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Status Updates posted by Kaiser

  1. sometimes, when people ignore what I'm saying, I wonder if it's because they don't care, or simply because I have nothing good to say at all....

  2. Don't click on Danny's links, they bring you to bad places :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sporadic


      You do realize random porn redirects usually happen because you got infected while browsing free porn sites?

    3. Kaiser


      But I don't even watch porn |:I

    4. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      ^ The biggest lie any man has ever said

  3. where do you go on this damn server to buy drugs?

  4. it seems ban reports gain the most +1, isn't that depressing?

  5. It bothers me anyone with power in the server (RP Power that is) usually shoot down new players. Every one should be able to have the chance at anything, a town, an empire even, if they work at it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Soggy365


      This. I completely agree. It would be great if, instead of being forced into becoming a member of a nation they know nothing about, new players could band together with other new players and start their own towns, or even empires.

    3. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      No that's stupid.

    4. shiftnative


      ^ Made "leaving" post, still here the next day.

  6. Halfling 4.0 looks good; shift is burning down the other cities for us while tutus spawns diamonds and rittsy sings beautiful music

  7. You guys should make some Halflings characters.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      I did, then she got eaten by a troll.

    3. Kitten


      Sure but i will eat them!

    4. K00l


      Pfft. When my char went on a Halfling adventure.. We literally blew up three trolls. Then I crashed.

  8. oh jesus-shiftnative- please change the server back to rp default combat. Please! I will sacrifice my pigs to you!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shiftnative


      If we say, "if you can't figure out who would win, just find a way to move on from the RP" then theives of bandits could essentially get out of sticky situations by not agreeing.

    3. Kaiser


      Personally, I think if you both would like PVP, go for it. If not, RP. It takes a lot of brain-work to figure out your advantages and disadvantages vs someone else's, especially in battle, and when items are up for grabs. If they couldn't find fair ground best that they declare a truce, or roll, if they want. And I'd say once you go above 6+ best go PVP, too confusing anyhow. I just think it's a tad bit unfair to resort to clicking and FPS when an agile halfling thief, as in M...

    4. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Meh, I'm fine either way. Though I think a skill-based roll system would be best.

  9. I hate to complain (well, no I don't) but why has there been an increase is crap? Crap RP, crap people, ban reports, unhelpful players... It will go away, obviously, but damn, it's hard to have fun with this!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyndikate


      Because its Anthos.

    3. Kaiser


      Maybe it is the new map change, it's a bit unsettling...

      Still nice in some ares though :)

    4. Idioticozzy
  10. one of these days, I'm going to invent an invisibility cloak, even if the lore masters hate me for it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      Invisibility potions.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Next best thing: Peasant disguise

    4. DrakeHaze.


      Water Magic can refract light with water and make yourself invis.. Just saying.

  11. Maybe I'm just really biased, but I don't people should PVP halflings.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaiser


      alright, nice to see I'm not the only one. Doesn't mean I hate all PVP either!

    3. Helbolt


      Halflings in Anthos burned fields, set a statue of a saint on fire, tried to kidnap/kill a Count, and attempted to invade human lands on pigs... ok the last part is funny, but yeah, LOTC halflings != LOTR halflings...

    4. Kaiser


      All those, minus the pig one, was only a single halfling which we tried to stop...

  12. Oh, now I see what the weird comment are refereing to o_O. Still, on or off LOTC, if you're fount to be a cock to an innocent player, you're probably not someone we want on the server. Take that into consideration, too...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      A service can deny you access to their establishment based upon behavior from other examples. Just because you're a **** to someone somewhere else doesn't mean you can't be labeled as the kind of person unwanted on this server. Not to mention, Rittsy has stated that ANY serious abuse to our players can be treated with a ban, and that such is an upheld rule on LotC.

    3. Kitten
    4. excited


      They are liable. It wasn't the right thing to do. They shouldn't have done it. Everybody makes mistakes tho'.

  13. all people who don't like freebuilds are usually high up in nations :thinking:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raomir


      protected regions is stupid, unprotected isn't

    3. mmat


      All the people who like unrestricted freebuild can't get anywhere in nations :thinking:



    4. Raomir


      There is a middle ground that benefits both nations and freebuilders

  14. Can Aether VIP get some new perks because all of ours are either broken or being given to everyone?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RandomTraveller


      At the moment the only thing we get that others don’t is fireworks – right?

    3. HurferDurfer1


      we dont have a name change time uh, more soulbinds more npc’s more shops uh, 


    4. E__V__O


      The only thing unique to AetherVIP is mypet, trails and fireworks. Although staff teams manager up get access to mypet and trails, Story Team Event Actors get access to firework with no CD.


      The other additions are just boost ups from other VIPs lime no CD on name change or more /skin slots.


      I've tried to give suggestions on further VIP perks for most ranks including AetherVIP but it isnt in the coders current plan/interest despite this topic being brought up for years.

  15. Is there a map of Atlas somewhere?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BipolarMk2


      The map for Anthos in that set of files is a plain, flat world at y:35...
      RIP, I’ll never seen Khaz’Rhadav again.

    3. Heero


      @BipolarMk2 oof long time no see fam but yikes. i think the map that’s on there is mirtok’s old copy that he made scouting out anthos for the TO. i know parts of the north are totally fucked so phat F there

    4. BipolarMk2
  16. I've been on this server longer then any other :D Its for a reason

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy


      You haven't been on the server longer, most people have been here longer than you.

    3. Ancora (pandalex12)
    4. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ( he means this is a server that HE has stayed on longest; meaning he left his other servers at a shorter time )>.>

  17. Am I the only one on a mac when playing -_- I hate my laptop

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dasaro


      I have a mac :/ Not the

      best, but it still works!

      Little African boys dun

      have laptops...

    3. Everman111


      Kony plays on a Mac....Wait too soon?

    4. Kaiser


      I like how 2 out of 3 of the comments relate to africa being in hunger or holding a crazed dictator :D I'm a bad person

  18. I just thought, what will happen to Asulon if the undead come again?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bawg


      Fun Roleplay.. That is what will happen.

    3. EmeraldStag


      <_< Do you REALLY think that? Why can't we have a new horror to come along, instead of reuseing the old ones?

    4. Korvic



  19. Is saying no require a VA? some one asked me if my shop was open and I said "No, not at the moment." he then said I need a VA to say no -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swgrclan


      That's nonsense. You don't.


    3. ek_knight


      Nope, you don't even need a VA to lie, so long as you aren't conning someone.

    4. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      Of course you need a Va! Just like you need one to go to the toilet or breath. This person is either very, very dumb or they're trolling you.

  20. Trying to find native -_- its like playing "wheres waldo" with a world wide map...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser


      I'm doing my best to not even talk to him on the forums, just try to find him in the world... I've packed 3 months supplie of food... ;(

    3. shiftnative


      Bah! I was just at the temple putting bread in the chests!

    4. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Follow the trail of beard hairs ;P

  21. Stop sending me messages because of my rep, I never look at it nor do I care what most (not all of you) 11 year olds think of me. If you have a real reason to hate on me thats fine but I didn't even know I had a bad rep :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KoTo


      Rep doesn't matter.

    3. domainoft


      Your still +2, thats not so bad. :)

    4. Salamandra


      You know, I was once a +2 Rep-er like yourself, before I took an arrow to the knee.

  22. When ever I get around to it, my VA, I hope it gets accepted. I want a character that brings fear into peoples hearts 9although just the thought, not that I'm rally going to slaughter like 4 villages worth of people) I've noticed no one is scared anymore, of anything, what so ever. I want to add that RP of fear back into it with my character, anyone else think it sounds good?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      Ten bucks says it doesn't happen.

    3. Kaiser


      No I intend to MAKE people fear. I'll /t them and link them to my bio or a picture of my character, I intend to make peoples characters have fear, even if I don't intend to cut off their heads

    4. Geo


      A noble goal, friend.

  23. people like Oahubeast are why we have all these stupid plugins -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser


      No, but I didn't mean to point towrds insult. Its true though, bad roleplayers are why we have these plugins and having our hand held like children...

    3. mmat


      There's really no need to blurt stuff like that out on status updates, it just causes rows and arguments.

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Well, OahuBeast is a good roleplayer, I have experienced it. It actually surprises me that he would do such a thing.

  24. Why can't I get a character I can hold onto? I never can... all you guys have your characters you've had since like Aegis -_- I can't do that... help :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser


      Oh... I like it, Thanks

    3. Jchizz


      Or make a character that's funny to play. Literally, a comic relief character.

    4. Goliath


      Rp goliaths son!

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