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Garen Baruch shook his brother awake, sticking the missive in his face. "LOOK!" he yelled, "Sigmar, tha' king's done et!" 


He began polishing his armour and doing his daily pushups.



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Percy de Lyons readied his blade- about to christen it with the blood of enemies of Canondom.

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The King of Haense stood over the wartable, sighing as he sharpened SVJETLAST.
"The time is nigh."




Leonidas Mareno, in distant lands, watched as those who once fought together - would be at odds.
"Funny how war works."





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Within the Southern capital of PORTOREGNE, the Amiratus of Balian would loft her head high upon receiving news of the declaration's announcement to the realm. The Princess Royal, ELENA CASIMIRA’S heart swelled with pride for her Kingdom and the dedicated citizens within. Taking the time to tread through the PALATIO ARANCIONE, the lone Princess would find her brother’s office, offering a swift knock to the door before entering. “This is just the beginning, Frate. . .” She’d greet the King. “If we both survive this, you owe me a Krugmas bonus.” @ErikAzog



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Asbjorn places a fist over his chest, preparing to help lead the combined forces in the name of justice and honor. Yet his thoughts are not of the impending conflict-only of how much he misses his father Rin.

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"Prepare Isaakev for any attacks." Otto commanded to his cousin, Viktor Ludovar. "We must be prepared to ward off any Veletz offensive."

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In the dim-lit halls of Cascanova, a meeting brewed.


At the front of it, John stood resolute, wielding the very blade his House's Patriarchs of yore did as they conquered. Tapestries lined the walls detailing their past greatness - an empirelike state, greatest amongst the Harvestlords, spanning across several fiefs and lesser lords. Each heirloom held the scars of their bloody past, each title holding thousands of lives taken for it, every Patriarch trained for war. True, his family once would have sided with the likes of Veletz, but the tides had turned long ago.


The epitome of humility and courage, Lucius had forsaken such bloodstained past to side with Balian then. Raising the red, gold, and black banners of Galbraith, the Royal Legate prepared himself and his House to side with Balian and her allies now, and forevermore.





, the man roared.

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Klara Ludovar would hold up her sword! She wore her Ludovar armor as she yelled to her family, "LET"S DO THIS!" She would sign the Lorraine afterwards for the health of them all.

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Liridona Amador sighs. She looks between two capes hanging, each with a different set of armor. One pink, and one blue.

"It was inevitable."

.   .   .

"Godan be with mea; ag vy too, Nataliya."

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Aimo began to walk about Vallagne, inspecting the various things about the city. He offered a nod towards such, content in the decision Queen Catherine had made. Blood for blood, threats to be put down.

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"Rally the banners." Ser Jose Fuentes ordered to his mentor and good friend Asbjorn ( @DeusVult). He silently clutched a cross, looking out to the river beside La Dorada.

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