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  1. Past hour
  2. The Scar of Order flared its painful red hue as the man shot a glance to the sunless sky above, exhaling a plume of smoke as he'd flick the cig into the waters. His gaze drifted down from the heavens onto a bobber in the water, grasping the fishing rod as visions and audible hallucinations of bells and golden mists surrounded his seated position along the coast. His brow furrowed, his focus on the reality in front of him being tested for a few moments longer before the visions left him. "Do not let the sun set.." he'd murmur aloud to himself. The bobber dipped below the waters surface.
  3. "I KNEW IT!" Narithen all but roars as he sees the notice, pumping a fist in the air. "ASPECTS I'M A GOOD DETECTIVE-"
  4. Ser Alteon Gwynadar of Garenbrig bellows to the soldiers of the Fiefdom, whilst waving the missive in the air with his hand; "It's time you lot prove your worth!"
  5. To be honest, I've had the same problem. I had a character I was trying to dragonify - but they died during an earlier even, which meant I couldn't really do the event any more. I'm not personally into just making a character to be something - I want to care about that character and build an arc. So I essentially locked myself out of that event entirely with my own mentality. Sadly, I also never got anything outside of the satisfaction of my own narrative (which while it wasn't the plan it did end satisfyingly to me). My character was never heralded, never really got any items to rp with, I was locked out and got very little 'Drazi rp outside of the events - so I really enjoyed them because it meant I got to actually engage and would be let inside haha. And the former isn't because the community was mean or anything, to be very clear, but my character wasn't heralded and I was told I'd get a key in rp, I just never did for some reason. It did, however, make it very difficult to enjoy general azdrazi rp when I couldn't access the areas they were in. On losing this character, I was pretty much screwed for participation and what time I did have dedicated to it obviously died with it - which still leaves me in a current rut since I'm busy building up a new arc. I could choose to know the information since I've retrospectively heard it was open knowledge, but my main character is a doofus who doesn't really know much of anything unless he's told - because he's not the studying sort. I managed to get a couple people to mention Xan by talking about the world events for the sky, but that was about it. My other character was able to interact with the things the Azdrazi left - their notes and shrines etc - but because they're dogmatically against things they deem evil like Azdrazi AND Paladins so their general interaction was to destroy said things. And the Paladins were a group that I struggled to find any way to directly connect to, and even when I did they were kind of difficult to contact. And then my contact for the sadly died before it went anywhere. So while these are all certainly valid rp perspectives and I have seen them through because that is the appropriate narrative - it doesn't necessarily mean it was the narrative I would enjoyed the most. The character that died because I was doing what I wanted to was the thing I wanted, and because I lost that character I did not have a route back into the rp (unless I wanted to create a character explicitly for the purpose of azdrazing it up). I don't think it's necessarily wrong for ST to choose not to get too involved, but at the same time I don't think it would've hurt to try and nudge more player participation from different areas through one means or another if the playerbases weren't particularly successful in doing so. It could have been that the dragons actually like - showed themselves more - Eldren and Satar - flying over nations. that would have perked heads, but it never really happened as far as I'm aware. Or one of the branching paths chosen could have involved spreading the word etc. Either way, there were ways to do it organically or at least encourage it some more organically. Either way, I still really loved the overall premise and and hyped with the outcome - I can't wait to see what comes next out of it all.
  6. Would sign the document and wonder what happened to the knights since Halston and Gerard.
  7. Adventure is out there! Thank you in advance Much like the escapades we’ve had within the past few years. Those who live in The Unified Domain of Vortice extend an invitation to the residents of Aevos to join us on a spelunking expedition into the Caverns below the towering karsts of Talon’s Roost! We will be going diving through an underwater tunnel, so be sure to bring water-breathing potions to help your fellow explorers out as we can only supply so many We will provide medical kits, adventuring packs, and various other necessities. That is; while supplies last for we can’t predict the outcome of those that wish to join us. There is no guarantee that there will be enough for everyone. A depiction of the tunnel’s entrance has been included. We shall be gathering in three months time Warning: There is a chance that you may perish during this expedition. Vortice does not hold responsibility for any of your actions leading to your demise or trauma. You have been warned
  8. Today
  9. Full Name of Man - Lorand Korvacz II Date of Birth of Man - 1944 Full Name of Woman - Arowyn Whitewood Date of Birth of woman - 1944 Location of Ceremony - Lotusgrad Location of Ceremony (Year) - 1978 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Mother Alrisha (The wedding was 2024.05.31) ===================================================================================================== Full Name of Man - Alejandro Flores Date of Birth of Man - 1958 Full Name of Woman - Marcela Denodado Date of Birth of woman - 1961 Location of Ceremony - Hyspia Location of Ceremony (Year) - 1979 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Mother Alrisha
  10. good to see more regular application updates, at what point can we expect a retention update?
  11. Definitely would be usefull given we're down a malflame treating method. Th idea of a painkiller for soul-pain is a good take on that too! Howeverv-- bit of a note about the affect on dark CAs. Since malflame affects the soul, and this is meant to treat that soul damage, would it then make sense to specify it causes pain to a corrupted/modified soul? And that things w/o a soul see no effect (because there's nothing for the potion to act on). Something 2 consider maybe?? Not entirely sure.
  12. isana au Isard eyes the maps carefully. He turns to Petronella and quips, “Nice maps, methinks lass. Certainl’ practical. But ‘ouse? Oi nae ‘ave one, much less one that’ oi named De Rosius.” He turns to follow Marjorie to the river.
  13. Cathan stared at his bed, holding on for dear life as he had a feeling that he would be lost to the Afterlife if it were destroyed...
  14. GRAND-DAUGHTER, On the matter of the Transcript from the Royal Duma, and the definition of the Owynist Sect as heretical and Schismatics, We, of the Church have taken the matter upon our own hands, and have thusly sent a letter to the Lord Siegmund Weiss a letter months before in private, rebuking him for such claims, and urging him to reconsider for a more united man. These tempers of inter-sect strife ought not to be rekindled once again, and to be brought at the forefront, for it will spawn vitriolic rebuke, and will pave the way to reigniting the conflict which we have spent so many hours to queel by our own hand. Siegmund Weiss, in wise counsel has elected to rescind his statement to us in earnest three-four years ago, and we consider the matter, as the Church to be sealed. Let no rebuke be made of this within the Waldenic Diet, for matters of religious are inherently the right of the Canonist Church to address.
  15. IGN: sinjanko DISCORD: shy_disaster CATEGORY: Visual Art TITLE OF YOUR PIECE: "Colors of the Parrot"
  16. Narvi slammed his fist. "If I catch the bastards who put this tagum up to this - Kavir!" He swore, grimacing at the missive.
  17. Devoir Sacré Coat of Arms, of Auclair Family THE UNION OF VALERIE AUCLAIR AND JOA VON LEOPOLD After many years, Dietrich Von Leopold finally asked for the hand of Lady Valerie Auclair. Thus, Lady Valerie Auclair and His Lordship Joa Von Leopold announce their engagement and union. With the hope of harmony and respect for both families, at a difficult time for Valerie and the Crimson Mercenary group, came this happy news. In memory of the late Jaromir Frostiron, Valerie and Joa vow to respect, protect and be faithful for all their years together. Within the next few years, the couple will stand before GOD and be united in marriage. After the ceremony, they will send invitations for their ceremony under the stars in Vallagne and Chambéry, where the two meet, weather permitting. ☨ ☨ ☨ THE ENGAGEMENT DINNER The couple invite Vallagne and Aun Citizen to join them for their engagement dinner. The food and drink Will be provided. BEYOND THE DARKEST NIGHT - UNTO THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT, HER LADYSHIP, Valerie Auclair & HIS LORDSHIP, Joan Dietrich Von Leopold
  18. Chambery Fencing Lessons 183 of the Second Age Petran Fencing is one of the traditional Petran sports, a noble way of sword fighting for anyone to try at. While Fencing is already an older sports and tradition Petran Fencing was created by Nicolas Wittenbach during his Tenure as Chanzlé of the Petra as a new knightly sport for all Petran citizen to practice during their free time and as a way to introduce peoples to the way of sword fighting and perhaps encoruage them to become a knight or join the guard or simple enjoy a new passtime. It has been some time since the last lessons but on this year 183 Nicolas Wittembach invites you over to Chambery for a new round of Fencing lessons and matches! Rules of Petran Fencing : Petran Fencing has several rules to obide by while performing the sport: The sword of choice for Petran style Fencing is the épée meaning all body parts can be touched with it during a fencing match. The fencing area is defined by a raised podium cut in two areas one for each. At the end of each side a border line which marks the end of the fencing area. For each Game there will be 3 matches, winner is best out of 3. To win one match one must either hit their opponent with their Épée on any body part or force them to the edge of the fencing area. The first Match a coin will be tossed to determine who will attack and who will defend during the first action of the match. for the following two matches the previous winner will defend and previous loser will attack. Every fencing match must start with a salute. If someone refuses the salute the person is disqualified on the spot and the match cannot begin. To perform a salute one must first take their Épée and swing it in front of their face once done so they will dip their sword towards their adversary. Once both opponents have given the salute the referee of the match or one of the competitors will shout “En Garde” meaning both competitors have to get into first fighting position. Once En Garden the word of "Go" will be given by the referee or one of the competitors and the match will start. Fencing Emotes :
  19. Henry reads this missive, being recently turned away at the gates of the city "Ra? This is something new, I must investigate more about this Ra, but I must be weary of the Pharaohs Curse, lest he cast eternal sand upon me" He'd pause thinking about his training days as an Earth Evocationist "However sand is something I am used to"
  20. A queen of yore embraces a leal soul as he ascends to the Skies. The martyr would guard his dignity in death, as he had done for her in life.
  21. Year 167 of the Second Era 07/02/2024 ISSUED BY: THE OBSIDIAN THRONE ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᚱᚨᚾᛞ ᚷᚱᚨᛈᛖ ᚨᛚᛚᛁᚨᚾᚲᛖ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᚱᚨᚾᛞ ᚷᚱᚨᛈᛖ ᚨᛚᛚᛁᚨᚾᚲᛖ YOTH BRATHMORDAKIN NA YOTH URGUAN ᛁᛟᚦ ᛒᚱᚨᚦᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᚦ ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ Preamble The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Principality of Celia’nor, hereinafter known as the Signatories, to establish stronger bonds and friendship amongst themselves, hereby issue the following Article I: Sovereignty The Signatories hereby acknowledge each other's claims and sovereignty to the lands they respectively hold within their jurisdiction. The Signatories agree to respect and acknowledge each other's laws, culture, as well as religion when inside each other's jurisdiction in their respective lands. They both recognize that citizens and occupants are subject to the laws in effect during visitation. The Signatories hereby agree that free passage of civilians between each other nations is to be granted. Article II: Defense The Signatories agree that no military action will be taken against any of their listed counterparts by any of their forces; this includes vassals and all endorsed factions under their jurisdiction. The Signatories will enforce a partnership between their domains and will not incite conflict among themselves or their allied forces. The Signatories pledge that they are willing to aid each other militarily if they are threatened. Should the nature of a conflict - in this case whether it is defensive or offensive - come into question or be unclear according to the assent’s agreed definition, both Signatories pledge to hold a summit in order to deliberate on a decision. They pledge to adhere to the consensus. Article III: Trade The Signatories shall be given privileged exchange of resources, goods, and economic commodities amongst their nations. The Signatories shall promise one another a tax-free stall to sell their wares. The Signatories pledge to take part in cultural exchanges between the nations’ citizens in order to broaden understanding in both domains. Texts, scrolls, knowledge, and scholars may be traded in such exchanges. Article IV: Darkspawn The Signatories agree to share their knowledge of any and all Darkspawn they may confront. They promise to lend any and all available resources to assist them in their fight against Darkspawn. They pledge to work together in the pursuit of this mutual goal. The Signatories agree to share their knowledge of any and all Azdrazi and Dragon-like entities they may confront. They promise to lend any and all available resources to assist them in their stance against Dragon-kin. They pledge to work together in the pursuit of this mutual goal. Article V: Duration This pact shall be in effect for twelve Saint’s Weeks. After the duration expires, the Signatories may reconvene to renew or renegotiate a new treaty. Both parties agree that if the pact is violated, then both parties shall host an immediate meeting together to attempt to resolve the issue. Signed, ᛏᚺᚢᚱᚷᚱᛁᛗ ×ᚨᛜᚱᛁᛗᛊᛊᛟᚾ× ᛊᛁᛚᚢᛖᚱᛒᚱᚨᛁᛞ Grand King Thurgrim ‘Angrimsson’ Silverbraid Son of Angrim, Son of Ongrim, Son of Svardin, Son of Delric, Son of Elie, Daughter of Chaecus, Son of Herot, Son of Thrain, Son of Bogrin, Son of Urguan, Grand King of Urguan, Lord of the Silverbraids, Reckoner of the Guild of Reckoners, Grand Tanner, Truth Seeker Her Excellency, the Honourable Princess Royarch, Illyria Ibarellan, The Prophesied, The Reclaimer and Phoenix of the Principality of Celia’nor
  22. Letter to the Royal Duma: ON THE TRAITOROUS NUT KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG ELDERVIK, RECENT EVENTS HAVE CAST A DARK SHADOW OVER OUR FAMILY, AND OUR BELOVED NATION IN EXTENSION. We must find ourselves compelled to take decisive action to safeguard the lives of our most cherished citizens. The Royal Family has found itself plagued by the threat of the walnut, its nutty aromas wafting through the halls, assaulting any Bihar it may claim for its nefarious intentions. Three crows have fallen victim to the hunt of the beast, with the most recent being our beloved Princess Anastasya Milena. These tragic losses have shaken the very foundations of our nation, and we must respond with measures that ensure such a grievous occurrence is never repeated. I propose the following legislation for immediate consideration and enactment: The prohibition of walnuts within the nation of Haense: In light of the fatal threat posed by walnuts to The Royal Family, I propose a complete ban on the possession, sale, and distribution of walnuts within the kingdom. Any who fail to abide by such regulations shall be deemed a traitor to the crown, their actions only indicating their wish for treason, and their intent to harm those within the royal bloodline. This measure is vital to prevent further tragedies and to protect the lives of our beloved royal family and any other citizens who may be at risk. I urge the Royal Duma to act swiftly in passing this legislation, thereby affirming our commitment to the protection of our royal family and the safety of all citizens of Haense. Let us not allow another life to be lost due to inaction. I trust that the gravity of this proposal will be recognized, and that the necessary steps will be taken to implement this critical safeguard. IV JOVEO MAAN, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Princess Stefaniya Edvarda, Duchess of Baranya THE WALNUT ACT “KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM.” EA BYK ZWE ZANYOTSKER ZWEER EA TER PETRAVEZKER. “I WOULD HAVE PERISHED HAD I NOT PERSISTED.” INTRODUCTION To avoid any further harm to the Barbanov-Bihar bloodline, the crown shall ban walnuts from the entirety of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. AMENDMENT Ch. IV. “Regarding acts of treason and invasion” IV.VIV. Let he who peddles or possesses walnuts be branded a traitor to the realm and be guilty of Poisoning. Introduced in Duma by Stefaniya Barbanov-Bihar in 532 E.S.
  23. "Let us pray that GOTT's children do not fall to the temptations of usurpation and petty quarrels..." Gottfried the Cannonside sighed, looking back on his years of service in the Veletzian wars with a slightly marred tone.
  24. I disagree that giving artificers the ability to create combative enchants would cause min maxing, doing so locks the player out of becoming a scion or void stalker. IMO void stalker is the strongest voidal feat in terms of power, meaning that the player would be giving up power for crafting RP. as it stands right now, my VS could become an enchanter and be "Minmaxed" I agree with everything else you said though, and should this lore come to pass, heavy consideration to buffing or changing enchants is not a bad thing.
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