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Hali shakes his head, having heard stories of sky gods freezing time during battle over lesser instances of magical defenses.

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Grothzark'Dom finds a nice place to sleep while everybody else sets to work to aid in the fortification effort.




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Depending on the time the scout came to skulk about Stassion, they could of found a squire riding along with the Captain General, singing the Ballad of the King who Stayed.


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An Inferi who had been watching over the war would eat the paper missive it had been given before regurgitating it upon the ground, the corners burnt with the parchment now reeking of Sulphur.”I hate Spam mail. Waste of words, waste of ink.” it would say beginning its walk towards Haense to complain about them, talons dragging themselves upon the ground as the crow marched forwards accompanied by armored figures. “We shall show them who truly comes as Crows.”



(i can’t format on phone)

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Gregorius Roa stared at the missive in disbelief "So… they cant even make a good castle, but they can make that… whatever name it might have… pile of dirt? in a single day?" the man hummed, quite amused at the quantity of labor they could've spared to do something truly good, but they decided to procrastinate upon the last day to do, he prayed for the Blue Sky Gods to do something in respect to this, for it was merely inhumane to do this

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crying laughing at you rn mio


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"No way I have to pay in to this ******* game to unlock a better build," say Sir Johanes as his lvl 1 Stassion Keep sits as an ugly pile of mud, brick, wooden splinters, and poorly-cut stone. His faction was new and slow to rally. Soon, the enemy would be at the gates, wiping out all his progress!



Game of War - Fire Age | Pocket Gamer


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A Orc would wonder why on the long trek from Balian they would expect fortifications not to be made

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A knight would finish planting his last tree into the soil, as he sees a new forum article of the Haense man.




If you are going to show off builds: make sure you actually have a nice terrain /foundation (That doesn't mean covering your terrain in 6 different wood types and making your woodlands even look empty), and maybe have sizeable fortresses that are actually active.

Having your gates locked and logging off doesn't show off how good your keeps are... 


Edited by ImmortalShadowZ
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The Lord of Alba, Charles Alstion, stood watching the Rangers of Merryweather prepare for the fight. He saw them all, and as the banners with the Bloody Raven of Merryweather and the White Rose of Alba fluttered in the wind he started playing his bagpipes...





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Vivien upon the hill used her spyglass to watch the terrain, across was that exact haenser watching. She witnessed the monster the fortifications and she simply gagged 


“ok- a- Alright- this seems…..interesting”



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Ser Rickard found himself in deep anguish, thinking of his father-in-law, Daemonsteel. He was sure to write a letter to him immediately with this same missive included. Within, the fortress had been circled. “Hire these guys to finish our castle.




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"My condolences to the Von Theonuses - the property values of their keep are going to be utter rubbish now, with that eyesore of a view," Lady Angelina would chuckle to herself as she thumbed through the missive. She makes a mental note to speak with her friends within that family - she wants to suggest they plant a nice treeline to block out this Stassionite crime against anybody with working eyeballs. Eugh.

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"Apparently us bruddazhs cant lift massive mazerials onto each other with the directions from ouz alliez!" Gundanat would mention this at the fire seeing the lost


"Nezev seem thez so annozed we built ouz forz up properly foz one."

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