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[✗] [Magic Lore] Runesmithing Rewrite


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The Rune and the Brathmordakin

Runesmithing at its core is a complicated mix of an ancient form of magic and the religious and traditional beliefs of the dwarven people through the ages that is used to create Runic Artifacts. Fundamentally great portions of the magic and both lost and rediscovered with the efforts of those fervent dwarves who aspire to reach the peak of fabled Runesmiths of Old. Due to many source documents of Runesmithing either being destroyed or in an ancient dwarven language that is too different from the current modern dwarven language which itself is a partially lost language.  Scholars have lost the true origins of Runesmithing due to multiple revisions and alterations through the ages as the people grew throughout the eras and changed. It is believed that much of the fundamental truths regarding its origins were destroyed by the Ironborn during their reign of Tyranny. Even during this time period much of the fundamental knowledge was locked behind lost dialects that scholars of ancient eras spent lifespans working to decipher prior to their slaughter by the Ironborn. This led to a bastardization of the source knowledge and the inability of modern runesmiths to create artifacts comparable to those of ancient legends. Runesmithing as it is known in the Common tongue is a fraction of it’s peak with it’s origins lost to the degradation of time. 

One of the core questions at the source of Runesmithing is if it was created or shared by Ogradhad. The difference between these two takes is if Runesmithing is a creation and is powered by an Aenguldaemonic or if it exists separate from an Aenguldaemon but it was discovered by one and then shared with the Dwarven Populace. This is often believed to be either Yemekar or Ogradhad. In its current form it has reached a point where the fundamental processes and the cultural processes cannot be discerned from one another. Rituals and Fundamental truths have blurred over the centuries and attempts of radical experimentation or reverse engineering often lead to a grim end, better to adhere to the path. Attempts to do such by omitted suspected steps has previously resulted in Runesmiths causing great harm both to themselves and those around them be it in a wave of blistering steam that cooked those present alive or the breaking of a dwarf’s soul that rendered them irrecoverably comatose. Due to such all processes are treated as Fundamental and a Runesmith seeking to deviate from such risks everything. 



Ancient Runesmithing can best be envisioned as a magical language that has been largely lost. It should be considered parallel to the Material Alphabet to such an extent that an Alchemist could guess [passing familiarity/similarity] at the purpose of some runes. This does not mean that they’re one and the same, rather they have striking similarities but distinctive differences in how they operate hinting at the a prior ancestral language of creation that might predate the two. It is better to not view this as a modern language where each word has definitive meaning but rather a set of dialects that are contextualized by the materials used with the meaning changing radically from one form of material to another. This is why the Traditional Branch of Runesmithing works on basic materials such as Stone & Iron while Flesh Runes are specific to only working on Flesh, by changing the material some form of meaning is lost which means the Runes cannot function. Modern Runesmiths have the issue that there are effectively no source materials to refer to from the Ancient era, all they possess is knowledge passed down over an extended timespan across multiple generations. Members of the Dwarven faith are the core group responsible for the passing down of knowledge and as such they have further contextualized it within the frameworks of their beliefs to such an extent that it can no longer be split from that religious framework. 




A Runesmith undergoes Metanoia three 2 -4 times as they progress. The first time requires an individual to have never had their Soul Blueprint tampered with before. This Metanoia allows the Runesmith to channel relatively safe amounts of Soul Energy to create Runic Artifacts. A Runesmith is unable to go beyond the point of severely damaging their ability to repopulate their Soul Energy [Metasis]. Outside of these alterations and advancements within Runesmithing the Soul’s Blueprint remains a mortal descendant with the exception that they cannot take on any form of magic that is deific or alters one's Soul Pattern.


Prior to a command being issued, Creation Runes do not produce their element into the world. They simply gather the energy to be spent on said Creation. Once a command is given, the energy will be spent, and the command performed, generating the element in the process. In the same way, manipulative runes first gather energy to themselves, before expending that Rhun to move nearby elements when commanded.

Manipulative runes may never manipulate elements a distance of 10 away.



Manufacturing Runes

Runes must be inscribed using a Runesmith’s tools that draw upon the power of the runesmiths soul. These tools channel the power of the runesmith, allowing them to focus their powers and create runes. 

As they smith, the runesmiths chisel will cause sparks to fly in many dazzling colours. 

The runes will have a black inner colouring once finished, caused by the intense heat of the chisel. Even metal will blacken before such extreme temperatures. When Runic Artifacts are activated they emit a deep thrum that can be felt by those who hold it



Utilizing Runes

In terms of energy all Runes have the same functional powersource as a Soulbound golem without the need to PK an individual for each Runic Artifact [since you’re not making a new character]. All Runes with the exception of Divine Runes requires a loud vocalization with the dwarven language. This is to prevent Runesmithing from having a stealth aspect because strange small fat men wielding and distributing handheld elemental weapons/artifacts is no basis for a system of government. Divine Runes do not use vocalization because they’re inherently more passive in nature, essentially they work upon completion until destroyed. Foundation and Command runes must be vocalizated in a specific order of Foundations/Roots/Instructions, basically a Rune Smith or individual with the Dungrimm Rune Feat commands it to work. Those who are ill/infirm/insane are incapable of mustering sufficient focused faith/will [Soul Energy] for them to work. Each activation of Runic Artifacts will sap the energy of an individual limiting them from unleashing a salvo of Runic Artifacts in combat. 



Core Concepts


Runic Artifacts

A Runic Artifact is activated through the combined vocalization and faith/will [Soul Essence] is  of the user who has undergone the steps [Metanoia]to become a Runesmith. A user of the runic artifact must both know the names and order of the runes inscribed into the artifact they wield while being of sound mind. Those who are not of sound mind (lacking will/faith or already exhausted from creating a Runic Artifact) are incapable of activating a rune no matter how often they invoke its name.

-All creations of Runesmithing are considered a Runic Artifact. No more than two Runic Artifacts can be created within a week of each other.

-More complex Runic Artifacts should be posted as a MArt [For those who try to string together extremely complex patterns to do something interesting]

    -Simpler runes do not create a MArt (creating steam, fire, common sense stuff)

-A Runesmith’s Tools are considered Runic Artifacts.

-The destruction of a Runic Artifact will wound the Runesmith akin to a phantom pain. Enough Runic Artifacts destroyed at the same time could cause serious trauma.

-Just because you can conceptualize a certain pattern of runes being able to do something crazy and the lore piece doesn’t say you specifically can’t doesn’t mean that you can, basically don’t powergame it.



T1 - An aspiring student undergoes a transformative ritual that is directed by their Teacher. The student must be hardy of constitution as the sick or weak will not survive the process. The individual also cannot have had their Soul Blueprint altered previously as that would change the context of the actions being done rendering the Rune inert and defunct. This ritual involves the creation of an Anbella Rune upon the body of the Runesmith which gives them the fundamental ability to begin their first steps as a Runesmith. At this point a Runesmith can bind themself to their tools.

T2 - A continuation of the previous tier with no mechanical differences. Should be seen as the progression point where a Student goes from clueless to somewhat competent.

T3 - The second alteration is made to the Soul Pattern of the Runesmith, building upon the prior. This is done with the Ogradhad Rune. This tier allows a Runesmith to create Creation Runes and the Belka Rune.

T4 - The next progression where a Runesmith may be able to learn how to create the Dungrimm Rune and the Grimdugan Rune. A T4 Runesmith at this point is able to invest a great amount of their time and worth into creating a Superior Runic Artifact. At this stage a Runesmith may receive visions or be instructed in how to create all the Divine Runes. While a Runesmith is capable of understanding a Yemekar Rune it is not considered creatable or active until a TA is accepted.

T5 - Requires a TA to be T5. The final stage of a Runesmith where they are able to reach the point of directly inducting others into the path of a Runesmith. A Runesmith of this tier is able to either personally or with the aid of another teacher create a Yemekar Rune. This Rune is a further (compatible) alteration onto the Soul Blueprint of the Runesmith, requiring the Ogradhad Rune and Anbella Rune to operate. At this stage a Runesmith is at the peak of their respective field and able to create an additional Superior Runic Artifact


Foundation Runes come in two forms which have fundamental differences from one another, Manipulation or Creation.


Manipulation Runes [T1] are rather straightforward, they manipulate and redirect natural elements of the world found within the immediate area in a specified pattern that is dictated by the Command Runes constructed within. A Manipulation Rune requires Command Runes to function.

-Manipulation Runes are able to be created at T1

-Requires both an Invigoration and Charging Emote before being Active 

-Cannot suddenly redirect an incoming threat due to the inertia of that threat 

-Cannot be placed upon organic material

-Acts as a limited siphon, does not fully drain it’s intended target [ex: fire from a torch] unless it is already diminutive [you could drain a glass of water not a lake, common sense redline]


Command Runes [T1] are essential for the creation and manipulation of the elements and are visually built extending off from Creation Rune or Manipulation Rune. 

Not all Command Runes are Root Runes but all Root Runes are Command Runes. Root Runes are elemental in nature and are forged prior to a Creation Rune or Manipulation Rune. These runes do not scale upwards depending on the Runesmith who created or utilizes them.

-Fire, KARAAD [cannot exceed temperatures that melt metals]

-Water, WUGLIM [cannot exceed half a cubic meter in volume]

-Wind [T2], KAAS [cannot be used to create any form of levitating device or individual]

-Earth [T4], BOKK [cannot be move stone or levitate dirt]

-Frost [T2], AZWYR [Creation & Manipulation - can cause frostbite over extended periods of time]

-Lightning [T4], KORRAAZ 

Creation - minor stun, not enough for burns

Manipulation - good luck 

-Light [T1], VAREKAN [cannot be used as a flashbang]


Command Runes make up the bulk of the runesmiths craft and allow them to define the powers they imbue into their creations. There are many command runes that may be used in numerous combinations.

Command runes define the nature and functions of the Runic Artifacts. These runes push, pull, throw and otherwise move the artefact’s amassed elements. A root rune may have up to three command runes attached to it. These are activated by speaking the dwarvish name [not considered equivalent to the ancient language, just a distillation/offshoot of such] of the rune.


Instructional Runes [T1] are runes that apply instructions to a rune. In combat scenarios you cannot have a Runic Artifact that utilizes more than two instructions without a MArt created for the Artifact in question. This is intended so that people cannot game these Runes into doing absurd things with the defence that it is “technically possible” and sweeping it under the rug hoping no one notices but to not limit all forms of creativity as they can get approval that it is not powergaming, hence the MArt. These runes do not scale upwards depending on the Runesmith who created or utilizes them. 

Canon, OVAR - a outward blast from the rune, can only happen up to 1 block away and only once a day

Break, NAZKA - literally fights an element, dispersing it, can only be used with a manipulative root. Once activated, Break will cause the targeted element to disperse into nothingness within a 5x5 block area over a 4 Emote Period. [Cannot cause a air vacuum or something else equally absurd]

Core, DERKON - internalizes an element within the core of the Runic Artifact [Fire = Heat, Frost = Cold, Light = Light, Water = Soaked] 

Cluster, NOZAGAR - Draws in a fraction of element towards the Runic Artifact within a 3 x 3 block area over a 3 Emote Period [Understand that this doesn’t stop the negative effects of the element from harming you]

Charge, VELANNAK - the simplest, baseline command - spends element to create projectile

Flow, YALUM - creates a steady stream of a element [except lightning and stone, unable to be used as a projectile][For context this is meant to be similar to watching water work down the path of least resistance and not meant to enable Runic Flamethrowers]

Friendship, NAKARAN - Binding two runed items together, allowing one to draw the other to it [think magnetism not thor's hammer]

Ring, KHAIN - wraps the element around the Runic Artifact with the expected effects


Creation Runes [T3] produce their specified element drawing upon the Soul Energy used in their creation, where Manipulation Runes draw upon instances of their element already present in the world. A Creation Rune requires Command Runes to function. Requires a vocalization for the Rune to be activated.

-Able to be created at T3, requires a Ogradhad Rune formed onto the Runesmith

-Requires both an Invigoration and Charging Emote before being Active

-Cannot be placed upon organic material

-Can be disrupted by any form of anti-magic or soul energy manipulation with the exception of Aurum imbued with a Armakak Rune.

-Cannot be applied to small form projectiles (small stones, concealable weapons, slim weaponry)

Creation Runes tend to be less efficient than manipulation runes, producing their element slower than a manipulative rune might draw that element from their surroundings but they are capable of lasting until the destruction of the Runic Artifact. Manipulation Runes are more immediately potent then their counterparts but can lack the same level of convenience and lack longevity.


Specific Runes [T3] are runes that intact a specific function outside of what the Creation or Manipulation Runes does, although there are similarities between some Specific Runes and the Foundation Runes. An example of this is an Ale Rune in which it is distinct from the Water Rune but has additional nuances to it that are not 100% understood. Later lore pieces may add more of these runes.

Create Steam, KAGLIM - Cannot be used in combative roleplay [If there is a word already for steam in the dwarven language then I Kaglim should be swapped out]

    Create Ale, BEOIR - Because Ale is the most important piece of history to pass down for dwarves

Convert Stone, KEZNELBOKK - Converts Dead Organic material into Stone [Not fast enough for combative purposes] intended for burials.


Divine Runes are specific runes thought to have been conceived directly by each Brathmordakin as a gift to the dwarven people. These runes have very specific purposes and are the most complex singular runes with errors be they forced or unforced causing energy dispersals that greatly maim the Runesmith. The Runes placed upon the body of the dwarf are a form of Flesh Runes that is considered acceptable as a form of becoming closer to the Brathmordakin.

-Energy dispersal damage cannot be used as an AOE, only does harm to the Runesmith and if applicable the Student they’re putting the Rune on.

-Same power source as any other rune, does not function as deific magic.

-All Divine Runes do not require vocalization as they’re active upon them being created


Anbella Rune - A Lesser Rune of Connection. At least 6 Emotes to place upon a student, screenshots must be added to the Student App. Not self teachable. Initial Rune required to be inscribed upon an aspiring Rune Smith. To function requires the individual to have an unaltered and untainted Soul Pattern. Having this Rune prevents an individual from learning any magics that either Alter their Soul Pattern or create a Connection to a Patron [Aenguldaemonic/Dragon/Etc]

Ogradhad Rune - A Rune of Connection. Required for advancement to T3 and beyond. At least 5 Emotes to place upon a student, the process is painful. Required for the ability to create Dungrimm Runes.  Requires an accepted TA and Yemekar’s Rune to create. Requires an amendment to a Student Application with Screenshots of the roleplay showing it has been placed on the student by a Runesmith with an accepted TA.

Yemekar Rune - A Greater Rune of Connection. Required for advancement to T5. At least 6 Emotes to place upon self or student, painful process. Upon acceptance of a TA the Runesmith can either have a vision from an indeterminate entity [open for roleplay perspectives] and learn how to self apply the Rune through an arduous ritual that will leave the Runesmith severely weakened and unable to craft any Runic Artifacts for a OOC Week.

Grimdugan Rune - A Rune of Disconnection. Learned by a Runesmith through visions or instruction once they reach T4. It is forcefully placed upon a trapped individual and requires at least 6 Emotes. The Rune permanently alters the individual’s Soul Pattern leaving them permanently unable to access Runesmithing. This can only be done on an individual that already has any Divine Runes done upon them. Those disconnected are once again able to learn magics that alter their Soul Pattern with the exception of Runesmithing. This is a Transmogrification unlike the previous Runes which were Metanoia. The Runesmith who creates this Rune is then permanently stuck at T3

Belka Rune - A Rune of Greater Runic Artifacts. A Divine Rune that is placed upon a Runic Artifact that is intended to be a Greater Runic Artifact. Learned by a Runesmith through visions or instructions once they reach T4. Imbues the Greater Runic Artifact with an Imprint of the Runesmith creating it. These imprints give the Weapon a sort of personality akin to that of the Runesmith at the time of the Artifact’s creation. This Imprint is not the spirit of the individual and cannot manifest in any form.  

Armakak Rune - A Rune meant to Preservation. Preserves Runic Artifacts that have Aurum incorporated into their material [the Aurum must be at least the size of a fist for the Rune to fit] from Iblees’s taint and protects it from any form of external magic that tries to fundamentally alter or corrupt the Runic Artifact. Allows for the wounding of the incorporeal/daemonic/necromantic if the weapon can feasibly hurt them [ex: Can’t kill a Dreadknight with a Spoon, even if it's magical].

Dungrimm Rune - A Rune of Protection. Allows an individual that is not a Runesmith to be able to wield Runic Artifacts as if they were their own. Requires an Ogradhad Rune to create on an individual and requires at least 6 emotes, is a painful process. It is an unforced form of Metanoia but those who have previously been Transmogrified cannot undergo the process. Does not provide additional benefit to some who already have an Anbella/Ogradhad/Yemekar Rune. Requires a Feat App to be posted with screenshots of the roleplay. A Runesmith cannot apply this Rune more than once in a OOC week period. The intent is so that Runesmith can still arm those they trust however they cannot create a endless horde of Runic Warriors in a week.

-The five body runes [Dungrimm/Anbella/Ogradhad/Yemekar/Grimdugan] leaves physical markings upon the body of the Runesmith and may have dull colorations unique to that given Runesmith. A Runesmith cannot fully conceal the body runes from others as they cover the entire body unless they wear something equivalent to a burka or is fully armoured from head to toe. 

-A completed Divine Rune nor its effects are destroyed even with the physical maiming of a Runesmith. The physical markings are a byproduct purely for flavour.

-These physical markings are distinct and identifiable to those with general knowledge of Runesmithing. They’re not distinct enough that you can specifically tell between the Dungrimm, Anbella and Ogradhad Runes. Those who have their own Ogradhad/Yemekar runes can recognize and identify all divine runes placed on others.

-The Yemekar Runes physical markings are complex enough that one could make an educated guess that the individual is a T5 Runesmith.

-Due to the violent nature of the Grimdugan runes they’re recognizable to those with any knowledge of Runesmithing. Those who have their own Divine Runes can’t help but feel a small form of pity/contempt/disgust upon witnessing said markings even if they were close family.


Runic Artifacts

A Runic Artifact is activated through the combined vocalization and faith/will [Soul Essence] is  of the user who has undergone the steps [Metanoia]to become a Runesmith. A user of the runic artifact must both know the names and order of the runes inscribed into the artifact they wield while being of sound mind. Those who are not of sound mind (lacking will/faith) are incapable of activating a rune no matter how often they invoke its name. Requires a Roleplay Item. 

-All creations of Runesmithing are considered a Runic Artifact. Cannot turn an existing MArt into a Runic Artifact

-Runesmiths can create one Runic Artifact per day until they hit T4 at which point they can create two per day.

-More complex Runic Artifacts should be posted as a MArt [For those who try to string together extremely complex patterns to do something interesting]

    -Simpler runes do not create a MArt (creating steam, fire, common sense stuff)

-Just because you can conceptualize a certain pattern of runes being able to do something crazy and the lore piece doesn’t say you specifically can’t doesn’t mean that you can, basically don’t powergame it.

-A Runesmith’s Tools are considered Runic Artifacts and must be bound prior to attempting to create a Runic Artifact (so that individuals cannot grab random tools and create a Runic Artifact on the fly in a combative situation). These tools are meant to be a thematic aspect of Runesmithing, for that purpose you can bind a Hammer + Chisel or a Knife/Etc in one day and should not be considered towards a Runesmiths Runic Artifact cap for that day.

-The destruction of a Runic Artifact will wound the Runesmith akin to a phantom pain. Enough Runic Artifacts destroyed could cause serious trauma.


A Foundation Rune will have various Command Runes attached to it that will originate within the Foundation before arcing outwards to cover the surface of the Runic Artifact. To break any surface of a Runic Artifact will result in its destruction either through fizzling/fading out or by exploding/bursting. 

1 - 5 Immediate Cease of Activity {No Output}/ 6 - 10 Brief Descent {T1 output for 2 more uses} / 11 - 15 Brief Ascent {T5 output for 1 more use} / 16 - 20 Immediate Burst {Runic Energy manifests immediately and explodes causing harm to those near in a 1 block radius}

A Runic Artifact may have up to One - Two Foundation Runes [T1 - T3 respectively] inscribed upon it. When having multiple Foundation Runes they must be either Creation or Manipulation but not both as they’re mutually exclusive. A Runesmith attempting to go beyond their capabilities on runes will produce a failed Runic Artifact will cause the item to spark, fizzle and finally cease all inactivity as it is rendered inert.


A Superior Runic Artifact surpasses the capabilities of a Runic Artifact and should be viewed by a Runesmith as their Magnum Opus. A Superior Runic Artifact has  Two - Three Foundation Runes [Creation and Manipulation not mutually exclusive] and an Imprint of the Runesmith who created it so that even after their mortal passing they have left a piece of themselves forever for future generations to make use of.  Required an accepted MArt and Roleplay Item. Can be used by anyone. A Grimdugan Rune disqualifies the individual from using it. 

    -Cannot be permanently destroyed, will always have a blueprint that a Runesmith can fix. 

    -Cannot be translocated or pulled away from the Mortal Realms.

    -Requires either a Ogradhad Rune or a Dungrimm Rune to be used.

-Even if the Runesmith who created it dies or is disconnected a Superior Runic Artifact still remains functional as its power is independent from the Runesmiths wellbeing.


An Imprint is created when a Belka Rune is used in the creation of a Superior Runic Artifact. This Imprint is essentially a reflection of the Runesmith’s personality at that given time upon that Superior Runic Artifact. To the Runesmith in question it is not noticeable but to those the artifact is passed onto it is noticeable. For those who have an Ogradhad Rune they would be able to Commune with the Imprint to seek advice only if the creator has passed on. To acquaintances who have physically met the creator it has a passing familiarity not unlike when you’re reminded of someone when hearing a particular song. Kin and those who are especially close might receive a brief communion with the Imprint in passing in the form of a short message.

    -Cannot commune if the Runesmith who created the Superior Runic Artifact is alive. 

-For those who were close either by blood or bond to the Runesmith the brief communion could be as akin to a message like “You’ve grown so much”. To those who the Runesmith had strong feelings of hate/disdain a message could be similar to “You’re a disgrace”. Even without a direct message a wordless feeling might be passed on such as Pride or Contempt.

-Does not function as a phylactery or any other form of storing your soul.

-The Imprint does not gain memories of the Runesmith beyond the creation of the Superior Runic Artifact so that it cannot be used for metagame purposes.

-Communion does not mean you have a talking sword nor can others hear what it says to you. Simple communion is as stated, simple. Complex communion requires a great form of revelry and ceremony to be able to maintain a brief conversation with it and will exhaust those who take part in such.

Progression and Core Philosophy [OOC]

Feat - Not mutually exclusive but required to use Runic Artifacts. 

T1 (4 Weeks) - Extremely limited ability to create Runic Artifacts.

T2 (4 Weeks) - Very Limited ability to create Runic Artifacts.

T3 (4 Weeks) - Competent, seen as the point where a Runesmith no longer needs to be held by the hand by his/her peers and can now progress independent of them.

T4 (4 Weeks) - Capable, seen as the point where a Runesmith has reached a point of mastery within their respective field. Able to create their first Superior Runic Artifact and two Runic Artifacts per day.

T5 (TA) - Mastery, seen as a point where the Runesmith is a master among his/her peers and is able to teach new students to continue the practice. Can create their second Superior Runic Artifact.


Under this rewrite Runesmithing is intended to have a strict structure not unlike the descendents who revere it. This tier structure is more of a competency structure then it is a power structure, a sufficiently clever T3 could create a more effective Runic Artifact than a dunce T5. It is meant to be a thematically on point with the purposes of Runesmithing while including more fantasy aspects than it’s previous iterations in terms of what Runesmiths are. While it is more limited than previous iterations there is a greater emphasis of creating Artifacts that last and end up having a story of their own. It is not an endless source of utility but instead a way of a Runesmith proving their mastery in a way that highlights the craftsmanship and spirituality of the dwarven community. One of the biggest problems in the past was the vagueness of Runesmithing that allowed individuals to over exaggerate their capabilities. To remedy this the Magic is inherently more restrictive but with ST approval can recreate and invent new constructions such as the Runic Cannon. In this lore piece I made a concerted effort to tackle the power source question that often put the Runesmithing/Dwarven community at odds with staff. Hopefully the usage of the concepts of Metanoia and Metasis will bridge that divide between wanting the Magic to thematically fit with the Dwarven Faith that is managed by players and the staff who need a plausible power source for the magic. Part of the reasoning for using Soul Energy was to harken back to the Golems of old that required PK’s to create and reinforce that theme and its implications on dwarven specific topics. With any luck this iteration of Runesmithing will be more about Mentorship and great Craftsman dwarves creating artifacts that can be passed down for generations rather than becoming a sith lord magic or trading magics around to create some absurd combo by bending the intentions of the lore piece to create handheld WMDs. It does still lean a bit into evocation territory however I hope that by reinforcing the lack of small arms/projectiles [I do think javelins would be thematically fitting though, perhaps the ST can lay a verdict on that tho] it will be more of a Elemental/Specialized Enchanting rather then the lava evocation nightmare it used to be. 



I do not intend to create a new character for the purposes of distributing Runesmithing. I believe Noobli__ and DrHope (both through events that I can consult on if needed) as they’re the most consistent and hardworking of the new dwarves working towards bringing back Runesmithing so that the new generation of dwarves can use and build upon it. For past Runesmiths I would like that they’re able to create a Superior Runic Artifact MArt if they previously had a TA but are not Grandfathered into the magic. The reasoning for this is so that Runesmithing can have a semi fresh start while also not completely shutting out those who worked on it in the past, their legacy of being a Runesmith can continue on through a MArt even if they do not intend to become a Runesmith again.


Additional Redlines

Can be expanded upon, just for leftover stuff that didn’t seem to fit above.

Prior to a command being issued, Creation Runes do not produce their element into the world. They simply gather the energy to be spent on said Creation. Once a command is given, the energy will be spent, and the command performed, generating the element in the process. In the same way, manipulative runes first gather energy to themselves, before expending that energy to move nearby elements when commanded.

Manipulative runes may never manipulate elements a distance of 10 away. 


Future Runes - Additional runes can be created that slot into the Foundation/Instruction/Root sections to further flesh out the magic. This isn’t meant to be the conclusive be all but rather the framework for future Runesmithing to work within.

Flesh Runes - a more limited selection of runes, of which some were originally discovered by the ancient Doomforge who was said to have learned it from the whispering of Dormar. Rather than the standard tools of a craftsman one must use an obsidian or iron knife. This form of magic is known by Runesmith’s with TA’s but is shunned upon as it is the forceful manipulation of someone’s natural form. Open for someone else to create an add on lore piece.

Golemancy - Compatible but cannot put runes onto a Golem. Open for someone else to expand upon the compatibility in a future lore piece.

Runic Cannons - Compatible and a product of this magic if they’re accepted again. Probably should have a special one that shouts out @Cpt_Noobman's dwarf.

Final Notes - Has a stricter system where people will have to screenshot their roleplay more and actively document with the ST more. I’m sure it will increase the amount of paperwork ST’s will have to do but that is a price I am willing for them to pay. 


Credits -   

        @Hindsightmancy for much of the original framework in 2020 that I converted/expanded upon.

        @Heero for early collaboration and Feedback back in 2020. Also shelve paladins please.

        @Riftbladefor early collaboration and Feedback in 2020. Also please pay for those feet pics I'm not a charity.

        @TaiwanNotChina for early collaboration and Feedback in 2020. Stay free from LotC.

        @Noobli& @DrHope for early collaboration and Feedback as well as continuing to put work into bringing back and improving parts of dwarven culture.

        @Lhindir_ for consulting to prevent crossing over into Blood Mage territory.

        -Previous Runesmith Writers and Golemancy Writers as this is intended to build off past efforts.

        -@SodaiKamikaze for failing to baja blast my brains out and make me stick with the original PK of Aengoth which would've been the better timeline.


Image 1 sourced from https://avatars-of-war.com/images/minis/aowps03/360_1/00.jpg

Image 2 sourced from https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Rune_Magic?file=Runesmith.jpg






Edited by Aengoth
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I'm not writing more poetry. :/

12 minutes ago, Aengoth said:

I’m sure it will increase the amount of paperwork ST’s will have to do but that is a price I am willing for them to pay. 


50 USD, thanks. 

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Came here for shitposts but this is pretty solid work. I'll have to critically poke at it to find exploits, should any exist but good stuff man.

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where's aeng, levirad. what have you done

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1 hour ago, Aengoth said:

In terms of energy all Runes have the same functional powersource as a Soulbound golem without the need to PK an individual for each Runic Artifact [since you’re not making a new character]

Only negative comment is that Golemancy don't work like this no more, it's been displaced from Runes

Also maybe space things out in terms of formatting, I probably look like @gamma_byte right now reading it.


Emote counts are solid, thankfully we've got two solid rewrites in the bag. Let's hope one of them goes through.

1 hour ago, Aengoth said:

Golemancy - Compatible but cannot put runes onto a Golem. Open for someone else to expand upon the compatibility in a future lore piece.

forums are doing a **** and it didnt throw this on quotes as well


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sorry this doesn’t qualify. a runesmithing rewrite must fall under one or more of the following prerequisite conditions below:

a. must be written to be overloaded and vaguely descriptive and powerful

b. must be written by an ST that decides to give a magic desperately needing of flavor and depth absolutely none at all



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clicked for shitpost rune lore, received serious rune lore

disappointed but also excited, very based. looking forward to runic cannons

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-1 im not grandfathered in at the minimum of tier 1.


Its a good looking rewrite. 

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I sincerely hope you get Runesmithing back. +1

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      new elf place? https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/237716-a-summons-to-elvenkind-recruitment/

    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

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