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Status Updates posted by BonesOfTheEarth

  1. Looking for someone who can make orc and/or armor skins!

  2. Asking minecraft roleplaying forums because who else knows better than internet strangers playing block games for children - What do you guys think is the best sub 500 usd gun for home defense vs intruders in the middle of the night? Looking to find one to purchase tyty 😘

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Laeonathan


      I heard Joe Biden likes shotguns.

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      You should own a musket for home defense, just as the founding fathers intended.

    4. Turbo_Dog


      The blunderbust easily

  3. Is there a /vault and /storebook or whatever the command was yet for the new map?

    1. Llir


      Not live yet, soon!

  4. What DnD class/subclass is your character?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Proddy


      playin a drow fighter rn, echo knight subclass : ^)

    3. Malins Welcome


      Barbarian and lvl 3 npc

  5. First person to comment, I'll go onto their profile and rep their last ten posts

    Edit: I'll give the next FOUR people who comment because theres no rep cap anymore

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BonesOfTheEarth


      My oaths are complete @gusano @MeteorDragon I ask only that you rep this status update in return

    3. Xarkly
    4. MeteorDragon


      I already reped it, mr bones

  6. Bro I'm only 92 rep from having an even rep-post ratio I've been fixing this shit for a while

  7. Yo this chat filter what the ****

    I cannot say "Fade"
    I cannot say "Thrust"
    Absolutely wild

    1. Unwillingly


      not just me? I wasnt able to send a totally harmless emote earlier because chat filter literally wouldn't let me send it. when I finally figured out wtaf was going on, it cut off half my emote and I had to re-type the second part. I don't even know what part of my emote triggered the warning because none of the words I wrote stood out to me


      edit: apparently its a bug? hopefully its fixed and doesnt stay this way


    2. monkeypoacher


      [!] tythus ltd. games zero tolerance word detected. you will receive no rep for this post. further attempts to bypass this filter will be grounds for content moderation

  8. Genuinely if Knox doesnt appear in some halloween event I'm going to lose it I'm gonna go BONKERS I'm gonna go NUTS on however said it couldnt happen

    1. rukio


      I miss Benboboy's Lord Knox....



  9. Looking to have a skin made, will give $$

  10. @Rilathis better than the whole mod team combined

  11. How do you make an appeal if you don't know why you were banned? A thought I've had for a long time on a lot of sudden bans


    Now give me rep

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rukio


      Okay but squak everyone who claims they're scared of being harassed or bullied for reporting someone 100% does the same or worse than what they got the other dude banned for. 

    3. sami03


      6 minutes ago, SquakHawk said:

      if someone is confidentially reported by a group of individuals do you tell that person what instances got them banned precisely, what screenshots of leaked chats or dms, what vcs (of which they can all presume were with certain people)? 



      How else should the banned player know what they did. Guy cant even defend himself??


      Grooming and being a sex pest is another case, but harassment is not something where the victim should be hidden.


      In most cases its both parties that startled eachother until one of them steps out of line and gets reported by the "victims"

    4. BonesOfTheEarth



      What you say is something I've spoken to others about, I agree 100%. Though I find that and the alternative of giving an explanation are both pretty shitty choices, choosing to maintain silence is the lesser of the two evils. No arguments there.


      My question however, is unanswered in your reply. If your ban is not indefinite but is for harassment, what is the appeal process given you do not know the context of your own ban in this example?

  12. Any skinners looking to make $$$?


    Seems everyone is always booked in their coms discords nowadays and I've been trying to get one skin made by anyone for 2 months now! Very sad :c

  13. Looking for a skinner who can do some solid male elf shit. Will pay in $ cash $

  14. What all does creating a new map entail?


    I've seen people pull out a decent looking worldpainted map in something like an hour. I don't imagine the standards of an LOTC map could ever compare to that, but I'm very curious how that turns into a year or more instead of an hour.


    The closest reasoning I can think of is pre-built structures taking a while? That would make sense but most pre-built structures never get used in place of new ones put in as-needed. I'm mostly just curious I frankly don't care about this whole 'hurr durr end almaris early' talk

    1. Laeonathan


      The worldpainting isn't the issue at all. Junar and Florensics did that in 2 Months. Gotta keep in mind, especially Florensics painted on a whole different level. What they prepainted was incredible. My favourite is still the Mesa biome.


      But: You need good painters especially if you want more then what for example I can do.

      The difference between the 'rough shape' that could be used as a map and what you want is the thing. If you want to create cool high-fantasy landscapes like Junar and Florensics did, it takes weeks and months.


      If you have the map painted out perfectly you could hand it to the nations right away, they can do their prebuild and staff works on the structures right away, add the paths etc. Expect prebuild to take 2 months.




      The whole planning phase also matters. The community, all the staff teams are also involved. This makes stuff more complicated: Communication. As well as motivation. Just because we could do a new map in 3-4 months in theory, doesn't mean it's likely to happen. You need to find people who consistently work on it. An active leadership. A big enough team.


      So short form:

      It's a combination of communication accross timezones with many people, motivation and the actual building process, writing the world lore etc...



    2. shiftnative


      From my experience, building ruins and other atmospheric things is what takes up most of the time spent building. When we skip this process it takes MUCH less time to produce, but the world doesn't reward exploration much from the get go.

      Edited by shiftnative
  15. All these names with Bones in them getting my DM's blown up asking about it

  16. @Gemini

    Still mad u gave me a warning point for making a small joke on a hnor post about your character


    Say sorry and offer me 3 Cheetos and I may forgive you

  17. Just hit buy on the largest purchase I've ever made 😬


    But hey I'll be a real gamer at long last

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Punished_Pup


      Oh, I was expecting League Skins lol.

    3. BonesOfTheEarth



      I'm an Annie main.........................................

    4. Valannor


      1 hour ago, BonesOfTheEarth said:


      I'm an Annie main.........................................


      You're a Teemo main now.

  18. Whatever happened to that one potion to regrow limbs but you needed the liver of a pregnant elf or smthn


    Cooler than mechanical limbs on every 3rd person you see

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      needs to be a system in place to create some sort of mechanical, expensive value that would accurately represent the costs of these atronach/automaton limbs since nobody can be trusted to roleplay it properly and instead just "makes" them out of thin air.

    3. monkeypoacher


      I think we need to bring back 3.0 edgelord rp. i remember when my friend had like 2 golem arms with built-in hidden blades in the fringe

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      I think we need to bring back 3.0

  19. Someone is following you in roleplay. You ask them to stop stalking you. They continue to follow you. You give them one last warning to back off. They don't say or do anything, and just continue to follow you. You attack them for your own safety. This is on a public road.


    Are you the defender, for giving good warning and fighting out of concern for your own personal safety? Or are you the attacker, simply for swinging the first blow?


    Edit: In Towns and Cities, stalking is(for the most part) a crime and you would have Defender Default in those cases. On the road, where there is no law, is where I ask.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UnBaed


      yeah whatever, wanna play a game of league?

    3. AnonymousAlexa
    4. Morigung-oog


      ez fix- get a fast horse

  20. @Tythusaye yo bruh can i get some of that pepsi

    1. rukio


      Two emps war btw 

  21. What's the current drama?

    1. VonAulus


      wiki team lol

    2. snoopie12


      Wiki Team yeah

    3. TJBMinecraft


      There is no drama 😃

  22. You get fined for having money now? lol

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      server not what it used to be

    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Its very easy to circunvent this, just have a persona holding money when the bank fine ticks

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      @Man of Respectcan only hold 500 minas on your persona outside of the bank too.


      and eventually u run out of storage personas. 


      The best way to cheese it is to be NL or friends with NL and abuse national bank like its ur personal account.

  23. League or LoTC

    1. Cordial__
    2. UnBaed


      you have an addiction, return to monke


  24. I hate diamond VIPs

    1. Nug


      whatever ugly stinky

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