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Status Updates posted by Its_Just_Leap

  1. Genuine question, when most of the builds that are being planned now with charters go inactive, like they always do, will the task of demolition go to those who purchase the tile afterwards or can the staff roll back the region? 

    1. Fireheart


      This information post explains your question in detail!

    2. Malgonious


      passive aggressive arent we

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      @MalgoniousWasn’t meant to be passive aggressive, but a real question. Every day there’s an influx of land charters from noble houses of humans that want their own land, groups of people that want to create towns and nations, etc. Its unrealistic to think that every charter is going to be populated throughout its lifetime.

  2. God when I see @FlamboyantRage's reply talking about how he's gonna "fix" the magic system I have vietnam war flashbacks to the Warclaim and War system being "fixed"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      once I'm done with magic, magic won't be a thing anymore

    3. Corpean


      Return the magic plugin and magic will be fixed.


      Also, the dominion will soon fall.

    4. Its_Just_Leap


      B-But flam. . . I like my medieval fantasy though. Stop taking away the fantasy.

      Also @Corpean Is half right. Both the Dominion and Krugmar will soon fall.

  3. Have you ever wanted to be an orc but deal with a more toxic playerbase that do nothing but kidnap people and con you? Play a Hou-Zi.

    Seriously though I feel bad for anyone that actually buy slaves when 9 times out of 10 the one enslaved isn't going to willingly do slave RP. Just wait for them to be able to SS out of captivity in 2 hours.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Inferno_Ougi


      all of yall r next lmao

      except gregory he is cool

    3. gregorysantos


      No need to be some mean about it its just Roleplay everyone Doesnt like bad things happening to there characters

    4. Slothtastic


      I’m not sure why you say Hou-Zi. Hou-Zi are barely around from what I’ve seen. You may blame a group, but I doubt that all Hou-Zi are toxic. 

  4. Honestly this no raiding rule is starting to get super ridiculous. If your group decides to go to a city and gets into some trouble you better watch out because that's now considered raiding! The amount of screechers that cry raiding because they don't want to lose their pixels is ridiculous. It's time for the admin team to lift this unneeded ban on raiding.

    1. Thornz


      Raid Rules in general

  5. I can feel the overwhelming amount of shade you were throwing. 10/10

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      square up leap I'ma beat you on bed wars 

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      @Hyena Oh you fucken' wish.

    4. rukio


      clap clap clap buddy 

  6. I don’t understand at this point how someone who is so disconnected with the server, its problems, and the people playing it can somehow still be an admin. Seriously someone give me a good excuse for why telanir is still admin. What purpose does he serve?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Telanir


      Alright, I understand. I will show you with actions instead of words, maybe you will have to wait and see but it will be worth it.

    3. rukio


      Please no more asinine ideas like community guidelines though. . . @Telanir

    4. L0rdLawyer


      @Its_Just_Leap Telanir responds to pretty much everyone and tries to help the best he can. He has multiple players messaging him everyday, his administration duties to handle, and his own life plus college to manage as well. Stop being a ******* prick to him saying he needs to be more transparent when he’s already taking steps to do that and already is transparent about a lot of things. If people would have stopped whining about an orc plot and halfling plots and just ask the Admins nicely, or Telanir nicely, you would have gotten told that he plans on giving them land one way or another next map. Telanir doesn’t sit back, he actually pays attention to ongoing events on LOTC. Maybe show him a little bit of respect and have faith in what he’s doing. You might not see an instant change for the better on LOTC but everything takes time, work, and a little bit of trust. 

      Edited by L0rdLawyer
  7. I find it funny that everyone I've seen so far that is against creatures having even the smallest buffs such as no hunger or waterbreathing cry about unfair PVP. It's not supposed to be a fair fight, depending on the creature you're fighting they could be incredible strong. Stronger than your orenian soldier could ever dream of being. Due to this they should have the ability to have a PVP buff incase some random kiddo who hates the idea of RP fighting calls PVP default.they can't even fathom the idea of us having infinite hunger even if lore states we don't have to eat just because they're afraid of losing pixels. What these players are advocating for is basically screeching at From Software to nerf the boss from Bloodborne into the ground to make it a fair fight.

    1. Show previous comments  62 more
    2. Ford


      @Leap1Ghostsi play a wight, a high-tier mystic i.e. a spook


      being a spook is handed out like candy, i speak from nearly two years of experience bud

    3. hexx
    4. GDPR 014

      GDPR 014

      2. Being a spook isn't just handed out like candy. A lot of the current necros really won't change people into spooks without RP reason.

      @Leap1Ghosts. Right, hell no. This is where I draw the line. There have been various ghoul applications made this past few weeks. If you say that ghouls aren't spooks, then you are sorely mistaken. If you don't take my word as an MT who handles apps, then take my word as a spook. I play a bloodmage wight and a zar'akal -- a gigaghost and a demon man. I also play a death knight necromancer, and I'll say it like it is: Creatures-- especially the easy to control ones -- are more openly handed out, and I know because I used to make a lot of Dreadknights, and I saw a lot of necromancers make a lot of ghouls.

  8. I love when the server goes down unexpectedly, because right after that everyone goes to the forums to complain :)

    1. TinyBiceps


      i don't because then it just reminds me that sleep is also an option 

  9. I swear some people on the server are like that knight from Monty Python. They'll get stabbed in the back, maimed, whatever and they'll still argue that their character is totally fine from their injuries. Daily Reminder- Its just a flesh wound!

    1. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      Tis but a scratch*

    2. 1784


      Ok I have a solution... pvp

  10. If anyone out there is able to recolor and shade hair on a skin then I'll pay a good sum of mina for you to do so.

    1. Timothy


      ill do it for free, whatcha need?

  11. If you didn't know the best band ever has just released 2 new songs, a music video, album release date, and their tour schedule.


  12. If you're too young to remember the original Xbox startup screen I feel sorry for you. Those were the days.

  13. Is it a meme that the server is dying or are the constant 140+ people that come online just not real?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Its_Just_Leap


      I said in a reply to Zachslayer that most status updates are useless and jokes. This one being no different really.

    3. Zacho


      yous right

    4. UnusualBrit
  14. Just gonna throw this out there. I think we all would rather have a dope map and a shitty world ending event than vice versa. I find it kind of ironic and sort of stupid that some of the people who caught wind that Xarkly didn’t plan a big massive event got salty. . . but then they got what they want and complained. You all know who you are.

  15. Just remembered a situation where a certain Haense soldier had decided to try and weasel his way into PVP default because of an illusion of a little girl hugging him "spooking his character" and somehow that made him the defender. Luckily the GM team wasn't daft and put an end to it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gamer124
    3. Nathan_Barnett36


      dirty haensemen! 

    4. UnusualBrit


      Why did you feel the need to broadcast this publicly, your just going to antagonise people 

  16. Oh **** did the GM team add more than one person that will actually benefit the team this time?

    1. ryno2


      bout to recruit 20 more GM's to staff

  17. People who change their usernames to be their character name have way too much of an attachment to that character and probably have made it into their little self insert character. Change my mind.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Auriel_


      I miss the good old boys.

      necromancers weren’t too terrible, they were toxic, sure-

      but who isn’t? 


    3. Kvasir


      idk, maybe they chose the username fro the same reason they chose the character name; it sounded cool to them

    4. rukio


      @Rimwyrhta how tf do you pronounce that though

  18. PvP is required for some aspects and activities on the server. To remove PvP would be the server's BIGGEST mistake. Prove me wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. TJBMinecraft


      Hero, i run in a zig zag, like you are supposed to do

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      @TJBMinecraft Your opinion is based on wanting to have a "fair" advantage. If this were the case then RP on the server would be pretty boring. Everyone is going to have advantages over people in some way. For example I'm almost 100% certain that I could beat @Hero_Prodigal in a RP fight. Because I have a mage and if he were to RP the effects of spells that hit him correctly (Thats not a jab at you. Most people would like to think that something like a lightning bolt hitting you only gives their char a seizure.) I would have an "unfair advantage" over him. The situation would more than likely be on the opposite if I were to 1v1 him in pvp. This doesn't mean that I can't get better at PvP or he can't learn magic (though magic isn't always the thing that decides a crp fight as its counterable.) Basically here's a tl;dr "git gud"

  19. Remember when we were told that we would get enchanting and alchemy back after nexus was removed, however it was gonna be locked away for the first few months of Atlas. Pepridge Farms remembers.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Quirkyls


      go rp make your potions  and enchanting system smh

    3. Algoda


      So 1.13 has been coming out since november 2017? His point is that the coders still hasnt delivered on a promise from a year ago, not that they need to do it right at this very moment.

    4. Its_Just_Leap


      @Elrith Mostly just a sly jab and a meme with a hint of truth. Also I'd like to point out that We've been on Atlas since December 16th. Thats 8 months of stuff when we haven't really seen a real big update that affects the playerbase. 1.13 hasn't been out for maybe a couple weeks I think? It's going to take a long ass time before we get an update to that version.

  20. So remind me again why we constantly let players back onto the server if they’ve clearly put little effort into their ban appeal and have a massive history of toxic behaviour?

    aka → 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Temp


      Same reason theres so many alts / accounts with no whitelist apps.

    3. _pr0fit
    4. Fireheart


      I dunno what we were betting, but this is a screenshot of what those forms look like after they are reviewed. It has an X next to it and shows that it is in the completed sub-section on the forums.

  21. Sometimes I feel like orcs are like the feminists and regressive leftists that think everyone in power is out to get them.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Inferno_Ougi


      yeah ur right dude ?

    3. Telanir


      Hey @MangoArt, just wanted to add that the parties involved in the trick have been banned and demoted. We’re not done yet and are still in the process of fixing this issue.

    4. Its_Just_Leap


      Why can’t a joke just be a joke? Why does everyone take everything so serious?


      @Slothtastic Alright now comparing you to them does not make you leftists.


      @MangoArt I’m not saying this to start a fight with you, but just because you’re a descendant race does not mean that you deserve a nation for said race. You need the activity to have it, and around 6-7 orcs isn’t a very active nation.

  22. Tfw you see someone call out others for having horrible attitudes and treat others terribly, BUT their best friend is just as bad or worse than those they call out.


    Edited by Total_Xanarchy
  23. tfw your homie doesn't follow 4 follow.
    Feels bad man ?

    1. thesaintjaleel


      I thought I did follow you?LOL you probably posted something I didn't like cuz thats the only reason why i unfollow people haha but I'll follow u back bby ❤️

  24. That face when developers will tell YOU what YOU want. Literally from what I've seen so far a developer's only argument has been "I don't want to deal with its upkeep. . ." I mean hmm. . . that almost sounds like you saying you don't want to do your job doesn't it?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BritBritt


      Yo like I lowkey hate the devs aside from Tofuus as much as the next guy but like Hyena is right. 

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      @Tofuus Maybe I'm just being too much of an unrealistic *******. I'm too used to bitching about a game dev that CAN fix issues.

    4. James


      @Its_Just_Leap You're right, they did sign up for it and it's their prerogative on what they want to do with that. If you want to change that, join the team and not only fix nexus, but keep it updated. It's unrealistic to make volunteers commit to something that not only isn't efficient in their viewpoint with the time allotted, but to push something for mechanical features that could be better programmed. Most of the playerbase for lotc happens to be people between middle school and college. Many of the coders are either in a high school program in coding, or working for a A.A. or B.A. in computer science or computer information systems. Between family, friends, school, work and programming for this they have priorities whether they're MIA or not. I'm a programmer and almost came back on the single premise of just doing coding for lotc. Programming is a very meticulous task, and I personally don't believe it a very comforting to treat the small coding team with this respect.   "That face when developers will tell YOU what YOU want. Literally from what I've seen so far a developer's only argument has been "I don't want to deal with its upkeep. . ." I mean hmm. . . that almost sounds like you saying you don't want to do your job doesn't it?"   If your complaint is that they have a problem with upkeep over a single plugin is difficult due to the way it was programmed, then instead of advocating of a return from nexus maybe you should try pushing an agenda of making something similar that their more familiar with having been coded differently. You could simply be a proponent of specific features that you would have re-implemented rather than sit here and drone on about a flawed point.

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