva’celia’onn Len.” the sermon is ready to begin. During the parish service, communion will be called during the reading, in which lower parish members will service the gathering with goblets of sacrament wine, treated in similar fashion of a reflection of Sacred Blood. Vicar’s Prayer The Vicar will turn to the altar, kneeling before the altar, guiding the parish service through the enlightened prayer ““Iller’ae sulii’an, Acaele; Iller’ae Maehr’sulier’a, Acaele” when they stands to greet the altar, they will prick a finger upon the saint’s needle, and offer three droplets of blood at minimum, one for the altar, one for the bowl of fresh water, and one to the bowl of Sacred blood. When this process is finished, the Vicar will ask the communion to imbibe upon the sacrament, and take a moment for deeper reflection and prayer in silence. Once the vicar resumes the service, the lower parish members will collect the goblets from the crowd. Sacred Blood Due to the magical properties of elven blood, it is believed that blood has a link towards divinity and enlightenment, being the natural life giver amongst all species of creation. Blood therefore has an intrinsic identity within communion and symbolism within the identity of Talyniism, where it is regarded that blood is viewed as not only the root of life, but the intrinsic medium between the soul and the material. It is viewed that the blood of the covenant is the binding force between all the faithful as the inherent link between all elvish kind. During times of communion, a priest will prick their finger upon the altar, in which but a drop of blood is consecrated, while the onlookers of communion will imbibe upon the sacramental wine, a reflection of the blood of the covenant. III. The Parish The parish is the collective structural body of the faith, organized between three select branches of organized faith that all act underneath the oversight of the Archprelate, with Vicars and the First Abbess holding the most power afterwards. Land is often ascribed to those figures as well, with dioceses for vicars to help spread the faith in further locations and establish their own choirs across the realm of Celia’nor. Choir Assembly The choir is the centralized authority of religious and liturgical practitioners within the Parish. The Choir is responsible for active outreach towards the faithful and upholding the teachings of Talyiinism towards a greater audience of Elvish kind. The Choir is largely responsible for duties including ceremony, blessings, and upkeep or updating the scrolls of Daemonium and Miseres. Vicar) A Vicar is the Highest position of power in the Choir, being subservient only to the Archprelate. Vicars are highly responsible for leadership and ministrating Parish outlook, including the dedicated work of updating the holy scrolls of Daemonium and Miseres. A Vicar is equally responsible for electing Saints based on cases of recognized miracle work. Each vicar is assigned their own diocese and cathedral to be ordained. Curate) Curates are official members of the parish dedicated towards clerical work. Many are scribes or scholars with interest in pursuing various methods of enlightenment and tutoring others through Clerical service. Curates are often well respected individuals with a strong standing in the Choir. Silent Sisters The Silent Sisters are the phantom limb of the Parish, Judge and Jury, these high ranking members are exclusively dedicated towards the Archprelate, and their identities are not made public. They are ears and eyes, and much of their direct duty is highly unknown. They are dominated by a structural order of strength and cunning, that decides their rank and position. Holy Blades The Holy Blades are the paramilitary branch of the Parish, a group specifically made up of Hunters, Maidens, and Crusaders all dedicated in loyalty to the vision of Talyiinism and the parish. The holy blades encompass the largest amount of diversified roles, in which the blades are largely divided between the mixed gender branch of Hunters, and the female only branch of maidens. The Hunters are specifically designated towards combating harmful elements of the moon’s influence, largely being agents of Aenguldaemons and their influences. Hunters can be diversified into mini-roles such as artificers, scholars, stewards, and proper hunters. The branch of maidens is designated towards more religious, and supportive roles, in which abbesses are selected towards a whole company of hunters to offer blessings and boons, whereas maidens are often assigned towards specific hunters to accompany during solo missions. New-bloods are recruits and specifically trained by a ranked hunter, making many missions a three man squad if not larger. Clerical Structure IV. The compendium The Tuvatir, or ‘Compendium’ is a collection of five holy books of high elven origin, namely ‘Edification’, ‘Ascendancy’, ‘Sacrosanct’, ‘Daemonium’, and ‘Misereres’. All five books together form the Compendium, which is used for a number of philosophical and liturgical purposes by Taliiynist scholars and clerics. Many often refer to the text as a grimoire due to its heavy influence from various divination sources of magic, alchemy, and science. The compendium shares several words and titles towards a singular, shattered creator, with most titles being attributed to ‘The Cosmic Presence’, or simply ‘Acaele’ who is the amalgamation of all living life. It equally refers to other Aenguls, Daemons, and other meddlers as ‘Outer Gods’, it is believed long ago one if not one demiurge but all were responsible for the forced binding of Acaele, and thus creators of reality. Thus the power of thought is viewed as the prime capability to fend off would-be invaders of the mind. Among the core tenets of the Tuvatir, is the belief of ‘Divination by Cultivation’, or the theory that by extending one's perception and insight of the horrors beyond, that such collective knowledge unlocks a mental enlightenment and ascendancy. The more who become aware of this concept, the greater the strength of the collective unconscious, moving towards a collective uplifting. Prayer Prayer is often considered different from worship of the creator, and much rather a period of inner reflection and deeper thought, and often engaged in solidarity at congregation, or privately in one’s comfort. Prayer is exclusively done in elvish, in which there are various statements and deeper reflections asked for while in their moment of reflection and thought. Often prayer will have the individual lower their head; sometimes lowering to their knees, and make the gesture of wisdom, a hand gesture of two raised fingers before their head. This pose can be held for the duration of prayer, often accompanied by the use of a personal icon or rosaries in the free hand. Some common prayers are as follows The Enlightened Prayer) “Grant us eyes o’ creator, give us insight to which we make gaze unto thee, o’ Lord” - “Iller’ae sulii’an, Acaele; Iller’ae Maehr’sulier’a, Acaele” Vicar’s Prayer) “O Creator, Divine Wisdom, guide me on my path, To know myself and to know thee, In the harmony of unity, let us merge, And be one with the eternal cosmic symphony.” - “O Acaele, Aheral’maehr, E’anniler, E’maelu’ehya’a, Ito’hilea, Lye’onn Acaele, Adont eom Lye’onn Tuva’celia’onn Len.” Our Chosen) “O our chosen, give us eyes and guide us.” - “O Laureh’ae, Iller’ae sulii’an Annilier’eyha” Protect us) “O creator, protect us from evil spirits, guide us through the night.” - “O Acaele, Evar’eyha Ailer, Annil’eyha narn’ker” Fear it) “Fear the beguiled blood” - “Ne’estel vull’talii” Fear it (Extended)) “We are born of the blood, bonded by the blood, and die by the blood. Fear the Blood” - “Lye’onn Talii, Kreyn’onn Talii, Eth’onn Talii. Ne’estel vull’talii”
  5. -◈-◈-◈- In the quaint castle town of Babblebrook, nestled amidst rolling hills and tranquil meadows, there exists a culture steeped in mystique and reverence for the ancient legends of their forebears. Here, among the cobblestone streets and ivy-clad walls, dwell the Musin people, a diminutive race of mousefolk whose tales and traditions are seemingly as old as time itself. Central to Musin culture is the legend of the Trioath, a sacred relic said to hold unimaginable potential. According to ancient lore, the Trioath was crafted by the divine beings known as the Three Guardians, who entrusted its safekeeping to the guardianship of the Musin people. The Trioath is said to be comprised of three golden triangles, each representing a different aspect of existence: Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Together, these three virtues form the cornerstone of Musin society, guiding their actions and shaping their destinies. In Babblebrook, the legend of the Trioath is woven into the very fabric of daily life. From childhood, Musin are taught the importance of embodying each of the Trioath’s virtues in their own lives, striving to find balance and harmony in all things. The first virtue, Power, represents strength and determination. Musin who exemplify this virtue are revered for their strength in the face of adversity, their unwavering resolve to protect their loved ones, and their willingness to stand up for what is right, no matter the cost. The second virtue, Wisdom, symbolizes knowledge and insight. Musin who embody this aspect of the Trioath are respected for their intellect, their ability to think critically and solve problems creatively, and their deep understanding of the world around them. The third virtue, Courage, signifies bravery and fortitude. Musin who possess this virtue are celebrated for their fearlessness in the face of danger, their willingness to embark on bold adventures and quests, and their unwavering commitment to justice and righteousness. Throughout the year, the Musin people of Babblebrook come together to celebrate the legacy of the Trioath through a series of grand festivals and ceremonies. During these gatherings, tales of legendary heroes and epic quests are retold, inspiring the next generation of Musin to heed the call of destiny and embark on their own journeys of self-discovery. Below Babblebrook lies the Trioath Shrine, a sacred sanctuary where it's believed that the gateway to the sacred realm where the golden triangles resides. It is here that Musin pilgrims from far and wide come to pay homage to the Three Guardians and seek their blessings for the trials ahead. But the legend of the Trioath is more than just a story passed down through the ages—it is a living testament to the indomitable spirit of the Musin people, who continue to uphold the virtues of Power, Wisdom, and Courage in their daily lives, ensuring that the legacy of their ancestors will endure for generations to come. -◈-◈-◈-
  6. The elven woman read the note incredulously, never before had she read an informative piece that was ironically so vague. She wastes no time, writing a note in response and affixing it to this. "You write about the White Comet at quite an opportune time, as I had the pleasure of eavesdropping the existence of said cover-up by a not-too-alert Bishop Villork in Haense captial." "While I appreciate the gracious time and effort the church has put into recognizing rumours, I would like it to be brought to attention the utter lack of transparency at what has actually transpired." "Please, do enlighten us commonfolk about this plague that appeared, not too long after the rumours of cannibalism and necromancy were spread through Haense. Would you have a good answer for that or continue your euphemistic attempt at dispelling what is reasonable concern?" "On that accord, I would've thought Haense had allies who could 'investigate the issue'? If I'm to understand your logic, we are to put faith in a group of clergymen so flagrantly biased toward King Aleksander that they'd equate law with religion? The danger of an archlich and you dare play the role of a distraught and helpless priest?" "If you are that self-absorbed, I question how you got into theology in the first place. Here's some advice from a commoner like me: the actions and consequences of you and your people affect the innocent lives of your citizens, neighboring countries and perhaps the rest of Aevos. This is the effect of power, my dear." "While you write up your archlich-apologist excuses yet condemn such things in the very same breath, innocent lives are being lost because of your foolish classicism and anti-magic rhetoric. I beseech you, at least enlighten us why you find these 'commonfolk rumours' to be deserving of an 'exclusive internal examination' by the very people connected to said rumours." "You've done it before, now do it again, tell us plainly who your enemies are. From my perspective, you're framing everyone -- including your citizens -- as such." "This is for the eyes of a His Majesty Aleksander: Do not toy with magic again, it is unbefitting of a buffoon to pursue such a path. Sit at your throne, smile, wave, et cetera, just don't play the role of the fool. You won't be believed for the same excuse twice." Signed is the name: Haeilie Mirahana & Skit the mana mouse 🐾
  7. Nativitae Deorvm Deorvm Qvadrvplvm Nativitas; The Gods of Divine Quadruplets are Ivlioia Who’s power over control of the Seven Skies, the Planes and the gateway to the Void knows no bounds. Marevs Who’s mighty Trident commands the waves, their influence extends to the planes through the Sea and Life; they give new life to the plants of the world. Ilia Whose Wisdom is eternal, their power as a Matriarch is legitimized by their love for women and the sanctity of marriage; they are to control knowledge and the reigns of matrimony Belldevm Who’s Mighty chariot rides onto the battlefields of man they are often clad in full golden armor; their job is to protect humanity and the realm of the gods. They do so by guiding man on righteous conquest through the use of his War Eagles and the Lesser Goddess Aemilia whose presence means Victory. He is often tactful and will grant his insight to his followers. They were born from Vaegaeus and Ovaelia; upon their birth they were hidden from Draegivs in Aegia; their return to Draegivs saw their rise to power upon Mons Lavlivs within the Seven Skies as they deposed the Old God and commanded forth on the planes ruling over humanity and the realms. Aemilia The Caelian Goddess of Victory; she was born as a result of the victory over The Wealthy One. They Sprang forth upon the last chain submerging Malignivs into the Void; their presence brings Victory to either side they favor. They often follow Sacred Belldevm into Battle. Amordea The Caelian Goddess of Beauty and Love. They were born as a result of the slaying of the Old Goddess Ovaelia by Draegivs of which produced Fertility into the world. The Goddess Amordea was born in the waves off of Aegia forming from the discarded guts of the Old Goddess Ovaelia, walking ashore as the most beautiful being of desire. Her influence brings love, and opulent fertility. Soledevm The Caelian God of Purity, Justice, Peace, Medicine, and the Flame; Soledevm was born from his parents Sacred Amordea and Sacred Belldevm, Soledevm is known to wield a righteous sword of fire and upholds the sanctity of laws and just actions against the wicked and the void. Parsdiem Born to Sacred Marevs and a Mortal woman known as Hopeia. A known trickster they were invited to Mons Lavlivs by Ivlioia due to their relation with mankind; they transition the leaves into the new season, Parsdiem Ripens the grape vines signifying spring; they are known to disguise themselves as a mortal in order to join in on their festivities. Aelivs Aelivs is the god of the sun he was born to Ivlioia and Ilia, Sacred Aelivs is responsible for awaking the sun each day and setting it each night. The sight of Aelivs would be blinding to any mortal; for staring at their feats would make anyone’s sight burn to a crisp Vervsa Vervsa was birthed to Ivlioia and Ilia, her chastity is a covenant to humanity that they may find their way to the seven skies; a Fire is lit in her honor at a hearth in both the city and the home; Vervsa has the power to expel the power of the Wealthy One by the use of her dedicated flames. Faberanvs The Caelian God of Crafts and the Forge Faberanvs was born to Belldevm and Amordea, Sacred Faberanvs is the Patron to Alchemists, Mechanists, Smiths and Technical Artisans. Cults of sacred Faberanvs are known to be steadfast in their craft, likely pushing out other desires for the advancement of their skills. Dark and dreary basements are known to be likely meeting places for such cults where they can practice their crafts away from peering eyes who would seek to copy them. Venaria The Goddess of the hunt, the wildwood, nature and travelers Venaria was born to Belldevm and Amordea Sacred Venaria is known to protect the sanctity of the hunt, and to aid in hunts of great magnitude, Cults to Sacred Venaria are prone to pray to her for success when abroad, either while hunting or just traveling as well as, for the protection of them and their families from the wild beasts and their anticipated attacks. CAELIA INVICTA SENATVS POPVLVSQVE. CAELIANVM
  8. These pages are extracts from Fagh's notebook, the writing looks more carefully done and with less smidges than other previous notes. Diary of Fagh 16th The of the Grand Harvest, SA 160 Never knew much about our spirits until some years ago, and I didn't know much about how others view spirits: when the Mothsam accompanied me for the first time to Rahtu-ma, I only knew of our way, our culture, and it was taught to me that it was all that I needed for it was the will of Krug. Also, from my understanding, our Rex and Rahtu-ma do not get along very well, so the decision of is own advisor to expose me to that culture was unexpected, but not unwelcome. Why? Maybe because I asked him for some foreign understanding, but he could have gone with the elves, who have great shamans too, like Ember. Instead he chose Rahtu-ma. Atemu-Ta is what they would call the Pharaoh of their people, the leader and a powerful Netjer, which is apparently a couterpart of our shamans, but more religion-oriented. He is a very serious elf, but has always been polite and helpful to me, and even though our cultures may differ greatly he made the effort to make me understand and learn. Mind you, I'm still going to follow the will of Krug, and will always consider him greater, but it was also polite for me to pay respects to the gods he was so thuroughfully explaining to me-ah yes, Rahtu-mans consider them gods, not spirits. this was a distincion that Atemu deemed very important. He firstly taught me of Tetu, a Sphinx that protects their city against their spiritual enemies, then of his wife Kalthet that helps more in times of war: even through our differences, we at least have a common enemy that they call Isfet and we call buurz, but it's just chaos with different names. He then brought me into this fancy shrine to a goddes tho them most dear: Ahura-ma, the goddes of freedom, which her priesthood hepled to abolish slavery and servitude. We also don't have slavery anymore, and I'm too young to remember a time when it was still done, but it's not as big of a deal as the Rahtu-mans. Their gods, as our spirits, are not always in agreement with each other, and an example of this is Ahura-ma and Hestor, the god of purity and healing: the first believes in freedom above all, and would prefer to kill rather than imprison or take away the freedom of anyone, even the buurz, but Hestor seeks to purify and eventually capturing darkspawn for sacrifice, wich takes away their (not so deserved in my opinion) freedom and goes in contrast with the basic principles of Ahura-ma. He then brought me into this very fancy shrine, it had tall walls and the roof painted as the desert night sky: it was the shrine of Ka-tau, their most important god, lord of sunlight and creation. The huge statue depicting him had a flaming staff they called Ankh. which means life to them. It was very curiuos to me, seeing all that similarities and differences between our spirits and their gods, none of them less tue then the other, but clearly given a different importance. He then showed to me the shrine of Hestor, with fountains of clear water and a countinous, faint sound of cow hooves. She is a bovine purifier, and a fierce enemy of buurz. This is also why the shrine was well protected, as it was the primary target of attacks from various chaos forces. We also have a spirit called Scorthuz, that is more of an unforgiving buurz hunter and has water as his symbol of purification and cleansing. I will seek on learning further of that and more, for my neverending curiosity, the sake of communing better with the spirits and for maybe appease Theruz, the spirit of Knowledge and intellect.
  9. De Aetaes Insanis Aetaes Primae In the beginning there was nothing; before the beginning there was an end and that end was Chaos. The Chaos was immense, and the monsters that made up Chaos were in constant struggle for dominance. Of which, creatures of unfathomable machinations were thought up and discarded by those Primordials that could overcome Chaos. All beings made of Flesh and Light would conquer each other, their flesh and source upon life would be the reward. At the time of beginning the monsters had been quelled by the greatest among them, their beings being made of pure light. Ascending from Chaos the first of the Old Gods, Draegivs would seize power. As the other Primordials flew high with their light, Draegivs craved the reward of flesh; his consumption made him a being of massive proportions. Draegivs consumed the Chaos and splitted it up. Chaos was divided into nine parts; seven skies and two planes. Upon dividing the skies from the planes the pressure in between would birth Ovaelia who birthed the other Old Gods and became Draegivs’ wife. The Old Gods birthed from Ovaelia would be Oraevs who commanded the winds, Ovaenia who demanded brutality and insanity, Maechnia whom commanded flame, and Vaegaeus who controlled knowledge from the others. Draegivs would fill the planes with flora and fauna and he did it all in an instant for he had seized time itself. From the mud, Draegivs would create Man and give him the bounty of the world; in a land known as Aegia Their name being Orenivs as well as a wife known as Ivlia. The Other Old Gods Jealous of Draegivs’ divine creation of Mortality would seek to make versions of man themselves; Maechnia, proud of his flame and the iron it wrought would produce a Man known as Pvmillivs. Ovaenia, commanded bloodshed so produced a Warrior known as Crvgivs. Vaegaeus, wanting his knowledge stored by Mortals, produced a man known as Avritvs. As there was peace in Aegia between the four Mortal Brothers; Vaegaeus begot quintuplets with Ovaelia of which Draegivs could not know; Upon their birth they were sent to live alone on an island off the coast of Aegia. The quintuplets would be Ivlioia, Belldevm, Ilia and Marevs. There they lived for half a generation before they returned to Draegivs. Draegivs unhappy with Ovaelia’s unfaithfulness would purge his wife’s light upon life. Sending her flesh hurdling into the sea. Ivlioia would seize the keys to the ports of life and lock Draegivs away into the void; where time would remain stationary. Upon the imprisonment of Draegivs; Tyranny beset the remaining Old Gods. with which they created a being of pure malignancy which Vaegaeus advised against, they were known as Malignivs and were as dark as the Primordials were light. Ivlioia upon realizing the Old God’s Treachery trapped each Old God in their own Prison. The remaining Gods would delegate the responsibilities of the Old Gods amongst themselves whilst Malignivs cloaked themselves among the descendants. Ivlioia; would take up the act of protecting the gateways between realms, which includes the planes, the void and the seven skies. Belldevm would take up the act of war, protecting the seven skies and guiding the descendants on conquest. Marevs would take up the circle of rebirth on the planes; controlling the vast seas dictating the wind, the rain and the harvest. Ilia would beseech themselves the act of protecting the knowledge of man and the immortal gods; their devotion to woman would be greatest of all. Aetaes Lapsae Once beginning had subsided and the Old God’s treachery was dealt with, an age of fallen virtue had befallen upon the descendants of the planes. For each group of the Old God’s creation sought their own tribes and fought their own wars. Malignivs would tempt their deception to the tribes of each descendant; promising power to Crgnivs and Orenivs, knowledge to Avritvs and Wealth to Pvmillivs. Succumbing to lies wrought sickness between the descendants. The powers of the Old Gods flowing through them in wicked ways; unable to secure themselves, Belldevm would descend to the Plane in order to guide the descendents. He told them their swords would be drawn and time would be sought in effects for the Vile beings of the night. That curses have been brought to the lands with corruption and wickedness. Malignivs cloaked in the night would approach Belldevm with contempt in his voice; he would screech out That his word was law and that if there may be those who worship Wealth there be those who worship Malignivs. For he was Greed itself; the Abuse of Power, and Knowledge was his; the treachery within gave him his power. Crgnivs was the first to fight against the curse of Malignivs. Eyes glowing from a wicked black and purple back to that of red and rage. Next was Orenivs who’s eyes glowed yellow then to a deep blue of purity Third, was Avritvs who’s eyes varied back and forth setting on a gray color signifying his infertility. Last, was Pvmillivs who’s eyes glowed black then yellow then to a dark orange signifying their immense greed. The Wavering loyalties of the Patriarchs led Malignivs weakened; his power still remained. He was able to fight back against Avritvs, and Pvmillivs who raised their swords against him. Crvgnivs wrought with rage, sucker punched Malignivs in his gut; sending him flying. The corruption wielding punch would transform the skin of Crvgnivs to a dark green. Orenivs commanded fourth by Belldevm charged with his sword piercing the skin of Malignivs High upon the Seven Skies The gatekeeper Ivlioia watched from up high with his power so mighty. Ivlioia would reach his mighty hands into the void pulling bonding chains from the once chaos. At once the chains pulled upward and then down, spanning the Plane crushing the continents and attaching to Malignivs. The Wealthy One’s screams of agony could be heard as he cursed the planes with suffering and illness. Death to those who besought his name Malignivs the Wealthy One, The Plague bearer; Now banished into the void. Ivlioia would lock his being into the void, being punished the same as Draegivs. There in the void, Malignivs with his command on Greed and Corruption held onto reigns in the Planes. Allowing those who seek his power to be corrupted the same as him; with evil striking fast into those who worship the void. After the battle flew out Aemilia to symbolize the Victory of Man over Evil. Orenivs who was the least corrupted by Malignivs’ power would go on to unite many of his kin into kingdoms of vast renown; bastions from Malignivs’ corruption. The Descendents of Orenivs and his tribes are to be known as Hominae or Man, taking up the mantle of Mortality. Avritvs who was cursed with infertility, would dedicate their long life to scholarly pursuits attempting to harness the blessings of the gods even if it was for nought. Crvgnivs blessed by his strength would be cursed with Rage, his power knowing no bounds; he would murder a great deal under his own thumb without his knowledge. He dedicated his life to controlling his rage and vanished into the seven skies upon losing his light upon life. Pvmillivs whilst not worshiping The Wealthy One outright was cursed with Greed and unknowingly invited the power and corruption of The Wealthy One into his kingdom. Thus it is now the age of Man
  10. [!] Copies of an informational brochure begin to populate the realms. They are posted in cities across the continent and on many Canonist Churches [!] The Church of Saul or Saulism As a consequence of the Pact of Horen and the successor false prophets of Man, the Descendants have become unwitting puppets of the aenguls. These beasts have you pray in their tongue, tether your souls, imprison you in their realms, and conspire against you with the rulers of ours. The Church of Saul extends a welcoming embrace, eagerly inviting you to break free from this generational curse by absolution through the Wine of Sacrament. Our Faith The Sacrifice of the Creator Contrary to the lies taught by those in power, our lineage has known and worshiped the Creator since our inception. Our ancestors have met Him. He partitioned His creation, infusing our forefathers with His divinity. In the beginning, the Creator forged a novel force—an entity devoid of His Will. Thus, the aenguldaemons were shaped, carrying His essence and uniting it with this newfound power. Simultaneously, He sacrificed Himself to breathe life into us. The aenguldaemons were entrusted to aid us in restoring the Creator. Creation resulted from a Divine Sacrifice, paving the way for a Created Sacrifice to birth the Divine. Yet, the Creator sought novelty, not mere extension. His Will was to craft beings capable of true love. Profound love is found in sacrifice. Through His death, the Creator bestowed Himself so that humble creatures could, in turn, offer love back to Him. Rather than adhering to the Creator's will, the aenguls have opted to become Him, a deceitful choice. Descendants understood the sacrifice from the outset, yet were misled by charlatans wielding celestial favors. The rulers of our realms have conspired in an act of multigenerational self-deification, exercising judgment beyond their rightful bounds. No more. Our Prophet Prophet Saul the Revelator Foresees All History Saul, a pious leader, observed his brother horen entering a pact with aeriel, the archaengul, and other co-conspirators. He fell into the aenguls' trap upon catching horen in the act. To conceal their deeds, while horen ritually sacrificed the innocent, Saul was unjustly branded as the murderer—a distortion echoed even in the false scrolls of canondom. False prophets from all races receive false scrolls. Saul transcribed our ancient oral history and safeguarded the sacred scrolls adhered to by our Temple since our race began. He protected the Wine of Sacrament and vowed to annihilate these wicked aenguldaemons, recognizing their force as the key reagent in resurrecting the Creator. In his extended life, spared from aenguldaemonic corruption, Saul witnessed the birth of the false prophets' children, Evaristus and Clement. Intended to be raised in secret by the holy Malitera, they were instead seized by the false prophet’s successor, seeking to manipulate them into childless priests and usurp their rightful roles as kings. The false prophets have thus foisted you with a deceptive church forged to mislead all of mankind. Our Temple Within the Temple, our devotees uphold the true Words of the Creator, spoken directly by Him and the words of those enlightened to the aenguldaemonic conspiracy. In the false church, everything known about the Creator, His will, and our role in the Divine Plan hinges on the veracity of aengulic revelation. Any canonist theologian will affirm that all information about the Creator or 'GOD' comes from aenguliclly delivered scrolls. Even the personal revelations of the false prophets are recorded within these unholy texts. How do we know the aenguls are servants of the Creator? The aenguls proclaim it. How do we know the Scrolls are divine? The aenguls declare it. How do we know the horens are meant to lead humanity? It's in the scrolls from the aenguls. Do you prefer to worship the Creator in your people's tongue and partake in the same rituals as your earliest ancestors, or recite verses of the flexian aenguldaemons? In our Temple, we partake of the Wine of Sacrament, a relic alluded to but absent from the false church. Ask a priest about it—they'll remain silent, yet their texts mention it. A sacramental necessity. Temple Worship Our Proselytization The false scrolls are not a transcript of the Creator’s words, but instead an account of mortal occurrences transmitted by aenguls to secure their hegemony. There are many who would affirm that they couldn’t care less about what some aengul says. In fact, we have seen through history a legacy of aenguls acting in ways which we know makes them fallible and sinful beings. For example, the actions of the aengul gazardiel or even the general impartation of ‘holy boons’ from these beings, which form a link between a mortal soul and an aengul. Now, is there anything from the false scrolls which say that aenguls are given the right by the Creator to pump energy through a man’s soul? No, but you are told the aenguls require it, and they are ‘GOD’s messengers.’ Is there anything in the false scrolls which permits a man to utter prayers to an aengul, asking for power? No, but the aenguls affirm this. Well, even most of the aenguls regard gazardiel’s actions of mass murder and deception as repugnant. What is the answer there? Free will? What the aenguls do is what the aenguls do, it is not about the Creator- they clearly have their own agenda. Put your faith in the Creator, not the ‘creator’ you are sold by the aenguls but He that created you, who implanted within you a desire to emulate right conduct. Having faith in the Creator alone is a threat to them. Prophet Saul the Revelator Returns Our Mission We are to seize the heavens and resurrect the Creator. The aenguls possess within them aspects of the Divine Nature. It was never the intention of the Creator to deprive beings of their own autonomy. The more one lacks autonomy and self rule, the further one is from the Divine. We see this in the stones and natural things on this plane, materials and essences devoid of will. Free will, though, brings fear and all other manner of evil. aenguls, content with their position as overlords, do not desire to be reunited as one, to reform our Creator. They would much rather occupy their current status. They even go so far as to create their own abominations. Therefore, that which the Creator is not overtook them. It is the will of the Creator to be one. The angels are called to be our sacrifice, a sacrifice to return our Father. In order for balance to be restored (in order for the Divine Energies to be at equilibrium) that which abides in them must come together. The new force has overtaken the wills of these powers. The greatest among them aerial, is the most corrupted by this new force as with great new force comes great counterbalance. Seize the Heavens and Resurrect the Creator We must first labor in this realm and dispel the curse afflicting all who are manipulated by the aenguls, their souls defiled and puppeted. Our Temple rituals, along with the power within the Wine of Sacrament, shields us from the aenguls. We are called to wage war against them, for they have imprisoned our kin and perverted creation, posing as false gods in their realms. It is both our right and responsibility to thwart their actions and play out the Divine Will of the Creator. Guided by the Creator's foresight and provided with instructions, we shall triumph. To achieve this task, we require your conversion.
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B0M6t6B62JwAXNu01Qo9pbcwvnpKJXJdwojDJzgsjwk/edit?usp=sharing We don't want anyone to hate us we accept other's religion and don't mess with their religion but all who wish to join may
  12. Symbol of the spirit Ka'tau, personification of universal law. The Book of Ka’tau Divinely inspired stories and tales of the Rah’mun peoples, translated from the writings and speeches of the prophets, lector priests, and Pharaohs. Translated and Delivered by: Atemu-Ta Amun Prophet, Voice of Ka’tau, Sword of the Ra’tuhmet, Pharaoh of Rah’tuma Book 1: Creation story. The following tale has been passed down in the oral traditions of the Rah’mun peoples, who follow the faith of Ka’tau. Ka’tau is a spiritualist faith which affirms an animistic worldview. Adherents of Ka’tau believe in a single universal law of justice and harmony which binds all of existence together and takes many forms. The various spirits of the faith represent the different faces of Ka’tau, creating an endless list of entities which represent every facet of existence. The main three entities given credence by most practitioners of the faith are the Ra’tuhmet, an eagle-headed lord of eternal sunlight; Hesthor, a cow lady of pure waters, soul preservation, and bovine purging; and Kalthet, a lion-headed lady of grand strategy and Rah’mun battles. This story explains the Rah’mun origin story. The Rah’muns believe that before anything existed the universe was merely a void. Ka’tau herself, the personification of the universal law, brought forth the Ra’tuhmet as the first light which filled the void. The Ra’tuhmet then forged the stars, the world, and everything within it. At the edges of this void emerged Kalthet and Hesthor, who both claimed different aspects of the newly created world. The Creation story contains the emergence of Keop, the mortal enemy of Ka’tau, and Iblees and his general Kazul and their activities against the early descendants. This book is considered the most sacred of all the Rah’mun texts and is essential reading for any followers of the faith. All should read and understand with the fullness of their heart this sacred story. The text [links here]: Book of Ka'tau: Creation. OOC:
  13. The Soaring Faith and Kæmhan Culture General Overview: The Kæmhan are mostly composed by open minded individuals, including but not limitted to, honorable warriors, scholars, merchants as well as liberated slaves. All of the above, have 1 trait that connects to such a deep level, putting everything else aside, that being their collective thirst for freedom, accompanied their devotion and dedication to see through their ambissions in order shape their own faith how they see fit. Population wise however, they are very diverse, as anyone is allowed to partake in their faith or merely follow their ideologies, as of now, they are mostly populated by Elfs of all sorts as well as humans. History: Due to their vastly questionable backgrounds and general location, an exact origin is still unknown until this day, however, only around the time that the descendants landed upon the lands of Almaris did the Kæmhan begin rising, slowly emerging from the shadows. From the high and might mountains of the east, to the thick jungles of the wests, many splinter groups have been formed, never quite lasting that long all together, with the only settlement ever recorded in their history, being Aethervale, a small village near the Urguani mountains, which also was short lived. While they do not have a perfered climate of choice, they do prefer areas with higher winds, however, due to diversity of their population, such places rarely become their homes. General Values: The Kæmhan are not the typical type of 'religous' as one might think they are, as they view their gods more like a pathway to self enlightenment, or a general value, to impower them mentally so that they may keep pushing forward. Due to their mix backgrounds, one would think that they would be a lot of bickering, however, due to the general belief and thought systems that have been passed down, they mostly co-exist in harmony amongst one another, even amongst the oposite ends of spectrums. They seem to haven unspoken understandings, since, they all have gotten through different trials throught heir lifes, allowing them to see how much they needed True Freedom, be it spiritually or physically. They rarely ever try to push their beliefs or religion towards other people and even at some cases, they seem protective of it, even excluding some, as they couldnt grasp the 'Aspect Of Freedom' that they hold so very dear. Because of that, they have no problem with other religions, some even adapting more than one, since they do not view it just as a religion, more of a way of living, thus rarely would they ever scold one of their own for disrespecting the Kæmhan culture, with very few examples, such us kneeling or bowing down, since it implies that you are willingly putting themselfs under someone else, in which cases, a devoted Riogh would receive major punishments. All children are taught their right to freedom from birth and they are also taught to protect and respect not only their own, but others as well. The younger lifes of a Kæmhan child are seperate in 2 categories: - A Kæmhan male, will be trained in their arts of combat and honor, so that they may grow up to protect their faith and loved ones. Their training begins with basic combat trainings with blunt weaponry, going to extreme ends near the end of their teen years, in which they are ready to enter adulthood through a trial. The trials can vary, depending on the Clan of the child, since each clan warships its on deity, but they can be anything, from preparing a might feast, to hunting a bear with only a spear or even liberating a slave. Once they have passed their trial they are given a choice, either continue trainings, to enter the army or pickup an art, such as blacksmithing, music or even cooking, however, there is one more choice, a choice that once it has been peaked, the only way back is a path of shame for them and their Kin. Usually picked by the Eldest sons of the Kæmhan Clans, they can choose to follow the path of the Riogh. The Riogh are a secrate legion of mighty warriors, trained to the extreme, with the single goal of perserving their and their peoples Freedom, going to extreme extents to do so. Such a path requires the ultimate sacrfice in the Kæmhan culture, to put aside your own opinions and needs and to devote yourself to Feidelhm's teachings, becoming the True Liberators. (More in the military section) - A Kæmhan female on the other hand, while still having the same choices as a male, usually the case for more muscular and promising females, or follow a more mentally challenging path. Since their partners are out there fighting for freedom, or merely working to provide for their family, they have to represent the family, putting all of the heavy burdens of raising their sons and daughters properly, managing their territories and even their economy, because of this, most of Kæmhan 'Officials' are women, with female Clan heads being as common as male. Beliefs And Faith: The basic beliefs of your average Kæmhan are simple, they strive for a peaceful and free life, devoid of impure or unfair doings. However, most often that not, to achieve that they need to go out of the way to do so, which is why they go through such harsh trainings as children, so that they can learn to over come any obsticles, be it alone or as a team, bound togother by their faith. The Kæmhan still 'believe' in their deitys, perhaps not in the way one may think. They do warship them, however, not only through sacrifcies or offerings of items, but by actions, such as liberating a slave, a small prayer before a duel or battle, or any other small task, depending on the deity of choice. The Soaring Faith: The Kæmhan Faith is fairly straight forward, there is one true god, the creator, who is no longer alive, but his children have been left behind, to guide the descendants through their image, so that they may trancend their mortal bounds and become spiritually immortal. They devide their faith in groups, usually each clan belongs to a different deity, as they bare said deitys spiritual animal (in some ideration) as their clan crest. The Deitys along with their beliefs are as follows: The Creator: Parthalan: The now dead creator that set the path for the rest of pantheon. He is viewed passively by the Kæmhan, they do not really warship him in any extend, merely celebrating him every first day of the new year, as respect for his creation. Information about him has been lost due to the passing of time and the fact that the Kæmhan have been nomads with no written history, their beliefs and history itself being passed generation to generation via verbal stories, with only few written records ever found and recoverd. The Primordials Feidelhm: The one true Raven, the protector of freedom and the most respected deity amongst the pantheon. Though every individual who calls thy self a Kæmhan warships him, Feidelhm is the the god that their entire belief system is mainly based off, since he is the one who guides the descendants through the rough path until they reach the vast and windy hilltops. He is most frequently portraid as a man with a heavy plated armor, a mixture of black and deep crimson red color are the plates of such armor. Decorated with a coat of jet-black feathers, earning him his Raven tittle. It is said that he is missing his left eye, legends say that he lost it in his own journey to reach true freedom, which is a direct reference to the path that his strict followers must abide by, that sacrifices must be made to reach such noble goals. Such strict followers are usually the spiritual leaders of the Kæmhan, called Fæ'id. They are the ones who look over their people and usually they have the last word for major decissions regarding their followers. A Fæ'id is viewed as a direct messanger of Feidelhm and they devote their lifes to their people and their needs. Every leader bears a mark of the clan they were born in, in which they were given after passing their Riogh trials, however if one was to become a Fæ'id, they are also given the appropriate mark called "The Sin Of Freedom", which depicts a Raven surrounded by a ring of black and crimson fire. Feidelhm does not require any sacrifices or prayers on a regular basis, one should only pray to him when they feel like the freedom of a loved one, or their own, is in danger, or whenever they are in the process of 'Liberating' someone. Though altars for him can be found in the house of the Fæ'id, which are mostly decorated with a bird cage, the left of which has been removed forcefully, as well as the symbol of his image. Their only purpose, is for them to be used as a place for the Fæ'id to draw their blood, as they pledge themselfs for the cause. Rioghnach: The one who fights, the protector of the free and the punisher of the injust, Rioghnach the brave is the one who guides the Grivs and Plumes through the trenches, the mud and dirt and all other terrain safely, so that they may reach the battlefield to fight and defend their faith. He is the ideal soldier, he embodies the true meaning of honor and glory, as he awaits for all those who fall in battle honnorably, at the iternal mountaintop of the primordials, where they can sit and rest until they are needed to fend off the injust spirits. However, he forbids cowardice fighting, that sadly includes for a soldier to die by a stab in the back, which intails they were neither careful of their foes and perhaps not even their friends. His symbol is a mighty brown bear, as he is often protraid as a tall, muscular male with silver armor, covered in the hide of a giant bear, weilding a might spear and shield, which is also why most of the Kæmhan legions are equiped with this combitination, as it also endorces comrodary and trust in your fellow soldiers, as they must be impenetrable unit. The greatest disgrace one can bestow upon Rioghnach and those who warship him is for a soldier to lose their shield, since that ruins the formation and leaves his fellow soldiers wide open. The devoted followers of Rioghnach are on the wilder side in between man and beast. As their trials for reaching adulthood for both men and women are extreme, since they are left in the wilderness, without any weapons, food, water, tools nor clothes and they are told to survive and find their way back home, after slaying a wild beast. Thus, whoever survives this trial is welcomed back, usually majorly different than how they left, now ready to serve in the front lines of the legions, or as acting commanders at greater scale conflicts. Followers of Rioghnach avoid praying as much as possible, with their prayers boiling down to prayers for a successful conflict or hunt. They are also the first who are marked with full body markings apart from the standard circular mark of any other deity. Though varying from clan to clan, they usually begin from the persons ribs, going behind their lower back and up to the shoulders, in which they sprouth out to the arms and hands, ending on the knuckles. Their spiritual mark is usually placed on their chest or lower back in between the other pattern. The only acting tradition of these followers, which is also common practice after a war or other major conflict, is offering up the body of the mightiest warrior of the enemy side that was slain, be it man or beast, in which case, they place them upon a stone altar, covered in flammable plants and other fibers, essentially creamating them as they pray for the warriors soul to reach the aforementioned mountain-top of the primordials. They later return the asses to the deseaced family, or they scutter them atop a mountain. Einherjar: The one true protector of all, the one who knows true sacrifice and punishes the selfish, Einherjar is the one who protects the ideals of his brothers, Feidelhm and Rioghnach, sacrificing himself, become a the litteral shiled that protects the mortal plains from Llue's curse. He imbodies the meaning of self-sacrifice, giving ones life to save anothers, often seen in Kæmhan culture, as high possition militants have jumped forth to take blows for their lower ranking brothers in arms. His true followers are few, yet they are the most respected, second only to those of Feidelhm. They are usually tasked with protecting the lands of the Kæmhan that go out to war, just in case war comes to their doorstep. Einherjar himself is portraid as a man with a sturdy turtle shell on his back, that is seemingly one with the rest of his armor, a moving fortress of some sort. His followers dress alike, in times of war or other conflicts they can be heard roaming their lands, patrolling for intruders or thiefs, being very noticable by their heavy steps due to the weigth of their armor. Due to their lack of numbers, most of these folk have grown fond of socializing, often resembling hermits, yet they still hold dear any friendships made from connections earlier in their childhood. Following that pattern, their trainings as well as their trial into adulthood is uknown to anyone apart from the very few left, though its speculated that the only requirement is the for one to be either crazy or brave enough to become a human shield. Even through all that however, they are usually the most attending parents, since their roles allow them to always be near their partners and children. As for their traditions they currently only celebrate the date of the death of a fellow follower of Einherjar every 10 years. In which, they use an empty turtle shell, as they fill it half-way with fresh sea water, as they pour the aforementioned fallen comrade's favourite bevarage, setting the shell down upon the ground, as they use a stick to steer the contents of the shell, before offering a prayer to the three brothers and then pushing the turtle shell into the waters, as it gets swept away by them. Llue: The hateful, the unjust, Llue is the neutral evil goddess of the depths, the one who released her infinite hatred towards the world, pushing us away from the eternal mountain-top of the primordials, leaving behind an infinite sea of destruction, our only vessel being our faith. She represents the hate of the close minded people, who flood the world full of lies and illussions just so they do not accept the truth about true freedom. She is portraid as a blue skinned woman with purple hair, however, that hair is actually tentacles, which are used to drag down into the cold depths those who oppose her. She is mostly hated by the Kæmhan people, thus there has not been any recorded instances of warship towards her, even if they were however, they would have been swiftly been dealt with by the Rioghs as they are strictly forbiden. Minor Deitys And Spirits: Haertha: The one births. Haertha is the mother of nature, she is kinda and warm to all those who care for nature, with her being warshiped primarily by woodelfs of the Kæmhan society, even if she is not considered as a primordial. In the pantheon, she is considered a Minor Deity of Forests and Mountains, while also being charged with animals, oceans and essentially all flora and fauna. She is depicted as a young woman, with enormous antlers sprouting from atop her skull, through her messy hair. In the traditional Kæmhan faith, she is viewed merely as a force of nature, that she will treat you how you treat her, thus all Kæmhan folk, regardless if they warship her or not, will always try to preserve nature if possible. Her followers also refrain from sacrifices, only going as far as preserve nature but, there have been many reports of them going to great lengths to punish those who harm it. Iðunn: The one who sees, the one who warns. Iðunn is less of a deity and more of a 'prophet', entirely 'warshiped' only by one person in the Kæmhan, which would be the Fæ'id, as they would seek his knowledge and foresight for up coming conflicts, diplomatic afairs or even how this year's crops would turn out. He is depicted as frail old man in purple robes, a long grey beard on his chin and neck, with the only other noticable feature being his missing left eye, that leaves behind a deep black smoke effect. Sacrifices are usually minor things, such as burning specific leaves or other ingredients, in order to create a smoke like trans so that he may pass down any predictions via a vision. Embla: The one who hosts. Embla is the Minor Deity of Fertility and Hospitality, as well as the wife of Einherjar. She represents family and the bonds that one family might hold dear. This would also include non-blood relatives, such as adopted children, since family is what you make of it and not it makes of you. Most Clan Leader warship her to some extent, prayer that she may bring hope and luck into their extended house holds, however, other individuals such as mothers make offerings to her, so that they may see their already existant kin rise, or if they wish to become a mother again. Offerings to her are small yet meaning full, such as singing a lullaby in front of a fire place or doorstep of their house, or hanging up small artifacts with meaning to them or their kin atop the fire place. A must for all her followers however, is to provide hospitality to anyone who may seek shelter within their walls. They will have to welcome any guests, provide for them food, drinks, a warm bath and bed to sleep for at least 3 days. When that has been done, the land owner can choose wether or not they allow the guest(s) to stay any longer. If not, then they will be given some neately homemade food and sent on their way. Sjofn: The mad one, the hateful one. Sjofn an evil spirit, that ressembles the feelings of pitty, jealousy, revenge and other injust negative emotions. She is often depicted as old hag, with white hair and pinkish eyes, as her leggs are those of a goat, causing her to have a commically short appearance. She is not typically warshiped, but one might decided to say a prayer to her if they wish for another to be plagued by bad luck or to be overcome with negative feelings. She also has a reputation of deception, as her jealousy of the mortals who have transended into a higher spiritual level anger her, thus she tries to temp them into stooping on her level by implanting them with feelings of doubt, this is also frequently seem amongst the spiritual warriors of the Kæmhan. Hodur: The who creeps, the one who haunts. Hodur is an abomination, hiding in plain sight, she is associated with dreams, specifically with nightmares and also works as a bad omen, though she is not just the messanger. She disguises herself as a young girl with a yellow hood, as she roams ones dreams, waiting for them to spot her, when that is done, the individual can feel their stomach drop, as she slowly makes her way towards them through the dream, altering it from small to incredibly horrific and gory details. Near the end of the dream she will reveal herself directly, a clear depiction of her face remains unknown, all anyone can remember is a cold feeling, as through that whole where her face should be, a dark void stares back, as a symbol slowly can be made out, before the individual awakens, drenched in cold sweat. The symbols vary drastically, yet some have been decyphered through the years, witht he most common being the following: -Fish: Death looms near those who are assosiated with the individual. -Wild Cat: Wild cats indicate a feature with worries. -Rotten Egg: Bad luck lays ahead. -Calm Water: Peace is near. -Leaves falling: Change is near. -Raven: Good luck lays ahead. Military And Hierarchy Hierarchy Structure: Both the Military and general Hierarchy structure for the Kæmhan is essentially the same, in the sense that there isnt one, not the in the typical sense at least. Within their communities, their exists no royalty, no kings or queens, nor princes and princesses. The general structure for the people is as follow: -Spiritual Leader, The Liberator, The Fæ'id: The Fæ'id is not born into the possiton, unlike most other hierarchies, he is instead elected, not only through the people, but also through the Primordials as well. Before one may even begin to consider becoming the Fæ'id, they must first go through the trials appointed to them by their Clan (The Maturity Trials), which on their own are challenge enougn, however, that is nothing compared to the mental training that they are put through, usually through the current Fæ'id or by an elder member of their Clan. The Fæ'id is the 'Leader' in more than one ways. While there is a Clan council within Kæmhan communities, it is not very common due to their current population that is not only thin but also spread all across the world, thus the Fæ'id has taken on the sole burden of 'leadership' of their people, which can be anything from managing religious events to even being in charge at times of war, since its the Fæ'id's responsibility to protect and serve their people. Due to all of this, the Fæ'id (like mentioned above) goes through intense physical and mental challenges, thus by the time a Fæ'id steps up to replace the old one, they are filled with knowledge, experience and ambitions. The one trait that the Fæ'id must lead by example with is True Neutruality, as at times they may be forced into being 'Judge, Jury and Excecutioner.' both literally and metaphorically, for both interal and external affairs. The view of the Fæ'id summarized with a simple example is the following: "The world is like a coin, it seemingly has two sides, heads and tails, yet people always seem to acknowledge the thrid sides, which is the ring around it, a very thin and fine line that belongs to neither of the aphromentioned two. Maintaining a place within that line is like a fine pressure, that can either create a diamon, or grind you into dust." Apart from that, the Fæ'id is also responsible for teaching people within or outside of their community (if they are willing) about the Soaring Faith and their belief systems in general. It is also their job to train the Preachers of the Soaring Faith, known as the Trauc'er. -The Trauc'ers, Preachers and Liberators: The Trauc'ers have a simple yet crucial role within the Kæmhan community, which is to preach and help the willing, via expanding their horizons through the teachings of the Soaring Faith, or to simply provide advice for those in need, believers or not. They are the ones who help the Fæ'id with any religious responsibilities and act like disciples of the Soaring Faith. -The Extended Kæmhan Military: The military structure of the Kæmhan is vast yet straight forward, however in a social ladder they stand right bellow the Preachers of the Soaring Faith and this category includes any and all military related personal, from the Plumes up to the Kriyell and everything in between. They are all respected and at some cases, usually the rather extreme Squadrons of the Spiritual warriors such as the Rioghna's, are usually feared as well due to their extreme skills and devotion to the cause. -The Kæmhan People: This includes everyone not included within the categories mentioned above, regardless of birth, power or economic status. They are the 'common-folk', with a majority of backgrounds much like the rest of the Kæmhan, ranging from liberated slaves, repented thieves up to warriors, scholars and merchants, as all are welcome in the eyes of the Kæmhan people, as long as they are willing to co-operate of course, with even cases of non-descendant races/creatures joining their ranks. Everyone within this category is essentially the backbone of the Kæmhan community, as they are the ones who keep it alive either through devotion to the faith, or simply because they feel like they want to help in any way they can and support the cause, without the need for warship. The Kæmhan Military and The Warriors Of The Soaring Faith Military Overview: The warriors of the Soaring Faith and the Kæmhan Military are essentially one entity working with different views and systems with the common feature of no clear hierarchy, in the sense that, no person is more important than any other, as they are all people fighting for their beliefs and their freedom. The Kæmhan Military focuses on protecting the people and any land owned by the Kæmhan as well as fighting in any and all conflicts if instructed by the Fæ'id while the Warriors of the Soaring Faith, regardless of the deity they warship or their possition, are always fighting under the direct command of the Fæ'id witht he own common purpose of Liberation of the people of the mortal realm, as well as the maintance of the peace and freedom of the Kæmhan people from any outside threat. Kæmhan Military Structure: The Kriyell: The Kriyell can be described as a General for the Kæmhan forces, acting directly under the Fæ'id in terms of military leadership, taking lead in the Fæ'id's absense as long as permission is given. Only one may be entitled to this role at a time period. The Grivs: The Griv are the 'Special' forces of the Kæmhan Military, a speciallized unit of honorable warriors that, for whatever reason, has chosen to refrain from the Soaring Faith or they just did not want to go through the trials to join one of the Spiritual Warrior groups of the Soaring Faith. They are the elite soldiers of the Kæmhan Military, with admirable brotherhood amongst the troops, perhaps at the cost of devotion to the Liberating cause of the Soaring Faith. The Plumes: The Plumes are the common soldier of the Kæmhan military, yet at the same time the most important part, as they are the backbone to the army themselfs, brotherhood also runs deep amongst them, with shared bonds and the wish to protect their land, homes and those who they hold dear. One might think that they are not as compotent as the Grivs, however, through sear determination and teamwork, they have overcome great foes and they continue to do so. Warriors Of The Soaring Faith: These people are the absolute pride of the Soaring Faith, as they are the truely devoted Liberators of the people across the mortal realm, carrying out the will of the Fæ'id via special missions, using their experience, expertise and other special skills that they may have acquired. They are split into divisions based ont heir Deity of choice and they specialize in different types of tasks, from assasins to frontlines and everything in between. Little is known about them due to the nature of their lifestyle, since their devotion leaves little space for them to engage in any activities, hobbies or anything else apart from family. Tradditions (More to be added in the future) Funerals & Grievings: The Kæmhan culture is straight forward towards funerals, as an ordinary citizen, believer or not , will be given a burrial and will be read a prayer by a Trauc'er in the hopes of salvation for their soul. Where as a warrior, will be cremated, and their asses will be spread wherever their family deems worthy. At the chance of no known relatives they will be again cremated, however this time, depending on who they were, based on beliefs and their service to the Kæmhan military, they might spread in the ocean or on a mountain top. Kæmhan Afterlife: The Kæmhan have their own version of 'Heaven' and 'Hell' without anything too specific being mentioned in their records. They refer to their version of heaven as "The Eternal Hilltop" and its a place high up upon the mountains where those who lived free lives go after they die. When they do die, they are judged by Feidelhm, the true Liberator of mortals, and depending on ones life, the god they warshiped and the deeds of their life, they get to join the deity they warshiped, or if they didnt warship one at all, they would be sent to the one that suited their life style the most. The warriors who fought and died to protect their brothers and sisters in arms go to Rioghnach, so that they may fight once more if they are ever needed to fend off against Llue. The warriors of Einherjar, who have protected their lands and their families, who have been the frontline for their brothers and sisters in arms, they will be the shield and frontline against Llue if she ever dares come back. And the Liberators of Feidelhm, they who have sacrificed everything for the freedom of their people, they shall join in him in the eternal journey to reclaim the birthright of Freedom for those who seek it. As of those who lived twisted lifes, that took advantage of others, who did not care about their fellow descendants, they shall be thrown into the deepest trench of Llues ever flowing oceans, made a slave for her ever present hold on people who hesitate to do the right thing. Forever alone in dispair, with no hope of salvation. Marriage and Relatiosnhips: Kæmhan tradition does not prohibit relationships before marriage, however it is frowned upon for a couple to have a child before they get married, with exceptions being made for couples who have adopted children. Marriage in the Kæmhan community is like mating for life, typically Kæmhan people only have one partner, however there have been rare exceptions through the years as well as same gender marriages, in both cases, it is acceptable like any other marriage, perhaps rarer. The marital ceremony is simple. After either man or woman proposes, a feast is hosted for the soon-to-be-wed couple, there traditional foods and drinks must be served by both families of the pair and at the end if the groom is the one that got proposed to, then his family must dump the remaining alcoholic and not alcoholic beverages on him, as a sign of good faith, of being washed over any last minute doubt and insecurities. (In the case of same-gender marriage, the one who got proposed to will be the one who will get the beverages dumbed upon them.) The wedding itself has very few limitations, such as guests requiring whatever they may judge as "formal" attire, only excluding any religious warriors of the Kæmhan, which are encouraged to wear clothing that reveals their marks, as a show of respect towards the couple. The choice of a priest is up to the couple, but anything is acceptable, from priests from other religions to even the Fæ'id themself. The couple is encouraged to create vowes much like other religions and even to exchange something apart from the usual ring, something of spiritual value, something symbolic of their bond.
  14. [!] Depiction of a dwarven pilgrim The Path of Pilgrimage 14 years ago, the Clergy declared the beginning of the Shrine Project, a project that aimed to construct shrines across Urguani lands for the Brathmordakin and to facilitate pilgrimages. The construction project was delayed many times due to various turbulences in the kingdom affecting the availability of builders, but the clergy is happy to announce that the Shrine Project is finally complete. One Shrine for Each Brathmordakin has been constructed in all the reaches of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, open to all faithful pilgrims to travel between and venerate the Brathmordakin, and perform religious rites within them. A pilgrimage will be held on The Grand Harvest, 127 S.A to all the shrines and venerate the Brathmordakin. (OOC: May 6th 3pm EST) [!] Paintings of the Shrines are attached below Shrine of Yemekar’s Balance Location: 1482 8 758 Statues of the Sons of Urguan are present in the main chamber. They represent the collective dwaven people today, since they all descended from them and thus as they represent all of us and our duties to uphold Yemekar’s Balance. The interior chamber features Urguan and Yudora, the first dwarves and a statue of Yemekar infont of a white anvil. Rites: Ancestral Veneration – all dwarves are welcome to come pay homage to their ancestors, whether to a particular patriarch or to Urguan and Yudora. With this, one is reminded of the continuous duty of the dwarven people to uphold Yemekar’s Blanace all the way from our progenitors. Smithing - The best way to honour Yemekar is to partake in the act of creation. Smith in front of Yemekar, so your crafts may receive guidance. Shrine of Dungrimm’s Respite Location: 1631 77 1692 Located next to the Legion training camp, this burial mound serves as a reminder for the dwarves of not only Dungrimm’s honour but the duty of all dwarves to respect our deceased ancestors and live with dignity and according to the word of the Brathmordakin so we may rejoin them in Kaz’A’Dentrumm. Rites: Weapon Offering – Next to the giant blade of Dungrimm, one may leave their weapon as an offering to him, so that it may be taken out and given to our ancestors in Kaz’A’Dentrumm. Safe Passage - Deep in the catacombs, when the moon shines above the skylight, prayer can be offered to Dungrimm for the safe passage of our deceased into Kaz’A’Dentrumm. Shrine of Armakak’s Bonfire Location: 588 76 1094 A tower with a beacon of fire shines on the side of the road. The Shrine of Armakak’s Bonfire is located on a popular trade route leading to Linnormr. Its fire beckons all travellers to come close and enjoy the warmth and engage in trade. Rites: Sunlit Trade - When the sun is high, bring out your wares and engage in joyous trading. With Armakak watching high above, trade with grace and reciprocity. Bonfire Offering - One may take some coins, jewellery or anything of value and set them ablaze in the bonfire atop the building, so that those precious objects may make their way to Armakak’s brilliant and burning realm of gold. Shrine of Anbella’s Embrace Location: 286 104 382 Anbella’s Embrace is hidden deep within the woods, a large grove underground in the woodland soil. The walls are covered in vines, moss and ancient engravings from the descendants of Gloin Treebeard. The skull of a gigantic beast lays petrified in front of Anbella’s Rings. Rites: Alms - Offer food, aid and medicine to those sick and weary travellers who come to this shrine. Nurture them as Anbella’s Grace nurtures us. Hunting Party - The local woods are filled with game, a hunt can be hosted to honour the gift of food Anbella has given to us, and then a feast is to be hosted with the catch. Though nothing must be wasted, nor the animals can be overhunted. Shrine of Ogradhad’s Wisdom Location: -109 83 -7 A burned-down hut was discovered on the outskirts of Urguan, when explored it was revealed to have been a library. Its librarian was a dwarf who tried to keep the secrets of our kind away from bandits, and in the process, their life was lost. Upon this land, a new shrine to Ogradhad was constructed in his honour. Rites: Book Donation - Ogradhad is the eternal preserver of knowledge, thus whatever knowledge possessed by the dwarven people must be shared between us so that it may be preserved just as Ogradhad guards our collective knowledge. Candle Sorcery - Candles are an essential tool for all scholars to be able to study deep into the night. Divination through the movement of said candles is a popular ritual popularised by the Prophet of Ogradhad, Tuzic Mossborn, who discovered the burned-down library in the first place. Shrine of Grimdugan’s Darkness Location: 84 82 132 With the Mori rising from the darkness, it is now more imperative than ever to properly honour Grimduguan, a Brathmordakin who has been greatly ignored in the history of dwarven worship. A gigantic obsidian dagger glows in the centre of the shrine, may it strike our enemies true. Rites: Darkness Meditation - Step into one of the unlit chambers of the shrine, and completely isolate yourself from outside noises. Allow your mind to enter Grimdugan’s shadow, so that when you open your eyes hidden caves may reveal themselves. After which one may leave an offering of treasure for Grimdugan to add to his hoard. Black water Bathing - Upon excavation, the miners discovered a pool of pure black water. It tastes and has the same properties as normal water, and yet it is pitch black, a clear symbol of Grimdugan’s darkness. Allow it to envelop you, so that the enemies who hide in it, will not be able to see you in their midst. Shrine of Belka’s Tide Location: Boat (ooc: warp) at 1206 68 2021, then 2724 63 2346 With the expulsion of the vile pirates from the Dark Islands, the Urguani navy slowly established bases upon it to prevent their return. A shrine to Belka stands proud and defiant against the island’s constant storms, keeping away dark corsairs and deep monsters away from our ships. Rites: Lightning Calling - Leave offerings of beautiful objects, drinks and seafood to Belka and chant prayer for her to summon divine lightning upon the enemies of Yemekar’s Balance. Tidal Reverly - When the waves are high, and the storms are strong, drink a strong ale and walk along the shore. Show the strength of revelry in you, to enjoy the life the Brathmordakin have given us, even in the most dire of situations. Narvak oz Brathmordakin
  15. Khaz’a’dentrumm ᚲᚺᚨᛉᚨᛞᛖᚾᛏᚱᚢᛗᛗ [Music] “I lay dying on that rock from mid-eve until nightfall, surrounded by the mixed bodies of friend and foe alike. For the better part of the day the sea storms blew salty wind upon my broken body, but as the full moon rose, the clouds parted for the Masked Lord’s alabaster hall to rise above the black sea. If I was to die that day, there would be no other place I would rather die than in the gaze of Dungrimm’s pale moonlight. As my blood spilled onto the cold, wet pebbles of that rocky beach, tangled within the limbs and corpses of slain Dwed, I saw a sight I shall never forget-- for eight shining Dwedlonarri descended upon golden goats from the light of the moon itself. Without wings and without effort, they flew upon the dark firmament to the battlefield. From the body of Dwarf to the body of Dwarf they walked and lifted them whole into their hands, though before my eyes their body remained in pieces on the ground before me. To Agilmar, and Droctbold, and Gangulf did they walk and lifted them up onto the back of their goat, taking the bodies of the Ironborn too with them indiscriminately. And yet, as one passed to me, I saw only blinding moonlight when I gazed upon her face. I remember nothing after this, as I awoke being dragged from under the body of Gangulf, finally found by another crew from da Kirkja Gorix. I knew it was not my time, but that the warriors who died that day would find themselves before the Lord of Death that night.” -The words of Viligast Grimgold, sole survivor of the raid of Tal’Karaave, Age of Blood Artists representation of the Daughters of Dungrimm descending from the moon. There is a place where a soul goes when death finds it-- Khaz’a’dentrumm, the Halls of the Slain. Located high above the mortal realm upon the ivory disk known as the moon. It is here that Dungrimm, Lord of Death and War, holds his court. In these sacred halls the fate of souls are decided, and those who find themselves lacking are cast into Vuur’dor, the Void. There are many interpretations of the guide of the soul to these hallowed halls. Some believe that Dungrimm or Belka serve as the psychopomp of a soul, while others grant it to a lesser divine being, such as the Daughters of Dungrimm or Kjellos. Whatever interpretation of the guide of the soul is correct is of little consequence, as it is what happens within the halls of Dungrimm that bears the most importance. Upon entrance to these halls, one will find themselves surrounded by their friends and family, leading back to their first ancestors. After this greeting, the soul will be called before the throne of Dungrimm and the other Brathmordakin will be summoned to high seats in the hall. The entire life and deeds of the spirit will be judged by Dungrimm, highest of judges, and it will be determined if they have lived their life in accordance with Yemekar's Rhun. Artists representation of Dungrimm before the gates of Khaz'a'dentrumm. If one is found to be worthy, they will be bid upon by the Brathmordakin assembled in what is called the Auction of the Dead. It is the realm of who bids the highest for the soul where the final afterlife of the individual shall be. Brathmordakin are more likely to bid upon the soul of one who lived in accordance with their domain and teachings. Once the auction has been completed, the soul will go to live and serve in the hall of the Brathmordakin of their patronage. If one is found to be lacking, or if as some say their soul is not bid upon by a Brathmordakin, they shall be cast through the gates of Vuur’dor, into the bowels of the Void, where some believe Khorvad lies. What happens once the soul has been cast into the depths of the void is a mystery to us upon the mortal realm. Some believe it is destroyed entirely, others that it is churned and reborn to try again, and some yet still believe they are left to Khorvad’s desires and wishes. All souls will one day find themselves within the halls of judgment, rich or poor, warrior or coward, young or old. In truth, the fate of the souls of foreigners is not known, with some claiming that non-Dwarven souls find themselves in lesser realms upon death. Others still believe that they too will find themselves in Dungrimm’s halls, yet without the teachings of the gods most find themselves cast out into Vuur’dor. Only in death will we know for certain. The date of one’s death is known only to the Brathmordakin, which is why it is important for one to live each day in accordance with Yemekar's Rhun.
  16. ESSAY ON THE PERSEVERANCE OF FAITH Vasili Valic I pray to Sigismund, for we live in a time like his. We Adrians are not the august lords of one great empire, as was Godfrey, we are not mythic icons of the ideal as Horen, and we are not yet redeemed as Owyn. Like Sigismund, we live in a time of low moral authority, of a humanity fractured and compromised in the absence of what once was. I have been blessed by my father, Velislav, with the great histories of our people, what was once known as Ruska or the great Raevir. I may be off base, as subject to the many hundreds of years ago I write of and the erosion of time, but nevertheless in such trying times I must try to use this gift to the advantage of common Adrian, especially those in doubt of their conscience. I can understand the sentiments of those souls, some more forgivable than others, which would receive the actions of our crooked Pontiff, and our occupied Canonist faith, as a sign of its death. These folk would believe schism is the option in the face of excommunication, that because our Pontiff is fallible, so is our belief. One must never forget that Godfrey's immediate descendants abandoned Oren in its hour of need against the Kingdom of Urguan. Though rectified some decades later through the Imperium Tertius, it was his exodus and its shadow in which Sigismund lived, in a humanity subjugated by non-humans. We do not exalt Sigismund for his reign, but his restoration. It was Sigismund who, in the face of a humanity that failed, decided not to abandon its faith in decline, but who reunited mankind under one cause, from Flotsam to Abresi, to restore the agency of humanity to its own hand. It is Sigismund's translations of the scrolls that from which our faith descends in its identity. Those who would seek to remove him from the annals of the Canon would be doing so for the purpose of illiterate megalomania, unaware that the truths they preach even against his name were written by his pen. We live in a time of Dragons and Ghouls, Vampires and other ilk; each side of the current conflict would have you believe the other is their agent. I do not believe either to be true. However, there is not a settlement in the world today which does not harbor the ill omens of undeath or immortal pacts with daemons. Humanity then is subjugated as it was then in Sigismund’s time. We are in a stasis, a vacuum of moral direction plagued by the absence of one just goal. We must think like Sigismund at this time. We must not abandon Canonism simply because there are those within it who are mortally villainous, for it is our unified faith of Humanity. We need not schism ourselves from the world simply because it wants us to. We are human, like any other, and we are, in Adria, the true and eldest heirs to Carrion. Alongside it, we carry the indomitable spirit of freedom and rectitude that has seen it burn in the face of unholy tyranny time and time again. I speak to you Adrians, to pray to the restorer of moral rectitude once more in our time of excommunication. We must not entertain these crooked souls who know neither victory nor defeat, hiding behind their walls for perpetuity while they strangle our faith to death. We must fight for our faith. We must liberate Canonism, not send it to hospice. We must liberate our identity and right titles from the Hansetian menace, not consign them to their perpetual torment under its roof. Do not resign your beliefs simply because others wish you to. Affirm them in spite of this.
  17. Narvok oz ok Arkon Thrummaz [!] A messenger bird arrives to dwed across Urguan, relaying the news! [!] A blessing, and a joyous discovery! The expedition for knowledge in Ogradhad's name has been completed, and with it were recovered some preserved ancient texts, written by old dwed of continents long passed. And along with such precious texts, some relating to the nature of the Rhun, came also the discovery of a story to this old place. One of a brave and devout dwed... who stood to defend what he believed in. An encounter with giant spiders complicated the investigation but was dealt with accordingly... The ancient texts were discovered within the ruins of a small library... likely a safekeeping for the follower of the Warden of Knowledge that watched over it. Most incredibly however, a hole in the roof had rendered most of the texts destroyed... except for four books, those that sat nearest to the shrine of Ogradhad contained within... These texts will be put on display within The Grand Library in Kal'Darakaan, for all to view. Rare is it that the Brathmordakin reach down and show their influence upon the realm of the descendants. To honor such a blessing, Da Kirkja Verga will renovate this old place, and it shall be reformed into a grand temple in worship to Ogradhad, so that all may show their veneration to him in the hallowed place. Tuzic Mossborn, Prophet of Ogradhad
  18. Narvok oz ok Arkon Thrummaz Kozzhunki'mar eron Grond [!] A missive is posted on the various homes, notice boards, and clan halls around the Grand kingdom of Urguan. [!] Having received word of an ancient ruin within the lands of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, potentially holding ancient historical, and spiritual knowledge, Da Kirkja Dverga will embark on an expedition to this lost place. I - The prophet of Ogradhad, call upon those who value the preservation of knowledge, as well as those for whom the call of adventure rings in their ears, to join me and ride to this ruin. For those that heed my call, equip yourselves well to repel whatever creatures may have taken hold in the long abandoned ruins. Narvok oz ok Arkon Thrummaz Glory to the Sage King Tuzic Mossborn, Prophet of Ogradhad OOC Info:
  19. [!] You find a flier pinned to your burrow's front door. IN PRAISE O' KNOX ~Our Guardian Spirit~ He who has blessed us, Lord Knox himself, must nay be neglected in these troubling times! We must continue to devote ourselves to Him, our spiritual Guardian and Advisor in these times (and indeed in all times), for without Him we are not whole. Let us gather together to answer the following questions: ~Our Lord, Creation, and the Nature of Time~ ~Opposing Cultists & Their Evil Deeds~ ~What Knox Asks from US, and What He Can Provide~ We are to gather in the Knoxist Church next Pumpkin Day. Lord Knox bless us all, and may Billy Bob's taters stay in our pockets! ~Mimosa Applefoot, Mayor of Bywater. ((Event TOMORROW on Thursday the 5th of January, 2023, 6 PM EST. Located within Bywater, the home of halflings and gnomes on Almaris. Directions: ))
  20. THE JULI c. 1780“A Young Selie boy" ORIGINS, FROM THE GROTTO The Juli find their start in the time of Horen - Though humanity traces their lineage from Horen, the Juli trace theirs from the Anointed Julia of Paradisus. In her most notable miracle, the Anointed Julia protected an expectant mother from the ails of corruption. There were, however, two miracles that day. The light that shone from the ring not only revealed the necromancer for what it was, but it also blessed the unborn bairn of the mother. Months later the mother would give birth to triplets; Ifiemi, mother of the Ifie, Selam, mother of the Selm, and Selassie, mother of the Selie. The girls born with deep black skin, hair, and eyes also came out of the womb with golden bands, a sign that they had been touched by the Anointed Julia. Ifiemi had a golden band around her waist, Selam around her left leg, and Selassie around her right arm. Once the triplets were of age they joined the Anointed Julia in Paradisus as her attendants and confidants. Ifiemi served as her protectorate, Selam her handmaiden, and Selassie her scribe. Eventually the triplets would each have triplets, and those children would each have triplets, and their numbers grew in size, all except for Selassie. After the death of their beloved holy mother, the Anointed Julia, the cult of Juli was formed and this is where the Juli get their name. Fearing persecution and with nothing left for them in Paradisus, the Juli fled the famed city in search for new lands. The light of the Anointed Julia led them to the Grotto of Merkai. As the Juli entered into this new land, the Anointed Julia closed the foliage behind them and hid them from those who would seek to do them harm. c. 1620 “Anointed Julia, Protectorate of Merkai” The light of Anointed Julia stood foot at the gates of Merkai. Though they were isolated, the few pure-hearted outsiders, Canonist or not, who did not wish to do the Juli harm could spot the Anointed Julia’s golden rings in the Peacock feathers and sunflowers that marked the gates of Merkai. At the center of the Grotto of Merkai stood a large bubbling spring that met the sea. It was here that the Anointed Julia came to Selassie and pointed out the origins of her birth. It’s said that the Anointed Julia had emerged from the gurgle of the water with drops of pure light dripping from her figure. It was here that the first gift was given. Selassie entered the waters of Merkai and re-emerged renewed and youthful again. What she did not know was that she also grew pregnant. In her palm she held the mother of pearl, a large iridescent white stone that represented Tranquility, Purity, and Governance. c. 1620 “Birth of Anointed Julia” The Juli, free from their plight, sought to make a home for themselves in the Grotto of Merkai. They built domed homes and towers in the style of Paradisus, but they forgot one thing. One night, a group of leopards strolled into their settlement. As screams let out, Ifiemi and her children and children’s children sprang into action. They soared their large spears through the black of the night, killing all the leopards but one. Spear nor sword could not pierce the hide of this white leopard. This is when the Anointed Julia gave her second gift. A light shined down on the White Leopard, setting the creature on fire instantly. The only thing remained was its white hide, which could not be pierced by any man made tool or weapon. The hide represented Reverence, Protection, and Strength In celebration, the Juli held their first traditional feast: the feast of leopards. Here they danced, drank, and ate in merriment. During the feast it began to rain, casting Merkai into darkness as it extinguished every lamp and fire. The rain slowly turned into a storm as strong winds and gray clouds rolled into Merkai. Selam, refusing to let the weather destroy their festivities, kindled a torch to re-light the lamps of Merkai. As she raced into the thick of the storm from lamp to lamp while her flame dwindled, a loud boom could be heard throughout Merkai. The torch erupted into a large column of fire that was impervious to rain and storm. This was the Anointed Julia’s third and final gift: the eternal flame, which represented Resilience, Harmony, and Progress. With the three gifts from the Anointed, Selassie, Selam, and Ifiemi became the three beloved: defenders and founders of Julianism. One night, Selassie received a vision from the mother of pearl: flee. When the undead spread across Aegis, Merkai was one of the last places still standing, but they did not stop them from permeating the thick foliage in search for death. Selam lit fire to the Grotto with the eternal flame, destroying Merkai and the undead that had overran it. Ifiemi used the white hide as a raft for the Juli to escape on. And Selassie used the mother of pearl to guide a way to new lands. It was here on the raft that Selassie gave birth to Inan. With the birth of Imani, GOD delivered the Scroll of Divulgence to the Juli. Since then, the Juli have forever hidden themselves from Horen and his men. Though the Grotto can never be restored, they now take comfort in the isles that dot the coastline of each new land they arrive to. Their black towers and homes, reminiscent of Paradisus, appear to be rock formations jutting out of the water, but if you listen closely you can hear singing at night. CHURCH OF JULIARD The Church of Juliard is a monotheistic religion. Julinists believe in the one true living GOD who is the all-father and creator of the universe. Julinists recognize that he is the innate source of good and those that practice good deeds follow the virtues set by GOD. Despite the earnest virtues of some heretics and pagans, this will not earn them a voyage into the Seven Seas alongside GOD as they will be sent to the vast, a perpetually dark desert where damned souls die. Those who do practice and adhere to the wisdom of GOD will gain a voyage into the Seven Seas. Within Julinistic faith, the Seven Seas is depicted to be the far horizon where the sky meets water, while the vast is an intermediate space where souls eventually fade away. It is important to note, however, that Julinists do not seek out converts. The faith is passed down through the matrilineal line as the light was passed through the Beloved sisters. Those who wish to convert by their own will are accepted into the fold, but the light will not pass through them in the way it does for the Juli. Julinists practice Julianism, which is similar to Canonism but differs in interpretations of the first family of humankind. Though the races of Elves, Humans, Orcs, and Dwarves trace their lineage to the four sons of the first-coupling, Julianism highlights and prioritizes the sanctity of the Anointed Julia. The four sons came from GOD’s creation while the Anointed Julia came directly from GOD. The four sons and their lines were cursed while the Anointed Julia remained untouched. For this reason, it is clear she is anointed by GOD and the closest to purity. It is believed by Julinists that Julia is the daughter of GOD and thus was his to marry to Horen. Through marriage they are both venerated, but Julia is depicted as an extension of GOD on Eos and Aos whereas Horen is simply her husband. Their duties were shared but wholly different. Despite mistranslations, incorrect interpretations, and being cut entirely from Canon lore, the Church of Juliard mostly agrees with the scrolls. There is, however, a missing scroll that serves as the main doctrine for Julianism: the Scroll of Divulgence, which marks the Juli as GOD’s chosen people and saviors of humanity as they carry the light of GOD through the Anointed Julia. The Quattor is the place of religious worship for Julinists. A typical Quattor is a round domed (with a hole in the middle of the dome) room submerged into any body of water. At night, the waters will rise within the Quattor as the Moon stretches out over the Quattor. There are four spires attached to each Quattor, each spire holding an effigy of a Beloved. Carved from the blackest stone the Beloved Selassie sits in the north spire with a white stone held at her heart, the Beloved Selam sits in the west spire with a torch raised in the air, the Beloved Ifiemi sits in the east spire with a cloak draped over her, and the Beloved Inan sits in the south spire with a chalice at his heart. In the middle of the Quattor sits a wide hole in which kindling lit by the eternal flame is submerged by water yet still burning. c. 1680 “Saint Luliya” THE ANOINTED Ant. Julia - Golden Ring Patron of Marriage, Light, and Women Mother of the Juli THE BELOVED Blv. Selassie - Mother of Pearl Patron of Tranquility, Purity, and Governance Mother of the Selie Blv. Selam - Eternal Flame Patron of Harmony, Resilience, and Progress Mother of the Selm Blv. Ifiemi - White Hide Patron of Reverence, Protection, and Strength Mother of the Ifie Blv. Inan - Golden Chalice Patron of Priesthood, Childbirth, and Wisdom Revealer of the Scroll of Divulgence SAINTS St. Horen - Golden Laurel Revealer of the Scroll of Virtue Patron of Humanity, Covenants, Men St. Adamma - Whetstone Patron of Labour, Craftsmen, and Builders St. Luliya - Golden Crown Patron of the Poor, Abandoned, and Vengeance BLESSED Bl. Owyn - Flaming Sword Revealer of the Scroll of Spirit Patron of Purity, War, and Fire Bl. Godfrey - Silver Scepter Revealer of the Scroll of Gospel Patron of Dominion, Glory, and Justice Bl. Sigismund - Iron Globus Cruciger Revealer of the Scroll of Auspice Patron of Clairvoyance, Wisdom, and Sight ISOLATION AND PROTECTION Though the Juli have rarely had much contact with other people, the Ifie are trained in various forms of combat. From spear wielding to the longsword, they are prepared to defend their faith and homeland. The favored weapon of the Juli are their circlets. Circlets are sharp circular hand-held weapons that come in a few different sizes. The hand circlet is used to slice and stab through close combat, the circlettes are thrown at long distances and cut through their victims, and the circline is a long pole with a curved metal head that acts in similar manner to a scythe. The metals vary in colors but typically take on a bronze-ish hue after undergoing a glazing process. c. 1700s The Juli are well versed in the manning and controlling of ships. Often frequenting water-heavy areas, it’s a necessary component of everyday life. Most children exit the womb knowing how to swim and quickly take to sparring in the shallow waters of beaches and lakes. Though their ships are not equipped with canons, they’re extremely light and fast giving them an advantage in travel time and getting away. Due to their reclusive nature, the Juli are rarely seen on horseback but have been seen with a leopard or two. THE SELIE, SELM, AND IFIE The Juli typically find themselves in warmer cultures near the ocean. While they enjoy the beautiful things of life, they understand that life is fleeting and would be ready to leave their possessions behinds in a moments notice. Men and women wear fairly loose clothing in layers, the more layers showing how wealthy you were. Head coverings are stylistic along with makeup. While jewelry is very common amongst the Juli, it is not ornately made into different shapes but comes in the form of bands. It would be uncommon to ever find a piece of jewelry not in the form of a circle. The Juli age like normal humans but retain their youthfulness for much longer as a 60 year old Juli could easily pass for 40. The Juli can be divided into three cultures that work into one functioning society. Though work is not restricted by these cultures, the tribe they’re born into is what they were “destined” to do. Tribes pass through the matrilineal lineage of families; depending on what tribe the mother was a part of determines what tribe the bairn would be a part of. THE SELIE, Our Leaders From Beloved Selassie The Selie are by-far the smallest group amongst the Juli. Typically taking on roles of governance, the Selie are political, religious, and local leaders. Due to their duties to Juli society, their main priority is in service of others. They rarely have children if at all and often marry outside of their tribe. The Juli are ruled by a monarchy which passes down to whichever elected kin the monarch chooses. While nobility isn’t a concept, there are esteemed families within the Selie that have large monopolies over certain sectors of government. Featurally, the Selie are known for their round faces and long locs of hair. Different hairstyles show off their families and heritage. Selies who go on to be priests have access to a special herb that turns their hair and sometimes eyes white. Like Selassie, almost all Selie have a scar in the shape of a band on their right arm as the birthmark is passed down. Very few are born with their bands being made of gold, those who are born with gold bands are said to be filled with more light than others. c. 1400 “First Queen of House Mann” THE SELM, Our Builders From Beloved Selam The Selm are the largest group amongst the Juli. Typically taking on artisan and craftsmen roles within society, the Selm are the backbone of the Juli economy. The Selm have the most freedom when it comes to their occupational status and are commonly known to travel amongst the line of Horen. With the Selm holding the knowledge of the outside world around them, they find interesting ways to make their money from selling secrets or even people. The Selm also act as the architects of Juli cities, which are designed after Paradisus so they say. Featurally, the Selm are known for their flat faces and round, short bodies. The Selm are the most adorned group as they gladly wear fine headdresses and jewelry. Like Selam, almost all Selm have a scar in the shape of a band on their left leg as the birthmark is passed down. Very few are born with their bands being made of gold, those who are born with gold bands are said to be filled with more light than others. c. 1700s “Portrait of Eskender Liya” THE IFIE, Our Protectors From Beloved Ifiemi The Ifie are the second largest group amongst the Juli. Typically taking on militaristic and sportive roles in society, the Ifie are the protectors of the Juli. The Ifie serve in the larger Juli guard but also work as mercenaries for hire. The Ifie are also extremely intelligent. Skilled in naval warfare, astronomy, and mathematics, the Ifie make formidable opponents on the battlefield and the war room. Many Ifie have chosen the route of scholars rather than warfare. Featurally, the Ifie are known for their slender frames and short deep red hair. The Ifie wear what is most comfortable for them but typically always wear some form of protection. Like Ifiemi, almost all Ifie have a scar in the shape of a band on their torso as the birthmark is passed down. Very few are born with their bands being made of gold, those who are born with gold bands are said to be filled with more light than others. c. 1780s “The Scholar, Makonnen Zuri” ARCHITECTURE Juli architecture is modeled after the city of Paradisus. It was a welt kept secret amongst the builders of the Selm tribe who had hoped that by building paths into the sea that they'd find a way to reach GOD. c. 1820 “Great Quattor of the Beloved Sisters” DIALECT The Juli pick up on languages quickly but always talk in a very particular way not similar to any other human. On top of them speaking very fast, they often over-enunciate consonants at the end of the sentence and often drop the r from various words. For example, a Juli would pronounce “Church of Juliard” as “Chutch of Juli-ed” PHRASES & WORDS Mo/M’ - My Asu Ashi - God Mama - Mother Baba - Father Liji - Child Hujambo - Hello Kwaheri - Bye Asu jambo - Good Morning Usu jambo - Good Night Asu - Day Usu - Night Moto - Beautiful Zaidi - More/Very Gawa - Go Asante - Thank you Karnibu - You’re Welcome Anu Chupi - Curse Word Jalme - King Jalkia - Queen Weupe - Outsider “ Asu jambo mo jalkia, we found weupe at the gates of usu. Good morning my queen, we found outsiders at the gates of night. ” NOTABLE JULI FAMILIES House Mann, Selie ruling family of the Juli. House Liya, Selm merchant family. House Zuri, Ifie family with skilled fighters and generals. Male Names Abai, Addisu, Afework, Ajani, Aklilu, Alimayu, Anbassa, Bemnet, Biruk, Cherenet, Dejen, Desta, Eskender, Fikru, Fikremariam, Gebre, Haile, Isayas, Jember, Kassahun, Kebede, Kidus, Lami, Makonnen, Mesfin, Neberu, Negash, Tafari, Yafet, Zelalem. Female Names Abeba, Akutasgm Amhara, Ayana, Belkis, Dinkinesh, Fana, Gelila, Genet, Genzebe, Habesha, Hamelmal, Hirut, Iniku, Jahzara, Kelile, Kelemi, Luliya, Marye, Mariam, Mihret, Negassi, Nebiri, Rahwa, Rebka, Samrawit, Sebie, Selam, Selassie, Taitu, Zeudi. OOC: If you have thoughts, suggestions, or are interested developing this culture further PLEASE reach out to me: erostea#3429
  21. The Emerald Book: Ogradhad A dwarf kneeling in front of Ogradhad. [source] “With the birth of the mind, came the creation of another great being, one connected to the consciousness of life and the realms. This being is Ogradhad. The knowledge and wisdom he possesses are both innate and collected, both profound and esoteric. Ogradhad is the one who reveals the secrets of the world to us, his candle burns away the darkness of ignorance.” - Inscriptions within the Remembrancers Guild Ogradhad The Sageking Ogradhad is the Brathmordaking of Wisdom, Invention and Magic. It is no surprise then, that scholars venerate him the most. The Loremaster can be honoured by tending to places where knowledge is kept, such as libraries. Libraries may even be considered shrines or temples to Ogradhad. However, not all knowledge is stored in books, and one doesn’t need to be a scholar to engage in the sharing and protection of knowledge. The Sageking does not just preside over existing knowledge, one needs to create new knowledge to progress dwarvenkind. Inventors who apply Ogradhads knowledge and wizards who try and decipher ancient secrets are also favoured by him. The Lessons of Insight: The Lessons of Insight are a series of beliefs, ideas and principles gathered from the annals of library and history, to elucidate ways for dwarves to live by Ogradhad’s ways. Grond: meaning Discover in dwarven. This lesson refers to invention, experimentation, research, study and anything relating to the discovery of new knowledge. Those who pursue new knowledge and insights for the sake of their people are the truest worshippers of Ogradhad. One must also not solely dedicate themselves to one field of study, for such often leads to the development of a narrow viewpoint. Learning and discovering different things when the opportunity presents itself is pious, honourable and above all practical. Grond is the antithesis of stagnation. For when one dedicates themselves to discovery, one must not remain bound to outdated dogmas which keep society from advancing. Those who hoard knowledge for their own selfish desires are detrimental to Yemekar’s Balance, as it hinders the spreading of progress. “The thumping of your mortar and pestle, the bubbling of your cauldron, the hiss of your alembic, the flipping of your pages and the scribbling of your notes are all prayers to Ogradhad.” - Quote from an unknown master alchemist. Lordak: This word means Magic in dwarven. This tenant not only refers to the study and use of magic, but it is also a lesson about the dangerous nature of knowledge. Ogradhad is the Brathmordkin of Magic as well, meaning to practice the arcane arts is to honour Ogradhad. However practising magic can often lead to madness for power, to delve into foul and vile forces like Necromancy, which goes against Yemekar’s Balance. To live by Lordak, one must explore the depths of the arcane, using their abilities to protect Yemekar's balance, while refusing to succumb to the dark powers of The Betrayer. The same can be said for knowledge, one must be able to use knowledge for the greater good, and not spread despair and destruction. Due to the burdens of certain magics, its study requires prayer, meditation and guidance for how it may be best applied to serve Yemekar’s Balance. “The mortal dwed’s greed for knowledge grew limitless. Sparing not life nor honour to obtain it. And soon, after being granted secret magical powers by the Vile Dark - he built a grand library, greater than was ever built.” - “But behind him, the shadow of Khorvad loomed. He was but a puppet, a minion of the Vile Darkness.” - Ogradhad and The Nightbreak, by Dlunar Irongrinder. Kahiv: Is the dwarven word of Wisdom. The accumulation of knowledge and the sharpening of one's intellect are excellent pursuits in life, but they are for nought if one does not possess wisdom. A person is wise when they know how to apply their knowledge in different situations. Such a skill can only be gathered through experience. Thus Kahiv teaches us not to waste our lives only reading through books, only to then freeze up when something unexpected happens. Thus one must be worldly and curious, seeking out new things to experience and discover, so one may grow as a person. An excess of knowledge with a deficiency in experience can bring harm due to arrogance and poor judgement. “When yer nose beh glued to tha books, ye cannae see tha greatest lessons and stories that lay ahead o’ ye, yet to beh shared.” - Quote from Tuzic Mossborn, Prophet of Ogradhad. Arkonrumm: Arkonrumm translates to Remembrancer. Knowledge is sacred, and to avoid it being lost to the annals of time, it must be recorded and passed down. Such is the role of a Remembrancer. To scribe on parchment, traditional oral retellings, sculptures, art, demonstrations, and any way of passing knowledge can be used to serve as an Arkonrumm. Anyone can become a teacher, and it is a great way to pass on knowledge and to live by the principal of Arkonrumm. “What good is a book to those who have no place to store them? My mind is an endless library, my tongue a bottomless inkpot. The words I spread ring clearly in the minds of those who I tell them. And those who hear them shall spread to their own kin and so on and so on.” - A response from a revered dwarven storyteller. Post Scriptum: Ogradhad is one of the Brathmordkin that deals less with the natural realms such as Anbella or Grimduguan, but more with a conceptual domain of knowledge. Unfortunately, I only see only a few clans and individuals venerating Ogradhad and the important work he does. This is the reason why Tuzic Mossborn, Prophet of Ogradhad and I have collaborated to write this entry into the Emerald Book. The typical dwarf often stereotypes worship of Ogrdadhad as being a stuffy librarian, even though such is not necessarily the case. The learning of new knowledge and the spread of it can be done by anyone, which is what I hoped to illustrate with this work. May it be noted that this is not clerical canon, but my personal views upon the Brathmordkin. The collections present in The Emerald Book are that of my own contemplations. Sources: Co-Author Tuzic Mossborn, Prophet of Ogradhad Various Clerical Texts The works of Falk Irongut The beliefs of various Clans Legends of Dlunar Irongrinder Hefrumm cosmological studies The Dwarven Language Encyclopedia
  22. [!] You find a flier in your aviary mailbox KNOX Shall Guide Us! The United Knoxist Church of Bywater is now open for mass, private prayers, weddings, and other such religious activities! Within this church we shall worship the perfection of creation, the Great Farmer Billy Bob who grew us from the fields, and Lord Knox, our patron spirit! All are welcome to attend, be they worshippers of the true faith, shamanic or druidic teachings, or pagan religions from abroad, for all are welcome within the Knoxist church. May Knox bless Bywater and all weefolks (Gnomish and halfling alike) and reward the faithful with His blessings. May the potatoes from the creator Billy Bob never stop flowing! ~Mimosa Applefoot, local Knoxist religious leader. ((Knoxist mass event at 5 PM EST, Monday the 26th of December, 2022. Located within Bywater, the home of the halflings: ))
  23. The Holy Delve [source] This is a call to all members of the faith, A mysterious ruin has been discovered in the Deep Roads under the city of Kal’Draakan, in Grimdugan’s Realm. In order to recover lost artefacts and discover the lost history of the faith, da Kirkja Dverga calls upon all worshippers of the Brathmordkin, and especially the devotees of Grimdugan, to brave the darkness of Grimdugan for the sake of learning more about our lost histories. An expeditionary force, organised and headed by Hana Starbreaker, shall be assembled in the coming days in order to venture into the depths of these ruins. [OOC: FRIDAY THE 16TH, AT 3PM EST] Narvok oz Grimdugan Narvok oz Brathmordkin
  24. The Tome of Core Beliefs Brathmordakin General: The Brathmordakin are the highest power in the cosmos, integral to its functioning and a fundamental part of reality. Yemekar forged the souls of the descendants, with the dwedmar being his masterwork. Beard: A dwed’s beard is holy as it is a gift from the Brathmordakin Yemekar, a sign of his favour of the dwarven race. One must take care of this gift. Khorvad: The Fallen Brathmordakin Khorvad is a traitor of the Brathmordakin, conspiring to amass infinite power for itself. Worship of Khorvad is heretical. Worship: No single dwarf can claim to be a direct speaker of the Brathmordakin. One can commune with the Brathmordakin, and receive inspiration, direction or images from them. However, claiming to know their will is an act of usurpation of power and supreme arrogance. The Council of Prophets must use their wisdom granted through study and prayer to guide the populace, not impose their will by claiming to be direct mouthpieces of the Brathmordakin. The Dwarven Race: The dwarven race has been created in the image of Yemekar and is favoured by him. The killing of a dwarf is the greatest sin against the Brathmordkin. A dwarf that kills another dwarf loses the blessing of Yemmekar and is hence not a dwarf anymore. Thus, a dwarf that has kinslayed (murdered another dwarf) can be killed by another dwed. Self-defence is permitted however. Council: The idea of a council is integral to dwarven society. As the Brathmordkin are a council of themselves, so must the dwarves share the burden of decision amongst their kin, for only by taking into account the perspective of others can an honourable decision be made. The Council also functions as a way to hinder Khorvad’s poison of ambition, by not allowing one single dwarf to hold too much power. Soul General: The soul, forged by the Brathmordakin, is the ultimate creation. As such it must be protected and cherished. Punishments involving imprisoning, damaging, corrupting or manipulating souls are Khorvadic. The willing transfer of the soul into a golem body, or into an epiphyte by ritual are allowed, as long as the individual is informed and consenting to the risks, as well as the learning of voidal magics for the sake of the dwarven people and upholding balance. Auction of the Dead: Upon a dwarf’s death, their soul travels to Khaz'A'Dentrumm, the Halls of the Dead. There, the Brathmordakin bid for the dwarf's soul. A Dwarf has a higher chance of being auctioned to a specific god based on their service to them in life. Vuur’dor: Souls that fail to uphold their duties to the Brathmordkin are exiled to Vuur’dor. Religion Openness: Every single descendant is allowed to engage in the worship of the Brathmordakin, regardless if they are a member of Da Kirkja Dverga or not. Yemekar's Balance Dwarves are the keepers of balance throughout the realm, as commanded by Yemekar. This is interpreted can be in many different ways, but in general, it means to uphold balance in all of Yemekar's creations. Freedom Anyone is allowed to create or join other religious sects dedicated to the Brathmordakin, for as long as those religious institutions do not disrespect any of the Brathmordakin, or violate the principles stated above. This includes encouraging clans to have faith in their own beliefs. -This Tome was formed, agreed upon, stamped and signed by the Council of Prophets of Da Kirkja Dverga- High Prophet Garedyn the Green, Prophet of Yemekar Prophet Asketil Blackroot, Prophet of Belka Prophet Dhaen Grandaxe, Prophet of Anbella Prophet Tuzic Mossborn, Prophet of Ogradhad Prophet Alaric Grimgold, Prophet of Dungrimm
  25. Covenant of Da Kirkja Dverga Title One: Clergy leadership Art I. Da Kirkja Dverga is not an institution dedicated to power. Rather it is one of learning and teaching. For this reason, a single dwarf may not hold executive and authoritative power over the entire clergy; it must be held by a council. i. The council will be led by one of its members. A prophet will be voted on to serve as the representative of the council, when the council's opinion is asked by another institution. ii. The chosen representative can be given the name of high preceptor/prophet/priest. It is up to the council's discretion to decide their own titles depending on the naming convention of the times. iii. Clergy documents and declarations are to be signed as a council. The high preceptor cannot make public declarations without the council. iv. The council is to be composed of preceptors/prophets/heralds (whatever naming convention is used at the time). These council members are to be proposed to the council from the pool of priests or other religious organizations, by a clan leader or member(s) of the council. Then the decision to accept the individual would be up to the council with a 2/3 (rounded up) majority needed to enter the council. v. To remove a member of the council, there would need to be a formal petition by a council member to call for a vote on the matter. For the vote to pass, it would need a 2/3 (rounded up) majority. The member would then be demoted to priest, unless expulsion is required. vi. To expel someone from the clergy the council needs unanimity and at least 4 council members present. vii. The council is to be composed of one prophet per Brathmordakin. Title Two: Duties of Prophets Art.III Prophets are experts on the Brathmordakin, more specifically on their patron. This means that apart from teaching priests about their Brathmordakin they are also expected to be learning and searching beliefs and cultures from all dwarf groups in relation to their Brathmordakin. Art.IV All prophets (including the high prophet) are equal in the council. Art.V All prophets have the ability to sponsor a dwarf to become a priest if they believe they possess the knowledge required. Art.VI The prophets can only remove a priest from the clergy through a vote with an outcome over 2/3 (rounded up) of the council. Reinstating a priest that was removed goes through the same process. Art.VII. Prophets have the right to create organizations and groups if they so desire. However, the responsibility of maintenance is on the shoulders of said prophet. Art VIII. Prophets are to inform priests on matters that the latter does not have a clear answer to. Prophets should only do the duties of priests when there are no priests to fulfill the duties. i. In relation to priests, prophets serve as mentors. Guiding them on how to teach people, hold events, and sermons. Art IX. The high prophet is a ceremonial rank that serves to represent the will of the council outside of itself. The high prophet is just a prophet. i. The high prophet does not have to be a prophet of Yemekar. The prophet(s) of Yemekar fulfill the same duties as any other prophet in relation to their Brathmordakin. Title Three: Duties of Priests Article X. Priests are the teachers of the general dwarven population. They teach the basics of the Brathmordakin to those that are willing to learn. Article XI. Priests have the ability to head ceremonies with the blessings of the council of Prophets. i. By being a priest, one has a de facto ability to do ceremonies. Article XII. A priest can be demoted to acolyte if they show an inability to learn and be aware of different perspectives of the Brathmordakin. Title Four: Relationship with other Religious Orders Article XIII. The clergy recognizes all dwarven denominations that accept the existence of the Brathmordakin and worships them, as well as, keeping the core pillars of the dwarven faith in their denomination. Article XIV. The clergy recognizes the existence of cosmic entities that are not the Brathmordakin. The glorification of these beings is acceptable and tolerated as long as it is done through the lenses of the Brathmordakin and their worship. i. Any glorification of a non-Brathmordakin that does not include the direct or indirect glorification of a/the Brathmordakin as well is considered heretical. Article XV. Any form of Khorvad worship is heretical. Title Five: Amending the Covenant Article XVI. This covenant may only be amended if there is unanimity and minimum four prophets are present. i. Articles as enumerated in this document can only be removed if the entire council agrees upon it. ii. Future articles or amendments need only the condition set in Article XVI Title Six: Decision making of the Council of Prophets Article XVII. As is tradition since times immemorial all members of the council can propose decisions to the Council of Prophets. i. Decisions pass through a simple majority, with at least half of the Prophets of the council being present. ii. The High Prophet needs to be present for a decision to be passed or have another prophet appointed as temporary substitute (by the High Prophet). iii. These council decisions cannot amend the Covenant, only the process layed out in title five can do so. -This Covenant was formed, agreed upon, stamped and signed by the Council of Prophets of Da Kirkja Dverga- High Prophet Garedyn the Green, Prophet of Yemekar Prophet Asketil Blackroot, Prophet of Belka Prophet Dhaen Grandaxe, Prophet of Anbella Prophet Tuzic Mossborn, Prophet of Ogradhad Prophet Alaric Grimgold, Prophet of Dungrimm
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