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Status Updates posted by Silent™

  1. Can't wait for the weekend so I can get on the server and do some RP!

    1. DrakeHaze.


      You mean pvp.

    2. Demotheus


      idk about you but I get plenty of RP even in the fringe. In fact that's the only place I RP anymore. Sure, you get the occassional raid every few hours or so, but meh. MEH I tell you. Just log out when that happen sif you don't like it.

  2. Mmm... Easter chocolate...

    1. THESSunny


      Dem Reese's peanut butter eggs bro.

    2. Joe_Blackman
  3. Steam Summer sales, oh how I've missed you :D

    1. Crayfishchris
    2. Sir Verigan

      Sir Verigan

      Steam Summer sales = a gamer's dream

  4. I didn't even notice that it was my 3 year anniversary 4 days ago...

    1. shiftnative


      Congrats dude, 3+ years = uber veteran

      glad you're still here!

    2. Silent™



      Also, I'm not your baby, as you never gave birth to me!

  5. We're rank 11 on Minestatus guys! We haven't been this high up in ages!

    1. Stephensj


      last time we were this high we got DDos'd for a month straight : )

    2. Arkelos


      Last time i was this high I laughed so hard I passed out

  6. I wonder how big the To-Do list is for the Tech team? Because my sandwich idea got accepted months ago, and they haven't even added it yet! >:(

    1. Heff


      its probably massive

    2. Zarsies


      Tech Team To-Do List:

      1. Make sandwich plugin.

      2. Make magic plugin.

      3. ???

      4. (Undetermined) Possibly take over the world.

  7. What are the names of the planets on which we have lived since Aegis? I don't mean the name of the continents (Aegis, Asulon, Anthos, Athera) or the islands, I mean the name of the planets on which those landmasses are located.

    1. ~ Fiend ~
    2. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      I've been asking the same questions, and I haven't had a answer, all I got was a vague response from a mod.

  8. Magic Plugin ETA: Spring 2016

  9. Mirror mirror on the forums, who is the edgiest of them all?

    1. ShameJax


      Not you. It's Urasept.

    2. Parkins
  10. Would anyone like to play a game?

  11. Attention everyone... TESTICLES. That is all.

  12. When you sit in complete silence are not hearing anything?

    1. mitto
    2. zaezae


      That's what silence is.

  13. Would you rather have no sense of smell or no sense of taste?

    1. Dromui


      I'd trade both of those for the ability to not have to sleep.

    2. LPT


      Skale makes the best point ever... I have to be up at 9:00 AM and it's 5:00... IF I didnt need to sleep I'd stay up all day, I even wish I could just stay up for 48 hours with no issues, and just sleep for like 24 after the 48 is up. That way if I have an important thing to do I could do it, and just save sleep for later.

  14. I am beginning my quest to become friends with the frost witches. Urara has wished me luck.

  15. YAY! UPDATE!

    And if they don't deliver on the magic plugin in the update after this one, I'm gonna go on a killing spree.

    1. AGiantPie


      I hope they don't deliver!!

    2. Nekkore


      Report. No banana peel.

  16. I become the echo that prolongs the life of a sound. And as sound is essentially a movement, ultimately, the fate of the movement lies within me... the listener.

  17. Left for college at 7:20AM this morning. Got back at 10:00PM.

    1. Zindran


      Rest in pepperoni.

    2. Moochael


      i cri ever tim

  18. Stormclank makes a ban report and took a vid, showing off his use of X-ray: https://gyazo.com/c4167c78a46a1de059024d501352f84c

    1. Rassidic


      That's not a minecraft graphical issue / debugging the world ID data- that's a button command that prompts the minecraft interface to reload, and that would be considered fine, except there's one issue- none of the underground compartments from the Stauton castle are shown. Only fluids, chests, people and animals. That's clearly x-ray via button prompt.

    2. Raomir
  19. I'm lacking motivation.

    1. ImCookiie
    2. Angmarzku


      I shall fill you with determination! Spaghetti! 

    1. Rassidic


      looks grand as ****

    2. Silent™


      Whoever built it better have given credit to the person on PMC who actually built it: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/19th-century-castle-vitruvian-city/

  20. First request in my weapon art shop completed: https://gyazo.com/49e1d0fb665c453af7e0f2598036cabd

    1. Ayevia
    2. Silent™


      Make a request 


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