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  1. The Kharajyr are a race of great pride and a deep love of showing off. As such, there is a rigidity within their classes and hierarchy. Those at the top yield greater power within the community, and their say carries more weight. Contrary to their historical manners, however, in the modern era there is a much greater intermingling between the higher and lower classes. Below are the ranked positions one may uptake, alongside the symbols each are affiliated with that are granted upon Maca Tocaitl. ◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈◆◈ Aelkos - Yhl’ With the time of those blessed by Metztli to lead having long since passed, the title of Tlatanni is no more. To respect this absence, those in total leadership now adopt the title of Aelkos, those historically below the Tlatanni. To be granted this title is of utmost honour, and can only be given by another Aelkos passing down their title. Priests - Ja’ Beneath the Aelkos, those who yield the highest authority are those who are anointed the position of Priest. Being those who teach the ways of Metztli and preach of her teachings, they offer one of the most important roles; the glue that sticks Kha together. After centuries passed, it is they who continue to keep Metztli’s name sacred and known amongst the race. Pride Leaders - Ri’ Those who lead a Pride act as a council amongst the leadership of the Kharajyr. While the Aelkos’ rule is absolute, they are to take the input of their people. This input typically comes to them from these leaders, who act as the voice of the people, and make suggestions based on what may benefit them most greatly. Doctors - Dra’ Often considered the stewards of life among Kha, medicinal practitioners are highly respected. While lower on the hierarchy, with their say being less than many others, when it comes to their profession even Aelkos do not object to the Doctors orders. Kharajyr view their bodies as gifts from Metztli, and thus the people who ensure the wellbeing of said bodies are viewed to have holy gifts. Warriors - Do’ The protectors of the community, the Kharajyr who dedicate themselves to the warrior path are granted moderate reverence for their endless loyalty to their people. Dying in the name of Metztli, protecting her children, is one of the most noble and honourable ways to meet one's end. These tlapana often embark on patrols, as well as maintain the peace within their own communities, and act in the name of the Aelkos’ and Metztli. Magic Users - Jo' Given their connection to the Spirits of Khalenwyr, these Kha hold a high position and are typically seen as holy. While they don’t hold anywhere near the same respect as priests who dedicate themselves to Metztli, their power also yields them an important position among their people. This is to note, however, users of deific or voidal magics are dishonoured in their betrayal to Metztli Merchants - Ka'/Ki'/Ko' Silver tongued Kha with an affinity for drawing in wealth and bartering for goods hold an important role within society. They are often considered the backbone of the interpersonal relationships among the Kharajyr and the descendant races, as more than any they are the ones who embark on journeys to sell their wares, spreading the Kha’s name across the lands. Artists - Ji’ While artists are typically seen as the lowest among the hierarchy, it does not mean they don’t play a vital role. It is the artists who preserve the ancient history of the Kha through their works, storytelling, music, and even their meals. It is often these Kha who spend their time teaching the young about their ancestors, carrying on the countless legacies before them. Adults - Si’/Sa’/So’ Kharajyr who reach adulthood but have not yet found themselves a place within the greater class system are considered rankless, though some view them as the bottom tier. This group often makes up the majority within their communities, filled with those searching for their callings. Though, some maintain this role for life, as it encompasses those who uptake smaller, albeit important, jobs without a noble title. Children- S’ The cubs of the Kharajyr, once given their true name by an Aelkos, are also rankless, in that they are too young to hold any true say. They are cared for by the greater community, as well as their pride. Despite their position, they are treated with great care and respect, as they are the future of the community in which they are a part of.
  2. On Standing Court This piece theorizes upon the aspects and benefits of a standing court, which are by these following examinations, promoted. Chapter I: Court Hall Design Standing vs Sitting Of all the potential designs one may use for a hall of court, it is for the best interest of the courtiers that space be dynamic in its layout. For movement is naught but the essence of life itself, proven by that adage; ‘inaction is the worst action’. These things being noted, I say also, that of the arrangements in court, the worst of them is that in which people are compelled to sit down. It is not enough only for the Sovereign of the court to be present with the people in order to hold their attention; opportunity must be given for each individual to place themselves within a network of concepts, be it conversation, recreation, or occupation. Achieving the purpose Through conversation done tastefully, one’s understanding of the sovereign’s projection is increased, and more context added to it. Tasteful conversation, for the sake of clarity, is that which is only heard by it’s intended audience; whereas the distasteful can be heard by anyone; regardless of its private or irrelevant nature. Through recreation, one is able to stimulate their attention during periods of lull in the speech of the Sovereign or petitioners; thereby saving one’s limited focus for its most proper place. Through occupation, one is compelled both by duty and passion to fulfill some aspect of the formal court. Examples of these are the court scribe noting particular occurrences, court chefs and servantry passing food to its guests, and court priests accepting prayer requests before or after the convening of formal court. None of these processes can be effectively achieved while sitting. All of them however, approach the desired goal of maximizing the attention of those whos time is being requested away from other matters. Section II: When to Sit Within foreign culture It is natural and normal for the custom of a household to be upheld, even by its guests. Courts which opt instead for seated arrangements are no less regal, despite the decreased effectiveness. In such environments, a guest is bound by propriety to partake in the convention of their hosts; with the understanding that such orientations will limit the amount of possible movement, and thereby the amount of conversation and recreation in which courtiers can partake. Propriety of time & place An upright stance, aside from displaying the fortitude of one’s figure, also encourages action in the individual; as was mentioned before. Nevertheless, Godan in his infinite wisdom, gave us knees, so it must be concluded that there are proper times to sit. These, it is my understanding, are at times of leisure. One cannot enjoy a meal, however well-formed, while standing; and sleeping upright is the way of horses instead of man. Therefore despair not by my writing, the lethargic of you courtiers, for I intend only to increase the enjoyment of the people as they are called to the court of their sovereign. By this, the sovereign’s dictates will be better understood, and the people’s hearts filled with contentment. Signed, Lothair of Brabant
  3. FROM THE FIEFDOM OF GARENBRIG PENNED ON THE 13TH OF AMBER COLD OF THE S.A. 181 Heralds travel from the hills and cliffs of Garenbrig, spreading news that various duties and workers are in demand, to serve the town of Garenbrig, House Glennmaer, and the Kingdom of Númendil. With its recent expansion of numerous townhouses and farm cottages, businesses and farmland, the House may offer a great many jobs for the size to which it has grown. Any and all are welcome, so long as they fit the descriptions of the work. House Glennmaer bolsters an experienced group of leaders, so any workers employed may expect generous guidance, a yearly salary (saint’s week), hospitality and gratification for their quality efforts, along with medicinal care on behalf of Lord Glyndwr and any other Glennmaer Alchemists. The opportunities offered are as follows: FARM HANDS Farmers are expected to know their general way about the Garenbrig farmland, and how to keep them maintained. This entails harvesting products of the farm, tilling and planting the fields with seed, and sorting the harvested materials. There are currently [ 3 ] Farmhand positions open, though any wishing to live as such in Garenbrig, with no vacancies open, may request a new Farm Cottage be built, which is most likely to be accepted. Farm Hands receive the following payment & luxuries: I. A Farm cottage, with the farmer’s field at the doorstep (or close to it). II. Reduced taxes in exchange for Hay Bales. III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible. GUARDSMEN, SOLDIERS, ARCHERS, AND SQUIRES House Glennmaer is a Militant house, having gained their position and lands through serving Númendil and its predecessor, Barrowton, as seasoned soldiers and Knights. Glennmaer Guardsmen are expected to be disciplined, well-trained, and fearless. Where many men make enemies of other descendants, or likewise, house Glennmaer has only ever called the servants of the Dark, and their conspirators enemies. There is no room for cowardice. However, a guard should be temperate, and entirely professional, refraining from wanton cruelty or aggression where possible. Their duties while employed under the Fiefdom of Garenbrig are to patrol its lands, be present at house meetings or functions, and be at the family’s disposal when house members venture on outings. This position has No Limit. Guardsmen, Archers and other Soldiery receive the following payment & luxuries: I. A yearly salary of 20 minas. II. Bonus payments of 10 minas per event, or special escort attended. III. Armour and weapons, provided so one’s job can be performed adequately. (PVP Gear and food, including RP weapons, and armor skins.) IV. Free housing within the Barracks or keep, should no housing be available in the town. Squires receive the following: I. All the benefits listed above for Soldiery. II. Training in the ways of the Knight, including: Weapon Use & Maintenance Armor Use & Maintenance Jousting Marksmanship Education of the Holy Scrolls Education of the Code of Chivalry Etiquette Education of Oaths and their Importance Horse Care & Advanced Riding Education III. Knighthood, on successfully completing their training and showing exceptional prowess. APOTHECARY AND PHYSICIANS An Apothecary, and their physicians, are expected to have knowledge on the use of Herbs, Alchemicals, or other materials of which they can make use of to treat those with injuries, illnesses, or other afflictions. The Apothecary must be a trained Alchemist with at least eight saint’s weeks of experience. Physicians need not know Alchemy at all, though should have knowledge of medical practice, such as surgery, balancing humors, and herbal remedies. Physicians will receive the following benefits: I. Access to the Castle hall and Infirmary. II. Free food every Saint’s week. III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible. IV. Free herbs, with excess, when taking requests from the Garenbrig military. (Providing the Physician is also an Alchemist). V. If interested, a role within the Guard as a Combat Physician, qualifying for all Guard benefits. The Apothecary will receive the following benefits: I. A designated Townhouse, with room for a free basement extension, and a ground-floor Shop space. II. Standard Townhouse tax, with no upcharge for business space. III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible. IV. Free herbs, with excess, when taking requests from the Garenbrig military. V. A position within Garenbrig’s council. VI. All of the above benefits listed for Physicians. JESTER, FOOL, AND FUNNY PERSONS The Garenbrig Fool, or otherwise designated Jape-Master, should be funny, preferably. Knowing the limits as to when, what, and how to jest, in terms of the Númenedain Law and Scroll of Virtue. This position is mainly aimed towards those who can entertain House Children, Wards, or other young persons, though may also take on duties as a TOWN CRIER, delivering any important news, at their discretion, thus needing to be someone who can read the contents of Aevos missives. The Garenbrig Funny-Person will receive the following: I. Access to the Castle hall and Infirmary. II. Free food every Saint’s week. III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible. IV. A place within the Council. This benefit is not an opportunity for jokes, japes, or tricks. This is an advisory position aimed towards making sure good relations are kept through manners, friendliness, and reduced outwards adversity. Also, to make sure that things aren’t taken too seriously. V. Free housing within the Castle of Formindon. THIS POSITION WILL REQUIRE YOU TO BE TESTED. There have been far too many funny darkspawn in Númendil. MASTER OF FESTIVALS, INNKEEPER, AND BARKEEPS Barkeeps are expected to know good manners, be able to hold basic conversations, be friendly, and to be open to learning the systems of serving drinks. The Garenbrig Barkeeps will receive the following benefits: I. One free drink per saint’s day. II. Free food every Saint’s week. III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible. IV. 33% cut off all drink sales, using the automatic cellar system of Gnomish design. The Innkeeper or Master of Festivals is expected to carry out all duties of the Barkeep, however they must also manage the Inn Rooms, source stock, and manage any festivities within Garenbrig. Initiative should be taken to formulate ideas for festivities and proposed to the Garenbrig Council The Innkeeper or Master of Festivals will receive: I. All benefits listed above for Barkeeps. II. A Free room in the Tavern, or Castle, whichever is preferred. May also dig out a large basement chamber for themselves, should they wish, under the tavern. III. A Position within the Council of Garenbrig, along with access to the Castle Hall and Cellar. BREWER AND BEEKEEPER The Brewer of Garenbrig is expected to know how to brew beverages, specifically Mead, Whiskey, Ale, and their derivatives. Any other beverages are accepted also, though these drinks are required. The Garenbrig Brewer will receive: I. Free Housing in the Garenrbig Brewery, along with sole management of the building. II. Free food every Saint’s week. III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible. IV. One mina per bottle produced upon request. These drinks will be sold for a low price in the tavern, ensuring barkeeps can receive pay for service, and any further profit goes towards the upkeep of the tavern and town. V. A beekeeping yard, of which the Brewer may use to whatever end they fancy, as long as they are able to produce Mead for the tavern from gathered Honey. VI. Freedom to employ other brewers, limited to two. APPLYING To apply for any of the above positions, contact Lord Glyndwr of Formindon or Princess Eriantiel of Númenost. Or fill out an application or stop by Garenbrig. All positions will come with training unless said otherwise. Application Form:
  4. ORIGIN The Orcs of Clan Ugluk trace their lineage back to the formidable Gorkil bloodline, born of the mighty Krug and twinned by the wild Lur. Emerging as a force to be reckoned with, the first chieftain, Pok, descendant of Ugluk, carved a path of glory through triumphant battles. His exploits caught the attention of Rex Mogroka’Gorkil, who acknowledged the legitimacy of his bloodline, thereby granting Clan Ugluk the status of an independent and respected clan. HISTORY “Burn it, burn all of it. Don’t stop until their children will only remember the flames, nothing else.” TRADITION AND FAITH Follow your Horns, Carve your Path Clan Ugluk thrives as a semi-nomadic society, drawing provisions from their great and impressive livestock and bolstering their resources through frequent raids on enemies. To be counted among the Ugluk is to embrace the spirit of the warrior above all else, leaving all other pursuits of life to secondary importance. Yet, amidst battle and war, the Ugluks hold a profound favour to the artistic expression, whether it be through song or the stroke of a paintbrush. Central to the orcs of Ugluk is the guiding principle of “Two-Horns”, a philosophy steeped into the belief that through competition and conflict, the collective strength of orcs flourishes. At the helm of this doctrine stand the revered patron spirits of Ugluk; Karazept and Qarkah, whose guidance influences the very heart of Ugluk society. “TWO HORNS” PHILOSOPHY One sick bull is a sick herd. The concept of the ‘Two-Horns’ philosophy embodies the karmic power of individual actions within the collective consciousness of the orcish society. When one orc succumbs to laziness, a ripple effect ensues leading to a widespread stagnation that stops progress. Similarly, deviations from cultural norms, such as a goblin speaking common tongue or an orc renouncing allegiance to Krug, disrupt the delicate balance within the community, resulting in unpredictable shifts of behavior. When an orc succumbs to such negative behavior, the karma can be returned to balance in two ways; self mutilation or the sacrifice of the foreign race in the flames of Qarkah. These are the true horns of Ugluk philosophy; to better yourself through pain and conflict, and to to better society through the ritualistic slaughter of the cowardly races. The sharp horn and the long horn. SPIRIT PANTHEON QARKAH Qarkah is the spirit of Culling and Immolation, a lesser spirit under Leyd. Qarkah takes the form of a huge bronze bovine engulfed in flame. Qarkah is worshipped using the Brazen Bull, a bronze bull large enough to contain many men, elves and dwarves alike. Victims are placed inside, and a fire underneath sets them to boil alive in their own fluids. Steam from the bull’s nostril mimics the sound of a cow’s stream, making the sight ever more violent. Qarkah embodies the belief that orcs are strengthened by eliminating non-orcs from their society, representing the second horn of Ugluk philosophy. KARAZEPT Karazept is the Spirit of Scarification and Mutilation, a lesser spirit under Krathol. Karazept appears as a man covered in scars and an animal skull for a head. The preferred form of scarification within the Ugluk clan is through branding, generally the same brands used on their cattle. These brands are made to mimic the simple glyphs of the ‘Kad-Kidari’, the ancient tongue of the Ugluk clan believed to have originated in the days of Morghuun Karazept represents the first horn of Ugluk; the idea that you may become stronger by experiencing pain and conflict. Stories are told from the lines on your flesh, and these scars tell other orcs of your deeds and accomplishments. PHYSIOLOGY The members of Clan Ugluk are a striking sight, towering in stature, adorned with scars, burns and clad in either bronze armour, or the bareness of their formidable physique. Their skin bears a signature colour of green, a gradient of the deep tones of the ancient Gorkils, to the more lightened tones of their newer bloodlines. Yet, there are those who boast human-like or sand-toned skin, brazen and dull. Born in a warrior clan, the Ugluk orcs are bred for battle from the moment they draw their first roar. Their muscles hardened, their minds ever-sharp, a testament to a lifetime of readiness in conflict. Proudly displayed are their weapons, each one a reflection of the dub’horn path. CURRENT ROSTER: Those that walk by us in the desert. BULLGOTH: Skorkon’Ugluk “The Minotaur” @Vilebranch BULLS: Ughûr’Ugluk, Aggad’Ugluk, Zavar’Ugluk, Obok’Ugluk, Ugzak’Ugluk @Jihnyny @Perkins@ColonelKuehl1@Wulfric @Wizzar DISCORD: Special thanks to @Vilebranchfor the referances and inspiration behind the post
  5. 𐰯𐰺𐰀𐰃𐰽𐰅 𐰽𐱃𐰅𐰯𐰯𐰅 - 𐰯𐰺𐰀𐰃𐰽𐰅 𐰢𐰆𐰍𐰢𐰀𐰺 𐰯𐰺𐰀𐰃𐰽𐰅 𐰢𐰆𐰍𐰢𐰀𐰺 - 𐰯𐰺𐰀𐰃𐰽𐰅 𐰽𐱃𐰅𐰯𐰯𐰅 ==[𝄞]== "HAZUK! MUGMAR WILLS IT!” - Bor’Ak Khan Overview & Origin The Men of Hazum are a barbaric and brutalistic Orcish people hailing from the now sunken Isle of Hazum, a distant land of mysterious fog, rolling hills and vast steppe. Tall and mighty, those of Hazuk’s Tribe are known to be greatly fond of food, often hosting great feasts to appease their great bellies and discuss important matters amongst their people. Lead by an often tyrannical Khan anointed and given power due to their pacted connection to Mugmar, Chief Spirit and Overdiety of the Hazumic Pantheon, thought to be the personification of their lost homeland itself. . . Originating as a small to medium warband under the command of Hazuk, a minor chieftain and warlord under the rule of Clan Rax in those elder days of yore, during the 1st Clan Wars. Hazuk was exceedingly tall, even for a Uruk of that bygone age of towering brutes, he and his tribe were said to be formidable foot-troops before a fateful battle, where-in they were banished to “The Farthest Point” by the dark spellcraft and corrupted shamanism of a hateful witchdoctor of Clan Dom. This “Farthest Point” was later to be called Hazum, named after their progenitor and former leader, posthumously named the first Khan by the now culturally distant tribe of Hazum, having been guided and culturally warped by Mugmar, a shamamic spirit who had incredible presence and power upon that forlorn island. Only after a terrible and mysterious series of events that caused the island to sink, did the tribe of Hazuk travel across the seas upon crude rafts to rejoin the main descendant host after so many years separated by the vast oceans of the world. [!] A depiction of the rolling hills of now sunken Hazum. Culture & Traits The Men of Hazum, often called “Hill Giants” by those who know them, are a tribalistic culture of traditionally pastoral nomads, farming and herding groups of imposing woolly mammoths around wherever they may dwell, even when settled. Orcish in nature, those of Hazuk’s Tribe are formidable warriors, often wielding great war clubs and hammers of incredible size and weight while lumbering into battle, brutally crushing and eliminating their foes without mercy. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Blood of Giants: Those of Hazum are exceedingly tall and strong, often and easily reaching the maximum of their respective Orcish Subraces, with Goblin-Kind being notably missing the from the Tribe of Hazuk, an abnormal amount of Ologs filling the ranks of Hazumite warbands and encampments. Men of Hazum have a habit growing out long and bushy beards, these starting out a dull black before somewhat quickly turning a greyish white, with elder Hill Giants often having facial hair that trails behind them, getting tangled and filled with small bits of food often. . . Honour of Hazuk: The Tribe of Hazuk, like all Orcs ought to be, are innately honourable, possessing strong moral compasses and cultural beliefs. A Man of Hazum would, for example, never harm a child or unarmed individual unless they are proven to be corrupted or directly hostile to the clan. Hill Giants are also known to be very loyal, when an oath is signed or a treaty brokered, it is expected to be upheld at all costs, even if such would harm the tribe as a whole, such oaths typically only forgotten if officially dissolved or considered null by both parties. Gullets of Iron: Men of Hazum possess famously strong appetites, able to eat and drink large amounts of food as well as beverages of all kinds, having impressive alcohol tolerances, even high for other Kin of Krug. The quality of what is consumed is often, sub-par or worse, being made of half-rotten scraps and bits of previously cooked meals - a prime of example of such being the infamous dish known as “Baggis”, a horrible amalgam of meat, vegetables, grain, and even fruit if available, these ingredients mushed up and mixed with coarse ground flour before being stuffed into a bag, either made of linen, wool, or even reeds and boiled till solidified and vaguely cooked, other examples of Hazumite dishes include “Everything Soup” and “Bone Marrow Ale”. . . Rage of the Betrayer: All of Orcish kind, despite the blessing of honour are always cursed with insatiable bloodlust and rage, such being exasperated by battle and the gaining of physical wounds, only to be calmed through the brutal and uncaring slaughter of living creatures, often fellow descendants if unlucky. This feeling of rage and hate burns within the hearts of the Men of Hazum likewise, growing in mental presence till eventually overpowering their minds, taking over less sated by killing and bloodshed. . . In this state, Men of Hazum lose their sense of strategy and comradery, fighting those who harmed them last, or if unlucky, the closest ally could even be attacked in barbaric rage. Only once battle had finished, lifeless bodies littering the floor, would they regain their normally honourable and often rather kind demeanour. CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Souls of the Steppe: After Hazuk and his tribe were banished to Hazum, they quickly settled upon the vast steppe that sprawled across that lost isle, there they learned the ways of the land, adapting and eventually becoming rather distinct to their mainland Orcish brethren. Those of Hazum are typically very intune with their surroundings, being aware of slight changes that most would not notice, this is not to say all Men of Hazum possess supernatural senses regarding the land, but rather that they pay close attention to things such as the seasons, crop growth, and the migration of animals. Hill Giants are typically very fond of their pet Mammoths, often considering them holy or blessed, only when a Mammoth is very ill or extremely elderly will they be butchered for food, with all known methods being used to help avoid such a sad happening. Zealous Warlords: Those of Hazuk’s Tribe are skilled in what weaponry they are traditionally used to, being suited to and very dangerous in combat when wielding heavy bludgeoning weapons such as clubs, hammers, and maces, and while they may be more average when using bladed or piercing weapons, their sheer strength is normally able to help greatly in such a disadvantage. Men of Hazum are almost always extremely pious to their spiritual gods, worshipping them with great zeal, while when in direct contact with them or their chosen shamanic “voices”, they would listen intently, following their orders to an impressive degree, often even willing to throw away their lives if asked to fight a unbeatable enemy for example. Prideful Savages: Men of Hazum are a primitive people, often wielding armour and weapons of bronze, crude iron, and kingstone rather than those of refined steel. Traditionally nomadic pastoralists, Hazumite farming activities are often small and short-term, with more effort being put into livestock and raiding for supplies if near a hostile populated area. Hill Giants, often prideful and stubborn in nature, are slow to change in opinion or belief, being set in their ways and the ways of their ancestors, gods, and living elders, this sense of pride can at times, lead to disagreements with those other peoples they interact with, the Men of Hazum being unwilling to compromise on much, if anything when discussing treaties, pacts, or agreements. Brutal Theocrats: Hill Giants are very, very pious in their beliefs and worship of their Pantheon, these actions of praise often leading to extremism and ritual sacrifices, with such usually being animal in nature, though enemy descendants are not uncommon to be slain upon the altar in the name of the gods as well. . . if a Man of Hazum’s faith is challenged or insulted, it is to be expected that they will react angrily at best, or very, very violently at worst, many a foolish traveller having their heads bashed from their body for the unknowing insult of Mugmar and his divine children. Important Deities & Figures MUGMAR: THE TITAN OF HAZUM The central deity of The Hazumic Pantheon, Mugmar is thought of as the living personification of Hazum itself, and though going silent after the sinking of Hazum beneath the waves, the Spirit of Rolling Hills & Towering Stone has since reawakened during the rule of Bor’Ak Khan, Warlord of the Eastern Marches of Koyo-Kuni, once more praised alongside his children. HAZUK: THE FIRST KHAN Once a great warrior and warlord under the leadership of the venerable Orcish Clan of Rax, Hazuk and his small splinter clan were formidable combatants during the 1st Clan Wars between Rax, Dom, and Gorkil before being banished to what would later be called Hazum by dark sorcery and corrupted shamanism, their name gone from mainstream Orcish history or culture, erased. . . Hazuk’s name, though remembered as an individual by those of Hazum, has also become something of an odd warcry, something to add to a sentence in zeal and fury. How to Join If you are interested in joining or making a Man of Hazum character or perhaps have questions about the culture, please send a message to norgeth_ on discord, I would be happy to help. Credits Norgeth_ - Primary Writer Titanium430 - Primary Review SimplySeo - Trait Formatting Template
  6. Centuries ago, in a version of Norland now ancient, when King Caedric Ruric held his rule, is when the mighty clan of hunters known as the Heskynne’s were formed. Ivar Thorkin, a man who made himself into a notorious zealot of the Red Faith, found himself seated within his abode, scheming… His mind had been set on a goal for decades now, first mastering the art of the hunt, and then spent seeking the perfect candidates for his plan. For Ivar was not born to those of classic Norlandic lineage, but rather a family who’d believed the art of the hunt was that in which true purity could be found. In his time spent delving deeper and deeper into the All Father’s faith, he came to the conclusion that in the moment in which a hunter’s breath halts, their weapon just about to make its killing blow, when their heart hammers in their ears… That is the moment where one is the closest to the All Father. As such, his scheme has become to create a group of peoples whom he could foster this moment with, to teach them how to achieve it, and how to use their skills to connect deeper with their crimson Faith whilst not just preserving, but growing their Kingdom’s culture and environment. After his careful considerations, Ivar sought out seven of Norlands residents, each bearing unique traits that would make them imperative to their hunts, who would all help him foster a small culture of huntsmen with their individual niches. Somerled: A woman notorious to Norland, however seldom seen around. She had once been one of the most prolific adventurers of their time, charting out unreached locations, always returning to their homestead with new artifacts and wisdom about how the world around them worked. Her vast knowledge of the lands for which their prey would reside was unparalleled to any other, and her enjoyment of the journeys was second only to the benefits reaped. Alvis: A youthful man of scholarly descent who had taken to medicinal works in his youth. Alvis was the youngest of those who Ivar collected for his group, and yet quickly became irreplaceable due to his expertise in the medical field. A combat medic who was equally adept at the combat itself, he was the very glue that held the clan, or rather their bodies, together. Arvid: An expert tracker who had been raised among wood elves, Arvid was the first to have taken the attention of Ivar, the one who’s very existence inspired him to find others so he might foster their talents into an ideal team of hunters. Arvid had spent his entire adolescence mastering the stalking of prey, how to seek the subtle hints that a target has passed through, a skill that would pass down through every future generation of Heskynne. Herleifr: A man as tall as he was strong, the pinnacle of what a warrior should be. He had risen through the ranks of the Norlandic army and made a name for himself in the wars to come. It’s clear why he had been one of those chosen to aid in the foundation of the hunter clan; his strength was unmatched and proved to be a virtue none would overlook when in the midst of a fight. Runar: Initially a simple librarian, Runar was a surprise to the rest when he was chosen, however his purpose quickly became imperative to the Heskynne’s hunts. An alchemist by hobby when selected, who’s proficiency allowed him to provide a valuable supply of potions that aided countlessly. Ranging from explosions to deal final blows to bottles of fog that concealed the party’s location, he was a unique and imperative facet of their dynamic. Arnbjorg: A woman whose reputation for trapping was almost as well renowned as her drinking prowess, she was Arvid’s partner in crime. Track and trap had been their go to for years, and were the crux of many of the hunts they took part in. She was an inventor in a sense, having pioneered numerous means of ensaring large prey that had typically been thought to only be slain by a direct assault. Brynja: Sometimes regarded as the ‘Northern Guardian’, she was an inspiration to women and girls across the kingdom. A powerful soldier who wielded a massive claymore in battle, she was said to have taken down a brown bear by herself. Ivar hadn’t been looking for her, but her abilities forced him to seek Brynja for his plans. She was the last to be inquired, and the most resistant, as her heart had always lied in the protection of the Norlandic peoples as a whole. Her leadership qualities turned her into an asset, taking on a role that none other could fit. When convinced of the cause, Ivar sat with his chosen seven within his home; A large clan hall that hadn’t seen proper use in years, occupied only by the lone zealot while his preparations were underway. He knew, however, that the wooden archways and great hall would someday soon be filled with the warmth of kin, for he was looking across the table at a chosen family. Or, rather a chosen group of strangers whom he would push to the brink, beyond the limits shackling them, and force them to evolve. Ivar Thorkin, followed by his now loyal septet, journeyed North into the frigid tundra that crowned the continent. The time he had taken preceding his incitement of hunter companions had been used to prepare a trial; a three year escapade in the North, in which the group would master their specialties entirely, and learn to utilize them in the hunt. This was by no means a simple task. The very snow-crested wasteland in which their temporary residence would occupy was their first strife to overcome, and doing so alone had nearly pushed Arnbjorg to abandon the others. Yet, Ivar’s passion lit a fire beneath them all, and their search to understand the true connection to the All Father drew them in deeper. Over the course of the following three years, Ivar saw his vision come to fruition in ways he could have never dreamed. Hardship, near death experiences, and stress turned out to be the greatest provocation of bonding, for when the sun rose to spill gold over the frosty hills and marked their trial complete, eight strangers had become true siblings. In the time between, all seven took to the guidance of Ivar, and honed their abilities. Rather than smother them into a uniform group, all were encouraged to bring what was exceptional and raise it to a level unseen. Bones were broken, sicknesses endured, frostbite even took one of Brynja’s fingers. The first few months were among the most difficult, their unity not yet found. But, every day, hour, minute, second that passed drew them closer. The trial itself was a coupling of countless lessons in the art of the hunt, as well as unification between talents. Beginning with small preys, and increasing until the party's final test: A Tundrastrider. The culmination of all that was learned would come from this dramatic conclusion to their sojourn, in which all eight of the to-be Heskynne’s would track and kill the imposing beast to prove to themselves, and to the All Father, that they had become masters of the hunt. The party sought not just any Tundrastrider, but one that had been scouted by Ivar months prior to the end of their expedition. The largest he had ever seen or heard of, easily counting in at 1000 lbs of striking muscle. Omnivorous and powerful, it proved to be the perfect verification of success. And proof it was. Utilizing all of their collective skills, now brought to their maximum potential by the guiding hand of Ivar, they managed to slay their final opponent. They tracked it down, they trapped it- although it did manage to break free of its binds and engage in a titillating battle of wills before the end. The flaying of foe only occurred through their overwhelming combined strengths, and when all eight stood before the cervidae and watched its life stain the snow crimson, they accepted one another as family. Having returned to Norland from their extended trial, the strangers-turned-family sat once more around the long dining table of Ivar Thorkin’s great hall, which had become a dreary sight of stagnancy, dust filling air. Together, they agreed that forming a clan of their own would be the best way to foster the environment they had created for themselves, so that they may hand it down through generations of world class hunters. With Ivar at the helm as Chieftain, and a Tundrastrider as their crest, all that was left was a name. During their three years of bonding, all seven had learned to speak the tongue of Ivar’s bloodline, one derivative of others in Norland, however deviating in many places. As such, came the suggestion from none other than the young Alvis; Heskynne, their word for Hunter. Obvious, and yet entirely fitting, there wasn’t a hair of disagreement. From that day forward, their work began to expand their name and produce a lineage of huntsmen, each of the seven deviating to specialized members and ranks. From the first line of clans members came the ranks of which those who embodied similar strengths would be bestown, to make up their own parties. Ideally, no party would be without one of each rank. A clan that takes all types of peoples and brings out the very best of their capabilities, forging unity with the ideology Ivar had instilled, training their new recruits under the mantra that now lead their lives: “Veiðimenn læra innan veiðinnar, Hunters learn within the Hunt.” This is how the Heskynne clan brings forth their mark upon the world, creating generation after generation of overwhelmingly skilled hunters. Somerthagin, The Scouts Alvithagn, The Medics Arvithagin, The Trackers Herlethagin, The Warriors Runathagin, The Alchemists Arnthagin, The Trappers Brynjathagin, The Leaders As time went on, the mantle of leadership was eventually passed down, and the original generation died out. While the world has yet to see a group as perfectly masterful as these, the Heskynne clan has continued to produce excellence. From kings head Huntsmen to Ministry leaders, the Norlandic clan remains prominent in their status, ever following the high that draws them to meet the moment where they and the All Father are the closest. Of the revered Ivar Thorkin, very little was ever recorded, some have even suggested that perhaps he was never real to begin with, while others theorize that perhaps he was the All Father himself. Whichever may be the truth, whichever one chooses to accept as such, none can deny that he produced some of the greatest hunters the world has ever seen.
  7. 𝔅𝔦𝔯𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔊𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔡𝔞𝔨𝔲𝔯𝔬 𝔇𝔞𝔞𝔥𝔡'𝔏𝔲𝔯 (𝔑𝔬 ℜ𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫) 𝙶𝙾𝙱𝙻𝙸𝙽 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 𝙽𝙴𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙺 @femurlord
  8. 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔴𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔖𝔩𝔢𝔢𝔭 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔢𝔶𝔢 𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔫, 𝔬𝔯 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔰. The Swivelers, Heartlandic Mountain Uruk, or “Goblin Gangs,” of the Lowlands are a significant subculture of the Broken Bend Valley and subsequently the southern foothills, with some minor incursions into the southern birch climate. The Swivlers exist as a strange remnant of a failed Uruk raid of the Kingdom of Aaun and the Serene Republic of Lurin, and thus remain outlaws to their neighbors, enemies to their rivals, and sworn adversaries of Ferrymen. A History of Swivelers It was in the year 1908 when a small band of Uruk launched a raid upon the city of Whitespire, and finding its gates closed proceeded to torch the countryside moving to Lurin. Once in the Serene Republic they ravaged the populace sparing only an elf who claimed to be from the Kingdom of Balian, then, an ally of the Rex. Upon release, the elf begged nearby Ferrymen for aid, obliging, the Ferrymen launched an attack upon the outnumbered Uruk band who fled into the Eastern Trade Sea. Not very skilled in seafaring, the Uruk band of around 400 were forced to rely on Lurinite sailors whom they kidnapped; several ships, however, in anger, slayed their navigators. In a cruel twist of fate or divine punishment for the crime, the Uruk shipwrecked and in fear of reprisal from the Ferrymen or Aaunites made for the forests. Unbeknowced to them, they wandered into a Halfling ambush and were forced into the mountains north of the valley- entering what would become their home, the Broken Bend. The warband, at their last wits, swore allegiance to the smartest among them, Swiv’Lur; thus did they adopt the name Swiv’Lur’s gang, bastardized by the Broken Bend lowlanders, Swivelers. The warband, knowing that they would be labeled craven or fools for their poor tactics during the raid in Lurin, decided to create a new life and hope in the mountains, and followed Swiv until his death in a raid into Dunfarthing for supplies. His son, Swind’Lur, the new Kapo thus declared permanent enemies of the Halfling race, and the Ferrymen until the blood feud was settled. Swind, who was a rather intelligent Goblin began trade with the Aaunites of the valley until word of Wahg came to them several decades following their settlement. Despite no contact with their fellow Uruk, the Swivelers raided into Aaun from their base in the Southron hills, though the raids abruptly halted when news of their Whitewashing by the Rexdom arrived to their Kapo, who halted their raids in anger and focused upon attacking the supply lines of the Veletzian-Krugmar alliance. Surrounded by enemies, the culture grew estranged; over the subsequent decades, their isolation only furthered them from their homeland until it became somewhat unrecognizable as any culture out of the Iron Horde. Culture The Swiveler culture is one of deceit, honor which emboldens most Uruks is a stranger to the peoples of the Southron Foothills, and it is through the cunning that is taught from a young age to these greenskins that they remain in such a precarious region. The Swivelers follow no masters but their Kapo, and even then, loyalty among them is never guaranteed, as most if not all Swivlers aspire to be the Kapo. If you truly believe you understand the motivations of a member of the Swivelers, you are a fool. As such there is a saying amongst their people: "Never trust a frown, for the teeth are hidden!" It has become a cultural staple to smile during an entire exchange of pleasantries unless harm is wished to be done, in which case, a frown is a tell-tale sign of intent; of course this mostly applies within the gang, and even then the pleasantry will be discarded in favor of a smile to hide ones intentions. (So the pleasantry is meaningless.) Swiv believe any and all but themselves expendable, such is taught to them and often self preservation is encouraged over loyalty and honorable death. Waste is common in their society and it extends beyond the material objects collected; but also to their own allies and troops. Of course, however, the expenditure of life is done with a greater strategical purpose though the feebleminded enemies of Swiv'Lur society cannot see usually see such and focus more on tactics than true Swiv strategy. Swiv wear mostly the fashion of the Heartlands as they do not possess the necessary materials for industrial textiles, though some clothiers exist among them, only the wealthiest thugs among the gang wear such novelties. The exception to this rule is the very identifiable armband worn by initiate members of the gang, the Swivel of Krahg; a spoked wheel. Swiv speak in bastardized Heartlandic Blah, almost unrecognizable as Blah entirely as the traders and criminal dealers that bring most of the wealth into their gang bring back the language of those they exploit as well as the coin from their targets. (For all intents and purposes, they speak normally but with an accent and special wording.) Swiv also learned the art of skaalding from such trading and create music wherever they go, not just for morale purposes but for keeping tempo in march, as well as demoralization of the enemy. Such demoralization is refined into "Swiv-wahg" a stolen tradition from the Norlandic culture of "Flyting," wherein two opponents take turns rhythmically mocking each other; although it must be noted that despite appropriating the event the Swiv tradition is much more musical and often requires instrumentals. Naming Conventions Members of the larger gang are given short, usually one-syllable names, some examples are listed below. Swind | Craw Vex | Kut Dawd | Fidd Burrg | Squeeb Rhiz | Embezz Cull | Foww Hydrahku | Krip Boah | Shmugg The gang name follows the given name. Swiv Terminology Swiv speak in complex gang terminology which is ever developing and manifesting as culture often does, and as such oftentimes come off as more foreign than their cousins; some terms are listed below. Kapo - Warboss, Leader. Goobahn - Idiot, unintelligent. Motzahr - A fine dish of succulent cheese, most often harvested from stolen Heartlander Cattle. Ink Instigator | Missive Moron - Someone who utilizes the notice boards and writing instead of physical action in every situation. Petchren - Easy Pickings. Tusk-Maxxing - The art of sticking one's jaw out to gain a stronger underbite and larger tusk to chin ratio. The Gang - The Swiv culture at large. Tis thing of ours - The gang. Affiliant - Non Uruk ally of the gang. Gitz - Nearly insulting way of referring to an individual. Wahg - War. Swiv-Wahg - War through lyric. Flappah - A nonaffiliant, not to be trusted. Coffah - An affiliant, to be utilized for some quality. Honah - An affiliant, to be trusted. Runty - Small, insignificant. Hum - Human Elf-ting, Elf-shit - Elf Shor-ting - Dwarf Crayhone - Writing utensil often utilized for drawing offerings to affiliants. Whizbag - Any voidal mage. Booyahg - Any magic. Schmoyagel - Mooching. Goobhin - Pretending. Coppahn - Guards (Derogatory.) Musslehn - Guards (Not Derogatory.) Foohglin - Soldier/Warrior Oiashmen - Oyashiman Azdroman - Herald, etc. Bonelard - Lich U'nc - Teacher Neph' - Student
  9. THE VENERATION OF THE ANCESTORS Art depicting a Reinmaren regaling his kinsmen with tales of his ancestor. DIE VEREHRUNG DER VORFAHREN | THE VENERATION OF THE ANCESTORS Issued by Leon II, Prince in Reinmar In the year of our Lord 1973 Medieval II Total War Music "The Widow" ÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON REINMAR, THE REINMAREN HAVE ALWAYS VENERATED AND RESPECTED THEIR ANCESTORS. All members of our tribe, the great tribe of Theoderic, remember their forefathers. We revere our ancestors and honor them in all actions. The humblest of herders pray for helping hands from their forebears during their toil, and the most diligent of farmers ask that their forefathers assist with the harvest. The most loyal of warriors demand glory and honor for their ancestors through victory or death. We, the true sons and daughters of Reinmar, know that our ancestors are watching and guiding our great tribe at every moment, through calm waters and tempests alike. In the sacred Ferdenwald, we erect spires and runestones for our ancestors to immortalize their memories and provide resting places for their spirits. In our halls, we light candles for their souls and pray for their peace within the heavens. In combat, where glory is achieved and lost on a whim, we sing songs of their deeds and hope to emulate their courage and unending strength. Our symbols are their symbols, our swords are their swords, our land is their land, and our tribe is their tribe. When an outlander is Blooded, they gain the blood of the ancestors and their descendants; thus, they join Reinmar, as it was in the past and as it is now. The Reinmaren must always revere their ancestors and protect their honors and memories. A true tribesman would fight and die to preserve the venerable ancestors and the great chief Theoderic. WER RASTET, DER ROSTET HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, LEON, Prince in Reinmar and of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Reinmaren, Warden of the Franklands and Ferdenwald HER LADYSHIP, FREDERICA, Baroness of Sigradz, Seneschal of the Heather Court
  10. -◈-◈-◈- In the quaint castle town of Babblebrook, nestled amidst rolling hills and tranquil meadows, there exists a culture steeped in mystique and reverence for the ancient legends of their forebears. Here, among the cobblestone streets and ivy-clad walls, dwell the Musin people, a diminutive race of mousefolk whose tales and traditions are seemingly as old as time itself. Central to Musin culture is the legend of the Trioath, a sacred relic said to hold unimaginable potential. According to ancient lore, the Trioath was crafted by the divine beings known as the Three Guardians, who entrusted its safekeeping to the guardianship of the Musin people. The Trioath is said to be comprised of three golden triangles, each representing a different aspect of existence: Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Together, these three virtues form the cornerstone of Musin society, guiding their actions and shaping their destinies. In Babblebrook, the legend of the Trioath is woven into the very fabric of daily life. From childhood, Musin are taught the importance of embodying each of the Trioath’s virtues in their own lives, striving to find balance and harmony in all things. The first virtue, Power, represents strength and determination. Musin who exemplify this virtue are revered for their strength in the face of adversity, their unwavering resolve to protect their loved ones, and their willingness to stand up for what is right, no matter the cost. The second virtue, Wisdom, symbolizes knowledge and insight. Musin who embody this aspect of the Trioath are respected for their intellect, their ability to think critically and solve problems creatively, and their deep understanding of the world around them. The third virtue, Courage, signifies bravery and fortitude. Musin who possess this virtue are celebrated for their fearlessness in the face of danger, their willingness to embark on bold adventures and quests, and their unwavering commitment to justice and righteousness. Throughout the year, the Musin people of Babblebrook come together to celebrate the legacy of the Trioath through a series of grand festivals and ceremonies. During these gatherings, tales of legendary heroes and epic quests are retold, inspiring the next generation of Musin to heed the call of destiny and embark on their own journeys of self-discovery. Below Babblebrook lies the Trioath Shrine, a sacred sanctuary where it's believed that the gateway to the sacred realm where the golden triangles resides. It is here that Musin pilgrims from far and wide come to pay homage to the Three Guardians and seek their blessings for the trials ahead. But the legend of the Trioath is more than just a story passed down through the ages—it is a living testament to the indomitable spirit of the Musin people, who continue to uphold the virtues of Power, Wisdom, and Courage in their daily lives, ensuring that the legacy of their ancestors will endure for generations to come. -◈-◈-◈-
  11. -◈-◈-◈- In the quaint Castle town of Babblebrook, nestled next to the Halfling capital of Dúnfarthing, a festival unlike any other is held: The Facade Festival. This enchanting celebration is a testament to the bravery and ingenuity of the Musin heroes of yore, who once safeguarded their kind from perilous threats and ensured the prosperity of the Musin for generations to come. [!] Masked festival-goers dancing and being merry! As the crisp autumn air carries the scent of fallen leaves and the gentle rustle of woodland creatures, the Musin people gather in the town square, adorned in elaborate masks of their own creation. Each mask is a reflection of its maker's spirit, depicting animals, objects, or even abstract concepts like the sun or the moon. These masks serve not only as a symbol of individuality but also as a connection to the natural world and the mystical realm of the legends they are oh so fond of. The festival kicks off with a vibrant procession, led by the Royal family bearing relics of ancient Musin heroes. Drums throb rhythmically, and colorful banners flutter in the breeze as the procession winds its way through the village streets. Along the route, performers entertain the crowd with lively music and dance, invoking the spirits of nature and the Musin. At the heart of the festival grounds, food stalls offer an array of delectable treats, from savory pies made with foraged mushrooms to sweet honey cakes infused with the essence of wildflowers. Musin families gather around communal tables, sharing stories and laughter as they feast on the bounty of the land. As twilight falls, The Royal Family guide the festival-goers up to the roof of the castle to watch as the sky erupts in a dazzling display of fireworks, illuminating the night with bursts of color and light. The air is filled with laughter and awe as spectators gaze up in wonder at the spectacle unfolding above them. Throughout the festival, games and contests are set up for all to partake in, from friendly competitions of skill and agility to whimsical challenges inspired by Fae folklore and other legends. Children chase after fluttering fairy lights, while adults test their abilities in traditional Musin games of strength and cunning. But amidst the revelry and merriment, the true heart of the festival lies in the stories and legends passed down through generations. Tales of heroism and bravery inspire the young Musin to embark on their own adventures, forging bonds with nature and the Fae as they seek to protect their homeland and ensure a prosperous future for all. One of such legends tell of three spirits that embody the ideals of the musin and tell of how the world came to be. One is the spirit of Courage who is said to harbour inside great Musin Heroes who are Adventurous and Brave. One is the Spirit of Wisdom, who is said to harbour inside a Musin who is Kind and Intelligent. The last is the Spirit of Power Who is said to have once been trapped inside one who is Ruthless and Commanding. Some Musin believe that the dreaded Ratiki Stanqolk embodied the Spirit of Power in times past… And so, as the last embers of the bonfire fade into the night, the Musin gather once more to offer prayers for a bountiful harvest in the year to come, united in their reverence for the past and their hopes for the future. In this magical moment of harmony between Musin, nature, and Fae creatures, the spirit of the festival lives on, a beacon of light and hope in the darkness plaguing Aevos. -◈-◈-◈-
  12. -◈-◈-◈- In the charming castle town of Babblebrook, nestled snugly within the rolling hills and verdant meadows of Dúnfarthing, the Musin people hold dear their rich tapestry of traditions and holidays. Among these cherished celebrations, none is more eagerly anticipated than the Sweetberry Festival, a joyous homage to the delectable fruit that has woven itself into the very fabric of Musin culture. [!] A Group of Musin celebrating a harvest of Sweetberries during the festival Originating in the earliest annals of Musin history, the Sweetberry Festival traces its roots back to a time of liberation and newfound freedom. Legend has it that the Musin, weary of their oppression under the tyrannical rule of the ratiki overlords, embarked on a daring escape from a mysterious island, its name now lost to the winds of time. It was when they arrived on Almaris, amidst the lush foliage and towering trees, that they encountered the enigmatic Giant, a benevolent figure who bestowed upon them the gift of the sweet, succulent berry that would come to be known as the Sweetberry. Captivated by the tantalizing taste and boundless gene square is transformed into a bustling marketplace, alive with the vibrant colors and enticing aromas of freshly picked Sweetberries. From dawn until dusk, Musin of all ages come together to revel in the delights of this cherished fruit, engaging in a plethora of activities and competitions that pay homage to its sweetness and versatility. In one corner of the square, skilled jam makers labor over bubbling cauldrons, concocting an array of tantalizing preserves and spreads to be sampled and savored by eager festival-goers. Nearby, bakers ply their trade, crafting an assortment of mouth watering pastries and desserts infused with the irresistible flavor of Sweetberries. Artists and poets alike find inspiration in the luscious hues and delicate fragrance of the Sweetberry, their creations adorning the walls of makeshift galleries and echoing through the air in melodic verse. Children frolic amidst fields of wildflowers, their laughter mingling with the joyful strains of music that drift through the warm summer breeze. As the sun dips below the horizon and the stars twinkle overhead, the Sweetberry Festival reaches its climax with a grand feast fit for royalty. Tables groan under the weight of sumptuous dishes, each one lovingly prepared and infused with the essence of Sweetberries. And as the Musin people gather together to dine and raise their voices in song, they offer silent thanks to the Giant whose gift has brought them together once more, united in celebration and bound by the sweet bonds of friendship and community. For in the heart of Babblebrook, amidst the laughter and the music, the spirit of the Sweetberry Festival lives on, a testament to the enduring power of love, hope, simple joys of life. -◈-◈-◈-
  13. The Barony of Caledonia [!] The four houses of Caledonia Origins Caledonia finds its true origins in the fabled story of the Lurinite Knight: Conor Tsecsar. When this noble soul disappeared, his newly established vassal was passed on to the adoptive son of the Silver Lubba, one Narithen Uialben. From there the young prince set forward to accomplish a dream he and his fiancée had both shared for quite a while: The development of a place for those of all paths to freely share their knowledge, without fear of retaliation or the influence of external prejudices. Thus, the adopted son in turn took in this adoptive Barony, transforming it into what it is today. Found across from Lurin and dominated by its central feature, the eponymous Caledonia Academy, the barony acts as a supporting feature to its overlord state across the path. Here students arrive from all over Aevos to study their chosen topics, with no restrictions or expectations placed upon them that would otherwise be seen in the outside world. In Caledonia, the footfalls there are not that of soldiers preparing for war. Nor are they that of priests kneeling in prayer. They are not the steps of politicians furthering their own agendas. The footsteps heard are those of the steady march of progress, found in the meeting of great minds and propelled through the curiosity of the inhabitants. The Landscape Caledonia has very little landscape to its name without its walls, but what it does have is healthy and vibrant. A lazy, sparkling river of water filled with all sorts of wildlife (frogs, fireflies, and more) winds its way along the back sides. The land is inundated with greenery, and special attention is paid to ensure this remains the same. Architecture Caledonia is dominated by the large academy that makes up the centre focus of the vassal state. Larger than the rest of the estate, the academy is designed to draw attention through its imposing nature and dominating stance. Yet despite this, the inside is of warm and cosy wood, and signs of greenery are Small in nature when considering sheer accessible landmass, Caledonia has no forest or owned land beyond that which is contained within and near its walls. Yet, as if to spite this lack of greenery outside, the city itself is all but inundated with plant life. All over, plants and vines can be found across the rooftops and within public centres, the smell of flowers fills the air, and the rustle of leaves can be clearly heard throughout this vassal state at the slightest wind. White marble mingles with the typical brick of the Serene State’s construction methods, matching the vassal’s mother state through the use of brick and green rooftops. To the southern side of the vassal are domiciles segmented into the colours of the four school houses, and the northern side houses a small village designed to accommodate living through the use of a cozy bar and market stalls. The entirety of the vassal is designed to accentuate comfort combined with purpose, mingling the beauty of nature and the marble accents of the buildings with the overarching purpose to facilitate the process of learning. [!] Students join together for an Alchemy lesson Society Tolerance is the name of the game within Caledonia. A vassal state designed to bring in outsiders frequently for the purposes of education and trade, many laws within the vassal state that disagreements that cannot be resolved through debate are to be left at the door. Citizenry and guests are expected to treat one another well, and to leave alone any issue that cannot be peacefully resolved. There is little restriction upon race, creed, nor goal: So long as you come to learn and live, and behave yourself well, you are welcome within Caledonia. This is emulated within its centrepiece Academy. Meant to be a haven for knowledge and active academia, many outsiders are invited to run seminars in areas and fields that they are experts in, being paid by the state for their efforts. Granted, some fields are barred- Dark magic outside of pure theory is disallowed, and tolerance only goes so far. Darkspawn are considered enemies, not in the least due to their proclivity to promptly destroy what non-dark magic related knowledge they find. There is no set expectation in any form within Caledonia, owing to its unending wish for outsiders to come and visit. So long as one behaves kindly to themselves and others, lives well and lives full, they will be welcome within it and the Academy’s grounds. Karuna Amal, mother of Amal, Baroness of Caledonia Narithen Uialben, Prince of the Most Serene State of Lurin, Baron of Caledonia
  14. A HOME FOR THE PEOPLE Rumours spread amongst the Aevosi lands, quicker, through the midlands specifically. 22nd of the Sun’s Smile, 175 S.A ____________________________________________________ Signed, Koshei of Shuurga
  15. No one may read this letter but @Morphine A LETTER TO TULGA KHAN 20th First Seed, 175 S.A __________________________________________ A remnant of a minor clan writes to the Khan in haste.
  16. THE FASHIONS OF THE REINMAREN Art depicting torc-wearing warriors in battle. DIE MODE DER REINMAREN | THE FASHIONS OF THE REINMAREN Issued by Leon II, Prince in Reinmar In the year of our Lord 1969 Medieval II Total War Music "The Widow" ÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON REINMAR, TO THIS DAY, THE REINMAREN STEADFASTLY uphold the fashions of their ancestors as a way to both honor and remember with those who have since passed on to the Skies. The diverse array of attire, hairstyles, and adornments the Reinmaren faithfully maintain just as their forebears did serve as reminders of and bridges to bygone eras. HAIRSTYLES Upon becoming Reinmaren, a man is expected to style his hair in a fade to mark him a warrior, and to don a tribesman’s cloak to denote his status as a member of the tribe. He is to emulate his ancestors and reflect the appearance of his clan brothers. This tradition of fading the hair has existed since the times of Theoderic and Gelimar. Reinmaren warriors have always cut their hair in such a way before battle and the style acted as a symbol of their status as warriors. Reinmaren also often wore clips of their steed’s hair on their heads, a clip’s material and position symbolizing different things. A bronze clip signified the tribesman as belonging to the common class, whilst the silver denoted them as members of a noble clan or as the chieftain’s hirdmen or family. The clip signifying the greatest rank, crafted from gold, belonged to a chieftain and, on rare occasions, to his wife. FORMAL DRESS Cloaks are given to tribesmen upon their coming of age as a symbol of their status, often they were obligated to wear it during a chieftain’s assembly. Members of the tribe customarily wore wool or fur hats during an assembly or feast. The tribesmen, warriors, reeves, hirdmen, and chieftain each donned a unique style of headwear which served to differentiate one rank from another. DAILY ATTIRE Commonly, a Reinmaren tribesman dressed quite humbly, woolen garments and simple leather boots were a staple in any wardrobe. During the winter months, a tribesman would frequently wear his cloak and hat outdoors to protect himself from the elements. Belts were commonplace to give shape to the formless woolen garments, and were consistently used to carry a dirk and tools alike. The more affluent amongst the tribe, like the ploughman. would have finer belts made from choice pieces of leather. ARMS AND ARMOR In times of war, the Reinmaren would sport various types and styles of arms and armor. A tribesman typically only brought a helmet and his spear or seax, as he could afford little else. The reeves and hirdmen were offered much more than their kinsmen, as they were the closest men to the chieftain. The reeves served as his commanders and the hirdmen as his champions, roles that required the best protection a chieftain could afford to furnish them with. Reeves typically wore gambeson, bearing swords and shields in battle. The hirdmen, sworn protectors of a chieftain, were equipped with the best armor that could be found or provided. They often donned mail, gambesons, fine helmets and warmasks, wielding the most formidable weapons a chieftain could supply. ADORNMENT Reinmaren jewelry often served a symbolic purpose, as either a reward or a way to discern the ranks of the tribesmen. The Hirdmen and most valued warriors of a tribe were awarded torcs, near-permanent necklaces inscribed with runes and religious symbols. A torc was a sign of distinction, granted to a warrior only by a chieftain. The recipient was obliged to wear it until death, signifying his status and allegiance. The only means by which a man could be relieved of his torc was through decapitation or the deliberate breaking of the torc, an act considered a grave insult. Members of specific clans would frequently wear signet rings or brooches as symbols of their identity, distinguishing themselves from other clans. These ornaments typically showcased the symbols or runes associated with their particular clan, serving as markers of allegiance and heritage. Traditionally, earrings were only worn by the affluent women of the tribe, such the wife of a hirdman or reeve. Gold was reserved for the use of the chieftain’s wife, the designs varying but growing in complexity as the level of wealth increased. Only the most esteemed chieftains possessed the means to acquire a crown. They were typically rugged and simple. as tribes seldom had access to fine stones and metals. Despite their humble appearance, a chieftain's crown was a symbol of his wealth and power, and any Reinmaren held a deep respect and reverence for any man who adorned himself in such a symbol. WER RASTET, DER ROSTET HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, LEON, Prince in Reinmar and of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Reinmaren, Warden of the Franklands and Ferdenwald HER LADYSHIP, FREDERICA, Baroness of Sigradz, Seneschal of the Heather Court
  17. ♫ ♪ ♬ Ice Witch: Chapter I As observed by G. B. Prudence “Dark and ice-wrought, she lurks in the shadows. Amok, the witch runs in secrecy and bewilderment.” This book is an introduction to the little information that is known by mortal kin regarding the ice witch, their many broods and classes of the Fjarriagua race. It is worth mentioning that, the knowledge classified in these pages comes about from long investigations, thus sourced from information that may be either slightly inaccurate or lacking few details. What is known of the Ice Witch? Stories talk of many legendary creatures, some more substantiated and realistic than others, mostly in the form of feminine figures and enticing allure. Fjarriagua are the same, though what we have not been able to discern in the past centuries is that, most of these mythical beings are but different manifestations of the ice witch in various cultures. Fjarriagua are ravenous creatures, often shifting in their way of doing and thinking depending on the will of one’s respective coven, who use their voices to compose magical songs with several purposes; such as manipulating ice or snow, or weaving dark curses. These complex beings can be differentiated in the following categories, or internally known as broods: SIREN Most Fjarriagua wind up in this brood given that it is the most common and universally known as the warrior archetype of the coven. Witches belonging to the Siren brood are configured by their respective crones to fulfill the simplest of tasks - hunting down the sons of men. Siren witches are taught mortal etiquette amongst other mortal knowledge, preparing them for socializing and divulging in public communities. For this reason, these ice witches utilize their illusory songs to heighten their alluring nature; one of an enthralling and notably luring maiden. Often, Sirens resort to love ballads and sweet canticles for prey, attracting them with the sound as if their minds were compelled to obey. Beneath this youthful and beautiful maiden, however, lies a true monstrosity. Whilst Sirens are known to be seductive and attractive, their true forms resemble absolute terror; a true eye sore. FROSTRENDER It is not a rare occurrence for a witch to be impractical in battle or hunting, thus their duty is to assist the coven in a different way. Whilst Frostrending witches do not involve themself with fighting, they often accompany hives of Sirens to solely harvest the leftovers of their hunting targets. Through the application of these harvested materials, mostly in the form of eyes, tongues, hair, severed fingers, and other bodily components. As further applications of tints, mixtures and even concoctions, Frostrenders are capable of mending the wounds of another ice witch. By activating the same ‘medicine’ they have applied with a humming and melancholic song. During trips into mortal civilizations, Fjarriagua of this brood have been known to shape themselves as any other botanist, alchemist, medic, or doctor; and while rare, these witches rejoice in the distribution of cursed foods. BANSHEE Rather exclusive when compared to the aforementioned broods, the Banshee is a type of witch that is rarely seen amidst mortal kin. This is due to the fact that witches of this brood are masterfully experienced in their craft, and they have unlocked the ability to resurrect fallen sisters by using vocal and throat techniques. For this reason, it is crucial that Banshees are kept away in the safe confines of their coven, so that their kin may live on forever. Fjarriagua of this brood rarely take on disguised forms, but when they do, some may perceive them as somber women, mostly widows. It is in their true frozen form that the symbolism of their name manifests; Banshees are characterized by the fact that their bodies are mostly monocolored with a face shielded by a mantle of frozen white hair, and mouth uncovered with elongated jaws. Legends say that when an ice witch dies in the battlefield, their assassin is visited by an envoy of the Banshee brood, at which they are taken away and utilized for the revival of the fallen witch. WISDOM This brood is practically extinct, given that witches from this line are not made and rather innately born with the gift of sight. Wisdoms are vastly cunning women and of great knowledge and great wisdom as their own name indicates, that glimpse into the past or future of the mortal plane by defiling and consuming slain men. By utilizing a tool dubbed as the Seiðr, witches of this brood may cut into the fallen bodies of prey hunted by Sirens, at which they extract multiple organs and prepare them in a ritual, later devouring them to gain visions in their mind. Whilst extremely rare, these Fjarriagua do venture into the mortal world more often than not, predicating their wisdom and deranged visions amidst civilizations as warnings. In these journeys, they often take the shape and form of fortune tellers, tarot readers, or otherwise mystical and wise women. CRONE Witches of this brood are far and between, given that one of these constitutes about a coven’s worth of ice witches. Crones are the matriarchs and maternal figures of any and every coven, forming and unifying the principles on which each respective coven is based upon (i.e; if a crone was a frostrender prior to her ascension, then she will be prone to condition her own daughters into becoming fellow frostrending witches). These Fjarriagua do not leave the confines of their beloved coven under any circumstances, to the obvious exemption of retrieving a lost daughter, saving another of their race, or apprehending a dangerous and significant threat. But when they do, crones take on the form of old hags, mostly hunched on the back and silent in their wake – a juxtaposition to their true self, which is considerably grotesque and ominous. Where did the Ice Witch come from? The Ice Witch’s Origins: Kriemhild, the First. Tales brew over the years, some more veridic than others, and thus the story of the ice witch lies far and between, buried deep underneath centuries’ worth of misinformation, lost to time and held unsung for generations. Witches themself, however, have known the truth to this very tale for as long as their covens and broods have perdured in the mortal plane. It is taught from elder to witchlet, told as a forgotten story of a long ago grandmother and revered the same way a noble character from canonist theology is, through faith and redemption of one’s self. This is to say, put in simple words, that ice witches refer to this mythical lecture of old as a primary source of devotion, and the very foundation to their inner culture. The story goes as follows… “Kriemhild, a peasant girl of an icy realm, of Skjoldier, was lamentably fated with one of the many men that heeded to her father’s public airing of her blossoming into a fledged woman. She was in disarray. It was inconceivable for the girl to accept the terms enforced by her father, daring to challenge the latter’s authority at the potential cost of losing her life and home. Yet, the father’s determination overpowered that of the girl’s own. Kriemhild’s future was sealed through an arranged union between her and the son of an old, renowned pirate from Skjoldier. Or so it was thought, given the assumption that the ceremony was to be held but mere days away from this announcement of marriage. Kriemhild spent day and night overworking her brain, her thinking, to somehow come up with a way to evade this predetermined, man-made fate. It did not take the girl long before she thought of a possible solution to this damned problem. On the eve of the day before her wedding, Kriemhild escaped. She evaded the watchful guard of men at the command of her own father, running to hide away at the banks of ice and snow from her native land. Whilst, on-the-spot, it was a rather genius idea, the girl soon began to realize the actual severity of her doings. Without shelter, food, or warmth, the girl wandered the vastless white. Her flesh was bitten by the cold, which formed crystals across the skin and numbed her senses. At this point, Kriemhild’s urges to flee a future that she did not consider her own were far too strong for logic to be applied to her actions. Cry after cry, the nigh frozen girl emanated pain and grief, mostly in retribution against her father and the future that he had tried to tyrannically cast upon her. Her noisy laments drew the attention of a pure being, a celestial entity of the divine, who took pity on the woman and her approaching death. Father Winter, it was, and Kriemhild’s angst only served as a corrupting influence for the god. In the act of salvaging the girl, Father Winter’s essence was tainted, becoming dark and frozen just the same; and in this mutation, the first witch was born.” In Modern Times: Witches of Almaris. Fjarriagua, without a doubt, continue to plague the mortal plane, hidden away inbetween peasants and nobility alike. These witches cast ill wish on the world and its sons from underneath the shadows, recurring to secrecy for self preservation and the plotting of primal queens in hopes of exerting absolute reign over the realm. The ice witch, whilst deranged and hateful, ensures the balance between life and death, protecting the existence of their livestock and toys of enslavement from the influence of Widukind. How is an Ice Witch confronted? Folklore of the Ice Witch: Superstitions and Charms. Whilst one’s fate is surely sealed in woe and agony in the presence of an ice witch, it is possible to prevent encounters with these ravenous creatures in the first place, using the following information. - IT IS WORTH NOTING THAT CRONES ARE BUT ASCENDED WITCHES OF THESE BROODS, HENCEFORTH THEY ARE NOT MENTIONED IN THIS SECTION. SIREN These luring witches can be driven away from one’s household by splashing the blood of a child across every door, window, songbox, and mirror of the home in question. In addition to this, one must store their clipped nails and hair, or bones, in jars, and extracted saliva or tears, or blood, in vials, outside of their home by the feet of every door and window. For this to have any effect, one must do it every year at least once on the Snow’s Maiden and the Deep Cold. FROSTRENDER The only way to overcome the effects of a Frostrender’s cursed foods is by procuring a specific tincture out of three herbs: saffvil, for the transformation of physical energy into soul protection, which leaves the consumer generally lethargic; blissfoil, to battle the same cold that is being inserted into the body and soul through the cursed food; and desert berry bush, so that the taste may be sweetened and tolerable. One must ingest this tincture once per year to maintain a constant immunity. BANSHEE Whilst Banshees do not normally hunt, it is often that they manifest in the homes of those mortals who dare send their fellow sisters to death. In this transaction, the Banshee offers the mortal two options: harvest of his body and soul, or a favor between the two. This favor consists in the poor mortal having to give up their firstborn children once the age of eight and ten is reached as a sacrifice for the witch. Wisdoms Given that these witches are practically extinct, there is little to no information regarding their weaknesses and/or any efficient methods to drive them away. However, it is rumored that their sight is obscured by the presence of places of worship, such as churches and otherwise canonist-based structures and/or utensils, which may lead them to avoid these locations. Author’s Note In tribute to A. B. Prudence and their fine work, this article has been styled similarly to Prudence’s own published book about Fjarriagua Culture, such being the main source of veridic and authenticated information about the ice witch. The contents found in this scripture have been researched for a few decades’ worth, serving as a compendium of knowledge gathered over the years. Whilst it is not confirmed whether this information is completely accurate, or true at all, every reader must bear in mind that ice witches do exist, whether in the forms and ways described here or not. Newer chapters will be coming so long as this initial piece of work has guaranteed itself enough of an audience or community. Following chapters will potentially cover further and detailed knowledge regarding the ice witch’s coven system, their lairs, etc.
  18. Short Stories by Leuven The Sheep Sisters "Sheep Sisters” by Yves Lysander de Falstaff Written by Eudoxia Leontina van Leuven The 21th day of Joma & Umund of 522 E.S. On a day like any other, where the sun shined brightly above the lively highlands and where the pastures were eternally green. Where sheep and all sorts of cattle roamed these prosperous lands where the sun seemed to never set, where the snow never fell, and all who wandered slept peacefully. The animals of the highlands would gather around a bustling creek, resting their heads and bodies under the loving warmth of the smiling sun, her joy endless and eternal like the life around them. However, on this particular day, all that was familiar would become foreign and new as the sun would begin to set. As the loving sun fled for the highest peak of the mountains, the cattle and wildlife began to panic. Whilst in the middle of panic, two sheep would approach the animals of the highlands. The sheep named Sel and Ese would calm down the crowd with soothing words filled with warmth like the sun which left them only minutes ago. Sel and Ese then promised all who were gathered near the creek and to the highlands itself that they would return the sun. The sheep sisters would then begin to prepare for their long and treacherous journey under the embrace of darkness and sorrow, the highlands plagued by all the terrors of the night. As the sisters finally finished and made way for the mountains and its highest peak, they looked back upon the now-empty lands. Despite this sadness and darkness, their hearts remained golden and their minds sharp as a blade. Finally, the sisters Sel and Ese would turn on their hoofs and begin their journey to return to the sun. As the sisters began their journey to the highest peak of the mountains to save their sun, they encountered a lonely bull named Erk. This bull was large, yet shy and skittish. Its fur was black as the night which plagued their homeland and its eyes were soft and gentle as the wool on the sheep sister’s back. Sel and Ese asked this lonely bull if it wished to join them on their journey to return the sun. Erk the bull questioned the sheep sisters on why it was good to return the sun when the sun revealed his small horns. Revealing his biggest embarrassment to all who gathered among the creek. The sheep sisters would then begin to comfort the bull before being interrupted by a pack of villainous monsters birthed by the shadows. Whilst the sheep sisters were corned, high above the pair would be a hive of wasps on a branch held by a thin thread. The bull with quick thinking and wit would grab a stick and throw it directly towards the thin thread which held up the hive. It was only seconds before the pair of sheep would meet their unfortunate end that they would be saved by the wits of this timid bull, the hive falling onto the grotesque monsters. As the hive landed onto the crowd of these villainous monsters, the irritated wasps would rise from the destroyed home, chasing these shadowy creatures off a cliff before they chased after, flying down the cliff. The bull took a sigh of relief while the sheep sisters rushed towards the bull, giving him a tight embrace of warmth. Explaining to this skittish and timid bull that it is not his physical strength that gives him power, but his wit and intelligence that save them in the end. With that, the sheep sisters with their new friend, Erk, would travel onward to save the sun. In the middle of their path, a mighty stag gently laid near a wilting rose, his eyes filled with tears while lowering his head. Despite his tears, the stag appeared to be powerful and intimidating with its high and sharp antlers, yet so beautiful and kind with its soft brown coat of fur. As the group approached this mournful stag and introduced themselves, the stag would remain silent in its mourning, only telling his name, Leu. The mournful stag would explain that the cause of his sorrow would be the death of his companion, his lover. This wilting rose was the only reminder of his deceased lover and as it wilted, his heart shattered piece by piece. Once again, as before, monsters approached the group. Fading into existence through the shadows. As the sheep sisters and the bull were cornered, the mighty stag would only turn its head away. Awaiting for their impending deaths before a memory would be played out in Leu’s mind. His lover, his beloved, reminds him of their dreams. Their dreams of peace and warmth, and so, the stag had risen where he laid and fended off the shadowy monsters, though, in return, the rose had finally fully wilted away. At this loss the stag would turn towards the group, explaining his newfound purpose with teary eyes as he looked down at the fully wilted rose. Promising his life and fullest devotion to helping these sisters bring the sun back to the highlands. Yet, the sisters only approached the stag, giving him a tight and warm embrace. Comforting the mournful stag with bright smiles like the ever-so-foreign sun. The pair of sisters alongside Erk and Leu would continue their journey to the highest peak. The high peaks of the mountains seem closer and closer than before. Yet, no sign of the fleeting sun. As the group made their final steps to the high peaks of the mountains, they would have a sudden realization that there was no sun in sight. Only darkness and sorrow, a vast emptiness which couldn’t be filled. At this discovery, the sheep sisters would fall upon their knees, their hope fleeting like the sun minutes ago. The stag and bull went onwards to comfort the sisters before noticing a bright light of warmth and comfort emitting from a cave only a few steps away. Cries of sadness would be heard coming from this damp and murky cave, as the sisters stood themselves up from the cold stone and approached the cave with their new friends. They would notice a singular raven, standing in front of a lonely flame. This flame was as small as the nearest pebble, barely staying alive with it only being fed twigs. The group then asked this stranger if she knew where the sun had fled to, where is the sun if not up atop this mountain. The raven with its dark feathers which only consumed the light emitted from the flames would reveal she was the sun, the sun which fled. Only a few seconds later, not even allowing the group to comprehend this discovery, a horde of these shadowy monsters would surround the cave. However, instead of attacking, these monsters would begin to insult the lonely raven. It was then that it was realized that these shadows were the embodiment of the insecurities of the sun. All her sorrows and pains. Alone while resting up above all who flourished under her light. The shadows would then begin to insult and control the minds of the group, telling the bull that it was weak, the stag that it was useless, and then the sheep sisters that they had failed. While the group would succumb to these trances, the raven would only turn its head away while the flames of the fire would begin to flicker away. Erk the bull would return to reality, remembering the words spoken by Sel and Ese. Reminding the sisters while they were deep in their trances that without the both of them, he would never be able to realize his worth through intelligence. Leu the stag would then follow along in the steps of Erk and return to reality. Shouting to the possessed sisters that without them, he would never remember the dreams of his lover, a dream of peace. Finally, the sisters would escape the trance placed on them by these shadowy creatures, comforting the raven. Sel and Ese then explained that without the support of the sun, there would be no light and warmth. Despite the few complaints and injuries to one’s confidence, there are many more who care and value the sun. With this, the raven would turn its head, looking towards the group before hopping down to lift the flames with its talons and fly up to the sky. Passing by both the group and shadows. Yet, the shadows chased after the raven while it flew up into the empty skies, the flame held onto its talons growing brighter and brighter before filling the sky up with warmth and light once again. The shadows would then fade from existence as the sun returned to the sky. The group then left the darkness of the cave, their eyes focused on the bright sun as it shined once again. Her comfort and warmth embraced all who rested below her. The group of animals would eventually return down from the mountain and back to the creek, and the highlands were saved. Not from a classically strong and violent hero, but by the golden hearts of a pair of good sisters. It was not violence but compassion and harmony which triumphed in the end.
  19. THE REINMAREN DUTY Art depicting an instance of Reinmaren commerce. DIE REINMAREN-PFLICHT | THE REINMAREN DUTY Issued by Leon II, Prince in Reinmar In the year of our Lord 1969 Medieval II Total War Music "The Widow" ÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON REINMAR, THE REINMAREN HAVE ALWAYS ANSWERED TO CALLS AND POWERS HIGHER THAN THEMSELVES. From the lowly burgher to the high chief, every Reinmaren has a duty to serve. This text shall provide context to our system of hierarchy and how our ancestors fulfilled their obligations. In contemporary society, the Reinmaren hierarchy has come to include outlanders who fall under the burgher class. During the times of Theoderic and Gelimar, one would seldom find an outlander in a Reinmaren holdfast, which was typically only inhabited by a chieftain and his sworn men. A Reinmaren man accredited his successes to the gods of the forests, mountains, and rivers. He owed his loyalty to his clan and family. He was compelled to break bread with his brothers, and make sacrifices to his forefathers. THE WARRIOR The warrior made up the base of Reinmaren society. He was duty-bound to offer his spear to his chieftain’s warband during times of war, and to till the land his chieftain allowed him during times of peace. A warrior was owed land, a share of the spoils from battle, and a place at his chieftain’s assembly. What he did not eat or sacrifice would go to his chief. THE REEVE The reeve stood above the warrior and was typically the most senior member of a chief’s holding. He was expected to collect taxes on behalf of his chief, and was entrusted with ensuring that loot was shared amongst the chief’s men, from which he was entitled to the greatest number of horses. He was pledged to gather the spears of the Reinmaren during times of war and act as their commander. Reeves were owed a place at the chieftain’s table and rights to appropriate his villagers’ horses and livestock if necessary. THE HIRDMAN The hirdman was the most trusted companion of a chieftain. He was appointed to the protection of his chieftain, the master of the hird, and offered him counsel. The hirdman was sent to ensure tasks were completed according to the chief’s will, an embodiment of his hand. A chief would refer to his hirdmen as brothers, extending to them the same privileges as his own kin. While his lord lived, the warrior owed him loyalty unto death. If his lord were killed, the warrior had to avenge him or die in the attempt. When a chieftain broke bread, the first portions would be reserved for him. A hirdsman was entitled to the first pick of the spoils of war, the right to wear a torc and ornaments befitting a noble warrior, and the privilege of carrying a chieftain’s body and possessions to his funeral pyre after death. A heroic warrior brought up in the fellowship of the hird would show a reckless disregard for his life, sacrificing all for the wellbeing of chieftain and tribe. Whether he was doomed or not, courage was best, for the brave man could win glory among men, while the coward might die before his time. This is the spirit which inspired the code of the Hird. THE CHIEFTAIN The chieftain was the head of his clan. Some were bound to serve a high chief or another chief as a tributary whilst others answered to none but the gods themselves. He was expected to protect his people from harm, lead his tribe in sacrifices, and galvanize his assembly. As chief, he was compelled not only to act justly, but also to ensure that his hirdsmen, reeves, and warriors were free of corruption. His sacred duty was to defend the mountains, forests, and rivers his clan inhabited, safeguarding the lands where their ancestors rested. The chieftain enjoyed a multitude of privileges and maintained the right to command every man within his lands, for their farms were his farms, their animals were his animals, and their spears were his spears. The lord in turn had the duty of being generous to his warriors. He himself had to be a formidable warrior to draw capable men to his side, and a figure of noble and generous character to maintain those men within his service. This system of obligation and duty ensured cohesion in every clan. The Reinmaren stood as one, from tribesmen to chieftain, every member of a tribe contributed to its success. We continue these practices in a way to this day, for duty and hierarchy ensures the stability of our great tribe. WER RASTET, DER ROSTET HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, LEON, Prince in Reinmar and of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Reinmaren, Warden of the Franklands and Ferdenwald HER LADYSHIP, FREDERICA, Baroness of Sigradz, Seneschal of the Heather Court
  20. Here you can find the elements of Reinmaren culture
  21. HERITAGE AND HISTORY The Necessity of Records and Research Edict Issued by the Viceroyal Crown 15th of Maria’s Peace, 91 D.R. [!] A Hyspian scholar drafting a thesis on behalf of the Hyspian Historical Institute. Time is an expanding concept. It progresses but never ceases in its journey. As the path of time is ever endless and infinite, a traveler must diverge from it to rest, perhaps permanently. Yet, even so, time shall continue to move forward. However, the legacy one leaves behind must not be lost upon the road. Rather, it should be recovered, engraved and forever recorded for future generations to learn and discover. Hyspia is more than a nation. It is a culture, a culture which has blossomed for decades and centuries long before the rule of De Pelear, and long before the establishment of La Dorada. La Ciudad de la Plata is one such example. It was considered the last established home of the Hyspian people in Almaris. Before that it was Niseep. And much before that: Osanora, Tierra Natal, and further beyond. All such settlements have their own histories and their own legacies. The origins of the Hyspian people, its establishment as a united culture also deserves such a legacy to be recorded in the annals of history. Thus, it is through this decree that the Hyspian Historical Institute shall form. Its mission shall be to record the traditions of the Hyspian community. It shall be open to all Hyspians scholars and beyond to further record our history, our beliefs, and our culture for the future generations to learn and take advice from as they continue to grow our nation and let it blossom further. This institution, sponsored by the Crown, invites all Hyspians who wish to record and research the rich history of the Hyspian people. Through this institution, Hyspian scholars may publish their many works and pursue their academic intiuitions for the betterment of educating the public of our history. May we honor our past and embrace the future, together. Honrar el pasado. Abrazar el futuro. Viva Hyspia. Con DIOS Avanzamos, HIS HIGHNESS, Cesar II de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Duke of Pacazu, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Patriarch of House de Pelear HIS EXCELLENCY, Vicente Murietta II, Colonel of Hyspia, Caballero Comendador del Orden de Francisco, Scholar of the Hyspian Historical Institute
  22. Vikelian Culture "In the cocoon of adversity, one finds the strength to emerge, embodying the delicate resilience of a butterfly. Like a crystal reflecting the myriad facets of liberation, our journey through rebirth unveils the dazzling spectrum of freedom within our wings." Introduction to Culture A vibrant blend of Wood Elf and Farfolk influences, Vikelian culture is characterized by rich traditions of art, fashion, jewelry, dance and architecture. Acknowledging nature, Vikelian customs and celebrations reflect a harmonious fusion of Wood Elf and Farfolk cultures. Culinary flavors reflect a combination of different ingredients. Decorated with intricate patterns, traditional clothing symbolizes cultural pride and the combined heritage of the Wood Elf and Farfolk. Amidst the challenges, the rich culture of the Vikela is sustained by a seamless blend of ancient traditions and modern influences. The Butterfly Vikela chose the butterfly as a symbol because of its powerful symbolism of change, maturity and beauty. Butterflies metamorphosis coincides with Vikela’s journey of resilience and rebirth, rising from challenges to become a thriving community. This symbol represents not only physical change, but also the constant renewal of the soul, the fleeting but beautiful nature of life. The butterfly has universal significance for the Vikela people, emphasizing change, beauty and enduring spirit. Silachian (Vikelian Language) Silachian, the language of the protected people, stems from the founding couple of Vikela, one Auvergne & Farfolk woman and one Wood Elf. These phrases, fluid as a swing and sharp to the tongue, reflect a unique linguistic blend. Originally, the founders seamlessly transitioned between these influences, and a serendipitous mistake by a human observer cemented this linguistic fusion. Today, Silachian resonates through Vikela's streets, passed down through generations, embodying a lasting fusion of linguistic traditions. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/233282-the-language-of-vikela-silachian/ Vikelian Myth (Vikelian Deities) In the realm of Vikela, there’s a myth that the people believe in. Three deities weave complex webs of existence and maintain cosmic harmony. Aeloria, the butterfly goddess, dances with ethereal wings, a symbol of freedom and the cycle of life. Luminara, the Crystal Guardian, shows clarity and sustainability in crystal systems. Completing the divine trinity, Sylvanara, the Goddess of Nature, unveils the energies and interconnectedness of the natural world. Aeloria guides the Vikelians on transformative journeys, embracing freedom and rebirth. Luminara weaves clarity into the tapestry of life, providing wisdom and change. With her green touch, Sylvanara balances the Vikelian community with the natural world, ensuring that the dance of life and growth is in harmony Vikela celebrates these three deities, and devotees honor the complementary powers of Aeloria, Luminara, and Sylvanara through crystal ceremonies, butterfly symbolism, and partnerships with nature. The Vikelians are intimately connected to freedom, resilience, and the ever-present web of energy of the natural world. Vikelian people are accepting of other cultures and traditions, letting everyone freely practice their own beliefs, as long as it does not cause harm. Family Structure In Vikela, family structures are built on principles of equality, irrespective of gender or age. Sons and daughters are treated with equal respect and consideration. The family dynamic emphasizes collaboration, shared responsibilities, and mutual support, fostering an environment where individual strengths and contributions are valued regardless of traditional gender roles or birth order. This approach aims to create a harmonious and inclusive family unit where each member is encouraged to pursue their interests and aspirations freely. Marriage Engagement Ceremony: A proposal ceremony is held at the bride's home, where the groom's family presents symbolic gifts. The engagement ceremony features blessings by family and an engagement gift from the suitor made from a hunted animal of their choice. Pre-Wedding Ceremony: Bridal Hunt transforms the classic hide and seek into a lively pre-wedding game, pitting the groom and groomsmen against the bride and bridesmaids. Dressed in disguises with clever codenames, the groom's team aims to identify the real bride among decoys. Once found, they embark on a mission to bring her back to the groom's house, while the bridesmaids attempt to impede their progress. The streets become a playful battleground, turning pre-wedding jitters into a laughter-filled adventure and creating lasting memories for the entire bridal party. Wedding Ceremony: The enduring tradition of marriage in Vikela includes passing down cherished bridal gowns, often sewn with symbolic fabrics. Preceding the wedding day, there's a hair-cutting ceremony symbolizing a fresh start and a cleansing ritual with sacred water, along with the exchanging of vows and wedding bands that can be jewelry or tattoos. The festivities culminate in a joyous reception with traditional Vikelian food, music, and dance. Funeral Ritual In Vikela, burying loved ones and planting a sapling atop their graves is a sacred ritual tied to the deities, Butterfly, Crystal, and Nature. Symbolizing transformation, the Butterfly Goddess inspires new life with the sapling, reflecting the enduring spirit. The Crystal Goddess's strength is represented by burying the departed in crystal-infused soil, connecting them to the earth. The Nature Goddess emphasizes the cycle of life, making the sapling a tribute to nature's harmony. This ritual intertwines the goddesses' symbols, fostering a sacred bond between the departed, the earth, and the divine forces that govern life's cycles in Vikela. Funeral Rites “Wand, chucki anba l'Talis Amebwa, no’poze en'dormi. Ou'Swènn-tali, enteli la Aveos. no'kache, en'ehya puies sézon. l'Amebwa Lapr, le'peintiyes nun Viv'danse.” Translation: “Here, beneath the tender boughs, we lay to rest a kindred spirit. Into the earth, we tuck our farewells, and with each passing season, may this arboreal ballet unveil the tapestry of a life well-danced.” “Le'nylu nu'Zehp ofrann, nu'mete. Ou'santiman, ka leh'chichot nun Bientu Pote, ehyal Simoni nan ri pataje nun chitcot sekrè nun la aveos bèl” Translation: “With these dainty offerings, we adorn the narrative. May the whispers of the wind carry our sentiments, and may the earth cradle the symphony of shared laughter and water your whispered secrets.” Festivities Vikelia has a wide variety of festivals that take many diverse forms, despite the fact that the way things are done may appear standard and unremarkable on the surface. Triunity Day A Festival to celebrate the harmonious balance and collaboration of the Crystal, Butterfly, and Nature Goddesses in Vikela. This day can be marked by various festivities, ceremonies, and acts of kindness that reflect the interconnectedness of nature, the beauty of crystals, and the transformative spirit of butterflies. Festival of the Fox: In the heart of the crystal lit kingdom of Vikela. The people come together annually to celebrate the revered Festival of the Fox. This whimsical and lively event serves as a tribute to the first queen, the beloved Queen Leika De Astrea, who was fondly known for her kinship with foxes and her wise rule. Dandelion Festival In Vikela, the annual Dandelion Festival unfolds as a dazzling tribute to the second queen, the esteemed Queen Larissa De Astrea. Known for her love of nature and commitment to unity, this festival has become a cherished tradition that captivates the hearts of Vikela's inhabitants. Festival of the Gems In Vikela, the annual "Festival of the Gems" is a dazzling spectacle that pays homage to the virtues embodied by different gemstones. As the kingdom's citizens come together to celebrate, each gem represents a distinct aspect of leadership, wisdom, and resilience. Festival of the Rabbit In Vikela, nestled amidst rolling hills and blooming meadows, the annual "Festival of the Rabbit'' emerges as a heartwarming celebration of luck, prosperity, fertility, and the cherished bonds of family. This lively event brings together Vikelians, young and old, to revel in the spirit of togetherness and the promise of abundant blessings. THE RIVER FEST A vital aspect is the nourishing water flowing through the city and its surroundings, providing fresh water, beverages, pastries, and bread to everyone in the vicinity, sustaining life. The festivities include traditional games and a prominent boat race as the main event. SOCIAL SEASON As it flows, Ahiuw le fleuve serves as more than just a river - it is a journey of self-discovery and the transition into adulthood. Leaving behind the innocence of childhood, crossing the river signifies the establishment of a strong foundation for the future. In Vikela's bustling social scene, where there is an imbalance of women and men, this season plays a crucial role. It is a time of gatherings and courtship, with grand balls featuring men in deep blues and ladies in delicate hues. The highly anticipated Madris Ras Ball, organized by the esteemed Court of River Gems, marks the end of the season, celebrating gemstones in all their splendor. Ahiuw le fleuve is not merely about romantic pursuits, but also a chance to form bonds of sisterhood and brotherhood. Traditionally, older women take on the role of hosting lavish balls, while younger women partake in dances to capture the attention of potential partners. Vikelian Cuisine Vikelian cuisine is a diverse culinary tradition characterized by balanced flavors, fresh herbs, and a reliance on rice as a staple. With a strong emphasis on fish and seafood, dishes like fish amok and lok lak showcase the nation’s proximity to water sources. Offering a variety of affordable and flavorful options. Vikelian desserts often feature sticky rice, coconut milk, and tropical fruits. The cuisine reflects a rich culinary heritage that delights with its creativity and diversity. Vikela’s Crafts Vikela excels in the art of jewelry-making, creating exquisite pieces that mirror their diverse cultural influences. Their vibrant fashion seamlessly blends colors and intricate designs, while the tradition of silk weaving produces visually captivating fabrics. In cuisine, Vikela's unique gastronomic identity fuses diverse influences, resulting in a delightful array of flavors. From expertly spiced dishes to delectable desserts, Vikela's culinary artistry showcases their commitment to preserving and evolving their distinctive heritage. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/231377-jewels-of-vikela / Social Classes In Vikela, the social class system is characterized by a nuanced hierarchy that takes into account various factors beyond wealth alone. The society is divided into distinct classes, each with its own roles and privileges. Paramount Class: At the pinnacle of the social structure is the Paramount class, consisting of leaders and influential figures responsible for governing Vikela. Paramounts are chosen through a tanistry, considering noble families and their contributions to the community. Noble Class: Below the Paramounts, the Noble class comprises aristocratic families with significant influence and wealth. They may hold positions of leadership in various sectors, contributing to the prosperity of Vikela. Artisan Class: The Artisan class includes skilled craftsmen, artists, and professionals who contribute to the cultural and economic development of Vikela. Their expertise is highly valued, and they enjoy a comfortable standard of living. Merchant Class: The Merchant class consists of traders and entrepreneurs engaged in commerce and trade. They play a crucial role in connecting Vikela with other regions and contribute to economic growth. Commoner Class: The Commoner class encompasses the majority of the population, including farmers, guards and individuals engaged in various occupations. They form the backbone of Vikela's workforce, contributing to its daily functioning. It's essential to note that mobility between classes is possible based on merit, achievements, and contributions to the community. Vikela places value on individual skills, talents, and dedication, fostering a society where social mobility is encouraged. Fashion Vikelian fashion is a vibrant tapestry that weaves together elements of tradition and modernity. Rooted in rich cultural heritage, it reflects a harmonious blend of Farfolk influences and Wood Elf aesthetics. The clothing often features designs that allow exposure of shoulders, arms, and belly, showcasing a balance between modesty and expression. Traditional clothing, often adorned with intricate embroidery and beading, coexists seamlessly with contemporary styles. Beadwork, layering, and the use of vivid patterns characterize Vikela fashion, creating a unique and visually captivating aesthetic. The incorporation of gold, gems, and silk further elevates the overall appeal, symbolizing not just adornment but also resilience and triumph over life's challenges. In Vikela, adorning oneself with gold and various gems is a profound expression of self-love and appreciation for one's body. Each gem worn tells a story, symbolizing the hardships endured and the resilience displayed in rising from the ashes. The intricate patterns and vibrant colors of the gems serve as a testament to the individual's journey, showcasing the beauty that emerged from challenges. This tradition not only adds a touch of opulence to personal style but also serves as a powerful reminder of strength and triumph over adversity. Archetype Vikela's archetype blends the charm of cottagecore with vibrant colors, creating a picturesque landscape immersed in nature. Quaint cottages, adorned with ivy and flowers, are surrounded by lush greenery, and mystical crystals sprout from the earth, casting a radiant glow. The residents embrace a cottagecore lifestyle, weaving handcrafted textiles in hues inspired by the vibrant flora. It's a harmonious haven where simplicity, warmth, and a deep connection with nature define the idyllic atmosphere of Vikela.
  23. A humble invitation is hung on noticeboards around settlements in the Enchanted Forest and Druidic Circles. Come join the Underlight Grotto as the final of the Fae Moons pass, and we welcome the arrival of the next lunar year! Named for the first full moon during spring's first emergence from winter, or the Season of Birth, the annual festival indulges in a time of music, dancing, and craftsmanship with the lauded Kuila Crystals of the realm. As the second annual gathering, the theme has been decided; the dress attire will be inspired by the very crystal the corresponding faerie tale the festival honors! In folklore from the chroniclers of the fae, the Aspect Cerridwen awakens from her winter sleep at the height of the first full moon of the lunar calendar. From her chrysalis hidden deep in the Fae Realm, she emerges and heralds the arrival of warm spring air and green revival. Likewise, Cerridwen's Devoted of the Mother Circle celebrate this tale with the yearly festivities: A flower dance in which the seeds of wildflowers are sown while enjoying jubilant music, an open air market featuring artisans from around the realm, a dress competition, tiva crafting, and performances featuring the Druid Bard and his trusty living banjo! Come spend an evening with the Grotto at the beachside meadow! Vendors send a letter via the aviary to Aerendyl Hawksong to have space reserved for a booth. [[ OOC: Sunday, February 25th at 6:30 pm EST. IGN CornerianArwing for inquiries.]]
  24. Lechitic Cuisine “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” -Unknown Cuisine is often regarded as a narrative of the land, a reflection of the lives of its people, both past and present. Through the centuries, the culinary traditions of Lechia have evolved, influenced by its history, geography, and the diverse culture that have left their mark on its cuisine. We hold these dishes and techniques in high esteem, aspiring to preserve and transmit them in their original form. Each dish carries with it a story, a connection to the land and the people who have cultivated it. Join us in celebrating the rich tapestry of flavors, textures, and aromas that define the cuisine of Lechia. Let us honor the past while embracing the future, ensuring that these culinary treasures continue to be cherished and shared for generations to come. [!]A Depiction of a Lechian Celebration A beloved staple of Lechian cuisine, consisting of dumplings made from unleavened dough typically filled with various savory or sweet fillings. These fillings can range from options like potato and cheese, sauerkraut and mushroom, or meat. The dough for pierogi is made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, resulting in a soft and slightly chewy texture when cooked. After rolling out the dough, it is cut into rounds, filled with the desired filling, and then sealed by crimping the edges together to form a semi-circular or crescent shape. Pierogi can be boiled, steamed, or fried, depending on personal preference and the specific recipe being used. Once cooked, they are often served hot and may be topped with a variety of garnishes such as melted butter, soured cream, fried onions, or bacon bits. also known as "cabbage rolls," is a traditional Lechian dish that consists of cooked cabbage leaves wrapped around a filling typically made of ground meat (often pork or beef), rice, onions, and spices. The filled cabbage rolls are then baked or simmered in a flavorful tomato-based sauce until the cabbage is tender and the filling is cooked through. The process of making golabki involves carefully removing the cabbage leaves from the head of cabbage, blanching them in hot water to soften, and then filling each leaf with a portion of the meat and rice mixture. The cabbage leaves are then rolled up tightly, enclosing the filling, and placed seam-side down in a baking dish or pot. Once all the cabbage rolls are assembled in the dish, a rich tomato sauce is poured over the top, ensuring that the golabki are moistened and flavored during cooking. The dish is then baked in the oven or simmered on the stovetop until the cabbage is tender and the flavors have melded together. is a dish renowned for its rich flavors and hearty ingredients. This flavorful stew is typically made with a combination of sauerkraut, fresh cabbage, various meats such as sausage, bacon, and sometimes beef or venison, as well as mushrooms, onions, and spices. The preparation of bigos often involves cooking the sauerkraut and cabbage with the meats, onions, and mushrooms in a large pot or Reinmaren oven. The dish is simmered slowly over low heat, allowing the flavors to meld together and develop into a complex and savory stew. One of the unique aspects of bigos is its versatility, as recipes can vary greatly depending on regional preferences and family traditions. Some variations may include additional ingredients like tomatoes, prunes, or even red wine for added depth of flavor. is a dish consisting of boneless pork loin that is tenderized, breaded, and fried until golden brown and crispy. The pork loin slices are typically pounded with a meat mallet to achieve a thin and uniform thickness, ensuring even cooking and a tender texture. To prepare kotlet schabowy, the tenderized pork loin slices are seasoned with salt and pepper, then dipped in beaten eggs and coated with breadcrumbs. The breadcrumbs adhere to the meat, creating a crispy and flavorful outer layer when fried. Traditionally, kotlet schabowy is shallow-fried in hot oil until the breadcrumb coating is golden and the pork is cooked through. The result is a succulent and juicy pork cutlet with a crunchy exterior. Kotlet schabowy is often served hot as a main course, accompanied by mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, or a variety of salads. also known as Lechian minced meat cutlet, is a traditional dish popular in Lechian cuisine. It consists of ground meat, typically beef or pork, mixed with onions, garlic, eggs, breadcrumbs, and various herbs and spices such as salt, pepper, and marjoram. The mixture is formed into patties or cutlets, which are then pan-fried until golden brown and cooked through. Kotlet mielony is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed as a main course, served with mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, or rice, and accompanied by a side of pickles, sauerkraut, or salad. It is a staple in Lechian life, often prepared for family gatherings, holidays, and special occasions. is a dish typically consisting of tender chunks of beef or pork stewed with onions, garlic, bell peppers, and a rich tomato-based sauce flavored with paprika and other spices. The key to a delicious gulasz lies in the slow cooking process, allowing the meat to become tender and absorb the flavors of the sauce. Some variations of gulasz may also include ingredients such as potatoes, carrots, or mushrooms, adding depth and texture to the dish. Gulasz is often served hot, accompanied by a side of rice, noodles, or bread. It is a comforting and satisfying meal, perfect for warming up on cold days, and is enjoyed by families and friends alike across the region. is a general term used in Lechian cuisine to refer to a variety of traditional dumplings or noodles. These dumplings can come in various shapes, sizes, and textures, and they are often made from simple ingredients such as flour, water, eggs, and salt. Kluski can be served as a side dish, a main course, or even incorporated into soups and stews. One popular type of kluski is "kluski Reinmarskie", which translates to Reinmarian dumplings. These dumplings are typically made from grated raw potatoes mixed with flour and sometimes eggs, resulting in a dense and chewy texture. Kluski reinmari are commonly served with savory sauces or meats and are a staple dish in the Lechian home. Another well-known variation is "kluski kładzione," which are drop dumplings made by spooning batter directly into boiling water. These dumplings are light and fluffy, similar to Waldenian spaetzle, and are often served with butter, gravy, or sautéed onions. are a type of dumpling, similar to Kluski, but typically rounder and denser. They are made from mashed potatoes mixed with flour and often stuffed with a savory filling such as seasoned ground meat, mushrooms, or cheese. Pyzy can be boiled or steamed until they are cooked through and tender. The preparation of pyzy involves forming the mashed potato dough into small balls, then flattening each ball to create a round disc. A portion of the filling is then placed in the center of each disc, and the dough is carefully sealed around the filling to form a dumpling. Once assembled, the pyzy are cooked in boiling water until they float to the surface, indicating that they are ready to be served. They are typically enjoyed hot, often accompanied by a topping of melted butter, sautéed onions, or a dollop of sour cream. are dumplings made from a simple dough typically consisting of flour, water, eggs, and sometimes a pinch of salt. These dumplings are versatile and can be filled with both sweet and savory fillings, depending on preference and regional variations. One popular version of knedle is filled with a sweet filling such as plums, apricots, or other fruits. The dough is rolled out, then wrapped around a pitted fruit, forming a dumpling. The dumplings are then boiled until cooked through, and often served with melted butter, breadcrumbs toasted in butter, and a sprinkle of sugar. Savory knedle are also common, filled with ingredients like seasoned ground meat, mushrooms, or cheese. These are prepared in a similar manner, with the dough wrapped around the filling and then boiled until tender. Savory knedle can be served with gravy, sauce, or simply with melted butter. are traditional meat rolls or roulades made with thinly sliced beef or veal that is pounded flat and then rolled up with a savory filling. The filling typically consists of a mixture of ingredients such as sautéed onions, mushrooms, bacon, pickles, and mustard. To prepare zrazy, the beef slices are first tenderized by pounding them to a thin, even thickness. Then, the meat is seasoned with salt and pepper and spread with a layer of the filling ingredients. The meat is then tightly rolled up, enclosing the filling inside. After rolling, the zrazy are typically seared in a hot pan to brown the outside and lock in the flavors. They are then braised or simmered in a flavorful broth or sauce until the meat is tender and the filling is cooked through. Zrazy can be served hot as a main course, often accompanied by mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, or noodles, and a side of vegetables or salad. translated as "beans Reinmaren-style," is a popular dish with a name that suggests its origins might be influenced by Reinmar, a region in Haense. Despite its name, it's a hearty Lechian bean stew typically made with white beans, smoked bacon or sausage, onions, carrots, and tomatoes. To prepare fasolka po reinmarsku, the beans are usually soaked overnight to soften them, then cooked until tender. Meanwhile, onions, carrots, and sometimes garlic are sautéed in a pot until they become fragrant and slightly caramelized. Smoked bacon or sausage is often added for flavor and depth. Once the vegetables and meat are cooked, they are combined with the cooked beans in a pot. Crushed or diced tomatoes, along with broth or water, are added to create a flavorful base for the stew. The stew is then simmered gently until the flavors meld together and the stew thickens slightly. is a simple and delicious dessert or side dish that combines cooked rice with sweetened apples and warming spices. It's a comforting and versatile dish that can be enjoyed as a dessert, a snack, or even as a breakfast option. To prepare ryż z jabłkami, short-grain rice is typically cooked until tender in water or milk, along with a pinch of salt and sometimes a splash of vanilla extract for added flavor. Meanwhile, apples are peeled, cored, and thinly sliced or diced. The apples are then cooked in a separate pot with butter or oil, sugar, cinnamon, and sometimes a splash of lemon juice or zest until they are soft and caramelized. Once the rice is cooked and the apples are tender and fragrant, they are combined together and gently stirred until well mixed. The dish is often served hot, although it can also be enjoyed cold. Some variations may include additional ingredients such as raisins, nuts, or dried fruit for added texture and flavor. is a dish that consists of two main components: barszcz, a beetroot soup, and uszka, small dumplings typically filled with mushrooms or meat. It's a beloved dish often served during Krugmas Eve dinner, but it's enjoyed throughout the year as well. Barszcz, the beetroot soup, is made by simmering beets, onions, carrots, and sometimes other vegetables in broth until the flavors meld together and the soup takes on a deep red color. The broth is then strained to remove any solids, resulting in a smooth and flavorful base for the soup. Some variations of barszcz may include the addition of sour cream or vinegar for tanginess. Uszka, the dumplings, are made from a simple dough consisting of flour, water, and sometimes eggs. The dough is rolled out thinly, then cut into small squares. Each square is filled with a savory mixture, typically made from minced mushrooms or meat seasoned with onions, garlic, and spices. The edges of the dough are then sealed together to form small dumplings resembling "little ears" aka uszka in Lechian. Once both the barszcz and uszka are prepared, they are combined in a bowl, with several dumplings added to each serving of soup. The result is a comforting and flavorful dish that highlights the sweetness of the beets and the savory filling of the dumplings. is a sour rye soup known for its distinctive tangy flavor and hearty ingredients. The base of żurek is made from fermented rye flour, which gives the soup its characteristic sour taste. To prepare the soup, the fermented rye flour is mixed with water or broth and simmered until it thickens slightly. Additional ingredients such as smoked bacon or sausage, potatoes, carrots, onions, and often hard-boiled eggs are added to create a flavorful and satisfying dish. One of the unique aspects of żurek is the addition of "zurek starter" or "zurek zakwas," which is a sourdough starter made from fermented rye flour. This starter adds depth of flavor and acidity to the soup, enhancing its tanginess. Żurek is often served hot as a main course, accompanied by a dollop of sour cream and garnished with fresh herbs such as parsley or dill. It's traditionally enjoyed with slices of hearty bread or a side of boiled potatoes. cheese is made from unpasteurized sheep's milk, and it has a distinct spindle-like shape with decorative patterns imprinted on its surface. To make oscypek, the milk is first heated and curdled using rennet, then the curds are pressed into wooden forms to give them their characteristic shape. After shaping, the cheeses are smoked using juniper wood, which imparts a unique flavor and helps to preserve the cheese. The smoked oscypek cheese has a firm and slightly crumbly texture, with a salty and smoky flavor profile. It can be enjoyed on its own as a snack or appetizer, or incorporated into various dishes such as grilled sandwiches, salads, or soups. In traditional Lechian cuisine, oscypek is often served sliced and pan-fried until golden brown and crispy on the outside, while still soft and melty on the inside. is a type of soft cheese made from sheep's milk, with origins on the continent of Vistulia, particularly Lechia and Vistulia. It has a crumbly texture and a slightly tangy flavor, often described as sharp and salty. To make bryndza, sheep's milk is heated and curdled using rennet, similar to the process of making other types of cheese. The resulting curds are then drained and lightly pressed to remove excess whey. After this, the curds are typically crumbled or mashed and mixed with salt. Sometimes, bryndza may also be aged for a short period to develop its flavor further. It is commonly used as a spread for bread or crackers, as a filling for dumplings or pierogi, or as a topping for baked potatoes or salads. In Slovakia, bryndza is a key ingredient in the traditional dish called "bryndzové halušky," which consists of potato dumplings served with bryndza cheese and topped with bacon. are traditional pastries similar to doughnuts. These delightful treats are typically made from a rich, sweet dough that is deep-fried until golden brown and then filled with various sweet fillings such as fruit preserves, custard, or cream. After frying, they are often dusted with powdered sugar or glazed for an extra touch of sweetness. The dough for pączki is typically made with ingredients such as flour, eggs, butter, sugar, yeast, and sometimes milk, resulting in a soft and fluffy texture. Traditionally, the dough is enriched with ingredients like egg yolks or sour cream, giving it a richer flavor and a tender crumb. These delicious pastries come in a variety of flavors and fillings, ranging from classic options like rosehip jam or raspberry preserves to more modern variations like chocolate or lemon curd. Regardless of the filling, pączki are a beloved symbol of Lechian culinary tradition, cherished for their sweet and indulgent taste. If you think we missed any important recipes please reach out! This list will be expanded in the future. We thank you for giving our cuisine a try and the continued support of Our Endeavors! Funded by Penned by
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